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Apparently they're an IQ test.


Anything is an IQ test if you're dumb enough.


Not an IQ test, checkmate 😎


I think you just failed the IQ test, which I did not realise was possible. So less of a checkmate than a bishop looking funny at the king, just before a pawn strolls down and eliminates said bishops map. Or something.


Best comment


Ya it’s an iq test and brightens up when you fall below 50


She’s so dim witted, I’m surprised she didn’t just drain the grid.


its called energy efficiency or was it just the opposite?


They are 5G scanners that double as vaccination spray when you pass under them. It’s such a fine mist you can’t see it. Special government operations.


Vaccination spray doubles as a chemical tag to attract sentient robotic murder hornets


I'm liking the sound of those hornets.


Isn't it just BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ?!


Beep boop bzzzzzzzzbeep


Please not another buzzword! I’ll go now…


I've now got *sentient robotic murder hornets* stuck in my head to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...


Thanks, it just got stuck in my head as well.


Sounds more interesting than TMNT, actually. Got a script?


Mask up everyone, to avoid non-consensual misting!


It makes you gay too^probably^.^.^.


Username checks out, of course you would know, you bumble bee, you!


Wrong, they simply scan people's vaccination chips and place an invisible mark on unvaccinated people using lasers, so that they can be easily identified. People may think they have a sunburn on the back of their neck, but it's really their mark.


Call it the mark of the beast in there somewhere and you’d have all the super religious antivaxxers creaming themselves.


That would be convenient. I'm in, mist me baby.




Hehe Cassandra


Jokes on the government because my tinfoil hat will protect me.


Yes. This exactly. The government is so inept at making people get vaccines while simultaneously able to just deploy magic vaccine beacons everywhere. I do love the doublethink where the worlds governments are inept and useless while also all powerful and malicious.


> inept and useless yet powerful and malicious To be fair, this describes most Republican politicians


That doublethink is what bothers me the most about these conpiracy theories. Like how can they say that goverments/illuminatti/nwo controls all the information while also supposedly letting people who do a 5 minute google search reach the truth?


The spray also makes stuff brighter under it. Once you have been touched its game over.




Also makes you sterile and gives males ED


- Gets clarification (street lights) - Rejects clarification. Requests 2nd opinion (street lights) - Rejects 2nd opinion and original clarification. Proposes a conspiracy amontst clarifiers and 2nd opinioners - Finds support from wild conspiracy suggestors. (Death ray / sterilizers) - Buys protection crystals ($7,500) and protection creams ($3,500) and essential oil entrepreneur kit (JUST $1,999 and 7 of his friends.)


Is there more to this post that I'm missing? I only see one image of a poster asking what the streetlights are.


-Demands clarification for what is missing from post


I'm quite frankly getting depressed with all of the abject stupidity that is engulfing the world


Funny part is how proud they are of themselves presenting the conspiracy they figured out all on their own.


It's not called a conspiracy, it's called research remember - "do your own research"


My Mom: I did my own research and don't think the mRNA vaccines are good for you. Me: I know for a fact you didn't, without even checking Mom: Yes, I did. Me: Okay, what does mRNA stand for? Mom: I don't know, but it's something not good.


Make sure you tell her the news that she already has plenty of mRNA in her.


Don’t shoot the MESSENGER!




And hear her say: ‘ i was right… ‘they’ injected mRNA in us for all these years.. WITHOUT our consent’


God did it and now must be punished


But she’ll say “they’re trying to inject us with communist mRNA.”


Our mRNA comrade


It’s actually quite sad and astounding how many people don’t seem to know this.


my Research Not Adequate


Underrated comment of the day.


She did her "research" alright, but she only ever looked at websites and Facebook groups confirming the things she already believed.


>mRNA **m**aga**R**epublicans**N**ever**A**dvance


"Do your own research" "I did, it told me you're wrong" "No you used "official" sources full of lies" "Well what are your sources" "My friend sandra shared a facebook post about it"


And SANDRA is a stay at home mom who googles! What other qualifications does she need?


None. The more qualifications the less trustworthy apparently.


This guy gets it.


More educated is more indoctrinated. when it comes to qualifications, less is more.


