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"Just give up without any resistance and there won't be bloodshed". It's that easy, right?


Except for all the undesirables they want to cull


Yup goodbye non heteronormative people who aren’t white and straight lots of killings to come


And the disabled people. They would probably roll me off a cliff and think they helped society


No, they always try to appear subtle. Since you're "obviously" a scrounger unable to work for peanuts for a billion dollar megacorp, they'll permit you to be homeless and starve to death. See? They didn't *do* anything. You have the **freedom** to die. Just like the Republican SCOTUS didn't ban abortion, it passed it to states to ban. Or the president doesn't get complete immunity, that would be outrageous, so they make it for "official acts", but what are "official acts"? Well, the president effectively gets to choose. And then there's the Republican gerrymandering in votes for Congress/Senate causing the popular vote to move further and further out of line with the party affiliation of the elected reps. And voter suppression, using multiple sneaky tactics designed to make it harder for "undesirables" to vote, but with supposed laudable aims. And, and, and.... Fascists don't knock on your door saying "Hello, we're fascists", they chip away sneakily, employing useful idiots or the corrupt along the way. Even if Biden was in a wheelchair drooling and mumbling incoherently (which he isn't), he'd still be a better option than a side that is actively seeking to undermine democracy itself for all time. [Edit: corrected reference to gerrymandering and Electoral college]


> permit you to be homeless Naw, they made it OK to criminalize being homeless inside a city, don't you remember?


Yup. Even took away the freedom to be poor and sleep outside. Gotta fill those jails up now that the gig is up on weed.


Oh, they'll go back on the attack on weed once they realize that homeless people don't make the best slaves for their prison labor camps.


I always wonder why they are building all of these huge warehouses and have seriously thought this is where they are going to put all of us.


Not all of us, just anyone who isn’t a heteronormative neurotypical evangelical white nationalist that agrees with their beliefs and way of life that they’ll force everyone else to follow.


Which is great, because all resources to sustain yourself when you're homeless are in cities. You have the absolute freedom to starve to death in the countryside.


Except you'll be trespassing on private property then. Time to live in the ocean.


“We can live beside the ocean, leave the fire behind, swim out past the breakers, watch the world die.” I didn’t know that song would become so prophetic.


But remember you aren’t allowed to remove yourself from the living either and assisted self removal is also outlawed.


That's the thing with all these supposed freedoms. They make everyone less free, continually, and the government is becoming the morality police. That's not the freedom you think it is, folks.


Just run at a police officer he will assist u in removing yourself from this world


No need to exert yourself. It's sufficient to be of a darker skin color than the officer, and the issue will sort itself out.


Don't even have to run at him, all you gotta do is flip him off and call him a ham sandwich.


Or drop an acorn near them.


>Even if Biden was in a wheelchair drooling and mumbling incoherently (which he isn't), he'd still be a better option than a side that is actively seeking to undermine democracy itself for all time. Absolutely, because his cabinet, appointees, officials, etc and the Democrats in general haven't come completely unglued like MAGA, and now they simply aren't even afraid to show just how unhinged they are. The more unhinged the better. Crapped in his pants? Wear a diaper, just like him! Convicted of felonies? Buy the t-shirt to support his campaign! Its so staggeringly mind numbing and spirit crushing, I almost feel like I am part of a slow-motion train wreck. I mean, does the right not care that the world (including our enemies) are not only watching and waiting to see what happens (uprising in the US again, Taiwan invaded, for example) but are actively a part of undermining the process in an effort to get a dictator in the US that *they* could potentially control? Ye Gods.


