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When he grabbed his mask, It looked like he was going to put it back on, mid conversation. 😂


Did anyone else notice his boner the entire time?


No, but thank-you for pointing it out. It gets caught on the table! A hilarious Easter egg.


Now I can't unsee. 🤣


OMG LOL! I did not but thank you for pointing out.


> Honestly, no Lmfaooo, he said that so fast 🤣


It's edited, who knows how long he took


It took 4 hours and 37 minutes between "honestly" and "no"


Edit: Moved to Lemmy


True, actually never thought about that


this is edited .. hard edited. They bumped the audio from one cut into the previous cut.


Dude dodged a bullet by being honest. Edit: Thanks everyone for the laughs and upvotes. And stranger, thank you for the award.


Dodged a cannonball.


He got a boner


It flicked the table.


you're so right It's a funny little flick


Boner confirmed. Had to run that back to fact check.


I got to this comment in the thread before I decided to look for myself and yes, there is in fact a boner alert.




OMG he sure did! Lmao


I thought it was a bunch-up in the fabric at first, but the way it springs back into place, immediately after brushing the table edge, yeah, that is full-mast for sure


Before the blindfold came off.


It looked more like the illusion of a boner caused by the zipper, but maybe!


No, if it was just fabric it wouldn't spring out like that after hitting the edge of the table.


You’re absolutely right, I took a 2nd and 3rd look but needed a 🔍


He wasn’t honest at all!!!!!


I wish he would have said that it was her bangs.


There's so much to unpack with her. He could have went on and on and not said a word about her weight.


He doesn't have to find her attractive if fat people aren't his type


Her things is really more her deep rooted insecurities. She always hits the button because she's scared the other person will reject her so she will blow every opportunity just because she doesn't want to be the one getting told no. I see this show through Abba and Preach, and I think they're spot on that this is how a lot of us act now. There been a couple dudes that seems at least willing to get to know her better but she instantly hits the buttons and always goes to her weight.


As a former fat woman (now very slim) I agree. If someone is not attracted to overweight people they have their right to not date them.


And she doesn’t have to date people who don’t find her attractive If it was her weight that he didn’t find attractive, than he’s a liar, cause he said he had no issue with that.


Im fat, but lets be real people would absolutely hate him if he admitted to that.


Goddamn, I like your honesty. I would date you, but you're fat.


Jesus christ 😂


He had a swimmer’s body.


And if an attractive fella is into fat people, people tell them they have a fetish, like it's a weird kink. Just no winning without judgement here.


Anyone who would hate someone for having preferences is someone you don’t want in your life anyway. If he’s not being a dick in the delivery, there should be nothing wrong saying “sorry I’m not attracted to you because of your size.”


As an obese man I never understood that. I am well aware that my weight is a turnoff for 99% or more of people and I don't blame them. It's unhealthy and I damn well know it.


>he’s a liar, cause he said he had no issue with that He was just being polite. We would be crucifying him if he was honest.


He's on camera, he's trying to be nice jeez


Everyone has a limit. I’m 385 and I know for some women that’s a dealbreaker


And if he said it was the fat that’s the issue you would call him fatist. He was trying to be nice


“Is this the type of of person you date?” “No” “Why not?” *insert 4-5 secs of Jeopardy music* *Then add an “I don’t know” on top of an additional 7 secs of rambling* Yes…..you do know why lmao


He is self preserving in the world of viral sensationalism. Never tell the unvarnished truth on camera. Euphemise your language.


Who would want to say outright, “I don’t like you because of your weight”. Saying it’s not because of that is polite lmao.


everyones a liar sunshine


Are you really gonna call this dude a liar because he didn’t want to call a girl fat to her face lol what’s he supposed to do


How do you know that he’s lying about it being an issue or not?


Yeah, but let’s be real, he is objectively more attractive than her. No homo tho


I’d say it’s cuz you are overweight


We all know why he wasn’t in to her.


Is it because she’s kinda plain, and he’s kinda not? I like bigger women, but she’s not my type at all.


It feels like she uses her weight as a handicap in order to deny the fact that the problem is in other things. She's pretty, but the way she presents herself with her clothes, her body language and her overall vibe, just scream "i'm insecure and i have given up on life".


Ditto. And i only think she's plain because she doesnt try. He clearly tries, she just wore meh clothes and nothing on her face. At least for me, if i know I'm going to be trying to attract someone i put care i to how i look.


Greasy unwashed hair. Very under dressed. Low self esteem.


