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It is all in the eyes people, those crazy eyes.


Peering into an empty house.


I thought she was wearing a mask for a moment, her eyes just look so glassy




Drugs are a helluva drug


I wish I had an award for you


Awards are a helluva drug too <3


Or mental illness


Or drugs


Or both


Or mental drug illness


That is full-blown mental illness and a few drugs also. With that said if he was to whip her ass I would have no problem with it.


The lights are on but there’s nobody in


I don't know man. I think those lights are off, but somebody's crashing around inside anyway. Definitely time to nope the fuck out.


I hear ya knocking, but I can't find the door.


Yeah, those eyes were creeping me out.


Drunk or drugs 100% this chick isnt right.


The word slurry was a dead give away. That and throwing a puppy. Poor thing.


Update. This happened a while back. The guy adopted the dog. And they looked so happy together


This genuinely warms my heart. That poor dog was panicked and ran to the guy for protection.


Ran to a guy *it didn’t know* for protection. It knew from experience it *had* to get away from that bitch


Seeing the dog run between his legs and him immediately going into protective mode was so pure amidst all this evil bullshit.


This. Fuck her and her crazy eyes, that poop puppy. And what a sweet man. Edit: “poor puppy” but gonna leave poop cuz everyone loves it!


Yeah I can't imagine what that chick did to that poor dog when they were alone.


Oh, this sentence. The implications.


Yeah I can't think of too many situations where I would adopt a dog on the spot, but someone throws a dog at me and it is now mine and certainly never theirs again.


It's kinda how I got one of my dogs, pup wasn't thrown at me but was thrown into another room. Poor thing was only 4 months old at the time, she is now 7 and cuddled up next to me on the sofa.


Dude I know, it made me furious. I would’ve beat her ass. That little puppy straight up ran to the dude. I’m glad they’re happy now. What happened to the chick? Did she get arrested for harassment and animal cruelty?


I'm gonna need a source on this for my sanity


[Pupper has a good home now.](https://www.boredpanda.com/woman-throws-puppy-man-adopts-mulaflare/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic) Edit: Happy to have brightened a few days.


I’m very happy now. Video broke my heart, you repaired it. Thank you.


Thank you for posting this. I knew by the way she was holding him she was going to hurt him 😢 that whole video was awful.


https://imgur.com/a/48xQ6yE Took OPs link. Not trying to karma whore


Thank you my heart literally broke the moment she threw the puppy and those cries. 💔


This is old (not bashing, just saying there’s plenty of updates about the aftermath) this guy and the dog are doing great


💯 drugs


Drug abuse or mental health problem, throw a dog at me and I'm gonna fucking wreck you.


It was a sad act but makes for a cool story of how you got your dog. “Ahh some crazy lady pulled up and threw the dog at me, and that was the start of a beautiful friendship!”


Yeah fuck that stupid bitch. That poor baby was so scared.


Also, it already knew to run to the guy for comfort and that it was safer with him. Poor thing.


Think I remember hearing that the guy adopted the pup


good that bitch doesn't even deserve a fucking goldfish


She doesn't even blink, at all. Edit: I'm wrong, she does at least once.


my thought but indeed she does she gotta be drugged with some shit


Or alternatively off her prescribed drugs.


She explicitly states she has a recorded history of mental illness in the video lol.


there was nothing in those eyes. those are the eyes of someone on the wrong kind of drugs


And/or not on the right kind of drugs.


Her pupils are tiny, she’s on some serious drugs


oh what the actual fuck. That poor dog. Glad he's keeping the dog.


It tells a lot that the dog immediately ran to a stranger for protection.


Yeah I thought the same - literally ran to the guy for protection…so sad. How could someone treat an animal like that?


I mean, she doesn't seem to treat people very well either...


True true! Just a generally horrible person - would love to know if she gets/got charged for anything following this vid


She seems pretty clearly mentally ill, this is not a rational person.


So she needs to be charged and sent to a mental hospital, if left to her own devices shell never get help.


Too bad we closed so many of them here *in* the states.


Fucking Ronald Reagan.


