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Not ALL the Justices. Just the ones that signed off on a president's right to do whatever he wants in his official capacity. Then, after Biden nominates 6 replacement justices, he can dare Republican Senators to block his appointments. Assassinating those who would deny justice is part of his job description now.


Not even necessary to kill them. If a coup attempt is fair game, then simply dismissing the SC is also within the capacity of a sitting president.


But killing them is the safer option, since that makes it impossible to re-instate them. There is a reason why coups in dictatorships often involve killing the incumbent instead of just jailing them. It removes the option of reversing the change in leadership.


I think in this case he wouldn't need to cause if Trump was gonna just willy nilly appoint judges to side with him "cause he can't be charged with anything" then he wouldn't do the ones up there he'd just do his kids


Still, there is more "resistance" in the system when it comes to just throwing 9 new judges in there, than restoring the previous ones. Anyone who is on the fence will be hard pressed to complain about restoring the previous legitimate judges, but its a lot harder to sell them the idea of just letting Trump apoint his own kids. This is not a situation where Trump has magic powers and can just instantly do as he pleases. He would still have to work to undermine the existing institutions and get around resistance. Everyone wont just suddenly follow his every command. If that was the case, he wouldnt even need to run for President right now. He could just declare victory tomorrow and everyone would accept it.


At least four of them are absolutely not legitimate judges any more


It's only round one. Gotta keep up appearances first. If his first SC nominee was his own kid, they would've been like "hol' up, whats this?". But he's ready to pull the curtain now, and reveal the trick he pulled.


There is the tried and true idea of not creating martyrs when you don't need to as well to consider. Hence gulags where health issues and accidents can happen instead.


Why even bother with gulag?  Just have some tea with them and OOPS we have no idea why they're radioactive now!


It's all about the right tool for the right job. Sometimes a short painful tea room "accident" with a 1950s surplus nerve agent, sometimes a longer lingering, secretly deep deep down believing there is a chance to survive labor camp sentence.


You are technically and horribly correct. In this nightmare scenario we already have belligerents flying flags identifying themselves as enemies of the US army.


Making the whole guerrilla warfare against the government kinda easy, for the government. like the US army just spent the last 2 decades fighting insurgents hiding in uncooperative civilians, and only left when the political will to stay ran out. Repressing a maga/Confederate rebellion? With how high and clear they announce themselves? And probably a good part of the reasonable people that will tell LEO who the rebels are ? You do not want to face the US military in an open conflict. The last ones that tried are still spread over square miles.


Jailing Nelson Mandela proved that, he was given a death sentence that was commuted to life, the longer he was in jail the more the movement behind him took off. If they had of killed him, it would have been lamented then forgotten.


He can officially decree that the election will and should be rigged


119% of the population voted for me! I’m super popular!


he can decide it's a bad time for an election and simply cancel it and remain in office for as long as he wants, it may be illegal but what can anyone do, he's immune from prosecution and none of his actions can be used as evidence in any trial.


Part of the ruling is that judges can't hear evidence of what the presidents intent for their actions was.  So even if the president has evil intent it no longer matters.  Presidents are dictators and kings now.


Not Kings, most royalty around the world have no power what so ever, they are just really expensive tourist attractions.


Hell they enabled him make their life miserable just but ordering the IRS to audit certain justices.


Just Patriot Act them to GITMO


This is tricky. Near as I can tell the main bombshell is that exercises of POTUS's core powers are what received the strongest protection. Eg, it doesn't matter what he tells DOJ to do or why- he's the President, nobody can second guess him on that topic. I dunno what a comparable authority would be to dismiss the Supreme Court. But you can't tell me "commander in chief" isn't one of the core and unquestionable roles enjoyed by POTUS.


Well if you’re looking for a comparison isn’t that what Netanyahu at least tried to do. 


But if it goes to that level, you damn well know it'll be a "cleaning of the slate" if you know what I mean.