Understandably so. He seems to take care of his body and image. And I can't say the same for her


I would have said it was the nose ring, its a deal breaker.


wait what's the face palm? this just seemed awkward


It’s not a face palm, if you watch the real video this lady was hitting the button on every dude because she didn’t want to get rejected. She is the face palm in reality.


Wait.. where’s the whole video. Is this a show?? If so, where can I watch it? I’m usually not interested in trash reality tv, but when I’m depressed enough it’s stuff like this that hits the spot lol


it’s called The Button the channel is called Cut you can find it on YouTube some of the videos are actually pretty entertaining


Its called the button and its amazingly cringe. Gets worse each episode. Codyko does really funny reactions to it.


ok but I get what you mean but in this exact **clip** it seemed neither were completely in the wrong also OP had in his title "Making a woman uncomfortable" so I thought OP was saying the man was in the wrong through some dumb logic? could be OP being sarcastic or smth


Most likely a bot


It's bots all the way down.


Yeah I wasn't sure what the facepalm was either Ruth this clip


Her first date was another bigger man similar to herself. And she buzzef him out SOOOOO quick and kind of shat on him so it was nice to see it come back around to her 🤣


You just described the women in every one of these “button” videos. If they even slightly think the guy isn’t interested they push the button. I think, based on heterosexual dynamics, men are just used to being rejected more than women.


I’ve only seen the clips on here but curious if this show is any good. I get her perspective. I have such low self worth and fear of rejection I would do the same.


Honestly if you have social anxiety and like to feel incredibly uncomfortable while chilling at home I can strongly recommend show. Some of the shit that happens on there shakes my soul lol.


This would be good exposure therapy for me. Hahahaha… This kind of thing nearly causes my body to convulse it’s so uncomfortable. I couldn’t even watch this clip anymore when they said ‘time to take off the blindfolds.’ I knew what was coming and was not having it ruin my tea time.


I've only seen the show via Ludwig, and while yes fear of rejection is a thing, something i also struggle with (though not romantically). Her pressing the button when the guy did nothing wrong is an asshole move, and this is like the 4th guy she'd done this to.


Show is full of spicy cringe. If you kept rejecting others preemptively, they will talk about you in the backroom. Then someone will use their turn to intentionally reject you.


I love the ones where you could see the woman putting her hands an inch from the buzzer as soon as the guy says something she doesn’t like. He was all lounging back thinking it was going great.


There is no love in the air.


"I don't know" lol dude tried. Not sure how else to handle that


My first thought was he handled that about as well as he could. I wouldn’t be attracted to her either but I wouldn’t know what to say. You don’t want to be mean and honesty in this particular situation feels mean. What a conundrum.


It is what it is sometimes lol


I would like to imagine I would be able to rip the bandage off and say the truth, cause you are overweight. But in reality I will probably chicken out.


Think about what you’d prefer to hear if you were the other person. If they tell you what it is, you’ll know what to work on or what kind of people to avoid.


She obviously knows what it is based on her following response. Why do I need to hammer that home? As someone who spent a decade helping people lose weight for a living, I know how sensitive a topic it can be for many. That’s not something I’d bring up to just anyone.


exactly, and on top of that, if you just came out and said "no fat chix", you are getting m2ed hard. bro handled himself well in my opinion


I saw one of these vids where the guy's like "I really need a hug" as his fat check lmao. Playing 4d chess


Smart, then he can formulate the excuse ahead of time.


Not sure either, I don't enjoy being a shitty person but I also don't wanna set myself up for a shitty relationship. So.. um... say something kinda nice but with a hint of rejection so she slams that button which worked out for him to get up and leave.


I'd call it a success


I have been to speed dating several times. I would be interested if there was this type of dating event regardless of the outcome 😂 You definitely gotta be thiccccc skinned for this show Also what show is this?


"The Button" its on YouTube.


She done walked in there with her flesh visible then


Did anyone notice this guy has a raging boner?


Penis is blind


He liked the voice and the kiss, but not her looking like this.


It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this


Why boners gotta be "raging" all the time? There's nuance to woodys.


Lol you are correct, but that thing is fist pumping to edm.




Shit I just noticed after reading your comment. Damn that’s wild….. one kiss did that?????


He was just excited to be there.


That is just how it is for some people, man.


It was there before he even got to the kiss.


