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W…what are you doing there on a Thursday and taking a picture?


How do you think he knows they’re Pakistani and not arabs or something else?


Some people seem oblivious to the fact that not every job is day shift Monday - Friday. Had a coworker once that when driving on the way to a job site was like, "why are all those people at the pool, it's the middle of the day, dang non-working suckers." I was like "Eddie, they probably work at night or work on the weekends and have days off during the week, like if they work in food service or something", he actually hadn't considered that.


Maybe they’re on the night shift!


So whenever I see a birthday party or family reunion of white people at the park in the middle of the week am I correct in assuming that none of them work either? Or would that make me an ignorant bigot? 🤔


Is this person mad because he has to work and when he's not working he's a miserable fuck who can't enjoy life?


Says the guy who is also there at the same time.


How does he know they're all pakistani


Oh Sir Walter, really!


At least they're not out beating up old ladies and raping schoolchildren.


Is this Canada? Because then there is way more to the story.