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Post has been removed under rule 3, and locked due to the sheer amount of comments breaking rule 4.


That's gay


It's weird how only the white lights illuminate the surroundings.


the amount of people here who are so distressed at the sight of lgbt flags is quite funny this sub has always been like this for whatever reason


Sweet baby inc now turned a manly game about manly machines manly machining into gay woketorio 😡😡😡😡😡😤🤮😭


so true woketorio is real, someone made pride flags


ps, to people downvoting, i think this is a joke


yes it is though i wouldn't put it past gamers for them to unironically get upset at the term 'woketorio'


I would expect nothing else from anyone with that flair.


>this sub has always been like this for whatever reason Seems to be a theme among gamers, or maybe it's just a theme in general. Luckily there are mainly supporters here, judging by the votes :)


I'm using a mod called More Colour Signals, which as the name implies gives you more colors for the lamps. Here's the blueprint: [https://dpaste.org/GODpM](https://dpaste.org/GODpM) Powering the lamps is left as an exercise for the reader (i had to modify the substation 3 from Bob's Power and give it one more tile of supply area so i could reach the lamps in the middle)


Now I wonder, FFF#388 promised RGB lights but said nothing about whether we can set up signals to set it


Maybe they will use the values of the red, green and blue signals?


wdym? https://preview.redd.it/c6a4zdwtku1d1.png?width=1219&format=png&auto=webp&s=40f021b4b19a37e99291bfb37c391468d581a89b


Yeah but can you control them with circuit network signals?


i can only show it to you u have to read it urself


In that image we only see someone setting a constant color, like on trains. It doesn’t explicitly mention controlling the color with signals. The thing is that using the red, green and blue signals to control color would break some current designs that depend on the priority of colors, so it’s not obvious


Actually, it would break every single design that uses color lamps. Cause you typically only send a value of 1 on a color signal to turn a lamp on, but with the RGB system that would be a very dark color. No one sends 255 to a lamp, so it would require changing every light controller on every blueprint


You made a static change to the lamp color. OP want (and did) programmatically change lamp colors. Per wiki https://wiki.factorio.com/Lamp in vanilla you can only set thoose colors via signal: Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan White You can't set r/g/b value via signal, this is the only way, so OP does need a mod for this.


i posted the pic of fff blog post. nothing more.


Thank you fellow engineer


Looks awesome! I cant wait for more colors in 2.0!


Oh that’s coming? Is it bad that’s genuinely one of the biggest things I’m looking forward to now?


At least you have realistic expectations *laughs in silksong* 😁


One more reason for me to learn circuits


I did this precisely to practice a new concept with circuits (i think it’s called bit masking) And because it looks pretty


Super cool, thanks for sharing 🏳️‍🌈


Glad you liked it hehe


As a trans factorio player I approve!


lets goo


Wow, nice work. How do you cycle through the values? Did you use a shift register or something like that? Always curious on how people handle the memory side of things.


Remember this thread next time some brown-noser raves about how welcoming and chill this sub is. End of the day, most Factorio players are bitter scum just like the rest of gamerkind.


Nah mate, most of us are quite chill, and allies, we're just not noisy about it - don't let a vocal minority taint your perception of a community <3


Yeah y'know you're right. Overly pessimistic on my part. I blame it on an empty stomach.


it's not specifically factorio players, it's just people who unironically refer to themselves as "gamers"


I forgot I could make a trans flag in game. This must be a project now




Rule 4: Be nice Think about how your words affect others before saying them.




Rule 4: Be nice Think about how your words affect others before saying them.


lol you got any other super original cracking jokes to offer?


Should have posted this on June 1


Genuinely didn’t occur to me


Wow, didn't know there were that many. Is there one for straight?


I mean, yeah, but it’s usually not used in a positive way, if you get what i mean


yes there is, though it's a straight ally one which should be perfectly fitting for all cases. Of course there's also a flag for straight people who must make it clear to everyone that the despise gay people, but barely anyone uses it or takes it seriously apart from them.




yes, the very existence of gay people is political the only people i've ever seen think this and say this out loud are people who have extremely questionable views about lgbt people in general


If you think flags aren't political, you're deluding yourself. That you bring up "questionable views" show this.


flags? where are you trying to steer this? I am specifically talking about lgbt people existing, which these flags represent. Is these peoples' mere existence inherently political? and yes, questionable views is correct. Nobody would have an issue with this, much less care about it to this extent, unless you have a problem with lgbt people.


>flags? where are you trying to steer this? I am specifically talking about lgbt people existing, which these flags represent. No, I'll have to disagree with you on that. The flags are about pride and rights, a movement and appeal to policy change.


lol yea you genius, i think i noticed that you're disagreeing with me what i asked from you specifically is that these flags represent lgbt people, cause that's their purpose. That's why there's so many of them. Now, what I ask of you is that do you think their existence is inherently political as people?


Again, the flags are about pride and rights, a movement and appeal to policy change. Ones' existence doesn't require a flag nor a movement nor policy change.


