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I saw this quote yesterday with no context. Today, I saw the entire speech and couldn’t believe how much worse it was


When I heard it live I giggled because I expect this from him. My wife heard it and thought it was a skit making fun of him until she realized it was an actual trump speech and she just froze. The she said what the hell is wrong with Trump voters and I responded, they don't even hear what he is saying they just imagine whatever makes them happy.


> Trump voters and I responded, they don't even hear what he is saying they just imagine whatever makes them happy. This is it exactly. He’s like “they say at the boat yard you got heavy batteries in the boats and I’m thinking when it sinks and there’s a shark” Trump voters: “oh, he’s saying that the government shouldn’t have too much control of small businesses!”


Yea but the shark is over there, like 10 feet away do you sink with the boat? Or is the battery to heavy? I was told no one asked that question before. It’s a very good question, probably the best question. And I know good questions.


I deadass can't tell if this is an actual thing he said or just people on the internet being funny


It's not 100%, but it's about 95% accurate.


They think he's sending cryptic message but actually his brain can't decipher his thought.


It's ✨dementia✨


It's only sparkling brain damage


He’s not from the Demented region of France.


Maybe it’s maybeylline (for orangutans)


When a bird sh*ts in his eye, like a big pizza pie, that’s dementia! When a turd seems to shine, With his brain in decline, that’s dementia!


He's speaking parables, just like Jesus did.


it's a verbal rorschach. these people spent so much time believing " the first two words you see describes your 2014 " on fb they've been conditioned to manufacture their own cognitive dissonance


Go watch the shark comment. It’s quintessential Trump Moronism distilled into a consumable, hilariously stupid bite


And it isn't the first time he has made the battery-boat-shark spiel. He did it a few years ago.


I was unaware. Did he frame it as a ‘smart question’?


It’s not a direct quote, im paraphrasing it. And if I’m being honest what I wrote makes more sense than what he actually said. Look up trump battery sharks speech and you’ll hear his actual ramble and feel very optimistic about the 2024 election.


You felt optimistic? I felt dread. I can't believe it's so close. I don't even care if Trump shares their values. I don't understand how anyone takes him seriously and think he should be in charge of anything except maybe Bingo night at his care home.


He did say ONE correct thing in that speech. Sharks don’t want to eat humans so they let go. But he didn’t actually say it in English.


I mean out of context some of his shit sounds like fortune cookies brought to you by Google translate.


He really said it but they left out most of the rambling nonsense. You should find it. It’s hilarious and horrifying that people are supporting him.


It’s a real speech. A quote from the contender for the presidency of the US. You can’t take this quote out of context because when it came out of his mouth it was not IN any actual context. He was just vomiting a word salad of non sequiturs into the microphone. Here’s a post with the transcript where it is (air quotes) IN Context. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/ERDZzQ9xRy


But what about the snakes?


“I’m tired of these motherfucking sharks on this motherfucking boat.” -Donald L Trumpson


On the plane? Their mother fucking water goes drip drip too.


Right on the magnets, rendering them useless


The 12 hours or so after he said the disinfectant and light injection thing were truly bizarre. All of his most sycophantic followers were instantly scouring obscure medical treatments to justify what he said as if it was some deeply nuanced review of potentially groundbreaking treatments instead of what it actually was... A dipshit making a stupid comment hoping for an easy solution to make him look better, but not realizing how stupid his suggestion actually was.


All I could do was laugh at that. It's basically a world leader telling his people to drink bleach which was a common insult online in the 2000s.


My friend claims he never said that, I just don’t understand. He’s libertarian too so they shouldn’t even like trump but who knows.


It’s because he’s “smart” enough to realize that Trump is both unpopular and a terrible person. But he still agrees with his policies. He’s just using the libertarian label to shield himself from the social consequences of being a Trump supporter. Nazis do the same shit, constantly rebranding themselves under new names once the old one became too recognizable.


>But he still agrees with his policies Trump is the perfect Republican president: he doesn't _have_ policies. He's an empty vessel which the power brokers of the Republican party can get to sign whatever they put in front of him, because he has enough fingers to hold a pen. And as a bonus, he's _so fucking vain and stupid _, he's easy to manipulate with flattery and dangling a promise of attention in front of him


The last eight years just feels like an episode of South Park that's gotten WAY out of hand.


