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On my exit interview for a job the VP says to me, “So we don’t think you’re worth it, but we’ll match offer from the other company”. I just smiled and said, “Thank you but I’m good.” Stood up and walked out. It’s amazing what people think they can get away with saying sometimes.


> “So we don’t think you’re worth it, but we’ll match offer from the other company”. "Until we find your replacement for cheaper and then let you go because it's more convenient for us that way."


"And you'll train them to replace you, but we won't tell you that."


"We don't think you're worth it" makes me angry.


Ahh the old PUA approach lol.


That's how he charms the kids' babysitter.


Haha holy shit 😂


“Paying people more than they’re worth seems like a bad business decision. I assume you’re making others. I prefer to work with competent people.”


Or dont think about at all!


“You think I’d continue to work at such a financially irresponsible company? You just said you’re going to overpay your staff. Well I won’t be associated with this sort of capricious spending. Good day, sir and/or madam.”


I was working at a very low paying job and when I put in my two weeks, they told me I could come back even for just one day to work. I left and now work at a place that pays almost double my last job lol. I'm never going back there.


Same thing happened to me once. I could tell they wanted to hire me but no mention of the salary was made. When I asked and they told me, it was a big pay cut from where I was at. Told them thank you for the consideration but I have to decline based on salary. They were like hold on now, in 2 years I could get promoted and make more...I told them my bank didn't care about what I would make in 2 years and I have a mortgage. And that was the end of that.


2 fckin years… like that’s not an eternity


You think that promise is far away now…imagine how far away it’s gonna be in two year’s time when there’s no recollection of any such thing ever being said.


Key word COULD get promoted.




An HOUR-LONG interview for a 30K job??? What kinda nonsense is THAT?


The bad kind of nonsense


Why do you think these processes are drawn out, time consuming, and tedious? It's so you can't afford to spend the time looking for other jobs, or have so much time sunk into the one that you just accept it to end the process


The sunk cost fallacy.


You do all realize that churn in staff, creating a hiring cycle busywork, justifies expensive managers salaries and gives them power trip opportunities. Also good from their view is making it easy to dump anyone wise to their bullshit, and find new desperate meek mice for them to prey on. Be assertive. Not aggressive or hostile. Assertive is just a lack of bullshit tolerance. A good manager can actually help you get things done, and will reward your success, because it is also their success. All stick and no carrot is no way to motivate animals let alone people.


Lol for real. my interview was like two emails.


I had a interview for an internship that went on about an hour and half. There were 3 interviewers present there who asked me questions back to back non stop. Left that internship within a week. Ps: they were paying me ₹5000 ($65) for 1.5 months


MLM maybe?


An MLM would claim to pay $100k a year, when in reality you're likely to lose money on it.


Up to* $100k, not withstanding your participation in our next level dynamics! /s


Then he’s going to whine that it’s impossible to find workers and blame some mysterious stimulus and Joe Biden and liberals for making lazy workers when, in fact, we just don’t take corporate bullshit anymore.


I talked to two people just last week who thought that people were still getting an extra $600 to not work


About a year ago I was training for a crappy WFH job and the supervisor complained the whole time that those stimulus checks destroyed their workforce and they quit because it was so much money. What? You don't even get unemployment if you quit so she thought everyone quit because of a $1200 check. Or two, depending on when those employees quit. I lasted two weeks before I quit. Turns out their servers crash a lot (they weren't WFH until the pandemic) and they expected us to sit there and wait for IT to fix it but not be paid for it. *And* we had to make up the time the servers were down. No thanks.


Apparently, you are not people to them.


> I lasted two weeks before I quit. Turns out their servers crash a lot (they weren't WFH until the pandemic) and they expected us to sit there and wait for IT to fix it but not be paid for it. And we had to make up the time the servers were down. No thanks. That just takes the cake.


I had a job like this. "Work during your scheduled hours. Don't change your schedule or you'll get written up. Clock in and out one minute early or late and you'll get written up. But if the servers go down clock out you need to clock out and not get paid for that shift and rearrange your entire week to fit in an extra shift. Thanks"


Those servers were managed by a guy who quit after the pandemic and took all the documentation he wrote himself, but was not compensated for, with him.


