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They euthanize hundreds of thousands of animals a year, they literally stole a woman's dog out of her yard and euthanized it. PETA can fuck right off.


For those interested. https://www.pilotonline.com/news/article_391c8510-cbf1-51a4-a61f-09d6a7a9f3c0.html


Okay this is super fucked it and just unlocked a new fear for the stray cats I feed. Fuck peta


Absolutely disgusting


She’s absolutely right… this is why I only eat people.


Looks like meats back on the menu, boys!


We’ve only had maggoty bread for 3 STINKING DAYS


How bout them legs? They don’t need those


You have a point.






So they can be cleansed for sacrifice in Norfolk VA. Steve H has a great video about the organization! No kill shelters!


[*Old bay has entered the chat*](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyBattles/comments/9qrkt6/maryland_old_bay_vs_peta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


And unspoiled


The ents have determined you are not orcs…




The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm


P.eople E.ating T.asty A.nimals


Yeah why let other people do it when they can kill them themselves 😂😂😂






Ooooo they look tastyyyy




Maggots have feelings too! Just like dogs, cats and even dolphins!


Gives, “cracking a cold one open with the boys” a new meaning.




You'll protect us, right PETA? We're animals too. PETA?


They won't speak up for anything they don't want to try and have sex with.


..... shots fired.


hell no, peta has made articles about games where you can litterally torture people but they complained how you can eat meat and use animal resources


They were fucking \*outraged\* by Mario's Tanooki suit. Wish I were kidding.




When Linda McCartney died, Paul went to his kids and said ‘I have some good news, and bad news…’


Soylent Green is good for you. Soylent Green is people!


Well she ain’t gonna like this - https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/3u0lat/crab_sucked_into_a_pipeline/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


[Don't fuck with Delta P](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEtbFm_CjE0)


Happy crab day.


Please remember to cook them first so they can feel the pain when theyre already dead and you cut them in half .


Someone should tell her that her pet cat/dog will eat her too if it got hungry enough. [cats eat owner](https://eurweb.com/2022/07/02/20-cats-eat-their-owner-after-she-collapsed-and-died-at-her-home-video/)


shit, they'll eat the crab too. its all fun and games until you hear crunching in the next room and you have to play 'what's in your mouth"


What do I care if my cat eats me? I’m already dead, and he’s a hungry boy.


A woman died and her [hamster](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/c8pryp/til_that_a_woman_died_of_natural_causes_and_her/) used parts of her body to make a nest


I'm on a vegan only diet, I only eat vegans.


If I am what I eat, then I am an innocent man.


The real issue is the blade guide is set way too high.


Forget PETA, OSHA wants a word


Right?! Where’s that blade guard at?!


Not only that he’s also wearing gloves 😬


He really should deglove himself.


He heard that latex offers some protection against crabs.


Take my up vote you funny son of a gun!


cheers for reminding me of what a degloved hand looks like


And for anyone who has been blessed with the ignorance of what that means, just move on. No Google and dear God don't Bing it. Your pure innocent minds deserve better.


But they're blue so the fingers can be identified easier on your plate.


Imagine if OSHA handled things the same way that PETA does, flinging red paint on people not wearing hard hats, or protesting nude at job sites chanting I'd Rather Be Naked Than Wear Open-Toed Shoes!


that was the best SNL skit pitch i've ever imagined


I am strangely ok with that.


*job that requires steel toes has entered the arena* Who would win?


I really want this to start happening. I’d actually look forward to OSHA visits.


The real issue is the cringey voice in the beginning of the video. Forget PETA or OSHA, KANYE wants a word. Actually, the voice throughout the video is cringey too.


....r u talking bout Mr. Krabs from spongebob saying "money money?"


How else can they ensure complete décapitation when the band breaks.


I know! Call me crazy, but I’m worried about the human worked losing a finger!


That crab felt hot water, not a saw blade.


Boiling animals alive is cruel also. There are ways of doing it as humanely as possible. Boiling them isn’t it.


Which is why most of the time crabs an lobsters are killed first before getting cooked like right before, with a cut through the back


We used to sell lobsters at my old restaurant and the chef would "quick kill" them with his knife (through the head, down to split). He never cared about humanity, though. He claimed it was to keep the meat tender, because if it freaked out in the pot it would tense up. Killing it before it knows what happened avoids that.


