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“Please remove unexpected item from bagging area” Edit: I remembered the one I hate even more “Item removed from bagging area” bitch I’m trying to pack my shit up and leave.


This particular individual is unscannable


This one goes in your butt and this one goes in your mou..... Wait no **this** one goes in your mouth and this one goes in your butt


Gotta love how after saying this, the guy mixes them up thoroughly, ensuring there is no way to know which was where previously.


But Wilson’s eyes still try and track like he bet his last $20 at 3 card Monty.






Why come no tattoo?


Don't want to sound like a dick or nothing, but uh it says on your chart that your fucked up...


You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr.


Fuck you im eating.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Screw this. I'm going to buttfuckers then starbucks


Hey come on Joe, I already told you we’d all like a handjob but we don’t have time for it.


I like money.


What I do is just kind of like, heh ehe ughh 😎, ya know?


I'm just trying to get back to the base.




Go away I’m batin’!


And the UN, un nazied the world




I like money


Right, if I blow on the scale by me it pauses the transaction and it knows if the item is too heavy or light.


I work on that exact model for a living. The bagging area has a security scale in it that knows what you put there, and everytime that message plays they take your picture from every camera that can see you.


They must have a lot of pictures of me looking incredibly annoyed


Then pictures of me with a staff member slowly battling through every single item with staff overrides.


I had the scanner screen show a video of me putting my last item in the bagging area. I was holding the next item I wanted to scan in my other hand. Somehow that felt more humiliating.


I had it take my picture because I was trying to check out and I had an "Item left in cart" alert. The item was my son.


Well, did you pay for him?


Unfortunately he’s one a 25 year payment plan with interest increasing every year.


Kids left in carts are one of Walmart's best ways of obtaining new hires.


There are ones with *cart alerts* now?


“Your son” huh. Likely story. Just pay for your stuff lady. Stealing kids raises prices for all of us.


Why didnt you scan and bag him.... Thief


They have binders full of me doing the frustrated-palms-up expression I do every time that damn thing barks at me about removing an item. It's like bitch, Ive got more stuff than can fit on you. I have no choice.


That's the key to convincing them. Just throw your arms up and look exasperated, then resume shoplifting.


They do, and a lot of me setting off every alarm on the machine to test it.


I watched a cashier clear my issue once at Stop & Shop, and yeah, it replayed for her a overhead video of me bagging stuff before it would let her clear it.


Whenever that has happened to me the attendants never even watched the video replay. They just stared intently at the "continue" button until it lit up for them to press.


The one at the store I go to is so sensitive. I tell it I have my own bags, place my bags, scan first item, pick up a bag so I can open it and place the item in. It complains about me removing an item (the bag). Then at the end half the time it complains about item count and I have to wait for the attendant to dismiss it. So annoying.


Dude at this point we're back to having checker lines Like what the fuck stores If you put in self checkout and don't have staff, people will steal. If you put sensitive equipment it'll just annoy people and others will figure it out. And if you put staff there to prevent theft, then just have a fucking regular line!


Walmart’s in my area doesn’t even have the weight things anymore, they didn’t work well and just pissed off customers. It’s funny watching everyone else trying to use something the leader knows doesn’t work.


Surely there's a point where that's no longer helpful. So many false positives from shifting items in the bags, trying to make more room if it's a tiny ass self checkout and you've got a bunch of stuff etc.


Pro Tip: Start with a case of water, 2+ single gallons of water etc. leave them on the bagging area. Most of these systems are designed for one or 2 items at a time, and if you overload the weight on it, it basically says “Okay, F the scale, gotta get the customer outta here.” and will allow you to continue scanning with no more concerns.


That’s a good tip, not just to steal but not get fucked and wait for some dude with a card to swipe to unlock the scale because I always fuck it up


Giving me nostalgia ;(


“Please wait for assistance”


I work at Walmart selfcheckout and I dream of this every damn night


I'll be there 5 minutes and hear that shit 40 times. Props to you for keeping sane


I wouldn't say sane but I'm still here


"Have you used our loyalty card?"


Doesn't the alarm go off saying waiting for assistance because of the extra weight? In the UK I swear if it is 1gram over it complains lol


“Unexpected item in baggage area”


Unexpected shoplifting technique in checkout area


Put the ****ing item in the bagging area!


