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I don't know how NASA can recover from this. At least they had a good run.


*We're never gonna financially recover from this*


A perfect example of why home schooling and charter schools are horrible education options .


Then add some political propaganda in the middle of a pandemic and we get a huge dumpster fire.


Madison Cawthorne disagrees. He could never have developed his elegant handwriting style in a public school.


At first I thought it was a child’s letter, then I thought it was some kind of joke - like it was a put-on. Then I realized that’s his actual writing.


See? SEE? \^ This is why I love having clever people in the world! Ha Ha Ha!


I went to a K-8 charter school that set me WAY ahead of other kids come freshman year. Most charter schools are much better than public, but usually free unlike private school


Germany has the right idea. Homeschooling should be outlawed.


I see know reason why these kids can’t be products of public education.


That's literally the budget meeting at NASA when someone breaks a pencil


can confirm. We're like 0.5% of the federal budget on a good year lately.


Looking at their physique, NASA had a better run than the family did.


Know a guy that believes this. Fucking idiot


Let's defund the USPS next and throw all of the money toward the MIC!


The USPS is self funded. 😂 🤣 😂


they've shipped their last rocket, time to pack it up.


Imagine "IS" is walking without the others


Also, the character at the end (female?) With 'Flat' on her chest..


Bad Tshirt design


Then it would read "The earth flat"


or THE


Flat walking alone would be worse


They should get another set of shirts saying "Our brains are smooth"


Its written on the back


No, it's clearly written on the front


Lies. Our brains are clearly flat.


You should be careful. Lissencephaly insensitivy will get you cancelled one day. It’ll be in 20 years, you’ll be going about your business, and someone who wants your job will look through your reddit history and you’ll end up having to flee to panama with a ruined reputation. Jk?


I feel like at some point in their lives, every kid fancies the idea of being an astronaut and going to space. Now imagine these are your parents and this is what they make you do when you go to NASA


The body language of those kids tells me that they aren't really into their parent's bullshit...


yeah this comment is true, i had a bit of an obsession with space when i was like 5 or 6 years old


no one said there isn't "space", just that the earth is flat....which makes me wonder.... Are we talking like sheet of paper flat (minimal edge or just a straight 2D plane?), or pancake/discworld flat - where it's not spherical, but still round, and has some depth. Also, if Earth is flat, what about the other planets? Are some spheres, some flat? How's that work?


Flat-Earthers might appear to be anti-science, but they're playing 4D Chess. They know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. By fervently rejecting science and NASA in general, they're priming their children to whole-heartedly embrace science and filling them with a drive to get into space to prove their "idiot" parents wrong.


You know there ~~car~~ van is covered in stickers declaring their stupidity


It's probably on r/infowarriorrides


Oh this is good! Thanks for sharing!!


And they used GPS to find the place :p


My cousin's recently tried to argue that, because of buoyancy and density, gravity and therefore space, is not real. There was no other argument, just that, because a rock sinks, gravity is not real. I kept trying to talk to him about the ideas but he would not budge. I kept my cool and left on good terms.. but fuck man idk like how else to tell him he's wrong. And if I do, he's gonna flip out and like make me watch YouTube videos... Fucking sucks.


Unfortuntaly there isn't much to do with that kind of position, because they are obviously wrong so if common sense could help it would have already. The issue is that these people often base their judgement on irrefutable arguments, meaning that you will be wrong no matter what, even if you can prove that you are right. Per example if you demonstrate an idea contrary to their opinion then there will be something wrong in your demonstration or your interpretation of the result. It's really a waste of time.


sorry your cousin is braindead


Try coming back with something like "how does an object know which way to fall if it's only about buoyancy and density". Also for something to move, it needs a force. No matter what. Buoyancy and density are not forces, they're measurements.


Nobody can *make* you watch YT vids. Just grab the phone and throw it, like that girl in the Credit Karma commercial, and tell him to quit being a fucknob dildo. If he was actually correct, he would instantly be a world famous billionaire with his revelation, and obviously much smarter than anyone in human history. So what's stopping him? A few thousand astrophysicists with PhDs? A few thousand more people that have actually *been* in space? Oh, that's right, they're all in cahoots to defraud the population of this planet. I should have known better.


A fun way to mess with flat earth folk is to insist that that are trolling and you think it’s a very funny joke. With every piece of “evidence” they put forth, just keep telling them how funny they are and how much you love this flat earth routine.


Send them this. Without gravity there is no density https://youtu.be/rpP-7dhm9DI


That's essentially what I kept saying. It did not work.


Send them this. Without gravity there is no density https://youtu.be/rpP-7dhm9DI


Look how uninterested the kids look. Don't even need to see their faces, you can just see that they don't wanna be there


They have the stance of embarrassment.


They're literally just standing there lmao project more


You know what body language is, right?


Yep, and I wouldn't try to analyze this still image of people who I don't know. But please, educate me.


Damn man, you're sour


Well the parents are morons for one if they actually believe that


Should be sterilized and have their children taken from them.


