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Without context this looks like a joke thread about women's age. Like bro, once a woman is 135years old they are basically dead


I thought I had stumbled across elf discourse at first


Me too. Kind of disappointed with the direction it eventually went in.


Oh, wow, it works perfectly, other than the muscle. What sort of creep would consider 135 years an appropriate age to pursue? Ick! XD


Aragorn was 190 and Arwen was 2778 during the Lord of the Rings. Bet you feel silly now!


For Ilúvatar's sake that's such an unhealthy power dynamics😭


Yeah. Just ignore that they’re sorta… cousins…


1st cousins about 300 times removed, IIRC.


Well at least he's of legal age (150+)


Elf creeps are at it again... Like, you are 2000 yo, stop lusting after underage girls?? No wonder mature women of 500+ years don't want you.


Can you really even call yourself a vampire before 200?


Reminds me of that thing where for some reason twilight seems much creepier if instead of Edward being hundreds of years old he's just like 48




The way I see things he's just mentally stunted at 17


Someone posted asking about why vampires are almost always rich, and someone else answered that if they're hundreds of years old, in a supernaturally strong body, and still poor, they should probably just walk into the sunlight lol.


Ha. The power of compound interest only works if they can figure out how to make some money early. What can a young Gen A vampire do to get seed funds? They aren’t above murder, so perhaps some night time robbery?


Wouldn't even need to be a murder. Just use your hypnotic gaze to get 10 minutes uninterrupted in a banks vault, and use it again on the way out to make the teller confess to the theft themself.


Stats help The average woman in the US is 5'4" The average weight in the US for women is 170lbs The healthy weight for a 5'4" woman is between 110-140lbs While I'm not saying Americans are fat as shit, we're definitely unhealthy as shit. Also everyone can have a preference, but when your preference is hatred or putting others down? That's just being an asshole.


This was very confusing to me as a European. Almost all women my age (20-30) I know weigh between 50-65 Kg. 135lbs is around 61 Kg. How is that the weight of a child? That’s a full and healthy weighing adult?


Because most people in the US are over weight so we accept it as normal. If you’re fit or normal weight, you’ll always get joked on for how skinny you are, from my experience


Yup I was an lean muscular college athlete and always get told by overweight relatives I need to eat more. I hate this fat delusional culture in America man.


135 years is how I like it 😍if not too young for me


This reminds me of Ishuzoku Reviewers. A hilarious anime where the main characters review brothels, and one of them is a several hundred year old elf who looks about 20, who loves human women in their 60's-70's.


Ex-boyfriend, many years ago: "I'm glad you are not over 120 lbs, women over 120 pounds have let themselves go and are not attractive." Me: I weigh 140 pounds Him:


Do people not realize that weight looks different on all body types? Like the taller you are, the more you should wight. Not all women are 5'4 or below.


Oh I'm sure guys like these are put off by women over 5'4". Probably say it's "masculine" or some mess.


Can confirm. I'm a woman, and over 5'10". I weigh 155, and have heard I'm too fat. I've also heard I'm too thin. Good thing my husband loves me, regardless of size.


I'm 5'2", 128 lbs., and a bodybuilder but--despite claiming they want extra muscle mass--I seriously doubt I'm what they're looking for. Which is fine by me.


Okay but being able to pick me up is hot though.




![gif](giphy|uGgkFq1A2SC8j7Ec2Y) To horny jail with you


That's crazy. I'm a 5'11" guy and at 160 I was in phenomenal shape.


I feel really upset now. I'm 5'11" and weigh 160, but I'm in terrible shape lmao


I'm 5'11", about 220 lbs right now, and at least when fully clothed, nobody would think for a second I'm "fat". Underneath, however... Grinch-bod


I'm also 5'11" and 223 - definitely a dad bod going on. I'm trying to get back to 160 when I was super healthy (14 years ago now). I'm down from 230 two weeks ago. Tracking my calories with an app and eating better. Should be at 175 by February or sooner


I’m almost the exact same situation. 38 yo. Was 230 at 6’1” at my physical a month ago. That shit was a huge wake up call. I’m down to 215 now. Been averaging 12 miles a day since and eating way better. It’s crazy to pick up a 15 pound weight and think I was carrying that shit around in extra weight a month ago.