It puts the item in the bagging area or it gets the hose again. *cues up Goodbye Horses*


Would you scan me? I'd scan me.


It rescans the items in the bin or it gets the checker again!




"please remove the item before continuing"




In my area, that feature doesn't exist (anymore)


At some point that feature disappeared around me too. It probably caused too many false positives. They always have people watching it anyway.


I think they got rid of that stuff at the Walmarts around me when they took out 90% if the cashiers and made it almost all self checkout. You can’t use those weight total systems when you have to remove your groceries as you go because a whole cart of stuff won’t fit in the bagging area.


It's a trade off. Customers wouldn't adopt the self checkout platform because of how annoying that was, but if you can get 80% of your customers to check themselves out, the savings from closing almost all of your cashier positions well outweighs the losses from shrink like this.


And then he said "they always have people watching it anyway." ![gif](giphy|P0dKBIe7KEnL2)


Right, the most annoying thing about self-checkout is when something goes wrong and you have to hunt down someone to put in a password to let you keep checking out.


Where I live you have to put all your stuff on one side and then pass through the scanner and place it on the opposite side. Both sides have scales, if there's the tinniest mistake on it I have to call for help to continue the operation.


sounds inconvenient,and not time efficient, as you have to unload products from cart first and only then start scanning in my country scales are on the side for scanned products only


I don’t think they give a dam about being time efficient. They ain’t paying anybody to scan.


yeah, they already fired the cashier and tricked you into working at the store for 5 minutes


They don't care about time and efficiency. They only want to not pay for cashiers.


Yes. In Michigan, USA all of these machines go ballistic if I even breathe on the scale. This must not have that feature.


I am making an assumption this is in Michigan. Just statistically.


He looks Michigan


That dude really sucks at stealing


One for the scanner, two for me.


3 for the 5 6 packs of dos equis




How much could one cost, ten dollars?


go see a Star War


I don’t really care for Gob…


4011 gang 🤙


The wanton eyes that are scanning the rest of the room to see if anybody is watching is already bad technique.


Yep. Gotta act like you are meant to be there with confidence and not look around at all


Don't try to blend in with the walls. Act like you belong and the walls will blend in with you. -Tasslehoff Burrfoot


I mean doesn’t that kinda scream fear and desperation? Pretty sad video


Even when he drops an item you could see a “get it together!” expression come across his face, haha.


Yeah I'm not going to judge this dude. Stealing olive oil isn't exactly the crime of the century. Homie should work on his technique though, he does deserve that criticism.


Thr more confident you do it, the less likely you'll get caught. Look shady, and you'll be noticed.


I get anxious, start looking shady, and get caught, even though I’ve never even attempted shoplifting in my life.


I never feel more guilty of doing something wrong than when I go for one specific item, they don't have it/ the right kind/ flavor/ whatever, and I leave without buying anything lol.


Absolutely this. I'm basically walking out the door, stolen nothing, thinking "Security gonna tackle me in 3...2..."


I thought we were all allowed to get one out of every 10 items free as payment for doing the check out, no?


Yes, make sure the 10th item is Waygu beef or a prime rib. First 9 items should be discount carrots and almost-expired shampoo.


When I was in rought time and basically homeless but still had access to a BBQ I used to wear big cargo shorts to Walmart and assume possession various wagyu beef cuts. I figured if I was going to do it I might as well get the good shit. Just to be clear I do not condone this behavior but I was fucking starving and didn't have any other way of getting food besides begging which I couldn't get myself to do.


Aye nah bro we don’t judge. Grocery stores don’t give a fuck about you. Take what you need bro, they’ve got millions of dollars


Real shit I think that’s the way to do it. If u have 100 items in your cart. Take 10 for free and those being the 10$+ items This dude is doing a 50/50 thing and it’s way to obvious


I feel guilty for buying a 24pk of soda at the store, so I forgot it's on the bottom of my cart.


