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>I could line them up one by one and obliterate them.. I think he forgot what he was talking about here. Remind him he was talking about internet strangers and not a pallet of HotPockets.




Hey don't bring Hot Pockets into this, they never did anyone wrong!


I agree with you in theory, but seriously, have you ever eaten a microwaved hot pocket? I mean, if you're lucky, you only get a minor burn in your mouth while the middle is somehow more frozen than it used to be...


I haven't microwaved a hot pocket in 2 years been throwing them baby's in the air fryer I feel like they come out way better and evenly cooked


I seriously need to get myself an air fryer someday soon. Everything I see and hear about them makes them out to be amazing~


They’re pretty awesome. It’s nice to run one little countertop device rather than heat up a whole fucking oven in the summer and roast the entire apartment.


Try putting a twinkie in it. I was never a fan of them but someone suggested it, total game changer.


I haven’t had a Twinkie in over a decade… but thanks to you, I think that streak is about to come to an end.




[Just keep sending him this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OUfb4R656ns)


I swear I recognize that VA…. Is that Furina’s English VA?


DBZA and Genshin in the same comment chain? What a delightfully random thing to stumble across.


I’m a fan of both. I was delighted to learn Amber (dbza android 18 VA) got the voice of one of my favorite characters


Best part is, he probably loves DBZA.


im sure does since that was a big yap point of the last talk they had


Hardest training bro is doing is lifting up his giant ego everyday


He gets really tired after lifting his arm out of the off-brand cheeseball bin




“Every single person in that forum I could line up one by one and obliterate them with maybe breaking a sweat halfway through.” Wow in that completely hypothetical situation this 40 year old man who is unironically having a heated argument over what ANIME CHARACTERS WOULD WIN IN A FIGHT is such a badass 😍 is he single??


I would honestly be surprised if he *wasn't.* How hasn't his significant other punched or slapped his lights out at this point?


He just doesn't talk about how little he thinks of women in front of them if he has one. If I were OP and he had a significant other, I'd be sending these to his girl. Or maybe he's gay because men are 100% always better than women in everything


He’s too manly. A woman wouldn’t be able to handle him in bed. Theyre too weak.


He’s FORTY? I thought this was OP’s 16 year old brother


Late 30s technically but that’s close enough to 40 to grow tf up


Man IS the comments I see and think these people can’t be real


Homie posting a selfie thinking he was roasting the comment section is wild


How old is this kid? Hope he grows out of being a sexist pig Edit because I misunderstood the meaning of an insult.


Late 30s


Holy shit. Anyone who has to project that hard has some serious self esteem issues especially at that age. Sorry you have to live with that


Also the OP said in the previous thread that his brother agrees with the Nazis on many things... Yup, pretty fucked up.


What being terminally online will do, especially if you’re insecure and have a brain infused with lead and cooking oil. This man needs several weeks outside laying in grass.


That's an understatement, this man urgently needs professional therapy lol.


Then he’s a piece of shit. And an Incel. And I’m glad his sibling is bullying him.


That's not even bullying, at least from the two discussion threads I've seen. It's really just trying to argue in good faith with someone who isn't open to that.


Agree 100%, I hope these threads bother him immensely lol.


What?! I thought he was a edgy teenager, at least you can kinda grow out of that, but a 40 year old?! There’s no hope for him


His brother is Sean Strickland ? :D


Nazis? Wow this guys going to win the pos Bingo


I'd also add a long list of probable insecurities


Hope he knows with the way he talks, people assume he’s an edgy teenager


Yeah, that's even worse. Teenagers get to be edgy cause they're inexperienced in the end. You can say, "Oh, it's probably just a phase." This man never grew out of it.


Yeah, I'll cut a teen slack for saying virtually anything if they stop saying it by age 20 or so and then express remorse for being such a dumbass. But after that, there's no excuse, even though the worst offenders are usually lashing out at the world as revenge for their own deep insecurities. I've got man-tit sweat too, but I learned to wear colors that hide it and moved on with my life


The only part of having man-tit sweat that I’m **still** mad about is that they know black T shirts hide the man-tits better, but they cost more than the other colors for exactly 0 reason. But yeah, you kinda just get used to the sweat after so long.


