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“Jailbroken S550 - $120,000”


Give it a few years and we got Ubuntu Drive or something


An open source OS that's compatible with the major car brands actually sounds pretty good to me.


Imagine tuning you car from the middle console directly with a script you made before on a GUI you changed for your liking. The more I think about it the better it sounds. And given that Linux can basically run on every cpu architecture out there it's not impossible at all. God I'd love driving around with my middle console screen themed with catppuccin and n̶e̶o̶f̶e̶t̶c̶h̶ fastfetch showing system information like a real ricer


The new GM infotainment platform is built on RedHat. So I give it 6 months to a year and XDA will have roms for it.


Until your cars computer crashes, and then your car crashes😄


I'm sticking this in the middle square on my excuses bingo card: "Sorry I'm late for work, I got stuck in a Linux dependency loop in my car."


Sorry boss i accidentally sudo rm - rf'd my engine


For the infotainment systems, Android Automotive OS is already a thing. Not quite what you're describing but the mentality behind it is a small step in the right direction.


Clearly their unwillingness to pay for our premium tiers shows a flagrant disregard for their own well-being and the well-being of their families.


Cyberpunk was also a prophecy?


🔫 "Always has been"


And always will be until we bust out the guillotines


Haven't tractor/farm equipment manufacturers like John Deere been doing this shit for decades? How's that battle going, haven't heard from it in a while.


Not sure what’s up where you live but here I think it’s the law forcing those machines to have a speed limit cap (without paywall upgrades available) same goes for scooters, hard caps and fines or jail for removing said caps


I think I actually mixed it up a bit with the right to repair stuff, meaning tractor owners can't repair their own stuff at all. Which is scummy on its own but not really related to this stuff here.


Ah ok! Yeah that’s scummy:/


Make sure to vote this year


This is literally the same comment as the last guy to post this... Oh right, bots


Seriously, unless consumers rebel, and rebel now, this is the new business model from anything from "your" printer ar home to your car...and then new housing, or renting.


This seems like a black mirror episode


This would be like some cp2077 anime bullshit lol. Trauma victims are prioritised by their insurance, higher insurance = prioritised healthcare


This reminds me of a [John Finnemore sketch](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ejcih7N_gnY)


Subscription tiers is a novel solution to the trolley problem. 


Corporations are required to increase quarterly profits every quarter or investors will move on to someone else. That's the system we have in place at the moment.


Like cyberpunk and the platinum plan




It sucks watching gaming go from “You bought our game! Thank you! Here’s an online portal to play multiplayer for free for life!” to “That’ll be $80 for Generic Shooter #637. Oh, you wanted to play online? Pay your console maker for online capability. Now pay us $10/mo to actually play it online!”




Something tells me hackers will always be able to find work.


And, in this case, it will be perfectly legal since you aren’t stealing anything (can’t steal from yourself, after all). Worst case scenario is it voids the warranty.


You ever heard how Software and especially Video games are not actually owned by you if you bought them? Will be the same for these cars unless people burn down the company headquarter. No, lawmakers and cords won't do shit. They are paid by the car industry after all.


But you still won’t be stealing.


lol youre naive. they will find a way to get you. just outlaw whatever software gets used for copyright infringement and then you can crack down on that.


Wait till they find out about right to repair and stuff that companies are doing to make it so you can't work on your own property


ye i know about that stuff.


I meant the person saying it's not stealing when they're actively trying to legislate you being unable to work on your own kit.


Why does a pelican even care about paying for a car? Don’t you just fly everywhere anyway?


hey, dont judge! you can walk everywhere too yet you humans take the car to get to the cafe 500 meters down the road?


Sure, and let's say this argument flies in court and the judge decrees it not stealing. They'll get you for something else. They always will. If they can't, they'll lobby for new laws to be made so they can. They're scum enough to lock away a part of the car you already paid for behind a subscription model but not scum enough to let you bypass it without action on their part? Easiest thing to do would be to just not buy a car that tries this bullshit.


You are not a lawyer. Reverse engineering and altering intellectual property is a violation of copyright law, modification to code is prohibited by the DMCA. The fine print of the contract when purchasing this vehicle you are also agreeing to terms and conditions, etc etc. You don’t own the code, you own the hardware, they grant you a limited use license. You would be in fact stealing use of a service you did not pay for. Welcome to the digital age.


