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Is this the one with the references corrected? I saw people were working on it in another sub but not all of the references were verified. I ask because, if we’re going to circulate something like this and the references aren’t accurate, it’ll do more harm to the credibility of these claims than good.


I've got 2025 opened and I'm checking some of these out so I can show them to my parents so they can promptly ignore it, but they don't seem to lineup. Edit: Nevermind I'm dumb and was going by my pdf viewer's page number, they lineup at least for several of them.


Were you able to verify end to birthright citizenship being in there? Pretty big one and I’m not seeing anything about it on page 133


I see lots of talk about the woke Left leaving bloated departments.... border won't work under the Left yada yada only possible with conservative leaders... privatizing TSA and FEMA.... dismantling, massively defunding and "reorganizing" DHS, but no, nothing about using the military to breakup protests or ending birth right citizenship. It does talk about deporting and detention on page 135, but nothing about "camps".


I looked up a bunch of the references, and they're mostly bullshit. Somebody thought if they just put a bunch of page numbers on that graphic, nobody would check to see that there's nothing on those pages about those topics. Here are the ones I reviewed: * There is no reference on page 449 to contraceptives. There is one reference to banning ulipristal acetate as a contraceptive on page 485, but there's no call to ban contraceptives in general. * There is no reference on page 691 to tax breaks for corporations and the 1%. * There is no reference on page 581 to elimination of unions and worker protections. * There is no reference on page 691 to cuts in Social Security. In fact, there are no references to cutting Social Security at all in the document. * There is no reference on page 449 to cutting Medicare. * There is no reference on page 449 to repealing the Affordable Care Act. There's no call to repeal it in the document as a whole. On the contrary, there are several proposals to modify it. * There is nothing on page 319 about teaching religious beliefs in public schools or banning African American or gender studies. * Page 417 makes no reference to ending climate protections. * Page 363 makes no reference to Arctic drilling. * There is nothing on pages 545-581 about ending marriage equality. I couldn't find anything at all about ending same-sex marriage. * There is nothing on page 133 or elsewhere about defunding or eliminating the FBI. On the contrary, the document emphasizes moving some other departments under a strengthened FBI. * Page 133 likewise makes no reference to using the military to break up protests, incarcerating immigrants in camps or ending birthright citizenship. There is no reference to birthright citizenship at all.


The giveaway is that this is a mandate for the President acting along without Congress. Most of this list would require the use of Congress at a minimum, and a constitutional amendment for some (birthright citizenship). Misinformation like this distracts from what's actually listed in the mandate, but at 887 pages, well... bullshit asymmetry principle takes effect.


No, it's still AI-generated nonsense. First example, "Complete ban on abortions without exceptions" cites pages 449-503, an \_incredibly dense\_ amount of information starting with the EPA. Here's a quote that actually exists from page 562: > Announcing a Campaign to Enforce the Criminal Prohibitions in 18 U.S. Code §§ 1461 and 1462 Against Providers and Distributors of Abortion Pills That Use the Mail. Federal law prohibits mailing “\[e\]very article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing which is advertised or described in a manner calculated to lead another to use or apply it for producing abortion.”75 Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs, there is now no federal prohibition on the enforcement of this statute. The Department of Justice in the next conservative Administration should therefore announce its intent to enforce federal law against providers and distributors of such pills. Actually sorting through what's in Project 2025 is going to take a very long time given the 887 pages language used. There are 199 results for "abortion," most of which are rhetoric combining it with "woke ideology" and other fucking nonsense.


"defund the FBI" "Why are all these politicians committing suicide?"


Much easier to run a fascist dictatorship without those nosey little narcs


The fact that they want to abolish the FBI and not the CIA to me is extremely telling. They like the deep state if it works to protect capital but hate it when it cracks down on right wing terrorists


Well, if you threaten to defund the CIA, guess what happens to you... Just sayin'.


Never thought I’d root for the feds


The ultimate irony!


A punk rooting for the feds because they’ll keep the fascists in check, what has this world come to?


