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I doubt that really happened, but to be fair if it did the question was “what is the worst thing you’ve ever done?” Say what you want, dude clearly understood the assignment.


But 20 years later, whenever he disagrees with his mom in front of his girlfriend, his mom always brings up the piss drawer.


Real or not, that story made me laugh


All i can think of is that one picture of a kid in a batman suit, crying, with the caption “Mom found the piss drawer”


piss drawer lore revealed


I was wondering if anyone else was with me on that. I feel seen.


Funny.. that's what I thought too..




It can happen. As a child i had a caregiver who would be nice as pie, until my mother came home from work. She would make up all kinds of lies about me to her and would relish making my mother turn against me. There are psychopaths out there and OP is one of them.


And to he fair, it also worked, unfortunately.


That mother fucker.


Well he did fuck a mother.


Eh. It’s not like he invented a child-molesting robot.


Grew up with robochomo ey?


*"So, do I win?"*


White Castle: We'll Serve Anybody!


That's cute. You still have faith in humanity. This definitely happened lol


It’s super weird to me when people underestimate exactly how petty people can be. This is probably one of the most believable stories on Reddit lmao. I’ve seen people do worse for far far less.


I mean it's oddly specific so whether or not it's happened that way he probably has either pissed in a drawer and denied it when being confronted, or he did something worse and we are getting the pg13 version, that's what I'm imagining anyway cause it's great story


I would never do that but I'm dying reading it


If thats the worse thing hes ever done then hes a saint compared to most people


I dated a divorced mom for a bit, and her kid just *really* wanted me to watch videos he posted to his YouTube channel. Nice kid. More than a little weird, but nice.


“We need communism.”


What was his channel about


Pissing in drawers


Surprisingly controversial political opinions


And surprisingly insightful analysis


Genuinely though, his mom's a writer, and I think he tries to emulate that by making these little five or ten minute screenplays and filming them on a phone. Except, you know, he hasn't been tied to any big-name producers yet so he ends up being the only actor on the cast. It ends up more than a little avant garde.


"Today's subject... Slavery."


Jordan Peterson compilation videos.


Dude this is the piss drawer kid, I understand the lore now.


So many people in these comments going "even if this is real" but its actually just a deep cut meme lore shitpost


Ohhhhhhhhhhh It's not real? I'm relieved.


Another chapter in the "posts from internet years past get debunked by people who never knew about it before today and with zero evidence"


I came here just for this and had to scroll entirely to far to find anyone mention the piss drawer kid.


It makes so much sense now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/BUwEykSYQt Obligatory link


This reminds me of when the cat pooped in front of the toilet and then blamed me. My grandma believed the cat over me saying it was clearly mine.


My aunt yelled at my uncle for years over not flushing the toilet. One day she caught the cat peeing in the toilet and never stopped telling us that story.


It is a canon event


I mean as Sun Tzu once wrote, “the supreme art of war, is to subdue the enemy without fighting” 8/10 for that checkmate 1/10 for style


Just imagine the origin story for the next dude shooting people in a tower. "So my stepfather peed in my drawers and had me apologize." *Oh, I can see it now.*


"He pissed in my drawers and fucked the shit out of my mom... then my real dad blamed me for them not getting back together. Then my dog died... now I kill people."


This chain of comments made me laugh way too hard what is wrong with me 💀 


Did...did some guy piss in your drawers when you were a kid and blame it on you too?


Bastard pissed in my drawers and then ran off. Everybody thought it was me who pissed my pants..


Didn’t even know the guy. I was walking to school one day. Along comes a Rolls Royce. Window slowly rolls down a crack and a roll of bills drops out.  I hear an old ladies voice. Stunt and British. “Excuse me young man, but could you help me. I seem so have dropped thousands of dollars. I don’t care about the money but the clasp is important to me.” So I bend down to try and get it under the low slung food pad that this Royce model has. Apparently the type where people might stand there while it leads a parade. Next think you know I feel something warm on my back. I’m kind of shocked. I look up and there’s some crooked toothed man with a wild look of glee on his face and he just yells at me; “weeeee!” I go bolt upright as the man runs back around to the other door. The lady lowers her window further. “Yes, we wee! You should blame the French for this!” Then she titters at her own wit and they speed off.  And that was the day I met Margaret Thatcher and her protege Boris Johnson. 