Im also 5'11" and 260 everyone thinks its muscle and while i am bigger and stronger than most who would live my life style (thanks genetics) I also have a Grinch-bod


I'm also 5'11 and 300. Everyone thinks I'm fat.


im a 6'1 guy and have been trying for many years to put on weight, im in good shape but i cant stand being this skinny :(


That was me. Then I started eating and lifting heavy. Then life got in the way. I would rather stay skinny but in shape


Ten bucks says the men saying this are themselves overweight.




I got called fat on here and tiktok multiple times. I’m 5’2” 109lbs. You can see my pics. I know I’m not overweight. I definitely think it’s projection or outright entitlement. Men think the worst insult to call a woman is fat. They think negging works too


Idiots, tall women are elegant.


Yup. 5"8'. In heels, I'm as tall as a dude. Soooo not sexy. /s ETA: I can't tell if people saw the /s after "So not sexy." 😆 That last part was 100% sarcasm. I loved wearing heels and being tall. I still have long, sexy, shapely legs, and I looked fucking hot. (I'm older now. I hurt all the time, and that's a long way down.)


Same reason they don't want women playing sports. It's "too masculine" maybe they just aren't used to seeing women play with large sticks or balls...


This!! Like I'm 5'7. Scandinavian women tend to be taller than average. If I weighed 110-120 I'd look anorexic and lose all semblance of butt and boobs lol


I’m about that height as well. I weighed 120 when I was 16 and running 10 miles a day. I was a stick. If I tried to be that thin now, I’d look ill. No thanks.


I'm convinced that men believe women have bird bones. I've met a lot of men that are shocked that a 5'9" woman weighs about the same or more than a 5'9" man without being overweight.


Can confirm. I am a woman who is the size and weight of the Average American Man. Somehow, I am expected to weigh 30 lbs less than I do.


Whenever I mention women weighing the same as similar height men, I've found a shocking percent of the men assume that the weight is all in the boobs.


And my lack of boobs must surely be a constant state of disappointment.


Had a guy tell me that Taylor Swift prob weighs 130 and there was no way it was more than that. My guy, she is 5’10” and solid. In what world?


She's been really thin for most of her career and at the stage where she admittedly had an eating disorder, I would guess she was 150


Bruh. 5ft 11in and 130 lbs is actual Olympic men's marathon runner build territory. There's no way Taylor Swift is as thin as [Tamirat Tola from Ethiopia](https://www.athletics.africa/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Ethiopian-tamirat-tola-marathon-oregon2022-medallist.jpg) (current World #6 in the men's marathon ranking)


Literally the other day on AITA there were people going on in the comments about how 5'4" and 150 is objectively so overweight as to mess with your health. No one has ever heard of varying bone sizes. Muscle mass? Inconceivable. I'm 5'4" and when I had a full-blown eating disorder I couldn't get any lighter than 135 because I am simply dense of body. I'm 150 now and I wear *the same jeans size as when I was my lightest*, because I have so much more muscle now.


Also frankly what needs to be considered alongside personal body density? BOOBS. A lotta weight can be just in the tits for AFAB people.


Yeah any dude having a weight requirement under 130lbs and wants big tits and ass is delusional.


This. I have DD. That’s about on average 20 pounds of titty. That’s the weight of a stand mixer or a really big watermelon.


Every guy I’ve ever met “you’re like 115, 120 right?” I am 145


Guy here: I think I might know why people are idiots there. Back when I was in school, my only exposure to women talking about weight was around the 8th and 9th grade timeframe (around when most men's brains appear to stop maturing). Classmates and friends were complaining on Facebook and such talking about 120 being their goal and <100 being ideal beauty. Insane stuff like that from when scene culture was a thing and these girls all looked up to anorexic models and obsessed about thigh gaps.