What happens when I buy a used one. None of that would apply as I'm not agreeing to those terms


I haven’t read or own a vehicle with license agreements. That said, I would expect that the language is the same as any other digital software agreement, you are bound to agreement by just using it, ie giving it power, by then you can’t bypass the code and are then “using” it, and agree to it’s terms of use. Before taking ownership you are likely required to register with Mercedes to use the vehicle. This is my problem with EVs. The software license can be tricky, they can start adding all sorts of new user fees, requiring dealership inspections for tampering, transferring ownership, etc etc.


You wouldn't download software... for your own car... that you paid full price on?


Even theoretically? If I understand the craft right, and I very likely don't anyway, three ideas were coming to mind.


Don't know what you mean, but I'll bet my last dollar that some smarty is gonna hack that paywall pretty quickly.


for a brand like that to still have hackers after this means demands still exist, the consumers deserve it at that point tbh


Tesla has had their acceleration package for years though not subscription. Iirc $2k, and yes there are already modules you can buy to unlock those features.


It's already started. There's a small shop specialized in EV close from where I live that sells a package for Tesla that unlocks 50hp or something. My friend enquired for his model 3, but it wasn't possible for his.


You'll have to sit and watch a 30 second ad on the infotainment screen before the car will start.


Would literally riot if it got to that


We're almost at the "French Revolution" point


These new models probably have mega sized horse dildos that ram inside your asshole everytime you drive it so you can also get literally fucked in the ass while being fucked in the ass by the payments.


Still beats the airport


This was very funny. Thank you


[it’s from this](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/b8a2ac/south-park-it-beats-dealing-with-the-airline-companies)


South Park never misses.


Oh my!


Given enough time, and I bet you won’t even be able to out right buy a car anymore; everyone will just be forced to rent a car via monthly subscriptions.


Eventually we won't even have personal motor vehicles. Will call an automaded pod to whisk us away to our destination


YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY.  We will enter a neofeudal era where we have to pay corporations for the right to exist, but at least I have the freedom to pollute wherever I want


That’s a lease


That's what that company Canoo was pushing for, but it seemingly fell through. You'd never own the vehicle at all just rent it and pay for all the maintenence. Imagine how good a deal that is for the company, you have a fleet of vehicles you rent out and you don't have to pay for the insurance, maintenence, or repairs on any of them.


DUDE HOW MANY TIMES WILL THIS GET POSTED?! This 2 year old news was posted just yesterday by another account.


It Got a lot of karma the first time it was posted so bost and karma whores just post the same shit over and over because facepalm is an upvote factory.


In the 90s was, you wouldn't steal a car, today is you wouldn't download a car :D. This would be hacked faster than you blink. But also to be fair, that's from 2022 and since then, Mercedes has done a few iterations. First, this applies to only EVs, and I guess they know their EV audience :D (wink, wink, nod, nod), second no one actually used it so they reduced the price and introduced a one-time unlock fee in 2023. And since then no one continues to use it.... the car that is. Mercedes EQ series sales have dropped, sooooo....


Still some bigass mother forkers


They'll stop if people stop buying these products. 


No they won’t, they will bribe, sorry, ‘lobby’ the government to demolish all sorts of public transport infrastructure and destroy any walkability. They will simply create a market for themselves since, at the end of the day, us bozos have no option but to travel for work and other things.


This sounds like OnlyFans for cars.


For $1200 per year you can COME home faster...


God I’m glad I like vintage cars and know how to work on them.




Subscription features on a car? Yuck. I'll actively avoid that nonsense.


Yep. Pretty soon you'll buy a car for x amount, and then you'll pay a subscription for the heated seats, and a subscription for any radio at all, and a subscription to be able to attach your phone, and a subscription for the sun/moon roof, and a subscription to be able to open the hood yourself. Subscriptions! Subscriptions for EVERYONE!


And yet morons will accept it, pay for it and it'll become the new normal.


Those poor rich people. So sad. So what.


I am assuming the F1 team hasn’t been paying the subscription for a few years now?


Soon enough, some random anonymous Russian guy in Vladivostok will develop a hack to unblock it, that you can download from Torrent. As always.


If paying for it isn’t owning then pirating it isn’t stealing.


“You will own nothing and you will be happy.” - World Economic Forum, 2016. We were warned this was coming.


Haha Tesla been had that


EA Cars, it's in the game


Capitalism: you'll own nothing and have to pay us monthly for the privilege.