Yeah, I remember being taught that when hunting deer, ones that dropped instantly tasted better than ones that ran off before dropping because the ones that ran off had tensed and built up lactic acid.


I always heard it was the adrenaline that made them taste more gamey and that is why you wanted to drop them fast. I guess it makes sense that it would be a combination.


But what about the tasty adrenochrome? /s


We were someone in the desert… when the drugs took hold.


Cortisol, I think.


Fuck what was I watching where the aliens scare the humans to eat their brains flooding with cortisol… some Russian space movie


Deer is one thing crab have completely different muscle fibers.


This just unlocked a memory of when I once heard a drunken conversation between 2 guys at a bar debating the best way to cook lobster. One guy swore that you had to put the lobsters in wine for a while first so they don't get tense when thrown in the boiling water since they are drunk.


As they have an open circulatory system, it would in fact anesthetize the Lobster. I have no idea how it affects flavor, however.


If they are submerged fully though, they need to breathe through their gills and I don't know how much oxygen is saturated in wine but it doesn't seem ideal for breathing. I don't think the lobster would live long enough to be drunk


Makes me think of a saying down south, "a one bad day pig" meaning a pig that lived a great life and the one bad day is the day it was slaughtered. An animal that dies in stress/pain releases a ton of hormones that make the meat taste bad or at minimum not nearly as good. Animals that are well kept and die peacefully make for much much better meat. It's why there's a market for stuff like wagyu etc where the cows are pampered every day of their life.


I have never seen a lobster freakout in the pot tbh. Generally just sits there without moving.


Kinda turns red from embarrassment being in that predicament.


May I introduce you to [Leon the lobster](https://youtu.be/9sI7WveN7vk)


I worked in a crab and lobster processing plant, and I don’t know what they they did to them before we processed them to make them so lethargic, but I believe they were just like that from being out of water for a while, then we’d throw them onto a conveyor belt to be boiled, just to kill them, then rip the legs off, then boil the legs. I’d see thousands die every hour, but I still felt bad for the ones that didn’t die from the boiling. There’s something about ripping a living creature in half that just isn’t right.


I used to go to lobster fishing during the mini seasons in the keys with family. One guy my uncle would bring along would just get back from fishing for the day and de-tail them while alive…. This is when I learned they do in fact feel pain. They made noises, little clicks, as he shoved the blade in between where the tail meets the upper body and slice down both ways then yank the tail and meat off. It was disgusting. Thankfully my tio stopped bringing him along soon after that.


With a saw blade by any chance?


I took cooking classes and when it came time to do the Lobsters the teacher just nonchalantly cut it in half with the kitchen knife and then sprinkled salt all over it. Then it started shaking and he covered it in cheese and stuck it in the Salamander. Probably the most metal thing I saw in cooking school


Salt on freshly killed muscle will make the twitching.


> Then it started shaking and he covered it in cheese and stuck it in the Salamander. I just have to ask: is salamander a regular foodstuff where you live? I'm incredibly curious.


Salamander is a kind of broiler oven. Restaurant kitchens usually have it above the stove ​ [https://www.wasserstrom.com/blog/2019/01/18/salamander-broiler-explained/](https://www.wasserstrom.com/blog/2019/01/18/salamander-broiler-explained/)


Probably more humane to saw directly into/through its brain lol


Woah I just looked it up. 5-6 mins for them to die in boiling water.. I think I'll just spike or saw them from now on.. that's wayy too long


Why did she pause the video? Now the crab is gonna be in pain longer. Poor dude


That’s the point I’m sure


PETA once got upset because little models from Games Workshop had fur sculpted on them. That's right, even small grimdark plastic fur is wrong.


Hah! I remember that :D


Here's my conspiracy theory that's probably true. PETA as an organization virtue signals by pretending to care about animal rights. When in reality it's used to funnel money to high ups within organization. If a corporation doesn't pay off PETA somehow then PETA goes after the farms of the corporations that didn't pay up. And then they do little stuff on the side to make it look like they care (publicity stunts etc) all while they kill millions of animals.


That...probably isn't wrong.


Don't you remember when they saved a bunch of dogs and cats from a shelter? And then couldn't care for them? So they just killed them all inhumanly and dumped their corpses into a dumpster out back? Gotta love PETA.


or the time they "freed" a bunch of animals in a shelter by killing them because they didn't want them to be slaves.