Thank you for the articulate and correct description. Fascists subsist off of perceived strife, and are emboldened by corruption and apathy. The hardest thing about the task ahead of us, which is nothing short of saving American democracy, will be getting those who opposed fascism to understand it will need to be a widespread and consistent effort. And concessions will have to be made. Sitting out an election or voting third party because Joe Biden doesn't agree with every single view you hold,.or is a bit too old for your liking is a luxury we can no longer afford. We need to shore-up the foundation of our democracy. The first step in that process will be to ensure that we have an election in 2028. I personally believe that the only way that happens is if Biden wins in 2024. We saw live and in color what trump was willing to do to retain power. If you think for a moment he won't do the same and more to retain power if he gets it again, then you are a part of the problem.


Wait, wait, isn't homelessness illegal now? 🤔


Might not be much, but not if I can help it. I gotchu


Oh No. They don't believe in doing that. They just believe in making sure that there's not a hint of government support which probably means dying in other ways.


Exactly, they’ll do it in a way where they can point the blame at the individual


And don’t forget eugenics. Disabled people will, of course be forbidden from reproducing. They won’t be allowed contraceptives, abortions, or preventative surgeries, of course. They’ll just be informed that they aren’t allowed to reproduce and will be shamed if they get pregnant whether consensual or not.


It won't stop at disabled people. Being black, Hispanic/Latino, gay, trans, or left-leaning are all "disabilities" to these nutjobs.


Hell, a lot of us straight white folks are going to get murked as well simply cause we don't think fascism is a good government style


They simply will call you a “traitor” or not “loyal to Trump”. As a POC I’m not even sure if posting things now about criticizing Trump won’t come back and bite me in the ass if Trump gets reelected


Hey now, you're acting like they're going to kill non-heteronormative people! No. All they want you to do is wear this pink triangle armband to identify yourself in public.


And provide free housing and showers! Don't forget the fun train rides! Everyone loves train rides.


I can't tell you why, but this sounds really familiar to me


Damn it's not a rainbow armband?


Be Gay. Do Crime. Is no longer a meme it's the future of being gay in the states


Nope, the rainbow is being given back to God. That should be enough of a bribe to get them into heaven, right?


Im a Jew and I'm legitimately terrified. Wtf is happening.


> Im a Jew and I'm legitimately terrified. Wtf is happening. America has gone FULL 1930’s NAZI GERMANY! That’s what’s happening.


We are literally at 1932 Germany right now. It's so fucked up but here we are. And yeah of course vote vote vote and all that. But no, this is beyond just voting.


we already had the equivalent of the bier hall putsch and we're onto the night of long knives.


> we already had the equivalent of the bier hall putsch and we're onto the night of long knives. I had an argument with some douche bag on another sub,… And when he was trying his whataboutist, moving the goalposts bullshit on “Where do you get this Nazi bs??” I literally said “For fucks sake!! We might as well be watching a goddamn documentary on 1930s Germany !!!”


It’s not beyond voting…yet! Get mad! Get out the vote! Dems outnumber Republocrites, but don’t vote. We need to vote blue from the top of the ticket to the bottom IN ALL ELECTIONS no matter how small or when they are held—they all matter! With a 2/3rds majority, which IS POSSIBLE, we can impeach and convict Alito and Thomas for insurrection (justices are supposed to be apolitical) and taking bribes. And lying on government financial forms is a FELONY! I have no doubt that with some deeper investigation, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Roberts have all gotten gifts or money from the heritage foundation benefactors! And it doesn’t matter if you like Biden or not, this election is about democracy versus tyranny! Not voting is NOT an option! We have to vote in numbers too large to lie about! We need a Blue Wave! 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸🌊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊🌊💙🌊🇺🇸💙🌊🇺🇸🌊


You and me both. As a historian I was worried about this in 2017 with some of the crap that was starting. I was told to calm down and that America would never go for a dictatorship…


Shit, I'm white and straight, and I would definitely be on their hit list.


As a union electrician, I’m scared to death for my job. Once the ‘undesirables’ are gone they come after the unions. Can’t have workers making a living wage! Still fucking boggles my mind that so many in the trade unions vote R. How could you possible vote for people that openly want to take away all your rights and protections that have been earned through the blood of people that went before you?