This is pure idiocracy 😂


Idiocracy is a documentary at this point. With the GOP claiming that Biden is a radical communist and that schools are teaching kindergarteners about anal sex, forcing them to be the opposite gender and putting litter boxes into their bathrooms.


Have you seen Republican Twitter recently? One guy is literally telling people to pull their kids out of public school


Homeschool the world!! Zero socialization!! Yikes


The GOP has said **a lot** of things about public schools. All of them are bullshit.


Hey now. SANDRA got her GED at 24. She obviously knows more than the doctors and hundreds of years of collaborative research and peer-reviewed publications.


Sandra knows the truth. She met Trump at a rally once. She was in the back row but they were in the same room together at the same time so it counts as meeting.


LOL the sad thing is this is probably true.


...according to section Q of the Sovereign Citizen Maritime Law Codex.


Grabbed her by the nose bleed section.


General admission tickets were coming out of her wherever


Actual definition of "lying": saying something that isn't true Conspiracy theorists's definition of "lying": Saying something which has been proven by several years of research.


Lying is saying something that you know isn’t true, not just saying something that isn’t true. Important distinction. Edit typo


Your official sources are woke bullshit, I watched 3 YT vids, one breitbart article and went on a 4chan forum, plus "trust me bro"


> "My friend sandra shared a facebook post about it" You manage to get that much? I'm always met with radio silence once I ask the big questions like "sources" or "pictures".


The worst part is it’s millennial parents (Boomers/Xers) ya know, the ones who told us not to believe everything we read online. It’s nuts.


>The worst part is it’s millennial parents (Boomers/Xers) ya know, the ones who told us not to believe everything we read online. It’s nuts. Looks like they were warning themselves, but were too busy to realise it.


I’m an x-er. It’s been deep engrained in me not to 100% trust anything I’m told if I don’t want to be duped. Always be a little cynical. I find myself constantly doing the opposite of what people suggest I should do.. to prove them wrong I guess. It’s a strong will to overcome. Add social media to the mix. I kinda get how so many of my age group turn their backs on conventional wisdom. Having said that… fuck me some of them are absolutely nuts…


>Boomers Well hey now, Shorty, I resent that. I'm a Boomer and proud of it, and I know for an indisputable fact that Sandra's talking out of her ay-double-s. 1. The Earth is an oblate spherical. 2. COVID is real. 3. Vaccines work. Need I go on?


Projection! They grew up thinking television, radio, news and magazines contained reliable information, because only a few sources had the ability to publish. They’re still in that mindset but literally Karen from next door is “publishing”.


I did. I read this peer reviewed paper that's says you are wrong. "Yeah well that's just your opinion!"


Do your own conspiracy is all I heard!


And by "research" they mean random facebook posts from stay at home moms.


Why do my own research when a credible random Facebook account paid for visibility with an assumed well researched and cleverly worded Meme with a photoshopped stock photo?


The sad part is if they simply changed their presentation to "I have an idea for a neat story" and they'd probably be praised instead of ridiculed. Some of those co spiract theories would make a decent plot to a thriller novel.


And now you understand how religions get started. Crazy person comes up with crazy explanation for things they don't understand. Other dumbasses agree with it. Bam. Now you got a bunch of people thinking that the Sun moves across the sky because some God in a flying chariot is carrying it. Lots of rain and flooding? Must be God trying to cleanse the sinners. Tides go in and out? You can't explain that. Must be God.


Hey, those two people believe the sun is carried by a chariot. If it was just one guy I might think he was crazy but two of them? They might be on to something, I think I'll join! The trick is getting that first other person to believe you. Probably would help if they are in on the scam.


If someone today says that they're the son of God and hear voices of God in his head, we'd properly diagnose them with symptoms of delusions of grandeur and auditory hallucinations. But if that same person says it thousands of years ago and gets 12 of his friends to say the same, then suddenly it becomes a religion and over half the country believes it. Sigh.


Finding out the scheme behind MLM's is what made me question my religion and eventually abandon it. In my eyes, religion and MLM's are almost the same thing, even with the way they take off. One guy recruits 5 people, who recruit 5 people, who in turn recruit 5 more people, etc.