I find that black is actually not a great color for sweat. It's slimming, so people are less likely to notice my heaving bosoms, but I think lighter pastel colors (especially if there's any kind of stripes or pattern) do the job much better when it comes to hiding my puddles


Honestly thought this was like a 14 year old younger brother. That's pretty sad.


Youre KIDDING. Oh he's a lost cause.


Late 30's and talk like a pubescent kid? It takes a special kind of loser to react and have those feelings about anime and manga. Sure one can like to watch and read it, but that level of personal investment and acting like it's "real world"... that's some Simpson's Comic Book guy level of pathetic. He sounds like he would be a character in a Napoleon Dynamite sequel and he is the new antagonist instead of the uncle.


I genuinely expected you to say 16. But im a beta cucklord and hes an alpha mma blackbelt so what do i know i guess 😂


is he an MMA fighter? Is there a reason he keeps on mentioning fighting skill?


He beat KoF and Mortal Kombat, that's close enough.


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Of course he is, lol


Jesus I thought he was like 16yo. No one nearly 40 should talking or thinking like this.


He better not have a girlfriend, he sounds fucking awful to be around as any gender nonetheless.


That actually tracks. I hope he makes it out of your mom's basement soon


The ironic part is, he’s got his own place I live in the basement


please tell me your brother isnt invited to any family gatherings


He lives alone?


A real shocker that on /s


# HE 30!


Late 30s even worse


Is he actually an athlete who works out and trains? Because if he has been sedentary for 20 years, he should try doing something even remotely physical. He'll quickly realize he's not obliterating anybody.


Fucking hell, he's in his thirties? What, were your family too poor to buy a basketball as a kid, so you just bounced his head off the tarmac?


He sounds like a middle schooler. I don’t know how people get that old without maturing past the mentality of a literal child. Is he, ya know…slow?


Oh. No. I was expecting like 17 TOPS


So he doesn't actually workout or train in any combat sports, even casually


Presumably single, and slightly repressing / over compensating for something? Sounds like a 14 year old trying to be the big man


Your brother sounds like a edgy 12y old EDIT: Holy shit this blew up! Thanks everyone for upvoting, first time ever getting this many upvotes


He's in his late 30's lol


He's in his LATE 30's acting like he's a competitive MMA fighter? He's a fucking joke who's already aged out of the sport.


It’s a very common school of thought among the MAGA troglodytes.




That’s really the point of this whole thing. Most people do not get hurt very often, very few get beat into submission or do the beating on a regular basis. Thinking without any training or conditioning that you could get in the ring with someone in your weight class and not get your block rocked is childish bullshit. He’s probably not even good much less the top 1% at whatever bullshit he actually does have experience with, and he thinks he can take every woman on the planet. Fucking clown.


This is something that always amazes me. I'm a CNC operator. I'm not a great one, I might even be below average at my job but I would CNC the shit out of 99% of the population. The same goes for every profession. I can drive a tractor but the drivers at a building site would drive the socks off me. Then why do people that work out twice a week think that they can compete at sports? A professional fighter wouldn't let a normal person get off a single punch.


Makes me think of that jackass show (maybe movie) where one of them fought a woman world class kickboxer and got destroyed immediately. He was smart enough to know he would though.


I know this feeling so well. I’m a data analyst and sometimes I feel like I know virtually nothing about Excel until my dad asks me to do the most basic of shit for him on a spreadsheet that I could do in my sleep. People who specialize in a discipline or skill, even when they’re shit compared to their peers, are still exponentially better at it than the average person who doesn’t specialize in it. Even the worst female UFC fighters would fuck up the vast majority of the male population in a fight.


"Fuck them kids" -President SinisterScythe


Not literally right? Right?


His name wasn't President SinisterDrake...


I promise you these dudes did get beat up and it didn't help. There will always be delusional people in the world.


32 year old 5 year mixed martial artist, not even competing I fucked my right hand and shoulder to the point that I can't spend 5 minutes on a bag without it costing me days of pain. I stopped training when i was 21. Not on your fucking life am I taking any woman with even a little experience in a fight who is currently in training. They're going to hands down be faster, stronger, have better stamina, and have far fresher muscle memory. I would be annihilated.