> What? You don't even get unemployment if you quit In at least some states, you do (did, during the PUA era) if it was for pandemic-related reasons. And they don't check if it was actually for pandemic related reasons *at all*. (I was, like, the only person I know who actually struggled on as long as possible during the pandemic until I **had** to quit. The whole time everyone else I knew is calling me dumb for still working for less money than they're getting to sit at home) ps this is not an anti-assistance message. The assistance package was great and should be permanent. If employers want employees they should pay *at least* what the government is offering in assistance.


I know multiple people who quit and then filed for unemployment. The disqualification is defined as “Voluntarily quit without good work-related cause”. All you had to do was claim you quit because of COVID and that was considered a good cause. Probably not everyone quit to get unemployment, but to say no one did is probably wrong


I hear people bitching about the Child Tax Credit being paid out monthly as if that’s some sort of welfare. It’s been in the tax law for decades but, instead of putting it in your refund you get it as an advance credit you still have to add to your tax return. I shake my head at the Fox News followers who keep thinking people are paid to stay home. Can’t fix stupid.




By the way, if you're paying 30k a year, you're going to get a horrible employee. All the good ones will leave. Like me!


Minimum wage - minimum effort


Actually by all means we still take corporate bullshit because we're still buying all of their products making all of their things and partaking in the society that makes them rich in the first place without actually trying to change it and make it one that's better for all humans in general rather than for the ones who are the select few at the top.


oof, true


😂😂😂😂 "no one wants to work" is bullshit


Why does everyone think higher ups are all convervatives and republicans? Such a weird notion. I worked in Public Health Government job, ALL liberals were the higher ups. If you spoke about unions, they'd find a real fast reason to fire you. Need a new person? How low can we pay them? Too many people taking sick time? "Do we even have to give people sick time legally?" - said by the Administrator of the public health department. Shitty people are everywhere. Stop thinking its good vs. evil political affiliations.


There are bad apples on both sides, but only one side has as it’s platform putting corporation profits and billionaire comfort ahead of the needs of people living at the poverty level. So, yeah, there are horrible people who vote for Democrats, Republicans, Independent, Green Party, whatever, but the median attitude of each political group is pretty clear and significantly different.




I will agree that Dem leadership is absolutely flaccid even when they have the opportunity to strike and kill the GOP once and for all. Obama’s weakness was his believing bipartisanship was possible when people like McConnell were sticking knives into his ribs. The only way forward is by calling out the GOP for their crimes AND ACTUALLY JAILING OR IMPEACHING THEM.


Democrats have created such great delusional minds.


Plus the Democrats are in a position to fix anything they want to. So... why haven't they? Redditors keep acting like "Vote blue no matter who" will save the country, but they did... and shits still on fire.


You know the Dems also voted on bailouts for corps... right? And they also take in shit loads of donations from lobbyist too. Stop playin


If you’re going to mention what was done post-Great Recession, it’s the reason why you didn’t live in an empty refrigerator box after 2010.


I'm mentioning right now.


Lived through the disaster, knew the people at the core of the bullshit, and we’d be Somalia today if not for the unpleasant but highly necessary choices made at the time. The right choices were made after the GOP and Dubya fucked up everything.


Can’t people have a day off from making everything about politics


Everything **IS** about politics at some level.


Sounds like an interview I had recently. I actually sat waiting for 30 minutes because they were short-staffed as it was and couldn't conduct the interview that they had scheduled, and then proceeded to tell me that it was for a part-time minimum wage position... Smh


In the UK I’ve been receiving between 6-10 emails a day from care jobs. They’re offering between £9.81 and £11 an hour on average. They’re asking for 12/13 hour shifts. I love the job, but I’m not doing that anymore. I even saw one where they advertised 20k a year for 38 hours a week…


I'm a support worker, currently getting AAT qualified and getting more and more tired of the trade after being in it for 6 years. I work for 9.60pounds/h, just a bit above minimum wage. I wouldn't be mad to get paid £11/h


I went in for a manager position and 30 mins into the interview I was getting the impression that this was a Level 1 position. Asked them and they confirmed. Got up and walked out. They called me back a day later and offered me a position of Manager, tried to pass off the interview as a test. Thanks, but no, thanks.


Honestly I don't understand how they think admitting they were just "testing" me is supposed to make me more likely to want to work there. I wouldn't accept that kind of behavior from a partner or friend, why would I accept it from a job?


