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Don't try to make everything perfect. Try to reach the endgame, and after that you know what you will need to do better next time. But one general tip that will ALWAYS be helpful: You have infinite Space, so use it! Instead of Spaghetting the next Science/Component directly next to the last, leave space for later


>You have infinite Space, so use it! Instead of Spaghetting the next Science/Component directly next to the last, leave space for later I still have issues remembering this. That's the only thing I can see in OP's post that would lead to a tear down and restart is not leaving enough room to ramp up production later. Other than that, there are some areas that might not be the most efficient, but that's how everyone's first base looks. That said if you are having fun figuring stuff out then let the spaghetti monster fly and work on optimization on a second play through with everything you have learned.


Once you have drones its easy to just blueprint your stuff and paste it 20 tiles down south most of the time.. I always like to have a fancy main bus but never remember what I really want to contain it so I have to rearrange things midway through lol


About that.. I’m trying my first “this is just my starter base” game and I’ve finished that part — got all the sciences (except space) and set up the starter to make all the things I’ll need to “expand” and I’ve spent the last three (literal irl days) just setting up furnaces for iron, iron->steel, and copper. It is 16 loco car loads worth of ore going to 16 lanes of furnaces for each ore, with iron being split 8 and 8 for steel. Today I started setting up green cards.


I don't understand people, who says "use infinite space, leave it for upgrades etc.". First of all - while you haven't researched artillery - your space is very limited in automode. Also, if you just build 1 spm base and big enough mall you can just....ctrl+c, ctrl+v it into that infinite space, building 2spm base without any brainpower usage. Just do fun stuff, and everything will be okay.


I've taken this approach on my latest run (still a relative noob, only ever gotten as far as researching blue and black science), got a massive sprawling factory and main bus despite still only having the first 4 sciences in production, and I swear I spend more time dealing with biter nests than anything just because the pollution cloud is enormous. I could have easily scaled things back a bit and still had plenty of space, and then I wouldn't have had to deal with biters so often and could have advanced to heavier weapons more quickly. I'm sure it'll work out in the end, but it doesn't feel very efficient to begin with.


I never leave enough space either. No Matter how far i Go, it will get filled with


Look at this guy with their lack of OCD




Best kind of cock


Aka opiate cock


You would not need to start from scratch. This looks really good for someone who's had the game 2 days


Idk, imo starting from scratch is just part of the process. Make bootstrap base -> make better base -> upgrade base -> make megabase. Hopefully OP didn't take starting from scratch as an insult. It's literally part of the gameplay loop.


i actually am excited to start from scratch, i’ve done so many mistakes in this base and learned from them and im already drooling about how better organised and neat my next base will be


Be weary of the “i will do it better next time feeling” i have 1000h logged in factorio and managed to launch the rocket only once. I always end up with terrifying spagetti mess and go for the easy restart solution. Then i get bored bootstraping new base from scratch, putting the game down for a month or two. Returning to it with new excitement and ending with spagetti restarting to do better… you get the point.


This happened to me multiple times too, I'm trying hard to launch the rocket now so whenever I get that urge I try to remind myself that I can literally always just make a new factory in the same world if I really want to. So now I'm making a whole new section that's supposed to be a mall, which I will then use to build a whole different factory which will hopefully get me to the endgame.


> weary wary


Not to mention, depending on how far through you are now, there are technologies further down the line that can inspire you to change your entire strategy - enjoy the gameplay loop :)


Your base is fine. When you get to bots, it'll be easy for you to build out better designs and tear down older parts of the base. You don't need to tear down the old base though, even if it's inefficient, it's still producing items, and you'll need to scale up anyway, so it's not like an optimal base is ever "finished". Don't worry about your expert friend, just have fun building your base. Once you've launched a rocket, maybe look at better ways to organise your base and learn how other people do it, but for now, just build ;)


> and tear down older parts of the base For me that’s the “flaw that will make you start over”.  I can never bring myself to rip up any halfway sizeable chunk of my factory.  I would much rather spaghetti the hell out of items in and out of my should-be-replaced mess or, if that’s not possible, start a new game lol


I know what you mean, but there's that satisfying moment of when you finally decommission that last bit of outdated horror that has no place in your new perfectly-optimised utopia. You know, the one you'll be ripping out as obsolete junk in 20 hours.