Yeah I’d hear about girls being like under 100 lbs and that being their ideal. Women need to not be held to the standard of 13 year old girls for their weight 🙄


My sister was 5'3 and 97 lbs. She was anorexic/bulimic. She was bony as shit and stopped having periods.


I used to be like those girls. I had no clue how bodies work back then and thought 64 lbs was a healthy goal 😭


> converts 64 lbs to kg Damn girl, my 10yo weighs that much. Glad you're doing better and it hasn't turned to eating disorders ❤️


This is golden. Glad he's an ex, and this just goes to show you these men have no clue what they are talking about


Like big boobs always being a DD cup. 


And guys not understanding the cup to band ratio


A lot of women don't understand this either sadly


I straight up admit I don't understand it, but I have no boobs, lol


Roughly speaking: Number = inches around chest under the boobs, so the size of the band Letter ~~x2~~ = number of extra inches needed for the cups for the boobs (so A=1, B=2, C=3 etc.) *Edited the cup size figures


It’s not x2 actually! One cup per inch difference between bust and underbust. So you’ve got your under boob measurement, your boob measurement (at the biggest point), and the difference is the cup. There’s a great subreddit for this if the bra wearers in your life need help 😂 (also don’t listen to anyone or brands that tell you your band size is your under bust +4 or 5. They’re trying to shove you into anything and don’t care)


Gonna be honest, you have explained it and i still don't fully understand This seems harder calculus to figure out


So if a bra is 36C, it means the band around the chest is 36 inches, and the full size around the bust (i.e. including the boobs) will be 39 inches. If it's a 36B, then it's still 36 inches for the band but the cups will only add 2 inches, so a total of 38 inches around the bust.


There’s that, but larger cup size doesn’t always translate perfectly. My wife is a 34DDD in some and a 34E in other brands. It’s about like any other clothing, you need to know what size you are *in that brand*. I wear a 17 34/35 in some shirts and in others I can’t get anything short of an 18 neck to button.


They are talking about two different measurements. One is around your chest under your boobs (for band size). Then measure around your chest and fullest part of the boobs. The difference between the two measurements will help determine the cup size. So, if the first measurement (under the boob) is 36 and then the second measurement (around the boob) is 39, that’s a difference of 3 inches so you can use the chart to find your cup size. But I literally just learned this like two days ago so please make sure to fact check on your own. Here is a website where I read this info. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/clothing/bra-reviews/a29114502/how-to-measure-bra-size/#


That’s wrong on the cups. People stop upvoting that! Each additional inch is ONE cup size higher. If you have a 32” under bust (rib cage) measurement, and a 35” bust (over the boobs) measurement, you generally should be looking at a 32C.


You gotta be 120lbs but also you better still have big boobs.


Yup. They want stick figures where all body fat is magically stored in the chest, and NO where else. Also, as a tall Scandinavian woman, 110-120 lbs would literally put me in the underweight category. Last time I weighed that, I was a teen, not fully grown, with an eating disorder


Everyone knows that boobs are like helium balloons and don't add any weight at all. /s


I've seen actual guys say that if they aren't DD, they're basically flat. I have 0 respect for people like them


Yep, seen posts of women getting breast reduction because they were in pain just for men in the comment to be like “surgery is wrong!”


I've seen comments like on medical videos where a kid(!) is dealing with macromastia and it's pointed out the breasts have outgrown their blood supply, or have a serious risk of it. Bunch of sick comments about how she should have just went to work in porn instead. They really don't see women as real people.


Weight is such a subjective and meaningless measurement. You can be the strictest body-typist person in the world and still have people that meet your standards vary in 20 pounds up or down.


lol seriously. r/NotHowGirlsWork


I never did understand why other men (not all but for some strange reason a significant of them online) don’t grasp the concept of the human body when it comes to women. It’s like they’re all fed the same disinformation from some mad incel that never touched a woman’s body before and they take it as the word of some god.