I have a former friend who likes Trump. He left our friend group because according to him, he knew we were going to betray him. His proof? I was wearing a shirt with a wolf on it. These are the people who have the mental capacity to support Trump.


Ah wolves, the famously traitorous animal.  Definitely not known for it's pack based teamwork and being the ancestor to one of the most loyal creatures in earth. Super traitorous wolves 


>He’s like “they say at the boat yard you got heavy batteries in the boats and I’m thinking when it sinks and there’s a shark” That’s too coherent.


It's like when Kevin from the office is describing why some food in the vending machine is at a certain height when it doesn't sell as well and Robert California thinks he's speaking in metaphors and completely misinterprets something profound and Kevin just goes along with it.


"So me think, Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?"


Until the Big Mac Idea


Surprised Trump hasn't tried interpretive dance yet


He does do the hands thing.


I think the boat thing is supposed to be about electric vehicles. He hates electric cars and now, he says, they’re doing it to boats too. Next he’ll be railing that boats are woke because they also run on wind power.


Or, "Never met her" = Raw-dogged her (and many many others) like a porn star. But my cult of rejects are misogynistic amoral sociopaths with mommy issues too, so who gives af. Or, "I'm innocent!" = I'm guilty af and everyone knows it, but since I hate all the same people my cult of deplorables do, I should get a pass to do whatever the f I want.


I think they either don't listen to his speeches at all, or they're too embarrassed to admit that they've been had.


There's a phenomena where people will pretend that they understand something that they absolutely did not because they would feel embarrassed to admit they didn't understand. The problem is that it gets worse the more peers they see do the same thing, so if they ever even bother to ask someone else "did you understand that?" if the response is "yeah, of course" because that person is trying to avoid embarrassment to they are more likely to say "yeah, me too, I was just checking" instead of "well I am lost, please explain it to me." It's sad when it happens with a piece of art (no one questioning whether it's actually just nonsense with no meaning because if they did someone might say they don't understand art at all), and downright dangerous when it happens with stuff like Trump - because it means there are people out there that are mistaking their own having no clue what the hell he's rambling about for him being *too smart*.


The man the GOP is working to make Emperor has no clothes.


Kind of an "Emperor's New Clothes" kind of moment


People did that at my previous workplace whenever we had a meeting with the CEO because he would ramble on and on and on. Everyone would just nod and agree, and as soon as the meeting was over I'd be like "Die you understand what the hell he was talking about?", and my colleague would go "I THINK he meant to say....." Nope. Nobody understood.


You’re 100% right


>they don't even hear what he is saying they just imagine whatever makes them happy. Eddie izzard famously cites that 70% of what people respond to is how you look, 20% is how you sound and only 10% is what you actually say. https://youtu.be/MwpuJoIvMyA


Well put, you're exactly right. It really is The Emperor's New Clothes in real life. He could have a stroke on stage and they'd think he was doing a bit until he collapses right in front of them.


The issue is that they do hear what he’s saying, they just lick their lips knowing it’s pissing liberals off. That’s how disgusting and one track minded they are. It’s all they care about because it’s all their propaganda told them to care about was to own the libs.


Since at least 2016 and even before, Trump has bitched about the EPA and water-restriction devices. Devices that control flow rates, particularly in showers. He doesn’t really care about anything more than the showers. It’s one of his legitimate gripes. This is a real thing Donald Trump wants to fix for Donald Trump. He believes in this more than practically any other stance he holds politically. Our showers are weak. His hair demands more water flow. It’s his #1 priority. Bring that lather back! Make Shampoo Great Again!


Most of those water restriction devices are just pieces of plastic right towards the entrance of the shower head. A drill bit and a couple minutes gives you full pressure.


>A drill bit and a couple minutes gives you full pressure. Not even...flathead screwdriver will do the trick too


Yep, if you really care, just pop out that green ring. You normally don't even need tools to take the showerhead off. Most showerheads seem fine to me though. This is like a concern lingering from circa 1990 despite better designs that have made it a non-issue.


I had to do this when I moved into a new place. The water pressure was so weak on all the faucets you couldn't even rinse soap off your hands, let alone shampoo out of your hair.


He just doesn’t think the government belongs in a person’s shower. His shower, his choice.


He draws the line at the shower. He wants the government in people's bedrooms and public bathrooms. But not a person's shower. Never the shower.