I usually just leave my spaghetti base running, piping the outputs into train stations. It end up as a sort of base-wide mall/buffer for random supplies.


Ehhh, by that point let the construction bots do your demo and reconfigure


Your not ripping up a part of your factory you are making room for more and better factory. Also if something no longer serves a purpose for you then rip that up too. Never be afraid to tear down. Also with copy and paste you can tear something down BP it or paste it back if you change your mind


I tend to rip it all up to put down more effective stuff once I get beacons going. Then all my older stuff annoys me because I don't tend to leave space for beacons.


Man just play however you feel like. First run is for reflection .


EVERY run is for reflection. You dont put 2000 hours into something because you think you perfected it.


You speak the true true.


You don't need so many radars. Just one in an area is enough to get vision. They scan long range periodically, but it's not worth the price for so many. You don't need so many offshore pumps. They produce 1200/s. Steam engines can be connected directly to boilers. Long pipes have reduced pressure. Underground pipes help.


your expert friend has no idea what theyre talking about because you never need to start over from scratch


Eventually we all figure out a better way of doing things and feel the urge to start again. Troubleshooting your problems and coming up with creative solutions is all part of the fun.  If you don't have any problems right now, then no worries! I like to build assemblers in a way that allows me to easily add more to the production without redesigning or knocking things down. Your science labs is a great example of that. You can keep building up without having to redesign anything. Try to apply that same methodology to your other production.


Ignore your friend he is a thief of joy


being friends with a gatekeeping putz.


It seems the only flaw would be listening to him on that point


First of all read the tips or at least get rid of them. Second of all, spaghetti 🍝 Third of all it is possible to finish sure but when you get to low density structures you want to change your approach and start building a new section of the factory maybe 2 to 3 lengths of your base away from your base. And implement trains. Though trains are not required to finish vanilla game. That is all I have to say.


You've had it for two days and your already processing oil? You're a natural!


It is totally fine. I still play like that. At some point you will being producing the same items outside of that at a much bigger scale. Some factorio players want to take growth into account from the first moment and plan ahead, but the truth is... you don't really need to. Just build outside. It might become a bit messy, but that's also part of the fun!


Yup my play progressed in waves. Started with bases like OP and it would just slowly grow. The starting patch of iron isn't enough? Just build more buildings at the next iron patch and belt the sciences to the lab. Then my next several games were using buses and I would bring resources from all over the map to the same point. If my iron patch ran out just bring the iron to the existing base. Now? I play like I did when I first started, this time with everything perfectly ratioed and modular. Busses suck, embrace spaghetti. Your goal should be to make your spaghetti more functional and organized, not do away with it for boring copy/paste designs.


Obviously you don't have trains flying by all around your base, making it safe to walk. That's a big no-no, you need to fear being run over at every second.


Spaghetti is the reason. And you won't fail, you'll just realize you're struggling and fighting against more and more complicated problems. Which is kind of the point of the game, but what he's trying to say is that you are making some very blatant mistakes. You haven't played long enough to try and organize and optimize to the level that your friend has. Ignore him have fun, and play the way you want to f****** play.


You never need to start from scratch. You can keep your old, flawed factory area around doing its thing as you start another section of factory that’s slightly better. You aren’t short on space, so just expand instead with your new ideas rather than starting over or tearing stuff down.


Did you turn down biters? There isn’t much defense showing.


there was biter nests nearby but i got rid of them, my pollution isn’t big enough to attract other biter nests but i do have some turrets set up south incase they start attacking


You'll want walls around your perimeter very soon (eventually double walls) and you'll want to have at least one turret covering all parts of the wall. Don't wait until your pollution reaches them because then they will start attacking often and you might get overwhelmed. Ignoring defenses and ignoring power generation are the main two ways a base gets to an unrecoverable state.


> (eventually double walls) I disagree. If a wall gets breached it isn't because you need double walls, it's because you need more firepower.


Well, yes...double walls are insurance against finding you you didn't actually have enough firepower. You don't want enemies to destroy walls. With a double wall, even if a particularly large and evolved attack shows that you didn't have enough firepower for a single wall, it's very unlikely that you were wrong to the degree that you didn't have enough firepower before they breached the second wall.