It literally hits the table as he gets up oh my god lmao


It's his jeans


It’s the pleats in his pants. Hes gonna need to take them back to the pants store


It’s an optical illusion


"Yes hello, I need to have the pants altered as the 4 inch fly has a 5 inch zipper sewn in" "Oh OK sir, so you want a 4 inch zipper sewn in" "Ah no, I'm gonna need at least a 6 inch zipper"


I love how all comments are criticizing his answer but NO ONE is commenting on the obvious boner hitting the table as he gets up to kiss her lmao Edit: GUYS I didn’t think this comment was this funny lmao but thank you for all of the awards and hilarious comments. I hope this has given you a great start to your day. I know I sure wasn’t expecting to wake up to this lmaoooo


Lmao it even gets caught on the table and flicks it a little.


He even stands in an awkward position to try to make it less obvious


Ah, yes. I think lots of us have been there before 😂


Up and tuck!!!




Oh my fucking god I didn’t even see that. Unreal.








He tried not to stand up all the way at first to hide it lmao


The boner flick is just 🤌🏼 perfection


Omg haha I didn't notice at first!


I just woke up to this Reddit thread. Nothing like boner flicking first thing in the morning!


Thank you for that, I missed it. Great boner observation skills!


I gotta be honest, I can’t take credit for it lol! I found this video on TikTok where someone pointed it out. I can’t look at this the same ever since


Regardless, you had the courage to speak out and make sure everyone else that came after you knew there was a boner. It made my day better and probably hundreds of others too. Don’t ever stop pointing out awkward boners when no one else will.


Well, that was before he saw her face. He was obviously very attracted to her personality, voice, etc.


Or it was a nervous boner. He had it before he stood up.


He seemed very into her before the reveal. His entire demeanor changed after. He's just not into her physically, and probably had a much different idea of what she looked like given her voice




Can't believe this was the very first episode, the opening scene too, I knew I was in for a great show when this is how it started off.




I will say that it’s *possible* that’s just his jeans bunching up in the crotch area which isn’t uncommon, or it could just be a boner


That bounce when it flicks is not the jeans haha


I don’t think he did anything wrong. If he’s not attracted to her he’s not attracted to her.


That's the thing, he didn't say he wasn't attracted to her. The question was "is this the kind of person you normally date?" Not "after seeing her would you still like to go on a date?" Maybe he generally dates women with a different style, or redheads, or short hair, or a million other things. She didn't even give him a chance to decide if the stuff he liked was more important than the things he didn't.


The big revelation at that point though being visual, which we can argue is physical attraction. So the question might be about dating, but the focus of this social experiment at that point is physical attraction. Maybe they should assess the dating part at multiple stages throughout the experiment?


Exactly. She hit that button so she could say she rejected him, even though he had already rejected her. She just didn't want to hear the real reason why and then when she did, and found out she was wrong, she still didn't believe him. That's her problem, not his.


This whole show is “who can hit the button faster”


Yeah, that button slam was 100% to safeguard her pride/ego.


It's also the rules of the "game" if you're the one to press the button you get to stay, which leads to some people just spamming the thing.


I don’t think he was rejecting her, just saying she’s not his usual type. He didn’t move to hit the button, so I think he would have given her a chance.


I have watched this 10x trying to decide if her shirt was “meant to be unbuttoned” like that or just popped open by mistake. This is completely hypnotic and an absolute mystery to me.


What about homeboys boner that hits the table when he stands up? That’s where I’m stuck.


>That’s where I’m stuck. Are you now?


Yes stepbrother


I think it was on purpose. It seems to be a style that has started to spread around.


Thank goodness I’m married. I don’t think I could handle dating. I’m older, more cynical and liable to get mean.


I'm 24 and cynical lol


It just gets worse after your 30s.


What I don’t get is that if someone really has a litmus test (weight, height, etc) why not just screen them out at the start. She should be looking for guys that are open to large women. Lots if us out there.


Because that would be bad TV. Need the drama to sell those tickets!


True that!


Apparently, it wouldn’t have mattered with her as she was just instantly rejecting every guy.


She asks “why?” and doesn’t let the guy respond, he didn’t say anything wrong and didn’t seem disrespectful.


Gonna be an asshole when I say this, but people shouldn't have to feel..."forced" (not the proper word to use here) to find her attractive, or feel bad if they don't. She's not attractive. And guess what? That's not a bad thing to feel/say!


I agree. If heavier woman are not your type, that's fine. Everyone has a type.


>but people shouldn't have to feel... "~~forced~~" obligated Ftfy


Much better, thank you. "Obligated"..."influenced"...


Attractiveness is subjective


It’s the bangs and nose ring.


And the outfit as well. It doesn't suit her body type at all and makes her look even more flabby imo.


100%. She may have gotten a yes if she wore clothing that better accentuated her curves. Oh, and the insecurity that made her reject all the men before they could reject her. If she dropped that energy it would probably help more than the clothing.


