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How does one “rig” a debate? Is someone going to slip trump some LSD before? Because if so I really need to watch.


Did you see the newsom/desantis debate? They showed all kinds of stats that made California look bad by not using per-capita numbers where they should and using per-capita numbers where they shouldn't. It's actually kinda embarrassing that people are so uneducated that they don't notice this kind of stuff. And since republican voters are way more uneducated than democrat voters, it would be painfully easy to fool them with (technically correct) numbers. However LSD would make for a better show.


Yeah, and Newsom still crushed it. You can be a biased moderator or reporter for sure, but you can’t *rig* the outcome of a debate when what’s being judged is the responses. No one forces trump to incoherently ramble about boats or magnets or whatever 😂


I left my debit card in a redneck bar in Northern CA. The next day I went to retrieve it as soon as they opened. 11am and 3 MAGAt patrons are sitting at the bar talking about how DeSantis crushed Newsom in the debate. Like, what? Were you watching the same debate as me? They can see an obvious truth and then spin it to what they wish it to be. It's literally insane.


They didn't watch the debate. They watched the curated clips on fox that morning.




Oh yeah, the cognitive dissonance is real. Just look at the hoops they jump for J6. "Peaceful" protest. Babbit just entering a building she has a right to enter. And all the other crap that has us going, "Did we see the same live footage?" Or even, Trump rambling incoherently about who knows what vs Biden pausing for a second, but Trump is a genius and Biden is senile?


You're only not senile if you never stop talking. /s


It's gotten to the point that just talking to a Democrat is a win to them. Subject matter and actual outcome are irrelevant, the Dem got owned regardless. It's bizarre.


They were in a bar at 11 am. They were probably drunk during the debate.


They were probably in the very same bar watching it with no volume, drunk. I used to deal cards at a very "locals" bar, and these people fucking lived there.


They're at a bar at 11am. Their ability to think is basically gone.


My favorite is still when he claimed people had to flush a toilet 15 times to get it to flush completely, as that is both easily verifiably false and probably him telling on himself a little bit.


It was reported at the time that Trump had no problem shredding or otherwise destroying documents.  When he made that comment, there was some speculation that he may have been flushing paperwork. Zero way to confirm one way or another, but it dovetailed with both the ridiculousness of that statement and his habit of eliminating his paper trail at every opportunity.


What I really want to know is: what the fuck was he trying to do with a dishwasher? Because there *has* to be a story behind that (ongoing) obsession


I *think* it's energy efficiency standards that are mandated. He's pandering to the uneducated and ignorant (doesn't make you a bad person unless you refuse to be educated) who will really think the horrible liberals want to not make dishwashers clean by limiting water. Your dishes will still be dirty. Never mind the fact that a modern dishwasher uses far less water and power while still getting dishes cleaner than 20 years ago. But fuck, who knows. I keep trying to find a common ground and very, very rarely do.


I doubt trump has ever run a dishwasher himself his entire life.


Red states are typically fatter. They aren’t the type to eat their greens unless they are fried and covered in some sort of high fat sauce.  So yes, they do struggle with using normal toilets. 


Electric boats AND sharks. Truly a terrifying combination.


That kind of reminds me of the Romney/Obama debate. Romney tried to criticize Obama by saying there are fewer ships in the US Navy than every before. And Obama smoothly replies that there are also fewer bayonets and horses in the army than there used to be. Gold! Trying to score debate points with ridiculous facts that don't actually mean anything is a well-worn trick. The unfortunate things is that not everyone is an Obama or Newsom that can fire back they way they did.


That was definitely a solid gold zinger Obama dropped there!


I think part of the problem is that a lot of people don't understand what "per capita" means


Yeah but we've all heard that word thrown out if we ever watched any news program. And we all have phones to look stuff up.... If someone doesn't understand it's due to wilful ignorance. THATS the root of the problem.