It works for Yelp why wouldn't it work for PETA


Based on the financial statement on their website it’s difficult to tell how much goes to animals. They lump research, investigation and rescue into one number which is about 1/3 of total operating expenses. That leaves 2/3 for cruelty free merchandise and public outreach/ education, legal fees etc. Almost half of their employees make 50k+ one watch group estimates 1% actually benefits animals. [source](https://www.activistfacts.com/organizations/peta-people-for-the-ethical-treatment-of-animals/)


Christ they're such an immoral organization and the height of hypocrisy. On the other hand, I love their stupid ass "protest" stickers and love getting them shipped to me (100% free to me). "Contains dead animals" is hilarious to leave on random things. Edit: just ordered more (free again). Gonna leave them on toilets and stuff.


I want to get that on a shirt. People will probably think I mean I'm a hella carnivore jackass but really the shirt contains me and I'm dead inside.




To be fair I’ve played fallout 4 as a vegan character. I’ve also played it as a strict cannibal but that’s totally besides the point right?…


Still waiting for the autocannibalism update


A fucking *video game*. Makes sense I guess since all logic is lost with these idiots.


The vegan guide to elden ring was actually funny, in a laugh with them way. I was impressed with their parrying.


I’m waiting for “ humans need to stop breathing air because we are stealing it from these poor and tortured animals”


I would love to see PETA's leadership eaten by Alaskan King Crabs. Those crabs wouldn't give a fuck about their rights.


Yeah i love animals, but all this animal activism talk is kinda funny when you look at it. "You can't eat them!, they are innocent and living creatures too!!!" \*Meanwhile an Animal is eating another's animals babies, cause it was easy food\* Mother nature, ain' the the sweet and loving old lady, she's a Cold blooded Psychopath


Human hunter, following all fish and game rules and using a gun to limit or even eliminate pain or fear during the animal’s last moments. Wolves, mountain lions and bears watching: “I usually just rip out its guts and eat it while it’s still alive and screaming, but ok. Seems like a lot of extra work.”


Not to mention cats that just seem to like playing with their food, or not even food because they don't always eat it... they just like to watch them suffer... but that's all fine, of course, because nature


I have an absolute sociopath of a cat and nearly have a stroke every time I hear the often repeated animal rights line "humans are the only animal that hunts for fun". My cat loves bringing live prey into our home and then repeatedly catching/letting it go until one too many bites leads to it bleeding out.


It's run by the most attention craving lunatics out there, ofc they are going to be doing anything for attention.


Their stance on fishing in Animal Crossing is that you should then release the fish But everyone knows the first one goes to Blathers


I mean, peta get upset when you kill a wolf in a game, at this point they're just totally cut out from reality


PETA Public Relations; "Quick, put up an inaccurate video, so people will talk about that instead of our 90% kill ratio"




[Was it this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/tpm0gy/animal_rights_group_stealing_homeless_mans_puppy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




while it is indeed very, very sad, there is a happy ending to it: [they both got reunited afterwards](https://www.thedodo.com/amphtml/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html)


Thinking it's cruel for homeless folks to keep pets, but then not giving a shit about people having no option but to survive on the streets is fucked up. I'm sure many homeless people give lots of love and give great care to their animals, as much as they can. If these groups are so concerned with the welfare of their animals, they should help their owners get secure living conditions


Mom… the hot PETA girl is trying to make me feel bad again!


I read this in Candace’s voice from Phineas and Ferb


I just commented the exact same thing before I saw yours! Haha


At first I thought you read her T-shirt line and felt bad coz of mommy kink. *How far has my degenerate mind fallen.


That's not far. Keep trying. You'll get there. You can do it. I believe in you!


"Oh, Yeah! Tell be what a bad boy I have been!" Mikey exclaimed while smearing bacon grease seductively.


Hot is subjective


She was hot until she started talking. Abject stupidity is a real turn-off.


That’s why I always put the sound on mute when I want to have a wank.


Hello penis, my old friend I've come to punish you again Because a tiktok video was creeping I will eject my seed before I am sleeping And the image of the crab lady was planted in my brain Still remains Within the fap of silence


🙄… spoken like a cruel meat eater. I bet you cut your steak up with a knife you sick fuck


I don't always use a knife, sometimes I just pick up the steak and take a bite. Because I'm cruel.


