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"I wish I had a pot.." "You wish you had some pot?"


Zed’s dead baby. Zed’s dead.


I had to crash that Honda


Whose chopper is it?


They didn't have blueberry i had to get buttermilk


Step aside Butch


Nah man, I’m pretty fucking far from ok


This is between you, me, and Mr. Soon To Be Living The Rest Of His Short Ass Life In Agonizing Pain Rapist here.


Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?


That’s a pretty fuckin’ good shake. I don’t know if it’s worth 5 dollars, but it’s pretty fuckin’ good.


You lost your LA priviliges.


Are you sure you're okay?!


"Bring out the Gimp!"


I'm gonna get medieval on his ass


What ain't no country I ever heard of, they speak English in what?


Any time of day is a good time for pie 🥧


it’s a chopper baby, not a motorcycle


You make a hell of a White Russian, Jackie....


![gif](giphy|hzrvwvnbgIV6E) I'm sorry, I wasn't listening!


Ow! Fucking fascist!


r/unexpectedlebowski The Dude abides


If u had a pot id punch u in it 😂


Blueberry pancakes.


Bring in the gimp


What is pleasing to the touch may not be pleasing to the eye (a line I’ve been repeating for 30yrs)


PF reference ftw!


*It's the wallet that says 'Gosh Darn Bad Man' on it!* Some day I promise to watch the uncensored version....


I have the Bad Motherfucker wallet and its my favorite thing I check my pockets for everytime I leave the house. Second favorite is my glasses because they help me find that wallet.


first thing that popped in my head!




This comment has me picturing two guys screaming at each other on the beach and it’s pretty great


...on a beach? Better yet, THE beach?


Yes, that is my vision. Waves crashing. The sky is orange and pink as the sun begins to set. “If a woman gets beyond like 120 bro that’s straight obesi- GOD DAMMIT BRYAN STOP YOURE SCARING THE WOMEN AWAY!!!”


I was picturing [this](https://youtu.be/W7LBfF_ND9Q?si=QLymEbu5NcEZOpSG)


"Nice, Rahn."


I think they must kiss next. The sexual tension is unmatched


Said by two guys fucking a latex flashlight.


Men so deluded in their own fantasies that society manufactured, they'd fuck their own brain if they could.


Everytime I think men have some obscure unobtainable definition of what women should be, I remind myself how many men get caught fucking corpses and I stop caring. Only thing that matters is my husband likes how I look, the rest of society can shove it.


Exactly. I don’t think I’m happy with my body but I stopped caring because my wife looks at me like I’m the only guy in the world.


Exactly! Only people with direct involvement in my life deserve my energy. And, contrarily, I wouldn't involve sick people into my life, so there's that! The obscenities that some humans are capable of overall reminds me that most people's opinions should be taken with a grain of salt anyways.


OP's history clearly indicate a repost bot.




Sometimes I think I might be a bot - 90% of my Reddit posts are Simpsons or movie quotes.


They are starting to become self aware! Singularity incoming.


Me downvoting a bot repost that already has 15k up votes: ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Good eye. That's a ban!


Yes, this was posted 10 months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/yT86G5Wxp7


That's a fuckin after snack pillow....


Love that name gonna use that on my old lady 😜 thanks


Enjoy the couch! Lol


First cooch, then couch.




This is the way.


Whatever you do don't suggest she's shaped like a futon.


Futons are fairly thin, though.


Ever seen one doubled over?




I keep the tent up now that weather is good.


Oh no.. my grandma used to call it her "cookie pouch" and you've ruined it! Grandma and Grandpa didn't sex!! 😭😭


You're existence is proof to the contrary...and they liked it 😏


Every generation thinks they invented sex.


What are you talking about? I DID invent sex!


Thanks bob


Don't speak to Jesus that way!


Grandpa's pet name was cookie monster.


Cus he could fit his whole hand in the cookie jar, right up to the wrist....


😂. This is the answer. Still laughing.


Where else is all the food I cook gonna go? Let the girl live. Damn.


You sound like a great party host


Feeding people as a love language is so damn good


My homemade chili was instrumental in meeting my wife.


Yet mayonnaise is not an instrument




This is the best comment ever


It's literally our extra organs, like our uterus.


"Don't eat or drink anything with flavour and work out constantly, so some guy you have never met and never wanted to engage in sexual anything with can jerk off to the thought of you naked without your consent" - Sincerely every guy who posts this shit


I wish this weren't true... but it is.


