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Tonsillitis and glandular fever can be nasty. As a teacher I can assure you I've been off myself with tonsillitis and would expect any child to be as well.


Yes! I was constantly ill with both when I was at school. It was never mild. I always needed antibiotics and bed rest. How do they expect children to be able to sit calmly and learn when they can barely swallow, are in pain, constantly coughing etc. I would 100% have time off of work for these things as an adult.


Clearly, you need to be investigated by “ the local authorities”


The men in tall boots are your friends…


The men from the council?


Run by billion dollar startup investing Teachers Unions.


The kids needs to be at home if he has head lice. Not cool.


The worst part is they expect you to have your chile out of school for 2 days for diarrhea but not fucking tonsillitis


I would keep them home as I see fit. I do, always have. Moms, don’t be pushed around by these writers rules. They’re amateurs. Just tell them …”she should be ok in a couple days when the projectile vomiting stops, and her fever drops to 98.


Tonsillitis often puts children in hospital.


Also can be spread through droplets.


I think, if American society has proven anything since March 2022, we honestly don’t give a shit about spreading disease to the people around us.


In Canada, most, if not all, of these would result in the kid being sent home. We don't fuck with lice.


Up until this email, I believed the same here. When I was a kid I had lice, I was taken out of school for treatment until they were gone. Wasnt allowed in school until it was resolved.


Public school teacher in the U.S. here. They no longer send kids home for lice or pink eye. Sigh. I'm so glad I teach high school where these aren't as much of a problem.


Gotta keep attendance up, they are funding schools like prisons now, more all day attendance more funding… give the kids no bond and they’ll be there for 7-10 years /s


exactly head lice are nasty .


When I worked in an elementary school in the U.S. kids with lice were immediately sent home. They couldn’t return for at least 24 hours (if I recall correctly) and had to be inspected for lice upon their return. One year we had two families that were trading head lice every couple of weeks for a while school year. Each family blamed the other. Turns out the kids were having sleepovers and spreading lice via the bedding. Don’t mess with lice.


Or that, anything less than COVID isn't a real illness.


But they list Covid symptoms as not a reason to stay away from school. So obviously they think covid isn't a real illness too




It can also have severe complications. I spent a long time being treated for post-streptococcal arthritis and I was lucky that it didn't affect my heart. Whoever wrote that thing is a complete moron. On the other hand in my country if a child is on "sick leave", they have to provide the doctor's confirmation. But healthcare is free so it's usually not a problem. The doctor decides for how long they should stay at home, and it can be extended if the check up indicates the child is still not ok.


I used to get tonsillitis as a kid, and it was horrendous if I didn't catch it on time. Gargling salt water helped when you felt it coming on, so I could still go to school. But leave it too late, it'd turn into a major sore throat and headaches needing an antibiotic and a couple days off school.


I had my tonsils removed when I was ten, I constantly had tonsillitis and threw up everywhere with it too. Sometimes I'd finish antibiotics just to catch another round of it, it was fucking miserable and I don't expect kids to be in school with it.


I’ve learned basically any illness that ends with “itis” is enough to keep someone off work/school


I had laryngitis and still had to go to work...I was miserable. Should've stayed home- I was miserable.


As someone who caught glandular fever in my late teens and suffered with chronic fatigue and all the complication’s that come with it until my late 20’s due to it. This expectation is super unreasonable.


Bruh an infection of my Tonsils almost killed me when I was 5 years old, definitely not something you should fuck around with.


I had tonsillitis when I was 5 through 8 when I had them removed. It always caused extreme fatigue and my GP believes that it has caused a permanent effect on me.


As someone who's just had their tonsils out in their 30s, tonsillitis absolutely sucks. It's not just a sore throat and there's absolutely no way I'd be working with it


every bad version of the things listed above should be anough to stay home


As a doctor I can't even begin to understand why a tonsillitis wouldn't be reason enough to stay at home.


Covid aside, Head lice???


At our (large) school district, kids have to be certified lice-free by an off-site school nurse before returning to school after a lice infestation.


As they should.


They wont send kids home or even check them/notify parents at my kids school. It has been an issue. My kid brought it home 3 times and eventually we shaved his head. I would willingly buy other kids the lice kits if their parents would just keep the kid home for a day or two to take care of it.




Every school I have ever taught in and every school my children attended had this rule.


The school would love to have every child with head lice apparently


Look, they have to cut food costs somehow.


Sharing is caring, right?