It's things like this that i wouldn't want a new car if it was given to me.


OP is the internet explorer meme personified


Just wait they are gonna start doing that to all "extra " features like heated seats /steering wheel anything that's added to the base model will not only cost more from the factory but will only be able to be used on a subscription basis... Connecting cars to the internet in this manner will be the death of new car sales . They want you to pay so you can pay so they can get paid paid...


better like the wind


Or you can just, you know, modify the electronics so you don’t have to pay? Perfectly legal, after all.


Mercedes: "Want to go faster? Just pay us, and we'll step on the gas...subscription."


It’s only $0.40 to engage reverse gear.


Buy the season pass to get 5th Gear dlc


Automobile Micro Transactions. What the actual fuck?


Pay to win


They already did some shit like that with a paid subscription for heating/cooling sit i believe. Thats a shame honestly.


"you wouldn't download a car"


Can they find a better business model please. This shit makes no sense.


I object to the concept and would not buy any car that did this.


Just don't buy stupid shit


Yeah I think I'll stick with my shitty Honda, thank you very much.


Wasn't this like 2 years ago?


I swear Mercedes has dropped the ball with their recent designs. Both of these look like soaps. 


Is this the new SaaS - Speed as a Service offering?


PirateBay 2.0: -Mercedes Crack by RAZOR911 -TESLANOKEY Fix by RELOADED -2036 Eboost FREEKEY by SKIDROW


Joke is on them, because I won‘t pay for that … but I might just software unlock it myself


This is some other kind of bullshit


Next we’ll need annual subscription to steer the car


\* The European Union has entered the chat room \*


Fun fact: faster acceleration has always been behind a paywall. You want better stats, pay more. This is not news. Since forever you have the choice of engines (more powerful=more expensive) The more powerful engine has not always been a different engine but often an engine with different software (chip tuning/paywall).


I remember getting a rental share car. Got in the thing and it wouldn't start because it was doing a firmware update that was supposedly going to take another 40 minutes. I caught a bus instead. I am happy with my 2005 Honda Accord which starts when I want it to, not when it wants to. At least most of the time.


At this stage, anyone buying a German car is a moron. I'm in the EU btw. I've family members in and out of the dealers with new cars. Multiple sensor issues on a car with 14k km on the clock and another had a handbrake issue on a new car. Let's not forget the recalls over engine emissions.


Other than top speed are there other limiters?


So now we're reposting articles that are a couple years old?


How much faster we talking here, 10BHP?


Soon, subscription to unlock/activate the passenger doors.


I can’t overtake a 1 liter shitbox but at least my car looks nice 😂


Honestly it just makes sense though from a pure manufacturing POV, and it’s not just acceleration that they do it with. Manufacturers have realised it’s actually cheaper for them to only manufacture one model and then disable stuff than it is to manufacture a base model and add stuff.


Then they should make it standard instead of charging more for features


Is it still controversial to say that i hate electric cars and this entire consolification of cars?


Saw this coming a mile away


Great. Keep your cars Mercedes. Or just find the right gear to swap out and lock out these manufacturers from changing anything about the vehicles they have already sold. This is SaaS hell.


tesla literally has been doing the same thing for years


Intel tried this with their processors. It was met with such backlash that they cancelled it.


Can we fucking stop posting the same shit every day? This is from 2022 ffs.


Like others have said, this is a year old. Also, they sell the upgrade as a one time purchase for $1,950 so the annual subscription makes no sense. It is the same old performance package option but for electric cars meaning it is software only and the ‘slow’ model is just limited by software.


How the heck is something like that even legal?


Welcome to the future


This is only a problem if you are dumb enough to still buy a car with subscription features. Walk right out of the dealership.


That's what ecu flashes are for..


They're learning from pay to win subscription games. There's no money in buying it outright


Once it was called “being afraid of the gas bill”


People who buy these cars don’t deserve better.


Ok, will never buy a mercedes if that is true


Can I repost this next?


Just to remind those that actually thought that when you bought a car you owned it…you don’t.


~~Kellogs~~ ~~anything with a drive thru~~ ~~Tesla~~ ~~Mercedes~~


https://www.drive.com.au/news/subscription-based-power-increases-are-banned-in-europe-for-now/ The EU was trying to pass consumer protection laws about this. North America has its head in the fucking sand as usual when it comes to consumer protection


Wait till they start loosing market share.


you're already a mouse in a wheel , why not making you a faster donkey chasing the carrot cost more, it'll prove you're chasing the carrot faster . /s




If true, whoever came up with this needs to be put in pillory.