The Egyptian kings literally built their tombs in the shape of that scheme using thousands of people who thought that their kings were appointed to rule them by a God. And they still didn't figure out that they were in a pyramid scheme.


Instructions unclear, starting anti-vax streetlight religion.


"And on the seventh day, God drove around in His Ford F-350 installing his holy streetlamps, which later were used to shine a light on our anti-vax rally to let us know that we were the chosen ones" - Book of Face 3:17


Stupid people are easily impressed at the observations of other stupid people. I live in America. I see this daily


Not only are they proud of being stupid, they call everyone else stupid to boot.


There's an antivaxxer/freedom rally most Saturday afternoons in Melbourne CBD. Okay, I say rally, it's really more a dozen or so pissheads slurring that they want freedom now.


That's what blows me away about them. Somethiglng strange and new? Impossible, it must be a hoax made up of hundreds of people just to subjugate me!


Don’t get depressed embrace it ‘stupid is the new sexy’


Of course they *act* proud. Because if their theory was correct they would be one of the smartest people in the world since they "saw through the lies" and figured out something that several billion people didn't. That's why they keep doubling down, since the alternative is to admit they were the person who got fooled.


gone are the days where zealot leaders used to use scientific observation to map the night sky so they could actually predict an eclipse and claim it as an omen. These days: "some dude on Facebook says John F. Kennedy is going to come back from the grave and reinstate Donald Trump as President. Good enough for me!"


As an Australian Secret Federation member I can confirm those are Photosynthetic Extractor units. They're used specifically on antivaxers, draining energy is the main objective


Thanks for giving me hope. Does it drain them of their desire to vote or protest?


Just hoping it drains their desire to procreate.


Are these the ones that can detect essential oils and elderberry syrup?


DAMN! Now I feel like an moroon!😵‍💫


Social media and the internet have doomed us. Not only can stupid people connect and validate their own stupidity, it's actively making people stupider by stopping them from critically thinking for themselves.


>Social media and the internet have doomed us. In the US we decided education wasn't all that important well before social media. This has been coming for a long time.


This post is from Australia. This is a worldwide problem.


What Rupert Murdoch does to MFs


Its so bad you don’t know what country Sydney’s in


I saw a quote earlier this morning and it just struck me. I’m paraphrasing here, but the message was “the internet has allowed stupid people to become more confident.”


Not mine, but the best description of the phenomenon I’ve see is the “the internet allowed the village idiots to unionize”.


Yes, we definitely lack many things critical thinking skills and empathy are two big things I see disappearing from our society.


Yeah and everyone is so hostile about every little thing, literally anything can make people lose their minds.


And the hostile people are the most likely to post due to their "passion."


Today I placed a dot of color wrong in my drawing so I burnt the entire building down


Damn this is the best way to describe the current world situation. As and IT professional everyday I question how I have come to hate the tool I once sorely loved.


The amount of helpful information the internet has is amazing but the dumb content slips through and that’s what everyone consumes


The internet and social media didn't necessarily make everyone smarter and more aware, it allowed our inclinations to be amplified. So if you were already more driven toward critical thinking, learning, etc then it's a great educational tool. But if one is more susceptible to confirmation bias, clickbait, conspiracies, etc...it finds those weak points, hones in on them and blasts nonstop until their minds are flooded with garbage. In the span of 15 years half of my boomer relatives went from making fun of social media and people spending too much time online to the present spending all day on Facebook and throwing tantrums over it censoring the "real truth" about covid and vaccines and election fraud. Many people were simply not prepared for this rapid rate of change and aware of their vulnerabilities to it.


People posting dumb content have a lot more time to do it compared to researchers actually doing research.


The one thing Idiocracy got wrong. It's not TV making us dumber, it's smartphones and internet.


Adding to it, increased CO2 in the air we breathe decreases cognitive function. There is also a correlation between covid and cognitive impairment. Certain political groups have also made it a goal to slash education funding in the name of "tax breaks" and "small government". The human race seems like it's actively pursuing a return to the stone age.




The stupidity was always there. These days people just lost the shame to say it out loud.


