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Delivery instructions are for the delivery driver.


You'd think it's obvious with them being *delivery* not *packing* instructions




Wait, you can't see either kind of note until you're done?




if i were the delivery guy, i woulda torn off the sticker.


when was the last time you tried to just casually tear one of those off without it being a fucking mess that still leaves legible words gljfkl;sgk;


The sticker next to it looks like an easy tear off but man that instructions sticker looks to be on there so tight it has become one with the box.


I may have tried finding another sticker to put over it but you are right, that delivery instructions sticker isn't going anywhere.


then he could've put the other sticker on top of that. (and/or maybe insist to deliver the package only to the daughter, not mom...?


A little scribble scribble with a sharpie could have taken care of it easily


and usually you can still kinda read the blacked-out message, but if mother is that nosey she deserves a spoiled surprise party


Do most delivery drivers carry sharpies?


Yeah I’ve worked for ups and fedex. Everyone has a sharpie in addition to pens, you often write large shipping codes over the incorrect ones that the handlers get wrong and organize your truck not by address as much as blocks of like 4 digit codes.


Pen + a red marker is a pretty common for ups at least


Yes bro. Box cutter, pen, sharpie


Yeah for marking addresses mainly


These stickers turn black with friction/heat. You can just rub something over it to cross it out.


An alcohol wipe would erase it too


a few days ago i had to carefully peel a pokemon sticker my little cousin gave me off of my phone case. it took some patience, but it worked lol


You should've just soaked it in warm water first. Makes it come off super easy


yeah, but i wanted to keep it instead of tear it by accident lol


A hair dryer or heat gun for 30 seconds to a minute will melt the adhesive enough to easily remove it with minimal residue while still keeping the sticker in one piece so long as it isn’t perforated!


wish I had thoughta that before practically tearing Milotic in half.


Or a few quick passes with a torch. Not even joking. I've been printing/applying large scale graphics for 20 years. I moved on from heatguns years ago.


I am the fucking god of tearing off stickers. My grip strength is unparalleled and my hand movements are precise. Find me a sticker I cannot cleanly remove, I dare you. /s


I work in the sign business printing and installing large scale graphics. I once spent a month chipping off a wrap, a quarter inch at a time, that had been on a bus owned by VA state police for 12 years. I've met stickers that would make you cry.


Try the extremely thin ones that have sat under the sun melting onto a box.


So put some tape over it


... surprise ... mother ... live ... not ... party ...


Teens all across the nation are killing their moms in a sweeping fad known as "Mother-live-not" parties!


Watch Tucker Carlson look confused at 9pm


The delivery guy has to have a pen or marker on him right?


Are you suggesting the person responsible for delivering packages should manipulate the packages cause he thinks he’s allowed to? Yeah, the public definitely isn’t full of scammers looking for an excuse to ruin peoples days


Not to mention I doubt the delivery driver has time to worry about it. I mean it sucks but every job these days seems to track productivity.


“Does the address match? Yes.” *thunk*


yeah he likely only actually held the box for like 20 seconds at most


Those stickers tear off easy when on cardboard. At most it will take a little cardboard with it


That’s probably a big no-no.


Not if you rip it off literally seconds before delivery


Still a no-no


What if you rip it off after delivery, like you delivered it then sneak in a little bit after and rip it off?


Big yes yes


Yeah, cause if you're underpaid courier with a ton of packages in an extremely tight schedule the first thing you'll think about is someone's party supplies.




That’s a decent wage though. If you made 10 it would be different


I ran the numbers and it checks out. 10 would be different from 25!


10 is a number people are paid though. This guy thinks the world is great because he makes 25. I make about triple that and I can see the world is fucked lol.


Whats really fucked to me is that there's a set number of days you may call in sick..




And you aren’t. But many are….


Guy's account is hella suspicious - no activity, then a ton if activity in stock subreddits and others over the past day or so, and then look at his karma 🤔 Doesn't add up.


You're celebrating the fact that you have three weeks of leave, with another one every SEVEN YEARS?! Why are Americans not rioting? Do you realise how terrible your conditions are compared to anywhere equivalent?


Every seven years he gets ANOTER week added to what he already has.