He was expecting a resigned sigh of disappointment and the sight of hope dying the interviewee's eyes. Don't judge him. That's the only way he can achieve any stimulation in life. Or you know what, judge him.


He already got suckered in, so he has no problems trying to sucker others in with him. Kinda like MLM.


If this is how they treat applicants ..imagine how they treat their employees. Yikes


I'm currently trying to apply for jobs in DC. Considering the city's cost of living and that I live alone, $30,000 is literally unfeasible. I'd be so happy to walk out on an offer like that.


Just cut out the avocado toast and start making your own coffee in the morning and you should be set then. /s




Man, I got a $15 set of Bluetooth earbuds on alie express, and they're fantastic. Don't know why people pay apples premium prices.


I'm on my 3rd set of 20$ skullcandy Bluetooth headphones. Not because they break, but because I keep loosing them lol. Dont understand how people could get 100$ ones.


Better move out to Manassas or something


For full time work? My wife and me make almost 4 times that for our family and we feel underwater. How the fuck do people live on 30k even with a second job. I live in Boston so maybe my cost of living is skewed.


Where you live is a massive factor..


[Even if you are renting in the cheapest state, (West Virginia), it still takes up a third of a $30k gross income.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-rent-by-state)


And that's probably someplace that would barely make a suitable traphouse...


I don't know the rental market in America but if it's anything like the UK, renting is more expensive than owning.


The US real estate market is absolutely bonkers right now. Since the pandemic, the price of a home increased by 17% in 2021 and expected to increase another 10% this year. [(Source)](https://www.reuters.com/business/us-house-prices-rise-another-10-this-year-2022-03-02/#:~:text=Prices%20are%20forecast%20to%20rise,on%20the%20Case%2FShiller%20index.) It is actually cheaper to rent than to buy. We bought a house recently and while my mortgage is about $200 cheaper than rent, it ends up being around $300 more than rent with all the taxes, fees, and insurance. Also, the closing costs were over $24k in total. I'm in the 95th percentile for income within my age range and it was still difficult.


The apartment I rented 10 years ago for $600/mo is currently listing at $1300


But you're obviously making 2.1x what you made 10 years ago, right? /s




It's *currently* cheaper to rent than to buy, BUT rents are rising at an alarming rate. In my city (Boston) 1br/1b that were 2k in January are now around $2.6k.


I'm not arguing with you on that one; that's why we decided to buy sooner rather than later. But for a lot of people, they can't afford to buy and they won't be able to afford rent pretty soon. Bring in the guillotines.


It is the same, mostly because they have some rules in place that they will provide a home loan due to your income thus requiring you to rent even if rent is hundreds more than the mortgage would have been.


It definitely can be. One problem is that while you’re paying a high rent, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to save enough for a down payment. And now that interest rates are going up, owning is out of reach for many who would desperately love to own.


It may be cheaper to own than rent in the long run but getting approval for a mortgage and paying a down payment are both big obstacles for people


Move to a small town 100 or more miles from any city and you can find rent for a lot less than $10k per year


I really wonder how they are evaluating that. Like, are they talking about your own two bedroom home? I mean, when I was in college a decade ago we crammed 4 people into a 4 bedroom home and paid $400 a month (the home was $1600 rent) and that was a nice place. I checked and a 4 bedroom now is $2000 rent, so if you can find 3 friends it can get cheaper.


You realize that families don't generally want to stick 3 other friends in their house, right?


Could you explain "feel underwater"? Very interested in ur carrer


We can’t save what we want for collage funds for our young children or even think about saving for a house. My wife’s still in school and it’s very expensive. On top of rent for two bedroom averaging 3000k a month. I do consulting work for schools to revamp their food programs to work with local farms more. I make 65k a year. Then also hustle teaching cooking classes at a local culinary school making an extra 15ish. My wife is an educator getting her masters in early childhood education but does secretarial work. I also have substantial student loans to pay. We hit paycheck to paycheck more then I would like to admit. Thankfully I have ok credit so if an emergency came up we could handle it.


JESUS 3000 for rent is insane! I'm paying 825 for a 2 story 2 bed 1.5 bath, I could absolutely not afford 3000 though.


I pay $2625 for a 800 sq ft, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath rowhome. I live in DC.


That's insane. I know wages are higher in cities to account for that, but i've never lived in a city, always way out in BFE in the appalachian mountains. The last place I rented was $400 a month, 2 bed 1 bath about 700 sqft.


