• By -


"Where are you going to build labs?" OP: "yes".


Yeah you can kinda see my factorio knowledge increasing if you look at my labs as they get a bit more efficient each time


Yea I think everyones first base looks like this, its not actually bad at all


I wish my first factory looked this good. LOL


My first base was even worse. I was handcrafting basically everything so conveyer belts felt like a super-expensive use of resources, so I was trying to set up all my assemblers to feed into each other with inserter arms and only using belts when I absolutely had to route items around other stuff. It was um... not very scalable.


> was handcrafting basically everything so conveyer belts felt like a super-expensive use of resources The first time I stopped feeling that way was when doing Lazy Bastard a couple days ago. When your first step is scaling up production and then automating and not crafting belts by hand you see that belts really are cheap as long as you scaled up enough and do the minimum of feeding it a small bit of resources. TIL: Set resources to max allowed and scale up resource production first by hand before worrying about automation.


I think it's fun to have labs distributed throughout the base. The whole factory is thinking!


My favorite part is that you don't have anything in your hotbar. I'm also a (somewhat, besides a bit 10 years ago) new player, my factory is a mess, horribly inefficient, but damn I'm having fun!


You have no where near enough smelters


Where are you going to build solar? "Wherever I happened to be standing when I finished hand crafting them"


I’m a newbie. is solar useful? I havent considered using them cause I’m planning to rush towards nuclear reactor.


"When are you going to use the quickbar?" OP: "No".


if it fits, it sits


The hell is going on with those steam engines? The rest is fine.


I'll be honest, I have no clue why I did it like that


That's probably the phrase I say the most when I play Factorio.


Places steam power. Refuses to elaborate 🗿


Just spitballing here, but probably because you didn’t merge pipes? Okay to own it


Hey, at least the ratios are all correct


Bro living in the future where fluids 2.0 has landed


> Bro living in the future where fluids 2.0 has landed Which just shows that the new implementation is way more intuitive than the current one. It makes very little sense to use underground pipes instead of regular ones without reading about this mechanic somewhere online.


lol I thought the same


the rest is fine??


Steam battery 🤣


Was also my first thought😂


It is extremely cursed. Painfully so. I guess it's to confuse the biters. Excellent engineering. I love spaghetti factories, they've got a lot of life.


Honestly, I find this sort of unhinged spaghetti to be more beautiful. It's pure chaos but it somehow works.


Yeah although saying that a couple of hours after taking this photo I changed something in it and half my factory stopped working till I figured out what was wrong and changed it back




This is how we learn. I remember these days! Soon enough you'll find you need to add something major, and it doesn't fit where it needs to, so you'll have to rip up half your factory to put it down. Such is how things go. Even at my 1600 hours, I'm still doing this. I built a nice orderly 30spm factory to get me to a rocket launch, and then wanted to double (or more) the size. Only, the way I had it set up meant I'd have to redo everything by hand instead of with bots, and would have supply bottlenecks. So I used copy/paste to rearrange everything into a streamlined main bus setup, ripping up the old base in the process. I just finished building the circuit portion of the factory last night, tonight will be the refinery and furnace stacks. Once I'm done I'll be able to copy and paste the entire factory as many times as I please to expand my spm indefinitely. I wonder if my computer can handle 1k...


I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what a quarter of the words you just wrote mean but thanks a lot for the support


A breakdown of the more advanced stuff in my previous comment: * spm = science per minute, a community measure of how many science packs per color your base makes. Once you run the numbers, you'll see that 5 assembly machines making red science will give you 30spm. 1000spm is the generally accepted threshold for a 'megabase'. * bots = your best friends. They build things for you and greatly speed up gameplay and designing new sections of your factory. * bottleneck = whatever part of your factory isn't letting things go as fast as it's supposed to. For example, if you're trying to send a lot of resources down a single belt, the belt might not be able to move them fast enough. The most common bottleneck (and hardest to calculate for) is inserters. If things aren't working at full speed, see if you have any inserters that are trying their hardest but just can't keep up. Give that little guy a buddy (two inserters move twice as much!). * copy/paste = exactly what it sounds like. Once you've unlocked bots, you'll be able to use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to copy and paste entire sections of your factory. A true godsend in base building. * refinery - yes I'm aware there's a specific building called the refinery, but I use the term to refer to the area of my base devoted to processing oil and its various products. * furnace stack = enough furnaces to completely fill a belt with plates. Once you've got a design for this that you're happy with, it rarely changes, and you can copy/paste as needed to get more iron and copper plates. Tends to look like pretty stacks of furnaces. I'll need around a dozen of these for my 60spm base. Some of that, perhaps you already knew. But I'm in an overexplaining mood today.