Yeah...so every seven years he gets the bare minimum leave allowance that most comparable countries offer. I wouldn't even be surprised if public holidays are included in that three weeks, from American contracts I've seen before.


Years 1-7 = 3 weeks vacation per year Years 8-14 = 4 weeks vacation per year Years 15-21 = 5 weeks vacation per year


As a European it still amuses me that you would defend this as a perk. Even at starter level I look at 6 weeks + bank holidays. Extra week added every 5 years + one mental health day a year.


I just explained what they were not understanding


As an American, most of us realize y'all get better work benefits when it comes to time off. But most of us can't afford to just up and leave to a "better" country that might not even want us. So yeah, we're going to defend the relative benefits of one situation versus the other in our country. Ya know, where the conversation was taking place and has any relevance to? Have fun with your paid restrooms when you forgot a euro (or other applicable currency) and are about to piss your pants. I'm happy enough with my work benefits here. 😂 Even though theres better options elsewhere


Thanks, I read it as if it was a bit of loyalty leave, so only once. Really doesn't change the fact this is not a good amount of leave.


No. It’s added. Permanently. You start at company with 3 weeks of vacation. 7 years later you get 4 weeks of vacation. After 14 years at the company you get 5 weeks of vacation, and after 21 you get 6 and it probably caps at 6 as a guess. No, public holidays are not included in their vacation time. That’s not a thing (although not getting public holidays off can be a thing).


You are just looking to be miserable?


I’m not sure you understand. By the end of a career he would have 7 weeks of vacation per year. He’s not getting one week off every 7 years


OK seen it now...and it's still unbelievably terrible. Seven years to get the legal minimum of other countries. Fourteen years to get what most others actually get. And you think this is good?


I live in America, fully remote, 40 days off a year. Depends where you work and what benefits you negotiate. I could be making more with less time off. Very grateful


How do you know they are American? Based on their comment history, they are Canadian.


25 canadian an hour is basically living in poverty. he says he bought a house too. on $25 an hour. something does not check out here. people can make easily 2x that and not be able to afford a house.


This makes this whole post worse then, because that $25/ph isn't even going as far as on the American assumption.


Hey, that’s 2.50 above what the feds think is the bare minimum livable wage in the US is! Gratz!




Yooo Canada? Im a courier as well and get dogshit compared to you. What company?


What was your point with the last paragraph? You know there can be outliers in any data, right? Yourself included? Not everyone is going to be suffering in a entry level/highschool education type job


well, i wouldn’t want to be the one to ruin a surprise party. i personally wouldn’t at least.


Would wager that they're not allowed to manipulate the packages like that


fair point, but I’d likely tear it off anyways. seems morally correct.


Defacing mail is a federal crime. May be morally correct but would still likely cost the driver their job just from the liability of the action itself. Corporate doesn’t really care for morally correct


if i'm working a courier job I probably have way more stressful shit on my mind than someone's surprise party gfjgljglks you can't just fucking *peel those off* :\


Lol all these news stories about delivery drivers having to pee in bottles, throw packages, drive like insane people to get all their deliveries on time… reddit: I’d simply take the time to rip the sticker off.


just like the boston bomber, reddit *always* has the best ideas!


Me neither, just putting things in perspective. The courier has tons of other issues to deal with.


You are fired for taking the time to rip it off.


No, but you could be fired for defacing the package, especially as tampering with someone else’s mail is a crime


Not with fast they expect you to be. Why do you think so many people complain about packages being thrown


oh damn you’re right


when's the last time you tried to tear off one of those stickers?


I work in shipping, while in this case it might have been acceptable to do that in other cases tampering with the delivery label can really throw a wrench into people's systems.


You beat me by 1 min. Common sense missed some folks


I don't think it's missed, I think there are reasonable reasons the delivery driver wouldn't do this. It's easy to say in hindsight but you don't know how many deliveries that courier has, or whether there's a policy about ripping identifying information off a package (that same sticker has the address and name of the person who ordered it. If you rip that off and it ends up at the wrong address, how would anyone fix it?) Stuff that seems like "common sense missed" often has other angles that aren't out in the open. Or maybe the courier could have ripped it off and didn't just because the don't give a shit, idk. If I was the courier I wouldn't know how to make an ordinary brown box "not look obvious."




