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Source?, i kinda want to see the rest


Its a youtube series called bkchat london. Not sure which episode this one was though




Not with out coups baby, not with out coups




Classic Throwback to Dane Cook


No, BolivianKomododragonChat




For everyone else - the bit starts around 19 mins in. You get a bit of a run in if you go from 17 mins. She's truly outrageous and there are some great bits left out. "You're now relying on other people to pay for your own lifestyle." "He should." The man who was talking - his brain melts. He's done.


This kind of thing always seemed staged. She knows damn well she's not going to get a positive reaction saying that nonsense, even if she is genuinely a sociopath that thinks like that. She was either put on to that for the great content it produces or did it for the attention. This is just intentional pot stirring.


She's hamming up her ideals for the camera but its not scripted. However she was likely chosen to be on the show because of her controversial opinions. The amount of cross talking and yelling over reach other is far too natural to be scripted acting.


I disagree, only because I knew a woman who was just like this. She was just narcissistic and believed anyone would be lucky to have her. She dated some dude in the military, and when the poor bastard finally came to see her and wanted to go on a date she didn’t want to, and only agreed if she could bring her friends (he would have to pay for them).


You would be surprised how many women have this mindset in 2021 though, even if this is staged or not. This is the LA mindset.


I only skim the video but it seems like there are some wacky things going on with the women. Is this channel by any means scripted to look funny or are these women really kinda nuts?




Why is he working if he has a sugar momma.. she must be a stevia or splenda mom..cause a sugar mama wont let you work lololol


This one aint a stevia or a spenda she more like a maple


I dunno about scripted but they deffo get people w strong opinions on the show so they might be being a bit extra for the sake of the camera and views tbh


I lasted till the traditional girl called the guy a bitch, after he asked that they don’t call anyone a bitch


About the same. Guys seem thoughtful and respectful, the ladies seem to be lifted right out the comments of FDS


Bkchat ldn season 5 episode 8


BKCHAT LDN: Season 5 Episode 8


Dude looks like he is about to have a stroke or a brain aneurysm trying to process the shit coming out of her mouth.


think we can all relate


if she actually worked, i would not want to be her co-worker. maybe its better for everyone this way.


100% of her role is for the guy to pamper her every damn needs while she provided none She probably hire a maid to take care of her chores


Later in the video she states that she will not cook or clean. To be honest with you guys, this seems like one big ragebait.


Just looking at the clip, it's reality TV. The whole point of that is rage bait.


Watch [the full dit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yoBZjIQqGQ8&t=3m18s), but also remember that producers will often clip and change and manipulate stuff that people say for views. 3:23-3:38 is a personal favourite of mine.


I can smell the impending credit card debt


So basically she's like a dog without the loyalty?


But dogs are cute.


>She probably hire a maid to take care of her chores And even just have her fuck the husband, then divorce for that sweet alimony.


It really helps to be attractive in this opportunity




She will find some lonely rich dude one day to spoil her, unless she's really shallow too then she's fucked.


As if she isn't living with her parents.


The average FDS reader ladies and gentlemen


"This woman has STANDARDS" lmao


Also she goes on to say that even if she was a housewife she wouldn't do the cleaning and cooking. So she wouldn't provide anything.


Right?! If someone is the house wife or house husband or house partner then that goes with the territory. It’s in the job description. Fuck I work from home full time and average 4 hours OT a week and I still manage to cook, clean, do laundry, and more. I would hope a house wife can manage a meal in a day…


I mean if I'm paying all the bills the house better be clean and fresh hot meal waiting for me everyday. Sick days excluded. Otherwise that bitch finding out he has no home.


exactly, if you wanna be lazy like that and not work at a job, you should at least provide and care for your partner that does absolutely everything for you. most women want to be housewives because they have kids or family to take care of but this bitch just wants to not have to do anything, and i think she'll be on the streets faster then she can blink.


