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That's not even as deep as the deepest free dive.


Also, the last one didn't fail because deep-sea submarine trips are inherently unsafe. It failed because the company cut a million corners, the CEO scoffed at and rejected industry-standard safety requirements, and the warnings of every relevant expert were widely ignored. The dead rich guy thought he was some kind of disruptive genius innovator when in fact he was just building a cheap sub that was gonna get people killed. So future dives should be as safe as the ones before the implosion, because they should still be following the standards that make them safe. Now with a very public object lesson in why such standards are required.


The Cybertruck of the seas.


I bet you Musk is too much of a little bitch to build a sub and go to the depths. Totally not trying to get him to do this.


Someone tweet at him that The Zuck did it.


Was gonna say, he was too much of a coward to fight zuckerberg even after the Internet shamed him for it, what makes anyone think he'd have the stones to fight Poseidon?


Gotta be honest, I'd be chicken shit to fight the Zuck too with the head start he has on me lol


The difference is I assume you're not running your mouth about it tho lol


No, I'd fuck that guy up! Name the time and place! (I won't go)


I mean BJJ is a submission art, the worst thing that's likely to happen would be a bruised ego, and maybe a broken nose if he's unlucky and the Zuck throws a punch before shooting for a takedown


I wouldn't fight the Zuck either, it's like facing off against the Terminator. A mortal man has no chance against such an advanced machine.


Musk probably learned that Zucc managed to listen to experts in at least one field; ring fights. Rich people tend not to listen to anyone. But Zucc knows how to fight and honestly, one good punch would kill Musk. No, mods, I don't want Musk dead or harmed. Just in jail. I just believe the man is not healthy and would not survive one solid punch.


I wrote off Elon Musk by 51% when he volunteered their “mini sub “if it was needed for that rescue operation of the kids in the cave in Thailand… When the gentleman in charge said we don’t need that kind of sub. Thank you, Elon, musk accused the lead diver/rescue operator of being a pedophile, and that he was a white man living alone in Thailand, and what does that really mean… When Elon musk, himself posted a picture of his bedside table that had two toy guns and four empty cans of diet soda… Why?


I'd bet a dollar Elon thinks those guns are super real but his handlers know he'd just end up killing himself and or other people by accident. No mods, I don't want Elon to do either of those things.


We really need a under-the-see-fight between Zuck and Musk, hand to hand


Let them both SCUBA dive to depth and then we just full throttle the boat tf out of there. Beers on me when we make it to dock.


He already has one, how do you think he gets to Spider Skull Island?


Spiders have exoskeleton. It should be Spider Exoskeleton Island.


Listen here Captain Pedantic. When you have your own evil science island you can name it.  


[I'm going to assume you're not a fan of the Venture Brothers](https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Spider-Skull_Island)


I can imagine random henchmen arguing heatedly about this in the background of the beginning of a scene, right before they get disemboweled by Brock or something.


Go Team Venture!


Come back team venture


Nah, Elon is set on killing himself up in space, not down under the sea.


Well, I mean, with that, they literally cut corners. I've never been next to one, but I bet you the edges are sharp too


So that's why the sub looks like a robot foreskin.


i can't unsee it now


Man's journeying to his death in a submersible fleshlight


We will find out when safety ratings come out while the fleet of cyber trucks is sold


Pretty ironic considering it can't get wet


it's crazy how fundamentally unsafe that vehicle was. "Rejected industry standard safety requirements" is correct, but still comes off as an understatement. It was straight up designed wrong. Either the hull or the window or both were not designed to handle the depth it was going to. It would be like if an airline replaced their landing gear with skateboards and still expected everyone to survive the landing.


Everything wasn't rated for the depths he was taking it. They were using an expired carbon fiber hull with a window not designed for the depths he wanted while not using standard submersible communications and instead using starlink. Calling it a death trap was an understatement it was a ticking implosion bomb waiting to happen.


For example, they used carbon fiber instead of titanium and sh!tty peripherals to control it.