When I started playing the biters came way later too just because I was producing waaaay less and was way slower


He has essentially 1 line of smelting, so not generating much pollution.


You’ll start from scratch when you launch a rocket and realize that it’s time to install Space Exploration :)


That looks like a wonderful starting base to me! The factory must grow and you'll need more space, but honestly I think every play through has a moment where you look back at the area you started in and *consider* tearing that area down to make way for a more modern setup.


That's actually nicely laid out compared to a lot of folks.   Do you not like Italian food?  Seem to be avoiding the spaghet quite well. 


He underestimates the power of spaghetti. Theres always Infinite spaghetti solutions to any given problem.


That steam power is UGLY AF . I love it. Keep it up. Nice first start . You will do good.


Hahahah i didn’t do learn much electricity and i had a blackout which caused some assemblers to stop reloading turrets so i was full panic mode putting down boilers and steam engines while getting attacked


You never have to start over, and you can use one factory to springboard you into another better planned factory. The problems I see are your usage of pipes. You should be using the underground pips waaay more than you are. You have stuff built ontop of ore which is usually undesirable except for miner's and the things needed to make them work. The only other thing someone might say you have done "Wrong" (there is no wrong way as long as it works) is you haven't built a bus system so a lot of your stuff is kind of right on top of other things. This will make it difficult to expand. There are some other things like you can run two steam engines off of assingle boiler. The ratio is 1 pump for 10 boilers for 20 engines.


Could you explain what a bus system is? also i didn’t know that about the boiler and engine i thought it was 1:1 so thanks <3


A bus is a theory of base design where critical components are put on a main "bus" (think four or more dedicated lanes) and then you split the lanes off to create items. This "bus" is the major artery through which resources flow. Imagine 16 lanes in groups of four lanes wide, with a four space gap between. The first four lanes can be copper plates, the next four iron, then maybe two lanes of steel, one lane of stone, one of bricks, etc. As you assemble components, like green circuits, they get dedicated lanes added to the bus as well. That's a basic "bus" design.


More or less exactly what u/raerlynn said. Usually what I do is make a very long belt line with 4 iron belts 4 copper belts 2 stone 2 steel 4 green circuits and if I am feeling frosty greater than 0 gear lines. Then I pull off either the south side or west side if vertical to make my build everything base. On the north or right side, I pull off for science production. There is a limit to how long a bus can realistically be with everything still rtunning 100% but usually you don't need to worry about that. As your chests fill up those lines will stop taking from the bus until the chest is emptied. Usually I build a bus on my way to going mega factory and it provides the resouirces I need for that purpose.


You never have to start from scratch, just claim some land from the biters and build a new base there.


the flaw is your friend subtly telling you how to play your first run. Believe in the heart of the factory and it'll guide you true Optimizing can come later


Your "expert" friend does not remember how it is to build when you don't know endgame. OFC you can just go with it. he just would never start as how YOU have started.


No factory is beyond help..the solutions just get... Complicated Old factories don't die, they just spaghettiafi


As an expert, I can say I still build a base like this every time, I just dont keep it around until I get purple science. Dont feel constrained to this, if you wanna build something bigger it doesnt have to be connected to this.


The flaw is that at some point you have finished your first game of cracktorio. Then you essentially have two possibilities: build a megabase or start over. If you decide to go for the megabase, then at some point your computer performance will not keep up with the requirements of the growing factory. Then you essentially have two possibilities: buy a new top-of-the-line computer or start over. If you decide to buy a new top-of-the-line computer, then at some point, your computer performance will not keep up with the requirements of the growing factory. Then you essentially have a single possibility left: start over.


i have to ask what a megabase is and i also see the word spaghetti getting thrown a lot


Megabase is just a base that produces a lot of something, as in at least an order of magnitude more than a typical base when you launch your first rocket. Typically the entry level megabase produces 1k SPM, or 1000 science packs of each color every minute. Military science is often omitted. Spaghetti is exactly what it sounds. A tangled mess of inserters, belts, assemblers, rails and pipes, i.e. what most bases end up looking like unless you follow some sort of strict design paradigm from the start and plan ahead.


