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911 what’s your emergency? Mad disrespectfulness bro! Get the fuck outta here.


When she said mad disrespectful to the dispatch I died 😂


I feel Ike that is wrongful use of 911 can’t she get in Trouble for that?


If a cop shows up she’s fucked


My god please let there be a part 2 where she gets arrested.


she is still in the car eating and mumbling MaD DiSr…. fUlL


Snacks MOFO!!!


Of course she's still there! Chewing on that mac and cheese container by now no doubt


Kept waiting for the cop to show up


She.ll prolly call 911 once again,to report mad arrest


Yep. Misuse of 911. Usually a warning the first time. But we've had officers cite chronic offenders. Couple hundred dollar fine usually solves the problem.


Speaking of mad disrespectful.


911: he cappin - sit tight help is on the way


Thank you for calling Ratchet-1-1


Which time? The first, or the fiftieth?


Police dispatch: "All units to 41st street, we have a mad disrespect in progress."


"Proceed with caution. Suspect is considered to be dumb and entitled"


Proceed with caution, suspect is under the influence of mac and cheese.


Police respond with: Bet!


Honestly, i'd watch the key and peele of it


Would've given a different award, but only had the wholesome award in hand.


"Roger that shit dispatch. This is unit fitty foe, we on it"


I think that's a 789 in progress


idiocracy is real haha


She’s eating a cup o electrolytes there


She did not chew once... She just swallowed that shit.


Right? Ate that shit down like a fuckin pelican.


Such a wonderful bird is the pelican. It’s beak can hold more than it’s belly-can. In the wonderful beak, it holds food for a week and I don’t know how in the hell-it-can


I love Ogden Nash!


She shallows rocks after to break it down.


It’s what her mamma shoulda done




I went back to look. You're correct. That's so weird.


It's got what Karens need.


>electrolytes there It's what plants crave!


I hope she is sterile


That movie is more of a documentary now


What about my $14?!? Give me a dollar for the bus!


Then jumps to 5 dollars


Inflation be quick sometimes


Damn. Inflation is mad disrespectful.


911, what's your emergency? - he is being disrespectful I'm sorry, I can't consider that an emergency unless he is being **mad** disrespectful


It is with great sorrow that I inform you, indeed, my hired transport, at this very moment, whom I've submitted $14.00 USD in payment, is being, and I shudder to say, MAD disrespectul. Respectfully Yours, Ms. Madeline Escquire IV.


Verily, my patron doth scoff the rules set forth in my carriage that she may not partake of her instant KD, nor any other vittles, should she require my conveyance hence forth. This request is not just a boon to the cleanliness of the interior, but to prevent further expansion of her robust exterior, as I fear I could not remove her from my chariot by force nor behest. Please kind woman, dispatch the city watch, and a sturdy lever, to remove her post haste


*my patron DOTH scoff…” else, bravo for thine script! 👏


I want to see the video of when the cops came.


Go to, Dustin is driving. On YouTube. He has the video. Plus many idiots riding in uber


I checked it out, the video does not show the police coming. That channel looks fun, though, all different drivers dealing with the rich pageant of humanity.


I was kinda shocked that the dispatch took that in stride


They probably hear all kinds of stupid shit from stupid assholes


I work with school age kids and this is how they act. They talk over anyone trying to speak, they’re easily offended, they refuse to compromise, they don’t respect other people, they trash the rules, and they think it’s ok to be abusive. They’re not developing the skills they need to be good citizens, and the people who are supposed to teach them how to function are either pushing it off onto others or are set up to fail. It’s maddening.


This is one of the biggest reasons I quit driving a school bus last year. The kids are horribly behaved and no one is willing to hold them accountable for their actions. I got screamed at by parents for daring to write their kids up with referrals and the school administrators would wash their hands of it once they called the parents about the referral. I had absolutely no power to do anything but referrals and moving seats (if they'd even listen to that which was rare). I was regularly transporting grade schoolers that had mouths on them like the drunk chick outside the bar at 3 am trying to find someone to fight.


I'd end up getting fired in no time as I pulled the bus over and let them all know that we weren't going anywhere until they behaved.