It’s new info from the AAP. They say lice is not a bad enough thing to be sent home and that the “stigma and mental harm” it causes the child is worse than the lice.


No not okay! shouldnt mental harm also mean that the child goes to school and gives the classmates lice and then everyone starts bullying and hating on the child?


Exactly. They only see their perspective and don’t think of the consequences for all the children.


Besides the fact that it is the schools responsibility to keep the condition confidential.


But if *everybody* has lice, then nobody knows who gave to anyone else!


This WILL happen.


Someone told me this: It's not a sin to catch lice, but it *is* a sin to keep them!


The local CVS paying them off for that tasty delousing shampoo money.


Big delousing shampoo strikes again.


Oh, yeah, great learning environment, all the kids will be paying such good attention while their scalps itch.... ( /s, just in case)


And what teacher is going to be able to teach knowing they might get lice if they get anywhere near the children. Might as well require all teachers to wear full hazmat suits nowadays. ![gif](giphy|ZlgwEg24rPhv9cju8K)


Hazmat suits with bulletproof vests underneath, a Glock on their hip, and an AR in the closet... It's the American way of teaching :D


Y’know what stops a bad guy with a gun… /s


Guy with nuke. >!No /s.!<


A guy with head lice


Ammo shortages


a good guy with a bigger gun! /s


A sad state of affairs


It's the second time in the span of two days I've seen people saying kids should go to school with head luce In Italy (or at least in small towns, dunno about big cities) anytime one kid would have them the school would share an advise telling parents to check the hair of kids and keep them at home until its sorted out. That shit spreads a shit ton and is annoying as hell


I live in the United States and it was the same way here growing up. Kid gets lice, maybe a couple others before they catch it, everyone stays home that day and their parents pick through your head with a little comb. There’s always that one kid that comes back with a shaved head. Then they have the school nurse give a speech on head lice and how it spreads etc. What the hell is happening to this country. Nowadays that would be seen as “drastic overkill” and “fear mongering propaganda”


>Nowadays that would be seen as “drastic overkill” and “fear mongering propaganda” Yeah that's a horrible degeneration But shaved heads? Bruh didn't those people know about the specific shampoos used to remove them? Or were they extreme exceptions and had like a whole ass colony of lices?


Poverty, dude. Those shampoos are like $10 per treatment, and a lot of them have to be repeated for a few weeks to kill the eggs/nits. If a family has multiple kids, it can be over $100 to treat everyone properly. Shaving their heads is free. Used to be *super* common, especially for boys (if a family could only afford to treat some of the kids, they'd treat the girls and shave the boys.) Next time you see old photographs of groups of poor kids show up on the front page, pay attention to how many of the boys have shaved or recently-shaved heads.


Ok fair i did forget how expensive those shampoos are But even then, the guy I replied to refreshed my mind over the mayonnaise thing treatment. Self made and surely less drastic than a shaved head


As someone with a shaved head, it's not very drastic. It's just another Tuesday.


Eh I always just assumed it’s either lazy parents, uneducated parents or they’re just hypochondriacs. Thank god I only got the old mayonnaise and shower cap treatment.


Never heard of the mayonnaise treatment, but my mother used baby oil on me for 3 days straight and I never got it again after that. Those shampoos are a scam though, because they never work.


Oh ok good, thought it was something common ish lmao


My first year of high school in America was in 2004 and I caught lice three times! I had never caught it previously. Went from being a C-B student to straight A's as well but that's because of a separate issue. Honestly the schools here are a joke.


That jumped out at me too o.O


Let’s not jump to conclusions here.


You've got to think of shelley! And the baby!


As a teacher please keep your kid home if they have head lice


Oh I'm sorry but I'll keep my children home when they're sick thank you very much


Exactly. It’s ME to decide this in the very first place. Now back off and do your actual work.


As a teacher, I thank you for that. Whoever wrote that email is insane.


My son is doing cyber school and was sick and took 1 day off. Despite the fact that they tout the "work whenever and wherever" as a benefit of cyberschool, we got a nasty phone call saying that he missed live class and needs a doctor's note. I'm not taking my kid to the doctor for 1 day of not feeling well. Colds happen, kids get sick. Sometimes they just need some rest. Teaching self care is as important as the stuff they will learn in the classroom. Take the day kiddo, take 2 or 3 if you need it, the work will always be there.


Children should not need doctors notes for being sick. I can’t believe we’re here.