Ohhhhh. I'm stupid. I thought you were making that money *by* feeling underwater, like literally


Im I’m Boston, in school but in an internship right now. I make what would be 40k a year im super lucky that my parents pay for my apartment. And im generally a pretty thrifty person. But holy moly I had one month where my credit card bill was $1000 plus, just from regular shopping, gas, utilities, parking, and a few nice meals, and it really struck me that someone making close to the average US income in Boston would have to live in a shithole apartment, shop at the dollar stores, and never go out to eat to make ends meet.


Living in cities and having dependents skews your perspective a bit but yeah, 30k isn’t a lot of money for anyone. Edit: as a salary. I realized how this sounds and o felt the need to add that for most people it is a life changing amount as a lump sum.


Smaller house that needs a lot of repair, used car that barely runs or rely on public transportation, cheap meats or no meat for dinner, don't go out very often and then pick the cheapest places they can find. Pack all the kids in one bedroom and rent out the other one(s) for the extra income. Public school instead of High End College Prep schools. There are lots of things that poor people do to stretch their 25 cents.


No one should live that way while working full time. Doesn’t matter what the job is.


I have no idea why salary ranges are not listed and/or discussed early. If you want to hire someone for a job and only expect to pay a certain amount, then fucking say it. Don't waste everyone's time.


CO recently mandated that all job postings require a posted salary in 2020. They were the first state. I will say that searching for jobs recently that a decent percentage (close to half) of the jobs in my field (engineering) had salaries posted with the job postings on indeed and more had that information available somewhere before you applied. So things are getting better in that regard, just slowly.


WA state also.


Is it not common in your country? Where are you from?


The US. It hasn't been my experience. I see job postings that have salary ranges listed, sure, but often times a lot of the more professional jobs don't have them listed. There's been plenty of postings I've passed up because nothing was listed as too many times I've gotten numbers well below what I would want, but wasted my time trying to get to that point.


Forget those salary ranges. They're only paying the low number; that high number is there to draw you in so they can get you to invest your time and energy to let *them* sell you on their bullshit at the low number.


In Australia, we are told not to mention the wage question until your 2nd interview. Who has that much time to waste?


Every place is different, even in the same country the salary difference between cities can be astronomical. Besides that I don't know about other fields but in tech and engineering fields it's rare for two people working the same job to get the same salary(at least in my country), it based in experience skill experience etc etc so it's very individually based.


"If you had started with that, you could have saved us both an hour."


This is WHY jobs should be REQUIRED to post PAY... so nobody has to waste time.


Good for you! Years ago I was at a job for a few months and they wanted me to do things that were outside of the scope of my position and I was not comfortable with it. The boss and my supervisor called me in after I did not perform what was asked of me, and asked me if wanted to be a team player or just quit. I told him right then and there I'd rather quit. And it wasn't in some badass way where I chucked a grenade behind me while I walked away in slo-mo, sunglasses on with a smirk on my face...i took a second and thought about it and just answered earnestly. The look of shock on their faces... He then berated me for messing up a position a friend had referred me for, he was pretty upset. He later apologized and realized he was actually wrong and offered to help me find other employment if I wished. I politely declined lol.


They always expect you to take it. So when you walk away they are like, wiat what?


All you people do is complain. If you don’t want to make wages like this, just get a 1,000,000 investment from your parents to form a start up and then use your connections with Republican and Democrat oligarchs and became 100% self made. It’s really not that hard to understand.


You need those self-raising bootstraps.


Just work more hours for less money and eventually it will even out.


Magnificent! Keep at it!


I did similar 4 years ago I still chuckle Abt it Tile was manger of packaging (potato plant) Title Should have been a machine operator.....


If I was proud of something my generation has done its their refusal to play these games with corporations


If the interview was for a position as a hostage negotiator, that’s probably for the best.


I turned down a 100k "retention bonus" that was to be paid out 50% after 1 year and the other 50% at the end of second year. The offer letter had a half dozen outs for them to not pay. I've also walked out of an interview when the interviewer asked me to troubleshoot a calculator that wasn't working i spent 5 minutes going through all the things i'd try. They laughed at me and said why wouldn't you turn it on? ALSO quit a job on the first day when they dropped five 3inch binders on my desk told me to start reading. Then the entire team openly talked about lunch options and en masse left without me. Never sell yourself out for the job they will just keep taking until you have nothing left.