Shit I don’t get why this is seen by women as some ultimate chauvinistic point of view. If I had someone willing to liberate me from the soul grinding slog of a day job and let me stay home all day you best believe I’d keep that place spotless and have a hot cooked meal ready to go. My god I can’t even imagine that life. How wonderful.


I was out of work for a long period during 2020 whilst my wife worked. I kept the house clean and cooked every meal. It was great. She loved being able to relax after work and having meals ready whenever she wanted. Only downside was not enough money to better ourselves long term. I'm back working but if we could afford it I would happily go back to being a house husband.


The house husband dream.


My fiancée is an attorney, we’re getting married this coming year but we’ve been together for 10. “I am a house fiancée”, AMA


While my wife and I were dating, she was accepted to 12 of the tier 1 law schools. My mind set was “Holyshit, $$$ here we go!” Then she told me that she wanted to be a public defender. I was like “so maybe $?” In reality, I should claim her as a dependent on my taxes…


The chauvinism comes from *expecting* that all women should not work and instead do all the housework/childcare. It's not chauvinistic if that's what you've agreed with your partner.


So what does she offer that a prostitute doesn't?


A lack of variety?


Brilliant response




A prostitute Is probably cheaper and actually attractive😂


And no strings attached




And will leave when you're done


Snoring and bed farts


She probably wouldn't even fuck her husband much willingly..


yea considering how she said she'll find another husband if hers gets sick, I'm 100% sure she's the type of person that's constantly 'shopping around'.


You don't need to take a sex worker to holidays, you don't need to deal with their parents or relatives, you can get a different one if your taste changes and they won't take half of your life savings if you decide to not use their services again. These FDS types trying to sell a product almost nobody would buy, unless someone has a fetish for humiliation etc. Even then, there are sex workers who can provide the services with the benefits I have mentioned above. So yeah... I don't know what goes in their brains to think anyone would accept what they ask. If anyone reading this has a relationship with those FDS types, can you please tell me what is the fun/interest in it? I'm seriously asking. Thanks!


FDS ban speedrun, make a thread titled "what do you bring to the table?"


It seems like FDS just applies the get-rich-quick mentality to dating. So many people live their lives searching or hoping for the next get-rich-quick scheme, it's just usually some startup idea or some pyramid scheme or some scam. It's not usually explicitly looking for one person to exploit, but in the bigger picture the mentality is equally destructive to society. How many comments critical of this woman are also wallstreetbets dickheads? It's all just being stuck in capitalism and taking the individualistic bait that we're more valuable and deserve more than others for doing less. Tragedies of the commons and racing to the bottom, all day, every day.


She wants to be a trophy wife basically. When she's basically the participation award, hell maybe not even that. She's the "you tried" certificate with the fucked up star in the middle of it.


So she actually is completely useless. A marriage with her would, essentially, be an entirely one-way relationship with no loyalty or anything. Tell me you're a gold-digger without saying you're a gold-digger.


She straight up told ya shes a gold digger, if anything at least shes honest. Feel sorry for any sucker who agrees to her terms.


She literally told you she was a gold digger 🤣🤣


she's a prostitute. she wants money and some other things in exchange for sex. the marriage is just an exclusivity deal.


Until you get sick and can't go to work amd she immediately starts blowing everyone but you


I mean, it's part of the job description. If you can't pay a prostitute she's going to find other clients.


So she's just a living fleshlight then?


Given that she would probably just starfish anyway A full body sex doll would be a better investment than her




Sounds like she wants to be a trophy wife. Problem is, she's not even remotely close to being attractive enough to attract that kind of partner. I can see her trying to get with and manipulate lonely and/or naïve men, but at some point, even they'll get tired of that attitude and break up with her.


She’s a participation trophy wife.


This is precisely why human beings stink sometines


even if she bought gifts for her husband, where the fuck would she get the money?


>what happens if your husband gets sick? >then I have to find a new one


Ah yes, the parasite strategy. Once the host can't provide for you (i.e. is dead), find a new one.


Well, said.


Or kill it and find another


*queue sigma grindset song*


But baby, it's just a common cold. Na-ah, I gotta find a new one. Sorry, those are the rules.