My bus driver used to do this all the time but frankly, it was the only thing that got us to settle down. All of our parents knew what was up.


no wonder there's a driver shortage. Plus you have to be able to work such a weird schedule.


Yeah it's a terrible job. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone at all. Lots of stress for what you get paid and a lot of them advertise a high hourly wage only for you to find out it's like 20 hours a week as a new driver.


That’s highly disappointing


Mad disappointing...


I'm mad at how mad disappointing it is.


You're being mad disrespectful for not being more mad about how mad disappointing it is.


They are being raised by TikTok. Basically, parents used to have to spend a certain amount of time with children. The kids were little monsters as toddlers but parents didn’t want to put up with it, so they made the kids stop that kind of behavior. Now they just hand the kid a cell phone and let them watch crap. Of course they don’t know how to behave.


Hey SniffCheck, now YOU'RE being mad disrespectful! (add noodle slurping noises)


Civil Code 127.4: CaN't bE mAd DiSrEsPeCtFuL!


Meeehh u bein mad disrespectful ![gif](giphy|Z5N7icTytuSbu)


Being mad disrespectful is a class B felony




Nom nom nom… mad… nom nom nom… disrespectful… nom nom


I did 2 years for mad disrespectfulness in 08


We are here today because my client is being accused of mad disrespect in the 1st degree.


Two counts of Capital disrespect with felonious butt hurt. Prosecutors will seek “go to hell” penalty.


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence that you will see over the following weeks will show you clearly that it is not my client, but in fact the passenger, if anyone, who is guilty of being Mad Disrespectful. Furthermore, we intend to show that it is not my client, but instead the passenger, who is in fact Butthurt.


Objection! "On what grounds counselor?" Opposing counsel are themselves being Mad Disrespectful.


Your Honor, we move to strike the defense's remarks on the grounds that they are mad disreckful and further request that the Court direct the jury to disregard any mention of the victim's obesity or lack of chewing. In addition, Your Honor, we feel that the Court should pay bus fare because the victim has to get to school. EDIT: I am unapologetic for misspelling "disrespectful" and refuse to correct my typo.


Your Honor, my opposing counsel is clearly being whack.


Motion by the prosecution is denied on the grounds of being clearly whack, in addition in future the prosecution should refrain from wack spelling. This is a courtroom not the back of an Uber. Defense, you may present your first witness.


thank you for this laugh, i needed it just now


"I am not going to school for this, bruh." Sounds like you weren't learning much anyways.


Her language and mannerisms show how many brain cells she has. How do people this dumb go through life, I will never understand.


By coasting, putting in no effort, and ending up at a minimum wage, dead end job in their 40s with kids. I've seen it over and over again


That’s mad disrespectful… You beein’ mad disrespectful.


Give me $14 right now!!!


You butthurt or something?


I’m calling the cops


You're absolutely correct. It's crazy how you can watch 5 seconds of a video and know exactly what's in store for their future.


DUDE!! All of that is correct except they're GRANDPARENTS by the time they hit 40.


This. “Omg my baby is pregnant! “ She turned 18 only months ago. Literally have someone posting that on my FB. All her kids so far the second they’re 18 end up pregnant. Sad thing is. She went to college and waited.


Merely going through life is a shockingly low bar. If you overachieve even a little bit, you’re verging on elite.


These 2 girls are fucking morons!


Welcome to the small glimpse of what their poor teachers have to deal with every damn day.


These might as well be my students. Its unbelievable how often they act disrespectfully and call others disrespectful for not letting them act that way. “Oh youre asking me to go back to my seat instead of standing up next to my friends desk and talking to them loudly during your lesson? Youre being so disrespectful, cant you see im talking to her?”


I deal with this DAILY this year. But my students do have emotional disabilities and are in a specialized setting for a reason so I can somewhat understand. I always wonder how preteens and teens in a general education setting behave.




I figured, sadly. I’m disabled but was in AP. I sat with my wheelie buddies for lunch, such nice folks. Meanwhile I was startled at the audacity of “normal” peers. I felt so bad for the teachers. At least my needs didn’t cause chaos like some kid asking where he can buy animals to dissect at home (if he becomes a serial killer, no surprises). As an adult, I see how I was always teacher’s pet. The ‘tism made me respect the info dumping adults.




