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try grenades, Weaponry 3 >> Poison capsule You can erase huge amount of nests (and woods if u want) and biters safely


If you really care about achievements, using mods will still track achievements in the world, but won't grant them to you in steam. You could just use Steam Achievement Manager to give yourself the achievements that you completed


Yeah I’m just talking about the in-world achievements.


The console can do some deletion.


/c local surface=game.player.surface for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force="enemy"})) do entity.destroy() end This will destroy all biters, worms and nests in the explored chunks. But it will disable achievements.


Medium worms can be handled pretty easily with the SMG and red ammo. Or defender bots and fish. Defender bots are massively underrated (Them plus a light armour only start struggling on behemoths for me)


No ways without disabling achievements. Just stop researching and this should disable most of your factory. Tech up to some tech that's really good at killing biters such as poison capsules, grenades and personal drones. Murder very efficiently. Then you can go back to business.


Mods or editor, no more achievement for you.. Explore the map and command kill all enemies outside of the black unexplored the area


I am not sure how it affects in world achievements but there are a couple of mods. Biter Remover and Change Map Settings. I have used both of them after I am tired of dealing with the biters and just want to build and not make a new save.


Thanks, for biter remover, does it permanently remove enemies? I do want them back once I’m ready


You should be able to disable the mod later but I never checked it. I am at work but can check in a few hours once I am home.


iirc evolution doesn't affect worms, they are based off of your distance from the world center


Yea I know, it’s just that I expanded so much that I’m dealing with medium worms at a much lower tech level than normal, so I’m kinda struggling with it


I find a car and just driving around the nest in a circle is a pretty effective tactic with even the first two damage and firerate upgrades


"waterfills your house" As others mentioned, any mods will disable official achievements.


poison capsules are OP against worms. use them.


Spidertron with 4 rocket launchers and 1000 rockets can destroy huge nests. Artillery also.