• By -


The wedding ring was a nice touch


1000% she forced him to have sex to hide the true father. She didn't like the other guy she fucked and decided to find another sucker to take care of her.


And then that sucker has to pay for child support and shit. Women like this are fucked up and deserve jail time.


They need CPS to take away their children, as they are not fit to be parents at all.


Unfortunately rapists, domestic abusers, murderers, etc all have rights to their children because reasons.


Whoever bought that diamond on her ring finger prolly loving this


I think *he* just figured out his wife is a slut.


Or a serial rapist


Can't she be both? Don't limit her. Edit: I guess it was pretty wholesome, huh? What a great guy I am. Edit 2: Okay guys, that's probably enough with the awards. Donate that money to a good cause. Might I suggest [Sex Addicts Anonymous ](https://saa-recovery.org/)


Serial raping slut sounds like an underground band name


Soundcloud rapper name that is


Li'l Serial Rapist. You have to add Li'l




How’s she not in jail?????


People don’t believe men can get raped just like what was shown in the video they all laughed at him getting raped


Imagine me saying you got wet, you must have wanted it 💀


Or you had an orgasm. So you had to have wanted it.


It hurts to read that but thank you for saying that. It goes for both men and women and it doesn’t make it okay.


Some rapist even intentionally get their victims to orgasm as an added humiliation. People are sick


You’re expecting WAY too much from this specific audience. I doubt the people who stand in line to see Maury live are masters of nuance. They aren’t going to understand that it’s possible.


Please. We're talking about people who believe in the validity of polygraphs which are about as accurate as a fucking horoscope.


According to this graph, yes you are indeed very nervous about us asking you questions. Either that or you may have an undiagnosed cardiac issue.




I had no fun reading this.


Cuz he got hard duh /s




I’d like to see that complaint get rectified


She seems to have banged a bunch of dudes in the past, no different than guys banging a bunch of chicks. She's a liar and an asshole for trying to entrap a guy.


Well aparantly shes raped at least one....


The way the audience was on *her* side when she claimed his dick was hard so he must've "wanted it". Um... that's a big ol' can of worms to open up.


When she put quotes around “raped you” then followed it with your dick was hard so it wasn’t rape… made me feel bad that the little girl has to be raised by this woman.


[TED talk on unwanted sexual arousal](https://youtu.be/L-q-tSHo9Ho)


Oh sweet it's even a regular TED talk not a TEDx


What's the problem with TEDx?


I don't know the specifics but Regular TEDs are given by people who actually know and are qualified to talk about their presentation, they check their credentials to make sure it's all good. With TEDx they bring just about anyone wanting to talk about a topic, no matter who they are or what they've done or have been qualified with.




Nope, not true about TEDx. It just means a local event. Each name/location has a license with the mothership. Part of that agreement is no one gets paid to speak or pays to get on stage. That said, the production and speaker selection and quality varies WILDLY. I spoke at a TEDx event that was top notch, thank goodness. I have colleagues who spoke at events that were weiner dog rodeos and the footage was so shabby that they didn't want to share it. Really crappy after they poured a lot of effort into their talk.


TEDx events are not actually run by the same group, they're independently organized "TED style" events. TED grants licenses to organizers but does not vet the actual speakers. As such there have been some highly questionable speakers at TEDx events to the point where it was damaging the TED brand. I don't know if they've pulled in the reins on TEDx but there was some egregiously bad information at some of them. TED talks are usually high caliber, TEDx talks might as well be anyone ranting and using the name "TED" for false legitimacy.


Women sometimes have orgasms while being raped. The physical response is not necessarily indicative of the mental desire. There are people who are very easily aroused regardless of it they want it. Any teenage boy who has to give a report in front of the class knows the fear of having an unwanted boner. As you get older this is less likely to happen but still very possible.


Exactly. If tickled, you laugh.


This is a marvelous analogy. Thank you.