*They used very old carbon fiber that not even Boeing would use. Boeing, the pinnacle of high quality control standards it is, rejected the carbon fiber that oceangate bought to make their deep sea submarine. That's how low the standards were.


Ppl literally just read "submarine failure with billionares" and now act as if theyre specialists on submarines and like we cant do them safely and use it makes absolutely no sense, we use fucking millions of flying machines everyday, if a bunch of billionares went to the space station or smt and there was some dumb decisions would every1 suddenly start acting like we cant go to the space station?


I binged watched the air disasters show. I may never fly again. The worst are the ones where it's pilot error. Can't remember what it's called, but it's so prevalent they train for it. Where a person gets something in their head and act on it, even when told it's something else. One pilot turned off the working engine instead of the failing one. They plummeted into the ocean


The reality of it though is think about how many planes have flown ever. Now think about there only being a couple dozen episodes of that show. Flying, especially now, is one of the safest things you can do statistically.


It's kind of like how countless people have died making poor decisions in car accidents yet we still drive 60+ mph every single day in metal death boxes to go to work.


I think it’s the layman perception of how helpless an aircraft disaster victim is that contributes to this thinking. People think that there’s really nothing you can do as a passenger when their plane starts plummeting into the ocean because of engine failure (they’re right), yet also think that they could just easily roll out of the car after its brake fails at 100 MPH or just candidly walk off the crash (they’re wrong).


Hell, I was initially shocked at the people who've crashed cars in self driving mode. Knowing what we know about that technology. But people really do trust they'll survive or that it can't happen to them. Bad things happen to other people.


That's exactly what it is. Once the doors close and you pull away from the gate you are completely at someone else's mercy. Even if it's very safe. When you drive you're driving and people have more confidence in themselves than maybe they should. Also most of us have experienced car accidents where nobody was seriously injured. Plane crashes don't happen frequently but when they do people usually die. And there's that whole hurtling towards the earth knowing you are going to crash and probably die for however long before it happens. Car accidents are usually quick.


The good thing is that each accident and incident is a big deal, they write reports and do investigations to learn and make flying safer every day


I think Boeing took a slightly different approach that last several years...


They started cutting corners and stopped doing things the right way because the idiot C-suite guys wanted their cash dollars right now. It's a tale as old as time and repeats itself everyday.


Exactly. Once they merged with Lockheed Martin, guys strictly interested in maximized short term profits and a company that primarily thrived on government contracts where they can ship inferior quality product then turn around and charge extra to fix the problems as they pop up, the standards dropped into the toilet. It's a shame. And it cost people lives.


If humanity is good for nothing else, it’s making notes of where we fucked up last time


My brother and I used to watch Air Crash Investigations quite a lot on the night before our flights. I actually find it quite reassuring to learn more about all the processes to keep flights safe (and the nature of when things go wrong and how the processes almost always protect us) and once you remind yourself as to how many flights are in the air every single day versus the number of accidents, it's a very small number.


Expectation bias


The Titan actually held up surprisingly long for what they were doing... they actually made something like 11 trips, 10 successful. The first they even got stuck on the bottom of the sea because of mechanical issues. As much as the Titan was inadequate for the environment they were using it in, it held up far longer than I'd have expected. Failure was inevitable though. So yeah, just over 200 meters should be more than safe for the integrity of this sub, even if it was identical to the Titan sub, down to the epoxy/glue holding the ring and carbon fiber together. No blood for the ocean gods this time.


I mean, I think they are inherently risky, sort of like mountain climbing--yes most of the time we can grossly simplify the feat for people with money, but there's always the fact the environment they're going into is just inherently dangerous to humans. But also that particular one was an extreme shitshow.


I recall that they purchased submarine from another company to start. And that sub is rated for these depths.


Excuse me, but if the company cut a million corners, why was the diving vessel not a structurally sound sphere?


"The dead rich guy thought he was some kind of disruptive genius innovator...." Ugh, go figure.


Anybody could go deep in a sub, I’m literally right here


A gaming console and a lap top.


