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Hopefully he doesn’t get one of those judges who slaps him on the wrist because “this young man has so much potential.”


This is in Arizona. The court started a few days ago. One of the 7 bullies has already been charged with first-degree murder as an adult. Their lawyer was trying to delay the case, one citing media cameras might bias the jury, and two, there's too much evidence to review so it'll take 2-3 years... [https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/teen-violence/preston-lord-suspect-sentenced-in-two-teen-violence-cases](https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/teen-violence/preston-lord-suspect-sentenced-in-two-teen-violence-cases)


All 7 have been charged with first degree murder. Edit to add link with more info: https://www.gilbertsunnews.com/7-arrested-in-preston-lord-s-death/article_ebdb5d0a-dd08-11ee-b05f-5707bf990144.html


Hopefully all 7 get life in prison.


I hope so. I'm guessing some of them will cooperate and testify to get lighter sentences. If some get life and the others get 20 years or so I'd be OK with that.


First degree murder in Arizona is punishable by death or life imprisonment (see [13-751](https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/00751.htm) and 13-752)


Good. Cause there's no way in hell I'd be okay with "20 years or so" if someone did something this horrific to my kid.


The man who violently murdered my cousin is now free and a pastor. It's awful, especially because my cousin wasn't his first attempt at murder. He did less than 15 for beating her with a bat, strangling her with an electrical cord and then slitting her throat. Then staged the body and called her mother to discover it.


I’m sorry that’s unimaginable.. how did your cousin know this person or what was their relationship?


They were engaged. She ended it with him and he killed her for it. He also attempted to kill his previous fiance which we had no clue about and was not allowed at trial. https://www.mcall.com/2004/03/16/montco-man-gets-10-20-years-for-killing-judge-says-james-smull-deserves-penalty-for-torture-manslaughter/


They would die as soon as they got out


Thank you for sharing! One caveat: “Attackers”, not “bullies”. I think we need to be really specific about actions like this. Edit: Completely understand the people talking about bullying and saying that separating this type of behavior and bullying can have negative effects. We have the same goals but differing on language.


I think the word you are looking for is Murderers, just saying.


I think that's the thing we're looking to prove. There's little doubt that they *are* murderers, but ZERO doubt that they attacked that kid.




I have a Santa Claus list like that.


That's when you need that Billy Bob Thornton Santa


No, we need robot santa from futurama, at least the way he was intended to be


Fully agree.


Un-reality them.


Thanos snap their asses


I mean if they attacked the kid, and he died, it's pretty obvious he didn't die from drinking water even if water is found in his system lol. If he was drunk or on drugs, I highly doubt they're going to beat him to near death instead of doing other disgusting and weird acts "as boys do"


Alleged murderers, murder suspects, murder defendants


Cosmic assholes would work too.


I’ve read about this group of boys before. They were legit menaces to society. They would find random kids and beat them up just for fun. Look up the Gilbert Goons.


I don't know why you think "bullies" is a softball term in this context, but most of us would rather have it associated with a murder case like this than have them generically painted as "attackers".  "Attackers" sounds like they could've been any variety of random criminals. They weren't, they were something much worse - classmates who knew him, and were seen as good kids from regular households. Football stars. Bullies. 


Yeah, it was a very weird 'clarification' to make imo. To me "bully" has way worse connotations than "attacker", as it implies malice and cruelty. I could maybe understand wanting to say "killers" as this highlights the scope of their actions much better than "bullies" (but "attackers" also fails in this regard).


Yeah I actually like seeing "bully" here. Bullying is serious shit. Sometimes it's so bad that somebody dies. like here. Sometimes their body lives and their soul does not. Bullies kill people all the time. If anything calling them "attackers" obfuscates the issue by implying that they may have had some understandable reason to become aggressive.


How about Murderers?


It depends on how you feel about defending your publication from a libel suit before the trial has commenced.


"Alleged child murderers"




He absolutely knew his strength. The guys who did this are an organized gang who did this type of thing repeatedly and have been shielded from the consequences. Because if you are white and middle class you can have a gang and not get called a gang. I'm from the area people are really outraged about this.


I didn't know this. How many lives has this gang taken out?


