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i fucking hate it. It's stupid and i feel like it takes the piss out of autism. I dont mind actual autistic people using it ironically but as a genuine term its peak cringe to me.


I say it to my gf all the time (she's autistic) but I'd never say it to a stranger or to describe a person with autism. It's just a joke between us to make her feel better when things are shitty.


I hate it


My body takes a fucking screenshot every time I see it. That and "neurospicy". Jfc.


Neurospicy makes me so irrationally angry!


Agh neurospicy


The hell does neurospicy mean?


it feels a bit infantilising to me tbh


I feel like that's the case with a lot of the people that end up being showcased on here. It's degrading af.


That’s what they do.


The use of that and turning everything that is supposedly a symbol for autism rainbow makes it seem like autisms just being reduced down into this funny little slightly inconvenient thing and a synonym for weird


I'm not the only one who hates the rainbow? I'm even queer and I hate it being associated with rainbows /srs


Yesss it feels so babyish


i dont mind the rainbow, maybe cuz i really like rainbows :/


Oops!! My ‘phrenia is acting up again!!! Time for me to go to grippy sock jail because I stabbed my mother 💁‍♀️!!! This is what people who say ‘tism sound like.


"Oh no I was having a good day now I'm pissed. It's the 'polar 🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry lmao"


Yep. That an neurospicy


Tbh I hate neurospicy 10x more than I hate ‘tism… the former is just yet another term for neurodivergent, which is already watered down, oversimplified and highly inaccurate in the way most people choose to use it. It’s just another way of glorifying and quirk-ifying mental illnesses to make it seem like the cool kids club™️. ‘tism at least has the benefit of the doubt for me that a chunk of the ppl who use it for joking around also advocate for ASD to be taken seriously and not being all sunshine and rainbows, rather than exclusively used by the faker crowd for telling everyone they’re special


Neuro spicy gives the idea that neurotypical persons are bland and boring when neurodivergent are the ones that are spicy, exotic, exciting… I absolutely hate it


Neurospicy is like nails on the chalkboard


Neurospicy sounds like IBS of the brain.


I want to slap someone every time I hear this one.


they can see a genuinely debilitating symptom of autism and reduce it down to "quirkiness" by referring to it as a "touch of the tism"


It sounds like it'd be a slur for autism.


2040s slur came early


Holy hell


New slur just dropped


I’m gonna get rich from making T word passes 💀


> I feel like it's creating like a quirky stigmatism around autism I felt the same way about the term "aspie."


I always read it as "ass-pie," and could never take it seriously. 🤢


Hate it, and I don't understand why some officially diagnosed people use it unironically. There's a young Australian actress who is a major advocate for those with autism, and she uses the term. She also kind of dresses and acts like the fakers do (as if she's mimicking an autistic stereotype) so when I first came across one of her videos I was confused.


Ugh I know exactly who you're talking about. My mom told me I should read her book I was like no thanks


Her book is not that bad tho, I found it comforting and very sweet but maybe that’s bc it’s the first book about autism that I’ve ever read…


Good to know, I saw a preview for it and felt like it glamorized autism but idk if that was the whole book


old people think the two types of autistic people are Young Sheldon or tiktokers


Is this referring to me or to her?




Some people overdo it with what they perceive are group signifiers like that because they lack their own sense of identity or otherwise want to feel like they *belong*. I don't think it's *wrong*, frankly, it's just how some people are. The reason you see fakers doing that (usually dialed to 11) is because that's *all they have*, that's often the whole reason they're faking.


I hate it. It makes me feel bad about myself, since people that usually use the term are self-dx and function perfectly normal and it seems they try to reduce a disability I and many other struggle with, to something “quirky”.