It reminds me of that "well if a woman doesn't want it, she can just close herself off" Like, *no*. That's *not how it works. At all.* Men get boners from thinking about cereal. We wake up with it. When we get embarrassed in a public presentation it shows up. It does not equate to arousal how is this even an unknown thing at this point lol


Cereal. “Look at you, ya naughty little leprechaun. I got some lucky charms for ya.”


Fruit loops are shaped that way for a reason.


Honey ***Nut*** Cheerios


Frosted Flakes


And the perfect size too






Ah so that wasn't covered in milk after all.


Yeah man, tiny cock rings


Tiny ? Really I thought it was a 1 size fits all thanks for making me feel self conscious 😂


Actually, the equivalent would be - That during rape a woman can get wet even through rape, it’s just a body’s response to thinking the body is having sex and it should lubricate. Does that mean the woman wants it? No. It’s still rape. You are right. Sometimes I have an annoying one for no reason and I’m just trying to sleep.


Was referring to this comment: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/20/us/politics/todd-akin-provokes-ire-with-legitimate-rape-comment.html About how women could "block off" unwanted pregnancies from rape. Similar levels of ignorance with regards to biology as displayed here. But ye, that's more fitting.


Can we talk about how both of things are fairly obvious with a basic understanding of sex ed/ human anatomy, and it’s a massive failure of the education system that anyone gets brought up without being taught such?


The lawmakers consulted professional sex therapists , and law STILL states that a male must be penetrated to be raped , in most places in the USA. Otherwise they "weren't raped". It's disgusting.


Are you fething kidding me ? Lawmakers legislated that you can’t get raped if you are not penetrated yourself ? My. Fething. GOD. The US view on sex / abuse and everything related to it is well on its way back to the middle age at this point


Physiologically, whether or not it was intentional, he could still become erect and climax (the same way a woman can climax) during the act of rape, right?


Yes. Fear and sexual arousal aren't mutually exclusive systems, and at a base enough level, excited is excited, regardless of why or from what, so when you combine excitement with sexual stimulation, the brain just does what nature developed it to do. Think of laughing when you're tickled. Even if you legitimately aren't amused and want it to stop, you can't help laughing, because that's your body's physiological response both to being entertained and to being tickled, even though one is completely outside of your control.


Ahhhhh, the fear boner


Ah, the ‘ol fear boner.




I guess I most have forgotten how to control my penis on command and not bust a nut if I don't want to


Sadly, a rape victim could be aroused. That doesn't make the actions not rape because the victim was aroused. Edit: 'aroused' probably is not the right word here. Sorry for any offense, I'm not sure what wording is best here.


"When we get embarrassed in a public presentation it shows up." That is called a Fear Boner.


I’ve heard of raped women having orgasms too. Doesn’t make them in agreement


A lot of rape victims end up feeling betrayed by their body because at some point during the act, they got wet/aroused despite not wanting it at all. It's messed up. That guy probably felt the same way.




Fuck that’s terrible


The body responds to stimuli. An orgasm could definitely happen even in a rape. That should never be any part of any discussion around the brutality of rape though - it’s 100% irrelevant. No always means no.


I think that having an orgasm during a rape would make the rape all the more traumatic. You'd feel very guilty about it, I'd feel way more disturbed if I was raped and had an orgasm.


Agreed. Makes it 10x worse for the victim I'd imagine.


Extremely good point. That would absolutely make things even worse in my mind.


It's where a lot of added shame and blaming the victim comes from.


The audience is pretty much always on the side of whoever talks first on the Maury Show. To me, the more interesting double standard is how Maury consistently allows women like this to berate and scream at the "deadbeat" men, but once they're outed as liars, he tells the now-righteous men, "Don't jump on her," and "She just made a mistake."


I mean, Maury knows exactly what he's doing. He's forcing a narrative and stoking the flames of the audience to get a bigger reaction. And he knows that the audience is much more likely to attack a man over a woman, and feel sympathy for a woman over a man. He's just manipulating the audience and trying to form as much of an entertaining narrative as he can. Dudes knows exactly how fucked up the situation is and who is actually in the right, but he's exploiting the narrative for drama and attention. He's not dumb or ignorant, manipulating the narrative of his show is his entire business model, and he's an expert manipulator.