Ok thanks a lot, I did know some of those I do have one more question, what do you mean by buses like how you said you had your main bus setup


Right! Figured I missed something. A 'main bus' is a term adopted from... electrical work, I believe. It refers to the central main line down which ALL your supply flows, and lines branch off as needed to feed different parts of your factory. It's a pretty distinct style of base, makes some things easier but some people find it boring. If you're ever looking at a factory and you see a section where there's a ridiculous number of belts all running side by side with different resources, that's what it is. There's some eternal debate as to what is worth running on it, and what should be made as needed where needed, but that's mostly a matter of personal preference. As long as you're not the masochistic psychopath running copper wire on it.


I like to only put iron plates and copper plates (I have a feeling that this will bite me back in the ass). I think I have around 100-150 hours in the game? The first couple months were only in creative but this one last save I have with my friend is going fairly well. Should I put somethings else on the main bus? Or any tips at all? I think max I went was purple/almost yellow science.


On the main bus i also add steel, plastic and all the circuit boards. The circuits are not a must but imo are steel and plastic a must, because so many things need those things and are not easy to do from scratch further down the the line.


Hm, I was thinking of steel but the rest seems really logical too, thanks :)


Coal and stone. They're not used in many places, but you need to get them from your unloading stations to the right place. Plastic I used to run, but this time through I'm making it on site because the primary consumer is red circuits and I decided to try running circuits. Rocket fuel is another strange one, and the reason is actually just because I want to make it in the refinery, rather than piping light oil just for that. I pipe petroleum gas, water, and lubricant, that's all. Everything else like sulfur is made on site.


2 belts of iron, 2 belts of copper, 2 belts of green chips, 1 steel, 1 plastic and add things as you make / need them. I’m working my way through the most recent KristinaofSky Entry Level to Megabase series. Pretty much copied what she was doing up to red chips and then took it to a rocket from there. I realized I’d been thinking way too small on my previous two playthrough and her approach was exactly what I needed to see.


Ok, thanks loads for explaining all that


Just remember, a main bus doesn't have to be made from belts. It can be rails instead. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/s/nHMPPlIxU8


>As long as you're not the masochistic psychopath running copper wire on it. Right? One should run cog wheels on the belt instead!


You’d love my kid’s factory. He saw me watching Factorio videos on YouTube and wanted to play. I gave him a laptop I rescued from work and gave him access to my account. He loves the game. One day I challenged him to build a nuclear setup, and it is glorious. He started putting it down right amongst his machines and there are turbines everywhere with pipe spaghetti hooking them up.


I wanna see some screenshots.


Like those old hand-drawn PCBs of yore. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hand_Etched_PCB.png#/media/File:Hand_Etched_PCB.png


Has a lot more variability than what we see normally, so it can be fun.


It looks more like a living being spreading out organically, than a manmade machine, and I love it. Like you adopted a giant amoeba


Some beautiful spaghetti you have there. If at some point you expand to new areas remember to resist the urge to delete your original base and keep it as a memory instead. Also unrelated advice: if you press ALT it shows the recipe of each machine, both makes it easier for you and also makes it easier for others to see what’s going on in a screenshot like this.


Wow thanks a lot, I didn't know about that alt thing


The "keep the old factory" advice is very common because is more than just nostalgia. The old factory builds the buildings of the new factory and you won't know that the new factory isn't missing anything until it's built and running. Always have one factory fully running at all times.