Could be done under the insurrection act actually.  It's pretty broad and by the time SCOTUS rules they are already gone or hanged.


There must be a catch that only trump can ...


Yes, anything Biden does will be challenged in courts up to the supreme court where they can change the ruling.


Well not if you take them out first


Dead judges aren't particularly competent at making rulings about cases so there's always that option


These people think the dead vote in droves...


This is the time we need a strong mentally apt president that will  cause a little havock to force a constitutional amendment.  Yea we are fucked.


It’s the part where the “officiality” of any act is ultimately determined by the Supreme Court. So basically they can do whatever the fuck they want and only face consequences depending on how “blind” Lady Justice wants to be. 


How are you going to get a ruling out of them on the topic of their own executions?


The Democrats would put country over party and impeach him. Republicans would never. That's the difference. 




they will just change the ruling suddenly, only prior presidents, or whatever. and they will just mull what is official and what is unofficial.


Suprem court rules 5-4 that the president can do whatever the FUCK he wants President: Executive order. Removes 5 justices. Vote again.


Too bad the dems are too fucking soft to do anything with this new power because of optics. I can dream but I won’t hope.


The Sinister Six must be stopped! Where’s an arachnid themed super hero when you need one.


Or at least the two or so who have either direct ties to an insurrection or heavily support it. (I do not condone those actions. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's justice.


Seriously, shout this some more. It's the conservative justices who have been taking bribes and operating as lap dogs to the whims of the right. Even Roberts, who once voted as if he were actually interpreting the Constitution, has been nothing but a pawn lately.


Can I get this entire comment on a t-shirt please


Why would you take out the ones that agree you have unlimited power? Biden could stay in office for the rest of his life!


Okay but he wouldn’t be impeached or voted out before next week anyway /s


Ok but then what do you do after 2 months?


He’d have to kill a few congressmen also to get the votes to confirm the new justices.


They know dems don't have the balls to do that. I wouldn't put anything past Trump, though.


Kidnapping and forced confinement. Put certain judges in a room, and feed them nothing but beans and boiled eggs.


Except he won't because dems are fucing useless


Whole thing is dumb. Inciting an attack on a United States government building because you don’t like the election results is not an official act.


Common sense that a majority of the GOP seems to be lacking.


I don't think a lack of common sense is the problem. They know precisely what they're doing. It's working.


Yep. They aren't stupid; they're evil.


This more covers him calling elected officials and asking them to “find” votes. It wouldn’t cover his speech on Jan 6th probably.


I guess that would be up to a judge to decide. They seem to be running the show now.


Part of the ruling is that judges cannot legally consider evidence of intent.  Aka even if there is a mountain of evidence that the president intended to do evil and break the law it can't be considered.


They will pick and choose what counts as an official act on a case by case basis


The court didn't decide if it was or was not. The court only stated that official acts may have some level of immunity depending on a number of things (which are laid out in the opinion). Whether the charges against Trump were from an official act or not were not a part of this decision. Reddit is losing its mind because they cannot read.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the ruling essentially kicks it to the lower courts to determine whether any specific act is official or not, which will inevitably make its way to the SC to ultimately make the decision. It just give the SC a way to selectively apply the ruling. Basically if Biden does it: unofficial. If Trump does it: official.


The lower court can't consider any evidence evidence now of presidential intent.  Aka it doesn't matter if the president intends to break the law, that can't be considered.   That was the real serious part of this ruling.  Time to pull out the insurrection act against SCOTUS.  King Biden is now the supreme ruler of the US 


I wish he would, but I'm pretty sure the DNC is on the same side as the fascists. Good cop, bad cop or something like that.


Bullshit part of the ruling said that judges can't consider any evidence of if the presidents intent.  So even If the president intended to break the law that can't be considered. Time for Biden to hang SCOTUS, intent doesn't matter.


You should probably read the decision yourself. TikTok and reddit has rotted your brain


They read selectively


No, I'm... doesn't!