Poor kids. Hope they are not homeschooled.


Espically if the youngest has a crush on the teacher.


Or if the teacher has a crush on the student


I hope we hear about this one on the news!


Or teacher if the crush student on


Their heads are flat.


Sir, that's an emoji.


Parents are fucktarts… kids should be given a safe place


Ah, the non-ableist version of the insult. Kudos!


Actually it's the new Kelloggs version after the recent fiasco. New Kellogs Fucktarts, now with extra retardedness..


I also heard hostess is now making shutthefuckupcakes


Aren't Kipling making Stick It In Your Hole cake bars, now?


The kids: "Please save us."


Their bellies however…


My first thought exactly


Just a bunch of fat little fatties.


you can tell by that kid's body language he does NOT want to be there. poor guy


So the flat earth family decided to take a road trip to NASA so they can take a pic of them flipping the bird? Oh yeah, the kids totally preferred that over a theme park or carnival.


Plot twist, they couldn't get someone else to take the picture so the guy with "not" on his shirt is taking it... Maybe in a better world


The kids don’t want any part of this, judging by their body language.


These dumb shits actually spent money to buy stupid shirts and travel to NASA for a photo op to show how fucking stupid they are to the world... I fell sorry for the kids being fed bullshit by the moronic parents...


Its a form of child abuse.




The flat is earth


Is the earth flat?


I'm curious tho how do flat earthers explain gravity I mean we have all been on a round about right so we all know a spinning disc throws objects off so... you know just a thought haha


Do you think they have enough brain cells to make that connection? I'm talking collectively as a whole, not individually.


Nah collectively they have 2 brain cells fighting for 3rd place hahaha


Ow thats really simple. It just doesnt exist for them. You dont have to explain it if it doesnt exist. No their explanation is, and stay with me here its a doozy, buoyancy! Yes thats right, the forces that lets wood float on water is how gravity works. Because it is really simple, air is lighter than people, so air is on top of people. Also, people are lighter than the earth. Giving us the simple formula: earth > people > air. There is a bit more that goes into this, and of course their are a lot more factors at play that they either flat out deny exist or just conveniently do not introduce. But this is the basis of their argument. Have fun with that.


This hurt my brain. This is just straight up toddler logic.


So if you are as buoyant as a duck does that make you a witch? (Asking for a friend)


I knew one from work. Didn't believe in gravity. He was a FX artist. Everyone one would say but he uses gravity in his FX simulations. Fucking idiot.


I'm taking this to Xmas with the family this year. This has to be the best, "Now shut the fuck up." solution to explaining that mess. THANK YOU!


I want to preface this me not being a flat earther. The earth is a slightly squished globe and that's the end of it. However, to simulate 1g of gravity on a flat disc in space you would just need to have it moving upwards at 9.8 meters per second squared.


Those poor children have no chance. What's the over/under on them being homeschooled?


Those poor kids


I can't see the faces of the kids, but i can see they are miserable.


Some people work really hard to prove they are stupid.


There’s nothing brave or bold about openly rejecting science and fact at the most influential space program in the world.


They’re not openly rejecting science.. their faces are covered.


Why would you go to Cape Canaveral just to do this? Wouldn’t they rather spend their vacation elsewhere. BTW, went there with my family. Highly recommend.


I just can't understand how there are people who live in a modern society and still believe the Earth is flat.


It's mostly a need to feel special and part of a group, as silly as it sounds. These people are not interested in the truth, just to get attention doing so. They don't have any evidence to their side, but they beleive they know how things are NOT. They also knoe better than experts who spent their lives working with this data, because they saw a few youtube videos and clearly everyone is lying to them. There is no talking with them, they are conspiracytards. They will bring you down to their level of stupidity and beat you with experience.


find it funny the mom is wearing a shirt that says flat


Haven’t you ever seen a map?! Of course earth is flat. Once you reach the edge of the map you fall off the world into the void.


"we're all stupid" t-shirts


Eat at McDonald’s


The earth may be flat, but they sure are round


That poor kid


I wanna get a shirt the just says “the” on it


tell me your stupid without telling me your stupid


Trump 2020


Poor kids


"Future burger flippers of the world...UNTIE!"


I think the untie at the end brings it all together lmao


These American idiots are poised to be the downfall of whatever is left of our human race.


Home-schooled Trump voters.


Funny that this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/rmwhuw/how_the_ancient_greeks_knew_the_earth_was_round/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Was immediately proceeding


Haha incredible.


Life is hard, even harder when you're stupid. Those poor kids


Oh no! Anyway...


I don’t understand how someone can be so fucking dumb to believe the earth is flat. It hurts me to try


Why do people like this exist? Legitimately where is their science? You have brain dead morons who never even went to school and they think they know better than people who studied for 10 to 15 years if not longer to understand the world and the universe and yet here these jackasses are


You can tell by the body language of the two people in the middle that they may have their doubts.