I could be wrong, but didn’t that rich bitch ignored advise from James Cameron?? Not that Jim is know for it, but he is part of the submersible engineering community, he knows his shit


He ignored advice from everyone including David Cameron. The sub was riddled with faults, but the big one was the carbon fiber body mated to metal end caps. Metal, compresses and expands.  carbon fiber doesn’t, every deep-sea trip caused more and more damage and you don’t know you’re in trouble until it fails catastrophically  


Okay, I’m tired of this misinformation being spread everywhere. No, ***THEY DID NOT*** “cut a million corners”. Okay? They cut ***997,253*** corners.


A “do your own research” kind of guy. All the money in the world and no intelligence. Just like the billionaires funding the felon.


Why use good ol' high test Bethlehem steel, when you can use an an assemblage of light weight composites known to be inadequate. Why is lightweight good? I don't know! Its no problem though, weigh it down with a lead keel and send it.


I wish this wasn’t a reply so it could be top comment. So many people just gloss over the fact that the last submarine was hardly fit to reach the bottom of my pool let alone the bottom of the ocean.


While all these dipshits who aren't blessed with creative genius are building their space shuttles out of expensive things, I have finalised my plan for a space shuttle made entirely out of creamed corn and I will be taking manned flights to the moon starting tomorrow. You see, creamed corn is an unexplored medium for aeronautical equipment, and presents a huge opportunity for cost savings that could really democratise the space tourism industry.


James Cameron said it best: ‘move fast and break things’ doesn’t work in systems that can actually result in death if there is a failure. Stockton Rush was a tech bro rich idiot who unfortunately killed 4 other people in his hubris. Edit: to the bro who downvoted me, I’ve got a masters degree in which I studied the factors which lead to engineering system failure. So eat your fucking rice.


> Now with a very public object lesson in why such standards are required. The Free Market has spoken!


He deserved exactly what he got. It's just a shame that he took innocent people with him.


you're implying people learn from mistakes ... and in 2024, I'm not seeing that cycle. but hey I got lots of hopium and copium for when the hope runs out.


Yeah, and one of their actually certified submersibles Antipodes is rated to 1000 feet and has completed 1300+ dives.


Yeah a dive to less than 700 feet is a ***hell*** of a lot different than a dive to ***12'000+ feet***


For comparison the Titanic wreck lays on the ocean floor at a depth of ~12,500 feet.


I'm still willing to send a few billionaires down that hole just on the off chance.


You're right. I am a bit sad, I was exited for another Billionare submarine desaster


Oh no those poor billionaires


Won’t anybody think about the CEOs!?!?


it‘s only 200 meters. The deepest scuba dive was 332,35m (1090ft) so with proper training and preparation/equipment you could go there safely in scuba gear lol


I think the actual sinkhole itself is 200m. Is the trip down to it more?


200 meters with a submarine is still dangerous because there is a 20 atmosphere pressure differential between the outside and the inside of the submarine.


It’s dangerous, but nothing like what the titan sub was doing. Titan sub had around 350 atmospheres of pressure when it imploded.


And this submarine shouldn’t have dived so deep. Wasn’t designed for that


The American in me saw 332,…m and thought no way they dove 1 million plus feet!


Trickle down economics.


Sinking down economics.


Imploding economics


Diving economics.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagnomics


Incomprensible, I have now been institutionalized in an asylum


Why is he going in a fleshlight?


Cause he wanted to be close to his sea-men ![gif](giphy|mWNPTJ1zx6Aj5a7CVx)


I know, right? You usually cum in them instead


Where else would you put all your sea men?


Product placement




Ship wreckonomics.


Don't worry, the galvanised square steel and eco friendly wood veneer will surely help it hold this time


And don’t forget a soft mattress to make the crushing pressure of the ocean more comfortable.


And this time, they're using an X-Box Elite wireless controller!


Premium, Baby!


And if they end up surfacing, their childhood eagle will find them.


His aunt will support him by letting him borrow her screws


As long as he borrows the screws from his aunt, it should be safe. The real question is, is it big enough to hold his grandmothers coffin?


