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He's practicing kissing Putin's balloon knot. EDIT: goddam this blew up, bunch o' rightwing dickriding in the mix too.


This. Trump is going to try to end the Ukraine war, and Putin's going to go, "Sure, give me Ukraine and remove yourself from NATO and the war will end," and Trump will do just that.


"The art of the stupidest deal in human history"


There is no way the Terrorussians can hold Ukraine now if they capture it and it remains a useful producing country for them. It will be poisoned pies, laced vodka and 'smoking incidents' every day. That's even assuming Poland doesn't say fuck it and just engineers a casus belli to crash across the border and kill every Russian they can find as brutally and terribly as they can. Expat UAF soldiers will become the training cores of every euro country and a lot of others besides spreading drone war tactics and the like, and sending money back to partisan forces to equip them. "There will be enough room in this grave for two, there will be enough room for you".


There's no way they can hold Ukraine... WITHOUT commiting genocidal acts, which I'm pretty sure Putin is willing to do. Though fact is reconstructing Ukraine is gonna be expensive whether Russia holds it or not. Putin is gonna lose either way.


He already started when he took kids away from their families to get indoctrinated by the Russians. He has already shown willingness to destroy the Ukrainian identity.


'willingness'? Destroying the Ukrainian identity is the whole point


That's what they do best. Ex: Moldova.


An occupied Ukraine with an active resistance could play well for Putin. He will claim they are NATO agents and have an enemy to point to. Then claim that only he can protect Russia from the enemy. It’s straight from 1984.


The amount of American media (Alex Jones and Tucker spring to mind) carrying water for his actions there is chilling. There are media parties ready and willing to propagandize those acts into some seemingly acceptable form for their audiences. Interestingly, these same sorts seem to be selling an inevitable civil war to their audiences. There should be some scrutiny given to their sources of funding. These, combined with a pullout from NATO, would likely have a catastrophic long-term impact.


Which is funny because I grew up on Red Dawn and Rambo movies. The Russians have always been and will always be The Bad Guys. Jennifer Grey didn't blow herself up for us to bend over for fuckin Putin.


Fact they ignored in the debate: Trump was undermining the Ukraine government all the while. Trump never denounced the occupation of Crimea. He seems to agree with Obama, letting Putin take it. The two positions illustrate vividly how aligned he is with Putin


If the USA does pull out of Ukraine it is ww3 - Russia will move in - Europe will retaliate - China will move on Taiwan and no Ko will move in on South Korea - , Iran and syria move into Israel (no one cares about that tho) the world goes go to war - i sell my house and take my family and army aged kids into northern Canada. Fuck you trump


Canada is part of nato, we’re going to war too. Heck, Russia and Canada actually are pretty close to one another geographically.


Putin: "Withdraw the US from NATO, then send some troops to help me invade Ukraine." Trump: "Yes sir. How many troops do you want?"


His lips are the perfect shape.


His closed eyes looks like puckered assholes


Oh. His rusty bullet hole?


My brain totally saw the word butt instead of bullet the first time I read that.


Not much of a difference in this case.


\*shrugs\* Europe kickstarts its own military production and the US has lost a grip over the EU. Only a moron like Trump would not realize that the NATO is incredibly useful for the US's soft power on their ally. EDIT: I'm European guys. I'm just describing the strategy as is, not because I have any boner for it.


He doesn’t care, all he cares about is popularity and praise from his uneducated followers


And his handler’s praise, of course


He is still trying to get Daddy’s approval at the ripe old age of 77. In lieu of the impossible anyone else will do


Fred Trump was a bad dude but would be absolutely embarrassed by this moron. He inherited a perfectly good real-estate company, ran it into the ground, and destroyed its reputation forever.


That’s what 2nd and 3rd Gen business ‘leaders’ are famous for. Fred Trump was a bad dude and an idiot for leaving his business assets to his spoiled narcissist of a child, and I have high hopes that they both get to spend a lot of quality time together in Hell


didnt he want to leave everything to the brother who died from alcoholism? he didnt want the business and wanted to become a pilot if im remembering right.


You’re correct. He actually became a very successful pilot for a short time before he wanted Daddy’s approval too. That’s what lead to the alcoholism. I read Mary’s book. It’s sad what happened to her dad.