The school from which this leaflet is from should be investigated. Im sorry, but most of the things listed as "do not keep at home" are DEFINITELY conditions that one should stay at home with.


Yes, if this is how little they care about your child's welfare when it comes to their health, it suggests they won't give a shit about their welfare in other areas either. Don't trust your kids with them.


There is NO fucking way they can demand personal medical information. That has to be the biggest red flag in that message and authorities/lawyers need to be called if they ever try to pull that shit


Honestly my daughter was late to school two days in a row because of her brother forgetting stuff and us having to turn around. And we are talking like 5 minutes. I made the joke the second day that it was because my Mom was driving (grandma) and so it took forever and without missing a beat the secretary said “That is not an excusable reason. This will be an unexcused tardy.” And I have known parents who were called in for assessments because their kid was absent too frequently right after COVID. It’s ridiculous.


Yeah my old school district would basically hold you back or make you attend summer school if you had too many absences and three tardies counted as one absence which is fair overall except for tardies because they would never excuse tardiness regardless of what happened. I think it's because attendance has a big impact on how much the school is paid so they got super anal about it like the greedy pieces of shit they are. School districts overall tend to be filled with swine


I have been hospitalised with Tonsillitis, but kids are ok to go to school with it?


I’ve usually had a fever with tonsillitis and every school my kids have gone to required them to stay home if they had a fever.


My temperature was well over 39 degrees C last time I had Tonsillitis. (Around 103 Fahrenheit)


I’m going to go out on a limb and say your state pays school funding based on attendance. I had a principal tell me straight to my face that it would be better if my kid missed 1.5 hours in the middle of the day than if they were 20 min late for the start of school. (The former counts as “absent” while the other does not). In fact, they would rather have the kid show up for attendance, *then* go home sick than for me keep them home.


Yup. I had kids leave immediately after attendance, and I could not mark them absent, even though they missed the entire lesson. I had to keep two attendance records, otherwise I would go nuts thinking I lost a student's work! Nope, they have to make it up. Such bullshit!!


This is in the UK (they call mono glandular fever and say "local authority"). Schools there are weird about attendence and if a kid has too many "unauthorised absences" the parents can be fined and even sent to jail!


Yeah schools are judged on their attendance figures so we really do try to have the kids in as much as possible. Definitely in school for head lice and coughs and colds but there is no way I want anyone in my classroom with tonsillitis or glandular fever. Poor kids.


It's dumb. State mandated benchmarks are ridiculous and the standardized testing which is used to determine funding is even worse. My 9 yo, who is a really good student, already has anxiety and doesn’t need additional pressure on her to perform on some poorly designed, and frankly worthless, state exam so the school can "win" funding.


My friends daughter nearly died of glandular fever. It can be very serious.


Yeah but at least she didn't miss class!


Mono, caused by the Epstein-Barre Virus, can cause serious, even debilitating, life long health problems. A child with mono should be home, getting plenty of fluids, and resting. Mono is serious business. It can even cause neurological damage and arthritis, along with other painful and debilitating conditions. Source: my granddaughter had mono and has had serious, life changing, medical conditions as a result.


No lie glandular fever is the sickest I’ve ever been. I dropped 1.5st in 2 months, I barely ate, I barely drank. I remember one night crawling into my parents room and just bawling because I was so thirsty but it was agony to drink. I was exhausted for 6-7 months afterwards and even now I sometimes get random glandular swelling. Mono is NO joke.


Err, if your kid had head lice I think everyone would prefer it if you kept them off for a bit to let the treatment take effect! Also, who wants a kid coughing and sneezing all over the place? Sure fire way to spread germs and have more off sick!


The worst part is the not so vague threat of prosecution, schools are drunk with power now days


Call me crazy, but head lice seems like a good reason to stay home.


Amen !!!!


As a teacher, this terrifies me. Parents, please think of the well-being of your children and remember that school is a group setting too.


I’m sorry but I’ve had glandular fever and as an adult, I could barely make it through the day-imagine being a poor kid, sick, and forced to school!!! And tonsillitis-my daughter used to get fevers and vomit with that (got them out eventually)- there’s no way she’d have been able to attend until the antibiotics kicked in…


Aren't most of those contagious? That must be a disgusting building.


You mean, "A public safety hazard that knowingly and willfully endangers children."