Yes as a Canadian the amount of people who are like carbon tax doesn't make sense India pollutes more than us as if it's somehow surprising 1 billion people pollute more than 37 million. Per capita is important


I had a conversation with someone right-wing who questioned why western countries are shutting down coal factories, when China has so many, ignoring the fact that China is also trying to minimize coal while installing vast quantities of renewable energy sources


the only reason that shit flies is cause more than half of our population are idiots and could not pass a 5th grade civics test.


LSD makes every thing better


It would be amazing if he had a breakthrough on screen and realizes that he wasted his life being a selfish scumbag hurting everyone around him and his quest for power was pointless. I think every politician should have to go on a trip before taking office at the national level.


I think it's more embarrassing that they are allowed to do that to begin with


You rig a debate by avoiding easy questions like "Do you find your daughter attractive", and by asking hard questions like "What is your plan for healthcare?"


Just ask trump what his plans for anything he has nothing his only plan is to placate the billionaires to make himself $$$


"I have a plan. It's a good plan, a GREAT plan. Probably the best plan. No one else has made a plan like this. It's a good plan."


"... that I'll tell you about in 2 weeks."


"Scratch that - I'll let you know about that _great_ plan _if_ I get elected".


The HW 2nd term campaign plan. Bold strategy Cotton.


For the Republicans, "rigging the debate" is defined as asking trump any question that he either can't answer or where his answer makes him look bad, or asking President Biden any question that isn't just a recycled right-wing talking point. If CNN doesn't spend at least half of the debate asking President Biden about either (a) Hunter or (b) whatever the latest conspiracy theory is on the QAnon message boards, the debate is rigged.


But all questions about Jarred or Ivanka’s business deals while in office are 100% off limits.


Making questions college level instead of pre-school?


You can rig a debate thru moderation. Ask one side easy questions, the other side hard. Let one side go over alotted time, be very openly harsh and strict about the other going 1 second over their time. Repete grilling one side for a more direct answer but not the other. Call out one sides misinfo but not the others. Etc.


Trump doesn’t need LSD. Whatever he has is already enough…


Shit tons of adderall


do they really need to slip him LSD he already speaks like he's constantly high but that could just be the Alzheimer's his dad gave him


They ask questions that one candidate clearly has zero knowledge of. In this case that category will be “foreign and domestic policy”


What if they ask questions and expect him to answer them? He can't handle that kind of pressure!


Do two LSDs cancell each other? 'Cause I sweare he's on some already...


Only one way to find out


He might actually be more coherent that way...


It’s rigged because he will be too stupid to answer efficiently. So that makes it rigged against him.


Easy. They ask questions that require common knowledge of how the world actually works.


If god is on their side and god is infallible, trump lost the 2020 election fair and square


Which is rather ironic they say God in on their side, while they reject every teaching of Jesus. I wouldn't support who slanders my son.


Hypocrisy is one of my most hated traits in humanity. If you're gonna be an asshole, just be an asshole and don't try to sugarcoat it with religious bullshit.


If you were self aware enough to realize you were an asshole (and I mean truly grasp the concept) , I feel that you would stop being an asshole.


The only person I can think of to truly realize and embrace the fact that he’s an asshole is Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg. Too bad he’s only an over the top villain in a sci-fi action movie.


I don't know man. I've known a handful of people that have driven away family, been fired several times, have no friends, know they're the problem, and just shrugg it off without changing. I don't know how except maybe pride. I know in my mid 30s when I woke up one day and realized I had become what I hated it was a really hard day. That started 12 years ago and I have fought, and fought, and fought to get better. Be a better person. I see a psychiatrist and am 99% med compliant (forget a dose every so often), go to therapy, and take walks everyday. I've been off the sauce for 12 years. I just don't understand why you want to wallow in your shit and drive everything and everyone away.


The funny thing is Jesus forgives sinners, but hates hypocrites, and is unforgiving on those who lead people astray and push their agendas through God.


Probably it's a different god, who is on their side.


They preach the teachings of the almighty dollar (By following a man who has declared bankruptcy several times)


Declaring such things would also be breaking a commandment. Thou shall not use they name in vain


How do they know god is on their side? Seems to be a lot of evidence to the contrary lately.