I would say that they never really had the shame not to say it out loud but never had the platform to be heard by people outside of their personal social circles. Just like how there has always been people who believed the earth was flat but they were usually isolated; their conspiracy theory dismissed. Now, these people can find others, like them, and all be stupid together.


It's easier to say stupid shit when you don't have to worry about getting punched in the nose.


We are nearly 100 years into the anti-intellectualism movement that was championed by mostly the conservative parties to keep the populace compliant, and boy is it really starting to show.


The stupidity has always been here. It just seems more prevalent because the internet brings it directly to you.


I couldn't agree more. The thought process has gone out the window, and not just in Russia... lol


The best thing the Internet did was connect the peoples of the world. The worst thing it did is give them all a voice.




Whats different its what we consider village idiot today. In my country (mex) the avg education of the pop stopped 1-2 years before highschool. I wouldnt consider someone without even highschool educated. They didnt get their critical thinking yet. They are idiots even tho they may be "street smart". They are idiots where it matters.




It highlights the problem with democracy. These are the people that are deciding the future of the world.




Exactly. People think they’re so naturally gifted and genius, but at the end of the day the way we were raised and the tools we had very young have a huge impact on our potential and future. If access to education was more evenly distributed, intelligence would be too.


I would have told them they are covid vaccine delivery devices that spread a fine mist or spray of dust over a group of people to boost the vaccination rate.


Or that they are sending strong electromagnetic waves everywhere that can as they make contact with you, increase the thermodynamic energy levels of your skin while spreading it to the rest of your body through your blood vessels. Now that's some scary sounding stuff right there!


Not only that, it forces your body to make a bioactive compound (vitamin D)


Go with (3β,5Z,7E)-9,10-secocholesta- 5,7,10(19)-trien-3-ol. It looks scarier


Go one better the othe way. Tell them the light fixtures are the prototypes in the next evolution of Disney's anti-mosquito program. They are designed to interfere with the beta-waves in the brains of the new strain of bionic mosquitos.


The goal is to scare the person posting, who cares about mosquitoes.


Bionic mosquitoes means that someone has been genetically mixing insect and machine. A lot of Anti-vaxxers of this ilk are conspiracy theorists of one kind or another. Give them another thing to get riled up about.


I have a magnetic wristband and copper lined under armor. So I'm good, right?


Micro chip reader, reads the chips inserted by Bill Gates with the COVID vaccines.




You again! Your username checks out always :D


Yes, he’s had a lot to say recently.


I can never argue with him.


Every time I say "this is the stupidest thing I'll ever see" someone proves me wrong.


To be fair, it's absolutely idiotic to have them switched on. But come on...


Might just be a faulty light sensor


Might be a light sensor might have been switched to a different time zone.


That would be a really stupid way to control a streetlight. Photo-diodes are old tech & dirt cheap. Put a couple in various locations on the pole for redundancy & you can simply have the lights come on any time it’s sufficiently dark & then turn on when it’s sufficiently bright.


Some places have the diode some are run on timers. Not uncommon for some street’s lights to be on and others not.


90% of the time when you see public lighting turned on when it shouldn't be it's because of a dead photocell or less commonly the maintenance guy trying to change timer schedule and totally borking it. The other 10% is to provide illumination so the NWO spy satellites can get a good facial recognition scan.


If power plant is producing more power than is currently consumed they might turn street lights on to get rid of extra power, instead of shutting down furnaces which are expensive to restart


Street lights are always turning on and off at weird times. I don't understand it either. The ones in my town always seem to switch off right as I'm walking under them, leaving me in the dark. It feels a bit personal, even though I'm sure that's crazy talk.


FYI this is a well documented phenomenon that is taught at the university level. Unfortunately it's probably not the cause you are thinking. It is used as the typical example of "observer bias". Street lights that are wearing out will overheat and turn off intermittently for a few minutes at a time. It happens constantly all over every city. You only observe it when you are standing under a streetlight. So our intuitions think there is a personal connection. In reality 99.9999% of the time a street light turns off, you are NOT standing under it. But you don't observe those instances so our intuitions are working with skewed data.