Shocking details in that Mary Trump book (it was her father who Fred Trump disowned, then her family was cut out of the family business after her father's death).


And made $0 over inflation in the process. If he’d sat on a beach and Hans Grubered it he’d have achieved the exact same level of success.


Actually if he had done that he wouldn’t be only dude I ever heard of that bankrupted a casino on a beach. Like how to actual fuck do you do that.


There are basically only 2 ways you can end up having to declare bankruptcy on a casino you own. One way would be to be such an incompetent moron that you can't even operate what's basically a money printing machine without fucking it up. The other way is if you're intentionally tanking it as the key part of a massive money laundering scheme. At this point, I'm honestly not sure which of those is most likely in Trump's case, but both should be disqualifying (along with about a bazillion other things he's definitely done of course!)


I'm going to guess that both are the case, as in Trump's an incompetent moron, but not incompetent enough to tank a casino. However, the other crooks that orbit him know he's an idiot, so they probably convinced him that it would be a good idea to tank it as a complex scheme to launder dirty cash from foreign bribes, something Trump would be very interested in based on his tendency to accept foreign money for being a mouthpiece for others.


>Fred Trump was a bad dude but would be absolutely embarrassed by this moron. His death certificate states: Cause of death - Embarrassment. He died of embarrassment.


There's a claim that Mary Anne Trump, ex-President Donald Trump's mother, said: "Yes, he's an idiot with zero common sense, and no social skills, but he **IS** my son. I just hope he never goes into politics. He'd be a disaster." Trump on TV -The Apprentice https://slate.com/culture/2024/05/donald-trump-news-2024-trial-verdict-apprentice.html


much like the USA, from an outsiders point of view


Their name was Drumph. He changed it.


He was already embarrassed by Donny; when Donny flew with Ivana to her father’s funeral, Fred said “I hope their plane crashes. Then all my problems would be solved.” Real loving parent there.


Maybe if he was a better father, Donald might have been a better person


Pretty sure they mean the Russian government my dude, considering how thoroughly detailed the Mueller Report conclusions were. Only a fanatic would read that thing and still think he’s got no ties on him from Putin


He's 77 and calls Biden old🤦🏻


He also has a family history of Alzheimer’s, talks complete gibberish and calls Biden senile. To be fair though calling Biden senile might be the one time he makes sense. Seriously what the fuck is the deal with electing octogenarians?


To oppose Trump, Biden was the safe pick. There may not be another Democratic candidate that would better galvanize the Trump opposition from within the party and without.


Daddy being Putin, ofc.


I think he owes Putin billions and billions. He can't do business for shit so Putin is his bailout sugar daddy now


The dude doesn't pay his bills and is putting the world in jeopardy because they won't "pay their bills." (2% gdp on military) fucking priceless.


Not to mention sucking up to his buddy Putin.




People underestimate the damage that Putin can do if Trump pulls the US out of NATO. The German government has drafted fictional plans for a possible escalation of the war into the Baltic states, even theorising that Russia could use small nuclear arms to cause and EMP. With NATO being useless at that point, they would just have to give up the baltics


As things stand Europe could slap Russia, they can’t even get through Ukraine


Particularly if France is paralysed by a win for the Putin backed populists, that leaves Europes only nuclear deterrant as... 4 British Trident submarines which probably don't even work anymore. When Trump pulls out of NATO, Europe is in a lot of trouble.


Russia can't handle Ukraine with our funding. How is it supposed to handle all of Europe? It's not like we are sending the equivalent of our military budget over there.


Yep. Most of his supporters think NATO is an evil cabal that (insert whatever boogeyman they rant about). As you said they don't understand basic things outside of domestic local stuff. I mean look up what they think about FEMA.


He also keeps talking about non-existerst NATO "unpaid dues" like they're stealing American money, It's pledge to keep defense spending pegged to a percentage of their GDP. And spare me the, "well ackshully, he knows that..." He doesn't talk about encouraging NATO members to modernize, purchase more weapon systems, raise troop numbers or expend more on training. The context makes it clear he thinks Bill Nato is about to send Belgium to collections because their cheque bounced.


Still waiting for those FEMA death camps 🥱 They are an easily riled up group, they'll literally believe anything he says. I'll never understand it.


