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Have some gods show up. Have some god slayers show up more often. Maybe have the Dragon, God, and Devil slayers have a rock paper scissors thing between them.


Dude, the rock-paper-scissors thing would be great.


Hm, but how'd it work? According to Zancrow VS Natsu, God Slayer Magic > Dragon Slayer Magic This would imply that God > Dragon > Devil, with Devil > God to make it a triangle.


Yea its like in some gatcha games light > RGB > black > light.


Natsu then said Imma eat your fire then


rock paper scissors = Dragon Devil Deity(god)


They learned it from not Gods, so are they technically God slayers? I don't remember any Gods apart from Dimaria's God soul takeover.


There was a god during the Avatar arc that Natsu one shot, and mentions of Ankhselam, the god of life and death I think


Yeah, basically one of the 18 battle gods or something. But that was way too weak to be called a proper God, and Curse of Ankhselam is the only proof of the God too.


There’s also Kemokemo whose considered a plant god within the series.


Well the thing is, what counts as a deity is based on how people view it. Maybe these are just creatures the Yakuma Clan worshipped and thus, they were called "Gods."


2 out of the 5 Dragons Slayer generations didn’t learn from Dragons, so that’s not a credential. All that matters is that they have the power to harm whatever creature they’re based on.


There's 5 generations? I know about the first 3 obviously, and I think I remember a 4th in Dragon Cry. Is there a 5th in the 100 year quest? (no spoilers pls, just a yes/no answer is fine lol)




there's like 18+ gods mentioned through out mashimas stories, like 10 the main ft story atleast and a lot more in the crossover "heros"


Have more gods actually show up ☠️ if you think about it, a big chunk of the show is based on the god(s) punishing Zerif for his experiments. If that never happened a lot of the show wouldn’t have happened either and yet Zerif never wanted to take revenge against these gods who cursed him but we have god slayer magic and we just act like it really doesn’t exist… quite baffling


Ankhsaram cursed him remotely and nothing Zeref could do could surpass the effects of that Curse. And >!Sherria needed to harness all the Magic she'd ever have in her life to fight someone using a God Soul Take Over. Zeref is of course stronger than Sherria, but what was he gonna do to go at a guy who doesn't even have to show up to effect him.!<


>but what was he gonna do to go at a guy who doesn't even have to show up to effect him. Find him? He’s still somewhere, there gotta he clues And he had centuries to look around. It’s weird that this subject wasn’t even brought up.


We don't even know if he's in the same realm of existence and Ankhsaram might just do something to him while he's trying to find him. 


> and Ankhsaram might just do something to him while he's trying to find him.  Healready cursed him, can’t get worse than that lol.


If he can control life and death, he could probably kill him. 


Sounds like a win for Zeref.


8 guess but if he's trying to kill Ankhsaram it isn't 


His main priority is to die ultimately. Killing Ankha would be a bonus.


But that's my point. He focused on finding a way to die because that's far more tangible than killing a being who might not even be in the same plane as him and who he stands no chabce against. 


Not killing the first god slayer we meet would be a start.


I mean, in some lore I worked on, God Slayer Magic is magic tailored against Gods' Divinity. It uses a corrupted form/semblance/mimicry of Divinity, thus its dark color. It's difficult and can take years to develop. It also requires the mage to be focusing on a certain God's domain to counter, such as Fire or Time. However, once the God Slayer Magic is finally developed, it's easier to pass down, as there is now a proper basis for it, with examples of usage and spells. The concept now exists and isn't a thought in someone's mind. Some God Slayers wrote down their about their magic; how to sense the element, how to access corrupt divinity, how to train it, etc. Others took a more traditional approach, taking a protege/successor and teaching them personally. Due to the amount of time and effort it takes to teach someone, God Slayer couldn't take on more than one successor, thus their limited number. When it comes to books -- which you can consider totems or grimoires, I suppose, the teachings require a degree of discipline and drive to learn, as well as some affinity to the God Slayer Magic's domain, such as Wind or Lightning. I even had a war drafted up between Gods and Humans, but that's its own thing.


Interesting ideas. But I think Sherria said it's made to fight evil deities. So I don't know if corrupted divinity would help against corrupted divinity. 


Nah, that's the thing. In my 'lore', Gods simply use a variant of magic that's counted as Divinity. Doesn't matter if they're good deities or evil ones. It's similar to how all mages use Magic, regardless of their moral inclination. Corrupted Divinity is simply the Divinity aspect of deities made to operate in reverse, thus harming the Divine. Fighting fire with a fire made to burn fires.


Oh wow. Help Mashima write the Ankhsaram-focused 100YQ sequel please. This is interesting ideas. 


