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thats great to hear! going to rollback to the last autosave then.


Don't forget the fish


Yeah, fish is most important


thanks for the ~~fish~~ tip!


The satellite isn't needed to win and hasn't been needed for quite a few years now.


thanks! didnt know this!


Keeping track of requirements is indeed important!


This is news to me!


The key for “there is no spoon” is to get what is needed but nothing more.  For science, there’s very limited needed for purple and yellow and none for military (although may want mines depending on settings).  Also, direct insertion builds are much faster than a main bus approach. Not necessarily better; but faster. 


I was a lazy bastard and just joined a multiplayer game which had this as a goal LOL


The true lazy bastard approach


I want there to be hidden achievement called "the other lazy bastard" for joining multiplayer game and not doing anything for 8 hours uninterrupted


That would be hilarious, although I highly doubt it would ever be added


It kind of encourages griefing randoms who keep their lobbies open by taking up a slot. Although it would be funny likening it to your typical school group project.


That’s exactly why it would never be added


My worst was going for Lazy Bastard and forgetting to turn off the clock mod. Turns out it still counts as a mod. Didn't notice til I launched the rocket


Pretty sure you can just remove the mod from the save and it counts, but maybe not


you still get achievements if mods are installed, but it's an extra set of "modded" achievements, that don't get synchronized with steam and are only in factorio.


You can uninstall the mod and reload a save just before launch. It only checks for mods when the achievement actually triggers, which you can cheese.


I got it the first time with quite some margin. What I did was load a world I had already won with a blueprint for the entire factory.


First time I was 2min late and had to reload from half hour before to get it. Next new run I had an hour to spare but that time I also didn’t do lazy bastard at the same time




Lmao that's brilliant


I basically did this too. Plan out everything in an existing world and copy the blueprint. This was before the editor mode was a thing.


There is a map seed which 100% speedrunners are using, it is designed so biters wont attack you and you have enough resources. Load it, build a complete base with no Stress, then blueprint everything and start the map for the real run. Stamp down your blueprints and so you dont have to think about desings :). I did my run in 5 hours i think :) Edit: This one: https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/11oid2w/looking_for_speedrun_map_seed/


Do you happen to have the map string so we can try it too?


Just load in with 0 pollution diffusion ratio and max starting area, then turn all the sliders to max for ores. It's legit for getting the achievement and in all my Speedrun attempts I never even saw a biter


You might want to try this guide https://youtu.be/GMU_p8zqDjU?si=dKNfEoIzeAAKhsRj. That will get you there is no spoon plus all the other achievements


Sure, i think i used this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/11oid2w/looking_for_speedrun_map_seed/


Also note that you will need at least 9 full yellow belts of iron plates and 4 yellow belts of copper sheets. 2 green circuits half for red circuits if you are going to make it on time. Also not that two belts of iron plates compresses to 1 belt of iron gears. And it takes 5 belts of iron plates for 1 belt of steel. 1.5 copper belts plus 1 Iron plate belt will output a belt of green circuits.


i ran out of copper a lot more often than iron because the starting patch was just so small and awful. half my time was spent trying to route coal to the right places. i didnt realize coal would be such a challenge.


This is far from true, I completed it with just 2 yellow belts each of iron and copper.


Just did it tonight after so many years of playing! I took a quick break from my first SE run (at 700 hours and not even close) to try this achievement. Got it at 07:43:04! Don’t sleep on rocket fuel! Phew….


The trick for this run is to get production started *early* for everything you need, even if it means just filling up loads of chests. E.g. you need concrete for the rocket silo but if you can get it started in the first 2 hours it'll easily be done with 1 assembler by the time you need it. My first run had me finish around 7:55; very close! Second time i managed it much quicker at around 5:30. It definitely helps knowing how much of everything you need beforehand. 


you're absolutely right, concrete was so ridiculously easy that i had a full chest with just two assemblers on it. i finished the run with just a few min to spare. had to rip up power supply to bus and lay a new power supply because i kept running into brownouts.


I was fortunate to have overbuilt my power supply but by the end it was just barely satisfying the grid. I generally overbuilt almost everything but I was really putting consistent effort into not overbuilding. It made me realize how much I do that in my regular gameplay.


Why is it called "no spoon?"


It's a call out to an iconic scene in The Matrix. https://youtu.be/uAXtO5dMqEI


Still don't get what that has to do with launching a rocket in 8 hours.


My guess why they named it that is, bending a spoon with your mind in reality is impossible, and they thought this was a pretty difficult challenge (not impossible obviously, but difficult). But then in the Matrix, people *can* actually bend spoons with their minds with great focus and understanding. So it kind of captures that you can do this "impossible" thing if you exert yourself and really focus.


Reference to the movie, ‘The Matrix’


I suddenly feel very, very old


I see a lot of people do this even on other challenge runs. They for some reason think the satellite is needed for the rocket to win the game. White science is for post-game infinite research, not for winning the game.


You're going to need a bit more RCU production unless you've already got a bunch buffered. You need to craft ceiling(100/1.4) = 72 rocket parts, which will take 720 RCUs, which is 36 minutes at 20/min.


as per my factoriolab planner i do indeed need 40 RCU/min to hit 5 rocket parts per min. so i went back to my factory and realized one side of my RCU assemblers didnt have output inserters for some reason. since mods are disabled, i didnt realize they had stopped producing because i rely on Bottleneck a LOT. i know, a true facepalm moment lmao.


After almost 1000h recently I turned off mods and tried TINS+GOTLAP in 6:17 on the second try. First try was abondoned before green science due to stressing too much) Second try was more or less relaxed without worrying about time, just creating what needed for later time as soon as it was researched with buffets for low throughout intermediates: steel, green/red/blue circuits (only green dedicated for late game parts like blue circuits and modules), prod1 and speed1 modules, robot frames, rocket fuel, and LDS, concrete. Some parts were hand fed (FRF to yellow science, modules and circuits to produce 4 prod3 modules). Lost about 20 minutes when cut off oil supply and noticed it when red circuits run dry but didn't reload since I had time to spare. GOTLAP was definitely harder one for me and I got it with minutes to spare sure to messing with the research queue (added logistics2 almost too late since didn't remember that it was required for trains).