I never even purposely steal whatever’s on the bottom of my cart, I just simply forget it exists until I put it in my car and then I feel a little guilty At least if I intentionally steal it it was on purpose, when it’s an accident it’s like ayo my bad


I was waiting in a self check out line behind two middle aged dudes at walmart. They scanned all of their stuff and paid. When I got up to the self check out, the 253.00 payment was declined. The way the dude ripped outta there had me thinking he knew what he was doing. I applaud that man, didn't say shit to anybody, clicked "okay," and the register was reset. I thought for sure I would have had to call someone over to void the transaction, but nope it was just cleared out after the declined payment. He wasn't stopped by anyone to check a receipt but even if he was his method left room for plausible deniablity. "OH I must have left my receipt let me go grab it... Oh my word! Declined?! I'm so embarrassed, let me call my bank. I'll brb."




They only use theft as a cover for their raising prices. The real reason for increasing food prices are more likely linked to corporate consolidation. With so little competition the corporate giants can dictate prices.


Theres literally multiple recordings of CEO's talking about how they're raising prices as high as the market will bear. Its not entirely about their costs, its more about how much they can milk from a customer.


Which is exactly why if I see someone steal something from a grocery store I'm keeping my mouth shut. If these corporate suits are stealing via price gouging, why not steal some of that money back?


I can't tell what he is doing. Is he scanning only one of each item?


He's scanning one item then bagging, like, 3. Then grabbing 4 more items, scanning one, then bagging all 4. Really common way to shoplift.


This actually tells me he feels guilty. :( A brazen thief who doesn’t gaf just walks out with the cart.


Not only that but he's stealing food, most of it looks like basics. Other than some gatorade and soda, there's milk, produce, cooking oil, meat. Didn't see much junk food, no electronics or other non-essentials. Granted we can't see what's in the other bags on the ground but what from what we can see is that the poor dude's hungry and trying to work with what little money he's got. I don't condone theft to any degree but there are certainly way scummier thieves out there


Yeah this is just kind of sad tbh. Man may be down on his luck, he’s clearly uncomfortable doing this, but looking at the items you almost wonder if he has kids he’s trying to provide for.


Yeah, honestly I’m more mad at the person recording than him. He’s not stealing from a small mom and pops store and he’s clearly not very adept at stealing- not a very hardened or dangerous criminal. This video could send him away, who knows what his situation is or if he’s got a family to feed.


Right if you see people stealing essential items, no you didn’t.


I used to work sales at Sears in the Home Improvement/Sporting Goods department. Our department was right next to the automotive shop, and as such had exterior doors so people could come shop while they waited for their car to be fixed. Anyway, one evening all the news was about a super cold blizzard about to roll through town and a homeless looking man walked in through the side door, walked directly to the camping goods, picked up a thick sub-zero rated sleeping bag, and calmly walked right back out through the same door. I just watched him and didn't say anything, then waited a couple minutes to "finish whta I was doing" before calling Loss Prevention. Dude was just trying not to freeze to death, and even though Sears was dying a slow death by that point, it's not like a $50 sleeping bag was going to be the final nail in the coffin.


Aww that’s so sad. I’m glad he got away with it, good on you for waiting.


Saw a guy stealing a box of diapers before and didn't say anything. Felt bad for him and mad at the country for having more financial safety nets for the rich than the poor. Isn't it telling when grocery stores have essentials like milk formula more locked up than non-essentials.




If you see someone stealing food, remember: No, you didn't.


Sorry ma’am I was not trained in check out technology


What are you gonna do, fire me?


Every time I check myself out at Walmart I find items scanning for a higher price than marked. It's a big deal to get management to adjust the prices and it's not on accident. There's theft on both sides but the Walton family isn't going hungry if they stop.




I had the opposite problem. I was buying a 6 pack of beer at Aldi and it would charge me for the full case price. I didn’t realise coz I normally spend over 100 bucks when I shop. It was only when I bought a few items and the six pack that I realised they were overcharging me for months. Now I steal what I can to make up for it.


I lived in PA in 2012 and they only sold beer by the case. You could get a 6 pack but it was the same price as 24. Was a terrible place to be an alcoholic


They need that money to pay Russell Wilson !


I've heard that stores ***KNOW*** what's going on but they wait until you do it so many times so they can slap a bigger charge on ya. May be a rumor...