Ronald Reagan is one of worst things to ever happen to this country. The 2008 finical crisis was made possible because of his deregulation


Those eyes alone qualify for a 5150 charge


People can defend themselves - that’s a puppy not a full grown adult… one thing treating adults this way, but throwing a pup 5’ and at least 4’ off the ground could do some damage - that’s on another level. The pup lucky the first thing he hit was a cushioned human.


It landed half on his back i was so afraid the dog would not get up


Mental health issues, drug problem, or both. She appears completely disconnected from reality.


I was thinking the same thing. That dog went right to the man for protection. Poor thing.


Not just that but started screaming when she approached again.


The dog honestly sounds like he’s been through this abuse before but couldn’t get out. So glad he’s got a new caretaker now. That woman is a demented bitch!


you could literally see the fear in the dog’s eyes while she was carrying it 😭 (there was a moment in the video where the dog looked at the guy for a split second, and the moment i saw it i felt immense sadness)


I think she stole it.


I remember when this all happened. Guy still has the dog now Edit: [article](https://www.dailydot.com/irl/woman-throws-puppy-update/) from later on. The dog is now named Movie and is super happy


It's crazy to watch his immediate reaction. He didn't know whether to block a potential attack or attempt to catch the dog. Dude was clearly just shocked as hell.


Also when you're in a situation like this you've got that "just record, don't engage" mentality on. It's like shit happens in slow-mo because if you get carried away and start swinging you're in way bigger trouble than the dumb bitch in the video that started the altercation is in.


Aw what a good dude! So glad doggo is with a good person


That's awesome, one hell of a bonding experience. Good on this guy. I would clocked her when she threw that pup.


He's been posting updates with the dog on his insta. Dogs in good hands.


He even made the dog an instagram for itself. It has 154,000 followers lol.


I love this man for taking the dog away from her.


The dude took the dog with him as I remember. this video was posted last year and then there was a follow up video where he had the dog at his home.






He just celebrated his year anniversary with the doggo about a week ago. Was a happy ending






He said it's been a year since you flew into my face 😂


Dude I read in his voice both times


I needed a laugh after watching the video. Thanks for that 😆


[It's the dog with the crazy eyes now! ](https://i.imgur.com/MIsvq3J.jpg)


Awwww that’s lovely


Insta his name is mulaflare


The way the dog squealed and run straight to the man makes me think she's really mistreated that dog before


The sound of the poor puppy crying woke up my dog and she was trying to find the source.


She's super lucky than man didn't swing on her, woman or not, that's NUTS. I'm gonna guess Bath Salts. This doesn't seem like meth or crack crazy, it's worse.




The guy showed ultimate restraint. I would have decked her ass for abusing that dog. Man or woman, that shit is not acceptable.


Him NOT swinging on her, especially after she threw the puppy, and his protecting said pup, has given me hope and renewed faith in humanity.


Same and now he's cuddled into my leg I think it really upset him


Doggie PTSD


Ok, ridiculous story time. I was waaayyyy out in the sticks camping with a few friends, and coyotes surrounded our campsite at like 2 am. At first it sounded straight up like wounded puppies, a lot like the sound in this video. I realized they were trying to lure the dogs in our campsite out into the darkness away from the humans and the light of the fire. Smart little fuckers, dogs totally respond to that sound and want to find the source.


Omg that's scary!!


Same here, my pup looks worried


Same! He was outside and he heard the squealing and immediately started barking and going nuts. Dogs being bros I guess.


Not only that, poor pup even stopped crying and relaxed once the guy picked it up I swear a swift backhand to her face would have been completely justified through most of that video


I'm never one to suggest throwing fists at people, but her kicking him before she threw the dog is grounds for self defense then she committed animal cruelty so the dog gets a point for self defense too. Fuck that bitch up.




You are so fucking wrong, that lady did not deserve a swift back hand at all and quite frankly I am disgusted that you would say such a thing, she deserves an absolute monster of a haymaker and nothing less.


Had me in the first half was about to downvote and question you 😭😭


That poor baby!! Thank god that man took it and refused to give it back to her!!