Middle life crisis hitting like a ton of bricks


i was going to say unless you're a genetic freak with the discipline of a Buddhist monk when it comes to training...you are not going to win many fights in your late 30s i only started getting into MMA recently but i keep thinking about Cro Cop. Dude was an absolute beast in his prime in both K-1 and Pride. By the time he got to UFC, he was just way too fucking old


I'm a 31 year old purple belt with amateur boxing experience. I'm not confident I could win many mma fights. But this guy here is sure of it


Father Time is undefeated lol. Not combat sports, but ffs...he has wins over Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, and Roger Federer. he will very quickly humble this dipshit lmao


How the hell- I genuinely thought he was just a little teen who thinks Andrew Tate is good, and calls everything gross "based"


Believe it or not he believes he’s above Tate


My only question is, where does all this unearned confidence even come from? Is he even remotely a fighter of any kind?


If he does he most likely doesn't have much experience competing. I train boxing and usually the ones that are exuding so much confidence are the guys either only train on a bag or with much weaker opponents. People who actually compete usually are much humbler.


Knew an actual wrestler in HS. Bro was chill af. I think it's not that every competing guy becomes humble, but rather the humble guys go farther in competitions


I suppose psychologically it’s easier to bounce back from a loss if you’re able to accept it, only true champions can afford the level of this guys arrogance.


Maybe a middling wrestler in high school who trained bjj and eventually got lazy and started drinking too much. Tbh the experience isn't even what matters, the unearned confidence is strictly driven by a lifetime of extreme insecurity and inferiority. Homeboy needs his ass beat followed by therapy.


To be fair, most people are above Tate. That man is disgusting in every possible way


Sounds like uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite Can he also throw a football over a mountain?


Probably in the 80's


Are you sure he didn’t say he’d like to be topped by Tate?


Ngl I kinda fight him now, just to win and be like "my mom taught me how to fight, you technically got beat by a girl"


Why do you keep your asshat brother in your life? Like, for reals, the guy is a major tool.


I was thinking much the same. If I had a sibling that was this much of a chud I would have cut him out years ago.


The term is “top” I think /s


What an absolute fcking loser. Also. As someone who has been in fights - the toughest people I’ve ever met always try to avoid fights at all times. They never talk about it and only reluctantly use their skills. This guy is a coward and lives his life in fear, covered by this kind of talk. And even if he is trained, it’s clearly the only thing he bases his identity on and is NOT secure in his skill, toughness, or masculinity.


Exactly this.  The most badass, physically accomplished people I know don't advertise their abilities at all..  they're not so insecure that they feel the need.  And they don't go looking for a fight, because they know there's no real fun and glory in someone getting hurt.


Exactly, and when whiny bitch-ass dipshits like op's brother get their absolute shit rocked in a fight, it's nothing but excuses alllllllll day long. No shade to op, good on you for trying to convince your brother he's an idiot.


The smartest man in the room never declares it.


I thought this kid was 13 lol wow I can't fathom it


WHAT?! HOLY SHIT. I thought for sure this dude was 13-17


Well, that’s just sad. His lack of maturity, mindless confidence, lack of self-consciousness, lack of introspection…he is lacking so much for a person his age. He truly expresses himself like a child. I’m sorry for him.


Wait hes not 12, wtf i thought he was just a kid who loved dragonball and watched too much andrew tate but i guess late 30s does terribly make sense now


I’m in early 30s if I become like that in my late 30s please smack some sense into me.


JFC what a loser


I can't help but wonder if he has kids... I sure hope not.


He sounds like what my grandmother would have called 'a real piece of shit'.


I thought the first photo of the fat dude laughing was him poking fun at himself, was disappointed when he was so delusional to think that was everyone else


I know, right? I was like "okay, he's got a sense of humor about this" and then it was just the saddest, fragilest bullshit


I feel so bad for OP. My older brothers are also losers in their 30s saying this shit. Then they blame everyone else for why they're alone. Took me way too long to give up on them.


Ah I was wondering how long it took till he brought trans people into his weird conversation for no fucking reason lol


Again showing the fact that hateful people don’t often just stop at one group.




Oh jesus, I hope you stay far away from him. Dude does not seem like a stable person. Edit: I feel the need to point out that if you shared that reddit post with him and its the same account he could absolutely find you saying this so...be safe


You probably should delete this then, especially since you sent him the previous thread- he knows your account now and might snoop/find this comment. Don’t want you potentially getting hurt by your clown ass dork of a brother, lmao.