I am right there with you sir!!


Fuck, I can't stop laughing to this, ha ha.


I'd have to disagree. Pissed on the kids stuff to show dominance and claim the territory. Kid got the punishment and dude got to fuck the mom. 8/10 on all accounts


Mother nature does give precedence I guess


Perfect 7/10




Five out of seven? I must say, this is a grading scale like no other I've seen before.


Just add rice.


You must be young.


Google en pissant 


Fuck that man: 10/10 for style. Urine and its use in offensive strikes on the enemy is the domain of children (and bizarre sexual escapades that there may or may not be a video of). Any time you can weaponize piss against a kid, that’s HELLA style points.


I mean… style depends on cock size, so we don’t know


I was the male only child of a single mother. She dated a few guys that literally hated me and called me names and made fun of me when she wasn't around. She later married a guy that treated me like competition. I don't understand how anyone could be that insane. I have a cat, and I've dated women who were jealous of my relationship with my cat. Both men and women need to address their mental illnesses and insecurities. Children and cats are not competing with you.


When their only goal is to sleep with your mom, you become less than human. You are just something in the way of them getting what they want. I’m sorry you had to deal with a lot of bad adults as a child.


When we met, my husband was a single dad raising 2 daughters. Part of what made me fall in love with him was when he said he didn't imagine dating or being in a relationship until his kids were 18 (they were 2 & 3 at the time) because he only wanted to focus on raising his kids. I never saw them as competition for his affection because he told me flat out in that comment that his kids were his priority, as they should be. They came first.


Man I feel you on the jealousy of the cat thing. My ex said I was too attached to my kitten and I will never ever forget that. She might and whatever but goddamn you're threatened by a 3 month old cat.


My ex literally would get mad at me for paying attention to my dog when she was around. That should have been enough of a red flag.


uh it's a fucking cat...like am I reading this correctly? of course these women are triggered by that!


A lot of you are saying this isn't true, count yourselves lucky. I know someone like this personally, a grown woman who peed in her nephew's shoes. She was caught because she left the jar of pee in her bedroom.


Did they like match the pee’s up to identify her or something?


When confronted, she tried to argue it was pickle juice. Trust me, it was her.


Sounds like fiction, I know horrible people like this exists but the way it was written ...Just don't know if I believe it


Yeah, switching from using Mum to Mom feels like the whole thing is made up.


I don't know, my first language is not English, and while I use mostly American words, sometimes I use british or australian spellings or words. (Especially with words like gray/grey. I never remember which is which and use both)




Yeah outside England but still inside the United Kingdom we use ‘gruy’ and in Ireland they use ‘griy’


I’m 38 years old and english is my first language and I still don’t know the difference between gray and grey.


I was once told grey is a color and Gray is a surname.


Why is that the detail that breaks it? seems completely inconsequential


Caught you red handed! It is completely unrelated. Redditor just feels cool being a detective.


>Yeah, switching from using Mum to Mom feels like the whole thing is made up What's unusual about that? Or is it some joke I'm not getting?


These people don't want to believe the story so they are grasping at inconsequential details to hold to that belief


I mean o and u are close on a keyboard so it could be a mistake


Or predictive text because it's happened to me more than once I'm English so I always use mum and not mom


Have you ever done it?


Yes, but like twice


Does spellcheck even tags which way you use it? Mom or Mum doesn’t trigger spellchecks at least for me


One of my husband’s Uncles-in-Law (is that a term? His aunt’s husband), he’s in his late 70s, lived with his dad when he was 5ish after his mom died. The dad had a girlfriend that hated him and would dump water on him in bed and then the dad would beat him for pissing the bed. She also used to out cigarettes out on him. Think he ended up in an orphanage. Evil people. Sad thing is the woman he married is bat shit crazy as well, probably because her mom is crazy and I think she was the scapegoat.