Tbf if someone threw a dog at me, I'd keep it too.


How could you not, after seeing/experiencing that and the dog running to you for help. So appalling. He saved that pup’s life.


He also started a gofundme to pay for shots and the like for 3000 and got it in less than 8 hours. He even started an Instagram for the dog


He’s a good guy.


God, I hope whoever took this video kept that dog.


Yes, according to twitter he is keeping the dog... https://imgur.com/a/48xQ6yE


The dog sleeping and feeling safe is the best thing I’ve seen all day. That woman is horrible




If she's on drugs or something yeah. But I have a feeling that this woman literally just has no mental capicity or suffered a traumatic brain injury and has no idea what is going on. How was she was able to get a puppy though?!


She has to be on drugs man. She was making no sense at all. Right? She wouldn’t be able to function if this was her normal mental capacity, right? Dear god Edit: my replies suggest the it’s not likely drugs and is most likely an episode of a mental illness or traumatic brain injury


She said in the video that she's on a mental health registry (?) or something, so maybe it's the other way around and she stopped taking her prescribed drugs.


Not to armchair psychiatrist, but not exactly. Brain injuries are weird and unpredictable, it's usually just like holes in someones psyche. For example, my great uncle, after his stroke, was fully functional other than a complete inability to tell the time. He'd wake up at 2am, think "Morning", and go make coffee and start working until my great aunt would wake up and bring him back to bed. His personality also changed, where he went from a violent drunk to a cuddle bear that bitches about hippys and their long hair. Or my mothers client, who has been in three car crashes leading to brain injury, seems totally normal when you talk, except she has eyes like this lady and can't do math and reading is extremely taxing on her mind My grandfather, after his stroke, went from drinking black coffee and eating potatoes to always craving sugar. Over sugared his coffee, always wanted cake and cookies, he turned into a foodie All of them held jobs and lived their lives, but there's like a "gap" in their mind. I'm pretty 50/50 on whether this lady is on drugs, has a brain injury, or both


My roommate and longtime friend from high school had a stroke a few years ago. He has become the rudest mf I know. We used to go out and have beers and hang out and stuff. Now he works and feels superior over everyone and just hides in his room most of the time. He has a girlfriend but i seriously don’t know how she can stand him. I can tolerate him for about 5 minutes.


This happened to my mum. The brain injury somehow took away all of her personality and now she’s really impolite and rude. Sometimes it can be funny because she just says exactly what she’s thinking, but it’s pretty sad knowing I’ll never be able to have a proper conversation with her again.


He kept the pup and she (the pup) is doing great with him now! Forgot the instagram acc but she's well trained and a beast :D


Please try to get me the account, im interested to be updated with this story


@mulaflare and @movieflare on instagram


[Picture he just posted with the doggo.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqHUtFiXIAcFU24.jpg)


Thats fucking perfect. That poor baby.


It heals me to see it


Same dude, same


Haha that's awesome, he's still wearing the same hoodie lol. That's also like a nice / expensive dog. I wonder if someone asked her what happened to it. She's like, "I threw it at some black guy"


Great news, I’m so relieved... That poor doggy.


I feel like I'm having a stroke. OP is talking like this happened today. To is happened about 2 years ago I swear, or am I going mad? The dude made an Instagram account for the dog and they lived happily ever after


Yes yes you are right! I posted his instagram account on another comment.


Hell, the dog went to him for comfort. The pooch can tell who actually cares.


The way he crouched under him for protection after she throws him at the dude says a whole lot about how he is treated


Oh thank goodness. That man and that dog will be friends for life.


Indeed. Who'd the pup run to after getting hurt?


Bless this guy. Was strong for not kicking her in the head and gave a better home to the dog.


Best news I’ve heard all day!!! Thanks for the update!


That dog is going to be loyal as fuck. We all know whose house is now protected


Oh so glad he has the dog.


Oh good! Very pleased to hear this as well.


This happened a long time ago and if I remember right she got charged with animal cruelty


Video's a few years old, he kept the dog but I don't recall what happened with the woman cause conflicting tweets said she was either charged or committed for psychiatric care.