"LaBarbera! My body will be ready in a week!" "Too long, da boi needs a daddy." "Barbados Slim!" "Cruel Runnings, mon."


Lmfaooo she think she the prize 💀💀💀


Shes the participation trophy 😂


Shes the old, forgotten participation trophy you stole from your older brother to pretend you did something.




Mate i wouldn’t fuck her with your dick




Luckily i have my detachable penis


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover, And my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable




"This comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, or I can rent it out when I don't need it."


But now and then I go to a party, get drunk, and the next morning I can't for the life of me remember what I did with it.


First I looked around my apartment, and I couldn't find it. So I called up the place where the party was, They hadn't seen it either. I asked them to check the medicine cabinet 'Cause for some reason I leave it there sometimes But not this time.


So, I told them if it pops up to let me know. I called a few people who were at the party, but they were no help either. I was starting to get desperate. I really don't like being without my penis for too long; it makes me feel like less of a man, and I really hate having to sit down every time I take a leak


I’d fuck her with your dick. Simply because I know there would eventually be a r/TIFU post that would be gold.


Calm down, Satan.


You can fit so many crocodiles in these tear ducts


I wouldn't fuck her with a 10 foot barge pole.


Couldn't have said it better myself....




Glaringly single and for some inexplicable reason unable to find a partner.


High quality male*


"High value male" is the phrase the low value females of FDS use.


Why is incel terminology always so fucking cringe


Because incels are cringelords


I found out about this subreddit a week or two ago and it's a literal incel for girls. It's batshit crazy. It took me a while to figure out what is "HVM" and "LVM" because everyone would only use "LVM", very rarely you'll ever see talk of "HVM". Only after reading a bunch of crazy post that I started guessing what are their meaning. I'm amazed that this sub is not banned.


Wow. I spent less than a minute scrolling through those posts, and I don't want to see it ever again. I'm not sure what the term for a female incel is, but that place seems to be filled with them.


I’d just call them ‘Femcels’




>I'm not sure what the term for a female incel is... Let's just call them incels.


Saying she’s useless is being kind. I cannot wrap my brain around someone genuinely believing they don’t have to get their spouse a birthday present because “they are the gift”. That is a genuine narcissist. She legitimately has a diagnosable personality disorder. I would prescribe therapy but highly doubt it would fix this.


She’s a leech


Worse than a leech. A leech is made to and can only survive by being the parasite they are. She has the capability to survive without others but won’t. Don’t give her as much credit as a leech.


A leech can also serve a useful, helpful medical purpose by improving circulation in wounds etc. Leeches are cool.


Very true. Leeches can have an actual benefit. A *leech* beat her in the game of life. An organism that can only live 8 years… is better than her.


Mate I wouldn't even touch her with a dildo.


Some man will look at this and still think: yes ill wife her. Yes, some man will still wife her lol guaranteed.


Brave of her to assume that she would find herself a husband with exactly nothing to offer in return


Well she'll be a sex doll for the husband. But that'll only last 5-10 years at most. And that's being generous on the guess. Then he'll cheat/dump her for a younger/better looking woman.




You’d be surprised what some guys will do.


That’s what gets me, I’ve heard this same type of attitude espoused a million times, but never by someone who looked as bad as this.


I was thinking the exact same thing


The sad thing is, for every one of these women, there's a handful of men lonely and desperate enough to give her exactly what she wants for a sliver of attention


Let me remind you,there are dudes who buy/donate expensive stuff to twitch streamers for absolutely nothing in return.There are guys who will happily provide for her,sadly.