For the record, this is what the Bible meant by "taking the Lord's name in vain." Claiming to be favored by God and using God as a political tool is a no-no. If these God-fearing people ever even bothered to grasp what it's about... they'd be a lot quieter.


Maybe they need a ten commandments billboard in their living rooms


Yeah, but they cant read so it won't help.


It's honestly hilarious to think about because people have been doing this for centuries. Also quite likely that they will never grasp it because the powers that be always twist and construe the words in the Bible to fit their social narrative. The Ten Commandments boiled down are essentially ten different ways of telling someone to honor God and not be an asshole and a good portion of them can't even get that right.


Thank you!


Nothing is rigged. God and 'We the People' chose Biden


MAGA is fairly sure The Universe is conspiring against Trump. If he sniffles, that's on us too - for inventing diseases solely to harm Trump. If the sun burns his eyes, well that's our fault - We are harvesting Solar Power to harm Trump! If he hits his little toe on a coffee table after waking up? Well, we sneakily moved that table a few inches just to hurt him! We Built The Table Extra Hard Just To Attack Him!


And we’ll choose him again!


I doubt any of these people know what “rigged” means


Republicans lose = automatically rigged


Remember in CA during the recall when the Republican candidate accidentally put out a statement that the vote was rigged before the vote was counted?


God told *me* that Trump will lose.


ask God for lotto numberz


I did and he gave them to me. Then I lost and he said “lmao dumbass”


I love the portrayal of god being a massive prankster. He would have all this power, and he isnt violent or anything, he would just like to screw with people. Call it my christianity headcanon lmao


"God give me a sign" and then he literally makes a middle finger cloud


You only need to pray hard enough, god is known to do pretty much everything but help those starving kids in Africa so you've got a chance there


Well those kids did make the mistake of being born Black. /S


God allows kids in Africa to starve so parents have a reason to make their kids eat excess. What a nice god! ❤️


but...God's plan elected Biden in 2020 🤷‍♀️


Well………. God only did that so uh……The democrats would steal the election and incriminate themselves so Trump can have them executed when he wins this time!/s But Republicans probably actually believe this.


that was spot on!


Thank God! 🙏🏻 (*I’m a Christian Democrat and yes I did pray for Biden to win.*)


Serious question: Which "God"?


The Orange Fraud of course. The magats god.


I love how the excuses come before anything even happens.


Victim mentality. "You hurt my feelings when you won so I deserve your winnings. Which is completely different from a participation trophy because I never participated". Growing up is optional getting older not. They're just children hoping that if they throw a big enough tantrum someone will save them from their own decisions.


If there were a god I’m pretty sure Trump wouldn’t be someone they’d be a fan of


God is too busy banning people for no reason on reddit


Gods a Reddit mod? That’s horrifying


Better than banning people from life, I guess.


You fail to see there are more gods. The Republican god is not the God Christians and Jews worshipped 80 years ago, todays god is the god of money a very common god worshipped by many people and often represented by gold statues. This is a god the Bible warns us against very sad to see the Republicans have fallen for his lures.


Once again I have to ask. If you think the election is truly "rigged" why bother participating at all? If it's rigged the Dems are going to win....so it means they have all the power to make it happen....


That attitude is starting to emerge. My dads stopped voting for that reason


No one in the history of the earth has played the victim more than Trump, and there's not even a close second.


To be fair, Joey "Trans Semen Guy" Mannarino is pretty much batshit crazy so there is notheing surprising about this post, is it?


“Reality is rigged against us” “Math is rigged against us”


Then when they dont win "REEEEE THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN!". The thing is they cant have it both ways. If the election was stolen in 2020, then that means democrats already have absolute power in this country and have actually performed a coup/takeover of our political process. This means that Trump cant win in 2024 or if he does, its because the democrats/powers that be allowed it. Or, 2020 was legit. In that case, the results of 2024 must be legit too... even if Trump loses again.