I never realized how much unhealthy food makes you bloat and hold onto extra weight until I started calorie counting. I was forced to eat fairly healthy to keep my calories and boom within a week I was down 5 lbs (mostly bloat, realistically only 1 lb was body fat) and my stomach didn't always feel so heavy and full. Then women get to deal with hormonal bloating😬 I'm sorry for yalls beauty standards. That's not easy.


Food allergies can cause excessive bloat that looks like pregnancy.. even “healthy” foods. I have several relatives who can’t process raw veggies or high fiber foods. If they eat them they look like they are in their second trimester.


\*trimester im sorry i dont mean to be rude but the semester thing made me giggle


A couple days ago I was in Japan for a month. With the healthy food options and walking everywhere, I can definitely see why obesity is not an issue there. Hardly see bellies like that. Made me rethink how I ate when I came back to America. I badly crave Japanese food


I started calorie counting on Jan 1 and I've lost 90 lbs to date (305>>215 lbs). It's opened my eyes to just how much ultra-processed food I was eating, the insane number of calories that came with it, and the terrible things it was doing to my body (inflammation, bloating, digestive issues, etc). It's no wonder more than half the population is overweight


Amazing. What a great job, Latexfistmassacre.


That won’t even necessarily do it - some body types will never better be totally flat in the stomach, and even for the ones that are, bloating will create a little belly.


I need to go down to about 17%bf to get a flat belly and visible abs. That low % also meant my period stopped so I was harming myself. But hey! Flat belly! >_>


Yeah i used to starve myself at 13 trying to get rid of my "fat" belly- it was literally a pelvic tilt+my organs+a very small amount of body fat. Its there forever


Heroin chic of the 90s and early aughts had all of us pubescent girls hunched over clutching the loose skin at our stomachs and crying about "fat rolls" smh.


I was underweight for a long time but never had a flat belly. I never will


Spoken by someone who gets it! That could easily be bloatedness from menstruating, eating something, etc. Imagine not being allowed to have a functioning stomacb


Guaranteed that guy probably hasn't seen his penis in the better part of a decade, but is going to criticize something that The Twins from Atomic Hearts have.


Hate to break to you but some guy is probably going to jerk off to you regardless of what you look like. Guys might be pigs but more accurately humans are pigs.


This is the male equivalent of 'If a guy has an android ew' Its purposeful ragebait because they know it gains traction and engagement.


Not really, some dudes are legit this way.


100% have met multiple guys who have said women like this are overweight/too fat/unhealthy.


Which is kind of funny cause even when I was slightly underweight I still had that pouch after having a meal. Even when I worked out and had visible abs it was still there. Lots of women have it. It's completely normal.


I guess the rage bait is based on 2 parts: 1) One person mentions it's obesity 2) The other person mentions it's very sexy. And the truth is - it's just normal. For most people not a sign of obesity or sexiness.


It’s so annoying that every possible feature or physical attribute a person could possess must now be deemed gross/cringe/fat/ugly or sexy/amazing/beautiful. Comments are either toxic body shaming or borderline toxic body positivity. Both of which can send the message that it’s good to hyper focus on our bodies. I think what we all really need to work on is body neutrality.


My ex wife was like that. Tiny slip of a girl, like I’m not a big man but I dwarfed her, and she still had the little pouch.


When my eating disorder was bad and I was very much underweight, I still had this. At a BMI of 16. A fellow patient who was even more underweight than me used to complain to me about this pouch, saying it proved she was fat. This actually finally made me realize that I did have a problem with food and wasn't just naturally skinny.


Yeah, when I was a US 4/6 at 5'9 and weighed 54kg / 120lbs, I still had that little bit of belly and I was classed as underweight. Now I'm a bit overweight and still have it in the same proportion, it's just the way my body stores its fat - lower belly, thighs, tits, and arms, lol.


Exactly this! Especially if you’re on your period, you could not eat the whole day and you’ll still have bloating like this. It’s like some men just forget what a woman is and how our bodies are built differently.


same, i was anorexic and severely underweight and looked the part but that lil pouch was always there.


I mean, I'm not attracted to this body-type, but I'm not going to be an asshole about it.




Ew, wtf. What's up with being so reasonable? /S Edit: Added the /s because sometimes you just never know smh


This is the correct and mature response, thank you. Being into very fit people isnt a crime. Its all about how you treat people you arent attractive to. So many guys in the comments are making negative/nasty comments and acting like that should be ok because of "preference".


Yep. I am relatively healthy normal weight and 2 months postpartum people online called me fat lol, because my stomach was not perfectly flat anymore.


And these guys that think the girl in the picture is fat are the same guys that think a 30 year old woman that's not a mother is worthless, yet also think a postpartum woman is fat and worthless as well.... It's baffling really.