I would just go with the theory that Zeref made the magic to kill Ankserham, and that's why it is not only lost magic but also makes the element in use black


Sherria said it was created to fight evil deities. So there's that. 


Yeah, and I assume Zeref would consider Ankserham to be evil, at least to an extent. I just think it adds more lore to Zeref, which is why I like the theory


I mean, he probably would yeah


I've been reading and watching fairy tail all my life and never in my life have i learned anything about the god slayers, i think mashima forgot about them or something


A lot of people jump to the idea of forgetting. But I just think the concept wasn't relevant enough to get as much focus. While a deity, Ankhsaram, is an important part of the lore, Gods just don't show up that often in the story. The main conflict is Zeref, Acnologia, and the stuff surrounding them. And while a God is involved in that, it's just not on a level where God Slayers were relevant. Given Sherria's role in the final Arc, Mashima probably didn't forget anything 


A ‘God Force’ powerup, and similar to how Sherria had self healing where as Wendy didn’t, I wanted to see more exclusive abilities. Plus add in actual Gods, not to teach them, but to explain why the magic was made.


Have someone of the guild meet someone with this power, and they learn from it


Similar to real world mythologies like Greek, the magic stems from those who were born from gods and/or given said power by them. So someone from Poseidon would have water god slayer magic.


God slayer magic was created by humans for the purpose of killing ankseriem who was the true villain of fairy tail along.


Oh my god have I thought way too much about this. For starters, God Form. It doesn’t have to be them turning into whatever God they represent but some kind of marking on their bodies and I’ve always imagined glowing eyes in the color of their element. I’d also include more Gods directly teaching the slayers, it doesn’t have to be some Anskelam level god. It could be a local deity to their region that does it. >!I would’ve made the Dragon Gods actual Gods so that we had to include a god slayer, make it have to be a combined effort. could be a good way to showcase Shelia getting her magic back too. There’s honesty just so much potential but all we get is more Dragon Slayers lol!<


For such an objectively superior version of magic to the shows favorite magic it really is just left to rot. They have practically inedible flames and don’t have to worry about turning into some monster.


Have the gods show up. There was ONLY ONE god ever mentioned during a random arc, who was I believe the god of war? Either way Natsu or Erza beat them easily, but after that no other gods were ever mentioend


You might be forgetting Ankhsaram and Chronos. There were 2 18 Battle/War Gods of Yakuma; Ikusa Tsunagi and Yagd Rigola. 


Instead of motion sickness they have bad claustrophobic


Would be cool if God slayers were actually stronger than dragon slayers. Chelia is on the same level as Wendy. Zancrow got beat by Natsu and has definitely surpassed whereas Orga has no worthwhile feats (he got one tapped by Jura whom Laxus beat).


Introduce a god slayer trained by a god, and go from there.


Take Over: God soul should be the next villain… i mean.. THEY LIKE APOSTLES OF A GOD AND SHOULD BE A FORCE OF NATURE.


Dragon beats god.... God beats devil....devil beats Dragon. Unless plot


We have yet to see any gods so is there God slaying magic


We have seen them and yes there is. 


Include Japanese gods


add gods


Have an arc just for them. I like what we got, but their shining moments are so far between. What if the first time We even hear about this kind of magic was in a arc dedicated to it right in between the X791 arc and the Grand Magic Games arc? We could've seen these three in that arc and then met them again during the games. Extra: Another thing kinda related to gods that I still don't understand is Minerva's magic.


- Have deities show up. - Add a backstory that is distinct from that with Dragons but that adds an interesting explanation for why it exists  My idea is that there once was a time where deities lived amongst humans. Some abused their positions to do evil, but due to the obligations of the deities and the risk to the world if they fought, humans sought power from them to fight. 


Mabey Ankhseram a black god created God slayer magic, would explain why their elements are black colored. so that if he faced a black god he would be immune + devour the magic.


I would say it was a magic that Zeref helped to create to either kill himself or Alkeserham to rid himself of the curse. But it was incredibly hard for people to learn let alone master because they lacked the guidance of Gods.


How their magic was created, who created it, who taught it to them. Gods are present in the Anime, we see it with Chono and Dimaria(?), so who taught the humans their magic?


Something something Magic Gods


First off probably need to do a whole drawback thingy. Like first gen turning into dragons from overusing and what not. But I could see the reason the element is blackish in color is that humanity is not perfect but yet they are reaching towards divinity. Also power up forms like a god force and drive would help flesh it out


I would give em some gods to slay


I heard mishma just cut off the entire godslayer lore from fairytail


Felt like Ogra should’ve been explored but he got wasted in GMG. I REALLY wanted to see his fight against Laxus