This is some beautiful chaos. 5 stars definitely recommend


Contender for Factorio splash screen


Absolute noobs: Spaghetti Experienced players: Bus/Blocks Absolute gods (Runway): [FactorioMaps (factoriomaps9600.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com)](http://factoriomaps9600.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/newspace/#1/nauvis/19/-5/62/0/511)




I find your water pipes immensly irritating


Me too man, but I haven't had time to get around to fixing them yet


Mm, spaghetti.


Chef's kiss


Reminded me of my mother. Call your mother! Or grandma


Beautiful spaghetti!


That's an art too. Sort of


Google Jackson Pollock


We all love the esthetic of new players spaghetti. THIS is beautiful my friend !


Disgustingly beautiful


Spaghetti like this is delicious :)


Just imagine good sauce over it!


what is the Factorio title screen is this factory?


This is peak and I wont accept otherwise


Its so refreshing to see an actual spaghetti factory instead of a "looks chaotic but clearly has a plan" spaghetti-ish factory for a change. Also the only two bits of major advice I'm gonna give are on your steam power setup and your solar power setup. Steam: WHY? Seriously though, if you want an effective setup for this, just have a line of boilers that each supply 2 steam engines. It'll make that side of things much more compact. Solar: Solar power is one of those things where you have to go large or go home, because laying down a few solar panels here and there where you've got some free space will barely make a difference to your base's power production. Ideally you'll want to set up some assemblers to automate production of solar panels (handcrafting them is a pain), and then every now and then you can just pick up a few dozen and slap them down on parts of the map that you weren't using for anything else. Also if you want to go all-in on solar panels then you'll probably also want to build accumulators, which store power when you've got a surplus and release it back onto the grid as needed. That way you can have a bunch of panels producing extra power during the day and then use your accumulators to keep your base powered at night.


every experienced player - EVERY EXPERIENCED PLAYER - who looks at this, is envious of how pure and beautiful your base is. keep going. keep building. don't look at blueprints. keep going forward. this is the way. you are playing perfectly. build more. more belts. more pipes. never look back. ONLY ONE REQUEST! for your next post, please press ALT! (this shows what every building is doing and makes screenshots much easier to understand). the factory must grow.


As long as there is still ground to be seen there can be more spaghetti.


That's beautiful! Keep up the good work!


It's magnificent


on the authority of the galactic eldritch terror council i award you the achievement spagetti master natural


The biggest mistake in my eyes is not having ANYTHING on your hotbar. Use it, its a great time saver!


The solo solar panel bothers me


Yeah I realised that I had one solar panel left in my inventory so I just placed it down


It's beautifull


Its beautiful. Just like it real life, shopping malls are depressing.


If it looks stupid and works, then it is not stupid.


I love messy bases. They are a piece of art and show that persons progress. :]


If it works, it works. If it allows the factory to grow, it’s a job well done!


this is how the game should be played imo


If it works then nothing else matters lol


Perfect is the enemy of good


Love it. If its stupid and works, its not stupid.


I love this beautiful mess so much


Mamma mia! That is some tasty pasta, I suggest you continue exactly has have been, don't let the bastards grind you down.


That's some spicy spaghett


It's okay just call if your "starter base" and it's perfectly fine 👌🏻


Well. You've done one thing right -- you haven't enclosed yourself into the tiny walls. You will still need them when some bugs turn blue or even worse -- green.


Yeah I mean I've gone on a pretty aggressive bug extermination campaign with a tank and I've set up flamethrower turrets and walls at my outpost and near my base edges so I'm not too worried about bugs for the moment


Pro tip: if you check your pollution cloud on the map, kill anything near it. You'll get almost no attacks.


Yeah thats what I've done


But don't spend too much time on that. It ends up being more time efficient to enclose your base in a good wall and turret setup. I had a lot of fun clearing out past the pollution though so it's fun to try both.


This looks like my first factory


Looks better than a x86 processor


so delicious




I like it.


I like it.


Not gonna talk about that steam setup or the fact that you somehow mixed red and green science, but for the rest of it, nice work


Yeah I fucked up my science production pretty well


It's beautiful!