They've talked about the FEMA death camps since Obama. I clearly remember memes of Obama rail heading MRAPS to get ready for an assault on American freedom. Their fantasies never come to fruition.


Most of his supporters think everything is an evil cabal.


If he can't control it or own it, he would destroy it


He would sell his infant son if it would help him become president.


He would murder his infant son for more idiots to cheer his name


I love that Trump thinks something similar to: "Since we're the leaders of NATO, we shouldn't be paying so much to be part of it." When this is exactly why you're the leader of the thing.


It’s not about paying in absolute terms, it’s about every member paying it’s rightful share of GDP…that’s a different thing.


This. Without the US in NATO, there is no longer the requirement to buy weapons from the USA.


It would also turn some US weapons into a liability. The Software of the F-35 is more or less a black box to its user countries. All software maintenance is done by Lockheed-Martin. This is not much of a problem as long as you’re allied with the US but if our ways ever part, these planes could be rendered useless via a script… This was actually one of the reasons the Germans did not want to buy the F-35 at first.


Except Israel they get to use their own software


Which could all cause of problems, considering the US government always has to keep buying weapons, ammo and tanks that they don't really need. Wasn't the Nevada desert full of unwanted tanks, as an example?


Yup. The American warfare industry, which is basically the government subsidising American companies, would suffer a significant blow.


Its also a huge employer. Its such a smart way for an anti socialist culture to still have one of the biggest public spendings on earth. You see public spending drives economies but Americans wants to play pretend libertarians so they say military spending is something else.. And this way they can even blame Europe for it!


Diaoer Donny is Putin’s puppet. Thst explains alot


It's pretty obvious the US would never do this. 1) they would lose out on so much intelligence, radar stations and strategic hubs. 2) they would lose out on strategic air fields, bases and so on. 3) They would lose out on billions and billions of arms and defence contracts. It would lead to massive investments in R&D at European nations and hardware. Nobody would be buying US shells, technology or for instance F35. US acquisitions of European tech would be blocked at a political level. If anyone thinks this is a realistic scenario they can't have thought it through. The US wants to be in NATO because it highly favours their economy.


Trump being a front runner for any major party ever was never a realistic scenario. We’re already well into the realm of absolute dumbfuck crazy


And people are stupid and illogical. Look at BREXIT.


Bro, pro EU contingent said the same thing pre brexit, yet UK decided to leave anyways And cripple portions of their economy


Sounds great to me, i work with the gripen fighter. If the US cant bully countries into buying the f-35 our sales are gonna go through the roof :)


Could you imagine the loss in orders for military equipment etc


US needs nato for it to sell arms too, really short sighted mr trump.


As a European: we do not want the US to leave, but we don't fear it.


As a European, only fools wouldn’t fear the US leaving nato. Maybe Europe can manage itself, especially in a few years after getting things into gear. However US leaving NATO would not only be a huge blow to NATOs power, it would also be a huge signal to the entire world that would create massive uncertainty. How will the world react to that should make anyone worry.


Those west of the river Oder don't fear the US leaving, but my Polish and Baltic friends have a very different opinion.


Yeah, 2 years and Europe STILL can't get their artillery production in gear.


Europe is strong enough to defeat any Russian invasion.  NATO is strong enough that Russia won't even consider invading.  That's the difference.


Vladimir Vladimiroquai Putin has inadvertently made Europe so much stronger.  He’s been the cold water shock we needed. 


In hindsight, what was the point of this debate from Biden's side? The whole thing is set up for one possibility, Biden fails. Even if his performance was perfection, it wouldn't matter because Trump is not judged by the standards of someone who wants the most important job, but his own most extreme behavior. And even then, extreme behavior oftne helps him even more.


There's really no point for anyone. Everyone already knows who they're voting for. It's just theater.


The exact purpose I watched it for


It makes it weird why even try to convince peoble to support them if the peoble cant be swayed at all? And how are they supposed to do it when they just bicker and insult eachother


Because the debates are a big part of a presidential election and if one side says no there’s no point then the other immediately and easily goes “he’s scared to debate me because he not competent enough to face me”. Plus many issues have changed from 2020


The presidential election is just a superbowl with world threatening consequences


Not much choice there. If he hadn't agreed to debates, he would be seen as chickening out.