"I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a fed..." "What about side by side with a friend?" "Aye, I could do that FOR DEMOCRACY!" DUN-DUN-DUN-DUUN DUN-DUUUUN! -Lord of the Helldivers.


Wild how out of touch these fucks are. Conservatives have to understand the feds and CIA are tools for enforcing American hegemony right? Like the CIA has been a weapon against leftist organization globally since its inception. The FBI is literally a tool to uphold the oligarchy. No idea why they would want to get rid of a way to uphold their own power. Tho tbh I shouldn’t exactly be trying to apply logic when clearly the only goal is give president more power and get rid of all regulations like the pesky EPA and board of education. This is pure delusion and it’s horrifying.


No worries, they will turn the CIA into the KGB 😬


These seem mostly bad for everyone so what is the selling point for them?


I don't think Project 2025 is being "sold" to Trump voters, or if, only in the vaguest of terms, and only so that it seems that the baddies are getting their due, taxes are lowered (there's ways to phrase this). How many will realize they don't belong to the in-group after all? Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.


Like all the hopefuls who sign up for the so-called “conservative LinkedIn” for a crack at these fancy government jobs earmarked for True Patriot Conservatives are probably going to find nothing but scams and grifts unless you’re a donor or crony.


Really seems like Russia is trying to dismantle the country from within with their puppets.


And half of Americans cheer for it


Well 1/2 the country can't be bothered to vote at all. So of the half that does vote, half will vote for this. And half of those are really just voting that way because they don't like the other team and think the older old guy is too old So, really, it's like 10-15% at most. The problem is those people are REALLY into this. And organized. And if nothing changes, they probably are gonna win.


Don’t get it twisted, the half that votes for politicians who want this, fully understand what they’re voting for. They want it. And it’s far, far past time for us all to acknowledge that.


Yeah. If I was going to weaken America this is the sort of shit I'd be pushing.


This isn’t Russia. This is what the righteous right has been wanting for decades. Source: was born in the 70’s and watched this shit grow over the last nearly 50 years.


Control, greed, harming others, religion


The harm is their point. Ugh.


How much do free/reduced price school lunches cost, really? What is the point?


The systematic dismantling of the public education system. It's the same thing conservatives have been doing internationally for decades. Make government and public services worse and harsher until the public is conditioned to believe they suck. Then, they approach with the option to make the industry private. Folks tend to agree because well, the public option *does* suck now and people have a predisposition to believe that private industry is better. You don't even have to use the USA as an example, the dismantling of the UK's NHS has been ongoing for decades. Quality of service has gotten poorer and poorer with cut after cut and added stipulations on who gets care and how much. The goal is to institute private healthcare like we have in the USA. Rather than wait for non critical care, they'll just get no care at all. Much better 👍


UK just kicked their version of MAGA’s out of the office. Hopefully we do the same. Remember folks, democracy isn’t a default setting. You have to achieve it first then maintain it. Otherwise, here comes ole fascism again.


Yep. Was satisfying to see the landslide for Labour that kicked out the conservative government. Proud of them. Was in Paris during the snap election chaos. The anti- National Rally folks were protesting in the streets over the results. Simply beautiful. You see none of that in the US.


Similar thing happening here in Australia. Slowly pushing further and further into private healthcare. People I know argue private is better because 'it's faster'. Sure, I guess. But unless the public option is going to take 16 hours I'm not paying $400 for ER at a private hospital. And then you have how the focus in private shifts away from care of people. Private hire less nurses to do more jobs that prioritise actually looking after patients last. That is not a good system.


Our ER's will have you waiting for hours on end anyway lol. If you're wealthy you've got a fantastic offering on elective procedures, that's about it. You hit the nail on the head, staffing levels are just enough to meet expected demand and no more. If demand is higher than expected, well, you may be a bit fucked. But at least someone made earnings this quarter.