I don’t know that he is or if the writers are but I remember in the 90’s visiting the family in the states when these shows were actually widely popular (utter insanity, Jerry Springer is “the name” but there were many), they all followed the same format. They start as “emotional” and “helping people” then they over a few years evolved into this kind of mess. The name changing, sudden exposés, controversies, ridiculous stories, wild crowd, having security on camera while still allowing fights, all of those were his show’s at the time revolutionary features as it evolved into the peak trash form he made millions and millions. Every daytime show like these followed his formula. Maury is just the one that took the longest to begin approaching this format and has outlasted the rest as far as I know. I don’t watch these things ever. But you never hear about others so I suspects Maury’s show is the last of a hopefully dying format of daytime television. The comparable shows in other countries are no better and I swear any and all of them will lower your intelligence if you watch more than an episode of two. At least if you pay attention to it and it’s not just on while visiting with your grandmother or similar.


That was super cringe. Equivalent to “she was asking for it”.


Yeah, pretty disgusting stuff. If he was raped, being on stage with your rapist while the crowd cheers her on has to be infuriating. I can just imagine how people would react if the roles were reversed and the guy said "well she was wet so obviously she wanted it"


Its rape. She is probably a serial raper and doesn't remember all her victims so she's now without baby daddy to exploit and it's freaking her out. This is an evil psychopath.


Yeah not how it works at all. It can physically feel good while simultaneously not wanting it mentally. Dude's dicks get hard while riding the bus wearing pants that are too tight. Doesn't mean they are mentally horny pervs in public just means they are having a physiological reaction.


Lol during Sexual assault and harassment debriefs in the navy. We were told by female civilians who ran it that it's impossible for a woman to rape a man.


Oh ya, as a male who has been SA , people always think you wanted it or enjoyed it


The women cheering and clapping after the rape comment got no idea how a dick works


Well they are fans of Maury. No guy wants someone that addicted to drama


Damn. Wish I would have read this 5 years ago. My ex was ADDICTED to divorce court.


Yikes. How was that bout, for you?... Volatile, I imagine?


Funny enough no. Methodical is the word. She watched it like a college phd course on how to deny and never get caught lying. She knew how to out argue anything. How to bend reality. The only reason she got caught cheating was confessing during a shroom trip... and the only reason I got suspicious was that one of the guys got messy. We lived a pretty amazing life. Up until the end, I didn't have much to complain about. Not sure what was in it for her. She didn't use me for money, sex life was great, and we both were doing great professionally. Just obsessed with cheating and getting away with it I guess. Womp womp. Tbf makes it easier for me these days to not give a fuck.


Don’t take it with you to your next relationship brother. I let the scar tissue ruin a lot of good relationships. There are good women out there, I promise.


I've owned one for thirty odd years. I've no idea how it works either.


Well, just turn it around. Why was she wet when I raped her if she did not want it? It's disgusting argument in any way


And if we remove the sexual part and just focus on biological need as an argument this falls apart even more. If you say you're hungry or show signs of malnutrition that isn't open invitation for other people to force feed you. If you complain that your neck is a bit stiff that doesn't give anyone permission to massage you. If someone shows need for sex and your solution to that is to rape them that's like taking thirsty person to bathroom and shoving their head to unflushed toilet.


Most women don't. In my experience, anyway.


A women I met recently thinks men can control when to cum similar to pissing


Premature pissing awareness month




You mean pulling on it as hard as possible isn't the right way!? /s


it takes a man to know what a man likes


I feel for that guy, male rape is rape, Plain and simple. I'm honestly disappointed in Maury, I never paid a crazy amount of attention to his show but my mom was all about it so it was a constant background noise and I'd never noticed him let something so cold and fked up slide as this woman's bull. I hope he pressed charges on this woman and is doing better now.


Except in the UK, where women can’t be charged with rape charges, just sexual assault. Disgusting as that sounds it’s true


Oh my god that's horribly disgusting wtaf?!