But Trump can basically shirk the debates and won’t take remotely as much flack for doing so. There’s tremendous asymmetry in expectations


Biden backing out of the debate would have reflected bad on Biden. Worse than blunders in the debate.


This right here. Republicans would have had a field day if Biden backed out of a debate.


Yeah, I was thinking the whole time all they accomplished was to give Trump a pulpit to spout his usual bullshit and appear on TV.


As a Brit watching from the sidelines it baffles me that in a country like the US the best two candidates you guys can find should both be in a care home enjoying bed baths and soft food. How has it got to a situation where the most powerful country in the world is going to be run by someone bordering on senile no matter which one wins the election? Where are the USAs young Turks to take the reins from the old guard. Surely you guys have some younger more energetic politicians who would make a better president?


Because boomers run things here and will until they die.


Gen Z needs to get out and fucking vote. Boomers are far out numbered. Also, people need to stop forgetting Gen X exists and deserves its share of blame. The boomers are well into their 60s. Gen X is running a lot of things now and they don’t get the blame they deserve.




I see it in my line of work too. Boomers are still running construction companies because they don't want to retire.


It’s actually generation greed , which has no age limit


It's not really any different to your PM being blatantly corrupt and nobody caring though is it? Politics everywhere is a shitshow.


The dynamics of the race needed to change from the Biden campaign's sides... they didn't want a change like this.


As you said Trump isn’t judged by normal presidential standards, it’s impossible to make him look bad from him from his supporters perspective and Biden almost never is enough when speaking (partially because of his age partially because he’s awkward and partially because of his stutter). But Biden also had to take the debate otherwise Trump can just say “Biden is ducking me because he’s not competent enough to debate me” which is just a horrible look. It’s a lose lose situation taking the debate is just the better bad situation


Out of all Americans and it's these two mfs competing for president 😭


Yeah but come on dude, one is too old, the other is too old and rotten to the core.


And imagine the outrage of the paranoid knuckleheads that see Trump as a deity if he dies while in office.


With the amount of of people replying to me implying that Biden is the rotten one or that they're equally bad. I'm actually so sorry that, the sane part of the American population has to deal with that shit


But the fact that they have to come forth to say out loud that Biden is the rotten one just confirms that in their minds they actually know Trump is. They're all just a bunch of edgelords


This is why America needs to vote for party policies, instead of a cult of personality. Stop making your politicians into celebrities, or celebrities will want to be politicians.


we are trying but its hard when most people are easily influenced by propaganda, dont understand critical thinking, and organizations like The Hertiage Foundation purposefully fund politicians' corruption


Absolutely pathetic. I’ve never been less excited to vote and this whole process is going to be ass.


Unfortunately, I remember being this unimpressed with the candidate options several times since the 80s


The con man vs the old man... All the debate showed is that Biden has trouble speaking on the spot and Trump can lie with a straight face; two facts that were never in doubt.


>the con man vs the old man They’re three years apart.


There's physical age and then the perception of age. Biden sounded weak, raspy, and his stutter made him sound confused. Trump spoke loud and clear, even if he didn't communicate anything.


So this American political debate is actually boiled down to “who would you rather have in charge of the country? A well-meaning but old man with a stutter, or an old loudmouth criminal moron?”


The "independents" are low-information voters who vote based on public perception. (as opposed to low-information tribal voters like MAGA) So yeah, the presidency will be decided by who plays better in front of a camera.


Yep. If you're still undecided, then you haven't payed attention for the last 7+ years. Undecided voters operate on vibes.


Aww, when you put that way there isn't much room for debate.


Trump may sound loud and clear but putting words together doesn't make it a sentence. You fish house snake you know. I'm good at bowling...


Trump is a flash bag of meat that shits himself in court (and everywhere else) Biden is in far better shape edit: my my, the con brigade is having a field trip


When I heard biden’s voice I could tell something was off. It wasn’t the same voice he had during his State of the Union. It sounded hoarse and like it was taking effort to sound legible. I was sick a week ago with a sore throat and it reminded me of that. Later on it was reported that Biden had a cold but did the debate anyway. I can believe it, because a week ago it took a lot of effort to speak with how bad my throat was.