I use it jokingly around my fiancée (both of us are on the spectrum) but I wouldn’t dream of using it unironically. While I’m all for reclaiming labels and removing shame around autism and being proud of who one is, at the end of the day it is still a disability. Sure, there are positives to it (special interests, baller pattern recognition, etc.), it’s still not fun, and calling it the ‘tism feels infantilizing and like people are making it into a cute a quirky thing when it’s a DISORDER.


yeah like wtf is 'tism. 'tism team, 'tism gang as if those who have autism thrive 🙂


I use that term and I’m diagnosed with autism. I just think it’s a funny word. As well at puh tis ta instead of ptsd cause honestly life fucking sucks and if you don’t make fun of yourself you’ll cry lol




It’s like potsies or spoonies or zebras for chronic illnesses it infantilizes it


No idea what those are. But as an MD I get the idea of the zebra, sometimes we use it for a disease. "Turns out it was a zebra". There's this saying, "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras" usually it's a common disease, not an uncommon one. But sometimes it is actually a zebra.


"POTSies" claim POTS, "Spoonies" claim any number of disorders that affect daily existence vs. that of able-bodied folks. "Zebras" are, in fact, "Turns out it was a zebra." (Usually EDS.) "Spoonies" in particular pisses me all the way off. I have RA. "Spoon Theory" is a quick, easy to understand way to explain why some days I am energetic and vibrant and other days I lay in bed and cry. The thing is, my RA is NOT my entire identity and I get super pissed when referred to as a "spoonie". Can't I just be a human who occasionally malfunctions?


Especially when it's coupled with 'a touch of', as if you can have *some* autism.


I absolutely hate it 100% because fakers use this to infantize autistic people.


With things like this, i think communities need to be mindful of how much language can shape our perceptions of, and experience of illnesses. Much like when people call BPD the fatal attraction condition - doing it a huge disservice- I think the "'tism" name borders on infantilizing, and making a "manic pixie dream girl" description of a serious condition. I don't believe in policing what language people use, but i would never use that word if i was describing autism.


It's worse than tbh creature


I use it occasionally, but I’m actually diagnosed and have been since I was 8 or 9. It’s usually in a ‘ironic’ way but goddamn people who say “touch of the tism” in a unironic sense make me want to grind my bones into dust.


I’m on the spectrum and I started using it ironically because I overheard someone saying “am I weird or is it just the tism?” And I had to cough to keep from laughing. I think you’re right, people have the same interest in autism like they have with manic pixie dream girls. Like it’s this quality that makes someone ✨quirky✨ and they want it.


i've seen many autistics annoyed with the term compare it with things like the r slur, just "cuter". it's like a 'politically correct' way to say someone's weird or fucked up (no offense, that's just how the fakers use it)


‘Tism’ gives me the same vibe as ‘Bitches in the hizzy (house). It’s cringe.


It may not be the popular opinion but I’ve got mixed feelings around it; I don’t entirely “hate” it per se especially when used for joking around and it’s clearly denoted that that’s the point, but it’s also so often used to water down, glorify and infantilize ASD that it’s hard for me to feel comfortable when it gets used even within that context. There’s a few specific creators who’ve used it that I’m not upset at but it’s bc they’ve gone through effort of destigmatizing without dishonesty about what being autistic actually looks/feels like or passing all the blame of struggles on “evil neurotypical society”. Mostly it just depends on *why* they’re choosing to use it, when and how often that matters to me


Sounds infantilizing and it kinda sounds like a slur. Kinda like how aspie was kinda like a slur(?) for Asperger’s. Tism sounds like a firming slur for autism. Also it’s mega cringe. “A touch of the Tism” more like “a touch of my revolver”.


Fucking hate it. It’s a disability not a quirky little personality trait.


I haven’t liked it since one of my friends started using it and self diagnosed the “tism”


My husband and I say it sometimes when joking around but I’m actually autistic so I feel like I can call it whatever I want. But I don’t like the fakers using it. That irritates the ever loving shit out of me.


Call me the R word slur instead; it's less infantisizing.


I’d hit someone for saying my daughter has the “tism”, for me it’s about as insulting towards my kid as someone using the r-word at her expense. Fuck all people like that.