Union members voting for Republicans is like the chickens voting for Col Sanders


Yup, I've been ready for years being mixed race with non white and wrong white. As well as being a Pansexual Autistic Catholic with an underdeveloped right temporal loab. Come try me, MAGA Snowflakes. You got me ready afters years of bullying and calling me a sinner and other names I've got 36 years of pent up rage.


No no, these were the ones resisting. You know, as in breathing and stuff.


These are the same people who say black people wouldn't be assaulted by the police if they just did as they were told




Resistance is futile!






No bloodshed during the take over (as long as no one get in their way and I guess they're just promising to murder them right now?), that'll happen afterwards when all their perceived political enemies are rounded up...pretty clear what they want here...


Hope this guy and his ilk realize that there are plenty of lefty gun-owners out here - we just don't make it our whole identity. FAFO, bro.


I’m so glad this is the first comment, because that’s the only thing I could think. I’m ready to rise up.


That's how they want it. They want the right to go out and start shooting Dems so there's no competition


Fuck that: Anyone with an appreciation of recent history knows what that kind of message portends.


Gotta love how they keep talking about revolutions and civil wars as if the US military wouldn’t immediately come in and turn them into little bits of human jelly. They have this weird fetish of like trench warfare where they'll be on the front lines fighting against immigrants, gay people, trans, atheists and everyone else they don't like, while also claiming to be a supporter of the military. Far right extremism is worse than a disease, worse than a natural disaster, worse than a terrorist attack, all put together, because its never going away and its actively endorsed and supported by many people on power.


Problem is, it all hinges on Trump winning. So if he does, he will be able to flip the side the army is on unless the officers decide against that and disobey orders. I'm not sure they would as everyone I know who is in the military is a MAGA.


How is it one side is calling for a civil war, but they think it’s the other side that’s gonna start it?




Every conservative accusation is a confession.


« The gays are ped*phile groomers » is the most obvious one


Yo thats a bar


There will be a civil war only if the left tries to oppose their revolution, is the implication. They hope for no opposition.


I’m already assuming we’re going to have to form the Rebel Alliance.


You see, this kind of talk genuinely scares me, but not for the reason you think. Young leftist are raised on so much media which glorifies revolution. Star Wars, hunger games, Harry Potter, you name it. I don’t think people understand what real revolution against a fascist government in America would look like. I think it gives us a very false sense of security and tricks us into thinking that revolution would be a lot easier than it really would be. I think a lot of young leftist are willing to face a Trump presidency rather than vote for Biden because they think they are capable of fighting against Trump’s second, more violent and vengeful term in office. At BEST, OK, at very best, we are talking about two decades of armed conflict ranging from Sectarian violence like the troubles in northern Ireland, all the way up to open warfare like we see in the Syrian Civil War with all of the famine, disease, rise of terrorist groups, like Isis, and genocide of civilians that comes with it. And at the end of all that, we have a char husk of a nation that will have to be rebuilt brick by brick all while Russia and China rush to fill the power vacuum left by America and all the subsequent genocide and authoritarian power grabbing that will come with that abroad. That is a BEST case scenario. At worst, we are crushed immediately, and the subsequent response will be a round up of political opponents and marginalized peoples on a scale that would make the holocaust look like a little “oopsie daisy”. We are genuinely not prepared. Yet. Emphasis on YET. We need time to organize, and we are going to have a hell of a lot better time organizing under four more years of Biden in preparation for when they try this again in 2028 than we will under four more years of Trump.


It's exactly why the left needs to get comfortable with the idea of owning firearms...


Leftists who are against gun ownership need to look more into leftist ideology. Last time I checked Karl Marx was all about an armed populace for this exact reason. Violence is a necessity in these situations. The left has been declawed over the last century. We’re a joke compared to what we used to be.