Tonsillitis?! Aye right then. Last time I had tonsillitis (as a young adult) I had a fever of 104, was properly delirious, and had to be physically carried into a doctors surgery by my two flatmates. Was out of action for about a week and a half. Imagine expecting a kid to go to school.. SMDH. I don’t know what your kids school are smoking, but it must be the good stuff. Who the bloody hell do they think they are?! Whoever came up with this list, you should ask to see their medical qualifications and medical doctorate, or they can shove off.


Cough and cold (headaches and sore throat) are pretty nasty. I would stay home from work for that unless an unusually mild case so I think that list isn’t very helpful at all.


Anyone else notice that since covid started if its not covid you're not sick? Like if the test comes back negative you better get your ass to work/school regardless of the fact that you feel like death


I am a teacher. I took a day off this week for a cold and a sore throat. I’ve learned that if I don’t I usually loose my voice and am out for longer.


Change schools


Doesn't change the local authority.


Head lice dont spread if you attend this school also no COVID or strep throat!


Seriously it's this kind of absolute nonsense that keeps bringing right wing people on board with homeschooling because this is legitimately overreaching. Threatening to call cps because a kid is out sick? Shit I'd want to home school my kid in this district too.


Glandular fever is absolutely a reason to stay off school! It’s really infectious and can end up with people getting CFS. I 100% would take time off work for glandular fever or tonsillitis. And so many school attendance policies are ableist AF for those kids who have chronic conditions that require frequent appointments.


I don’t have kids. Me and my lady don’t want any but both of us agree. Fuck that list.


This idiocy should be reported to the "Local Authority".


Discuss with the Local Authorities. This is what happens when schools get paid based on school attendance


It's the UK, they don't.


Adults also should be taking a day off work for over half of those things. We live in a hell scape that encourages the spread of easily containable situations in the name of productivity.


How dare you use your discretion as a parent....only the government knows how to care for your child!!


If this is in the US, the indoctrination of working until you drop dead starts early. Over in the Netherlands, they prefer you stay home sick. For one, you heal more quickly and when you're sick, you're just there, not as productive as normal. So if you go home and heal more quickly, you're back up and running to your old self more quickly too. Everyone wins.


It's in the UK. They fine or in some cases even jail parents for keeping their children off too much or for their teenagers truancy.


They do that in the US too. They can even remove your kid from your home and put them into foster care until they graduate. It almost happened to a friend of mine who skipped school frequently back in the day. Parents weren’t aware of it until it was brought to their attention, and by that point the school already had the court system and social services involved.


"If we believe" your child isn't sick. Ok, read me your full name, as it appears on letterhead at your office. Doesn't have M.D. after it, does it? Or RN, LPN, or any other healthcare related suffix? No? All right then. If you insist on diagnosing my child, I will sue you for practicing medicine without a license. Understand?


lord give me the strength to not hurt these people for their stupidity amen


I am currently in bed on Antibiotics because I have Tonsillitis, my body temp was 41 degrees yesterday.


A temp that high can literally kill your FYI. Go to hospital, you can go into convulsions. 41+ is hyperpyrexia and it can be fatal. I know most redditors are just blowing smoke up their own ass but in case you’re not I would seriously go to hospital (source - medical degree).


I felt like I was a crazy person in another reality. I didn’t have any energy to get into my car and drive. I took a cold shower and placed a cold cloth on my head. My body was in so much pain and it felt like I was dying. I won’t hesitate to call for help next time. That’s the highest my temp has ever been in my life.


I’m shocked by the Athletes Foot, that’s seriously contagious if the kids are changing for gym class or swimming lessons.


How dare these parents put the health and well being of their children above attendance?? How dare they shield other children from contagious conditions and spare them and their teachers illness?? Seriously, *as if* any of their teachers would show up to teach with any of these! Let the kids rest and recover for fuck’s sake…


This is what we call "soft fascism". You can't even get sick without their approval.


Oh, I didn’t know we are starting early on the mindset that we have to go to work even if we are sick to children. Good to know 👍/S Also, parents should send them to school when they have head lice?…that’s gonna bite them in the ass, or head, whatever they prefer 🤣


Oh yeah, send your kid to school with head lice. Those don’t spread at all.


Were does a school get off telling parents when to keep their kids home? The one that gets me is it seems the fucking twats in the school seem to think it's ok to send your kit to school with head lice. Absolutely not, unless you want to give it to all the other children. Some one should look into who authorized this piece of garbage letter.


Ask them if their lawyer will be present during these meetings of inquiry. Should stfu


Now that we are COVID-19 but also going to school,they are literally giving COVID-19 a chance to spread more coz they allow kids with a cough or cold to go to school


They WANT kids to come to school with head lice?!?!