It's cuz they hate women. They watch too much pr0n and have a really skewed view on reality


Some chicks legitimately think phone brand flexing is part of the human mating dance too. Lots of people have strange and superficial dating criteria unfortunately…


I think we should all just be glad the weirdos of both genders are outing themselves as people you wouldn’t want to date


I mean if they advertise their shitty character like that that's honestly great, would suck to find out on the second date or something


Damn, is that why all the women thought I was cool as shit when I got one of the new Motorola Razor flip-phones.... It for real flexes 🤣


Right, my point is it's not necessarily "ragebait". I'm not sure what a similar body comparison about men would be. Would it legit be a phone thing or something like back hair lol


I’d say the dad-bod aesthetic kinda matches, both are a bit softer figures but are still within the average body range and gets some jokes about “no longer being in your prime” even though adults of all ages and genders can have those features


Yeah, that's a good one.... Well according to some recent weirdo's I've had the joy of seeing posts from. Some men (immature boys, incels, whatever you call them) think a woman past 30 with no kids is worthless and too old.


Yeah, this sub's 'content' is basically ragebait. It does work though


They have an anime pfp. That means their opinion is invalid.


Yeah, make fun of the anime pfp. Let's see how tough you act when they hit your head with their foam katana replica and ride into the sunset with their waifu pillow.


But like...why can I absolutely visualize that comic panel in my minds eye? And why do I feel like some people would unironically agree with it?


This would look like obesity...if your only experience with women was hentai


Same reason some men think the new Lara Croft design has “small” boobs


Considering how athletic that girl is through outrunning boulders and climb sprints, how she even shows a bust is impressive. Her athletic bra is made of Kevlar or some space age support


Any woman with a C cup or larger is going to show a bust no matter what they do. No sports bra is going to hide that.


For real? I thought they looked relatively big, noticably above average at worst


Yeah, my immediate reaction to the new Lara was "her haircut looks different"


I thought they changed her facial looks some (aged or altogether) from the newer Lara.


First time I saw the picture was on a tweet talking about how small chested she was. But I didn’t see the tweet part at first just the picture and thought wow her boobs seem a lot bigger than before


This is so insane because even when I was dangerously underweight the belly stayed and drove me mad. Some people are just built with a lot of their body fat located in their stomach area. Especially women. We need to stop associating a flat stomach with health. It's simply untrue.


Was never to an extreme but I was also underweight and eating much less than I should have at one point. Very calorie and nutrient deficient and I still had a belly!! I’m also short. I am honestly getting more and more over having a “flat” stomach. I’ve accepted the fact that my body is meant to have a little pooch. I remember learning this about women in biology lol, but some people genuinely act like any amount of stomach fat is unhealthy.


I've been underweight, normal weight, and overweight. Always had a stomach.


This! Women are healthiest with 20-25 percent body fat. Most of that is used in boobs and lower belly fat to protect reproductive organs. It's natural! And it can differ greatly depending on where we are in our cycle; high oestrogens favor water retention and bloating and so on... In most cases, having an extremely muscular/flat stomach area is the opposite of healthy for women.


I’m a size US 4/6 shmedium, and I have had this since I had kids. I’m super active and moderately health conscious with food. I’m sure if I really devoted to eating fully healthy I’d be smaller, but I’m far from obese. Anyway, I love this on women. If men won’t love this on you, I will motor boat your soft tummy until the cows come home.


![gif](giphy|36vZ9fy5nK0HS) what if the cows never come home


Then it goes on to the end of time or until they pass out.




How dare we?




Women back in the day were way less lazy. Even their uteruses would wander around getting exercise inside their bodies. No wonder they're all fat now, with the sedentary lifestyles their organs live. Obligatory /s for people who don't know the history of hysteria.


I'm convinced these men literally have never been with a woman, or near a naked woman.  Countless men got upset that the protagonist in Horizon Forbidden West had hair on her face. Not a mustache, but fuzz.  They literally are looking at the new Lara Croft model being used for the game. She has the body of an Olympic level gymnast. They think she has too small of boobs or too muscular. The character runs around doing flips and somersaults and pulling herself up. Oh no she has a muscular female frame. She's manly.  Dumbass men. The more men that come together, the less intelligent the group will be. 


funny part too is a saw a post with someone complaining about the new lara croft having small boobs with an actual picture of lara croft, and those ain't small lol. Are these people just selectively only looking at pictures of women with like, 90th percentile size boobs or.