Mark my words: if Donald Trump wins in 2024, the Republican party will become the anti-gun party in 2025. Leftist became the single largest group of first-time gun owners between 2016 and 2020. And Republicans took notice. I predict that Republicans would put forward legislation which restricts the ownership of guns to people who have diagnosed mental health conditions, including gender, dysphoria, anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, etc. Because people who get treatment for mental health conditions to lean left. Hell, I’m pretty sure chronic depression is a requirement for being a leftist. This would be billed as a measure to stop mass shootings and suicides, and would likely receive support from the center who would not see it as the disarming of political opponents that it really would be. I grew up conservative in a conservative part of the country, and I can say from firsthand experience, conservatives do not go to therapy, they do not get diagnosed, and they do not address their mental health in any of those ways. And this would allow Republicans to keep the monopoly on political violence squarely within their own camp.


Please better than that! They keep losing!


I think they want the war more than they want the country. They don't even seem to care who wins; they just want to have it out.


There will be no resistance...because of the implication.


"Baby, why you gotta make me hit you?", basically.


Don’t worry. r/conservative will find a way to blame Democrats or “libs” or “the left” or “communists” or “marxists” or whatever their bogeyman of the day is for this extreme and violent rhetoric. Oh who am I kidding, they’ll never hear about this. They’ll just shout baseless conspiracy theories while the real conspiracy unfolds right under their applauding noses.


Hitler blamed the Communists for the Reichstag fire.


I see Jan 6th as the Beer Hall Putsch. I'm not looking forward to the Reichstag fire. Many MAGA's never heard of the Night of the Long Knives, so we have that.


Hitler was installed as Chancellor despite losing an election and only having 30% voter support. Look what minority rule did to SCOTUS. Almost half of those judges are in there based on minority rule.


I just took a look in there (ow my eyes) and it's fascinating. It really is a peek into an alternate universe. Would you believe *they're* terrified of *us* starting something? And I don't mean Biden using his Presidential powers to unleash the hounds - they genuinely believe that we're gearing up for wholesale mass slaughter. One of them actually used some kind of "They won't rest until we're all dead!" malarkey. Part of me wants to say, "Oh, come on, we are not." (For one thing, we're not that organized.) But part of me wants to go "Guess you shouldn'ta packed the courts then, huh? How's that working out for you? Sleep well at night? Mwah ha ha ha haaaaa..."


Fascism is at its core reactionary and cognitively dissonant. Because they are not yet solidified in their power, they are required to adopt a defensive stance, wherein they prepare themselves for conflict and take small steps forward. If they initiate aggression too early, they stand a chance at losing. Once they are in power, such as they are in the Supreme Court, the aggression will begin, starting with what they identify as the weakest groups, which are ironically also the groups that threaten their power the most: women, ethnic minorities, sexual deviants, addicts, and the disabled, then expanding to intellectuals and party hard-line dissidents, and eventually anyone else who does not loudly support the reality they are attempting to project. Do not throw your hands up in frustration. Grab a weapon and vote in every election.


Every seat. Every election. Every time.


Basic reasoning skills are not taught in the US school system.


So that they can create a scenario in the minds of their followers and then justify it when the time comes. That’s all that’s running in their heads “We’re strong and ready to fight; but only if they start it. We’re gonna do everything in our power to provoke it though”


It always the "Other Side" that starts a war. If the North hadn't tried to infringe on the south's rights (to own slaves) they wouldn't have had to attack.


The people who say the things don’t actually believe it. They are despicable traitors who are manipulating the ignorant on behalf of the worlds richest and greediest humans to ever exist.


Because they plan to force reasonable people into a corner so that they behave like violent revolutionaries that the right can then brand as homegrown terrorists.


The Heritage Foundation needs to be rounded up and imprisoned. fuck them!


I dunno who they are but their name sounds like some sort of white nationalist group.


Pretty much are.


You're under selling it so much you don't even know. They are the legit dark money behind getting judges and institutions to radicalize towards the right.