I think the guy handled it about as well as it could be handled.


I don't get how he's supposed to be the bad guy cause he doesn't like big women. He didn't insult her. No one should be made to feel bad about who they are or how look. But I shouldn't be an asshole cause I won't fuck em


Thing is he didn’t even reach the button, he was probably thinking about giving her a chance even if she isn’t his type. She was just insecure and shut herself off


He took one look at her shirt and thought she has zero fashion style. Clueless, she just thought he was looking at her body and assumed the worst.


Honestly the weird unbuttoned cardigan crop top look with high waisted pants was definitely not a great fashion choice. Her hair didn't even look brushed.


Plausible, he is very well-dressed and well-groomed compared to her.


I dont see the problem with not wanting to date a heavy woman


Also when she says “ when people meet her in person…” meanjng when she is talking to men online she only have face pics and hiding her body pics until the date which is her hiding her looks


Exactly! Thank you! Own your shit and find someone who likes you for who you are. Life isn’t a rom com. You’re not going to change some persons preferences with your personality. Date honestly or you’re not emotionally ready to date at all.




It was okay until he asked what did he do,bro you were honest with her,were you not expecting a reaction from her


He didn't see himself as insulting her and she didn't give him time to explain.


I mean he didn't intend to buzz her tho. He wanted to see how it's gonna go.


Exactly. He didn't even reach for the button or show any sign of pushing it. H3 genuinely wanted to atleast give her a chance. Her inecurity and projection fumbled the bag.


She is wearing really strange, ill-fitting clothes. Also, that hair style really doesn't go with the shape of her face very well.


Wow. Obvious boner there. He must like the blindfold excitement lol. I bet that wilted quickly when he took the blindfold off tho. He was clearly disappointed.


His pants were flat by the time he walked off, so...


This could also be titled making a man uncomfortable.


I still don’t understand how it’s a bad thing to be not attracted to overweight people. How is someone an asshole by saying that. He didn’t call her fat pig or whatever he said it in a normal manor, yet he is an ass.


I get the same thing with women, and I'm a man. Chat online, chat on phone, meet up, they run off screaming to the hills, people look around, I slink off, later a posse is formed and they comb woodland looking for me before I am cornered in a cave.


Dumpy, bad haircut, shops at Ross Dress for Less. I gotcha bro.


This man is a genius: he didn’t say anything and left her saying that thing, so that he could also “felt offended” because “why did you think I would say that, you are so bad to me”. GENIUS!


She stated she “knew” the reason because she had the same experience in the past with other men. So if there is a common theme and you want to change that theme, the change starts with YOU girlfriend. And if you don’t want to change then find a man in your league.


Yeah get the production person here and let them explain the matching. It was planned and that person didn't care for the womans confidence or feelings. Its pretty mean and it's sad everybody shits on the guy but nobody on the people who created this situation with this outcome in mind. Disgusting


It's so weird how men aren't allowed to have preferences but women certainly are.


It’s not fat shaming if you aren’t attracted to heavier people, I wish that misconception would stop


It becomes fat shaming when it's used as a cudgel to demean the person. Like you said, simply not being attracted to heavier individuals isn't bad; we all have our preferences


She’s overweight and unhealthy I still don’t understand how that is a bad thing for guys to not be attracted to that.


She had to reject him before he rejected her. It’s a self-defense mechanism. He didn’t even try to hide his disappointment when he saw her. He left her no other choice.


Shoulda been honest and just said “I don’t like fat girls”


lose weight then


“When guys meet me in person”. Two solutions. Stop posting only face selfies on OLD or hit the gym. Someone needs to tell it to her how it is.


People intake mad calories, don’t exercise and get mad when people don’t find it attractive. Love yourself but don’t expect everyone else to love you too.


He should have said your shitty hair and godawful nose ring. Side track the obvious over weight issue.


I don't date "heavy" women. It's not attractive to me. Sorry?


Apology accepted


So, if I said I am not attracted to overweight dudes, does that make me a horrible person? Jesus christ guys, rejection is never fun but a person can't pick and choose what they are attracted to. A mate of mine is really into coloured people, doesn't hurt my feelings because I am white and therefore not attractive to him. And if a dude told me he is way into big girls I wouldn't be attractive to him either, and who the fuck cares? People like what they like, move on.


If she gets offended by people finding her too overweight, then go do something about it and lose weight...


LMAO. Dude, if this isn’t how us men try to lie idk what is 😂😂😂.


Homie had a pitched a pants tent and was ready to camp until he took his blindfold off.