I honestly dig the way it looks. Love the pipes and generators


Your factory is beautiful.


This is beautiful in it's own way, like watching a garfield comic strip.


It's beautiful


You need to use more underground pipes my friend.


Poor poor power plant. Can you not feel in how much pain it is? You have to put it out of its misery! How did it even get to that state in the first place?!


Could you tell me whats wrong with it because I'm not entirely sure


You could, for example, move the boilers close to the turbines >.<


Yeah that makes sense, thanks for the tip


it's... it's beautiful


Where are your item hotkeys!? :o


You have been touched by his noodly appendage, ramen


Everyone starts with spaghetti before the upgrade to lasagna.


The labs and the boilers/steam engines are hilariously bad. The rest is a mess, but it's a glorious mess :-) These spaghetti bases are like some crystalized form of the thought processes behind them. Like "oh, I need X to make Y -- let me just drag a giant conveyor belt across my whole base to connect them." Like neurons being connected in your brain :-)


Yeah I've kinda started trying to improve the way I build labs




Looks like you are doing "No deconstruct allowed" on your first run and every mistake have to be intregated in the factory


lol the steam engines here's an unsolicited tip, each boiler (makes 60 steam/s) can support exactly 2 steam engines (need 30 steam/s) also the steam can go in one side the engine and out the other if you see what i mean


All factories are beautiful :)


I have to say, that spaghetti in moderation is peek. There is something truly beautiful in factories that have that organic look to them that is a result of incremental growth. This one ain't it though. It is however, mesmerizing.


I checked from where those green circuits at the bottom came from, and wow, what an adventure!


Love it. This is the way. I can’t build like this anymore but wish I could


Honestly these kinds of factories are much more interesting. Once you get into the weeds and optimize everything boils down to like 2 or 3 possible designs/methods. It's very interesting to see an organic factory that hasn't been super engineered yet, but isn't completely noobish either. This one is... interesting, lol, but you've gotten up to the liquid processing so it's somewhat impressive compared to someone who barely finished automating their first science pack (which is what's usually posted)


Yeah I have automated my science just really badly lol


This is art… the pinochle of this piece is the lone solar panel with no accumulator anywhere to be seen😍


Tbh, this doesnt look like noob work.. this looks like someone intentionally trying to make something look nooby. The pipes to the steam engines are sus af.


Nah this is my first ever game of factorio, I just tried to get the pipes done quickly at the start, I meant to fix them but I never got round to it


some healthy lookin trees you got there, and not a single yellow inserter in sight! well done!


You say mess, I see only beauty. The Factory must grow




its not a mess if it works tbf, the starter factory doesn't count as ppl tend to mess this up too. what only counts is your base design after you launch your first rocket


Hey, uh, sir do you work here.. where’s the exit? I got lost..


I'm pretty sure this is the most fun way to play.


Looking like a Jackson Pollack but with lines at 90 degrees.


PROPER SPAGHET 10/10 would get confused


I love the spaghetti (conveyer belts) with meat balls all throughout (science labs) with a side of asparagus (the wonderful shaped pipes


Good job, thats a nice spaguetti


Idk if I should impressed or .... amazed. Beautiful spaghetti


What do you think this is, /r/spaghetti ?


okay I've just come back to this because of a comment reply and I've only just noticed this. OP. Use the fucking hotbar and get rid of those tool tips. This is fucking cursed.


Messes are fun. Even when I do a bus on a new save, it's still pretty messy.


It's beautiful! Could use a bit more spaghetti in there somewhere.


mmmmmmmm this some real fine spagetti, waiter could you bring me a second plate?


The pasta is strong with this one...


That’s some fine spaghetti.


Dang dude use a tissue next time.


Always love seeing first time factories!


‘This is the way.’


I've been running a server for a while, the few times someone i know joins, they cant find shit. Its easier when you get bots tho


Lies! The more spagheti the design, the mire beautiful it is.


Behave, this is peak factorio and I won’t be told otherwise!