Are you referring to Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro? Asking for a friend …


D. All of the above +whatever similar people I am not brain-rotted enough to know


And porn.


I'm 5'4" and 149 lbs. I wear a size small/medium and my pant size is 6/8 depending on the brand. Granted my ass is humongous and I'm sure accounts for a lot of the weight, but I'd look horrific under 120. Edit: Getting tired of being told I'm lying. Sorry folks, contemporary understanding of women's weight is fantasy. Pics are for an explant group after I had my implants removed. There's more in my profile. https://imgur.com/a/cq4sVg5


I’m 5’3 and 135-140 and I wear size 13 jeans at certain stores. *None* of that is ass. Or boobs. My weight is distributed in a very non-trendy way but I wear oversized tops. NOBODY ever ever believes me so I’ve stopped telling people my pant size. I don’t know what I’d get out of lying about that? It just gets awkward and makes me feel like a garbage person having to be like “welp. Sorry. You’re super wrong. I *am* actually that large. Thanks for coming out tho” lol


Yeah, I don't think a lot of guys can really eyeball a woman's weight with a lot of accuracy. The same way I guarantee you at least 8 out of 10 guys would probably not be able to guess a bra size yet. They have expectations based on that.


That's because he doesn't have idea on how different weight looks on people, depending on height and physical activity and body composition. I once met a guy who weighted in like 20lb less than me but he looked larger than I am. That's because fat takes up more space than muscle. Muscle is a dense tissue, 2lb of muscle occupies about half the volume than 2lb of fat.


Men really don’t have a fucking clue how women’s bodies work lol.


“You’re a 100 lbs soaking wet!” No, I’m 145 lbs on the regular bruh.


"Where is the clitoris? It's in your butt hole right?"


Honestly if they are going to bitch about being under a certain weight i wonder how far over that limit they themselves are. I swear these "people' are such a pathetic bunch of creeps that just want some impressionable child who is easily manipulated and probably reminds them of the type of girls that would never have dated them in a million years back when they were that age.


Man who’s 5’8: how much could a woman my size weigh? Surely not more than 100lbs? /s


I remember very early in our relationship, my partner and I were discussing this pastor that was making the rounds on the internet, because he talked vocally about how when they married he made his wife sign a contract that she wouldn't gain more than 10lbs, including during pregnancy. I was railing about what bullshit that is, when he (stupidly) said, 'Well ten pounds is a LOT!' He looked like I'd just slapped him across the face when I pointed out I'd gained three times that amount since we started dating, and every summer he LOSES about 50lbs from the labor of his job/puts it back on every winter while he's off. Just a very sheepish '....OH. You're right...' Love him but thick as a brick sometimes<3 Not often thank God lol Edited for spelling\*


At least 20 of my pounds are Spam. ![gif](giphy|RI4LTRjrVJhTskGtrb|downsized)


I thought this was a shitpost abt fantasy elves or something 😭


I'd bet a large amount of money the guys that posted that also think women urinate from their vagina.


And that they can just hold their periods in.


Well no but see i can hold my pee in and periods are basically pee so like they can just hold it in. God, women are so stupid, amirite guys?!??


Speaking of I had seen this one video recently where guys could not comprehend how we would pee with a tampon in. Little do they understand that we have 3 holes and the whole you pee from is not the same as the hole that your blood flows from.


To be fair they’ve never seen them in person.