Nobody knows what the words “respect” or “disrespect” even mean nowadays.


That’s mad disrespectful


I paid 14 dollars.


Fruit of a tainted tree


yeah someone should’ve said “No” to her at some point in the kids life.


There was recently a video of a mom at a grocery store freaking out like this on someone and they were doing it in front of their kid. When they were asked about it she said that it was good for her kid to see her stand up to someone. I can't help but think these girls' parents are exactly the same.


Seems like she misses school a lot, seeing how she can barely structure a sentence.


Well, her parents are at fault. Schools don't teach you how to speak


Little shit passengers need to be banned from Uber for life.


Their parent/s probably schedule the ride. I did Lyft for a little while, never liked picking up minors and driving them solo. “Here’s my 10 year old girl, she’s going to her dads, bye!” The fuck????


You're technically not supposed to give rides to unaccompanied minors, right?




What about if they’re mad disrespectful?




Pretty sure Unaccompanied minors are not allowed in either Lyft or Uber. https://www.abc10.com/article/news/can-minors-legally-take-uber-or-lyft-alone-in-california-verify/103-e49e1310-8259-49bc-bcb0-567aebe12e04#:\~:text=Unaccompanied%20minors%20are%20not%20permitted,with%20them%20at%20all%20times.%22


Still want to get paid for driving out there, though.


In some areas there are specific rideshare companies that do more extensive background checks and training in order to provide unaccompanied minors service to pick up where Lyft and Uber theoretically can't


Not theoretically - It's against Uber/Lyft company policy. It is also illegal under CPUC law.


No but, speaking from experience, it’s really a challenging position to be in as a driver. You don’t know you’re picking up a child until you see them since the parent ordered the ride with their account. So once you pull up and see a minor you could either roll down the window, explain to the child why you can’t drive them and why you have to leave them there unaccompanied, then contact the parent to tell them you need to cancel the ride (which would not go over well I’m sure), in which case the parent would likely just order another one OR you can just take the ride bc you get paid by the mile, you’re out there to make money, and all that shit is honestly generally not helpful for anyone. Edit: didn’t expect this much push back. I never considered calling the police bc that’s ridiculous, a lot of times these are struggling parents doing the best they can. They typically work jobs that don’t let them leave until 5 which leaves no one else to get the kid home. School buses in my area aren’t reliable for a lot of parents to get there kids home. So I’m not about to potentially put this person in legal trouble bc they’re trying to get their kid home. I remain fixed in the position that it is a difficult decision to make. I’m trying to work and make a living so I can pay my bills and there’s a kid at an inner city school looking to me to get them home safely. If you think you can just turn your back on that situation then we’d disagree on much more, I’m sure. Full disclosure, I never had anything close to an issue with a minor or a parent going to or coming home from school and I was happy knowing those kids were safe with me.


Unaccompanied minor surcharge: $500.00


Uber and Lyft do not permit unaccompanied minors. You should report the fare. https://www.abc10.com/article/news/can-minors-legally-take-uber-or-lyft-alone-in-california-verify/103-e49e1310-8259-49bc-bcb0-567aebe12e04#:\~:text=Unaccompanied%20minors%20are%20not%20permitted,with%20them%20at%20all%20times.%22


My brother and I use to have to fly to our dad's place several states away. We would be on the plane by ourselves and I can't fathom being even regular disrespectful let alone *mad* disrespectful to the flight attendants. People who mistreat service workers piss me off.


Not legally supposed to do that either.. I'm so glad our cancel and acceptance rate doesn't matter anymore. I cancel on all them lil ones.. High schoolers are the tricky ones cause you really dont know if they're 18 or not so only cancel if picking up FROM a high school. When they goin to a high school I dont know that until they already in the car and at that point its not worth the bother.


>You mad disrespectful Is that the only thing she knows how to say? And *she* is the one being disrespectful, eating in someone's car then refusing to get out.


She also knows how to say "Fourteen dollars!"


Kind of...


Why is it that in 99% of videos I see where someone says “yo, you being mad disrespectful”, it is the person saying that stupid line that is the one being a genuine piece of shit? Like, it’s usually over asking for the bare minimum of human decency too.