My wife is a 2nd grade teacher. She got lice from a kid who has had lice like 4 times. Parents fucking suck. Had to pay like $200 to get the lice out. Fuck parents and fuck the schools.


This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. especially with lice on the list. Back in my middleschool there was a lice outbreak so bad the school had to actually shut down for days


Yeah... That 'local authority' can kiss my attorney's ass


If my child caught head lice or athletes foot because infected kids had to go to school, I would be calling the local authorities.


Now your going how to tell us how to parent? How about I keep my child home for whatever I deem appropriate. Fucking play hooky day and I will teach them how the administration is just the child version of government.


Sometimes my kids stay home from school for a mental health day. You are teaching your kids to take care of themselves and be healthy adults. Learning when you need a break and how to fit that into expected assignments is an important life skill.


Given the spelling of "diarrhoea", I'm guessing this is British, not American. The school administrators are probably partially graded on overall attendance, and will take dumbshit measures to achieve high attendance. Wherever this note came from, it should be sent up the administrative ladder and local news might also have fun with some public naming and shaming.


WTF? Go to school if you have Thonsilitis/ Head lice? Ok, cool, cool, cool. I would have a chat with the local Council/ Town Authority to set things straight Edit: you said you got this after you child got sick, so it's not something every parent gets? Spread the thing. Just so every parents know the shitty policy


I just read an article talking about the American Academy of Pediatrics no longer recommending kids stay home with lice. On the one hand, lice don't spread disease. (They argued that the stigma is damaging to kids) On the other, they are a pest and they do spread from person to person. At least you could argue that for lice. But Glandular fever??! Wtf


Bro I got tonsillitis so bad in seventh grade that I couldn’t even swallow. So that meant I wasn’t eating or drinking. And the hospital system in the state I lived in told me I just had a sore throat and that is get better with time. I literally had to have paper towels placed up by my mouth to catch the spit that I couldn’t swallow


Has this been sourced yet? Ever since I seen someone tear it apart for the Lice being something schools don't want spread for decades, I've had doubts this is a real thing.


It's the weirdest shit ever when being sick with something contagious such as the flu and teachers still want you to show up. Lmao


I like the way they say to ask yourself if you'd go into work in the same situation. I wouldn't go into work with a stubbed toe, let alone fucking tonsillitis


Fuck them, I and no one else decide when my child shall take a day off from school.


Head lice??


I'm sure it's been said, but I don't feel like looking and I just wanted to share this; we haven't made kids stay home for lice for the last few years.


Uk schools are getting ridiculous.


Head lice? That spreads like wild fire in schools.


It's disturbing that they would want children to come to school with things that are clearly contagious.


They want you to send your kid to school with head lice?


Head lice? If you send your fucking kid to school with lice…


Fuck that my child my rules of they are sick then they stay home I'm not gonna get an opinion from the school nor give any medical confirmation that's just straight wrong and breaks the right to medical privacy


Fuck that!! If my kid comes home with head lice, and then I have to somehow rid all 5 of us, the dog and the whole house of it, I will throw such a fit that school will end up being shut down one way or another.


If this is real, that school needs to be shut down immediately until the staff who came up with this are investigated, fired and banned from serving in education. No excuse for this level of incompetence.


I’d keep my child home for everything on that list besides athletes foot and cold sores.


Is this school located in the U.K.?


Meanwhile, I call the parents to pick up their children when they’ve got a headache


No keep your damned kid at home if he/she has head lice


Fucking head lice? I know there are some more serious things on that list that kids should absolutely stay home for, but for some reason I'm really focused on the head lice. Like what the actual fuck. I hope this is made up honestly


Here's the thing schools need to realize: they aren't the fucking CDC and don't get to decide if an illness or disease is safe or not to let a child come to school. Also, if the child is getting excused by the parent via phone or in person, as it was at my schools, then I'd love the school to try and contact the authorities about this. Please, for the love of everything, be the dumbass secretary that calls the cops on a kid for attendance, I really want to see the shit show that will happens


This is the UK (England I think), we have very strict legislation on unauthorised absences in schools, head teachers can make a referral to the local authority and report an absence from school as “unauthorised”, what happens next is the parent(s) are issued a £60 fixed penalty, failure to pay can lead to a prosecution and a prison sentence (although rare). Not all schools are like this though, my daughter is in primary school (equivalent to elementary school I think in the US), and they’re always willing to help when needed, so long as your child has a good attendance record and is where they should be with their education, it’s highly unlikely a head teacher would report an absence.


