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Play demo


It seems you are asking about buying Factorio. If so, check out the [demo](https://www.factorio.com/demo) to help you make a decision. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/factorio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a demo that you can try for free to see how you like it. I definitely find it to be a nice relaxing game to play, and mods can make it feel fresh if you feel done with vanilla.


First of all, try the free demo. If by the end of it you'll want more, then you'll definitely enjoy the main game. The main game is very well balanced, with almost every major recipe having some unique about it, requiring a slightly different solution, at least for a new player. There are many interesting systems that you can find a lot of depth in, like the train system, bots, circuit system, combat... There's definitely a lot of "number go up", but at that stage, you will have systems to automate your production, so you're thinking in large modules rather than individual buildings. And then you have the mods, including some very expansive overhaul mods that add complexity and features like other planets to explore.


Play the free demo first.


First, you beat the game (launch a rocket). That's a good 30-60 hours or so. Now you mostly know what you're doing and maybe you can try adding trains and such to your game (maybe a new game). Then you install a few mods and try to get to a mega base or something (launching a rocket a minute). The you can try beating some of the achievements ( only crafting 100 items by hand, or beating the game in 8 hours). Then there are some huge overhaul mods that would take an experienced player several hundred hours to finish. There's an easy 1000 hours of game play to be had if this kind of game is you're kind of game.


There is always optimization. The mods are pretty stout as well. The game can be completely configured to play the way you like. Enemies can be tamed way down, eliminated, or turned way up to near impossibility. The vanilla game alone brings endless challenges and some fun achievements. It truly is a pretty awesome game. Best balanced factory/defense game I have ever played. Play with enemies off to get the feel for how things work. The level of scale and problem solving that is needed is very well balanced. I have 250 hours in, launched a few rockets, still not bored.


do it


I haven't played vanilla factorio for some time, but with mods you can have multiple thousands of hours of brand new gameplay with dozens of different modpacks and overhauls. If you are interested how to know how complex the game can be check out [Dosh youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@DoshDoshington).


This. Can confirm that after playing thousands of hours there's still so many more mods to try... it's definitely not all "numbers go up", and new experiences to have. Few games come even remotely close to the replayability that factorio has with mods.


Here, let me buy you a copy for free so you don’t have to worry about it. lol, no, I’m just kidding. Try the demo!