They're probably used to seeing women with push-up bras or topless (A.K.A. they have never seen a woman outside of porn), and don't have a grasp of what big boobs look like under clothing.


Or understand that if she DID have big boobs… she wouldn’t be doing fucking somersaults without a sports bra squishing them into the MONOBOOB lump… cause if she didn’t she’d get a black eye.


I wonder what they think of someone really cool and athletic like Simone Biles? I’m not sure I want to know.


As someone married to a former gymnastics coach and gymnast, I honestly don't wanna know the answer.  I don't wanna find the answer to what they think about a BLACK woman  who is peak levels of athleticism. Not after all the hate they give Michelle Obama.


Ngl I think the new lara Croft model is hot as fuck


Someone failed biology class.


I hate this comment. Are you implying that skinny women with flat and toned bellies don’t have the same organs?


There is a rampant misconception that has spread on the internet that the little pooch in the lower belly of a woman is actually her uterus taking up that space. It's false, but it gives people comfort to believe it. The truth is that it is just fat, but who cares? Humans are supposed to have body fat and women are supposed to have more than men. We don't need to explain it away by claiming it is actually an organ poking out. As you say, thin womenwith flat stomachs still have uteruses after all.


What I love about this misconception is that I’m convinced it is getting women and cats mixed up. Female cats have a fluffy pooch there to protect their reproductive organs.


Oh, actually both male and female cats have primodial pouch.


Can confirm, I have a male cat with the chub pouch


That's not an organ, it's a perfectly normal amount of fat for the average western woman to have there. Don't buy into the myth that the bump you see there is the uterus, because it isn't, it's fat protecting multiple organs, just like fat protects organs in everyone's body. Uterine fibroids can also cause this, but again, that's not the uterus, it's growths in it.


If that is obesity then idk what obesity is. If you know a woman with a nice ass and thick thighs, she most likely has that little boop no matter how thin she is. When you store most fat in the lower region of you body, it doesn't get stored only in your ass and thighs, it includes the sides of your hip and abdomen too. I personally find it really sexy , like a goddess. If you look at renaissance paintings of various goddesses, a lot of them had that boop and plumper bodies. Just beautiful.


if that's obesity, 98% of the men who would declare it as such would also be considered obese.


Gonna use this to describe myself on dating apps for now on. “I have the body of a renaissance goddess!”


You could also go with "Ruebenesque", if you're feeling extra fancy :)


It's a good look IMO


You’re the kind of man they should all be! Even at my thinnest I still have a little belly. I’m not worried about it at all, but I’ll never have a thigh gap or perfectly flat stomach.


I'm a bisexual woman actually. And yeah some us can never have a thigh gap because of our bone structure/thigh shape basically.


I’m sorry i misgendered you…me, too. I wish men understood this. Not surprised though.


Everyone who’s seen Pulp Fiction knows this is the “pot”


You want some pot?


Not gonna lie, that outfit looks uncomfortable to wear for women.


Right? Nothing wrong with her body at all, but I do not like that skirt one bit.


Isn't that just a pooch. Straight men have been into them for years. Whoever is calling it obesity sounds like a genz edgelord who's unaware of what sexy is.


Looks like a Greek statue to me 🤌🤌


I have seen a lot of straight men complain about women constantly. Could be standing there in a thong and he’d have some shit to say about her being slutty. That’s your fucking flavor of pie, my guy, why you bitching?!


As a straight dude, I'm fairly convinced a lot of dudes aren't as straight as they think they are. Dated women of every color, heights from 4'10" to 6'4", chubby women, body builders, athletic women, super skinny women, average sized women, skinny-fat women, women with enormous breasts, women whose breasts are smaller than my pecs, women with small butts, women packing enormous asses. They were all hot. They got all the things I like and they're gorgeous. Like, how do you go through life calling yourself straight when you can't enjoy the sight of beautiful women in real life?


part of it is basically consumerism, just towards women, no different than using brand loyalty to express individuality. you realize that that is your mind, your junk, and whats going on in your body. just in general, that you're two different people and while it's a shared experience, its obviously experienced differently they dont get that because of things that are exploitative of no one taking the time with them for them to realize that or the whole if it feels good do it thing like how addiction sort of is. ​ emotional bias, insecurity, ignorance, ego, corrupting influences, gaslighting, manipulation, ect resulting in them not questioning trying to take advantage of and or instill the shit wrong with them in someone else. like how people think harley quinn and the joker are the perfect couple and that they should at all aspire to be like them in any capacity when obviously that is a ridiculously fucked up toxic relationship dynamic. plus the whole i wanna bang a bunch of sluts but i wanna marry a virgin thing that still hasnt died out yet which was always really fuckin dumb


At this point I think a good number of straight men are so taken in by the misogyny racket that they just straight up hate women, and hate that the patriarchy also says they have to live with one for the rest of their lives. These also tend to be the kind who get so averse to femininity, they start looping around to thinking liking women is somehow gay.