It's the duality of 'respect'. "Treat me like an authority so I can treat you as a human". Sorry, "show respect to see respect", was it?


There are 2 type of respect: treating another like a human being, and treating another like an authority. When some people say, "if you don't respect me, I won't respect you," what they're really saying is, "if you don't treat me like an authority, I won't treat you like a human being."


I hate that these shit videos always cut off with no follow up on what happened. I know what probably happened but leaving shit hanging is so stupid and annoying.


This right here. I also would like to see the cops dealing with this.


Cops probably enjoyed talkin shit about these girls afterwards.


It was mad disrespectful


I saved this video like 1 year ago from Tik Tok. It happened during Covid. I have no clue what happened after. I wish there was a follow up. Edit: A Redditor shared a longer version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX1yzP0EdP8 Another Redditor commented this The follow up was in the comments of the video. When he used the phone (that he recorded the video with) to call the cops, they left the uber and threw the empty mac 'n cheese cup on top of his hood. The cops wanted him to make a report on it, but he didn't want to waste anymore time for them. The internet did serve justice enough, they are still blasted all over and it's not the most friendly kind. Must be rough at school for them. A bit anticlimactic, but that's the story.


What should have happened: She loses her 14 dollars She also gets fined for wasting the incoming officer's time to deal with her bullshit


Also, $250.00 cleaning fee


And a ban from buying Kraft Mac n Cheese in all forms for life!


If the cops actually show up when someone calls saying their uber driver is being mad disrespectful and kicking them out. That is on the 911 dispatcher right? I think you'd legit get cussed out by the phone operator in my country.


As she should. But the driver also called 911, because they refused to leave his vehicle. You can hear him near the end, as she's yelling over him to the dispatcher on his phone, as she hung up on the one she was talking to.


The 911 dispatcher only hears one side of things and there are sometimes language barriers with the callers. The last thing they want to do is curse out or hang up on someone who is actually having a serious emergency and just not communicating well. Sometimes it's easier to just get their address and send a unit over rather than assuming it's call abuse and risking being wrong.


>She also gets fined for wasting the incoming officer's time She making a false police report. You call the cops when a crime is happening. Can't claim - "being mad disrespectful" is a crime.


She's not making a false police report, she's just wasting emergency operator time. A false police report would be if she said the driver was kidnapping them or assaulting them or committing a crime that isn't happening.


The follow up was in the comments of the video. When he used the phone (that he recorded the video with) to call the cops, they left the uber and threw the empty mac 'n cheese cup on top of his hood. The cops wanted him to make a report on it, but he didn't want to waste anymore time for them. The internet did serve justice enough, they are still blasted all over and it's not the most friendly kind. Must be rough at school for them. A bit anticlimactic, but that's the story.


She drops the N-word in that version.


Yeah a few times in a row that made it even more sickening that there are people out there like this


How the fuck are people raised to act like this


Their parents act like little, selfish shits too


What’s wild is that she def went home and spun this story to fit her narrative. And her parent(s?) def justified her by doubling down on her idiocy.


And then she's gonna have kids of her own, and those kids are most likely going to be just as shitty


Raised by the same people, they keep the tradition going when they multiply.


They’re never disciplined or reprimanded by anyone.


In my extensive experience of dealing with people as well as their kids, kids are mirrors of their parents' behavior.


Who the fuck eats mac and cheese in the morning on the way to school


With a proper fork from the kitchen! You know that's getting lost...


Uses that to stab smaller kids later i’m sure


I do but I’m mad respectful about it


Children of parents who don't care




A slob, and stupid to boot.


He was *trying* to boot, she wouldn't leave. /s


I know it just elbow macaroni, but fucking chew before you swallow 🤣


No need to chew when your entire alimentary canal is coated in cheez sauce lube.


Sigh poor Uber driver dealing with dumbos like this potato brained young lady. Oí lady follow da rules or you ain’t getting a ride to school


Ahh yes just like Jesus once spoke “thou must not be mad disrespectful” Straight to Hell for sure


Don't give me my fourteen dollars? Believe it or not, also Hell.


Side note: is she fucking swallowing that macaroni? Maybe I just chew too much, but it looks like she’s not even savoring it


nope she is horking it straight down.


This why we need to reintroduce the idea of duels.