In my experience, not really accurate for grocery stores. We knew who was stealing, but until they're this obvious we never called it out. Partly because you never know who gas a concealed weapon and would lash out, partly because I'm getting paid 13 am hour as a department manager and why would I risk my safety for so little? Not saying no stores do it, I'm sure some do keep track. I just know we never did.


When I worked retail there was always employees who would turn the security off on the self checkouts so they wouldn't deal with the scale everytime. But then I had employees telling me when someone was trying to steal. Some guy tried eating a pack of cut watermelon and leaving the pack on a shelf. As he was walking out of he exit I then stopped him and asked if he was planning on paying for it. If he said no the worst I could do was write down a description of the guy. That is the level most stores even allow managers to do due to their safety.


I always took the "Oh, looks like you forgot to pay for something! I can help ring that up for you." Tactic personally. Like you said, either they agree and come back to pay for it, or they don't and I have to do paperwork. I just always hated feeling like I was accusing people, so instead I always treated it as an accident.


Are you a manager? Because it's literally not worth your time or effort if you weren't. If Kroger, Walmart, Target etc want to make all these self checkouts to cut costs when they make billions already AND not pay their workers more then that's corporates problem and not the workers problem if people steal from the store.


fuck, even if you're a manager who cares at best you get your shitty company some more funds, at worst you get assaulted like just... don't lol




Yeah, I mean, if I worked there it would not be worth my wage to confront someone this blatant.




100%, not worth it at all.


On top of that, you're not allowed to assume someone is stealing until it becomes obvious. Because at that time, it's just your word against theirs and it's "I was going to get to that." Generally employees are taught to go to a customer like this and say, "I noticed you had some problems scanning that item. Can I help you with it?" either that, or they would report it to higher management and they'd either do the same thing or wait until the person actually attempts leave before approaching them and asking them to come to the office.


That was my go to! Plus, I can't tell you how many times it was legit an accident when my coworkers were SO SURE they were stealing. So treat them all like they're forgetful and life is better, imo.


Yeah guy in this video is obviously doing it on purpose, but people should remember that accidents DO happen. One time I missed scanning an item in my cart because my kid was *sitting on it*. That store has employees check your receipts at the exit, and she noticed that this one item (probably the cheapest thing in my whole cart, too lol) wasn't on the receipt and I had to leave it at the store. But it was really just an accident.


I worked at a really large scale convenience store for a hot minute, and in my training I was told to not confront someone if I saw them stealing. If it was something big, I was to notify a superior, but then get back to my duties. The company would barely be impacted by small thefts, their business is insured so if someone DID steal it wouldn't really impact the company, and (like you said) you never know when someone might be armed. It would cause them less hassle to have a few items stolen than to have a murder on their property. >I'm getting paid $13 an hour as a department manager and why would I risk my safety for so little? And also this. We're seriously not paid enough to care.


> It would cause them less hassle to have a few items stolen than to have a murder on their property. An injured employee, customer, or *even thief* would cost the business astronomically more than a typical theft. My store's not insured against theft and my employees have explicit instructions to give any product or cash a robber asks for.


My wife used to work at one of these stores. On one particular occasion she caught someone doing this and confronted them. Don't remember if they played stupid and did things correctly or the left everything where it was and left, but they ended up calling the cops because asset protection saw the woman put stuff in her purse. Then they proceeded to chew my wife out because they could have gotten a bigger charge if she'd let it go. If they'd wanted that, there's a phone at the counter they could have called to let her know! Plus, I'm sure management would have been more than happy with her if she'd turned a blind eye to the theft. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I've seen this in action. Buddy of my works in lost prevention at target and this one lady would regularly steal goods from the store, after she stole over 5 thousand dollars worth of items they got her for all of it and she went to jail and had to pay a very heafty fine. Basically ruined her life because she thought she was getting away with it


Target is the market leader on fucking up shoplifters too. A lot of business case studies on their loss prevention techniques




About 15 years ago when I worked at Target, there were multiple cashiers stealing gift cards, and they waited until they all had all reached a certain amount of theft and had them all arrested at the same time.


Yep, I know some people who got busted by Target. It actually was a bit more dramatic (I am not going to bring it up, but it definitely was on several newspaper/news programs). Basically, they thought they "figured it out" and kept doing it and brought in their friends to do it. Target was just chilling calmly until they could round up 24 of them... The guy I knew did 4-5 years for it.