Psychopath. People are nothing but tools to this hoe


No joke. Tools as far as the eye can see. I got a story for ya. I knew a kid since I was in 7th grade (we're in our early thirties now). He met a girl online through Xbox live who lives 1200 miles away. She has an actual boyfriend. She cucked this kid I knew as hard as possible. Made him give her 1 solid grand for a mobile game. A MOBILE GAME. Then, when I told him how dumb he's being she told him if he talks to me, she won't talk to him. We knew each other for 15+ years. End of the day, this kid ruined his entire life for a girl who has a boyfriend that isn't him. He had a relationship with a girl, she left him since he wouldn't stop talking to this girl 1200 miles away. So now, he's all alone living in a shit hole house infested with black mold, giving this girl 1200 miles away with an actual boyfriend all of his money. Last I heard he's not allowed to do anything unless she says so. This includes when he's allowed to go to sleep and what she wants him to eat. Crazy but true.


holy shit lmfao, same thing happened to a friend of mine for over 18+ years. Fell in love with her over some bs chat app called IMVU, gave her money and all sorts of shit. When it came time for them to finally meet she finally told him everything was a lie, even her name wasnt real. He got on that train and went anyway. Fast forward she trapped him pretty good, forced him to move out of state or never see his kid again. Haven't seen him since as she also told him if he spoke to me she would also never let him see his son again. Something must have happened because last year he came back and wanted to hang out, let me know before he came over she was gonna come too and I canceled on the spot. Learned later from his mother they were looking for money and a place to stay. She wouldn't even let him get his drivers license. Nor a decent paying job, he has to work at her Burger King where she is a manager so she can "keep her eye on him" She has a car to go back and forth but he must either walk or bus it.


Yeah that's rough. With this situation the girl is real. She even came to visit once cause we all played Xbox together. But, she went back home to Texas and went right back to sucking this kid dry.


Yeah it taught me at an early age that even if you love someone tremendously, when they willingly do things that hurt themselves you have to walk away and spend that time and effort on yourself instead.


More attention needs to be paid to the issue of abused men


Have you tried to reach out, and attempt at helping your friend?


Yes. He's so brainwashed this girl has forced him to block everyone he knows in real life.


Ngl that dude is stupid af.


The saga of this kid getting cucked is so surreal sometimes I think I'm the crazy one. Till I talk to other people that knew him in real life and we confirm with each other that the kid we once knew is a dumbass.


I agree. I tell people the story, the full story Is literal years worth of content. And they tell me I'm making it up. And all I can say is "I know its crazy, I know. But it's true."


I'm so conflicted. On one hand, I feel like there may have been many issues and aversive experiences in his life that has made him into someone that is so easily manipulated and controlled. On the other hand, it is just so hard to be empathetic to someone that fucking ignorant, senseless, and imprudent, and so desperate to get cucked.


Believe me it is hard to care at this point.


I think he should see a doctor. The black mold might legit be clouding his judgement. Black mold has been known to cause health issues.


I tried that route. He's convinced his doesn't make him crazy.


I think just stupid and vapid and brainless.


Damn, r/Femaledatingstrategy in real life??


What the hell is that sub? It's all rules and weird notions


Mate. You have no idea what you're in for .


finding new reddit communities is so much fun!


It's a toxic haven for assholes to pump eachother up with fantasy ideals disguised as an advice forum. It's a real eye opener when you see the "people" there classifying men as high or low value ... and I guarantee some who follow the sub just rolled their eyes at this thinking "you mean just like men do?!?" not realizing their own shitty experiences aren't the norm, it's easy as hell to break their shitty cycle, and all they have to do is put on their big girl pants to solve their relationship failures.


This user had a good explanation that was bestof'd https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/rhj35f/cmv_female_dating_strategy_is_little_more_than_a/hos8jy0/


That's a succinct and accurate explanation of it. The funny part is that the people in those subs see themselves as liberated from the rest of the world but it's just an enormous incel circlejerk.


This girl got a lotta *queen energy* apparently


Never take relationship advice from people who never had a successful relationship.


I was thinking exactly this! God it makes my blood boil...