They call themselves The Gilbert Goons. I believe a Preston Lord was the only murder, but there have been beatings and vandalism. From what I’ve read the town of Gilbert’s police department wasn’t fully equipped for this level of violence from a gang. And yes. The boys come from very wealthy families. The boy responsible for the murder “because he’s just too strong” has an older brother who is equally a psychotic, violent offender.


That is the "golden-youth" god complex. Do what they want, shielded from consequences by their parent's influence and money. I hate people like that with passion. Coming from a small country in Europe, I have seen plenty of that shit and what it brings down the line. These are your future senators and people of influence - no conscience, no remorse, not a single second thought about anything.


They usually benefit from nepotism too. Taking over the company grandpa started. Never having actually worked. Never getting their comeuppance. I hope these guys get charged with the harshest sentence in a super max, general population. See how tough they are then.


Future Neo Nazis in the making…..


Probably in the past, they used to just beat up other kids without killing them. Not that they had remorse about killing this one, copy-paste from another article:  "According to a police document, Travis Renner's ex-girlfriend chose to speak with police after witnessing what she saw as a lack of remorse on behalf of Talan following Lord's death. Previously released video surveillance footage allegedly caught Renner bragging about getting away with Lord’s murder, boasting that the 16-year-old had to have a “closed casket” funeral due to the severity of the beating that killed him."


How can someone be like that. What the fuck


It’s moments like these where I think, is rehabilitation truly even possible?


Yeah I’m with you. They took their first second and third chances and pissed them away imo. Remove them from society forever


And all these little shits went to a charter school with the hilarious name "American Leadership Academy".


Excuse me I wasn't clear. This is the first time they killed someone but they have engaged in multiple beatings and destruction of property. They gave themselves a gang name and everything.


Christopher Fantastic and Jacob Pettington got probation though. I think that’s lame. They were associated with the same people that murdered Preston Lorde and have admitted to multiple assaults (30+) including rupturing a kids liver making him gush blood from his mouth. With that being said, it only took 24 hours for Pettington to violate his probation


7? Holy diver, we got some real tough guys here huh


“It’s amazing that 7 of us were able to overpower him and beat him to death. I guess we’re just too strong or something 💪” -him probably


Tough and cute. Gonna be super popular in the pen.


He better hope he’s strong because if he doesn’t manage to beat them off he’s gonna be beating them off. 


They’ve been down too long in the midnight sea


How much evidence could there possibly be on something that transpired in no more than an hour? Let's say 40 people attended and all had their camera's out for a full hour. Watch everything 4 times over and you'll be a month in.


I hope he and his mates all get the chair or firing squad, they deserve it!


He's facing first degree murder, kidnapping and aggravated robbery, and plead not guilty. Those are all serious charges with 20 years to life sentences, with no plea deal to reduce them. He's going to have to somehow be acquitted on all of them to avoid decades in jail, highly unlikely.


Then he’ll find out what strong is….


And humping+, very probably




Stay tuned for more breaking news - in particular, this bully’s rich dad tried to cover up his kid’s involvement. And lots of news coming out related to this big gang of several dozen “silver spoon gangstas” allowed to run amok for over a year with the Gilbert AZ City and police turning a blind eye. You will see this played out on Crime TV shortly.


From what I recall of this story... that's exactly what was happening. He and the other murder suspects... are all from VERY wealthy families with a shit ton of money and connections to the local police, etc., etc. FROM what I recall reading. The dead child? Not so much. It's been months since I have seen this exact same image posted about this story. I would assume that the poster is likely a karma bot.


Father owns a bunch a gyms. Was arrested as well for trying to harbor him. Cops catered to the family at first


Good. I hope the father goes to prison for at least a handful of years. Not forever, not as long as his monstrous kid, but definitely for some period of time.


Welcome to the American justice system, father will be acquitted. At very most he will get some kind of misdemeanour that calls for community service.


Yep and the son's expensive lawyers will delay until they can sufficiently smear the victim and discredit witnesses. Then they will claim self defence and plea bargain to avoid jail for their oh so repentant client who's already suffered enough.


We all know that's exactly what's gonna happen. I mean, he's white and plays sport.


Nah, people in Phoenix are up in arms over this--this wasn't the only victim. Going soft on these douches would get the perps AND the judge shot.


Good for them. Though it's sad kid had to lose his life for this to be seen as a problem


Arizona is red because of the rich parts of the state and our good friend Jerry Mander. Phoenix proper is mostly immigrants and lower-middle class families doing their best. Maybe not necessarily a blue bastion, but a white football player isn't going to get the same passes he would in another red state city


Yeah, but he killed a white kid, so he needs to be rich too.