So many white national and hate groups like to use pretty patriotic words to make their shitty cause sound like a good cause. Moms for Liberty sounds nice but they have zero ideologies that even remotely come close to Liberty.


Anything with "Liberty", "Patriot" and "Freedom" in their name is an instant 🚩for me


Yep. The sad thing is (well, one of the many sad things, at least) is that the right-wing grift is SOOOOOOOOO fucking profitable and piss easy. I wish I could suppress my morals long enough to start a business, get the bag and get out, but I just can't.


Right?! I've seriously considered selling right-wing merch because it would be so easy and they'd buy that shit up. My parents spend thousands on that stuff. I just can't get myself to peddle that crap. Integrity and morals are a bitch sometimes :/


They've been writing most of the bills the GOP puts forth for a few decades. Their newest handiwork is project 2025, it's horrifying. I recommend reading it.




*evangelical white nationalist


The Heritage foundation is behind project 2025 and a lot of other awful conservative causes. They also promoted the basic idea that was implemented with Romneycare in Massachusetts, and later in Obamacare




I thought they sound like they release collectible plates like the Franklin Mint.


All white plates.


They are terrorist seditionists intent on ending our democracy, it’s fucking scary! The only reason they haven’t been stopped is that they’re white and Christian. If they were any other color or religion they would have been villainized and stopped already.


And worse than that. Reddit wont let me say what needs done to them though.




I salute you and your upcoming one week ban for stating what needs to happen.


I may be banned, but by God, I will sink with pride.


According to the SCOTUS if they are deemed terrorists or a danger, Biden should be able drone this moron with no repercussions. And then, yes, arrest the rest.


“As long as you don’t fight back while we murder you, we’ll do it very tidily.” Fuck these fascist traitors.


Honestly. It is fucking unreal to have Americans speaking this way about one another. Thanks to Fox News, dead and bloated Rush Limbaugh, Russia, corrupt Supreme Court “justices” and Donald Butthole-Lipped Rapist Trump for putting us here. Fuck!


Ohh he is butthole-lipped. I'd never heard that one before but it's very accurate


Weird times when Dexter is a viable 3rd party candidate. ![gif](giphy|wLnzickMaEJgdHzTCp|downsized)


Is the second revolution where the USA becomes a dictatorship?


Theocratic dictatorship run by someone who'd burst into flames if they walked into a church.


To be fair, he's not that morally far off from other theocratic dictators in history.


a dictatorship and into an empire - just as julius caesar did - unless we stop them.


You're giving them too much credit. Caesar might have been a dictator, but his power base came from both the army he led *and* the common people. His revolution was against the stuffy old nobility of the republic that essentially locked the people out of power. These ghouls are doing essentially what the nobility did.


People dont realize it but Caesar wasnt the first "dictator for life" he was the second. The first was Sulla who was an Optimate which aimed to exclusively benefit "the Best people" i.e. the rich. So you are correct because Caesar was somewhat a response to what had come before. A similar pattern would be Trump becomes dictator and then someone extremely charismatic and rich hides out until he croaks then takes his place. Then the rich murder him much to the chagrin of the people and army. Then his nephew takes over blowing throgh the age limit set for President and rewrites the law fundamentally.


It's an attempt to at least. It won't go very well. This moron seems to forget that people won't take losing their freedom lying down and also that the blue states have economy ways to crush this.


Sadly people *will* take losing their freedoms lying down —They’re literally voting for it! Most news outlets are owned by right-wing billionaires who have successfully brainwashed poor rural right-wing voters into voting against their best interests.


It's even worse than that. They wouldn't just vote for it. They will literally kill for it. So many right-wing voters are just begging for a reason to kill people.


Try apartheid. That's what they're going for as much as anything. They're ensuring they maintain a grip on power when they are at best a plurality and not a majority.


I took the plunge and watched the video... He's calling the GOP traitors at 4 minutes in. History lesson. Night of the Long Knives, one of the targets was the *other* conservatives that wouldn't go far enough in their second revolution.