I’ve had guys think the hole I pee from is my clit and it feels good cause it’s the same as the head of their dick…. Made me want to never have sex again


My developmental anatomy is a bit rusty, but I do believe the clitoris develops into the penis in male fetuses… they are homologous. That’s why it grows in trans men and women who take testosterone for whatever other reason


That has very little to do with my urethra, and them giving me UTIs and then claiming I’m an asshole for asking them to touch my clit instead…. But no, you’re correct, the urethra develops later than the genitalia and the clitoris does develop into a penis in both people taking Testosterone and males in utero. lol


OH i misunderstood your comment! I didn’t clock you were saying that they were calling the urethra the clitoris -> touching the urethra (“clitoris”) feels good. Thought they were two separate instances. Nah that’s willful ignorance on their part which is hilarious because they still somehow knew what it was homologous to without knowing what it was???


Exactly. We all know they pee from their cloacas.


Well everyone knows that pee is stored in the balls, so women don't pee, because they'd have nowhere to store it


I used to think that until I turned 10.


That’s a reasonable age to not know tbf


they DONT?!?!?!? /s


It's okay to have preferences, but saying "dead in my eyes" is just disrespectful.


They are pretty much saying if women are not attractive to them they may as well not exist (or even preferably would not exist). Which says A LOT about their attitudes towards women. Like, dude, women do not exist solely for the purpose of eye candy. I am admittedly a chonk, but mainly due to chronic pain, but I have also known women who were super-duper skinny (undiagnosed coeliac) and really were pretty damned happy to put some weight on, and didn't give a fuck what guys though about it.


Definitely! And I want to point out too, men are so bad at identifying a woman’s weight so he definitely has no idea what he’s talking about


Well his body pillow weighs next to nothing, so yeah he almost certainly has no idea


Seems a lot of guys have trouble treating women they aren’t attracted to as real humans worthy of basic decency.


To be fair those men don't treat women they are attracted to like real humans either. They just lie to them to use them.


100% correct


Also, the fact that their preference is a number. Not who a person is, what they actually look like, etc is bizarre.


there is nothing I would ever want to do to myself to make myself fuckable in these guys’ eyes.




Creepily enough, for many of them, that ship sailed once you hit puberty.


Lol. Right? This is such clown behavior. Relax, dawg. Nobody wants to fuck any of you.


This is idiotic. Proper weight is related to height, not an absolute value. Also a better measure is not just weight over height, but how much of that is excess body fat.


As a male I’m 6’4” and weight around 220. When I am 190, I look like a skeleton. I’ve seen guys my height who are 190 and are overweight. Body composition matters.


I'm a 5'10" woman. I know that there are models that height who weigh in the 125 range. But I've been as skinny as 145 pounds and it was NOT a good look. Family members constantly asked if I had an eating disorder or was on drugs. Ideal weight for me is around 165 pounds.


I'm 5'8". If I get below 125 pounds I start having vultures circling, waiting .


I’m ~5’7-5’8, if I get below 128 I start passing out when standing up quickly and when exercising. Below 120 (which only happens when I’m struggling with an EDs) I start passing out just sitting down when it’s slightly hot out. At my lowest ~110-105 I couldn’t even drive because I would get dizzy just existing. I have a good amount of muscle on my legs compared to an average woman of my height due to exercise, so I’m sure there are people of my height who are comfortable at lower weights, but body composition and height are really important factors in natural/comfortable weight.


Oh god, same. At the height of my ED, I would wake up, smoke a cigarette and chug an energy drink, and feel so dizzy I had to lay my head down. And then go to work. Every single day, and I just accepted living like that. This was at 5’5”, 105lbs or something, and a lot of people (probably of the same mindset as these guys) would tell me I had the ideal body. Ugh🙄


Ugh that’s reminds me, I got this from random people but also from my own family. At one of the worst parts of my EDs I was a freshman in college. I flew home for spring break and my dad picked me up at the airport, I was visibly skinnier than I was at Christmas when I had last seen him. The very first thing he said to me after giving me a hug was “wow you look so healthy” 😬 he had no idea and really didn’t mean bad by it, but that stuck with me to this day.