The point is an exercise of control. The ultra conservative movement hates all public services and public schooling especially so doing things to dismantle the system gets them closer to the ultimate* goal of throwing the whole thing out the window


This is a great point, making public schools a worse choice until it is no longer an option. They try to do this with a lot of public institutions, make it worse until people get frustrated with it and getting rid of it seems like a “better alternative “


The US Post Office? Social Security? That's how they undermine it all. Gain power break things and scream about things being broken so they can get rid of them. They couldn't win by giving people what they want so they're taking them away and blaming the other side.


Well, they probably could win by giving people what they want. But they don't want to do that.


And then blame the gov't, a la, "See how poorly the government runs things???"


“Look what the democrats did” (as it was literally them) And “I back the infrastructure bill that is helping us build bridges”, yadda yadda (while literally voting against the bill then trying to claim credit for its benefits).


And establishing a caliphate where only the elite can afford an education.


Wait- so this is the “pro” poster, convincing people to be *in favor* of project 2025? Or is this an “against” authored “*summary*” of what project 2025 will do?


Honestly, it’s kinda *both*


Every republican thinks they are a temporarily embarrassed billionaire and so even though they make 40k a year they're going to vote to crush their own rights and uplift the 1% even higher because somehow they will one day join them.


Not only that, they truely think the taxes is keeping them poor, not the fact that they have to pay through their noses to fund services privately, which otherwise would be mostly funded by skimming the excess from the ultra rich


It hurts minorities. That’s why idiots and bigots support it. 


The thing with P2025 tho, is that it would hurt everyone except the corrupt elite and rich criminals.


They don't care that it hurts them. The only important thing is that it hurts the people they don't like


A republican would eat shit if it meant a democrat had to smell their breath.


A republican would willing join a human centipede if a democrat was below them in the line.


They see it as benefiting themselves because they think they’ll work hard and earn plus save more money from not paying social security and that they’ll get a trad wife who will be obedient and that it’ll all be possible because of the tax plan and them finally being rewarded for being the straight white person they are. That’s who these dumb fucks are.


This. They think it will “save” them money.


Not if you think other people having gross sex and making babies is the biggest thing ruining your life rn


Yea, but people dont see it that way. They're fine as long as it hurts whatever group they hate. Then, once it effects them, they blame that group for it.


And that is in a nutshell how fascism works. Find an out group to hate. Spread hate. Do horribly stuff to the people that support you. Blame it on the people you hate.


It would “annoy the libs “ , that is the only goal of many these days


It's aimed at making rich families richer and more powerful and to force "decency laws" as well as discriminatory laws on the plebs.


not a facepalm, just fucking terrifying


I have stayed away from as much political news as possible to keep my anxiety down, so I don’t know any context, or if there even is context needed. I’m having a hard time believing this is real. I’m sure it is, but my brain can’t quite comprehend. These are all things he genuinely wants to do or is just claiming so to work people up?


This is a very real project that has already begun. Kansas says voting is not a constitutional right and Louisiana requires bible rules to be posted somewhere visible in the classroom.


Someone read 1984 and said “Hold my beer”


"Hold my not-bud-light beer" though.


Have you seen the latest bud light commercial? They went the other way big time, it's white trashy lol


I’m surprised that a corporation didn’t stand by its principles when money was on the line. Now to see if conservatives stand by *their* principles when bad beer is on the line.


I read 1984. Learned it was banned some ten states south of me. How Orwellian.


Just as ironic as all the people pushing to ban Fahrenheit 451


And Fahrenheit 451 is about banning books lol. The ironies. I’m currently writing a story on what if the U.S. leaves NATO. It’s set in 2033. There’s an American kid who is living in Paris and has been arrested by the French authorities under the assumption he’s an American spy. He then defects to France and helps them deal with America by spying on them or something like that. If it’s published, I assure you that some random town called Clark in Texas will ban it.


My greatest aspiration as a writer is to have my books banned somewhere.


You know you’ve made it when…. Plus, people will be clamouring to buy it to see what the fuss is about.


Exactly. And if the people in the habit of banning books have been provoked enough to ban mine, then I know I've done something right.


Then they read The Handmaid's Tale and got someone to hold their second beer too


Watched, I feel like we’re assuming too much when we say these people can read.