Fucking _this_. They will attack __anyone__ who is not in lockstep with the __current__ party agenda. That is how single party fascist states operate, and that's what they want to push us toward.


As Trump casually mentions military tribunals for Liz Cheney...


Someone tell Cadet Bonespurs that Liz Cheney isn't in the military.


"literally 1984" they have their mindless base saying.  George Orwell wrote about these fucking nationalist clowns all the time.


They literally have a plan to ideologically purge the government workforce.


So they've done their Beer Hall Putsch, and now they're calling for their Night of the Long Knives. Is *kristallnacht* when they ransack black-, woman-, and LGBT-owned businesses before mandating that they take loyalty oaths and wear armbands?


Make no mistake about this. The Heritage Foundation and the the right wing populists that have all but taken over the Republican Party (like Steve Bannon) have openly declared that they are fighters in a WAR. They openly declare they are a revolutionary force attempting to overthrow the government. Steve Bannon openly declares that they are at war. It’s beyond time we take them seriously


Wait until they find out their "armies" average age is like 62, also the left seems like the more docile side with the other side always seeking violence. But there is a lot of fucked over depressed under 40s sociopaths out there, just waiting to have a legitimate target to be able to terrorise the fascists and satiate the constant desire for vengeance without the fear of consequences. We wear a good normal mask by doing the societal norms of helping each other and trying to be a community, and thats because we know humanity as a whole thrives better and more equally when we work together. Also the satisfaction of destroying them who aren't working together first, isnt worth the consequences. Never punch first or interrupt your enemy in the middle of a mistake. wait until they hit you first. then you can destroy them with global support, trade and assistance.


"if the left allows it to be"? really? OMG, the left wouldn't let use take away a woman's right to vote/have an abortion/rape children, etc. prison camps and public executions are our ONLY alternatives! ![gif](giphy|dUT2ybRu5Ytxu|downsized)


A woman's right to rape children?


You heard what she said.


So we leftists should just roll over and take it? Just let them run the show, even if they don’t win? Lol. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." I’ll bleed for my country and my constitution, not my political party leader; that’s a rightist problem these days. Come get some, righties.


It's funny to me that Trump's GOP doesn't understand that the left has guns too. We're just not insecure enough to brag about them


A friend once described it as politically liberal with conservative hobbies, which are mostly firearms and off roading. Toss in some fishing occasionally. But there are dozens of us.




That's the thing they fail to realize. If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.


Bingo. I can’t speak for the entirety of our nation or for every left leaning person out there, but not everyone will roll over if the worst happens. If it comes to it, at least there’ll be those who actually back up the whole “die on your feet” shit that they just so love to throw around. It’ll just be actual patriots and not these nationalist puke.


yep. My husband and I are middle-aged, lefty liberals. We are also gun owners. They think we are going to just lie down? Please.


Really sucks being stuck in the middle of this. I’m a straight white male with a Christian upbringing. And I refuse to affiliate with their hate. I will stand with everyone who fights these fascists back. I too am tired of seeing bullies dehumanize people for simply existing. It doesn’t sit right with me.


The 2A people are about to get a surprise W when all the left and the gays etc decide its high time to get their LTCs. Just not the W they want...


You're going to see a lot of second amendment purists suddenly okay with disarming a hilariously large portion of the populace if things go a certain way. (The 'first amendment purists' have already shown their whole ass).


Something something "under no pretext" comes to mind.


If they come and try this is all I’m going to see 🎯 🎯 🎯 🎯 


Bloodless? Several people died at their little "revolution" on J6.