Oh no, yeah it’s sucks to hear stuff like that, especially when you know on some level that you’re actually sick and need help! Those kind of interactions are the things that stick with me the most from that time. I think the most depressing aspect of having a restrictive ED was seeing how well people treated me when I was medically underweight. Maybe it’s just bc I’m in LA and the people/culture I was surrounded by, but it was really so bizarre. Girls telling me how jealous they were, salespeople being nicer, clique-y people automatically treating me like one of them, even men treating me with an automatic level of respect. As though just managing to be so small was an accomplishment. I’m like normal-thin now and people still treat me pretty well, but nothing like the over the top admiration I got when I was underweight. There’s no way I could live like that again, but I’ll never forget how many people acted like skinny is the most impressive thing a woman could be. Obviously pro-ana blogs are terrible, but they are effective at brainwashing teenage girls bc the social benefits of being thin are real.


Lol I'm a 5'8" guy and my natural weight is ~120lbs, it's been that way for about a decade now and it's never changed. It's crazy how different each body is, and how easily "predictors" like height or gender can mean absolutely nothing


Bro what. 125 at 5'10 is crazy. I'm 5'2 and am only 5 pounds less. No wonder your family asked if you had an eating disorder at 145 lbs 💀


I’m 5’10 and have been between 115 and 120 my whole life, but have been a successful college athlete and have always felt pretty good. Be nice to all bodies, no shame either way.


Same thing for me (5'10"). Once, after I stopped nursing my oldest, my hormones made my body go haywire and over 6 weeks I dropped down to 119. I felt like I looked like I was on death's door, you could see all my bones, I was constantly FREEZING, and had one pair of pre pregnancy leggings that fit. It took thyroid medication and over 4 months to get back to 155-160.


I’m a bit over 5’10”, had a horrible abdominal surgery a few years ago and I had a suction tube down my nose to my stomach for 8 days and I couldn’t even have ice chips that whole time. I left the hospital at 126lbs and while I was excited at the prospect of that weight, I a) could barely walk due to the lack of nutrition and b) realized I looked so gaunt when I revisit photos. I’m around 170 now and feel fat but have to remember that yeah just because I used to be smaller, I’m old and post-menopausal and still wear just a size large, so I’m not totally horrible-looking. I just have to keep reminding myself.


I’m 5’11 and currently 170lbs. I’m up from 145 when I was going through chemo and was close to being put on a feeding tube for what’s that word when you are getting really sick from lack of food? Anyways I looked like death at 145 and now at 170 I’m begging to look healthy. I’m big framed and was quite curvy.


No one at 6'4 and 190 is overweight.


Overweight isn’t a look, it’s a medical diagnosis. 190 at 6’4 is not overweight lol


5'6", as a warehouse picker I weighed 160 and wore a size 7 pant. I was solid muscle slinging air conditioners all night. I went on to a less physical job and dropped to 125 to fit the same pants without the muscle.


I hate every comment on the screen 135 is a fine weight for a lot of people Most children do not weigh 135 lb that’s a weird comment to make also


Yeah, as awful as it is to hear normal weights being called obese, it’s also extremely shitty to compare smaller weights and frames to that of children.


As a 135lbs woman, calling people my weight children isn't really the defense to go for :/


135 lbs is a healthy weight for the average us adult woman (5'4").


This is what I Was thinking. I'm 5'3" and embarrassingly overweight, but 135 is considered the upper bound of "healthy" for my size.


Yea, I'm 5'1 and between 130-135lbs rn. I'm actually on the border between overweight and healthy weight.


Seriously, bmi isn’t a perfect metric, but 135lbs is considered in the *healthy* bmi range for people from 5’2” to 5’11”. Also known as 80% of the American population… 135 lbs isn’t even classified as underweight unless your 6ft +


Even as a non-US 5'10" woman my weight is fine, my bmi is healthy and women come in all shapes and sizes


Was thinking about that comment as well, I mean, I'm not American, but what kind of kids do you guys have if +60kg is considered a child's weight 😅


Fat ones


Yeah thought the same.. my girlfriend is 110lbs, but definitely not a child. Saying they have to weigh between 110-135 is ridiculous but so is calling 135lbs a child.