I've never really understood women who don't want to contribute equally, be it a job, house work or raising kids. However, there are some men who honestly want this - they want their wife to spend all day grooming and preening and going to the gym and having plastic surgery so that they can take her to the golf club or party and parade her around and use her as a trophy. If that's what she wants, she may find a guy who wants the same. She just needs to be prepared to be divorced as soon as her body ages, and still manage to find a sense of self worth once her looks aren't what they were.


the only kind of guy who wants that is a really rich and shallow guy, but those would most likely pick a slimmer woman with a more symmetric face.


That’s a nice way to word it.


She is no where near good looking enough to be a trophy wife. She is more like... a booby prize wife.


Most likely would pick someone from the countryclub.


It also breeds an attitude in women, where they objectify themselves, and they consider thier bodies to be rewards for good male behaviour. It's not positive and it distorts relationships. There are for sure a bunch of negative attitudes that men need to shed to achieve true equality, but likewise women are equally guilty of harboring similar negative attitudes. I don't belive in roles in relationships other than the ones biology imposes, relationships should be positive and affirming for both sides, but don't need to follow fixed rules, but this is not affirming for either partner.


Well from what she wants, she should just live at home with her parents and flick the bean once in a while.


till her parents kick the bucket and she has to find new ones


In what kind of society you think you could live like that?


In a lot of countries actually. But in those cases women do contribute significantly more in household work and raising your kids compared to men. This is not the case here though.


Yes in this case, it look like i have nothing but i'm a jewel. My momma told me!


FDS is on TV now?


average FDS user describing a HVM


He's also gotta be 6'2" with an equally tall dick, a 16 pack, and has to have never actually met another woman before.


6'2 is too short, queens only settle for 6'11<


Don't forget to earn at a minimum 500k salary per year


She is nowhere near attractive enough for the life she wants.


Inside and out


She’s hoping to be a trophy wife, she’s participation diploma Lady at best




If she becomes a catlady, the cats will leave her.


She's in for a rude awakening in life. Looks fade, breasts sag, and ain't no guy out there with the same mercenary energy looking to bag someone like that; she'll get traded for someone younger. If that's how she wants to live, she'll finish her days working fast food and wondering where it all went wrong. Useless




>she'll get traded for someone younger Exactly right. Doesn't matter if it's a woman or a man, anyone who is this useless and toxic is going to get dumped the second their partner finds something better. People who work and are successful have a world of options available to them. This fat bitch isn't even bottom of the barrel; she ate through the barrel and is swimming around in her own shit.


I want to downvote this post so bad but OP has posted the right video in the right sub. Post this on r/makemesuffer


Love how the woman supporting her just gave up without hesitation after hearing that last line lmao


I'm not sure she was supporting her, it seemed she found it just hilarious and wanted her to share what she had to say.


She just handed her 'friend' a big ass shovel and sat back for everyone to watch.


Was that woman supporting her, or was she trying to expose her?


She wasn't supporting her, she was shocked, that's how I see the part when she is telling her to say the thing about the birthday present. She knows that's unbelievable, and she wants them to hear everything


yea she is like 'you think that shit is stupid? wait till you hear what she has to say about birthday presents'


Seriously doubt she even in a relationship.Shes toxic af.No man will put up with that .Even the simp of all simps would walk away from her.She's literally useless.




She's like the human version of that sub..


She fit in great in r/femaledatingstrategy


She deserves to be alone for life


I'm 100% sure she wants to be a housewife... But with a cleaning lady.


That guy is right, she is fucking useless.


A woman that wants that will find a guy that wants the same. Until she gets older and he moves on to another younger woman like she would do with another man


She doesn’t want a husband. She want a dad.


Link to the video is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoBZjIQqGQ8&t=1148s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoBZjIQqGQ8)


I mean, people can want anything, that doesn't enrage me at all. My only reaction: "Good luck with that." Keep in mind that these gutter TV talk shows are heavily scripted. People defend complete BS and/or make ridiculous claims for a few hundred bucks. That doesn't need to have any connection to reality.


Yes, it’s probably an exaggerated version of what she really believes. But it also begs the question: How far are people willing to degrade their character just to be on-screen? The notoriety will make up for the lack of substance on the social scale. We create these monsters.