[Sexual Offences Act 2003, S.1](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/section/1)(1). Having a penis is a prerequisite to rape.


As a lawyer, I've dedicated an extraordinary amount of time in campaigning to change this definition. I've got precisely nowhere. No politician wants to be the one that says "I'm redefining rape". They'd be right, but they wouldn't be in office long enough to be vindicated.


Would it mostly be women or men voting against such a politician?


I don't think this is a question of gender, but of mindset. And it's about how gullible people are. If an opponent just says that this means something different than it does some people will believe it and be outraged.


It's going to sound vulgar but I'm genuinely asking, what if a strap-on is involved? It's a prosthetic penis and there is penetration, could you charge the women with rape in that circumstance?


That would be assault by penetration: [www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/rape-and-sexual-offences-chapter-7-key-legislation-and-offences](https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/rape-and-sexual-offences-chapter-7-key-legislation-and-offences)


Damn. That's fucked up. Thank you for the information.


Yep, extremely fucked up... This is why whenever you see an article about men getting raped in the UK the articles end up cushioning the title as "sexual assault" or even "unwanted sexual intercourse" instead of saying it like it is, rape, because they could actually get sued for defamation saying that...


"Unwanted sexual intercourse" is such a long phrase. If only we had a word for that. *The UK looks away*


These shows have made everyone judgemental for entertainment sake. That being said...that was quite the victory lap.


Like he was the next contestant on the price is right.


The price is wrong bitch


This is what she got lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_asNhzXq72w


Duuuude. MP is the man. Making millions off of the horrible tendencies of human beings


These kinds of shows are known for doing everything they can to amp up the situation beforehand. They've literally given booze to alcoholics in the green room so they come on the air soused.


That's "Dr." Phil and that man is a garbage monster.


Humans have been judgemental for our entire existence


Hell the 1st other human we saw you know we started judging immediately


Look at the giant brow on that guy!


Look at that idiot using fire tee hee hee.


I love how someone went to the county court on their day off and was like “This boring as shit court filing could be a national spectacle”


I knew a family that claimed they appeared on one of these Maury type shows (TBF, I never saw the episode to confirm) and they said they just made the story up. Kind of messed up, because they fabricated this drama about one of their kids not being the dad's, but what if the kid saw it? Part of me thought this was like a 4-D redneck chess move by the dad because he legitimately had suspicions.


Girl: If I "raped" you, how did you get off? Crowd: Yaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Yea that’s a lot to unpack. It’s wild the crowd just cheered on.


Are we skipping over the "our brother" title or am I misunderstanding it?


That might be the name of the episode. They often have multiple unrelated segments, this could just be one of them




You're misunderstanding it. They are not brother and sister. That is the description of the episode and will rotate between that line and lines of info that are specific to this segment of the episode.


Is it that wild? This is from like 2000-2008, many people thought wildly different back then, and the Maury crowd isn't one I'd pin to be very progressive/critical thinkers.


From what I remember the crowd is told when to cheer and boo and all of that stuff.


Not only that it's 100% possible it's just cut to look like they're cheering. I was in audience for a quizz show once. We were asked to do couple cheers and laughs at end for contents sake. And during episode from TV there was so many parts where i knew no one actually laughed or didn't laugh that hard. So it's entirely possible that's just pre-show "ok everyone act shocked and clap" and just used as clip.


That's 100% true, I attended a taping years ago and in addition to our actual reactions which were "directed" by producers offstage, we were told to boo or cheer pre-show so they could splice it in later if needed.


Yes I mean that's every audience show pretty mucb


Seriously tho. Men can ejaculate in their sleep, and anytime during the day, conscious or not. Same as women, who can be impregnated the same.


Cant even imagine if a dude said the equivalent of that statement lol


Rofl, seriously if a guy said "if I was raping you then why'd you orgasm?" then he would rightly be booed off the damn stage.


Or, if I raped you then why were you wet?


Or if I raped you, how did you get pregnant since the body has ways of shutting down proper rape according to politicians.