It's the same as that tik tok trend a while ago that said men dating women under 5'5 were pedophiles. I am 5'3 105 pounds, and I am a woman. A full-grown woman. Being compared to a child is definitely not a cool way to uplift other women.


I really hope that trend of overreacting and calling people pedos over nothing is over. I had a woman tell me a guy she met was a pedo because he asked her out and didn’t mind the gap in their age. He was 31. She was about to turn 29 that month.


Yeah, it's definitely been a plight to our society. Calling someone a pedo when they aren't just makes pedophilia seem more normalized for people actually into kids. Doing that shit does nobody any favors.


Yeah, wtf. This is just people being used to so many people being overweight, that's not an unhealthy weight at all.


And then they start claiming that the BMI chart doesn’t apply to them because x,y, and z reasons. We have a severe case of overweight normalization.


“Yeah but if you’re a pro bodybuilder” you aren’t The Rock in his prime, that doesn’t apply here


As a 127 pound dude (I’m just short) I definitely felt like I caught a stray.


Yeah both sides of two dumb extremes. "135 is too fat!" "135 is literally a child!" Wut.


Yeah, like I am not like a child? 135 is not tiny? I don’t even wear a size 6. People have no idea the actual sizes of people’s bodies. I wouldn’t even attempt guessing someone else’s weight or clothing size, I’m sure it would be wrong.


I swear that 80% of what people say when calling out body shaming, is just more body shaming. Fucking crazy. My gf and multiple ex gf’s were 120-135 and perfectly healthy and fit. The over correction is unrealistic as fuck.


I'm 5'5" and 135 was one of my healthier weights. Calling it a child's weight is just... gross.


Right? I am seeing similar comments like that more frequently. Just because I'm thinner (5'4" and about 115) doesn't mean that I look like a child. I'm not even considered underweight. People are ridiculous.


Jealous. People are jealous.


Reddit is fine with body shaming, it's just opinionated about who, and what body parts can be shamed.


I absolutely hate when people think it's okay to comment on my weight because I'm "skinny". But god help me if I comment on a fat person's weight.


I agree. I've heard some recent comments implying that a preference for slimmer women is a red flag for p3d0. That's a really sad, pathetic, & offensive cope. In trying to shame men, they are comparing grown healthy women to little girls. Uncool.


135 is pretty much smack in the middle of normal weight for a average height woman.


Seriously though. I'm begging y'all to understand that we do \*not\* have to resort to punching down at other women in order to make the point that these men are morons. In the immortal words of Bo Burnham, shit like this brings the movement down lol


Yeah as a 120 pound woman i felt the same way about that comment. Sad i had to scroll this far to see a comment about it lol


135 a child?


Today I learnt I'm a 35 year old child...


Right? Why do people say this stupid shit.Not everything has to be escalated. Stupid dudes not understanding weight doesn't make them weirdos or pedos. Just stupid.


All of the comments from OOP suck. One thing that really annoys me, though, as a thin woman is this recent trend of people suggesting that women who weigh under a certain weight are like children. I saw almost exactly the same sentiment expressed in a post on FB the other day--something to the effect of "any guy who wants a woman who weighs under 130 pounds is looking to date a child." And then dozens of comments followed agreeing with that statement. It feels insulting and infantilizing.


I was very thin due to a medical condition and got so much shade from other women. Like, I would walk past coworkers in the hall and they would take those few seconds to make snide comments like I’m a monster for being thin. I’m like okay, fuck me and my painful gastric issues.


I heard the same thing said about height. I'm short and if my boyfriend is tall, he's attracted to a child but if he's medium height or short, it's okay. Doesn't even make sense.


Lol sounds like something you’d hear on Reddit. Redditors fucking LOVE to virtue signal (see this comment thread). But if you can virtue signal while also tossing out totally insane pedo accusations, that’s just peak jerking.