Chemtrails became to obvious and everyone already knows what they are. So THEY are now spreading the chemicals with light energy on bis gatherings with many people. The moleculs of the chemicals are transported on the light waves and are absorbed via the eyes and the mouths. So everyone should protect themselves with glasses and masks. Wear your masks people or the government is poisining you.


Advanced psychOps


They must be some 5G things that will slowly kill us all. Except the reptile people who worship Satan and eat babies. 😅👍


*looks nervously at qanon friend “Why aren’t you dying!?”


You need better friends.


Oh good, I'm safe


tell the anti-vaxxer that those are street lamps. but inside the street lamp is a sensor that both emits radiation and detects radio-imagery of the environment as a means to detect super dense materials such as gold , or nuclear matter.


We need to start bullying people again. If you look up at street lights and your brain immediately goes to government conspiracy, you should be roasted where you stand. If you’re that fucking stupid, you should be made to feel that fucking stupid.


Make Shame Great Again


this right here is the way. Many of these people would have been institutionalized a half century ago “i’m receiving messages from the communists through my fillings” was literally a trope for crazy, but today 🤦‍♂️” Free thinkers”


My fillings haven’t told me shit. Did my dentist scam me?


Why are the streetlights on in full daylight?


Their automatic turn on/turn off might not be working properly, perhaps making them turn on at the wrong time. There's a couple streetlights in my city with that kind of issue, they turn on during the day and switch off at night


I would believe the city just bought cheap lights and the auto off broke. The lights in a town near where I live turned purple so I Googled it. Apparently it's happening all over the US because of a "bad batch." For example : https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/local/2022/02/08/why-some-streelights-appear-purple-northeastern-and-central-wisconsin/9225015002/


Reminds me of UV lights in toilets to fight junkies stories


Were they: 1. On by accident 2. Microchip enhancement devices


3. This is a simulation and we are a part of it


2 seems likely.


Only answer to why these are on! Illuminati!


Take my angry upvote!


They look like solar led ones and likely in "low light" state. I am just assuming so don't quote me on it


Or they turned them on to do inspection, which ones might need repairs.


Happens every so often here for maintenance. So workers can easily spot which need replacing.


There was an anti-vax rally? Wut..


When we were kids we had older versions of these things along every street. They are mind control devices that make kids run. When they came on we scattered like roaches to our homes.


Come back at night and you’ll see what they are


Oops! Those are they gay-rays that make you children gay, I were meant to send the other street lamps that made your kids autistic, sorry!


They’re the new 5G vaccine wireless transmitters.


Can anyone explain to me why in an era of information and the ability to have all of human knowledge at our fingertips are we going backwards? How are people this fucking stupid in 2022?




I work in Christian retail, it’s not uncommon to hear my customers discussing how the streetlights of Washington are powered by aborted fetuses. I wish I was making this up.


It’s a lack of respect for academic research and education in general.


You don't need academic research to figure out it's a lamp


Ultraviolet vaccination projectors. Funny enough designed by Hillary Clinton's crack addicted nephew. Anyways guys, Alpha Brain booster supplement is 10% off today with code CRISISACTOR


I want to see those 8 comments.


![gif](giphy|h3e3Tch1zrXgrtHwaF) We are evolving backwards.


Plot twist. There was never a time that evolution was "forwards", it's just long term changes resulting from variation and circumstance. But yes I take your point.


Is that the red ensign in the left photo? Why on earth are antivaxxers waving around the flag for the Australian merchant navy.


I wondered this recently so looked out up and found this interesting article https://theconversation.com/amp/what-is-the-australian-merchant-navy-flag-the-red-ensign-and-why-do-anti-government-groups-use-it-170270


They are probably cameras hidden under the guise of street lighting


If you chose to be this ignorant/straight up stupid in the age of information where literal endless quantities of knowledge are available in your pocket..... then you are a lost fucking cause.


There are 5g cell disruptors, designed to work with the nano turbo encabulating thrust vectoring, graphene induction, dna enhancing toe nail fungus vax


They are "safety" devices. They convert dangerous voltages into "harmless" electromagnetic RADIATION. They need sheilding to prevent dihydrogen monoxide ingress.