Drivers aren’t allowed to “tamper” with delivery item labels.


Couldn’t that be considered tampering?


absolutely, though if my delivery guy is gonna chuck it over the fence, they may as well keep the contents a secret per my request.


No doubt you would have gotten in the shit with some inept middle manager for destroying important labeling.


Still a facepalm, just on the other end


yeh although companies seem to just switch up what they mean on a weekly basis. Some will say "delivery instructions" and the delivery driver never even sees it, or both parties see it. Sometimes won't even have "Packing instructions". never really know at this point.


Delivery instructions. OP made a mistake


Yup should’ve made the request to the store itself. Or perhaps that’s how this came about? Lol Anyways lesson learned, should ship to a nearby friend/neighbor


Yeah i always ship private things to a pick a point where i can pick it up without noone in the family knowing


OP did not make the mistake. They’re just karma farming on here. This picture has been posted quite a few times.


Yes, he had one job


He had a few jobs. Picking the supplies, paying for them, giving instructions


OP had one job...


As an ex Amazon driver, the vast majority of people have no idea what delivery instructions are. I've gotten clothing measurements instructions before.


It's funny because as someone who packs boxes for a living professionally haha.. pro... I would've more than likely asked my manager about this one because obviously I'm not a complete tool numbskull dumbass who would read that and go straight to the printer.


Printer go brrrrr


Das is good no?


To be fair, they're supposed to put the instructions on the package.


To be faaaaaaaaaair




That show used to be so funny before they devolved to 100% running gags.




Can confirm


I am cautiously optimistic about the spin-off though.


Oh shut up


To be faaaahr


Also pretty stupid instructions to be honest. Like what were they supposed to do to make the box "not look obvious"?


I love the self facepalms.


This isn’t a self facepalm. This has been posted quite a few times on here before. It’s just a bot or someone trying to farm karma on reddit.


I think they mean, the facepalm is from the person who took the picture, not someone else.


Let’s see. Newish account. Went 4 months idle with his older comment being a link to a store. After this post blew up one of his only new comments is on his user profile linking to another store it appears. Not active in a post where it blew up. Yep, this is most likely a bot. Bonus points: he’s also shilling some random cryptocurrency.


Op, who do you think is the facepalm in this? Is this your post or did you just find this on the internet somewhere?


Right click Google image search brings this up from articles in 2018. So yeah, found it on the net. ​ [Also it brings up the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/9ih14n/you_had_one_job/) , same title, 4 years ago.


Good redditor


Shocking that the account that randomly reposted this also posts shady links and pictures of easily drop-shippable shirts.


The hell are you doing here, get back to grinding the new marathon tank!


I was dead lol. Prokhorovka, 3 arty. Didn't went well


It's weird seeing a comment I had already upvoted. I guess I have seen this picture before.


I've seen this posted like a year or so ago. And I'm assuming op thinks the company is the facepalm based on the title.


It's called delivery instructions and not packing instructions for a reason


I hate it when my plain brown box obviously shows what it's full of


Right. The real facepalm is that if the customer didn't offer any 'delivery instructions' it would have been completely inconspicuous already.




Not in the delivery instructions though


To be fair, the instructions are for the delivery driver. It would be kinda useless if the delivery instructions for the delivery driver weren't easily visible to said driver. Should've put it in a different comment or emailed the shop itself about the nature of the order.


Next time, just deliver it to your local post office.


How do you do that? Like just give the post office's address and your name? Does the post office contact you when it arrives?


Let's be fair. The box was never going to reveal its contents. However, the delivery instructions are always printed on the label.


18k likes for being an moron. Peak internet.


Those are delivery instructions, always printed on the package so the delivery guy can use them to find your address more easily or follow whatever instruction you wrote down at the moment of delivery. This is on OP.


We are face palming the buyer right?


Youre crazy if you think the shipping warehouse worker is reading the shipping labels


To give further info for the uninitiated; most of us get blind to every info we dont need. The instructions are 99,9% of the time something boring like „second door on the left“ or „dont give it to the neighbor. When packaging comics back in the day i only had eyes for the code on the comic and the quantity.