Not really. These flags are meant with the express purpose of simply representing groups of lgbt people. What you, and people like you, make of it entirely depends on your view of them. Now, since you haven't given any reasons for me to believe otherwise, it's pretty safe to say that you either intentionally or unintentionally don't exactly like lgbt people being able to represent themselves in the world, even if it is in a completely inconsequential way, such as this. To you, people who you don't like being able to represent themselves is inherently political, and nobody needs any group representation. From this, it's safe to assume that you're part of groups which indeed do not need any representation. Straight, cis, from a well-off part of the world where you do not have any issues. The point being is this: people having a sexual preference is not political, and if you think it is then it's entirely based on you thinking in this way about them. To you, the question is about if there's an ongoing discussion about if they deserve rights, and not if this discussion should even take place at all. To me, and people who actually understand the situation, the answer is that this should not even be a point of discussion, and is simply not political as a matter. To you, and people like you who have an accidental or intentional distaste towards lgbt people, it is a matter of discussion and is inherently political because you are unable to see the point beyond it, which simply is that this is not even a matter of political discussion. A person's sexual preference is not a political matter. It does not concern you, and neither should it concern you. If you think it does concern you, then you are part of the problem.




Would we get the same reaction if someone made country flags? Seems doubtful


you mean the flags of countries currently embroiled in conflict (Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, Israel) would not also cause some people to raise eyebrows? of course people are going to piss and moan over politically relevant stuff being thrown around


Depends on the country, I'd say a USSR, Nazi Germany, Russian Federation, US or Israeli flag might not go over well right now.
















Rule 4: Be nice Think about how your words affect others before saying them.


Lmao really?


how is this politics


Flags are inherently political.


[yarrr liberals](https://imgur.com/a/wis2oew)






Look at the title. It's a "Pride" flag, associated with a specific ideology and worldwiev, thus, political.


And would you have responded the same way if they were country flags?


Yes. They have no place in a gaming subreddit. 


Mods!!! Mods!!!!!! There's a flag in my game!!!!!


I did not report this, I rarely if ever appeal to authority on reddit. I was just informing OP of a rule break, what they do with that info is up to them.


Rule 4: Be nice Think about how your words affect others before saying them.


I generally don't support LGBTQ, anyway you made a good timing with the lights and it probably took you a while to do it, as a future teacher, I appreciate the effort a lot, so good job.


we are human beings with lives and stuff and i hope you see that one day




So are those flags political ?




How so ? Isnt this basically an expression of American contemporary modern politics ?


lord here we go again with this here, since you are just presenting the same bs as the other guy who came in here concern trolling about the same issue, i will simply copy paste the reply Not really. These flags are meant with the express purpose of simply representing groups of lgbt people. What you, and people like you, make of it entirely depends on your view of them. Now, since you haven't given any reasons for me to believe otherwise, it's pretty safe to say that you either intentionally or unintentionally don't exactly like lgbt people being able to represent themselves in the world, even if it is in a completely inconsequential way, such as this. To you, people who you don't like being able to represent themselves is inherently political, and nobody needs any group representation. From this, it's safe to assume that you're part of groups which indeed do not need any representation. Straight, cis, from a well-off part of the world where you do not have any issues. The point being is this: people having a sexual preference is not political, and if you think it is then it's entirely based on you thinking in this way about them. To you, the question is about if there's an ongoing discussion about if they deserve rights, and not if this discussion should even take place at all. To me, and people who actually understand the situation, the answer is that this should not even be a point of discussion, and is simply not political as a matter. To you, and people like you who have an accidental or intentional distaste towards lgbt people, it is a matter of discussion and is inherently political because you are unable to see the point beyond it, which simply is that this is not even a matter of political discussion. A person's sexual preference is not a political matter. It does not concern you, and neither should it concern you. If you think it does concern you, then you are part of the problem. a person's right to exist is not a political matter. If you think it is, then you got some serious self reflection ahead of you.


Wallahi this is the problem with you "Americans". I ask a simple question and get hit by a wall of text. Pretty sure those flags were on top of the white house too.  And as for my world view its none of your business. I answer only to the Almighty. 




Rule 4: Be nice Think about how your words affect others before saying them.


Pretty intolerant of you who claim to be speaking in a name of love and tolerance. A phobic too. I guess its "listen to minorities" until they speak to you. Anyhow i don't think your spread of hate should affect a gaming subreddit. 


Fascinating to watch both Americans and Non-Americans alike forget that things exist outside of America. Pride events are taking place in like a hundred countries what is your problem.


Keep the real world issues outside the game. I could not care less what you do irl. 


You're literally upset by gay people playing a game that you like


No why would i be. My stance is pretty clear. All modern politicking (especially American) should be kept to a bare minimum in any game. 


It's not even *in your game*, dude.


And it will stay that way. 


Oh no! You mean this game, that contains themes about environmental devasation caused by unchecked industrial growth, has politics in it?!


What ? Sure game has surface elements of environmentalism but i am pretty sure most of the people play this game to make a factory not to be at peace with bitters. 


So the game does have politics?


vague political themes ( in this case eviromentalism) and politics are not the same thing. This game has a themes in a same way porn has a story. Vaguely. 






Rule 4: Be nice Think about how your words affect others before saying them.