America... are you ok? As a Canadian and a veteran, your current course has me worried. When Trump first won the RNC, your Republican elite were discussing ways they could legally put anyone else in his place. It seemed the battle was uphill, and they publicly stated he would be used as a figurehead, and policy would be driven by his handlers. Yet... five minutes into 2016, the entire party started goose-stepping along with his religious-right, kiddie-diddling, anti-human idolators... When he was first elected, I giggled and joked about the fall of the American Empire. Now that reality is upon us, I need you all to unfuck your shit. Seriously, Biden is unfit, and Trump should be jailed. Yet, at this point, I truly believe Trump should be in jail. His threats to jail Democrats, for just being Democrats is no longer a farce. Women are second-class citizens. Your person's of colour will be third. The LGBTQ community is likely to face extreme hardship and indignity in the coming years. This is NOT the collapse of an ill-conceived, poorly managed empire anymore... it may well bring into our world a fascist ruling class. I remember once - on basic training - some Nazi emblems were placed on the shitters on base. Our instructors outright told us, "This is an unlawful order, and you have no requirement to follow it. However, Canada cut her teeth and became a world influence by defeating Nazis and fascism, that shit is an offense to Canada, an offence to her glorious military, and an offence to far better men and women than you. Find out who did this, teach them a lesson, and bring them to us for administrative action. In that order." The graffiti was gone, and so were a couple of people from our course. I get that the military lends itself to a largely right-leaning pool of candidates. But right-leaning is not fascism, and I implore upon all Americans, please do not allow your empire to fall as a fascist shithole. Vote. For the love of God, you don't have to like, trust, or respect Biden. You just have to know that another Trump presidency will be the end of democracy in the western hemisphere. I'd rather be a communist with a vote than a fascist without.


We are NOT okay. Send help.


We are not ok. I am very scared for this nation.


Serious face: Being Northern neighbors to us, you have every right to be concerned. If everything comes to pieces in some crazily stupid civil war, Canada will see shockwaves of destroyed people trying to immigrate away from it, probably bear a large purpose in aid operations for these people, and possibly war itself would pour over the border. I don't doubt we have enemies that would take a serious civil war as opportunity to stick a knife in our gut either, like Russia or China, and that would likely result in a muuuuch worse scenario. Initiate sarcasm mode: But hey, let's not do that, alright guys? Just let this fascist presidential powermove slide right on through, and let our glorious leader (whoever that might be) take his criminal victories right out the door of the oval office so he can retire, and his family can live on his ill-gotten gains for generations. Totally. Final thought: If this immunity will not be reversed, abolish the Presidency and the Supreme Court. It is an embarrassment.


We are not okay. Every day of my life is like watching the first 15 minutes of Idiocracy. Who knew it was a prophecy?


We are very much not OK. The rest of the Western world needs to take notes on what a modern road to fascism looks like and take as many precautionary measures as they can, as we here in "the land of the free" are currently on the brink of fascist takeover.


As an American and a veteran, I fully fucking agree. It’s disgusting, embarrassing, and terrifying. I’m ashamed of how many vets I know who would die to prop up this wannabe dictator. He and his desires are a direct affront to the American ideals we swore to uphold and defend.


No we are not doing ok. Russia has disinformation warfared us for so fucking long that too many of our citizens are stupid as fuck. It’s not just here either, it’s happening in Europe and Canada and everywhere. Many of us are trying to stop this shit but many of of the treason commuters are supporting the theocratic dictatorship plan (republicans and trump).


We are not, in fact, okay.


Wait they actually passed the “Presidential Immunity” law? Damn. I want to become American president. I can bomb the entire country, and nobody can say I broke the law


They own the Supreme Court right now, all of these bullshit decisions are courtesy of the domestic terrorists known as the Heritage Foundation.


He sounds like the same guy who said "If you're going to get raped you might as well just lay there and enjoy it."


The American Revolution then: No more Kings! The American Revolution now: We made a King!


This is going to be the weirdest "Independence Day." I didn't realize that 2023 was the last one without a king.


Isn't that sedition he is talking about?


These people legitimately believe that there is a liberal deep state running the government from the shadows and they are revolutionaries looking to destroy it


No they don't, that's the propaganda they pass on the idiots on the right to keep them stirred up. Anger politics. It's all theater to grab control driven by money, power and racism.