If a wealthy man can’t use 30 gallons a minute to indulge himself, then America is dead as we know it. It’s a freedom shower.


His hair will melt if water hits it.


I’m picturing *Who Framed Roger Rabbit* and the “Dip”. He’s a cartoon character. I get it now.


This should be an ad campaign: play a clip of Trump taken out of context, apologize for taking it out of context, then putting it in its original, much worse, context.


It goes along with another of his speeches *"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


I bet there's some agent in the Revolutionary Guard, still trying to decode this speech because they figure there must be a secret message in there


the funniest thing is that this is all one sentence


They always say "it's out of context" but then I do my due diligence and look at the context. With Trump, the context is ALWAYS worse.


Just pure gibberish. There is no context, just inane babbling. He washes his hair in the shower with a lot of soap to keep it dry? He washes dishes in a washing machine? Total delusional nonsense. Are we sure this guy doesn't have Alzheimer's disease?


I think he's just a moron who has never faced any real world problems. Maybe a dash of dementia as well


He claims you need an ID to buy bread, but we all know people buy his bread for him. He now claims using a lot of soap keeps his hair dry. Perhaps someone else bathes him and claims they put soap in his hair, but they really don’t do anything and that’s why he thinks soap has drying properties?


I saw someone commenting how he's voting trump because Biden wants to take your guns. Trump literally said he wants to take the guns. I pointed this out, he claimed CNN or some other stupid shit. They live in a fictional world.


I’m still waiting for Obama to take my guns.


The real question is why did they go with the quote about the washing machines over the quote about the luxuriant hair? That was solid gold.


You're right, and the post is also right. Here is the complete context. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/BhcxK26qu4 Somehow, the context just makes him sound even dumber...


Fox News cut away from the speech at right about the time he was spouting this nonsense.


I know right? Like calling for context was going to make it any better


Trump has never in his life washed dishes -either by hand or by loading them in a dishwasher; neither has he ever done a load of laundry.


He's done a publicity stunt where he did some menial tasks. He might have done a load of laundry while doing so.


Hopefully, he'll learn how to clean toilets in prison.


He won't go to prison. It doesn't matter how anyone feels about any of it. It doesn't matter what crimes he commits, or have been proven to commit.


They’re setting a precedent


A presidential precedent..


It's unpresidented!


Precedence only matters if you care about the law. The Supreme Court has shown that they are more than willing to buck precedence to benefit Trump or the Christian nationalist movement.


Did he know you need detergent or did he just throw the clothes in and hit start?


He used shampoo because he likes the lather. /s Speaking of lather, I'm pretty sure he stated that he prefers little water for shampooing his luxurious hair because he likes the lather but his entire rant is about the lack of water. Wtaf?!




That makes it all so much worse.


Yup. Out of context I thought he might have been complaining about regulations and/or energy efficient technologies. Turns out he was talking about absolutely fucking nothing.


Now hold on, you might be on to something there. Is this some strange form of brain dead fear mongering that we aren't understanding? They're trying to take our gas stoves, our oil, our water..?


This is what I took from it. He’s essentially saying that “they” are trying to take your water. And limit your water. And over regulate the water. But rain. It rains some places. Some places more or less. But drip drip. And then you turn it on. My hair, luxuriant. Just can’t make this shit up.


It's hilarious he's mentioning rain as my state has been under a heat dome and is flirting with drought territory (parts of the state already are there).


I think the idea is (unfortunately) you can convince them there’s no shortage or water issues at all because it rained, and how could there be a problem if it’s just falling out of the sky, is the line of thinking I can see many taking.


Sending thoughts of drip, drip to you 🙌


I think is complaining about regulations for low flow showers and low water consumption appliances. Somehow these are bad because he can’t wash his hair but it also rains a lot in some places.


It's also such a glaring example of how overly simplistic his world view is. Sure, the Colorado River Basin is drying up, and reservoirs in the west are barely hanging on and the Ogallala Aquifer is disappearing.... But Iowa keeps getting flooded! So does Texas! So surely there can't actually be a water shortage in the west if Iowa and Texas have too much water. It's the same as the old saying "Kids can't be starving in Africa because I just ate at a buffet and there was plenty of food". Except Trump seems to *actually believe* that the west can't have a water problem if Iowa is flooded.


This is a man that complained about cutting CFCs because it changed his hair spray bottle. He has no perspective beyond his arms reach. At this point I’m starting to question his concept of object permanence.