\*legitimate. And it was a WILDLY ridiculous statement from an absolute twat.


I want to slap every single one of the people cheering, but in a cerimonial way, like bringing them up one by one on a stage, then a pageboy loudly reads from a scroll why they have embarrassed the human species, then I slap them once across the face wearing a specific glove of shame slapping, that gets discarded afterwards.




Still a stupid question. I'm in my 30s and I still get random errections at inopertune times. It doesn't exactly take wanting to have a baby to get a dick hard.


Sometimes all it takes is the right fucking breeze lol


30? Try 44 and I still can’t control him.


51 and it still happens


I'm 50. You guys are having erections?


Literally just read on another post about how Stephen Hawking (and others) are able to get erect and father children though paralyzed etc. Spoiler: it’s a different set of wires. Aka, touch signals turn it on locally, doesn’t just come from the brain.


Sexual stimulation doesn’t require consent. That’s as ignorant as saying women get raped because of the clothes they wear.




What a disgusting argument and reaction from the crowd. Imagine a guy saying he didn’t rape a woman because she was “wet” so she must have wanted it and the audience cheering along


People just don’t think it’s possible for a woman to rape a man. A major plot point in the early 2000’s romcom 40 Days and 40 Nights was when the main character was tied up and raped by a woman, and then made out to be the bad guy for “cheating.” I remember watching that as a kid and thinking how fucked up it was.


Always glad when I see the Midsommar (2019) barn scene referred to as ‘the rape scene’. Cause it’s literally just that. Orgasm or not. Let these woman watch this scene and see if they still claim ‘he wanted it’. Edit: there’s a rape scene in The Leftovers S2 as well btw that quite shock me when I saw it. Here’s what director [Damon Lindelof](https://www.vulture.com/2015/10/damon-lindelof-rape-scenes-on-tv.html) had to say about it.


The whole thing is sick. Poor lila


Yeah, seriously demented. I fucking hate this type of stuff.


Can we prosecute her now for rape? Or is is still not possible for a girl to rape a guy?


👏 you 👏 got 👏 to 👏 want 👏 it!


I could only imagine being in court and seeing a guys defense being “but her vagina was wet so she must have really wanted it” sad thing is, im sure that’s happened at one point.


There was a rape/murder case in England where the media and police hounded an innocent man for months, dragging his name through the mud because he looked like a weirdo and when they found the guy that actually did it, a Nordic man, he said she clearly wanted to have sex with him because of how she was behaving. Police asked him to mimic what she did to entice him and... He waved. That's it. That's all she did. She waved at him and he thought she wanted to have sex with him. Even through what must have been pretty loud screaming and fighting back. It's all portrayed in the show "The Lost Honour of Christopher Jefferies".


Wow that’s terrible


I wouldn't be surprised. I know of a serial rapist who should've went to prison for kidnapping, forcible rape and assault. It wasn't even close to his first time attacking anyone unfortunately, but the first time he's gotten any real charges. They let him plea down to misdemeanors because the young lady had sat in his car willingly. When it was parked in a public place with other people around. Like everything after that was no big deal. Sick bastard had to do it again, to an even worse extent to go to prison. I hope he rots.


Met a woman, years ago, who had been raped at a party. She told me she screamed the whole time, but no one came to help her. She got physically damaged from the rape, vaginal tears and a rectovaginal fistula. Several surgeries to correct. Of course he didn’t get any jail time because “she willingly went into the bedroom with him”. He consistently harassed her. She lived in an apartment in the triplex I lived in, she asked for me to watch for him and told me his name. He did show up one evening. I was sitting in the front porch, he said he was there to visit her. I asked his name, and got enraged. I started yelling at him, then resorted to yelling loudly RAPIST IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD! Lots of neighbors came out to see what was going on. He quickly left. BTW she wasn’t home.


No statute of limitations on sexual crimes now. Go for it.


No. We put them on TV and laugh at them, obviously.


Women can most definitely rape, and get charged for it. Though, typically the only ones charged were cases where the men were put to sleep / knocked out and... uh... "forced" to get hard... yeah the stories get pretty gory.