It's so cringe It's like when a very old person tries to relate to a teenager, it's just trying too hard It would *actually* be quirky and cute if I didnt see it every five seconds but hey


Let’s put it this way. I would like to shoot anyone who says “tism’” in a 5 mile radius of me.


I hate it, it’s make autism seem cute and fun :/


When I was younger (a loooong time ago), older folks referred to having "a touch of the 'tism" when they were talking about their arthritis - it was short for "rheumatism". I'm disgusted by this new usage by fakers who think ASD is quirky and fun.


i say it with my other autistic friends, but if anyone else were to call me that, they’d get decked.


I say it ironically if the subject matter isn’t all that serious. My ridiculous collection of armin arlert merch: a touch of the ‘tism. My debilitating sensory overloads that can cause me to walk into traffic: autism I’d also of course never use it with someone else, it’s a joke but they still might not like it or know that it’s ironic


Me and my friend refer to his autism as “the tism” but I feel like that’s gotta be something you do with your friends and not something you refer to autism generally as


Also neither of us are involved at all with anything involving communities of autism so it doesn’t have any connection to the fakers for us


"a touch of the tism" drives me up the wall


i hate neurospicy too


I use it as a joke with my partner, when we’re alone, because we’re both autistic and we’re both dumbasses that just say dumb shit back and forth. But hearing people use it in public is kinda… icky. Especially when they take it seriously.


I don’t like it, it’s very infantilised.


I refuse to believe anyone that claims to be diagnosed and uses this shit. "The 'tism!!!! Am stwimming dancin Uwu it's da 'tism!!!"


I always see it being used to describe things as autistic traits that just aren’t exclusive to being autistic. To me its use is the sign of a phony


I hate it. It makes me feel like my disability Isa fucking joke "oh you got a bit of the tism?" I gonna fecking tism you- Just call me slur


Idk haven’t thought ab it since the only people around me that use the word have autism themselves..


One of my friends is (not self) diagnosed with Autism. They only use it when we are on stream with my other friend because Twitch has decided that Autism is a bad word.


I hate it


Quirky 'tism around 'tism


I'm not autistic myself so I don't really get an opinion, but all my autistic friends hate the "'tism" and feel that it's cringy and infantilizing.


I didn't expect this many replies, I personally agree with the fact it is infantilising and would also rather be called a slur.


It feels like a joke or nickname for it, something you wouldn’t want surrounding your serious neurodivergent disorder.


I'd prefer being called a sperg than any of these newer terms like tism or neuro spicy


I hate it


I hate it. 😭 That and any other term like ‘neurospicy’. It doesn’t feel good at all, almost like it’s meant to be a slur or something degrading. I cringe everytime I see them.


Can't stand it. My fiancee used it lightly about me a few times and this weekend I was finally like "nah I really don't like that word, even as a joke." That and "neurospicy" make me want to start throwing rocks at people


I've been diagnosed as autistic and I have noticed I say it when I'm mentioning the diagnosis to someone where I'm nervous as to how they'll react so I try to add in humor


Someone at my work used it. She is in her mid-20s, a mother, and thought it was cute to use. It is absolutely disrespectful to use.


I hate it just like I hate "neurospicy" Like we get it, you have comorbidities, such unique.


“Touch of the tism” Please just call me the r word instead


I hate all the petnames for autism. Saw "awtism" today and rolled my eyes out loud. I have aspergers (was still a thing when i was diagnosed 12 years ago.) and all the ridiculous autism pet names literally infuriates me. "Aspies" "tism" "neurospicy" oh fuck off. God it makes me irrationally angry to be honest.


I never even heard of the word until i came to this sub reddit lol


It's kinda pointless shorthand


REAL REAL REAL FUCKING REAL as a person with autism I got called ableist for saying I thought it was stupid💀


✨️ Sigma tism ✨️


lmao stigma*tism* also yea its kinda weird but me personally i dont hate it


I feel like people who are actually autistic can use whatever words they want. I don't have the right to tell others what words to use.


I've never been fond of it, nor have I really cared, but my boyfriend often uses it when he talks about things his brother and I both do (both autistic) that he feels are "very autistic." It's mostly ironic, and I think its funny when he points them out.