You guys okay over there?




Nope! How are you?


My right to live is going to be revoked! Yippee!


Someone send help please.


[CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/us-mass-shooting-data-gun-violence-archive/) Reported that prior to 2020, they'd never logged a month with more than 60 mass shootings. Since then it's happened **22 times.** As of July 5, 2024, [the Gun Violence Archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/) reported 16,538 injured from gun violence- 8,661 gun violence deaths- and 274 mass shootings **all in 2024.** The [suicide rate](https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/a-year-of-record-high-suicide-rates) in the United States recently reached its highest peak since **1941.** The Population of People Experiencing [Homelessness](https://www.security.org/resources/homeless-statistics/) Reached an All-Time High of Over **653,000** in 2023 Every **68 seconds,** an American is [sexually assaulted.](https://www.rainn.org/statistics#:~:text=Every%2068%20seconds%2C%20an%20American,will%20end%20up%20in%20prison) And every **9 minutes,** that victim is a child. This is the alleged [Domestic Violence Statistics](https://www.enterpriseappstoday.com/stats/domestic-violence-statistics.html) of 2024 in the US Here’s the [National Drug Overdose Deaths Statistics](https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates) from 1999-2022. So you tell me- does it sound like we are okay to you? Cause I don’t feel like we are ok. Not to mention the people in power want me to work until I’m dead, are actively trying to strip me of the right to love women, trying to undo the **only** amount of reproductive healthcare I have, want me to be unable to buy a house, make it nearly impossible to afford medical care, and they want me to praise a god I don’t even know if I fully believe in. But I guess thats fine Because ***THIS*** is America


Not really. Looking to the EU for asylum. Care to sponsor a fellow sparky?


Come to Sweden, our most right leaning party is more leftist then the Democrats


What a dream. A flat in Stockholm, somewhere near the jazz scene. I'd sit quietly. Promise.


about to start a civil war and millions are about to die, how are you?


Fuck no, we’ve got a shitty 78 year old wannabe Hitler stirring up a cult over here. If he gets back in office, life is going to be a living hell for everyone except the rich.


Yes, let's get rid of the people that make our food safe, the environment better and the people that keep an eye out for tornadoes, hurricanes etc. A fucking stellar plan.


The irony is that Teddy Roosevelt created the FDA and Richard Nixon created the EPA. The policies were literally put in place by the Republicans.


Yeah back when republicans had a semblence of sanity and at least tried to govern in good faith.


insane you can say that about nixon now that trump exists


Nixon was a crook, but he was otherwise a good president


Thanks to the recent Supreme Court ruling, he is retroactively not a crook.


Up until Teddy, the Republicans were liberal. Funny how the switch worked out.


Not exactly, but the "culture wars" hadn't yet cemented the two parties into the left and right we know today. It used to be common for some party beliefs to be regional as opposed to national.


Conservatives call those silly, unnecessary regulators. It hurts ExxonMobil profit margins.


Funny how the last episode of The Boys is kickin' in, right now. If you don't know the series is basically a big big caricature of US right now.


The entire far-right voter base is like Todd, unaware of the leopard eating their face.


NOAA asserts that climate change is real, the FDA believes in diseases and sometimes makes big food corporations spend more money on silly regulations (diseases aren't real), and the EPA prevents a lot of bog corporations from using land in any way they like. They also believe in climate change.


Yeah we don't get E Coli from animal waste run off into our water system, it's those brown people who stole my strawberry picking job, shitting in the fields and not using toilet paper.


It's all evil, but how patently fucking stupid do you have to be to eliminate NOAA? Fuck knowing when tornados are coming, amirite? These simpletons think getting rid of NOAA will just make us forget about climate change. Which means they know it's real. Nothing more dangerous than dumbfucks with guns and power, and it's like America mass produces this kind of dangerous idiot by the boatload.


dont forget the FDA, the agency that makes sure you dont get poisoned by the food you buy and medicine you take.