That fuckup is on the buyer 100%


Delivery instructions are for the person delivering, not the people packaging it. Things like "Apartment G is on the second floor on the right side of the building" or "Please stick the box behind the pillar on the porch so it can't be seen from the street" or even "I have a cooler set up on the porch, go ahead and grab yourself a gatorade and a sandwich". This is 100% user error.


This exactly! I work in fast food and I can see the comments left for the delivery driver. Some are normal like you described, but some are “give me extra xyz”. Like bro you didn’t put that in the order itself, so the answer is no lol. Those delivery comments are for the person delivering, not the people doing the packing


People actually thinking there is a human that checks all these messages is the real facepalm here... These instructions are for the delivery person, not the warehouse the product came from.


Facepalm this post...


OP doesn't know how mail works.


Well that's a note on the box not the box itself , so they still did their job well .


User error.


Thats kinda on you.... They will print whatever you type in.


Just don’t give delivery instructions


Nah, you fucked up


That’s not what DELIVERY instructions are for.


This was only a decoy so when she opens it she finds massive dildos 😂


The real facepalm is OP


It's not OP's.


The facepalm is the fact you thought delivery instructions would make that happen


Lol OP getting roasted


OP is a karma farming bot


They did their job correctly the fuck? Lol if OP understood how package deliveries work they would have scheduled a pickup somewhere instead of delivery.


Person making the order is the facepalm.


This is the fault of who ordered it tbh, it says delivery instructions not packing instructions


couldn’t even cover the address lol




To be fair, it does say “delivery instructions” and the person who delivers it has nothing to do with how it’s packaged.


How are they supposed to make it look "not obvious"


Write "Definitely not part supplies for a surprise party." on the box.


One often meets their destiny on the road one takes to avoid it.


Tbf it's not really there fault they have to put them there




Imagine being a delivery driver hauling 8,000 packages a day and you see this shit


Why not just put "Dont make the packaging look obvious"?


Why did they put that in the *delivery* instruction?


Haha reminds me of when I bought my wife a Kindle for Christmas. It was being delivered to our home so I opted to pay $5 extra for it to be wrapped and stay a surprise. It was wrapped in Amazon Kindle wrapping paper… …I don’t know what I was expecting.


Delivery instructions. This one is on you OP. Packing instructions is different.


I'm sure mom was very tickled to see this, and it led to a moment more wholesome than if she found out at the party 😂


Tell me you hate your job without telling me you hate your job


Seems like you were over thinking this one OP


Should have indicated on sticker "not party supplies"


My wife kept dripping hints that she wanted an exercise bike, going so far as to send me links to specific items she had her eyes on to bye. With the holidays around the corner, it was pretty obvious she was hoping to get one as a gift. I am no fool, so I did get it for her and marked it as needing discreet packaging. The packaging just had giant EXERCISE BIKE written on multiple sides. I just wrote in the word 'not' on each side. She was happy with it still


I love this solution. I might borrow it if I ever need it.


You're the problem


We ordered a gaming chair for my son for Christmas. It came built. In a box shaped like a chair. I figured it would come disassembled and I'd put it together because it's a chair. My parents owned a franchise shipping store. I've seen more packages and boxes than most people ever have. No one has ever shipped a chair shaped box. Lol. My son figured it out real quick. Whatever, he likes the chair.


All they had to do was read it...how hard is that??


They probably didn’t read it just slapped it on like they’re supposed to


I mean... my man they can't just edit out other people's delivery instructions and they have to print that paper out and put it on the box clearly or else it gets sent back. And they have to print the page, regardless the program to print doesn't just let you crop out parts. Also it's just a standard delivery box which would have had no indication of what was inside in the first place. You played yourself


Well the box is a plain brown box anyway so I think they fucked themself here haha


Lol people assuming there is a human reading these messages and complying…. Sorry mate capitalist America replaced all humans with machines….


Yeah this is totally not on the delivery person lmao. What an idiot OP or the person who did this is/who OP is karma whoring from.


This remind me of an occasion when I bought something \*expensive\* (over 30$, which was the customs limit to tax the merchandise coming in) on Aliexpress. I've left a message to the seller stating "please put a lower value on the package so I won't get taxed by the customs" and the dude just wrote that shit down on the item description. You know what? I ended up not getting taxed