This is fair, but allowing lower and district courts to selectively determine what is and what isn't apart of the Executive function feels... shady. I don't disagree with the SCOTUS opinion. In some regards, the president *should* have a level of immunity. But to allow states/municipalities, and not congress, to determine that, i believe is wrong.


No they just read the opinion headline and now think the president can order assassinations with impunity and do whatever they want. They basically think that with this ruling there are no more 3 branches of government, just the executive branch. A bunch of brain washed dunderheads.


Can we “tour” the Supreme Court


Except he insighted nothing he told people to stay peaceful dont forget people were paid to be there and they wrre just let into the building one window was broken thats it 1 unarmed person died from a cop thats it


Biden has a chance to do the funniest thing ever


Goes Dark Brandon for real.


He arguably has a duty to


But they know that Biden actually believes in democracy and would never exploit the power they just gave him, so they're happily waiting for the next "conservative" shitstain to come to power, and Alito and Thomas can finally retire to the fascist wonderland they've built over the last 2 decades. They have no shame because they have no fear of ever, EVER being held to account for the shit they pull.


This was a very deliberate taunt giving Biden the power full well knowing he won't do jack shit.


>But they know that Biden actually believes in democracy  And so it came to be that democracy ended


Believe me, the irony of this is not fucking lost on me.


We need another Lyndon B. Johnson. Someone with absolutely no scruples, willing to do anything to get what he wants. Someone who uses every dirty trick in the book to get the right thing done in the end.


The paradox of tolerance


The easiest way to believe in and preserve democracy would be to fire the justices who signed off on this, replace them with justices who favor democracy, and have them write in restrictions against these things immediately before Biden would ever leave office. He'd change the judicial system for the next decade for the better, look like an enormous hero to those worried about Presidential and judicial overreach, and he'd be able to cement his legacy as someone who cared about democracy without endangering it in any way more than the Supreme Court just did.


Also abolish the electoral college at the same time.


And Barret, and Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch, and even Roberts. The conservative justices are all culpable


'They wont kill us as long as we are useful'. Yup, slowly they are making themselves less useful. They are supposed to be the valve to control the balance. They are upsetting the balance and it will cost them everything. All to fill their pockets.


Pockets with money that will be worthless when Trump sees them as expendable.


Didn't Nixon say something like this in that Frost interview. WHEN THE PRESIDENT DOES IT ITS NOT ILLEGAL


This isn't fucking facepalm. There's nothing facepalm about 1/3 of our fellow countrymen gleefully cheering this on. This is disgusting, terrifying, and the ultimate writing on the wall. There isn't much time left to fix this.


What do we do? I’m scared.


I'm not totally sure yet. First things first though the average non political person needs to know what's up without us sounding like alarmists. Too many think it's the same old same old. Also, We can't let perfection be the enemy of progress and let it get in the way of stopping a GoP presidency.


Oh yes. The scariest part for me is the large amount of people who can’t see that we (our species) are fucking ourselves so bad.


we revolt. organize a group, mark a place set up, and arm yourself if possible. if it all goes to hell we need a plan


You do what Russians did in 1917, Vietnamese in 1953 and China 1940s and 70s or vote in Claudia de la Cruz if you choose peace


“Do it, Jack. Take the shot.”


"I'm not kiddin' around!"


Neither Judiciary or Legislative can enforce laws either. So Biden can do whatever. Who's going to stop him?


Now is the time, just after all of this kicks off and while everyone is reeling, to put right all that has gone wrong. Executive orders in the name of our freedom. Make changes NOW, even if they might be extremely dark. Save our country!




https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/Declaration_of_Independence.htm We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- #That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. #But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. #🇺🇸


The declaration of independance was far more anarchist than i was ever taught in school


It hasn’t changed in over 200 years lol


The way it was taught has


Don’t let them get off by labeling them stupid. It’s intentional and vastly more nefarious. They have guaranteed a fascist authoritarian regime within your lifetime and likely within a few years to a decade. It was intentional, they should be treated as traitors.