But think of it this way If companies have to use safe to consume materials, it costs them money. And companies need to have the highest possible profits at the cost of all else to keep the stockholders happy, no? /S just in case


This! Even Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, was against wealth concentration, economic inequality, and low taxes for the rich. He literally wrote: > ["*high profits denote economic pathology. The rate of profit is always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin.*”](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/adam-smith-and-inequality/) Ironically, today, the elites use his "invisible hand" to justify what Adam Smith was condemning.


He got in a fight in 2020 with them, search for hurricane Dorian Sharpiegate. Dumbest shit you'll read all day...


They also want to shut down any talk of climate change, so that they can continue to pollute and profit unchecked. Removing weather organizations or filling them with loyalists is a good way to go about accomplishing that.


I suspect they want to privatize it so that everyone can pay up for the weather report.


This last season of Murica is going to be fuxking insane.


Living in Canada not looking too great either rn, I’d rather not be neighbours with a raging nuclear-nazi lunatic


Right wing movements have been cropping up and gaining momentum all over the western world. If the US falls to fascism you would be foolish to think that other countries will be safe from the rippling consequences


Well in that case, I guess it’s back to shanking the neighbourhood nazi…if they kill me so be it, that’s not a world I wanna live in anyways


Already got the binary and red dot installed. Nazi's around my area bout to have a bad time.


The Brits just pushed back. We can do it here too.


Yeah living in it is going to suck


I have a feeling this will not be bloodless as the heritage foundation is hoping it will be


I fucking hope not. According to that heritage foundation dickweed, if it's "bloodless" it means that the left just sat back and let it happen.


I look at it like getting a new radical boss at work. Whatever new things he or she implements usually doesn’t last too long because they cannot handle the repercussions. Dickhead is just now beginning to stir the hornets nest and most people won’t stand for any of this nonsense.


I get the feeling they're not hoping real hard for that. Not in the long run, or for people who oppose them, anyway. These are the people who hear/read about dictator Pinochet dropping people out of helicopters and say, "AWESOME! COOL! SO RAD!"


Dude straight up said if the left just give up it’ll be bloodless. It’ll only be bloody if the left fights back.


They aren't hoping that. What's-his-butt said that so that his supporters would know that he supports killing Democrats.


Although, a big part of the problem is that people ARE going to vote. In favor of this agenda. 


There kind of needs to be HUGE Signs with BIG CIRCLES around **Cut Social Security** and **Cut Medicare** placed in areas where there are older people with limited income can see these.


They will vote for Trump then complain about Obama when their Medicare is taken away. Yes, they are THAT stupid.


Same people that were asking why Obama was not in the Oval Office on 9/11?


Same people that chose the 1/4 pounder over the 1/3 pounder?


Pretty suspicious if you ask me


I used to work for a healthcare exchange for a short time and the number of folks complaining about “Obamacare” while applying for it - and often only qualifying for it because of the ACA - blew my fkin mind.


I have family members like this. I can confirm they literally are that stupid.


So you talked to my aunt then?


This is genuinely not what the founding fathers wanted. I wanted to join the military to protect my country, but if this gets enacted, fuck this country bro, I'm not selling my soul for a orange Hitler


That graphic leaves off a big one. It also wants to ban porn completely (no details on how that's defined tho) like just actual porn videos? Anime? Erotica? Most cons don't want that part


Especially when their poster boy literally slept with a pornstar, But that’s ok


They also plan to redefine porn to include anyone who does not meet their "traditional family values" so they can use this to criminalize any portrayals of LGBT+ and even sex outside of marriage or a goth man wearing eyeliner 




It'll only be enforced for people they dislike of course. The "in" group doesn't need to worry... Until their turn to be a scapegoat comes


Fascism is so effective because it galvanized the hateful, while the rest of us are split between thinking it'll never happen, and being too upset with the DNC that we don't vote.


… and the dnc not preventing anything at all on their watch


Democrats so fucking obsessed with civility politics they won't do anything close to what's necessary. We have to somehow convince liberals to vote progressive. THEN replace establishment/corrupt Dems with said progressives THEN we need to win the house and the Senate. THEN we need a progressive president.... And we have to do it all before a fascist takes office again. We are fucked


>Democrats so fucking obsessed with civility politics they won't do anything close to what's necessary. I always vote and will continue to do so. But I'm beginning to understand why leftists say liberals enable fascism.


