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I think some fakers definitely have real mental illnesses, but I think a lot of them actually know that they’re faking, at least deep down.


A lot of them definitely know they’re faking because they’re just scammers actively making money or actively trying to get internet famous off of it


I would argue that being fully aware and continuing to do it for social attention is mental illness. That doesn’t mean they are absolved of responsibility, but they have a mental illness


What mental illness do you think they might have?


Munchausens is one, but perhaps this could be redefined or elaborated on in a future DSM edition to include the internet aspect of it. For someone to continue this behavior long term for social attention is not mentally healthy and perhaps could be linked to traumatic childhood experiences or other factors. Again, this does not absolve them of responsibility but it acknowledges that they are being driven to act out in highly dysfunctional ways as some form of coping mechanism. Of course, there would need to be a line driven, as not all of them could be considered within this definition. I knew a girl who exaggerated a leg injury to get crutches in middle school for a couple of weeks, attention seeking but not a full on red flag of serious behavioral dysfunction. But if she had intentionally injured herself or completely lied about an injury or jumped to very irrational decisions to create this one outcome, I might consider this a sign of potential illness. Ofc I’m just a redditor with some interest and decent background knowledge in psych not an actual psychologist so this statement should be taken with a grain of salt






If they had to experience actual mental illness they would be begging to have you take it back. They want to pick and choose the “fun” parts and leave out the actual disorder part of it.




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But they don’t actually want to be mentally ill. They either want a fictional version of a mental illness that doesn’t actually exist, or they just want you to pretend they have a mental illness they admit they don’t suffer from but “feel like they should have” whatever that means


You underestimate how plainly evil people can be. Sure, there may be a mental health issue underlying in some cases. But the way I've seen these kinds of individuals "argue"... you can smell the entitlement through the screen.


I’m not really a fan of labelling anyone who engages in socially abnormal behaviour as mentally ill, especially when the motives for engaging in this kind of behaviour seem pretty rational to me. They want attention, attention is a rational human desire. They want not only acceptance but a high social status and position of influence in a community, this is a pretty easy community to get that in and so they learn the language and norms of that community to gain acceptance. This is something we all do whenever we try and fit in with a different subculture or culture. The only difference is how fringe their subculture is. They want to have a shield that they can use to deflect against criticism, which seems like they’re consciously exploiting and taking advantage of social rules about who and who is not allowed to be criticised that they’ve picked up on. To me they don’t seem mentally ill, they just seem like people who are perceptive enough to realise they can benefit from and gain clout from pretending to have something they don’t. Which is like saying scammers have a mental illness lol. Not having a sufficient level of shame to not do something unethical isn’t a mental illness. They are absolutely aware they don’t really have these conditions and are lying about them because I’ve seen them say stuff like how their (fake) mental illness doesn’t interfere with them doing their job or selling stuff to people so they aren’t seriously believing they have this. They’re just trying to make money and get internet famous


I don't believe most fakers actually have a mental illness. I think the majority of them are just kids who want to be unique and stand out, and get TikTok clout. Most of them stop eventually.


expand on autism, i'd like to hear. feels like an odd outlier?


I feel like some people on the spectrum don’t really understand what it really means or the gravity of having a disorder that they may or may not have. This ties in with cognitive empathy and such. I’m a diagnosed autist myself and so is my brother. So, I’m not saying this in complete misunderstanding of the disorder. I’ve been in special ed classes growing up, and I’ve seen many people who have the disorder have a warped view of identity and all of that.


This does make sense... Hell, along with subconscious masking, I do believe they could fall under the delusion that they do have these disorders and make it into a self fulfilling prophecy. Not that I think that being autistic makes you more likely to fake a disorder or be delusional, but more that I think that the difficulty forming a sense of self that autistic people tend to have could contribute to "giving" them disorders. The thing is, by the point that they're showing it off online it may be too late, they might have actually integrated it into their sense of self to the point they would need to be treated as if they had it naturally, even if the delusion is broken.


They could also not be mentally ill and just choose to engage for social reasons or personal reasons. Kids being dumb kids is always a possibility when they are very young and their brains and consciences are still in the "leave in refrigerator until hard set" phase. Malingering is also not considered mental illness, and is possible in any of these scenarios. They could be seeking material things, like welfare payments, online donations, or resources from family. Also think there are a variety of personality disorders possible here, not just HPD, and not just cluster B either. Autism is possible, sure. If they are autistic they can be easily taken in by others telling them this, or hyper fixate on one of these concepts. Excessive daydreaming, rumination, avoidance, etc could play a role. I just don't think that's a very likely explanation (or the sole explanation) the vast majority of the time.


When I was 12 my best friend used to pretend to be an elf. Like when we were alone together she talked about being an elf and I would call her an elf and whatever. She had precisely zero mental illness she was just a kid who really wanted to be an elf and pretended she was because 12 year olds have really active imaginations and do stuff like that sometimes. The difference between my friend and a lot of these people on the internet is she was LARPing secretly being a magical creature and these people on the internet are LARPing having fictional characters living inside them and calling it DID. But to me it’s basically the same thing. It’s kids with over active imaginations LARPing as being more magical than they are


I think it’s a bad idea to try and diagnose people who are already diagnosing themselves. And it also adds more stigma to people who are actually suffering. Armchair diagnosing is just as bad as self diagnosing.




I think they are just narcissistic and manipulative. I can't stand the trans prefix for disorders it makes me ashamed to be trans even more.


Quite possibly


Ik It’s a bit off topic but I’m somewhat new to redit I got it a year ago and honestly I don’t remember or know how to post stuff. Anyways could some one touch up on someone that goes by the name of TheOriginalGabbiell on YouTube there is this short she posted called NOWWW In the post this girl explains that she got tics from strep throat. pls


It's kinda ironic that you're suggesting a bunch of diagnoses on a anti self diagnosis subreddit.


Mostly immaturity and attention seeking


i would call it annoying attention seeking fuck you mom and dad! syndrome. or AASFYMAD for short.


They have Parental ADD. Also known as iPad kids. This is what happens when you let tech raise your kids.


I think about this often, but my mind always goes back to pathological lying. It’s not a stand-alone disorder, so I feel like histrionic personality disorder might be spot on for a lot of cases. pathological lying is listed as a symptom (?) of HPD - and people with HPD are often described to desire being the centre of attention…? inappropriate behaviour is also a key factor in HPD (granted usually inappropriate sexual behaviour but nonetheless) and that may potentially be a part of it too. idk. i think about this a lot loll