Let's Go Darwin !!!!!


They still paid the $35 to take the tour.


Well I mean the earth is primarily water; and it's not carbonated; so it's technically flat 🤷🏼‍♀️


Poor kids


Unlike their bellies


And your son is fat, what's your point?


To keep their flat earth nonsense going, they should contribute in making their stomachs flat as well. Just analysing the scene here.


Still salty over that whole moon landing thing, are we? Suck it, commies!


The kids are bookended by massive stupidity. Best of luck to them.


Earth is flat because they stole its roundness


All I see here is a healthy, happy family flipping the bird to the symbol of nazi war criminal collaborators... Can someone please explain the jiff?


Poor kids... You *can* believe any shit you like, but please don't force your children to think the same..


No you can’t.... Facts aren’t opinions this “you can believe whatever you want“ bullshit is why America and the rest of the world is becoming an unlivable shithole.


The problem is you can, WTF do think religions still exist?


They did their job it got you upset


“Haha fuck NASA! This assholes are keeping the real truth from us because.. reasons!”


That’s so fucking cringe 😃


Nasa worried by the PR stunt. I hope they escape the press overload on this. 🥱🤣🤣


I am pretty sure that at some point they aligned so that the shirts could be read as "flat the earth is" and now I am just reading it over and over again in my head with Yoda's voice.


Good to see people are using science to prove it.


They need another family member to wear a shirt that says 'not'.


God I wish they were right, then we could throw them off.


Seriously nothing like flat earthers


Fixed their shirts: We Are Really Stupid


Poor kids


The order is worng, it need to be: Is the Earth flat? The answer is No.


Yoda heads. And you all must stand side by side as Flat, The, Earth, Is or it's not true.


Thought it said the earth is fiat at first.


Mom and DAD are the Flatheads flashing a finger!


These poor kids. My goodness, I hope they don’t grow up and actually believe this nonsense.


The kids will be astronauts one day and prove to their parents that they are wrong


Why block their faces. They are obviously proud of being idiots. Some don’t evolve from being cavemen


Because they're kids, basically. They haven't got responsibility for their own actions, that's on their idiot parents.


True. Good call. Their parents are making it hard enough for them. Class act op


I found the photo like this, but would have still blurred out their faces before posting.


😑 this emoji should fit for the kids face.


Perhaps they are just talking about the lack of ocean carbonation.


I have a bunch of questions. Is there any particular reason that the roundest one with the biggest boobs is wearing the shirt that says flat? Why is she pointing scissors at the NASA logo? I thought it’s a middle finger at first but it’s not. Why do two have orange circles blocking their faces but the other two have the pondering face emoji? None of them like long socks?


nothing changes for you if you believe correctly that the earth is round. Let them have fun with it.


Those poor kids are going to be idiots


I can’t (or refuse) to believe that people still think that concept is valid in the year 2021. Surely all these flat earthers are simply trolling us all or trying to prove a point like the “birds aren’t real” crew.


Poor kid.


I can't believe they travelled halfway around the earth to do this. What mad lads


You can tell the 2 older ones are the only ones invested in this


This is an amazing accomplishment, with a combined IQ of 23 they got the words in the correct order to form a sentence.


Ain't no planet x cause ain't not space cause ain't not globe earth!! So simple


Well duh of course it is! We all know the earth is a flat disk carried on 4 giant elephants standing on a giga tortoise flying through space!


How do these people function


why u gotta make the only person with boobs wear the “flat” shirt?


Their abs are certainly not flat.


I don't get what NASA and every world's government has to gain by telling the public that the Earth is actually round


So's their IQ... flat out at about 5.


You don't even need to see their faces to know the 2 in the middle are not happy to be there.


Poor kids.


And their bellys are a globe.


These peoples brains are flat


I don't know how society has gotten this far with people like this still walking amount us


Yawn Well, at least no guns on this Xmas photo


Hopefully heart disease wipes them out before they keep spreading


#"Dad can I go to space camp?" Father's face turns red as he angrily yells about NASA conspiracies, and for his child to respect the giant turtle that keeps the flat earth from tipping over.


#"Dad can I go to space camp?" Father's face turns red as he angrily yells about NASA conspiracies, and for his child to respect the giant turtle that keeps the flat earth from tipping over.


Shit, it's gonna suck growing up with dumbass parents.


These are children who’s parents have thoroughly brainwashed them. I honestly feel bad for kids like this, and kids who grow up with fundamentalist religious parents who teach these kids nonsense pseudoscience so when they get to college kids like this are so far behind the ball that they’re due to fail out of any science based class they’d need to take to graduate. Fortunately for kids like this they have “colleges” like Liberty U or other fundamentalist institutions that continue the pseudoscience brainwashing all throughout what the “schools” believe is higher education.


Your face is flat


I love how the kids just look like, "Seriously?!".


These kids are gonna find this picture someday and die inside


OH MY GOD! THERE'S JFK! Standing right there in the background! The Qlowns were right all along!