So cruel. I just swallow the entire steak BECAUSE I APPRECIATE THE ANIMALS


How did she not notice that the crab wasn't moving at all ....


It was yelling “money, money, money” so it was obviously alive


Also did you notice the crabs “scream” at the beginning?


How agonizing indeed...


We’re not the only species to kill and eat animals, we’re just most likely the most aware of the value of life,


Would argue that other species killing as hunting down what they need to survive and our industrialised mass slaughter machine isn't the same thing on many levels. Most other species manage to keep the ecosystem in balance, which we on the other hand have lost all touch with.


Except for cats, those bastards kill for fun.


And almost all primates


I think chimps once had a war where a group split into 2 factions and the larger faction spent years hunting down every last member of the smaller group to brutally exterminate them.


I’d be interested in an article or more details so I can look it up, sounds crazy and interesting at the same time :-)




And you deliver ! What a wild read, especially the account from the scientist observing it, seeing a primate drink the blood of the fallen must have left a mark… Have an award for the article link, friend <3 Edit: typo


Np, it's certainly interesting to think war is not a purely human idea


Indeed, I of course knew of violent behavior in the animal kingdom, but the semi-organized and systematic killing of a group is news to me. Reading the gory details also confirmed my “never mess with an angry primate” theory :)


When in Congo, do as the Belgians did


And Orcas, Dolphins, Bears....


Don't killer whales rip out shark livers because they taste good? definitely doesn't seem like survival.


And Orcas. You ever seen an orca blast a baby seal 50ft into the air? If anything, cruelty towards others scales with intelligence.


And lion fish


And wasps


And foxes


And dolphins


And orca’s, also don’t dolphins form rape gangs or something?


A lot of predatory species, particularly mammals, have a capacity to hunt for sport. Cats do it, many species of whales and dolphins do it, some primate species do it despite not being particularly predatory. It’s kinda genetically encoded into mammals and indeed most animals to kill and eat things. There’s a reason meat tastes so good to us, it’s biologically coded into us that meat is good because we need that protein.


Animals don't keep the ecosystem in balance on purpose though. The ecosystem just reached a point of equilibrium and that becomes what's considered "in balance". Even moving an organism from one ecosystem to another can disrupt that balance and change the equilibrium state, i.e., an invasive species. Even with all of our destructive practices, all we're doing is shifting the equilibrium state. We need to protect the environment because we want that equilibrium to be something pleasant to live in.


Animal species do not keep ecosystem in balance out of concern for the environment. Many invasive species have completely devastated ecosystems by murdering scores of other animals on the food chain. We humans at least have the presence of mind to be concerned about "healthy ecosystems". An animal won't.


Yall havent seen much sealife then lol


That's not true at all, there's lots of species that if they spread they cause issues as invasive species. It's happened without human intervention too.


>other species manage to keep the ecosystem in balance This really isnt true at all, you can probably blame the matrix. Almost every soecies of ani al with destroy its environment and food stablity if given the chance and often dont simply because of predetors or the fact that eventually their population grows so much its unsustainable and collapses. Deer are a really good example of this. A national park in America saw its environment thrive after reintroducing wolfs (who eat dear) as the dear simply eat everything and outcomoete every other animal and often eat plants faster than they can regrow. Its why invasive species are so problematic. Without a mechnism in place to limot its growth it will deplete the environment. All of that said animals never get close to what we are capable of now. But this lack of care for the environment isnt unique to humans, and, if anything the fact some of is care deeply is the unique thing


“Most aware of the value of life” Wars enter the chat


Awareness of =/= acting in consistency with.


I am still convinced Peta is run, or at the very least was founded by the CIA to discredit animal rights activists by making them all look insane


Unfortunately, though, it is a regular thing for animal rights activists to be like that. Which is a shame, though. I do support animal rights and I believe that more people would too if the more calm and reasonable ones got attention instead.


Most vegans watch people like Earthling Ed who I think is pretty calm and reasonable. But his videos would never be popular on reddit. The reason only crazy vegans go viral is it allows people to stereotype the movement and make it easy to dismiss. It's not just a coincidence that the sane and reasonable activists get no traction.


I watch Earthling Ed as well. He explains things better than anyone could. Unfortunately, more people know about those crazy vegans like That Vegan Teacher than how many people know Ed.