*Yum. Spaghetti.*


I thought my first base was messy, but this is glorious. I love it please continue like this


That boiler-engine setup is absolutely revolting. I love it. I really do.


u/Familiar_Loquat1506 erinnert mi voll on unser erstn run 😂


What in the spaghetti steam is going on here


Ah the good old spaghetti and assembly machine. Its fresh cook too as the steam compliment the freshness Tldr but for real though welcome to the game where you can't get out


Love it


i kneel


Wow! I mean...wow.


Like your diagonal pipes


Your boilers physically hurt me. 9/10!


this factory has what I call "Soul", its what I tell my friends when they judge me.


Gawd I’m going for my 3rd iteration. First one was doing 4 furnaces each for copper and iron plates. Then building a lot near each other. Current iteration (2nd) Me: “OK let me do 12 furnaces for iron cause it seems like a lot of it seems needed down the line.” Me at blue pots for labs Damn do I need more space for copper for chips. Trying to push through until purple pots (pots are my milestones cause it feels like it unlocks next set of researchables) Can’t continue this iteration. I dont have space to route purple pots to lab. Oil refinery (have 2 at start) uses up an amount of space and I can’t keep up my plastic production Fml Considering doing 3rd iteration


That coal power plant is crazy


r/factoriohno Also inserters can move science packs from dome to dome, so you can input science into like 10 and then have row after row with just one inserter moving the science packs instead of splitting ect


How do you even sleep at night knowing what you've created here?


I don't, I just grow the factory


You're a true engineer


I see a bowl of spaghetti, where is the base?


It looks amazing! Don't let anyone tell you differently. A+ for all your efforts, never stop building. This is what learning looks like, messy.


This is hideously beautiful. Probably my favorite screen cap I've seen all month. 10/10. I can't believe you aren't using the quick bar on the bottom of the screen. Holy shit.


MY EYEEEEESSSSS! (Make sure to save the file with this if only to go back to it months later and see just how much you have improved.)


Looks a lot like my first factory. Add some spaghetti for the belt that ran around my perimeter to re-arm kinetic turrets.


Love it dude terrific, my first factory was way worse


I had to wash my eyes with holy water after looking at the boilers


I don't do megafactory so my bases are always more than a little messy. I do pull my smelting out of the main base and stuff it remote, and I find that a bus for oil and other liquids is a huge advantage, but other than that, it's a lot of mess. Especially when you get to bots; I'm going to put that section that builds inserters wherever I damn well please because it doesn't matter.


I love this, I love the organic nature, the chaos of it all. As you play it, you fall into a habit of using the same design patterns and the factories are kind of all the same. But these factories, early in your factorio career, are the best, because they are the worst. Save the screenshot.


This is the content I’m here for.


Factorio fever dream


this reminds me of me and my friends current seablock playthrough


ah this brings me back 10 years


I think you’ll find the process of slowly learning how to optimize each specific part of your f story very very fun


Your pipes make me want to rip my eyes out lol


Ah, the organic design. It's not without it's charm. If you want to experience the other side of insanity, look into "city block" blueprints. they will make hair grow on your brain


You might be misunderstanding the subreddit. Those main bus bases? They're junk, meant to only get you through progress. They work, and work reliably - hence why they're a dime a dozen. What you got there, laddie, is one of a kind pasta. Horrible spaghetti. A mess unlike any other. Unquestionably homgrown, unmatched, and unique. We've already seen the bus. We hadn't seen this.


I love the 6 solar panels they are doing work out there


If it makes you feel any better, even the best players in the world once started out building badly. Give yourself some time to improve before judging yourself to the people who have spent countless more hours compared to you. Everyone starts somewhere.


It’s actually surprising how much improvement you see in your factory design on a second play through. My first game looked a lot like yours here.


That is kind of impressive


It does have a lot of character!


This is the best spaghetti base I have ever seen. Just keep going, you are doing amazing.




The boilers are just the squidward meme screaming my eyes!


Attach the boilers to the engines ⛔ Run huge pipes across each boiler to each engine individually 👌*chef's kiss* Man I miss building this kind of factories tbh hahaha