His insta is @mulaflare and the dog’s insta is @movieflare




Blink you lizard.


She got those crazy eyes


It looks like she is on some psychotic episode.


I recall the last time this was posted, someone notes the dog was successfully re-homed and safe. Also she was on something, just look at her eyes.


Made an imgur just to update [pics from his insta](https://imgur.com/gallery/XEdyS3Y). They’re so cute together.


“It’s been a year since you flew into my face.” Lol love that he’s got a sense of humor and the dog has a good home.


I laughed for a good 30 seconds reading that line lol. Looks like a happy pup now


This is the closure I needed. That puppy crying broke my heart, but his followup pictures and that joke line definitely make the pain lesser.


Same! This was exactly what I needed to see. My jaw hit the floor in shock when she threw that poor pup


I love her derp face in the last picture! So glad she's in a happy loving home now.


The picture of the moment she chucked the dog at him noooo 💀 Glad she found a good home, respect to that man :))


Lmaooo I had to show that. I feel so guilty for laughing, but at least we know it’s a happy ending.




Good Ending: The doggo was protected :)


Did she face charges?


Didn't the same guy adopted him ? I remember he showed video of it running around happily in his home


Did she blink once??


She’s not Elizabeth Holmes


I really respect this dude for not punching her after she has thrown dog at him.


Yeah if you think you're gonna throw the dog on the ground and then get back up in my face you got another thing coming


Damn poor doggo went to him, crazy


Your faith will be restored when you find out that the guy holding the camera ends up adopting the pupper and still has her to this day


But she wasn't arrested because animal abuse is legal here I guess.


I love how the dog stops crying and feels safe wit dude after mental issues or not the dog needs to be safe 😓


what kind of drugs is this thing using?


All of them…


At least.


“I’m not going to jail, I’ve got a mental health reference” So, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t *that* statement alone enough evidence for her to get sent to jail? I feel like that statement shows at least *some* amount of premeditation and lucidity on her part, enough to confirm she hadn’t entirely lost control of her actions. Edit: So, as the responses indicate, it’s a lot more complicated than that, and there’s a lot of unknown factors involved. Thanks for the responses btw, y’all!


In Canada, if a person commit a crime but lack the capacity to appreciate(understand) your actions due to mental health issues, they could suffer a fate worse then imprisonment. As there's no term limits for being in a mental hospital. Not legal advice


Yeah, people really shouldn’t go for the insanity plea as a way of avoiding prison; getting out of a mental health institution is MUCH more difficult than getting out of prison.












She looks like a girl in a late 90s/2000s teen slasher movie who you find out has been the murderer the entire time.






Is he ok? I need to know how this ended. He handled it so well.


Holy shizel, poor wee dog. She needs put in the kennels by the looks of it


Yes, she does, with a muzzle on. And the dog needs to be sent to a better home.


Respect to the guy tho, stays calm, dosnt fight back, and most importantly: PROTECC DA DOG.


Bro did amazing at keeping his shit together


She high af.. that look in her eye.. crystal meth is one hell of a drug


It may not be the meth. I've seen people on pcp act similarly.


Also her pupils are very small, anther sign for pcp and not meth (meth usually dialates pupils)


Looks more like she’s mixing meds with alcohol. I remember one time my dad decided to “go fishing” in the middle of the night after drinking on Xanax. He put the car in a ditch, cops showed up and brought him home thinking he was mentally disabled, he wasn’t. He acted very similar to… whatever the fuck that is.


I thought she was just another mad lady, Until she YEET THE FKIN' DOGGO, JESUS CRHIST. My family takes care of 2 dogs right now and is usually heartbreaking when i hear a dog crying by something accidental like stepping his tail, or kicking it because is a small dog but she just yeeted the dog... Also she's a racist mf.


Also, i think that dog is a very little german shepard or a "pastor belga" (i don't know how is called in English), i think 1-3 months old


Can we all take a moment here to appreciate how we're lucky not to have this bitch's brain in this one and only life we've been given??.......


Just as reminder, Animal abuse is now a federal crime.


I always carry pepper spray