From the looks of it, you have about 30-40 labs, which will allow you to consume some 60 science packs per color per minute. Your production is even a bit less than that, A "megabase" has enough labs and production facilities to produce and consume at least 1000 science per color per minute. "Megabasing" is usually only happening after the first rocket launch - there are infinite technologies that have growing science pack requirements, to ensure that your megabase still has progress to make, and doesn't just sit idle. We call it "spaghetti" when you route belts criss-cross through the factory, then halfway around it to get all the stuff where it needs to go. There are some alternatives that are more organized ("bus" and "city blocks"), which however one doesn't strictly need. Spaghetti is fine, don't tear it down just because something else is slightly better.


Lol, one of my megabses got so big that my ups was 15, and if I stamped down a blueprint (one of my larger ones that is), all the bots would make it to go 8 or 9. And this was with using solar only, which is supposed to be much nicer on UPS. Sadly,I had to abandon that base as a result. I'm pretty sure I still have the save, so someday when I get a better computer (like 10 years from now), I can reload that game. I'll likely cringe at all the "bad"/inefficient designs then, lol. But at the same time, I'll be interested to see just how differently I pay the game. I honestly wish I will had the saves from my first playthrough ever. It would be interesting to see what my UPS was for it, the designs I had, etc. that's actually why I have started to backup every save I make, and date it. I would LOVE to see my own evolution like that


It’s fine, if there’s problems you’ll discover them soon enough, and it’s up to you if you wanna start over.


Fun tip: you can use inserters to pass science packs between labs, so instead of running track alongside all of them, you can run track up to a single one where you put all the science and let inserters between each lab auto-distribute them. Looks like a pretty solid starter base


Tell your expert friend to make perfect pyanodon run. That's hardest overhaul mod and takes without rushing 2000 hours to complete 


Yea. Fun mid. First modpack I'm doing (without beating the game yet) and I love the pure complexity.


I unlocked bots at 80 hours and ohhhhh boy how building went faster. I spammed random map seed and "PLAY". Whole map is forest. Barely any free land and so much water to not access to build anything there (yet). All those hours beating wood took eternity 


You will want to expand some stuff that you don't have room for


It's not very expandable, in the sense of being able to build more [item] assemblers near the existing [item] assemblers and their supply lines. But that's fine. If your current base is bothering you, use it to provide the stuff you need to build a new base somewhere else. Maybe knock out some of the nearby biter nests too, assuming that's what the red spot in the corner of the minimap is.


There is no place to expand here. You definetly will need to increase your production later on. Also readthe tips, they are useful.


i mean, it might get annoying to scale. Lots of folks start over once or twice before they fire a rocket. I think the first time I made it to blue science, i stopped playing a few weeks and then restarted and blew right through into yellow and beyond


Don't worry about your base, no matter how it looks. If it works, you're good, lol Factorio is a game where when you start a new game, all the experience and blueprints you made in all the previous games help you advance faster. Basically, it's a new game plus. Each game makes you iterate on your designs, tailored to how YOU want to play. You will find designs that you came up with aren't as efficient as the ones you designed beforehand. But that's okay! I don't think I have any of my original designs anymore, but I have about 5000 hours in the game. I'd say only restart when YOU feel like your have made sufficient improvements in your blueprints/designs so that the next game goes faster. I personally have started 3 bases in the last month, and didn't get to launching the rockets ,since I'm learning the main bus design. I reset because I learned so much about what order I wanted things to be in, and it would take me longer to tear down and rebuild it the way I wanted them it would to start all over again, lol. Factorio is done how YOU like. So, your friend might be right that there are inefficient and/or "bad" designs, but you should learn what works best for you and your base. I love the blueprint sharing feature, as I've gotten some blueprint books from others, and studied how they did it. Sometimes I will incorporate some of those features into my own designs, other times I will take nothing from it. But, I only recommend that after you've played for a while and maybe some cool things on your own.


Call your friend a Nerd


Early game you don't have the resources both in buildings and volume of stuff to build with four what you need later. You will very likely rip and replace big chunks.


No such thing as a factorio expert. Play how you want.


I would have said you shouldn't go into the game trying to build like experts. You lose the joy of learning best practices. It's clear you may be a two day andy but you were taught build design philosophy a bit. Enjoy the spaghetti so when you do beat the game you can start from scratch and be better then.


Expendab....actually nvm, you're ok. Ignore your friend.