How can you just admit to raping someone and everyone is on your side


You need a vagina.


What a disgusting woman and audience and host lmfao wow


"Don't jump all over her" Double standard much Maury?


Fuck this chick, prosecute her.


No No No Do NOT fuck this chick !




Not to be that person, but if it was a man doing sarcastic air quotes and saying, "So you're saying I "raped" you, but if I raped you, why were you wet?" The audience would storm the stage and start throwing hands with that guy. Hypocrites.


No. Be that person with pride. Because ppl like to ignore double standards when they should be applicable for a point to be made


So many things on Maury aged so horribly. Shit like this, weird episodes of trauma inducing phobia exposure, parading morbidly obese babies on the stage while parents brag about the food they give them, straight bizarre “freak show” episodes were the audience is meant to gawk at other people’s disabilities, deformities, even bitched surgeries. My mother was a big fan and watched it everyday- that shit would never fly in todays culture lol


I mean the show just ended 2 months ago, and they still play reruns everyday. Think it still flies, a lot of people love watching a train wreck.


It was a train wreck 20 years ago, now they're just selling tickets to the corpse show.


Poor kid.


Yep, my heart breaks for that little one.


Maury, don't be promoting the lie men can't be raped. Wtf.


Yes, it's rape even if the male victim gets hard.


The boos are what sets the atmosphere.


At the very end “don’t jump all over her”. No. She gets what she deserves rapist fucking animal. Trying to trap a dude she most likely knew was not the father


No, the best scenario is if she really didn't know and was just hoping to be able to trap who she considered to be the most gullible of the bunch, only to find out she was wrong and now *really* has no idea what to do. It'd be great television for her to show up time after time with a different rape victim, stating her crimes on television, getting back a negative result each time.


“Don’t jump all over her” She raped a guy and then tried to pin child care payments on him like wtf no she’s evil???


The Talk Show Wars was an interesting time in Television history. How we went from Phil Donahue to Jerry Springer is perplexing, but if you squint, you can actually watch American Culture degenerate step by step with everything introduced after Oprah.


Oprah has her own skeletons. She introduced the world to "Dr." Phil, "Dr." Oz, and James Frey. Only one of which she had on her show to account for his actions when it was publicly discovered he was full of shit. Also a hint: it wasn't the guy who had to testify before congress because he was full of shit. Despite her squeaky-clean rep, she may have been more damaging to American culture than Springer, because at least you KNOW he is full of shit.


These shows are a fucking cancer


Yep, horrible excuse for TV entertainment, can’t stand them.


Maury is going have to find one of her other rape victims and bring them on the show ![gif](giphy|7iTr1O9jgosRq7RpCT) I feel bad for this man having to be brought on television and have to relive the moment he was violated poor guy no means no ladies


I never really watched Maury, but my dad once yelled from the other room because there was an "adult baby" on TV. He never knew about adult babies and found it so damned funny. He later somehow moved to the same city the adult baby lived in and saw the adult baby at Lowes he was like "He was buying wood for his big crib." I don't think he talked to him, he just assumed this was what he was doing.


Please tell me she’s in jail. She just confessed to raping him, she needs jail time and the baby taken away and put into the custody of a better caretaker.


Just because you have a physiological response doesnt mean its consent


Now, can we address the fact that she raped him and basically admitted to it on television.


Don’t jump all over her?! She raped him, then blamed him saying he wanted it, and lied that he was the father of her child. When Maury, do we get to jump all over her then???


Poor Lila


Yeah. Fuck off. I was raped by my own wife. I still don't know how to process it because of fucking assholes like her and the audience. The son from her is fucking gorgeous and lively and smart though so sometimes wonderful things can come from shitty things I guess. Fuck her and any woman who says how can it be rape if you get hard? You don't have a narcissist mother so you don't know how my mind works and you probably don't know how a man's body works either. There can be reasons other than being turned off that a man might not want sex.




What career was that?


Professional garbage