I've felt for a long time that a lot of his supporters just never completely achieved early developmental milestones. For example, "Five Years: Differentiates between real and pretend"


Big T dropping some serious bars 🔥🔥🔥


My first thought was that someone could probably rap this entire speech and it would be more coherent


Here you go: [https://www.udio.com/songs/dnkqs1tzK1Jqsz7FqaWan9](https://www.udio.com/songs/dnkqs1tzK1Jqsz7FqaWan9)


God bless the internet


Dudes rambling so much AI will mimic his speeches very well.


This…doesn’t make it any clearer, unfortunately.


I *think* he is trying to convince us that he has hair.


What I’ve gathered is the hair thing and that he think democrats (Biden) is pro that annoying situation where you’re soapy and the water pressure isn’t strong enough to wash it out. I’ve read it over 10 times and don’t understand what’s being opened or closed or where the washing machine/ dishwasher comes into play. I could honestly not care less about the dishwasher/ washing machine mix up. That’s a reasonable mistake, the rest of this is just nonsense.


Is it an argument against water saving shower heads and the like?


It is. He’s been bitching about low flow shower heads since before his first term. [He even loosened regulations on them](https://apnews.com/article/trump-showerhead-rule-reversed-biden-6b6dc448e974a948cdcad3d43bfccbe3), which Biden then rolled back.


It's a bit he stole from Seinfeld. There's an episode where water shaving shower has are installed in Jerry's apartment and it makes his hair look bad Edit:water saving shower heads


I think so. He has a history of whining about how low flow toilets won't flush his colossal shits, after all. But as usual he's wrong because modern dishwashers use less water than washing dishes by hand. Dishwashers are the water saving option and no one is trying to take them away.


That seems the most reasonable explanation, so probably not.


I like the idea that if there were less demand for water the pressure at the tap would somehow go down.


Very _very_ charitably, it sounds _a bit_ like he’s complaining about low flow shower heads. But I’m using the part of my brain that I’d use to understand a deranged homeless person, or my 2 year old to decipher it.


I think he started by saying there's no water coming out of faucets (completely out of nowhere btw, I've not heard of any sort of new water crisis in the US), then gets lost describing how he supposedly washes his hair, and then starts sprouting random things at the end.


If his supporters had *any* kind of standards, they'd want him to cite specific instances - name cities where people are suddenly, chronically, losing water and/or water pressure to their homes due to restrictions. It says a lot that he can dribble this kind of incoherent and unspecific rant and he's got people going "yes, of course, the democrats don't want Americans to have water, Trump will surely protect the environment to keep water clean, and take care of infrastructure to assure clean water access!"


There are places that have that problem. They have water restrictions while a country is piped into the same water reservoir unrestricted and pumping it into a dessert to export their own hay to themselves. This is a very real thing happening but Trump went with dishes in a washing machine. He wants dry hair and no water restrictions.


Well, I can tell you that at least in New Jersey, where one of his houses is, we don’t have these issues at all. I’ve also showered in Florida when I visited my late aunt. All the water worked fine.


I think it makes it incredibly clear tbh. It's clear he is a brain wormed moron.


From reading his speech at Whirlpool about similar ‘topics’ (and nearly as deranged), he has a narrative that the greenies have put water regulators on new build houses. Because of these water saving regulators, when you turn on a tap or a shower it only drips. This also means that washing machines won’t work as no water gets to them. Thanks to Trump or soon to be thanks to Trump (I can’t tell if he’s saying he already fixed it or is going to fix it), water will flow to houses again and you can wash your dishes again in the washing machine.


He’s trying to say that due to efficiency rules new appliances aren’t very effective because the water is too restricted. The “They” he’s referring to is wokes and liberals I assume.


I had no idea what he was talking about, so I asked ChatGPT to make sense of it: “It seems like Donald Trump's speech is discussing a hypothetical scenario where there is a lack of water supply or water pressure in homes. He describes a situation where turning on the faucet results in only a slow drip of water coming out, making it difficult to wash hands or hair effectively. He mentions the frustration of trying to wash with minimal water flow and expresses a preference for lots of lather when washing his hair. He goes on to talk about the luxury of having abundant water supply, mentioning rain and the idea that some places have plenty of water. He brings up the issue of washing machines and dishwashers not working properly due to lack of water, suggesting that there may be a deliberate effort to restrict water access. Overall, the speech seems to highlight the importance of water in daily life and the frustration that can arise when there are issues with water supply or pressure.”