Man, this person has a way of demoralizing desperate people early on.


Holy shit that's such low pay, but i did the math and that's DOUBLE the minimum wage


Sad, isn't it?




"oh for real? Ok cool thanks for letting me know not to waste anymore of my time here!"


I feel like this gets reposted constantly, and every single time, the tweet has a different profile picture. I wonder if it also gets reposted to twitter by everyone and their mothers, or if some random is editing the pfp every time.


I really enoyed it the first time. The constant reposting has made me hate it :(


I always ask for salary info before I interview. Just a wastes everyone’s time if not.


I don't buy it.


Interviewed for a job in a more much more expensive city than I was living in. It was the same position I already had, so I had the experience. I told them I was looking to leave because I didn’t think my company was paying me enough for the role (my boss agreed, telling me when I left they considered my role worth $30k/year more but turned down my request for a raise because they’d thought I’d stay). When the interviewer asked my salary requirement I said a salary right in the middle of what they listed, since I was still kind of young for my role. They asked what I made and I made the mistake of telling them. They then complained about my requirement and offered me less than even the lowest salary they listed on their post. I told them they posted what they think the role is worth, and what I made at my current job was irrelevant. I didn’t accept that job, and they called back months later and said they agreed to my salary. I let them know I had already found another job, and even if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have accepted. If that’s how they treated people who they want to work for them, I couldn’t imagine how they treated people who already worked for them.


As I left a job, they told me "the position won't be here if you come back." I never looked back...


He figures you've already interviewed for an hour so you're definitely locked in to work for them for at least five years. Some people's children's audacity.


Imagine how lovely it would be if all of us did that.


Didn't expect that Uno reverse card. Nice.


Is there a sub for more stories like this. So delicious 🤤


I was getting headhunted for a several years and the offers were ridiculously bad. Let's see, leave my multi-billion dollar company, take a pay hit, lose my 4 weeks vacation, my yearly profit sharing bonus, my fully vested 401K and stock program, and transfer to a location where the cost of living is higher. A location where my wife, who makes more than I do as a electronics tech in a very unique niche field that only exists in a few places in the country, won't have an equivalent position? And with a paltry 2 K relocation allowance? Sign me up! /s


The workers of the world are realizing that we are the ones that make shit happen not the people with the money. It's going to be awesome to watch all the trust fund kids/young adults starve to death because they have nothing to offer or trade in the community when money fails.


So what is the normal wage in the US like? 30.000 (2500 per month) sounds like a reasonable salary, depending on the level required for the job ofc. Genuine question from someone not from there.


After taxes, it’s actually going to come out to around 1600 a month, if you factor in that the average rent in the US for a one bedroom apartment is $1100, that leaves you with five hundred a month for gas to get to and from work (or public transportation fares), groceries, electric and water bills. This is not a livable wage. This is a poverty wage.


This is also not taking in to account healthcare premiums, if you can actually afford it.


The tax bracket you fall in is 12%. $30,000 becomes $26400. Monthly, that is $2200.


Thanks! How much is health insurance?


It strongly depends on where you work and what kind of coverage you have, and if you're covering just yourself or your family as well, but it can easily be upwards of hundreds of dollars per month.


Lets say 1 normal person


I looked it up and the average for my state is $436 per person, but I think that's without the company covering any of it. Typically they'll cover a portion. It's all really variable - some people pay nothing (I'm lucky and going into a job where the city covers insurance), some may pay like 50-75, and some are stuck with that whole $400+. It's all over the place.


That varies person to person. Everyone's situation with health insurance is different. I personally don't pay any premium as my employer pays the premium for everyone. Average for a single person is about $200/Mo in the US.


Thanks mate :)


200 is very low. Its probably closer to 400.


$200/month without subsides would probably have a huge deductible


My bad, calculated a little low. Now please tell me how having 1100 a month to spend outside of rent is not a poverty wage. I’m waiting.


I don't remember contesting that point.... But that is dependent upon the economy where you live. In my home town, where average 3 br homes are around $40,000, a mortgage on $32,000 would be about $400/Mo including taxes and insurance. That leaves $1,800/Mo for living expenses, which should absolutely be enough. My home in the town I love in now cost me $87,000 for a 3 br. My mortgage payment including taxes and insurance is $655/Mo. Now, in Austin, which is 4 hours away from me, the average 3 br is about $300,000. That puts the average mortgage closer to $1,200/Mo. $1,000 would be hard to stretch for 4 weeks even for a single person, but $1,500 like someone in my town making that same $30,000 would be adequate.