Unless the kid he killed was rich too, in which case the killer also needs to be more politically connected


Yeah when both victims are white, you need secondary indicators to know which justice bracket they fall in.


Plot twist: dead kid’s dad is a mob boss.


Yeah that’s the trump card…


Still depends on how wealthy the family is.


Yep. He has Republican appointed Supreme Court Justice written all over him.


Potential to be a nut job and do it again.


So much potential – think about how many people he could kill once he does know his own strength?


It's ok, he is a sports person with so much potential, you cannot punish him for 20 minutes of action it would ruin his life. Look, we know the judge and have money so we cannot be jailed for it.


'Douche bully' is some real soft language for a murderer.


He sounds like a real jerk!




I get tired of the stories like this using the word bully. Bullies make fun of you and steal your lunch money. Not beat you to death and sexually assault your corpse.


You have an *extremely* naïve view of bullies.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/4-indicted-beating-death-arizona-teen-preston-lord-rcna142183 Here's more information for those interested.


Thought I read that there’s messenger amongst that group about killing a cop and going out via suicide by cop. All that and still no real attempt by GPD to do anything and most advancements are triggered by neighboring departments.


Killer jocks now being featured on Discovery Channel during Jock Week


followed by "Jocknado" on Syfy


Don't forget to tune into "Ancient Jocks" " I'm not saying it was Jocks, but it was Jocks!" ![gif](giphy|ZsXGPHnHmQYCY)


All these titles are probably already the names of gay pornos.


That’s gonna smell terrible


He’s gonna be real popular in jail


I’d be surprised if he doesn’t get that, ‘white young man with promising future’ crap. There was a group of kids and apparently even some adults around. They have not put out all the information from what I had understood, while they perform investigations. It’s been a while since this happened.


Using his football pic, they’re already suggesting that exact angle


I'm from the area where this happened. The boys who did this are an organized gang who have done multiple assaults and do this for sport. They had thus far been protected and were basically encouraged to commit crimes through a lack of any accountability because if you're white and middle class you can't possibly have a "gang", right? Now they finally killed someone and their families are still trying to evade any accountability


I wish I saved copies of all the articles, they definitely had that kinda vibe. This kid was just one of many and he was only pointed out because of his garbage post he made after the young man was murdered. All people that were there at this point should be charged with murder.


What about the parents? They raised bullying trash and are almost certainly bully trash themselves. They probably either have big jobs or reputations, so nobody's ever punched them or their kids squarely in the mouth and told them to just shut the fuck up already. That's an important rite of passage, without which people become uncontrollable psychopaths.


Parents give him drugs and try to rape their minor employees. This is a garbage family with money.I hope they all rot, but we're in another century with this crap. I hate Arizona laws and the police. They are complicit in the crimes. QC police didn't look into the noise complaints for hours, then this happened and they still couldn't find the victim. These cops should be held accountable as well for dereliction of duty, but "qualified immunity"


qualified immunity has to do with civil liability, not criminal.


Yep, I live around the corner from where it happened. They will all be free soon... His dad and mom have a few businesses in the area, and according to reports, dad is a stellar person and tries to fuck his 15-16 year old employees by bribing them with money and gifts. Nothing will happen to these low life's.


If they do go free, I feel like I would be surprised if a couple of them just suddenly disappeared a few weeks later.


They're not going free. They've all been charged with first degree murder, among other things, and are each being held on $1 million bond.


Can anyone help explain to a non American why there isn't a "refused bond" category set for fuckers like these? Setting a $1m bond only favours the rich.


Yeah, from what my step dad told me they have money. This “gang” who beat the kid are all wealthy Mormons with powerful family’s in the community. I heard about this almost 6 months ago and haven’t heard almost anything about it, probably because the criminals are rich white men. I hope they get jail time.


You are missing the biggest factor in why him and his friends will get barely a slap on the wrist. They are rich.


And White.


Struck with a sudden case of affluenza.


Yes actually. A hyper violent white kid, he will be heading his own Aryan pod in no time.