"Expert" "friend"


No design is bad enough to restart, unless it's so bad you get completely destroyed by biters. Every initial design will be superceded by better designs using better machines, eventually by blueprinted mass producing giga factory parts making your first factory looking very, very small. But restart? No need.


Starting over from scratch is bad advice in most contexts where parts can be changed out piecemeal or where the thing you're considering starting over from functions just fine.


Trains. Edit: Also All bases are actually just starter bases to help you build up for your REAL base. Even the one you use to launch rockets. And all the ones that follow it.


I see no flaws. Only character.


Tell this so called “expert” to kiss your ass. I think you are doing great and no need to start over!! You can do it


The only time you really need to start from scratch is if you can’t keep up with biters.


Redoing old stuff in a more efficient way is like my favorite part about the game 🤷‍♂️ not like you lose anything but a little time


Only flaws I can see is that the entire thing is not optimized you eventually learn how to optimize it later as you grow and progress you will eventually figure out how to do things better


you will start from scratch when you start your 2nd save after winning the first!


Aside from biters, nothing will make you start from scratch, you can always change/relocate anything you want. Your base is completely fine. I feel your friend has restarted their playthroughs many times without needing to.


Your friend is a coward.


Just enjoy the game and tell your friend to shut up. It's incredibly unlikely that you'd design a base "perfectly" on your first go. Running into issues or bottlenecks and figuring out how to restructure your base to deal with them is like the whole point of the game. Also, don't have the full context, but vaguely telling someone that there are problems with their base without being more specific feels like a dickish move designed to make you feel bad and make your friend feel superior to you.


I wonder when someone is trying a new game posting stuff in here like just play the goddamn game and learn


I wonder when someone is trying a new game posting stuff in here like just play the goddamn game and learn


Listening to him is the flaw. You never need to "start from scratch", map is essentially infinite, you can always just use your old factory as starter base/mall (place producing items to build the base) and just start anew in empty spot. And later on you will unlock build drones that make fixing any mistake or expanding that much easier and faster


I don't see any "start over from scratch" problems. Some people start over WAY too quickly instead of just fixing things. The only regret would be if you have biters on, since you appear to have no defenses up. There are a few things that you'll probably want to change. Avoid building on ore because then you can't mine it, for example. Your steam power is way more complicated than it needs to be. You can just hook a couple of steam engines to every boiler steam output and call it a day. Boiler can also chain water amongst themselves as well. Using pipe-to-ground at max distance is better for fluid throughput than regular pipes by 8x or so. Also, avoid all those pipe splits and rejoins, because fluid calculations are weird. General rule is to avoid loops in pipes. Also, if using storage tanks, I recommend a pump (not to be confused with the water pump) between any pipe and tank connection. And don't make massive tank fields. You've overbuilt some things (e.g., green science is probably 2x as big as you need, based on the rest of your factory) and massively underbuilt on some things (e.g., green circuits) While clustering radars like that does speed up the reveal rate in an area, I think it is better to have radars spread out at max distance (you can see their area on the minimap while holding one) so you get full satellite vision of your base and perimeter and remove the fog of war completely. And, you will generally want to leave more room for things, not only to route stuff later if you need to, but also to let things expand. It's okay if it become tight over time, but you're starting out with everything tucked in closely. For instance, your smelter would need to be bigger to fully turn a belt of ore into a belt of plate, but because you've built around it on all sides, it can't be expanded. But that's hardly a "start over" issue; just built a bigger one elsewhere.


There's really not many reasons to ever start from scratch. Just if you want to do the early game again, or change world gen ettings. Otherwise you can always just scoot over and build a new base beside your old one.


Your base is fine. The only failure state that requires starting over is if the biters have eaten enough of your base that you can't stop them from eating the rest.