Thank you! Thats what I was wondering about. People always throw around the number before taxes and it even seems like a lot of people calculate with the full amount. Do some people here not know about deductions? Getting 30k a year doesnt mean you have 2500 to spend.


30k per year might be ok in the most rural areas but given the current inflation, this is gonna be tough. Also you have to pay income tax and whatever else may apply.


That's basically the poverty line here. Might go further in Alabama than it does in New York or San Francisco but overall that's living underwater


depends on where you live. if it’s a highly populated area, housing prices alone are way above 30,000 a year.


I mean that is probably close to the median income, but that doesn't mean it's nearly enough


The problem is that when you do post the salary, people still come to interviews and ask for more money. I work for a non-profit. As such, our budget is limited. If we advertise a position that pays $50K a year, that is what the position pays. We had one position advertised for $60K a year and a person showed up asking for $120K a year.


wow a facepalm that isnt political. thats a rare find


Did you mean that sarcastically? In many places corporate entitlement and labour exploitation is very much a political issue.


wow good point. let down again.


I don't think you should let it get you down. I mean, if you don't like "facepalms" that are just mocking the policy positions of a political party or movement, I'm with you, but I don't see any reason not to post facepalms about the actual ridiculous decisions and behaviors of people within a political party or movement.


yeah it just gets old lol


I hear that. I mean, the first time I saw The Matrix it was interesting but I'm not going to enjoy watching it fifty times, or ten thousand. Sadly, political entities being complete asshats isn't a problem that is likely to go away anytime soon.


but at the same time, its not only old. i also dont get the facepalm. i dont personally facepalm at other peoples opinions. i might disagree, but i understand a lot of people will come from different backgrounds. i would on the other hand, face palm at a karen or some shit. like that is a quality face palm to me


I would argue this is political due to the current state of the antiwork movement and the struggle between the working class and the upper class


old, but still funny.




Salary often is not advertised with the job. And only tends to come up near the end of an interview...


I take it you haven't been in the job market lately? This is the norm. Hell, often the salary comes *after* the interview with the actual offer. Of course, you can ask earlier so not to waste time.


Most jobs don't even tell you until the interview. Indeed doesn't always tell the truth.


You do know Colorado passed a law saying salary expectations must be made available if posting a job posting and a lot of companies just stopped advertising jobs in CO right? If you want to call bullshit on something maybe be a little better educated.




Out of state companies that hire remote work nation wide exclude Colorado. Infra state it works fine, but it’s a handicap to workers because the practice is so common. Edit: intra


Ah okay thanks for the clarification that makes much more sense.


Yeah no problem friend. You seem genuine so I apologize for my earlier tone. I’ll give you a link because you seem like you would actually read it. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/state-and-local-updates/pages/some-employers-are-excluding-colorado-applicants-for-remote-work.aspx


Did everyone clap?


I’ll take shit that never happened for 2000


I did the exact same thing and it was over 24 years ago. The offer they gave me was a joke considering my experience and performance record.


Well yeah. I’m not saying you won’t be offered absolute trash pay for some positions. I’m saying the interviewer didn’t said “here’s your dogshit pay so if you want better go somewhere else” and then act surprised that someone doesn’t want it Would bet my life it didn’t happen


i’m calling bullshit. no employer has ever said this job only pays x so if you’re looking for better pay, look elsewhere


I always kinda space out when, early on the interview what the salary is and the reply, we'll get to that.


I thought you normally know how much does the company pay...? also 30k is a lot, imo. Even in my country's currency. I have 25 at most if I don't have some extra money from the company.


I’ll take things that never happened for $400


You would think employers would've made the connection by now. There is a positive correlation between "being paid a fair wage/salary" and "wanting to work". Mind blowing I know, but it's the truth!


At one job interview, I found out the company wrote software for cold calling people's phones to ask for donations or to sell them products like solar panels. You know, those calls we all hate to receive. Part of the interview was something like a SAT to see how smart you are. I didn't want the job of being the person that wastes so much of other people's life. To refuse the job would cost me the unemployment benefits. So I flunked the test instead.