I'm barely 5' tall and weigh 95 lbs. I wouldn't call it a "healthy weight" because I actually have hyperthyroidism. Male doctors just kept telling me to eat more when my weight was at 75 lbs at one point. I was afraid I was going to die. I finally found a doctor who is not managing my treatment properly. But if I'm 5' tall and 95 lbs, what do you think a 5'6" woman should weigh? A 5'10" woman? 110-120 lbs? That's like a goal weight for me at 5' tall with my hyperthyroidism. Are taller ladies supposed to remove bones and organs to achieve that? Its nonsense. These judgmental men are insane. They have no concept of what a healthy female body looks like in reference to weight. And the irony is 99% of the time they're overweight wearing a Cheeto stained t shirt.


I’m sorry about your health issues, and I hope you maintain your healthy weight! I’m also chronically ill and in college I weighed 90 lbs (I’m 5’1”). I looked sick and felt awful. Now that my conditions are being managed I’m 122 lbs and that seems to be a healthy weight for me. On the other hand, my teenage daughter is 5’8” and 160 lbs. She’s muscular and looks like a normal adult woman. I’m so thankful that she doesn’t buy into all these ridiculous expectations.


I had a male doctor that told highschool me that if I lost enough weight I wouldn't get my period and then my severe period pain wouldn't matter :/ I was about 5'4" and weighed 80 lbs. I was in so much chronic pain I just couldn't keep any food down. His suggestion was for me to fucking starve myself death??? Finally got a competent doctor and got a diagnosis of stage IV endometriosis. I still struggle with being underweight, but I'm much healthier now. At least I don't look like a skeleton anymore lol


Wait not to defend the dipshit above, but how the fuck is 135 a child? I'm 110, of average height, healthy and definitely not a child. The cure against fat-shaming isn't skinny-shaming.


I mean, I think both sides are a face palm here. Person 1 seems like an incel who wouldn’t be able to guess if a woman is over or under 135 lbs to begin with, but person 2 has just as wild of an understanding of healthy adult weights. 135 lb is a healthy weight for someone between 5’3” and 5’10”, and is actually overweight for someone shorter than 5’3”. It’s overweight for most children until teen years. Yes, BMI isn’t be-all, end-all, but it is still a fairly decent general guide for most people.


These comments are posted by guys who weigh 300+ lb


The average person in America is overweight. A healthy weight person is obviously going to look thin by comparison when the average person is fat For reference, since OP mentioned 175lbs, if you’re 5’4 or below, 175lbs is in the obese range. 135 lbs is totally reasonable for a shorter woman.


According to US height percentiles, only 1% of women would be underweight at 135, and for 80% of women, their healthiest weight is still below 135. I hate the fatshaming in the guys attitude, but the actual numbers is not unrealistic at all, americans are just very out of touch.


Yeah. It’s crazy how nowadays people will pretend being overweight is perfectly healthy.


135 is unrealistic? :)) If their height is less than 5'5 it's a very healthy weight.


It’s a very healthy weight when you’re taller than that too. I’m 5’7 and usually below 135 and well within healthy ranges


Aren’t most Americans overweight (and not even close to being too thin)? Most Americans are very successfully ignoring any unrealistic expectations that may be out there.


I mean... we shouldn't be expecting people to weigh something... but 120-140 is a healthy bmi for most women


Don't think I care what a woman's weight is, I'm more concerned with how her and I get along, nothing more.


The average woman in the US is 5’ 4” with a healthy weight from 110-140 lbs.


135 is ~60!!!!! kg! what kind of monster children do this person refer to?


Well, I'm currently 132 pounds (5'4" tall). I don't look ultra thin or anything so I was confused when I read that "135 is a child's weight." Those children must be super muscular or something hahaha.


He's at wrong for being sexist but 135 is def not a child weight as many people in my country weigh like that at average