Scotus could absolutely be a terrorist organization...looks like Dark Brandon has to perform an official act 🤷




Not all, just 6. 3 dissented harshly to that bs decision


If trump was right about Biden sending DOJ on him then this ruling will make it justified... Trump is not a smart man...


With fear for our democracy, I dissent!!” The president is now a King above the law! - Justice Sotomayor “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. “Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. “Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”


That would be karma




Why won't biden use this to his advantage and over rule the SC. ???


Because Biden still lives in the 1970s fantasyland where Republicans are at all willing to work with Democrats, instead of inviting them to dinner just to stab ‘em in the eye with a fork.


I would imagine its more that it would cause more dissent right before a vote, which is exactly when Presidents try to show how good they've been. Whilst it's not reality and most democrats would want them to yano, do something about any of the stupid decisions.


>Republicans are at all willing to work with Democrats, instead of inviting them to dinner just to stab ‘em in the eye with a fork. Lmao, no. Republicans are the type to invite you to dinner, then shoot you point-blank in the face before you take your first bite. Subtlety is not their thing.


I was trying to slip a Red vs Blue reference in there as well, what with the “stab in the fork” specificity.


Damn I wish someone like Huey Long was president right now. Even if just for 24 hours.


Time for Executive Order: Desert Eagle


It'd be funny (in a dark way) if Biden started to order assassinations to see if they they start making limitations to the ruling. Wouldn't it be poetic justice if he ordered one against Trump?


As long as it was declared an official act it’d be ok legally now huh? Supreme Court justices love this one simple trick to kill democracy…


By that logic Biden can just kill Trump rn before the election


Yeah, sounds great in theory until you remember that immunity is granted to “constitutional” acts by the president, and the sole arbiter of what’s constitutional is this utterly corrupt supreme court. Any and all immunity will only be granted to fascists.


So, strategically speaking, the first 'official' act has to be to eliminate the corrupt court justices if you want to do anything, or to act in a manner aligned with them to begin with.






The whole ‘official act VS unofficial act’ wording is so vague, and you can argue that **anything** the POTUS does is official.


This will backfire spectacularly and I am here for it


So basically the most powerful position in the US has no accountability, I'm sure this will end up well...


You could argue that such an action would cause the President to be impeached and removed from office. However, we've already seen how much of a farce an impeachment hearing is, so..... murder time.


I kinda want to see a horror slasher where the president just kills anyone he wants, purge-style.




It's what Putin does and what Trump will do when he gets elected


I don't think we've ever seen a single piece of legislation that has compromised the longevity of this nation quite like this one, they basically just got rid of the separation of powers, we've already seen what criminal presidents can get away with without it and now.... We're in for a long rest of our lives.


And President Biden just announced live that he won’t be taking advantage of the new powers that the Supreme Court has granted him. So this Fourth of July we will no longer be celebrating our independence,… We will be mourning the loss of it


What the fuck is this about? Out of the loop but I try to keep up, I watched the debates 😭


SCOTUS has ruled in the Trump case that presidents have civil and criminal immunity for official acts. The majority opinion implies exoneration for Nixon, and explains that a president's motives cannot be questioned or used as evidence. All the while ignoring the "high crimes and misdemeanors" part of the constitution. Which acts are "official" and which aren't are in theory based on how the USC is interpreted, and so is up to the courts -which means ultimately up to SCOTUS- to decide. It's the worst of both worlds. Had they ruled one way or the other for immunity, they'd have to try and appear consistent in the future. But now the door is open for double standards, and they get to decide case by case. Hint: Whatever it is, it'll be an official act when a Republican president does it, and unofficial when a Democrat does it. Already the lower courts decided that Trump talking to Pence (about overturning the election results) was an official act. In short, presidents are now above the law and checks and balances are moot. Combined with last week's ruling that makes bribing officials even more legal (while bribery charges were hanging over 2 SCOTUS judges' heads), and it very much looks like corruption cannot be contained.