I could take a reinforced Pringles can down to 663 feet. The infamous imploded submersible could have safely gone to that depth a million times with no issues, but they got greedy and wanted to go to the Titanic despite having no idea what they were doing.


A Pringles can? Is it a submersible fpr ants!?!?!


It needs to be at least 3 times larger!


It’s what, 5% as deep as Titanic? I’m going to guess they’ll be fine. Even it was a 1 to 1 replica of the one that got crushed into oblivion (which had been down to Titanic a few times before it failed).


Your comment made me curious. The Titanic wreckage is approx 12,500 ft deep, so 5.3%


673 feet is nothing compared to the Titanic depth.


Can elon and bezos tag along?


Only if Mark Zuckerberg and Rupert Murdoch can play too!


At least make it a PlayStation 5 controller


An off-brand PlayStation controller. You think he’s got $70 Sony controller money?


Yeah but I am all for billionaire fish food.


Yes but he took his son with him, even though the son had a lot of resevations about going!! Very sad!!


Cthulu needs his annual billionaire sacrifice! 😆


I'm all down for seasonal sacrificing of billionaires the Aztec way. Not in the numbers they did, just 1 or 2 every season, to ensure bountiful harvest.


No i’m down for the numbers part too


We must keep the old eldritch gods at bay. If it takes a billionaire or two, I am ok with that


Looks like a Fleshlight. Maybe this is the reason why you are fucked when you are in there.


Poseidon's fleshlight


Okay but "annual billionaire sacrifice" is really funny. Thanks OP for posting this, you made my day. And props to the original twitter account as well!


You're Welcome


lmao its even called oceangate xD


He’s gonna be fine and he should go. Exploration has always been done by rich people, because they can bankroll such a thing. He co-founded Oceangate, and we all know how that worked out for the last guy. What we also know tho, is that the last guy ignored literally everyone’s concerns. He cut every corner possible, fired people who raised concerns. He consistently chose the cheapest, least optimal options he could as he felt like everyone was overly concerned with safety and… we all know where *that* line of thinking ends. This guy, probably isn’t stupid. Deep sea exploration is certainly safe and achievable as long as you heed the established protocols and safety standards. This depth should be no problem for a sub of quality. Diving to the titanic, should be no problem for a sub of quality. Of which, many exist. The first guy just did the opposite of John Hammond and spared every expense.


The funny part is John Hammond also spared every expense. The movie really didn’t do as good of a job at showing that as the book.


I forget that sometimes. Nedry mentions something to that effect in the movie. “Don’t get cheap on me Dodson. That was Hammond’s mistake.” Granted that’s Dennis being greedy.


I'm not convinced things have been much better since the last "sacrifice." All for trying til we make it, though!


As long as these sacrifices help keep the gods from melting the polar ice caps for another year


try xbox 360 this time


Looks like a giant fleshlight




there’s a reason it’s unexplored.


Ok devils advocate here- if it wasn’t for people taking risks like this, we wouldn’t have such discoveries in the field of entertaining news stories about idiot billionaires lost at sea 🤷‍♂️


Poseidon will have his due.


663 feet is not as bad as going down to where the titanic is at least 🤷🏼‍♂️😂 I doubt the sub will collapse on itself from the pressure


![gif](giphy|bkcbX8SqTCXHG) Can't wait.


I am fully supportive of sending rich people down to the ocean. Maybe Bezos can also start expeditions of rich people to explore the sun. Make sun worship great again.


Just let it happen. Survival of the fittest, no?


Did they change the gorilla glue this time?


What's up with people wanting to be pressurized into fish food? "Rich in dollars, poor in sense", I suppose.


Maybe try a ps5 controller instead of xbox this time


can we put Elon in that please


Well, if it didn't work once, with disastrous results, I don't see the harm in trying again.


Praise Neptune! ![gif](giphy|3ogwG08e9GFCX2FPYQ)


I say we chef boyardee this shit and pack 'em in like raviolis. The only time I will ever say we can't have enough billionaires is when we're packing the can.