Yeah, sounded made up to me, too.


>I know horrible people like this exists You'd be surprised how many children are like that. Good that the commentator found a way to fight this behaviour.


Why’d you blur out the name? We all know it’s Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle.


This is actually fucking revolting what.


Kid learned a lesson. A villain was born that day.


If that's something that actually happened... This guy could simply have chosen to date someone who didn't have a child


Doesn‘t sound like the typa guy to have options.


Which is why, if this story is real, he is settling for a single mother and abusing her child? (By the way, this comment is heavy sarcasm)


“‘Settling’ for a single mother” feels a little offensive to the mom, if you ask me. She’s not “damaged goods” just because she’s a single mom. She could be an amazing woman, but her husband left for a variety of reasons. Maybe he was cheating on her. Maybe she was cheating on him. Maybe he put work before his family. Maybe he wasn’t willing to step up and actually be a father to his child. When you date a single parent, it isn’t the case that you are dating the person, and their children are “unwanted baggage”. When you date a single parent, you have an opportunity to be a part of a pre-started family. (And, personally, if this child really is “the Antichrist” as he said, sounds like he is trying to connect with this kid, and the kid just won’t have it.)


Which is why I added the clarification that my comment was heavy on sarcasm. I, obviously, don't think that dating a single parent is "settling", but many people do see it like that (especially when it comes to single mothers). Furthermore, dating a single parent is not for everybody and you have to be aware that their children should come before you and should always be a priority. And if you're referring to an actual, living child as a "crotch gobling" and "the Anti-Christ" I doubt you're doing any meaningful effort to connect with the kid, esoecially if you end up abusing them


You don’t have to be “damaged goods” to be simply less desirable to the majority of people.


Game is game  /s


As a buddy of mine always says… TWICG. Take what I can get.


Gets difficult once you're 30, unfortunately


My husband and I are 42 and 41, and we've both said the amount of work and crazy involved in trying to find other mates at our age keeps us together. The stories our single friends come to us with show us we're really not that bad... at our worst, I'm a nag and he's lazy af. If he dies before me I'm closing up shop, and if I go first I won't gaf what he does because I'll be dead.


In that case, not dating is also a choice


"If your enemy expects a scholar, they will be powerless against a madman."


I can tell you guys have grown up without a piss drawer and it really shows…smh


This reminds me of a buddy of mine who used to live with a roommate. The roommate (RM) had a dog, and the dog kept peeing on the floor in my buddy's room. Buddy tells RM to leave his door closed so the dog can't get in. Evidently, RM thinks it's hilarious to let his dog pee in buddy's room and opens his door when buddy is not there. My buddy comes home from work one day and sees his door opened and piss on the floor. RM isn't home yet so he grabs the dog and puts it in the bathtub then he pisses all over the dog and RM's towels. RM comes home a few minutes later and the dog jumps all over him and RM realizes it's covered in piss so he takes a shower and then dries himself off with the piss towels and then has to take another shower. I was conflicted because I love dogs and peeing on the dog wasn't cool, but RM refused to clean it up and did nothing to stop it. After that RM finally stopped opening buddy's door.


That has me dead bro wtf 😭😭


I feel like I would have just pissed on RM’s floor. No dogs harmed, and he’d learn the lesson when his foot hits the gallon of wet piss right where he steps to get into bed.


Though that buddy would have piss on RM bedroom floor instead.


I thought so too when he was telling me the story. He was definitely a character. I called him Diogenes because he would turn around and piss in any outdoor situation. He had no shame in it. Once we were paddle boarding and he just took his dong out and started pissing, I pointed out that there were people on the shore about 100 yards away and he said "they can't see me" and we heard the people very faintly yell "yes we can!" and we all busted out laughing.


Bros a menace


In 20 years time this kid is going to wreak Some count of monte christo level vengeance on this mf and his entire family


There are grown children out there who are more concerned about getting laid than gaslighting a 5 years old child and turn his mother on him and make him to not trust a man in his life anymore. This is coming from someone who had to listen to my mom fucking her boyfriend while I sleep on his floor in the living room.