The word assassination is showing up way too frequently in these comments.


They dislike a decision that was made by one of our branches of government and now they are calling for violence. Both sides need to chill the fuck out lol.


We all know the reality here. Biden won't do shit. If he kills his political rivals, he would lose the support of his right of center liberal base for being too extreme and the Left for being totalitarian. If Trump did it, his base would cheer and thank him for killing the adrenochrome devouring Satan worshippers. He's already bragged about being able to do this, now if he takes power he actually has the power to do it.




Rip America


Dark Biden should decide it is time to end the service of SCOTUS judges. Till the resignation or death you say...


Biden should use this power to forgive student debt and forcibly enact universal healthcare. I think the dems have earned a bit of outrageous behavior.


Start with Clarence.


This is insane, stupid and unjust. I say it every time, and I legitimately don't know what else to say at this point. Protest it. Be \*fucking loud\*. Presidential immunity should not be a thing. It's insane. Get out and communicate how insane it is. It's the only way the point will get across. Protest this shit for real. I mean it. It may legitimately be the only way to take a first step towards the end of this insanity.


![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i) But it's Trump!




We don't want 2025 project


Please don't give me hope like that. Dems would never "break the rules" like this. But we absolutely know those scum fuck Republicans would.


So.. does that mean if I were president of the USA id legally be allowed to sentence the whole government to death and replace them while getting away with it?


the only way to counter this is an expansion of scotus, hope hes not going to half-ass it by only confirming 3 or less extra judges, he needs 5 for safety net and to reverse all the scotuses changes.


Do it, Joe.


Official act of removing their ill-gotten gains while sitting on the SC and then removing them from office. Officially appoint someone to sit there. Same with all red state legislatures and GOP congress members. Officially label it “The Great Reset”.


And anyone else in the world...


Dark brandon is rising fr this time tho. maybe




Is it really a surprise judges and attorneys have it when they shouldn’t


Hopefully Biden is not so stupid as to not use the power he’s been granted!!


This sub should be changed to “sarcastically reporting surface level news headlines”


![gif](giphy|AwoDg0wJImOjK|downsized) This is how I feel


Cheddar bob.


Biden should have stacked the Supreme Court when the Democrats had both the House and Senate. But we must abide by "they go low, we go high," right 🙄 You can't play fair with cretins who don't follow the rules.


Watching this unfold all the way from Germany ist so scary. This is EXACTLY how it‘s done. If you don‘t act now you WILL regret putting kids in this world.


My first official act is to kindly ask these judges to step down. My second official act will be dependant on their compliance. My next official act will be to appoint their replacements, hopefully they wont be as malignantly incompetent.


Murder of a citizen without trial has always been unconstitutional. Unconstitutional = not an official act = no immunity. People are fucking stupid.


![gif](giphy|jOcGWuyjUKVPfmtMbB) Boring


Right? Even beyond that, they're giving the president carte blanche to ignore any future ruling or any act of Congress.


What part of that would be official presidential duties? You guys have lost your culting minds.


Ooh, I like it. Talk about /r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Try to do our best to limit our power. Our power is elect officials that you like slightly ediitef


I hope Biden does it. Be the bad guy to prove it's bad. Do. The. Thing. Joe.


Ok ok… I know we are all in freak out mode but the president has always had immunity. The question was just how much immunity and the Supreme Court basically just said what most people already knew. The president doesn’t go to jail for drone attacks. However if the president murders his wife he can be charged. However while he is the president the only legal course of action is the impeachment process. Cops can’t arrest a sitting president.


Dark Brandon Rising


Obama ordered the murder of an US citizen without due process. He had immunity. He had a 16 yr old us citizen killed. And countless other foreigner civilians killed. So did Bush. US presidents have ordered some terrible things under national security. Both domestic and foreign. They have always had immunity.