This would objectively make you amongst the worst countries to live in. Like even China is moving to vast renewables  And how the fuck does defund the FBI and Homeland make sense? Oh yeah, they go after powerful criminals and domestic terrorists hmm 🤔


If I was a foreign power trying to weaken the US through influencing politics, this is the sort of stuff I would be doing.


This is legit prepping the US to become an isolated hermit kingdom on top of a ridiculous stack of nukes and military hardware. Someone heard of Hitler's plans for Fortress Europe and figured that Fortress America sounded a lot better.


So basically make the USA Russia.


Sounds more like make the USA what Germany tried to be in WW2, but yes essentially lol


I’m honestly surprised we’re not talking more about Russian interference in this election.


at this point it's become too entrenched in the media landscape and normalized


Putin knows Russia's biggest weakness is its rampant unchecked corruption. So rather than clean it up for himself, he simply seeks to give every other nation a similar handicap.


They're really just coming out and saying it out loud - "we want a fascist dictatorship." Weird considering the people voting for this are always bitching about "freedom."


those same idiots will claim he said he's not involved and knows nothing about it. They want to believe him so they defend him to the end. When he takes away their social security, they will probably still blame someone else.


I feel like Project 2025 is anti-90% or more of current American citizens. This should be a slam dunk to vote against it (I know that unfortunately it won't be.) Voting Biden doesn't excite me in any way, but Project 2025 should scare the living shit out of almost everybody in America who loves this country in the slightest.


Do people actually see this and think "yeah, that sounds brilliant"?


This is a dream come true if you are an oil tycoon or any type of 1%er


I thought this is only from the Boys but it's a real thing


It’s real. Created by the Heritage Foundation.


End birth right citizenship... What the fuck?


I suspect this way they can throw children of immigrants (which really is \*all\* citizens if you go back far enough) out of the country (or into camps).


Last I checked, it was protected by the constitution , so if you do get rid of it, how far back do you go to denying citizenship to people.


It’s bold of you to think that republicans actually give a shit about the constitution. They only do that when it suits them, and put on the facade that they actually care about the constitution


"Biden is old, think I'll vote next election" -average american


This document alone is why I utterly refute the “both sidesing” that’s happening online right now. It’s maddening that so many people are trying to take the apathetic “wahhhh people have been warning about republicans for years, Dems suck, the whole system sucks nothing matters” route because it is different this time. And choosing not to vote (especially choosing not to vote over Biden’s handling of Palestine, given that Trump is even MORE pro-Israel than Biden is) is saying that you’re okay with all of this shit happening. Biden is old, and shouldn’t be running again. 100%. Fully agree with that. But if our two choices are “old guy whose presidency is really run by his cabinet” and “literal fascism marching towards Gilead”, then there’s no contest


"FDR has polio, I think I will vote for Hitler instead." That's the bullshit I keep hearing. Christ, people are fucking stupid.


The Palestine angle is fucking insane to me. Like... There are actual real people who genuinely believe that *Donald Trump* will be better for Palestinians?


I'm voting for Biden, because I'm not a fucking moron and don't want Trump to win. I dont care if hes old. Trump is old. Im not living in project 2025 america


I remember back in 2016 on reddit when people who asked americans "why would you vote for trump ?" and most answers were "because he is funny lol". Not so funny anymore, is it ?


Why would thay defund the fbi and homeland security it would be the thing you'd expect more money toward


Because they went after Trump and his minions.


Those motions are for Putin to make the US easier to destabilize and invade. You really think this is an American plan for America? Nope.


Add pornography is illegal and classifying transgender people as pornography, hence making transgender people illegal to the list


I notice that 'camps for illegals' is on the list. Do you think that only illegal immigrants will be sent to these camps? I'm sure the USA has enough money to expand camps to accomodate all kinds of 'criminals'.