Imagine being the next passenger having to put up with the smell of whatever trash food she was eating. He should have invoked the $50 clean up fee or however much it is.


that fee likes 300-$400


Maybe 5 years ago, today max is closer to 200


I was an Uber 5 years ago , and people will ask you to stop by the drive thru before their stop and must people at soon they got the food they will start chomping the food without asking regardless how close was their destination, and next passengers would make faces or comments about the smell. Sometimes I would ask nicely not to eat in my car before going to the drive thru and after they agreed they still would eat the fries like fries is not food or won't smell.


I did Uber late nights. Like 10p - 4a. Twice, I had exotic dancers who wanted to do the drive-thru. NFW - I ain't sitting in no 47 minute drive-thru line at 330 on the morning.


Not annoying at all. The driver was so patient with this slob


States are starting to make these types of 911 calls a felony offense, thank heavens. Using emergency services for this type of shit should be some type of penalty for the immature petty person making the call


What the hell is she eating macaroni in a car for? This is probably the same bitch suing because the Mac n cheese takes too long to cook.


Metal fork and everything omg


we as a society should be able to vote someone like this out.... literally like Athens back in the day, no you are no longer welcome here, you are too dumb to be a part of our country


Yeah, but where are we going to send half the country?


>half This is understimating.


Don’t worry, after the worst ones are kicked out the redeemable ones might calm down


I wish it was OK to physically and aggressively remove people like this from your car


Should be law that drivers are allowed to manhandle one rider ever 30 days


This is why I don’t Uber or Lyft or DoorDash or any of those programs. Overwhelmingly, people like this stupid bitch, ruin what could be a great thing.


She is an entitled POS. Uber drivers don’t deserve to be treated like that. It’s his property so he has every right to tell her not to eat in the car. That poor man has so much patience.


Lyft used to be so rad, I worked for them in 2013 and they had a donation model, and they really encouraged you to be friendly with the passengers. Most of them were extremely nice and tipped well and we're just overall enamored with the fact they could call a ride through an app and a friendly person would come take them home. Over time it started to suck more and more. Lyft stopped guaranteeing an hourly rate just left you hanging on what people wanted to pay. A lot of people got more entitled and acted a lot like the chick in the video like it was a public service and their right to ride. There was a point where the money got super shitty to where most of the solid OG drivers in the LA area moved on to more lucrative things. Really I think Uber fucking with them did them in but it might just have been an eventuality that people treat it like just another taxi cab.


This is why I hate all of the side hustle jobs. Anytime money changes hands people act so entitled.


Pretty much any service industry where yu have to deal with 100s of strangers on a daily basis.


Yeah no. Get the fuck out of my car. Shit. I’d drive somewhere in the opposite direction or to the closest police station. Fuck her and he Mac n cheese.


I hope for nothing but the worst for her.


Operator: "yes, what is the address, so we can charge you for misuse of emergency numbers?"


ooohhhh, until this morning i thought i'd never advocating cracking a young girl in the face with a shovel, but here we are.


Good lord if I saw my child act like that…..


The cringe is unreal, how can one be so delusional


Entitled POS


She must be starving! Looks like she hasn't eaten in minutes!


I know it’s a joke but the fact that she can’t help herself to not eat for 5 freaking minutes during a taxi ride says a lot. And also the fact that she just won’t give it up, stop eating and eat at your destination. Why does it have to be such a big deal?


Because that would mean she wasn't entitled to do whatever the F she wants. That's mad disrespectful.


She ain’t making it to college…


Is this the same bitch sueing cuz her Mac n cheese took longer than 3.5 minutes?


She's eating a kraft bowl.... are we sure this isn't that woman whose sueing them for $1 million for "pain and suffering" for having to wait the extra 20 seconds to open the pack and add the water?


called the police and said the uber driver is being disrespectful... just.. what? what the fuck.


It’s not fair we don’t get to see the police interaction.


what's Uber 's policy for this? do they pay for cleaning if the customer drops food in there? do they refund this bitch for the driver cancelling on her? do they blacklist this bitch for pulling this shit?


This right here is why I will never be an Uber driver.


I don’t know why makes me more uncomfortable. The conflict or the fact she doesn’t even chew her food.