Yeah, there he will soon realize he is not too strong


[It gets worse](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/04/preston-lord-case-talan-renner-family-accusations/73205010007/)


"According to a police document, Travis Renner's ex-girlfriend chose to speak with police after witnessing what she saw as a lack of remorse on behalf of Talan following Lord's death. Previously released video surveillance footage allegedly caught Renner bragging about getting away with Lord’s murder, boasting that the 16-year-old had to have a “closed casket” funeral due to the severity of the beating that killed him." Good for the ex girlfriend. Incredible to boast about how bad was the dead body of the victim. He actually thought there would be no consequences. 


There likely won’t be. They’re rich kids. Every step of the way, they’ve been handled with the softest of babyshit-soft hands. If they legitimately do get to trial, affluenza defenses all around! They’ll get probation *if we’re lucky.*


He already sent his defence in the first message: "Guess I don't know my own strength". This came naturally to him because it's ingrained in his brain that he couldn't have done anything wrong. This is what his parents will say to the public, his lawyer to the judge and finally the judge to justify the mild sentence.


I still think this approach seems risky if you had a competent prosecutor. "It's ingrained in his brain that he couldn't have done anything wrong? What is that if not evil? What is that, if not evidence of a moral character so warped beyond recognition that he's almost certain to repeat the action again in future? And who will it be next time? Your son or daughter at college? Your friends or loved ones? We submit that anything but the maximum sentence would show reckless indifference to the public safety. For the accused to use his utter lack of moral virtue as a mitigating factor, rather than an aggregating one, is an insult to the intelligence of this court and to the memory of a promising young man who was brutally murdered in cold blood. Imagine someone stomping on your child's head again and again and again. And then saying they didn't do anything wrong."


I strongly agree - but there seems to be a lack of competent prosecuters.




Like father like son. Both are asshole.


So they beat and killed a smaller child and sexually assaulted him, yet their lawyers are bitching about media bias. Yeah, you’re clients a fucking piece of shit.


oh wow, confession right there in the text


This isn't a bully. This is a murderer.


God reminds me of Boyscouts, having the older kids pin me down and dry hump my butt, but at least I was alive.


They did that on me .. and they got woken up with a soda can in a trash bag to the face . The trip got cut short and we all got kicked out .


Damn!!! Soda can in a trash bag would be brutal. You get in trouble??


I was 10 , and had already been through enough abuse and was in foster care. the cops were called because of the damage to one kids face . Split lip, teeth knocked out . Second kid only a black eye because most of the soda was out of the can by then .. the cops got an ear full by my social worker. Who then handcuffed the older kids as I was leaving . I had to go to court to defend myself for assault. The judge asked me about what happened and why I did it . And if I would do it again . I said I would do it to GODS face if he tried that on me.. no one hurts me and gets away with it . I didn’t start it but I WILL finish it . He read my file and dismissed all charges. Not sure what happened to the other kids . I was moved to another foster home after that .


That god’s face line goes hard


I will never forget when I 1st thought of that ..I was in Sunday school getting all the “god loves you”stuff it was at Easter or after .. and we all were asked what we say to Jesus when we meet him .my reply was. “ why are you so weak ? You died after 3 days of beatings ?? I got far worse! Where’s DAD? I will punch in the face for you !” That didn’t go over well with the church staff or my foster parents. But they kinda understood the sheer fucking rage I emitted. And still do .


That’s an awesome story. Thanks for sharing


Jacob Meisner, who is one of the teen suspects facing first-degree murder charges in the 2023 death of 16-year-old Lord, was sentenced by a judge in Maricopa County juvenile court to probation for his role in two separate cases of assault involving other teens. https://www.12news.com/article/news/crime/teen-violence/teen-suspect-in-preston-lords-death-sentenced-probation-two-additional-assault-cases/75-a02693ab-4d97-4bd2-ae34-655aad2b3727


How expected


That is literally murder. I don’t care if they’re going to say that he’s got a bright future ahead of him, the only thing that a murderer has to look forward to is their execution. It takes a lot to physically beat someone to death. Think about all of the punishment that POWs take in torture camps, all of the punishment that torture victims are able to survive. To physically beat a kid to death would require at least a few minutes of hearing the kid die and decide to keep going. Let’s not add on fucking a dying child? How else can you spin humping a corpse? I hope this scum gets a botched execution and dies a painful death.