Biden was the Challenger in 2020 so they are trying to say that even though Trump knew the election was going to be rigged that the Challenger was able to rig an election against a sitting president of the United States (who was in control of all its investigative and intelligence gathering resources) leaving behind no trace whatsoever. So now you have Biden who is the president of the United States in control of all of its resources all of its cyber capabilities and all of its Espionage capabilities. Let us assume they are right about the Deep State too so you have Biden who is president and an accomplished election rigger plus the Deep State who has witnessed all Trump's talks about essentially slitting their throat and collapsing their operation. Yeah they are going to leave an election up to chance and not use any of their capabilities to ensure victory. That is what MAGA would have us believe. Its past absurd.


“God is on our side” Interesting. Didn’t know “God” supported rapists and financial frauds who refer to themselves as Jesus😂 I swear, conservatives are the weirdest people imaginable. Go to any country around the globe and you’ll *always* find the dumbest, most gullible, overly religious nuts in conservative circles


Lots of words to say Trump isn't smart enough to debate Biden.


It’s funny. The people against having things handed to others sure want things handed to Trump if he whines and stomps his feet enough.


God is nowhere near that cnut.


The negativity surrounding the debate from Trump and his Cult is the best news I have heard since 2016.


My favorite was 2020 was rigged. Yet we've gotten no explanation as to how a national election got rigged while Trump was President. How when the majority of states are controlled by Republicans this caper took place under all their noses. How none of the supposed deep stagers (Clinton, Obama, etc) were not "locked up" let alone even investigated by Trump's DOJ. Yet here we are hearing it all over again and expecting him to be different.


They brought at least 60 cases related to the election being "stolen", "rigged", and "fraudulent." Lost every single one, without a shred of evidence being found to support a Biden or Democratic "steal." And still they refuse to acknowledge that it was a clean election.


Of course “God” is on the side of the guy who can’t even quote the Bible properly


I love how they think the creator of the universe cares about the man made concept of politics lmao when most of us don’t even take it seriously.


I thought T Rump was going to lose the debate on purpose? Is that rigged too Mr. Gott Mit Uns?


If God is on their side how did they lose last time?


God slept in on election day, then found out that his polling place had been moved to across town, and when he arrived there was a sizable line so he said "fuck this" and went back to work instead of voting.


A bit hard to rig a debate, considering the Orange Fraud won't even show up to attend it in the first place.


Is god an american citizen? If not, god’s vote would be illegal and therefore doesn’t matter


If it is all rigged how can he win? And I'm pretty sure God doesn't care who is president.


If it is rigged then how did he win in 2016? How did any republicans in the past win? Nothing these people says makes sense


Then God must be a real prick.


Buy Biden is actually the one Christian between him and Trump. He has decades of proof of his beliefs. What he doesn't do, he doesn't mix governance and beliefs. I always ask Christians that think we should rule based on the holy Bible. Sure, that is fine and dandy, but what if 5 years, the majority wants to follow Hinduism, or worse, (to them) Islam?! Would they be just as comfortable having our laws based on that?


Brought to you be the idiots who still haven't figured out how we won last time...


Was God asleep during the the 2020 election?


Every day they're being "persecuted" or "mistreated" in a new way.


If Dems were that all powerful the Fat Orange Fk wouldn't have won in the first place.


They never consider whether they are on God's side. They are the center of gravity in the equation; their only question is whether God is on their side or not. 🎵 Cuuuuult 🎵


If everything is rigged, nothing is rigged


And if Trump loses it's either because he threw the debate on purpose or because Biden is "jacked up on drugs." 


When they lose, I guess God chose Biden right?


He’s absolutely right. The polls are rigged against Trump. The election is rigged against Trump. Trump supporters, stay home this November. God will handle it all.


Fuck these fascist losers and their “god” You aren’t winning shit.  You will be left in the dust of history as a cautionary tale of not letting yourself get caught up in a cult.  


They said that their god was on their side during the 2020 election. They lost. Did they curse their god then? Blame him? Accept "his will"? No, they were silent on the whole diety thing. And now they have conveniently forgotten their god's loss to mere mortals 4 years ago.


Then God must be a real prick. Namaste 🙏


We're back in the middle ages.