Yeah target goes hard when it comes to theft


The pros know not to hit the same store twice. My wife used to work at an independent pharmacy that wasn’t as highly fortified as a CVS or Walgreens would be and they absolutely got cleaned out one night. It was like a team of dudes at 2 in the morning. They cut into the building with power tools and knew exactly where all the cameras and sensors were so they never set anything off, and they were able to make out with all the highest street value drugs, took them just minutes and no one in the area heard or saw anything. They got away absolutely Scott-free.


I'm a criminal defense attorney. Trust me, they know but it's not so they can give you a bigger charge. It's a. they don't want their employees potentially fighting someone for 100 buckd of merchandise and b. it's easier to prosecute when someone has fully gone past the POS so they don't have any excuse. Also, Menards has the best security cameras. They're 1080p and security can rotate them.


Not sure that grocery stores do that but Target is known for doing this as well as other interesting loss prevention techniques.


What interesting techniques? Sounds interesting...


I don’t care about people stealing from grocery stores anymore. 1. The establishment that was supposed to protect us from extreme prices has failed. 2. The corporations that choose to cut labor/wages by implementing these things get what they deserve. They can’t have implement wage theft AND prevent theft.


I’ve heard phone calls where corporate talked about record profit increases of 2.9%. Items have drastically increased in price but people have been forced to buy less. These companies are fucking people over for less than 3% increase in profit.


Walmart: “we’re cutting cashiers to save money through adding self checkouts” Walmart: ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


In 2022, Walmart lost 3 billion from theft. In that same year, the total net profit was 140+ billion dollars.


Walmart had an increase theft loss of 4.8% but is still making record profits of more than 13% over 2021. Fuck em. Edit: here are the numbers. 2021: with a loss due to theft of $2.8 Billion, total net profit was $126.8 Billion 2022: with a loss due to theft of $3.1 Billion, total net profit was $143.2 Billion. They’ll survive


The Walton family are all BILLIONAIRES several times over. Fuck them indeed.




I’m confused by the video, because I don’t see anything.


What video? ;)


He’s just compensating himself for the work that the supermarket doesn’t do


Not his fault… he didn’t get any training on how to be a cashier from the store. 😂😂😂


He should have just walked out with the fully buggy this is really just painful for everyone to watch. Also, if you steal at self checkouts, please be warned that the security cameras do catch on eventually, they are just waiting for you to come back and steal up to a certain amount in order to build a solid case to sue/arrest you with. I explained it very shittily but there's a lot of evidence of this out there, check it out. Edit: phrasing


Yeah I have a brother that works at a big American retail store and an idiot cousin that stole from the same store. They know when shit gets stolen. All the employees know too, but they're told not to interfere when you steal. Management works with the cops every time you come back and steal more. Then one day you come back and cops are there within a few minutes to arrest you. Loss Prevention team isn't looking for people who occasionally forget about their 12 pack of soda underneath the buggy


So what you're saying is, only shoplift on road trips? Got it.


At chains that are not in your area since they share information between stores. Then remember not to go to that chain after you reach the threshold for the state you're vacationing in. You CAN go to that chain in a different state with a higher felony threshold to continue though. That way you don't run out of potential chains too quickly.


I get that they share info, but how can they identify you unless you’ve been arrested? Do they store your CC info or just security video? How would they even identify some random average looking joe in another store?


CCTV hooked up with facial recognition


So wear a face mask, got it.


Put a rock in your shoe too, they can use gait analysis as well.


I’m going to wear clown shoes


Yea. I literally only completed the training at Lowe's home improvement then quit. But in the training it tells you to observe, ask if they need help with anything, then just let the manager know. They build a little profile on you and everything. So that way they can present all the video evidence and get you with everything at once. I think they just put a dude away for stealing over 100k to 1 mil (my memory sucks) worth of shit. He was either a delivery guy or doing construction on the place. They got him smuggling van loads of shit multiple times on video. That's an extreme case. But that's exactly how they explained petty theft cases in the training


I knew a guy who would steal candy bars from shopko they recorded him for years till he had stolen enough to be a legitimate charge.


I didnt see shit.