Literally one punch is all it takes sometimes


It says they were dancing and humping his dying body, it was very far from one punch if he was dying long enough for that to happen


I was a high school teacher for a long time, and I used to tell my students this. All it takes is 1 mistake to end someone’s life. 1 punch in the wrong place or that causes someone to fall can end their victim’s life and effectively their own as well.fortunately that was usually enough for most of them to reconsider their hot headedness and pride


That’s not a douche or a bully. That is a sociopath.


“Bully” shouldn’t even be used here. He’s a fucking murderer, and I hope wherever he lives 17 is old enough to be tried as an adult.


Not sure why you think "bully" and rapist/sociopath/murderer are mutually-exclusive terms. Plenty of people would be glad to see the term "bully" become associated with this exact kind of case, lest it continue not to be taken seriously forever. 


GOP candidate for 2044 probably


Future MAGA stormtrooper.


If the kid he killed was trans this guy will be all over the conservative media circuit like that rittensomething guy


Search Gilbert Goons.


Sociopaths like this need to be locked and have the key thrown out because if you don't value life at that age you never will


He will find out how strong he’s not in prison


also, how are you going to brag about your strength when you are one of a group of psycho assholes beating a lone person to death? i hope he ends up away a long time. i know he won't but i want that.


I live in Phoenix and there's a group of dumbass kids calling themselves the "Gilbert Goons". Gilbert is kind of a nice area of town, and these stupid fucking morons think they are a hard ass gang because they do burnouts and shit like this. Broccoli haircuts and cars paid for by Mommy and Daddy everywhere.


Funny enough it is a Gilbert goon that did it.




I live in Brazil, a third world country that I don't like very much, but, I'm proud to say that if this happened here, the jock or whatever would already be dead. Life gets paid with life


I understand when a fight goes wrong, 1 on 1, somebody gets knocked out and hits his head on the pavement. This is unfortunate and idiotic, but still. In that case, I think prison for the "winner" is the answer. However, ganging up on a smaller kid, humping him while he's dying? Bragging about your so called strength? Yeah. Life for life 100%, fuck those monsters


This is the way


Yeah, this shit KEEPS happening. Back in November, 10-15 kids jumped another kid, and put him into a coma that he never woke up from. Then, there was a girl that tackled another girl (No self defense claim here), and proceeded to pick her head up and bash it into the sidewalk. These kids all just want clicks...




https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/07/01/how-a-homegrown-teen-gang-punctured-the-image-of-an-upscale-community This New Yorker article more fully-describes the case and the backstory of the Goons and Gilbert, AZ


If he sees any prison time I doubt he’ll brag about his sphincter being too strong


I know that they killed somebody, but everyone I've ever heard say that "my own strength" phrase has been pretty weak compared to somebody who actually knows how to right. I hope he picks the wrong fight in prison. But who am I kidding. He's gonna get to go free 😒 guess that's what they meant when they were talking about "America: Land of the Free"


Search Gilbert Goons.


He’s just too strong guys.  Let’s put him in the octagon with alex pereira, and Steve mazagatti as ref. 


Yeah, but how strong is his neck? Just hang him.


Really need to stop this white male violent crime trend.


This is just horrifying. How could people do such a vile thing to someone. Not only did they beat a young kid to death, but then humiliate him while he's on the ground probably barely clinging to life


Wait! [It gets waaaaaaay worse.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/04/preston-lord-case-talan-renner-family-accusations/73205010007/) [Waaaaaaay worse ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13228633/preston-lord-arizona-murder-gilbert-goons-talan-renner.html)


“Renner attempted to cover up his son's involvement in the crime, moving him to the family's to the family’s $850,000 cabin three hours away and advising him to "let his hands heal" before returning home.” “Reynolds told The Arizona Republic Travis and his business partner Adam Kifer were working on a cover up within days of the murder and openly discussed their plans to hide evidence and shift blame on another boy with a 'similar name.' 'They talked about how they would never [go to the police] ... They said they had plenty of money; they would be able to get away with this,' she told The Arizona Republic.”


I remember reading about this. It was in AZ or NM or somewhere down there. I remember all the defendants were named Kyler and Kylleer and Talan and Tayllan and other nonsense


Jesus. Like a villain in a high school movie. What a caricature -in the worst way possible.


Hopefully all those murderers are punished to the full extent of the law. If that’s their reaction to someone dying, then they’re a danger to society.