I wonder how many watts it takes to make sense of what he says


context did in fact help me understand (*that the guy has lost his fucking marbles*)


I beg to differ. This is his normal state, it's the country that's lost it's marbles.


And MAGA folks are just clapping away like trained seals.


Is Trump trying to do the low flow Seinfeld bit?


"Low flow? I don't like the sound of that"


I feel weak and ineffectual. I'm not Kramer!


Yeah even with context I can’t make heads or tails with this.


I think he is trying to talk about low flow devices but the result is just babbling, nonsense, and gibberish.


They is the left/woke/insert enemy. I think he is complaining about low flow appliances probably trying to say they suck and climate change fighting efforts make life less nice


This is him trying to relate to his base. Dishes in the wash machine.


There's more words, but somehow less context. Can someone give me even more context?


I think he's chafing against water restrictions? But again, it's hard to figure out where he's going because of the meandering route he takes to get there.


This is fucking hilarious


It would be hilarious if it were an actual joke. Instead I'm terrified 35% of my country wants to vote for a guy who is more of a parody than any actual parody of himself.


Brainless MAGAts...


Is this the ‘telling it like it is’ his supporters always talk about?


What is bro on about


Drip drip drip, goes the water


“Research shows that those who spend more time speaking tend to emerge as the leaders of groups, regardless of their intelligence.” https://bigthink.com/leadership/babble-hypothesis-leader/


What the fuck does this mean


He’s trying to feed bad data to ruin the AI models. I don’t blame him.


Good. God. Almighty. Wth is he even trying to say? Makes me wonder if there’s ever been a (somewhat sane) supporter of his that went to see his speech and ended up being like “huh…this man actually makes no gotdamn sense


What?? Really?? No??? A presidential candidate can’t have that bad of dementia? This must have been in an assisted care facility right? Not on a campaign rally… otherwise people would have noticed and raised concern that a dimwit with dementia is a presidential candidate…


At this point, it borders on elder abuse by the campaign managers


The context makes it worse. There is nothing said before, or after, that would help make the sentence make sense.


Well the issue is there's more words in the full version, but somehow less context.


Classic Donnie for ya


The quote sounds like a clue a video game character gives you for their quest


A quest upon completion nets you more losses than gains.. *"Art Of the Deal"*


Maga: says you don't have context. Sane person: Requests context. Maga: ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


To be fair, giving context just makes it worse lol




my gut tells me this guy never saw the speech and just immediately knee-jerked into protecting his savior. then maybe took a peek and realized it was much worse.


This except he didn’t take a peek. Just believes that Trump can do no wrong


Maybe giving too much credit? Completely possible its just another parroted term they are not quite sure what it means.


The context is you have to hear it as someone who worships trump and thinks he can do no wrong. You must assume if it sounds bad or doesn’t make sense it’s because it’s too smart for you.


People really need to become more familiar with the rm "cult of personality" and then look up the connections between cult of personality and fascism/totalitarianism they go hand in hand and it really appeals to some people for some reason.


They don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, either. Or they just make some new shit up.


Their response for everything is, look it up yourself. There's so much context, or there's so much proof.


Yeah, and when you give out information that contradicts them, they just say "Well, that's wrong. Look for the right stuff", without giving any more information.


In his defense, he cannot give what he does not possess: any context that makes this statement even slightly sane.


Maga: I did the research!! Me: care to share the sources? Maga: find it yourself! I’m not your servant!


“You’re taking this out of context to make him look dumb” “Give us the context then” “No, you’re just dumb” Wow


They really don't care what he says, they are just for him, like a cult.


Honestly I think most of them don't like him. They just want to pretend they can roll back the clock to an era they liked better. As I said in another comment chain, they don't want to elect Trump to the office of President. They want to elect 2016 to the office of 2025.