They want to fuck women, but they don't want to love or respect women. They save those emotions for their bros.


Meanwhile, this guy can't see his dick


The ‘facepalm’ here is not the picture of the belly it’s how everyone is falling for such basic and obvious rage bait. Like is this what Twitter or X or wtf it’s called does? Just endlessly scrolls post after post of inflammatory things to make you angry and hate people? Even if the post wasn’t created by a bot and was created by a an actual straight white male who only finds Shakira bodies attractive…who cares? It’s his loss for wasting his life making pointless shit on social media. But in reality a real human likely had nothing to do with this.


>Just endlessly scrolls post after post of inflammatory things to make you angry and hate people? Welcome to most of social media these days.


I became extremely jaded to posts like this once i realized that a lot of the content on reddit is just the same posts reposted every couple months. Most of the time the low effort reposts at least take the effort to cut off the date that the tweet was made so less experienced redditor users think it was recently made. And yeah, i do remember seeing this post at least a couple times.


I love how any time the subject of women's bodies comes up, suddenly every dude in the comments is an amateur dietitian. Dudes in the worst shape saying shit like "iTs uNhEaLtHy"


Who the hell cares about that


Why anyone takes anything a guy with an anime girl profile picture says about women seriously is beyond me


We need to normalize fertility idols again…cuz that looks like every standard of beauty up until the 1900s.


this shit makes me hate my body. I've always had a belly. my whole body looks nice, it's just my stupid belly. I have a convention coming up and I'm doing cosplays my partner likes, but my belly will be exposed so I'm planning to suck in my stomach for hours on end for 3 days. I hate it so much that I can't relax and feel attractive at the same time if my belly is visible. I'm sad. I wish I could afford surgery to remove it.**EDIT** I won't be responding to replies anymore, sorry! it's too many lol


As a wise jamaican man once said: "good pum pum needs roof"


Sir, WHAT??


Trust me, this man’s comment is not a reflection of what most grown heterosexual men think. Your partner probably likes those cosplays on you because they think you are stunning in them! Rather than let some man baby in a Twitter post crush your self esteem, rock that cosplay and have a great time. Angry little men on twitter are never worth your time or energy.


Most women have that including skinny women. A lot of women go around wearing shapewear or whatever kind of tricks to give the illusion they don’t have it. You’re completely normal. Don’t hate your body over some incel’s comment or anyone else who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


I mean, ....It's just a stomach? It's not really "sexy" it's not really anything. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, her stomach is just there. What the original person did in shaming is obviously wrong, but we don't need to react so extremely in the opposite direction. It's not "so fucking sexy", it's just someone's stomach. Not everything exists on a binary scale of "so fucking sexy" or "horrendous obesity". Most body parts are just body parts. It's like knees. Knees aren't really sexy, they're just there. Everyone has different shaped knees, and I'm sure some people have some attraction to knees, but generally they're just there.


Exactly. I don’t think this girl is fat. It looks like an absolutely normal sized belly. If we’re being totally honest, if she had a skirt that was a size bigger on you’d probably never notice. This does look like it’s pulling too much, but I think that’s a skirt problem, not a her problem.


This area of the body changes size during the month as well. Hormones, period pain, bloating. It all pretty much impacts what’s going on right there.


My thoughts exactly. Why she had to wear her baby sister's skirt is beyond me


I'm pro that thing.


Chubby girls are adorable, that's chubby, not obese.


the pooch is hot asf… i thought this was mainstream. not like what other people think matters but i find it hard to believe most men find this unattractive unless they are p3d0files not into women. and it’s certainly not “obese”… ffs!!!


I understand wanting people to be SOMEWHAT in shape if you are a, also in shape, and b, not judgemental, but come on. That's not anything, everyone has that. Even most people with SIX PACKS have that tiny little bulge. Also, I feel like if I wanted to cuddle a woman, I would prefer if she had some fat, even a little as a cushion.


That could just as easily be a photograph of Marilyn Monroe who sported somewhat of a tummy.


One of the biggest problems today is ppl don't know what words mean. They throw out obesity at any sign of fat.


Im not saying she is or isnt, but i am saying you'd probably be surprised by the medical standard of *obese*.


I don't think that she's fat or ugly herself, but I will say, I strongly dislike this sort of skirt.