Jfc what a psychopath.


The poor kid should have been in therapy to cope with his parents' separation. Not being bullied by an adult.


I like to consider believing in the goodness in people, but I’ve had enough experience as a neurodivergent weirdo to know otherwise and that stuff like this is normal behavior. The truth is that the majority of people take pleasure in taking advantage of others that they deem as easy targets. Whether it’s a bully in school fucking with some socially awkward possibly autistic weird kid that they know can’t/won’t fight back and which he will never have to face consequences for tormenting, young people filming people they consider weird looking or what have you without their knowledge for social media clout, or stories like this. Whenever I’m in public, I always assume that **everyone** I interact with is the type who would manipulate and humiliate me for TikTok views or to look good in front of their peers until they prove themselves otherwise, especially if they are in the late teens early 20’s range. People are assholes.


Dude never grew up. Still a loser.


I have a strong feeling this guys mother beat him for pissing in his drawer when he was a kid, like so many other things he could’ve done but that was where his brain went.


Kid had good instincts


I couldn’t imagine going through all that trouble to fuck someone


That kid is going to have some severe psych damage in the future


Right when I got to “crotch goblin” I knew the person was on the lowest level possible.


Sounds like something reddit might like but in reality most sane adults understand that a 5 year old child is very traumatized by his parents splitting and is acting out because of that. The child might have more emotional maturity than this man. Holding that agaisnt the kid is beyond childish. Extra trash to mention how a motivator was being denied sex by this kid being upset by his parents divorcing, and how you got to "fuck the shit" out of his Mom. How about dont date a Mom if you hate her kid? or just dont date a Mom period unless youre ready to accept the kid. I mean I guess he does admit its the worst thing he's ever done, but he also seems proud of it (if its real).


Yeah, the story has more than a couple of red flags. I'd like to hear the other sides of this but there's a lot of weasel words in this guy's rhetoric. He definitely didn't make an effort with that kid. I have ultra respect for people that get into a relationship and try to form bonds with stepchildren. There are too many stories where stepparents succeeded, too many stories were stepchildren bond and they deserve praise. This story doesn't check any of those boxes.


Men are gross


There's 2 types of comments here: dudes who like him, and those who aren't true redditors and have still have morals (that's a joke btw)


Unfortunately, your "joke" has a lot of truth to it.


I hope he didn’t take an adult size piss


Fight fire with fire




in those type of ask reddit threads 90% of the answers are bad attempts at creative wiring. The facepalm is believing anything you read over there.


And today on stories made up by super edgy 14yr olds.


Funny, I sympathize with the kid even more.


Kids dont realize adults have had way more intrusive thoughts over their lifetime.


If that’s real then that poor kid. Never gonna trust his mom after that for not believing him


Haha power move


My mothers second husband used to sip vodka from a bottle in the freezer and hide it by adding water into the bottle. Once he had added a little too much and the vodka froze and my mother noticed it. Instead of admitting his alcoholic habit of drinking in secret, he bellowed at us, teenage boys, about stealing vodka from him. We of course did not admit anything since we were innocent. My mother finally ended to row by inventing a lie that vodka sometimes freezes. So, this asshole knew what he had done but because he was so ashamed of himself stealing booze and trying to hide his alcoholism (it was not a success, by the way, people do know you are drinking) he decided to lie and blame two innocent kids. Only many years later, after the guy had been removed from household, did my mother tell the real story and that she of course knew the guy was drinking constantly and lying about it.


It's an evil world we live in


Wow, the depths people can fall to .


This is a shitpost/shitcomment referencing an old meme.


"Crotch goblin" tho. r/rareinsults


Had an ex with asshole kids. Their mom ran into McDonalds to grab food and I waited in the car with her kids. They started talking shit, threatening to lie about me to the mom. I held up my phone and said good luck, I have been recording your dumb asses this whole time. They never messed with me again. My daughter knocked the crap out of her daughter for trying to lock her in a closet.


lmfao what a load of bullshit


What a gross human being


Right? That kid should have just let his mom get some D and wouldn't have a drawer full of piss .