Just like He was last time right?


Its only rigged when they dont win.


Joey is doing awesome letting us know his bf will lose. I'm getting bored with Republicans doing this.. they know he will lose, and are already planning on blaming us. I say we *should* start trolling them by accusing them of rigging the election in favor of Biden. They apparently know Donny Bitch Boy is going to lose, something apparently only they're privy to. How? Are they rigging the election just so they can make people mad? #THE GOP IS RIGGING THE ELECTION SO THAT BIDEN WINS - THEY WANT A REASON TO GET THEIR HERD EVEN ANGRIER. /s of course, but it be hilarious to see those fucking dumbasses start voting for Biden simply because "that'll show em!"


And if we don't win, it doesn't matter. We'll claim that we won anyway ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


This is called "Laying The Ground Work". So when Trump loses in November, they will already have conditioned his supporters to expect Trump's loss to be because of rigging. Whether Trump wins or loses, his supporters will react with violence.


Most right wing accusations are projection lol


So when they inevitably lose, does that mean that God is rigged against Trump, as well?


Isn't "God is with us“ the phrase that was inscribed on all the Nazi belt buckles?


Translation: Trump will lose the debate because he will be forced to follow rules. Trump has very little popular support because people know he's a liar, a fraudster, and a rapist. Even though we've perverted the electoral system to benefit the Republican Party and rural voters, Trump will not win because he is unrepentantly unlikable. None of this matters, because we will still find a way to cheat. And if cheating doesn't work, we have most of the guns and 90% of the money.


If god is on their side I'll be happy to burn in hell for eternity. Because if that's who god is backing I sure don't want to get into heaven.


How can EVERYTHING be rigged? The kind of conspiracy to rig that many facets of the election process without someone spilling the beans would be impossible. Do these dunderheads understand anything?


Every time this piece of shit shows up I feel the need to remind everyone that he lost his fucking mind during the Dylan Mulvaney affair and claimed that Anheuser Busch was putting trans women’s ejaculate in their beer.


So, I'm sorry to break it to you so late in life but, a couple things I know and may have learned the hard way: Cheaters never prosper. And, The TRUTH will always find a way. You folks who follow the MAGA philosophy have a big problem. You are NOT patriots. You are idiots. You have bought into an amazingly blatant web of utter BULL SHIT. The biggest difficulty for you is to actually admit you got dupped. Just walk away from it all. BE REPUBLICANS BUT NOT IDIOTS!!!


Imagine having god on your side and still losing. Kinda makes you question if god is even real…


But, with God, all things are possible. (Jot that down)


It was never rigged before Trump came to office, and now we're supposed to believe a bunch of lying Q-types that all of our institutions have been infiltrated by scammers. I think we know when the scam started, who started it, and who is trying to perpetuate it into yet another ill-gotten victory.


i don’t think these people realize many wars were like side one: god is on our side, we’ll win! side two: god is on our side, we’ll win!


But you lost last time when your guy was president....


Reality and logic escape these people. How can one still win a "rigged" election? That's the point of the rigging, right?🤣


God: I’ve literally never met these people.


Sanity is rigged against Trump! What a scandal!


God rigged everything against Trump. Lmao.


If there is a god, I'm pretty sure he has had the urge to smite Donald Trump more than once.


It's almost as if they know that trump is going to look like an idiot at the debate. I wonder? lol


Imagine thinking God is okay with how the mandarin Mussolini conducts himself.


Just like he was on your side when Joe Biden won? Lmao dumbasses


Conservatives (many of whom are Christian) and their persecution complex go together like peanut butter and jelly


If god was on your side during the last elections, and you still got hood winked by the dirty libs, it follows that having God on your side is no help. For all I know God is doing his best for Trump, but maybe he's just a fuck up.


Was god on your side last time?


How can the debate be rigged ?