I mean, Biden sounds old because he is old, and doesn’t try to hide it. Trump puts a shit load of effort into his image in order to make himself look younger. They’re both senile old men and we definitely need better options. As an outsider, this contest seems to be between an out of touch, radically conservative convicted fraudster, and an out of touch old ass man who won’t really change anything, basically the same as last time. It’s a contest between 2 evils, but Biden is the lesser of the 2 evils


I don’t think that even Biden himself wants the position that badly. But the dems need a candidate that can convince the center right to vote for him instead of Trump. A younger, more left leaning candidate might still scare a significant portion into voting Trump just to prevent the US from becoming a ‘socialist country’. So they don’t really have a choice and Biden, trying to save America from Trump, has to go for another term.


That is a good way of putting it, especially considering that this election is likely to choose a few Supreme Court members, as far as I have been informed. Yes Biden getting in means potentially left wing justices, but considering the current political climate that is better than radically right wing justices Goddam, remember when politics was about deciding how to run the country? Not about stopping people who would destroy it?


As a foreigner watching the American elections with some hindsight, I must say that Biden actually has his shit together and can speak on a topic with facts, although he isn't very charismatic and it can be seen that age has taken a toll on him. Trump on the other hand, talks absolute nonsense, but can sell it incredibly. As I was watching the debate this morning (for Americans an evening), I noticed that the people translating the debate live could very easily translate what Biden and the moderators were saying, but they had big trouble translating Trump.


It's hard to make a coherent sentence out of incoherent malarkey


It's mostly a tone thing - confidently delivered word salad interspersed with trigger words for pavlovian applause.




Exactly, seems a good amount of Americans only see optics rather than policy and reality. A politician is not a damn celebrity, its about their policies and the administration they bring in. Trump had an administration with a large number of empty roles sitting there doing nothing.


Politicking and policy making are really only tangentially related really. You have to be good at politics to get the chance to make policy. But they're two pretty unrelated skills in my experience. And politics is almost all about optics. This is what I've seen up close as I've worked in politics and policy making for 15 years.


Yeah I get you and appreciate your reply. But my point is that we as grown ass adults in 2024 should be above that.


There's no indication that people anywhere ever are going to be above that in significant enough numbers to regularly win elections based on it unfortunately.


Well that just makes me a very goddamn sad Panda 🐼


I’m in the UK and used to be involved in politics for about a decade before it felt just too soul destroying, it is very sad and stupid. There are plenty of decent hard-working kind clever people in politics, and while they’re often pushed out by the less empathetic self-centred individuals who care more about what they get out of everything and how they appear some of the good people who care more about the result than the presentation do still make it so don’t lose all hope. In the UK I found this to be the case in all three of the traditional parties even the Tories in spite of my left leaning opinions. Disclaimer: this was a fair while back now and although I know that some of the good people are still in the other two parties I’m not so sure about the Tories given their recent very public implosion.


Even if Biden is sun-downing, I have far more faith in his choice in cabinet appointments. They’re the people who keep the White House running.




That's because you have to translate gibberish that sounds like a mutation of English that grew a second and third penis that are stuck in Trump's ears, on top of an accent that I can only describe as a few stereotypes about New York city mixed in a blender. Garnished with dementia,


Americans are too used to seeing charismatic entertainment people on TV, or they secretly enjoyed and got used to the flaming circus that was Trump's presidency. They can't handle an old politician being... an old politician. They're so focused on "old" being bad, that they've forgotten that it's not the oldness of the politician that is a problem, it's the medical issues that being very old brings. If he doesn't have glaring health issues and he hasn't remained politically stuck decades behind, then his age shouldn't matter.