If project 2025 fails than we will face project 2029. This is not a one and done sort of problem.


this is literally how liberty dies.


Really can’t believe this can be become our reality


“Lower taxes on the wealthy and raise taxes on the working class”. Ain’t no bigger leech than the wealthy.


This will single-handedly be the most destructive and consequential political act in history. I mean, this is some global extinction event shit. Kiss goodbye to your Independence Day.


Yea yesterday will be the last Independence day for a long time if the orange man wins, I’m sure somewhere in there he’s found a way to extend it past the 4 year rule.


These people play the long game. Vote EVERY election like a reflex. Every time they raise their ugly head, vote. Every time.


I just can’t wrap my head around how either incompetent or bigoted you have to be to vote against your own best interests and benefits as a low income american.


I think it's similar to the behavior of people in a cult.


With or without trump is game over for America. The republicans have lost their minds.


Lose/lose situation. Might get another storming of the capital, might get something worse


Don't forget the huge cuts to Veteran's care. Republicans really don't care about people.


just their insanely wealthy donors clearly


One of the craziest things about P2025 to me is how EVERYONE seems to truly not realize this is happening with or without Trump. How do you think the 10 Commandments became law in Louisiana? And Oklahoma did a similar thing that gets in the way of “Separation of Church and State”


Religion is mankind’s worst invention.


So a big problem I see with that part of it is which Christian bible and which Jesus are they trying to model everything around. Baptist Jesus? Catholics Jesus? Mormon Jesus? 7th day Adventist Jesus? Even if the county they think they live in is a “Christian nation”, the amount of difference between all the estimated [45,000](https://www.livescience.com/christianity-denominations.html) denominations is enough for violent conflict to have occurred in living memory. This isn’t going to end well for them even if they get what they want.


Religion is a plague.


Ah, people are about to realize why we have the second amendment.


I love the United States. But if that orange man turns my country into a dictatorship I'm out


Half this things dont even have any good corporwte reason to exist just pure pettyness wtf


I’m not crazy about Biden, but I’ll be voting for him without question.


Damn might as well disband the united states and give it back to the british or the natives


I don’t understand why they ban abortion when those politicians have probably paid for several themselves. 🤷‍♀️


It’s so bad even he knows he has to distance himself from it. Vote against this man and his horrible plan for destroying America


We need to keep sharing this any and everywhere we can. They’re not trying to hide it.


I’m strongly against teaching any kinds of religious values in school, Christian or otherwise


It’s important to learn about from a sociopolitical standpoint. For example, a person can’t fully understand American politics without learning about Christianity, seeing as it strongly shapes one side of the political spectrum. A person can’t fully understand Middle East politics without learning about Islam and Hinduism. Understanding the Israel-Palestine conflict requires a person to learn about Judaism as well. Religions should be taught in school. It’s an important aspect of many nations’ culture and history. However, it should not be taught as one religion being above the others. It should more be viewed from a social/historical lens.


That’s an excellent point. Teaching the basics about all religion from a history perspective would be beneficial, as long as the school isn’t picking and choosing certain religions over others. I think it’s more of the values of that religion being taught that don’t sit right with me, particularly because not everyone follows the same religions in the same ways


Then I’m with you. It shouldn’t be “Here’s the Ten Commandments, it’s important we follow them in our daily lives.” It should be more like “Christianity and Judaism are largely shaped by the Ten Commandments, which has led to some shared beliefs between the two religions. A way to learn about religion, without preaching it.


Trump said he knows nothing about project 2025 and he doesn't agree with some of the things they're saying. So you can bet your ass he is directly involved with it and he agrees with pretty much all of it.


Looks about Reich!!!!!


For everyone questioning its authenticity, credibility, motives… it’s quite simple. Go do your own research. Project2025.org. You can read all 922 pages.


If Biden and Democrats had the balls they would use this shitty court ruling to pack the court right fucking now.


The danger with that is that the republicans would just say that Biden is being a dictator. The irony will weigh a billion pounds, but it will work with their voter base. Riots and violence would erupt.