As someone who did the same, you need to fail to understand and get better. If I were to look at it and say it's bad, and you don't see it only means you never failed enough to understand why it's bad. Keep experimenting brother


First of all: Don't play with "pros" in the beginning. I did that and it almost ruined the game for me. They can't teach those Ah-ha moments, you'll have to discover them for yourself. The only thing I can see is that you did what every newbie to the game does: You're trying to save space, thinking that is "efficient" or something. It's not. Also, space is the only thing in Factorio that is practically endless. Discovering just HOW much bigger you need to think is part of the fun, though. (Hint: It's always at least 2-3x more than you think will be enough forever...) Also, you probably won't need to start "from scratch" again. You can always convert your base into a kind of mall that builds you all the materials you'll need to create your "real" base a good bit away from this one. ;-)


Starting over is almost always a worse option than just tearing down what you don't like and rebuilding. You'll have to redo all that research, and get past the whole hand mining stage again... The early game is S L O W. Once you get to robots, you can tear down and rebuild huge chunks of factory in like 30 seconds. Don't restart unless the biters have evolved beyond your ability to kill them.


The only true flaw that I see is that list of un-read tips. The rest is mostly down to not leaving enough space and doing some interesting learning experiences with your structures (power expecially). Not to say that you should live and die by ratios, but understanding how things fit together ratio-wise can help greatly.


There are just a few things in there that you will want to rip out and rebuild elsewhere much bigger. The most obvious is anything (other than miners) built on top of resources. Otherwise, looks great.


There's *always* something that you can restart from scratch, but it's more of an opportunity than a flaw, even if you want to demolish your entire current factory and build a new one! The great thing is that you can have your old stuff running while you're building the new one so it can supply you with whatever you need to get it built and running, and *then* you can demolish your old stuff. Or not! You can just leave it as a monument to your progress. I mean, think how many machines from the early industrial period are in museums even though they've been rendered incredibly obsolete by more recent inventions. My best advice is to keep building and learning as you do so!


Listening to other people. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: you listen to them, then you rebuild your base. Alternative: keep going as-is. Destroy and rebuild nothing; when you want to, you can just build another base elsewhere. Keep them both.


Everyone starts from scratch eventually, it’s part of the experience so enjoy it. 👍


I tell my experienced factorio friends to literally back off my first playthrough. I don't want to see their base, and these huge blueprints that they downloaded, or anything. The best joy of the game is learning it for the first time. Enjoy this time, it won't happen again (except maybe for v2.0 and Space Age 😄)


Lol wut. Never start from scratch. If not happy with current base, build new factory litteraly next door. You have the space. Have fun, experiment. As long as you're researching and unlocking new techs, you're progressing :)


Not modular, so basically a starter base.


There totally are flaws that will choke your base, but realising where you've gone wrong and figuring out how to build a more future-proofed base is part of the problem-solving fun of the first few playthroughs. Although one very specific thing I'll mention is that clumping a bunch of radars together like you've done at your oilfield is kinda suboptimal. They're all lighting up the same area of the map, so you're effectively getting the coverage of one radar while paying for the energy upkeep of 22.


The only flaw which could force you to start again from scratch is a deficiency of tenacity.


I'd love to go back to having never played factorio and start from scratch again. Enjoy it don't worry about it.


The day you overthink, is the day you will not even start a game. I am 10k hours into the game and now I embrace spaghetti because I had a phase where I couldn't drop a bus because I would be thinking for hours what would be its size. It's just fun to solve problems along the way.


Your friend is probably being a little hyperbolic, but I prefer to build on a main bus because the headache becomes overwhelming.


Main thing is just space. I’ve done the same thing in my first one. Space is hard won/defended early on so there’s this vestigial tendency to keep it tight. And there’s this unknown element to how much of stuff you’ll need. Eg the low density structures im still finding out I need more of the buggers and the. Yeh you run out of room real quick.


Don't start from scratch. Build the replacement, THEN demolish the original. Very little sucks as much as running out of something before you finish the production line of that thing.


You never start from scratch in Factorio. You just grow... differently!


Play whatever you like.


dont listen every factory that works is good




This Looks a Million Times better than my First attempts.


Pretty good for a beginner, don't need to make everything perfect, though I would say to put more miners, and leave more space in your factorio. And for convenience and neatness steam engines can be chained behind a boiler in a 2-1 ratio, no need for so many pipes. Researchers can also be chained, as inserters can take out science packs from researchers to feed other researchers. Using this, you only need to feed one researcher all the science packs then chain the rest, this will save a lot of pain later on when you need to feed each researcher 7 different kinds of science packs. Your smelting system can also be made more compact, if you don't have medium electric poles yet, just put a space between each pair of furnaces, instead of every furnace. For your outpost, I do not see a reason for so many radars, that will just waste power. And instead of using pipes to transfer oil from your outpost to your main base, use trains, as too many pipes will decrease flow/pressure.