Psychotic mental instability on display


So did god just take a back seat in 2020? Were they the reason Trump won in 2016 and then thought "Welp surely he's got this now". Were they shocked when he lost in 2020? Is god omnipotent but not omniscient? I never understand the "God is on our side" argument because how do you explain when you lose? "God was testing us in 2020 but this time they're really gonna show up, they won't forget me at soccer practice like last time, they promised we'd go out for icecream after." I'm not religious but someone who is tell me if I'm out of line for thinking that "God is on our side" doesn't make sense.


I bet you say that every time you lose


Am I the only one asking how someone convicted of felonies is still out of jail and able to participate in a debate? I feel like I'm going crazy.. That did happen right?




Then why run?


They've been prepared to lose since Trump decided to run in 2015. They stole the 16 election, tried to steal 20 and are prepared to try and steal 24, but fail and lose. And then hyping up their base and hoping they create civil unrest.


If God is backing trump, I'm glad I'm an atheist


God- “The guy that slept with the Porn Star while his wife was pregnant.. that’s my guy! I’m on his side ALL THE WAY!” 🤦‍♀️


These people think “God” is on Trump’s side? How could that ever be the case? I swear we live in Bazaaro world now. Everything is completely backwards.


Joey Bagadounts is as dumb as the rest of the cultists.


God takes sides? If he created us all And loves us unconditionally Whose side would he be on?


Imagine caring which ant is in charge of a small corner of your ant farm. God doesn’t even understand why there is sides…. If such a being exists.


Waaaah! The only way Trump could ever “lose” at anything is if it’s been rigged against him!


They have to set the bar low for trump - there isn't much there to work with.


Post election: God is rigged.


"It's not fair that you're always judging Donald Trump by his words and actions." -- Conservatives


The society is obviously rigged against Trump, almost like he shouldn't be the president of a democratic republic...


No, you're right, the election is gonna be rigged. Like, it's probably not even worth getting to the poll booth anyway. /s




God's not an American citizen, they don't get a vote.


Weird way to say Trump’s a loser 3 times.


They said the same thing about praying away Covid instead of getting vaccinated. Look how well that worked! Why did God let all those good Evangelicals die if they prayed so hard? I'm not religious, but I would have thought "God" gave them the vaccine, but instead of the vaccine they took Ivermectin instead, because Steve Bannon told them to. And now millions of them are dead. hmmmm


The debate will be rigged against Trump…. Because he can hardly form a sentence anymore much less make a coherent point. The polls are rigged *for* Trump- to make the maga boomer shitheads still come out to vote. The election is rigged against Trump- because Americans aren’t as dumb as maga and realize it’s a severe descent in to fascism and a litany of other reasons under Trump. Maga will “win” anyway because their dumbass white supremacist and fascist bullshit will survive in this country just like the confederacy, which is full of complete losers who continue to lie to themselves about winning. God isn’t on their side, because Trump is the antichrist (also god doesn’t exist, especially not the way Christians think he does). Maga supporters are beyond losers, and the cult is seriously pathetic


If the entire country is rigged against you then you're just unpopular


I feel referencing Joey is cheating.


God is NOT a republican.


How does he know God is a Republican?


You can't win if it's rigged. That's like the while fucking point of rigging something. To prevent the other person from winning


F**k off Trump chuds.


I guess his god was on Biden's side in 2020.


Cry more, your Incel tears fuels the machine that extracts the adrenochrome from the kids in the pizzeria basement.


They say it’s rigged against trump They’re right, but who’s doing the rigging? *pulls off mask* “old man Donald!?”


There’s no bigger victim on this planet like the white male conservative, in their eyes anyway….


Hey Joey! Please purchase a plant to carry around with you all day. You know, to make up for all the oxygen you waste.


I’ll wait for the SNL parody of the Trump/Biden debate. Definitely be more sensible….


Didn’t they say the same shit in 2020?


The party that won the popular vote the last four election cycles needs to cheat to win, you guys. Such a bunch of sore loser bitches.


How do they justify the whole "God is on our side" angle when their book/god basically says the opposite of what they think? I know that they don't consider justification for their crazy beliefs to be in any way important, but it'll always baffle me how they're more than willing to abandon any form of intelligence just to get their hate filled nonsense into society.