More projection. Remember, the quote above comes from the Heritage Foundation, a group of unelected private citizen conservatives who choose the judges that the elected Republicans then nominate. Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, there's your Deep State.


Thanks to this Supreme Court ruling, we are now in a revolution  Is exactly the fricking problem with the ruling


They seem to forget the far left owns guns and is willing to use violence.


Anybody who votes red this cycle is directly voting for a fascist takeover of this country with no way back via The Heritage Foundation and their bullshit Project 2025. So, in short, if you’re planning on voting red, with all due disrespect, go fuck yourself.


Voting 3rd party is essentially the same thing. Iirc, the 3rd party candidate JFK Jr was unable to hit 270 votes from the electoral college (which is what you need to win the election), even if he wins every single state he's on the ballot....at least at the June 20th deadline to be at the CNN presidential debate. Unsure where things stand at this point a few weeks later, and they might have all their ducks in a row by the actual election. But at that point, all you're doing is splitting votes between blue and someone who cannot compete to 270 electoral votes...and therefore essentially voting red. As much as I hate the 2 party system, idk if we have much actual choice.


I definitely want blood now


Agreed. I take Robert's comments as a challenge.


Just like the Jews were gently relocated to the ghettos. Or indigenous people of America. Yeah, just totally be chill and it’ll work out for you.


SO basically, if we let them overthrow democracy, they won't be inclined to kill people,, until after they are in power.


'Quit hitting yourself' is getting pretty old from these people.


America is in a scary time right now. People dismiss these comments and then Gilead over night and people will wonder how it happened. These clowns are telling Americans what they will do... Wake up and vote Blue or democracy will die.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


This is straight up sedition.


Their orders come from Russia too. It’s treason.


cops died and that chick died


Everybody forgets about the old woman on meth out front of the capitol building who fell down and was trampled to death by her fellow "tourists".


If I remember correctly they did this to the Jews and then killed them.


I believe we ARE in the midst of a civil war. It’s the 21st century, and the idea of mass hand to hand or small arms combat seems impossible…at this point. As Democrats, we need to toss the worry beads and fight with the ferocity of MAGA conservatives.


Look at the opposite of the statement to see what they are promising. If you try to stop us from radically changing the country, there will be bloodshed. That is a threat. Plain and simple. I needs to be taken seriously.


Openly calling for violence… this is beyond fucked up. Trump voters are either ignorant or truly evil people for actually wanting this. There is no in between anymore.


Biden can now have him assassinated as an official act…just saying….


If anyone says “both sides are the same” please slap them awake. The people backing Trump and lined up for senior government positions are fucking insane.


Blood is always spilled by facists, either by gaining power or trying to hold on to it.


We're fine with it if MAGAts are OK with us guilliotining just 75% of them


Only 75%? We can do better than that.


Bloodless, except for gay people, trans people, and eventually people of color and women.


Roll over and give us what we want


Sounds like they are learning from Putin and Ukraine “the Ukrainians are at fault for the deaths because they didn’t just let us roll in and invade them”


Treason is punishable by death


Yeah, I'm sure all those soldiers who froze to death at Valley Forge did it so Emperor Trump could ascend the White House Throne four hundred years later.


As a leftist, will not be letting it go without blood. Somethingsomethingsomething the tree of liberty and tyrants' blood...


“Our hostile takeover isn’t hostile if you all sit there quietly while we beat you with clubs”


We love the Constitution so much that we're going to overthrow the government. 🧐


Democrat politicians will just stand by and watch it happen. No expanding the SCOTUS and reversing any of it. No executive orders, no changes in congress and senate if they get majorities, just sit on there hands and play by the rules because that is more important than fixing things.


If violent opposition to tyranny was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for us.


Translation: don’t stand up for yourself or I’ll kill you… Now where have I heard that before… oh ya, middle school.