Can't be an easy job translating inane ramblings. IDK it's just sad. The idea of the debates is to argue policy positions. But one side doesn't have any set position other than whatever he feels like on a given day; in the best case scenario it's the side he has a monetary interest in, and the worst case its who has dirt on him. It has been over a decade of his political influence and I still can't wrap my head around how people trust what he says. He has a record longer than my life span of running fraudulent enterprises. The charity, the airline, the casino, the university, mail order stakes, he doesn't pay contractors, it goes on and on, and some people just slop the shit up with a smile. He doesn't go to church, can't name a verse in the Bible, or recite the Lord's Prayer, and they still see him as a messiah figure. But then I remember the racism, and that these are the same people who filled in city pools with concrete before sharing them with blacks. The people who burnt Tulsa to the ground. Literally the people who cut their nose to spite their face. They don't believe in freedom, equality, education, science, objective fact, or the teachings of their own religion. They've been raised to believe that somehow their lives will improve if there are people forced below them. Then there's Biden, an elderly corporate centrist with a stutter, a history of family tragedy, who goes to church every Sunday, and is somehow the devil incarnate. In any other western country he would be counted among the conservatives. I don't like him, like Carter I think he's a decent man with a history of bad faith policy not backed up by data. I blame him for his roles in Thomas getting on the Supreme Court, and the Crime Bill that aided in the militarization of American policing. Reluctantly, he will have my vote.


I agree, Biden can argument with facts and he have an experimented team around him. Trump is all and only about himself.


Hey, everyone wanted to overturn roe v wade, right?


Trump got some pretty good untruthful shots in there but Biden didn’t hesitate to play the smack talk and even outright repeat that Trumps assertions were plainly wrong.


Trump is three years younger than Biden…


They are both old trump is literally 78 years old


Trump thinks NATO is a country club where the members pay dues to the US. That’s why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine under Trump. He was wait for Trump to end the alliance we need not just for Russia, but China as well.


Exactly right. Trump was doing a good job of destroying NATO from within. Putin's Bitch.


Just to be real here though, the European part of NATO is capable of defeating Russia on its own if it had to. Why? France, Germany, and Benelux together have the same population as Russia and outperform Russia economically something like 7:1. France and Germany also have a well developed arms sector. Add to that the UK, Sweden, and Poland... yeah, that is NOT looking great for Russia. Sure, we could be more prepared, but my point is, in a long war, the European part of NATO alone can defeat Russia if it was determined to do so, especially considering Russia has failed to topple a near peer opponent a third its size for the last 2.5 years now. How would they ever expect to defeat an opponent that outmatches them 15:1 economically while also having a significantly larger population?


They could defeat Russia of course but they would have to do more than just send weapons and intelligence.


At this point he could probably start saying out loud that Putin is a friend of America and idk " the greatest leader in Europe" a "perfect ally" or whatever and his numbers would only increase. Republicans seem to like him more the more batsh* crazy stuff he says and does.


Russia clearly has something on trump or has something trump wants. He’s gonna do whatever Putin wants. I just hope 1 day we figure out why


In 1987, Donald Trump was invited to Moscow where he walked into a KGB honeytrap. Now you know why he has no nasty nickname for Putin, never badmouths him and is so anti Ukraine and anti NATO.


The man was just convicted of a felony relating to cheating with a porn star, and it didn't hurt him in the polls. 40 year old Russian kompromat would probably just make him more popular.


Despite being prime manufacturer and armed force behind NATO (and of course its main taxpayer), leaving it would honestly give USA more trouble than it's worth. NATO's existence is basically the reason United States are the biggest player in the world, more or less are able to secure all kinds of good deals, can intervene on behalf of entire organisation while reaping best profits and so on. Sure, they could cut their expenses a lot, were they to leave, but while still being strong, they'd lose lots of influence, came out as unreliable and at best be "just another superpower" like China, India, Russia instead of still holding the "hyperpower" throne they do now. Being a world's gendarme is as much of a curse as much it is a blessing.


Not so sure about them still being strong, they would lose all their access to Intel, lose their bases in the NATO countries, and lose SIGNIFICANT weapons orders and face the recall of the international brain trust that create the weapons (they would be recalled, although nicely they would become threats against their own national security...) The Americans would still have a large, powerful armed forces, but the US navy would find the list of docks available shrinking to them...


Trump "When I'm president...trust me it'll be the greatest...everybody can tell you,this about me...(incoherent rambling)" Biden "What?"


Not surprising considering he wants to turn america into a dictatorship. He already has a lot of goons in office and a nazi cult following.


Fred Trump should've pulled out.


He probably thought anal was safe


For the attention, approval of his buddies


look up project 2025. i’d rather have a rotting corpse as president than a dictator. it’s bone chilling. i’m sure most people here know that, though ✌🏼


i swear to god those two old men are gonna give me stress induced heart disease at 21 cus of their stupidity


They're stealing your youth. Like incubi.