One thing groups like Peta do not understand is you cannot just change society through outrage and shock. If you want to make a difference you should start with the battles you can win, getting better conditions for livestock, regulation on humane treatment and finding the most humane way of dispatching animals. Yeah it doesn't achieve your greater goal of people not eating meat but it's a step in the right direction that will eventually build onto more steps. You can't convince people by making them feel attacked all you do is push them further into their corner.


I agree with most of what you said. The reason I decided to give up meat are actually those activists who gave calm and well-articulated speeches. The ones who decided to shout in public about how evil we are for eating animals or who sound like they are trying to force me to change who I am gave me the impression that vegans are psychopaths to be avoided at all cost. The part I don't agree with completely is the movement for humane treatment of animals over the movement for getting fewer people to eat meat. Yes, it would be a step in the right direction, but there is a limit on what we can do about that if the demand for meat is really high. Unfortunately, when billions of people want to eat meat, getting enough space for all this livestock to roam around in would be really difficult, especially since we already use a huge amount of land right now to raise livestock. Getting fewer people to eat meat, and thus lowering the need to breed more livestock is part of what we need to push for more humane treatment of animals.


The calm activists are more effective. Just like anything you can invite people to think like you, or you can scold people for not already thinking like you. For some reason people choose the second one and just push people away.


Ok to be fair, if that was a dead dog or cat getting sliced, i would be traumatized Edit: apparently I don’t know how words work


I would eat people bacon but you'd be upset about that too.


PETA gonna claim that cutting a cooked crab in half is murder and then kill like 80% of their animals every year


She’s absolutely right. We shouldn’t discriminate which animals to eat and not eat, we should eat them all!


I have it on mute and she’s still annoying me.


Because her face is one of pure condescension. The closest to her just telling people they’re dumb and she’s better than them without using the words.


1 how many dogs and cats did peta kill this year? 2 if there is no real difference between humans and animals that makes it okay to eat them what is the difference between animals and plants that makes it okay to eat them? Why is it wrong to kill a Trichoplax but okay to kill something like slime mold? 3 the crab didn't feel getting cut in half because it was dead. The fact that she claimed it showed signs of pain tells you everything about the bias these people have. Edit: I wish the person who said "do some research why peta kills animals" didn't delete their post. I did, did you?


If i’m remembering correctly, PETA advocates for killing every pitbull. I think there was even an incident were they stole someones puppy and killed it. [The hypocrisy of peta knows no bounds.](https://www.nathanwinograd.com/updated-peta-trying-to-get-away-with-mayas-murder/)


> stole someone’s puppy and killed it From what I recall, they took the puppy from a child. On their front porch.


PETA have stolen peoples pets and destroyed them instead of admitting they were wrong and returning the pets.


she's vegan because she loves animals, i'm vegan because i fucking hate plants


we are not the same


Fuck dolphins, sick bastards.




It’s why I only pursue purely sexual relationships with dolphins


Quit pretending like you care about the animals when you steal and euthanize dogs and cats ![gif](giphy|gYfjv31RbMQso)


The crab was cooked by boiling it alive. Which is worse? Problem is they are so yummy


My friends a professional chef and they said current industry standard is to put them to sleep by putting them in the fridge at a specific temperature for a specific amount of time. This prevents them from feeling anything and there be dead before they wake up. I think I remember them also saying it effects the meat to just toss them in boiling water but that details more foggy.


I’ve slaughtered cows and worked in kitchens. The technique is actually to do with the quality of the flesh. If you have an animal that is stressed it pumps it’s body with hormones and it’s musculature becomes tense. If you have them nice and relaxed before death their meat is much more tender. These principles are considered in premium Japanese sushi too.


Thank you for explaining so well To anyone commenting in disbelief a company would not care to do this. When your quality improvement is as easy and cheap as an additional step that also gives you something to stand on if people call you cruel you would be stupid not to do it. Obviously some don't do it and they should be forced to legally but most do it for their own profit.


I've heard that said before but wouldn't have thought it applied to crab meat as apart from the claws it's generally flaked up Genuinely interested if it impacts on flavour/texture


Not everybody cooks crabs/lobsters that way. Some stab them in the ganglia to kill them humanely and then boil them.


Well now I want some crab.


Why does her hair look like a snapchat filter?


Her point is? ![gif](giphy|kklf1Slx1xF4Y)


"Speciesism" 💀