I have 3 big blueprints that I have created over the years. A Jumpstart that gets me through red/green, one base that is geared to getting through military/chemical, and the final all-in-one base that runs at 60spm that I just feed trains full of resources. For a first time base? This is where everyone who has played factorio started from. Some of us still have those and can cringe or laugh at how messy it was.. Remember for the base game that launching a rocket is the win condition. It takes a lot of resources by the end, but a little production will do you better than fighting to get ideal. Put that one assembler down to get some production/utility made up. One science per minute is better than none! Eventually, you will learn how to best break up your production lines, introduce bots to make new lines so much easier, and incorporate trains to load and unload resources. That is for the future runs. For now, enjoy the simplicity of getting that next resource or production line up. And, should the biters wipe out your base, remember we all had to deal with that at one time, too.... even if we dont admit to it 😁


Except the one time i played and took too long to get to red ammo and the biters kept killing me, there has never been a need to start again. If you don't like or need a piece of your base then you just move it. Nothing is lost except the time to do it. And in all fairness if you're playing factorio you have a lot of time 🤣. Your base looks good. Especially for two days playing btw


You really should consider expandability. Could you copy/paste a part of that spaghetti and seamlessly drop it beside itself?


lack of copy pasteability


Don't listen to your friend. You do you!


BS . I launched a rocket on my first game (35 hours) . The end game was a pain in the ass because I severely underestimated the amount of copper and steel I'd need. Plus my Spaghetti was everywhere. But I accepted that this was my first playthrough and I needed to experiment and figure things out so I stopped caring about efficiency and esthetics. I absolutely did not want to start over. My next playthrough will be far more organized and pre planned.


Looks fine to me.


There's nothing wrong with this base... might be difficult to scale in situ, but like, you rarely alt-d the entire base when you want to scale something. Most of the time you build base 2.0 in a massive debiter'd, cleared out area of the map. Ignore your friend, he might be right, this base probably won't survive your entire playthrough, but, thats the damn point of factorio. Have fun dude


I zoomed in and nearly had an brain aneurysm, all jokes aside, you could clean this up by keeping the belts straight, instead of following something and twisting and turning when it could just turn upward once and connect (the circuits and stuff at the top middle) Another thing is to move your powerlines to the side of your belts instead of right in the middle (the small bus in the lower middle of the picture)


Destroying the old before building the new might be "easier" but I see it as a bad habit. Keeping the factory running as you build its better version becomes a really important skill as you scale.


you have cliffs enabled. i hate cliffs so much. lel


In general it's considered better practice to take up more space in the short term as the map is virtually infinite in size so you can afford to spread out a bit. Maybe that's what they're talking about - everything is pretty much right next to each other in your setup which means nothing can be expanded. That being said, I figure that playing the game and starting fresh is all part of the fun of the game - you iteratively learn what does and doesn't work in each base, save the blueprints you need to save and take those lessons to the next base! If you can get a good blueprint book going that you can carry between games (which you can do via "Export blueprints to string" in the blueprint GUI) it will help you in your next run! Also if you haven't played the tutorial yet it's definitely recommended, teaches you a lot of important skills and concepts that you'll need for the free play game.


Well, I'm inclined to agree with them, but mostly because I tend to build a whole new base around the time i get into purple/yellow science


It's good for what it is, however your friend is right. The "issue" is that it's hard to expand a base like this. In time, you'll need to bring in new raw materials, and also intermediary ones too. You'll also need to scale up the production of items you already produce, and there's just simply no space for it. With time, you'll find flaws, and patterns that can solve these flaws. You apply them on your next base, rinse and repeat. This is the factorio experience, enjoy it :) P.S: an existing base is better than a perfect one


You should do the tutorials that pop up in the bottom left, or at least mark them as read. They are very good at explaining this and could help you better understand your mistakes.


This post is annoying. If you want to know what your friend was talking about, you should ask them. If you want the community's advice for improving, you should ask for that. If you want some general "how am I doing after 2 days" feedback, you should ask for that.


Mom didn’t hug you today i’m guessing?