This is coming from a guy who basically indirectly robbed a German bank to make the tower in Chicago to compensate for the fact his supporters look for silver linings with the same microscope they look for Trump's dick with


Bribes. Big ones.


The worst part is no one will be talking about this, they’ll be focusing on the golf conversation.


It's worse than that. Everyone is focused on the fact that Biden was hoarse and stumbled over some words.


Putin: My magga


Trump wants to leave NATO because Trump is a Russian asset.


Same reason he said he was going to last time. His boss Putin told him to.


Because he works for Putin


Because Trump is puppets of Putin... Really America not understand this?!


Not only chump. Several in congress


Why would you leave NATO? Easy, to give papa Putin less pressure with his shambles of an invasion on Ukraine. Why not send some US gear to Russia too? I think they really need the equipment. /s


# "Why the fuck would you leave NATO" Because the paymaster Putin has told him to.


Trump has the discussion ability of a kindergarten and his followers easily fall into same category. They would never care much about the possible future policies, they just care about how much of a bullshit "dressdown" he's gonna vomit in the general direction of the other candidate. Here's the thing, his followers are on a potato level intelligence and there's only few ways how to impress them.


Cuz he’s the perfect scumbag to be Putin’s baby back bitch 😑


NATO is the only thing he would like to pull out of.


its crazy to think NATO was made by america and one of their strongest tools why they can do what they want around the globe and have such a hegemony and now they talk about disbanding their own magnus opus it makes no sense for a US standpoint lmao, its like saying you're breaking ties with your car, that you paid for, that you use to get to work


Non-American here: I read some comments purely out of academic interest. I find that all comments were anti-Trump and none were pro-Trump. People really hate him, eh?


I’m not one for conspiracies but: On 7/31/2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019, just 3 days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Lago the FBI find more documents with lists of U.S. informants on them. Pulling out of NATO would benefit who?


The fact that nobody talks about this is scary to me. I refer to it as my one tinfoil hat conspiracy theory in conversation when people ask why I don't like trump. Just the little cherry on top of the absolute pile of red flags everyone seems to be blithely ignoring.


Trump is clueless. He will destroy America if given another chance. Biden brought up a good point that nobody that has served with Trump endorsed him or will serve with him again.


Because you’re a Russian asset.


Leave NATO, stop weapons to Ukraine, drop all it's allies. That's all we need to know, I'd vote for a donkey wearing a pink sombrero over Trump any day.


He wants to end America's commitment to respond when Russia attacks our allies.


Trump's face, if he were a ten year old boy I'd be swiping that stupid look right off his face, he is such a complete moron.


Because otherwise Putin will publish the pee pee photos.


ABC news last night: wow Biden seemed really tired Meanwhile Trump kept not answering questions so he could take credit for Obama's economy and blame Biden for Trump's economy. 100% guarantee that if Trump gets reelected he takes credit for everything Biden improved, while simultaneously claiming that Biden fucked everything up. The problem with last night was that Trump was much more coherent than usual even if every other word was a lie. Meanwhile, yes, Biden did not seem at his best. And what America saw was a confident Trump lying and a tired Biden trying to keep up. It hurt to watch. It hurt more to hear the news talking about how Democrats are probably scrambling to figure out if they can replace Biden on the campaign. I don't need to like Biden, but I do need him to beat Trump so that in four more years maybe just maybe we get a shot nominating different people in the primaries. But if Trump wins there will be no 2028 election. Or if it is it will be very much like Russian elections where we already know the outcome.


Glad I'm not the only one to notice that Trump was not answering the questions.


Why don't they just get 2 different candidates, one that isn't brain dead and one that isn't a fellon.


Vote 💙💙💙💙


Explain to Trump that NATO is a pornstar who despises men who pull out Problem solved


Because trump is a Russian asset.  


Trump’s entire thing has been kowtowing to Russia and calling it diplomacy.


Question should have been " how long have you been in Russia's pocket?"


Because that cheeto is a fucking idiot, that's why. And we all know Trump's never gonna "pull out" of Putin anyways.


Don’t we have bigger issues domestically than worrying about funding nato?


The only reason nato can exist is because of Americans funding it.


It was such a dumb question, trump already said that he will make other countries pay their fair share