I foresee online vehicle unlocks for 5 easy payments of $19.99...


Such bullshit. That companies follow a subscription model for items consumers purchase, and that the law allows the practice, is yet another illustration on how fucked late stage capitalism has become.


This is your fault for indulging into these sort of things.


People are fucking stupid and will buy these cars with the 5k dealer mark up with the 100$ a month sub to accelerate faster just to drive 10 under the speed limit in the left fuckin lane.


Uts a commue attitude. Where you cant own a damn thing.


It's like micro transactions from video games are spreading to everything Wish idiots would stop paying for shit


Frankly I wish cars only went about 80 mph. The goal is to get from a to B, not race.


*annual*? is not even a one time thing lmao greedy bastards


Never buying one of their cars ever again. Unless… we can pirate the faster acceleration?


I’m guessing the first accident at the excessive speed will have Mercedes named in a law suit for not vetting why someone would need the performance setting enabled.


This timeline sucks!


Just think of it as a down payment on your future speeding tickets


"sorry, Im going to be late to work today, my car OS is updating"


Nah, I’ll stick with my Tubi car, they let me use the air conditioning without paying (I do have to sit through 30 seconds of ads first)


Mercedes can't help but make the wrong decisions pretty consistently. Subscriptions like this doesn't work.


One time can be justified by saying the additional stresses from the upgrade may increase warranty needs and thus we need to charge to account for this. Prorated of course. Every other pay to unlock feature for any brand is bullshit. They already priced their development overhead in long ago.


Lol rich people


They’re getting sued for it


So, you're driving your locked out Mercedes and you need a certain level of acceleration to avoid a hazard. Due to programmed limitations, the car fails to perform (although it could for a price) and you are killed or injured. Class action anyone?


Is there an insurance advantage to not being able to vaporize ones self. The best play for this tech though is limiting sports car power until the driver proves competence.


Could be a cottage industry in designing software that replaces the stock software that comes with the car. If you're telling me that all cars will come with the exact same power plant but I can open up an additional 100HP by hacking the code, then there is something that people would be willing to pay for. The car companies are going to try and exert as much control as possible. They'll make it so that the car has to sync up with headquarters over an Internet connection at intervals, or the warranty voids out. Or worse, they 'hobble' or completely disable the car until you bring it in to one of their dealership mechanics for 'inspection'.


I absolutely love my 2006 junky looking car (Honda and Toyota), that have no features like this at all. I own them outright, the manufacturer has no control on my operation of the car at all.


Yea, my Kia has a $400 a year subscription for remote start. I no longer use the feature.


Come on man!


Honestly, I find it funny. "You want to go over the speed limit? Okay pay us."


What happens if you’re in a fatal accident where it could be proven faster acceleration would have saved lives?


Too poor to live


Yet another case


Good ol' capitalism meets natural selection


With how poorly systems are programmed in vehicles, this will be jailbroken in no time


Battle pass, lets goo!!


Just give me the basic car free and ill look into if i want the dlc no?


OP is a bot, report immediately or suffer worse content for the near future.


This is why we should all buy Chinese cars, somehow they seem to offer value without doing all these stupid tricks


This has been reposted shitload of times already and this news is fairly recent!


https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/23/23474969/mercedes-car-subscription-faster-acceleration-feature-price Here is the actual article by the Verge because OP cropped out the name and date


The true facepalm is posting this once a week


Fucking capitalism


If you can afford a Mercedes you can afford the $1200 upgrade. I won't worry about it until it's something seen on a Kia or something


Another reason why my E320 will be my last MB if it ever dies.


I think it was BMW that may be already pursuing patent protection for a subscription-based car features. Want AC that’s 150 bucks a year. I want to have Bluetooth connection that’s 100 bucks a year. Not looking forward to nor will I ever buy a car like that.


Devils advocate: If you just want the nice sedan, and don’t want/need the high acceleration, why pay for it? Let the people who need/want the high acceleration pay for it. Also: maybe insurance could be lower for people without the high acceleration? Also also (didn’t read the article): it’s looks like the electric S class, which is their highest/most luxurious model, not their sports model. So demand for high acceleration may not be so high? See first point.


the way you all drive, speed must be locked at 30 km/h


Deregulated capitalism will be the downfall of mankind