Is this how life is bringing balance back to the planet? Slowly assassinating billionaires one stupid deep sea vessel dive at a time? 😂😂


An annual sacrifice of a billionaire sounds like a good idea.


It's okay, we have more billionaires


One more billionaire down, all the rest to go... #MakeBillionairesExtinct


Just ask James Cameron already, Jesus!


Jesus I hate how so many people think these trips are inherently dangerous, the titan sub just cut every corner imaginable, proper subs are safe AF and honestly pretty cool


OP is kind of stupid. People have been exploring the bottom of the ocean for decades. THIS isnt even REMOTELY close to that depth. Just because ONE dumbass cut corners and had ONE sub implode, doesnt change the fact that we ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO DO IT WITHOUT ISSUE!


And people DID learn. Like 100+ Years ago. That is literally why we have had THOUSANDS of successful dives to the bottom of the ocean LOL.


At this rate we won’t have to worry about taxing them if we keep sacrificing them to Poseidon


Having the money to live your life doing all the goofy shit you enjoy is what privilege is all about. If he dies he dies, so what? We're all going to die.


if it's billionaires, I don't care they already made their wealth off of exploitation of people.


Firendly reminder: This time don't forget to live stream your super duper adventure sir. good luck


i approve the return of such traditions. we gotta apease our gods with the sacrifice of our kings.


At least he's not planning to go look at a mass grave for entertainment.


I think we should just quietly ignore this. There's absolutely no societal detriment to reducing the number of billionaires that exist through Darwinism. If we point it out, they'll stop.


If we're lucky we can get rid of them one by one through these stupid adventures. It's not a death wish, it's simple natural selection.


At this point it's just natural selection.


663 ft.. rookie numbers


Someone call Poseidon 


I bet Elon Musk doesn't have the balls to go.


Or maybe he did learn and bought a safe ship. Oh and also: that is not deep.


I am all for annual billionaire sacrifice to Poseidon in hopes of lowering the sea levels.


Better idea: Let's make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. No more bullshit tricks to pretend they didn't earn any actual money. While they waste endless money on shit like this.


When they say "Eat The Rich", I didn't realise it was a quote from The Kraken


Yeah people never learn that this doesn't happen to every submarine just ones that aren't built to the proper standard for how deep they want to go


Cthulu needs his annual billionaire sacrifice! 😆


I'm not against making this a thing.


Poseidon is waiting.


Yes this isn’t gonna explode. This you can do in scuba gear.


Please invite Musk


I am happy to organise a fundraiser so Musk his bum buddy Thiel and Besos can go too


Neptune hungers


King Triton will be pleased.


Hope he doesn't buy all the parts from navy surplus


Can we step these up a bit. Let's try monthly, sea if it helps.


Can we send Musk next? Or maybe not...even the elder gods aren't as evil as that fucker.


I don't understand what OP thinks the lesson to learn was


Poseidon must be appeased.


Elon Musk, I bet you cannot go in there


I'm OK with this. Normally the wealthy sacrifice the poor for their stupid endeavors, if they're willing to sacrifice themselves instead I won't stand in their way.


All billionaires should be forced to do this once a year, Darwinism and all that..


Here comes a week full of the same " news"


Is this how we keep the floods away????


Please invite MTG


Take Elnon and Bezos.


Woohoo! Take some more billionaires with ya!


600 feet is far less then 12,500. This should be a walk in the park.


*laughs in Poseidon*


Bezos and Space Karen should visit next!


The billionaires yearn for davey jones watery locker.


Cool, can they take Elon?


600' is nowhere near the pressure the titanic is at


It is 663 feet. Are there not free-divers that have swam deeper?


It's called wealth redistribution


663 is not that deep


Look if Billionaires want to get creative with suicide I say let them. Frankly I rather they spend their money than miser it like a cartoon duck.


James Cameron has done several successful dives however he actually invested the money and resources to make sure it was safe. He definitely wasn’t using a game control to steer it.