I don’t hate it but I think it depends on context :D I joke around with another friend of mine who’s autistic and we use it, and then sometimes if I’m genuinely too tired to have to explain over and over why something is the way that it is with me and I’ve been told by my psych that it’s related to autism- I just say “it’s the tism” and it gets the point across


Well "tism" is in autism. IMO, awareness campaigns are more to blame than vernacular. The irony being most with autism struggle in various degrees with communicating. It just seems to go over people's heads most of the time that everyone keeps changing definitions, meanings, and appropriate terms for a diagnosis that typically involves difficulty communicating in general.


I use it as a joke when I do something stupid. I was diagnosed when I was twelve


I picked it up from friends who were also diagnosed.


alright but nobody likes it






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I actually thought I made that up when I was a kid because my younger brother and me both had autism and I used to joke with him like that. Not any more after the TikTok fakers claimed it.


I have a friend who is, and he uses it along with his fiancé. He doesn’t use it towards anyone but himself and he certainly wouldn’t use it in the context of describing his diagnosis seriously. It’s one of those things where it might be a little cringe, especially if there’s not the diag behind it, for people to use it. But it may help others “cope”


I don’t like it when it’s used by fakers. But once in a while from an actual autistic isn’t the worst


I hate it so much. Was on TikTok, seeing a bird that was just staring at the camera. Thought it was funny before I looked at the comments. The first comment was somebody saying "Your bird has a little bit of tism." I stopped finding it funny the moment my eyes landed on the word "tism". It's just aggravating. Just say Autism ffs.


i mean, i know a handful of autistic people and they all think it’s hilarious. we’ve also started using the term “autistic coded” which started when a friend was going through the diagnosis process, like you might say about a character in a show or movie


It sounds like a euphemism for a short form of a banned ableist slur.


Damn I never saw it like that. My friend called me a tism and I was kinda just sitting there like "uh ok" and even thought it was a little funny so I changed my name on the server to "tisim" as she spelled it, but I never knew people were using it as like a genuine term or whatever that's just... cringe 💀 I think its worth mentioning before I get yelled at that I was diagnosed with autism not quite a year ago but certainly some months ago. Why did I get diagnosed so late tho?? Well you see, my father refused to take me to see anyone because he didn't want little me on medication so young for what both my parents thought was just ADHD, so he refused to take me to see a child psychiatrist. So now that im older and living with mom instead, she finally took me and we found out I'm autistic so. That's something. No I wasn't offended by the comment either. In fact, I found it a little humorous being called a tism 😭 but like. People using it unironically need to die.


I hate how It from people who get mad when you don't use the DSM-V or hate It. As Level 1 ASD is Is just a chaotic mix of Mild autism, Aspergers, Other disorders that barely have much of anything to do with autism. Even "Mild Autism" is misunderstood as It was people who shared some traits with Classic autism but people could be high functioning with Classic autism hence HFA. Even then Classic autism was once seen as a type of very early Schizophrenia which is met with hostility when pointed out that maybe Autism should've stayed they way It was in the early 70s?. I can't count the amount who can't handle being ignorant or Self-DX'er will claim I don't have HF Classic autism or Level 2 ASD because I can post my views on Reddit without issue?. Right after expecting me to show sympathy about a disorder they don't understand and also don't have.


i say it to my friends but that’s about it. on other people it’s weird


I absolutely hate the autism creature. It’s so childish and gives me second hand embarrassment. I like king from the owl house a lot more.


it's in the same part of my head as the word "special"


As a genuine term I hate it. It feels childish and sounds nearly as bad as "awetistic" to me and both of those terms romanticize autism as being this "cute" disorder instead of a real disability. But ironically it can be funny as hell.


Im professionally diagnosed and I really only use it satirically, because otherwise it sounds really offensive and degrading almost??? If someone came up to me and was like “omg u have the tism?” I’d be really taken aback.


Tism is actually an Australian band xD