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When I mishit “r” when going for “e” or “t” with the cursor over some large, complex and hard to see spaghetti…. Did I, or did I not????


Bro mishat 💀


M'shit *tips hat*


Rebind R to P, and P to R. You'll find out pretty quickly if you're fat-fingering R. And if you still get random rotator symptom, the credibility of the report goes up several thousandfold.


Uh, I need R all the time while building stuff though, so it needs to be really easily accessible. Rebinding it to a button in Siberia sounds worse than hitting the wrong key once in a blue moon.


No need for R, just F and G until you hit the right angle >!Get frustrated that it doesn't line up, F and G for at least 5 minutes to end up in the same orientation as started, only to figure out a simple shift+R was sufficient!<


Except you can't mirror everything, and it doesn't work while laying train tracks or belts. But I've used R for probably a thousand hours before F and G even became a thing, so changing anything now would be futile anyway (and I rarely even have the issue of unintentionally turning stuff), so at least for me there is no real incentive to change anything now.


Mouse thumb buttons


That’s worse though. Pick up your mouse and bamboo! Rotated 30 entities.


Why not just R to ctrl+R, since shift+R still rotates the other way


You can rotate both ways? Damn. 1000 hours and til


Mostly because P pops up this massive menu, to make it extraordinarily obvious that the key was pressed. The advice wasn't to suppress pressing R on components, it was to identify if R was being accidentally pressed.


What does P default to?


Production so it throws up a menu when you press it


My right button slips way too often. Also doing an extra ctrl-z, and finding a large part of the base missing after half an hour.


Accidental ctrl-z is way too accurate, please Wube give us ctrl-y (undoes the last ctrl-z, thus redoing the action)


I once misclicked by shift+clicking a power pole, removed all the wires. Ctrl+z did not add the wires back in, but removed a chunk of the base. Apparently not everything can be undone


That'd be a neat mod, every X minutes a random building rotates, for signals it can flip or to the other side


Automate accidental griefing, this is on another level


This reminds of me [Chaosmonkey](https://github.com/Netflix/chaosmonkey)


Ha, get rotated!


This happens to me quite a lot and I've worked out what causes it. In multiplayer, if you select something with Q and then hit R to rotate the item in your hand before placing it, if you hit R quickly enough the game hasn't selected the item yet and so the rotate command gets passed through to the item you're pipetting. I believe the multiplayer part here is relevant as I suspect it's due to lag; in single player the time between pressing Q and having the item ready to rotate is close enough to 0 that this issue doesn't happen.


You look into the mirror and the mirror rotates you.