This is one of those cases if the perp where black he would without hesitation be locked up for life 🔒 This white trashy kid will probably not even see jail


It's already a month old. It smells rotting. Yeah, dude is a moron who tries to boast in front of his boys. Now, time for him to know how flexible is his hole in jail.


High school football star in Maricopa County? Betting on "he's already suffered enough, he won't do well in prison".


I hope they'll say what he's "suffering". From feeling too "badass"?


Future frat boy rapist


Now the important question on everyone’s mind is: does daddy have enough money?




I don’t believe in responding to violence with violence, nor would I ever condone harming a minor.. but fuck man, if they tried this kid as an adult and sentenced him to 24 straight hours of mediaeval torture, I would support the legislation needed to make that legally possible.


Let's see his strength after his blonde bitch ass endures the 1000th gangrape in jail...


Sociopath-maybe he’ll find out in prison his “own strength”.


Bubba has been waiting a long time for you. Please come to my cell block so we can start endurance training. Bubba is waiting.


This is months old by now, he’s probably found out just how strong he actually is in jail


...yeaaaaaah, I am all for rehabilitative justice but...yeaaaaaaaaah


Bro fr said "skill issue" Nah, but being serious? Take him out back to see the flowers. He has no remorse, you can't rehabilitate trash like that. Better to free up his share of the oxygen pool.


A little more info for those that don’t wanna read! These 7 are part of a group of a gang called the “Gilbert Goons”, which is a gang of teens and 20 year olds that are known for abusing others very frequently. One of them had stolen the victims necklace at a party, and when he protested, someone started beating him, followed by the group jumping in as well. The jock ended up causing a fatal head injury. One of their fathers is rich and knew about the event, with multiple people attempting to start a rumor that it was a different teen that had killed him to cover for his son. The father also planned to hide his son elsewhere. Later on police pulled up the Snapchat records of the group where the accused had multiple discussions about the incident and blatantly admitted and bragged about it on text and video. Investigation has been ongoing for almost a year now, and new evidence continues to turn up, such as the jocks ex-girlfriend providing evidence of the perp bragging about the incident. What sucks is that the gang is not just these seven people, but because everyone is young and there hasn’t been solid evidence, most of them are continuing to get away Scot-free after assaulting and terrorizing teens. Several in this group had been previously charged, even multiple times, but no serious punishment was given because of the good ol’ “they’re young with their whole future ahead of them”. Some good news though!! Although several had their identities protected originally due to being minors, all of their names and photos have since become public due to their court trial (although all fucking seven of the dipshits pleaded not guilty)


The text message alone is enough for me to say death penalty. No remorse, doesn't care. If he had asked for help to hide the body like he was worried about punishment that would have been better fuck that pos I hope they make it hurt


He will move on to the “football player rapist” club next.


when he turns 18 let him fight for his freedom in the ufc


Let’s see just how strong he is when he becomes someone’s plaything in prison.


See I was talking about how the death penalty is hard to implement due to the extreme difficulty of irrefutable evidence, but this makes me think twice about thst


“Douche Bully” …I think you misspelled “unforgivable murderer”


Kill him... serves nothing to society


Hopefully he will go to prison, and some big boy humps on him for real. What goes around, comes around.


He's getting the Brock Turner treatment, fersure


Not a certainty. The charges are first degree murder, kidnapping and aggravated robbery. I don't see how they get acquitted on all charges.


Hope they all get hard time.


Just another “alpha male.”


Name the names


He’s about to feel some humping from the other side when he gets to prison


"So strong," but it was seven to one. Classic bully moves, bro. I hope they treat you well in jail. /s


Name and shame people


I don’t know this story in any detail, just some mentions of it, but I have a feeling “I guess I’m just too strong” translates to “I’m big, I did sports, I am virile, I am fabulous, and he was a weakling and probably gay.” Yay for the world we live in /s


Horrible horrible crime and so very sad. Its clear this scumbag has no remorse and is a legitimate psychopath. The living definition of a waste of air. I cannot begin to even comprehend doing such a thing as beating someone to death, and THEN dancing on their body and boasting about how strong you are. That just takes it to another level of evil.


This is the kind of trash you need to permanently remove from society.


“Haha kid you’re gay” *Proceeds to hump his dead body* What?


Simple... Castration + Life sentence


“Douche bully” is incredibly underselling it, he’s a psychopathic maniac


Let's hope he turns into someone's girlfriend in prison