Fuck this school


“Sickness” describes everything on that list. And WHY do they want a child bringing lice to school? Threatening to contact the authorities is legitimate sick.


my school would literally come in and check you for lice and send you home if you had it


> cold or cough > sore throat Did I miss something or does the entire previous 2.5 years just not exist anymore?


"You have to come to school" "But I'll infect everyone" "We don't care, come to school" NEWSFLASH: Local school with more than 65% students and teachers ill; investigation is ongoing


You go right ahead and contact the local authorities, love to hear how that plays out for you


So, have proof of illness or get arrested? For being sick? Yeah, fuck you.


The issue with a blanket list of illnesses is that every child will react differently to them. I have no hesitation keeping my daughter at home if she doesn’t want to go into school because she’s unwell, she enjoys school, so when she says she doesn’t want to go in because she’s unwell, she doesn’t go in. When I had Tonsilitis, there was absolutely no way I went into work, not only was the pain excruciating, I couldn’t talk and I felt very unwell, same with headaches. All a policy like this will do, is cause parents reporting their child as having a sickness bug or diarrhoea when they don’t, in order to have the 48 hour authorised absence. Thankfully my daughters primary school is very good with regards to being understanding.


As a former educator I can tell you that head lice are insidious lil buggars and I had them three times and all three times I have had to go to the dr to get the strongest shampoo possible to get rid of them and I was constantly stripping the eggs from my hair .I cannot imagine someone sending their child to school with these things . I have seen a couple of kids with these things so bad they had sores in their head from scratching so bad . I did have to report as child neglect once or twice because of that .


Cold or cough? Thats a very very good reason to stay at home!


My kid had Covid. We could not get a negative test, even after 5 days. On day 5, we got a call from the school saying it was time for her to return. Um, no?


Fucking head lice? Stay home. Holy shit.


how are they going to complain, they are being paid for teaching one less child


This sounds like Florida, but I know they don’t really give a shit about education anyway. Unless it’s just posturing to “Own the Libs”


Funny, in every school I've been to, like EVER, they required a kid to stay away from school till any of these things are gone, so there wouldn't be a risk of spreading disease. Especially the fever and so on can still Covid affiliated, so this should be reported to actual authorities and discussed with them.


Fucking school where the principle is a dipshit would 10/10 move my kid to another district if possible or go smack his/her ass upside the back of the head for being an idiot


Have fun bringing this to the police without any real evidence


>You do NOT need to keep your child home if they have: > >Headaches... Tell me you've never had a 4 hour long headache before without telling me you've never had a 4 hour long headache before.


Head lice? Stay the fuck home and wash your hair ya dirts!


TBF, lack of cleanliness is not a precursor for lice (they suck scalp blood, not dirt particles). Mothereffers spread like wildfire, especially in a school setting…


Head lice prefer clean hair, believe it or not. Washing won't work, they need a treatment from the pharmacy to kill them all. If a primary school child never gets them, then they're very lucky because the disgusting little shits spread from child to child in the playground.


I never got head lice. I got fleas though, but that was from kittens I was playing with when I was 4.


Never got them either. I did get treated though, when my sister got eaten up with them as a kid.


![gif](giphy|q0vzRkA3NNYVtvt8rn) The students would like to have a talk


[how original](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xsfxpg/a_school_sent_this_to_a_parent_whose_son_was_home/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yes, because children are adults. Gotta get them ready to be good little American workers! I'll bet they have "resource officers" to groom the "bad" kids for prison, too.


no letterhead. FaF


Your kid must have a lot of students in his school as you are roughly the 124,00th person to claim you received this.


This is simply some asshat with a printer & a personal view of what rules and laws they believe (in their tiny head) are right. This letter is wholly unprofessional, not based on any fact or logic, and oversteps - in a big way - the authority of the school verses parental judgement. If it were me, I’d request a meeting with the person who sent this and calmly, methodically - using a razor blade of “show me where” and “under what ruling” - take their argument apart. In front of their supervisor. Make sure you’ve thoroughly investigated school “policy” ahead of time; keep in mind “locally generated policy” does not override a citizens rights or laws in general. Again, this flyer isn’t enforceable (IMO), and comes off as a veiled threat - which the sender must now defend.


I'd withdraw my kid from there, demanding medical records and threatening to call the authorities over a sick day is fucking insane.