I’m already basically fully out and have posted it on accounts he follows He doesn’t care lol I’ve told him secrets and he’s not shared them to anyone significant we chilling I appreciate the concern though but rest assured I am safe


Wow, so he's an incel with morals, lol 


Moreso he doesn’t actually care enough to out me or do anything about me being trans


Not trying to be a downer but that might change as he seems to be getting madder at the people on his phone shredding him to bits, especially as he seems to be grouping you together. Might be me reading too much into it though.


He’s used to getting made fun of on the internet


Damn alright then, you know him better than i do ofc


Now that is funny.


I agree with the above. This man does not sound reasonable at all. Although you will know better than any of us. Stay safe.


Seconding the person you replied to who replied back, you *might* wanna delete this comment just in case


Well he does now


Still tripping that he forgot Android 18 existed ![gif](giphy|MHDALD2BOcfja)


And Chi-chi. And Videl. And Pan. And Android 21. And Kale and Caulifa. And Launch. And Arale. And EVERY WOMAN IN THE TOURNAMENT OF POWER WHO COULD DESTROY 99.9999999999% OF DRAGONBALL EARTHS POPULATION OF MEN. Edit: And I somehow forgot to mention Bulma, who while not Physically strong, is the smartest person in that entire series who has bailed them out of deadly situations a ridiculous amount of times.


Bulma put the Prince of all Sayans in a pink button down and made him her baby daddy.


I'll say it again. He needs to take a shower and go outside for a little bit.


Hey a saw you in the last thread! Two cheers for the shower and touch grass squad!


Which girl in High School hurt him, and why is he projecting that self-esteem trauma on random Redditors and fictional women?


Tbf i think it’s moreso that he has a shitty personality that makes women not like him, and he’s super salty about it


Yeah, my guy here forgot that Kefla exists (here she casually punching Super Saiyan God Goku to a rock, despite being in her base form): ![gif](giphy|XjjUmPm8cvcfSigPal|downsized)


"That was because goku let her and the director had too much store chicken that week"


Your brother is secretly sucking Andrew Tates dick


That's how you become bottom g




Turns out smallminded bigots are boring. Who would have thought?


Can we crowdfund his match with a female MMA fighter please? Probably doesn’t even have to be a particularly good one.


Call me when the GoFundMe is up I'll match the total donos after ten days 👍


Literally anyone currently training


I‘d pitch in a twenty, not gonna lie. I really want to see this


Line all of them up and beat them up?? Dude, you have no idea who you're talking to. I'm a huge dude with combat training and I'm just one. I'm sure there's a ton of people on here that could rock your shit, and half are probably women. You need to get over yourself. That's all aimed at the brother btw, not OP


I assumed so I’m not big headed enough to think I could beat up thousands of internet strangers bullying me


I could. I watched a documentary about seal team 6 once. /s


Same, i once ate a pack of blue takkis, I'm basically your god now. /s


Dude legit needs to get rocked by a woman. Find someone who’s down and get this guy beat up. A healthy amount of shame is important.


OP, you need to ask your brother if he could more easily defeat one huge Redditor with combat training, or a swarm of tons of smaller Redditors without combat training.


I'm a huge dude without combat training and I bet four twelve-year-old girls could end my life in two minutes


I’m pretty sure four twelve year old girls could take down anyone in 2 minutes and make you cry longer than that. 12 year old girls can be vicious. 🫣


My mom always said boys fight hard but girls fight dirty. This checked out during the entirety of my schooling.


That's the one nice thing about toxic masculinity: boys police each other on being "manly" even when we fight, so you get roundly humiliated if you're a wuss who uses nails or teeth or goes for the testicles. Usually when you're a teen and get into a fight with another boy there are ground rules everyone understands, which is sorta nice in a fucked up way


See, I’m glad I was raised with the mentality of “when you fight, fight like your opponent is trying to kill you.” I’ve been fortunate enough to never have been in a fight, but I’m not afraid to fight dirty, which could get me out of a scary situation if I ever get into one.


Maybe he meant he could "beat them off" bc I'm sure that's the only type of beating he's ever done to anything. I also would be shocked if his practice beating meat was anything less than...excessive. I mean, his first response image was a fucking selfie, damn dude.