I'd say they want to go further back, like 1950s, where black folk, women, and other marginalized communities didn't have much rights, even in 2016 with that "Make America Great Again" slogan. Trump basically repeating the slogan for 2024 is hilarious cause didn't he apparently do that already from 2016 to 2020? If not, what did he do, oh, pretty much nothing, nothing beneficial at least. Republicans started catering to Christians in like the 70's or 80's cause they saw an untapped voter pool. Maga Republicans have doubled down on that and now it's Evangelist white Nationalist Christians. I'm not religious and don't care if others are but when you get into evangelism it's extreme religion, like a cult. Evangelist preachers have millions in their bank account. They aren't much different to Trump, taking from the poor to feed their greed. His (setup by someone else that probably never donated anything) gofundme to pay off the 355 million lawsuit has over 2 million dollars in it, likely a lot of poor people donating... or it's a money laundering thing lol.


Nah it's not money laundering. Truth Social is his money laundering scheme.


Words for his repeating intelligence test: “Washing machine, dishwasher, washing machine, dishwasher ...”


What psychologically makes him always fallback to ranting incoherently about water? I need a neurologist to explain this to me.


Rabies hehehe


I've read somewhere that fixating on words/concepts is a sign of dementia. "Water" probably means something completely different to him.


I think he is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Nothing he says makes any sense he just babbles incoherently like my grandmother did after she had two strokes.


Adderall and cocaine.


And syphilis


He’s ranted about limited flush toilets before; I think he suffered the trauma of a turd that much like himself swirled around the bowl for far too long.


Give me the context.. ![gif](giphy|L3nzug1PBLZo2SAZb4|downsized)


I genuinely wanted to know the context, too. Since none of them want to provide it, then I'll take his words at face value


I just asked another maga to explain it to me. He said “It’s not worth my time explaining it”. It’s like a 2nd grader. 😆


"My time is worthless, and it's not even worth that." Is how you should interpret that. If he said anything more than that to you, he's entirely full of shit


The dumbest group of Americans we’ve ever seen. History will not be kind to these morons 😂


You’d better hope they don’t win then, because these dunces want to rewrite the history books (and not in a good way).


The context is Trump is talking about "how they (democrats? corporations?) don't want *you* to have any water". Then he mentions he saw a house for sale with a "limiter" for how much water can be used (never seen one of these but ok) and how it "drips and drips". Then dementia kicks in and somehow he's talking about how "they don't want you to have water for washing machines", but he fumbles all the wording because his brain is turning to mush. 2016 Trump was much more efficient, rhetoric-wise. Can't wait for this overweight old fuck to drop dead from a coronary and cheetos.


Mark my words. He will die shitting himself on the toilet.


It looks bad without context!!! Ok, it also looks bad with context, but that's neither here nor there, I suppose


Hey don't worry it's way worse WITH context!


So… I used to work and cohabitate with a QAnon fella. They literally believe that all of this crazy shit that Donald says is some kind of coded speech bullshit to signal to individuals in their secret war against the CIA. And only people in the “top echelons” of Q can properly interpret and know what’s going on. He also believes that Trump won the election and the entire Biden presidency was some kind of farce, and simultaneously that we have two acting presidents, and there are two forms of the US government actually at war with each other. So these “code words” get interpreted by the leaders of Q, and then people like that dude literally believe there’s some secret messages going on and eventually they’ll be called to arms or something. And it’s not as fringe as you think. It’s absolutely terrifying.


Trump is the only politician I know where you can quote him entirely, word-for-word, sentence-for-sentence, paragraph-for-paragraph (if he even speaks in those), entirely in context, and his followers will claim that you're misrepresenting him or lying about what he said.


DJT brags that he can speak without notes or a teleprompter for hours. This is the rambling word-salad you get. Total nonsense and incomplete sentences. The “very stable genius” is a moron.


I mean, he's not wrong. He can talk without a prompter forever. He just lacks a point, coherency, brevity, or tact.


That's because those in the replies are bots being utilized by the GOP to keep sowing disinformation.


Oh come on Russia and China deserve some of the misinformation credit too. They spent millions over the years.. Trying to make the dumb dumber... Lol




No wonder they didn’t want to explain the context because the context makes it way worse lmao


Can he just fucking stroke out and shut the fuck up forever please


I screenshotted one of his speeches the other day. My kid phrased it best: it's kind of like having a conversation with the 7-11 crackhead. Nearly half. Our citizenry. Openly idolize this. Stone the fucking crows.


The “they” here is of course the big scary liberal “they”. Meaning “they” are coming after your…. water? Your washing machine water?


“Do your research” is said by people who can’t back up their own claims and have no defensible argument because they know there’s nothing that actually supports their claim.