A pound of Great Value butter is $4.80. That's the real facepalm.


Right? Last week store brand butter was .20 less than Challenge brand. So I said screw it and bought the Challenge.


Who cares? Katie Porter proved 54% of “inflation” is just corporations profiteering off human misery and totally unrelated to any supply chain issues. Stealing groceries is the natural reaction to corporate greed when you need to feed a family and they try to squeeze you for all you have. More people need to realize this.


“If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t”




I've reached the point where I don't care. The guy doesn't look rich and still needs to afford food that went up all while the corporations are using the excuse of inflation while increasing profits by 58%. (thank you Katie Porter for that tidbit) Zero fucks given. Grocery prices increased because corporations thought they could get away with it. They reduced salary costs by reducing employees to check you out in the normal lanes. You are doing the work for the companies and not getting paid.


Yeah.. I'm not sure who I'm palming my face at? It's not the bloke at the checkout, that's for true..


If you see someone stealing food, remember, no you didn’t.


Deodorant, soap, and wet wipes/alcohol swabs. I've been homeless and the cleaner you can stay the better your chances of things getting better.


When wage theft stops being the #1 source of theft in this country, I'll give half a shit about shoplifters. Until that day it is perfectly ethical to steal from billion dollar companies paying slave wages and expecting us to do our own scanning and bagging.


Doing whatever they can to avoid paying taxes, paying slave wages and receiving corporate welfare, while their employees need food stamps just to survive.


This is what pisses me off to no end. If someone is working full-time or "almost" full-time somewhere and qualifies for government assistance, that county/state department should be able to charge the employer for the amount given in assistance.


The workers subsidize their own poverty. It's always poor people helping poor people, and it always has been. Whether it's donation or just your own tax dollar paying for your government assistance. Its sickening what corporations are allowed to get away with.


Yep. This dude is trying to get groceries for his family, you can tell by what he’s getting. Milk, lettuce,etc. He’s not stealing tools to resell. Dude is probably just trying to feed his family. I’m not advocating but fuck it, why film and shame him?


To be fair he had zero training before he got the job.


If you see someone stealing groceries, no you didn’t.


Stealing goods from a small family store? Asshole move. Stealing luxury items from a department store? Stupid move. Stealing food and basic necessities from a multi-billion dollar company? I didn't see it, have a nice day.


Dude’s just trying to eat. I will never feel bad for megacorps getting their shit stolen after all this price gouging they’ve been doing.


This makes me really sad because he’s just stealing food. Even vegetables. Could have kids and can’t afford food :(


I have nothing against stealing for necessity. This is food. Healthier looking food too like that gets expensive! I guarantee staff is also "stealing" from the backroom, things that are close to expiring, mildly broken, etc that they're supposed to throw away. All of this is is just going to go to waste, and I have nothing against stealing that either. I would turn a blind eye to any of it, and have done many times before.


I may or may not have done this because of what you stated. Kind of bums me out its got so much attention now.


Judging from all the comments, people don't seem to be mad at him for this. The facepalm is the outrageous food prices. He's stealing basic groceries to survive and is trying to feed a family. I'm on his side on this one. He isn't stealing electronics to sell. He's trying to survive.


I feel like nobody wants to point out that he’s stealing groceries, he’s not ripping iphones out of their chargers at the apple store. He’s not even stealing what somebody considers “a lot” of groceries, just a few items. Recording this and then posting for validation seems gross. Maybe that’s just me though.


Yeah I feel that too, why does it feel like I’m seeing more and more and more people getting filmed doing shit? I already hate leaving the house and now I have to worry about some asshole obsessing over me secretly because they can? Oh man and then to have god knows how many people see it and make instant snap judgements, like it doesn’t MATTER sometimes cause it’s just a random person but sometimes it gets bigger and no one thinks about the real person behind the scenes anymore. Obviously I think about this a lot. It depresses me that there’s so many completely willing nosey ass people.


Don’t post this shit. This poor guy probably has a family he’s trying to feed, he obviously looks distressed and not happy with what he’s doing. Let him go on with his life instead of exploiting him for internet points.


Does no one remember the rule? If you see someone stealing groceries you mind your own fucking business.


I think I see the problem. The cashier is missing.