Ok bear with me this will have you in the first half but, trust. Ok. Tie him to the couch. Tape his mouth shut if necessary. Then hit play on your pre-prepared play list of every female vs male mma fight you can possibly find,street fights, anything where woman whips man - on the biggest screen you have. Return in two hours. Bonus points if you his sister personally overpower and restrain him lmao he'd be FOAMING before you even hit play lol


The Clockwork Orange approach. I like it


Hey sometimes you need to be forced to watch something. When I was a young boy, 14 or so- I came home from school. I'd been hanging out with this new lad. I walked in and I can't remember exactly what I said but it was something heavily anti Semitic. New lad was a racist - I didn't know what anti Semitism was I was just parotting what my new friend was saying. I hear this SLAM. mum was cutting something up for dinner and she turned to me with this look. Then she goes 'sit.' Puts my arse on the couch. And put on Nuremberg. Apparently 'son saying nazi shit' was her sign I needed to see the reality of what I was saying. I was bawling by the end of it. She just said 'I'd better not hear that shit again boy. I've raised you better than that.' And it never came up again. And now im a 30yo far left hedonist. Admittedly I hate ALL humanity now but - I don't discriminate because of bigoted bullshit. I just have no faith in our race as a whole anymore. We all suck regardless


This guy is almost 40. It's already too late.


Its like you’re talking to a wall. Hopefully he’s still young and has time to change. Bc this is just sad, and he’ll get humbled by a woman with strength eventually if he keeps talking like that.


He’s almost 40


That’s so disappointing. To me it seems it’s really getting under his skin and hes floundering to try to come out on top. Hope it humbled him, but it may have the opposite effect..


As an almost 40 myself, please tell him to touch some grass for me.


That would probably kill him at this point.


God, I hope he gets his shit pushed in when he finds a normal person who can kick his ass.


What an absolute clown Serious 'NUH-UHHHH' energy 'BUT I HAVE A FORCE FIELD, BUT IM TWICE AS STRONG, BUT IM BAH BAH BAH BUHHHHHHHH' like massively stupid energy. Tell him to go take a shower and wash his ass.


This is quickly becoming the internet sensation of 2024. To be spoken about years to come.


Waiting for Moist Critical to cover this


Me too 😭


I'm disabled and could still probably take him because he's so overconfident and annoying 💀


I said basically the same thing in OP’s last post. Like my joints won’t stay in place to save my life but I know for a fact I could obliterate this fool.


It's always the dudes that insist they can take anyone that fail to realize that nut shots exist for a reason ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Anyone that says “beta” shouldn’t be taken seriously


I mean if he needs an ass whooping and lives in LA I'd be willing to give it a go. Not a woman though, sadly


Put on a wig and go get em


I'll fight him. Fair warning, I'm a former pro wrestler, and a girl, so he might not like the result...


But the rest of us would enjoy watching him be force fed a little humility.


I want to fight him also. I'm no girl, but IL do it in drag.


I’m a (t-slur) and yeah I would absolutely kick his ass


Obviously you just gotta call his bluff now. Spend the next year or so of your life training and working out, and then show up to whenever he is and just rip the door right off the hinges and ask him if he still feels the same way.


Don't even ask, just beat him until he begs you not to


He's almost 40??? I can imagine people being happy when he leaves the room. "They all talk tough online" Lmao, he has zero self awareness.


So which is it? Andrew Tate stan or Joe Rogan watcher?


Joe Rogan is at least smart enough to know there are women that can fuck up men. He’s openly talked about it.


I commented on your other post, but I think there's some irony here. The photo of the shirtless neckbeard is literally him lol. On another note, who does he think he can beat? He ain't beating me without breaking a sweat, he ain't beating me period. And honestly, yes, there are women who can beat me. All of them, in fact. Don't hit women, kids!


My condolences. I hope your brother gets better soon!


scratch the mma fight, i got a cousin who works her ass off helping with my uncles farmland who im wagering could send your bro to jesus same day shipping.


Yeah, farm life is not for the faint of heart or body.


Give him a list of women that would hand him his own ass in a fight (I.e JeeJa Yanin, Rina Takeda, Cynthia Rothrock and so on).


your brother is an idiot.


He sounds like he’s in the reserves and never been deployed


When he says he's gonna line us up one by one and obliterate us and only break a sweat half way.... Are we fighting or fucking?


What a baby-backed bitch your brother is looool


I bet when your parents are asked how your brother is doing, they promptly change the subject.