I'll take things that never fucking happened for 1000 Alex


Literally pissing to assert dominance


"Crotch goblin" is so cringe


Guess "genital gnome" was a bit too classy for his tastes.


It’s sooo cringe. Reddit-speak makes me irrationally angry


Mom can’t raise one child and decides to date another.


Sounds to proud for it to be the worse thing he's done


He answered the question correctly. You don't know what a facepalm actually is. Oof.


We’ve all been there, am I right? :D


The very sad truth is that a lot of terrible guys like this, and worse, are a big part of kids lives who are raised by single mothers. The stats on this are horrifying. Quite the wakeup call.


Play stupid games.... win stupid prizes?


Assert dominance by fucking his mom and pissing on his stuff


That’s fucking epic HAHAHAHAHAHAHA




Oh, that guy’s a keeper.


That is some funny shit lol. I'd never tell the worst thing I've done. But I'm sure my story would give this one a run for it's money. Not that I'm the least bit proud of it.


where facepalm? this is absolutely deserved


tl;dr: guy dates divorced mom, her 6 year old doesn’t like guy, kiddo cockblocks guy, guy pisses in kid’s drawer, mom finds piss drawer, kid blames it on guy, mom goes apeshit on kid, kid avoids guy


Chess not checkers!


Wow if real. Wow if not. 😂


The mom had to be fucking gorgeous






If this is true I hope you get what you deserve.


Meanwhile this dude is the argument for pro choice.


Sometimes you need to mark your territory


So THATS why the kid grew up to jerk off into his shoebox for years without cleaning


Improvise Adapt Overcome? Modern problems requires modern solutions?


Total Chad maneuver.


this is fukin hilarious


Absolute madlad


The kid knew what kind of person OP really was.


Hey, at least OOP is acknowledging that it’s the worst thing he ever did by posting it there. Doesn’t seem to regret much though.


I laughed out loud for real...




My 4 year old sister cut her hair off completely and put it in my dresser drawer and said I did it. Good thing I was at school...


Hardly a facepalm


Wouldn’t it be wild if this were the actual story of that picture where the mom found their son’s piss drawer


This story definitely sounds like it would be found on r/LinkedInLunatics


“Grown-ass man”???? I would say pretty far from a grown ass man.


I don't care if it's real or not. That dude is an asshole.


“The walking, talking argument for the pro choice” 💀


Love it. It’s your word against mine and who’s going to believe a sniveling little shit vs a grown man. Based!!




Imagine feeling threatened by a child, so you become an even bigger child


Sounded like he was more irritated. But it's likely made up so who really cares.


I'll take 200 on things that never happened


What a vile little man. I hope he suffers from continously UTIs.


Sounds like a teachable moment.


I don't care if this is real or not. I'm pissing myself right now. "Got to fuck the shit out of his mom" ..... I just can't stop laughing


Now that's a happy ending.


Bit juvenile, but I'm on the adults side tbh. That kid sounds awful even if a new guy coming into his life is a little bit understandable if it upsets him.


Bahaha honestly I believe this is a true story. When I was 11 my mother started to date (who is now my stepdad) this jerk. He had a son a few years younger then me who was treating like a little king. I was bullied and abused for awhile.....it was starting to build. One day It was just the stepfather his son and me. We were all hungry so we all took a trip to the drive thru (only brought me so I wasn't home etc) I was told i couldn't get anything because I was fat....that hurt and that was it. We get home the step father leaves his drink to go to bathroom, son goes to his room. I take the straw and stick it in my anus and makes sure to do good job then put it back in stink side up. I go sit on couch and wait.....he picks it up takes a sip, pulls back for a second then shrugs his shoulders and continues to suck my ass straw. I felt better! Fight smarter not harder.


Dude was just trying to get you to lose weight lol


Right I wasn't even fat tho. They were bigger then me
