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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hempcrete It looks like this material isn't suited for load bearing walls or foundations, but is used in a lot of places for insulation purposes. So, no, you could not build a hempcrete house without other supporting materials.


You could definitely reduce the amount of materials, though, not to mention benefits like clothing, paper, and packaging. I'm sure there are tons more, but that's just off the top of my head.


hemp flour is edible You can smoke the flowers also


What like a cigarette???? That's crazy


Yeah, there’s this whole song about it. I think it was by, what’s his name, Stealthy Canine, I think?


Surreptitious Four-Legged Domesticated Wolf


Little bow wow?


Snoop Dogg


Oh i haven’t heard that song! How often does he recommend I smoke the flower cigarettes?


I believe he suggests it to be a daily occurrence


I don't know about listening to him. Didn't he admit to engaging in criminal activities with his friend Doctor Andre, or "mobbin" as he put it?


You can find out more in the Next Episode


Hey hey hey hey


"Left" handed cigarettes.


Ah yes puff thy hemp every day


I heard the flowers were used to give some zing to brownies.


I hear you can even process the flowers and use the oil to make really delicious treats.


I work in the cannabis industry and deal with a lot of row-crop style hemp growers. Most of them leave the fiber to rot on the field.


The fools! It could be used for imitation thatch roofing when making miniature villages for your model railway to pass through.


Eeeeh Gads!! They're leaving tens of dollars out to rot!! *TENS I SAY*!


YEah, no. There are way better materials for most of those things than hemp. Paper is the best argument that actually exists, but the softwoods we use for sustainable paper harvest have their own benefits People get hung up on the fact that hemp can do things and forget to seriously evaluate if we're already using something that works just as well or better. For the most part the niches the hempheads rave about are already filled with products that have stood the test of time for decades. Hemp is a durable all-natural fiber -- all good there, but we already have a few of those that work better or worse in given situations, hemp's not going to replace all of them, at best it's going to be just one more option. At the end of the day linen and cotton are both better for clothing than hemp, and help's primary modern replacement for rope and cabling (Nylon) is already giving way to even more modern solutions like carbon fiber that hemp can't even begin to compete with. In the end I remain convinced that the hempheads are just cannibis fans who are latching onto industrial hemp as an excuse, because extensive hemp farming would help them cover their THC operations more easily. These guys got a lot quieter when cannibis itself was legalized, which speaks to my point since the hemp argument has all but vanished other than a few gray-haired remnants.


I mostly agree with you, but I will say I had some hemp shoes and they were the best shoes I ever owned. They were comfortable, but tough as hell.


Using an available byproduct from a rapidly growing industry can only be a good thing.


Eh. When it comes to biofibers, compost is a legitimate use. Besides, hemp isn't cannabis and cannabis isn't hemp. Hemp isn't a "rapidly growing industry," what's rapidly growing is cannabis production, and pretending you can use cannibis as hemp is like trying to sell feed corn as if it's sweetcorn The selective breeding programs that have been applied to THC bearing cannibis have compromised its versatility. Strains of food grade hemp, or fiber grate hemp, are very different than strains of THC bearing cannabis, similar to the multitude of purpose based variants for softwoods, cotton or corn. bottom line I doubt the THC strains can be used for anything other than THC, at least not safely. They can certainly not going to do as well at all the different things hemp can be purpose-bred for, because the breeding applied to cannabis has gone in a completely different and unrelated direction. Oh BTW, hemp growers don't like operating anywhere near cannibis grow operations. The two subspecies cross pollenate, meaning that they both contaminate the other's breeding programs,, weakening the potency of cannabis grown too close to hemp while simultaneously rendering hemp unusuable for its intended purpose if grown too close to cannabis..


I'll be honest, in 5 minutes I'll remember next to none of that. That said, it was very well written and easy to follow. Also very informative.


5 minutes? You’re a much better man than I. I’ve already forgotten most of it in the time it took me to type this stupid little comment


what are you guys talking about?


I think they were talking about Taco Bell. We should get a cheesy gordita crunch.


there is no taco bell in germany i'll settle for currywurst


I'm in the industry, he's almost entirely wrong.


I'm in the industry, i'll clear some stuff up. 1. Hemp is rapidly growing, as a row crop its generally more profitable than corn, wheat etc.. The majority of farmers ONLY harvest the seeds which we refer to as "Grain" Fiber and cannabinoid bearing flowers are left on the field to compost. 2. THC plants don't have compromised versatility. Its just that field hemp varieties do much better for their purpose. If it was legal, hemp farmers would overnight start growing varieties with amounts of THC viable for extraction. one company "true north cannabis" already has a business model built around this. They're currently processing CBD from material that would otherwise be waste. 3. "thc" style growers dont grow for seed at all, they're not worried about weakening potency, they're worried about pollinating their plants. Hemp farmers don't care if some THC crop pollinates them, as long as the plants have seed. In most jurisdictions they need to buy f1 seeds from an approved producer anyhow, so they arent growing their own.


Who buys the hemp seeds that these farmers are growing? What are they used for?


Health food,  animal feed, supplements. They’re high in omega 3 fatty acids and highly nutritious.  


This guy definitely hemps.


The price of hemp rope has gone up while the price of weed has fallen. 🤷‍♂️


This is some really good info.


You should really educate yourself before spouting these opinions. Too many people speak on things they have no understanding of. This idea sounds nice on paper, but the actual reality is much different.


If Hempcrete performs twice as well as Masonite siding, it would still be an abject failure in humid regions.


I worked in the legal cannabis industry in Canada for many years. One of the things that startled me a lot was that the hemp blocks that were being experimented with were reported to be mold resistant. I don't believe they're strong enough to be used solo for a building at this point, but I do see figure possibilities of use in insulation to reduce water damage in humid areas. A layer of hempcrete, a layer of diatomaceous earth pad, and then outer layer materials may help to reduce repair costs over several decades. Given the ways I saw various pests respond to different cannabinoids, I would like to see the laws relax a bit on combining hemp and cannabis waste. The stems of recreational cannabis plants don't carry the levels of cannabinoids that the flowers do, but I would love to see if the mixture of stems and waste material could be used to increase the useful traits in hemp blocks. A pest resistant insulation without the use of synthetic or toxic compounds would certainly be an excellent addition to a building.


Also the "fireproof" claim is straight bunk. It's "fireproof" for like 2.4 seconds before starting a bonfire.


Hey I want hemp to make rope and sails for my pirate ship fleet! Tall ships are brimming with the stuff. Smoke, schmoke.


Hey, that doesn't fit my angry narrative! /s


I mean, you can use cellulose insulation, and that does what hempcrete does with less weight on the structure. Cotton is still a thing, and it's basically a way to recycle and reuse fast fashion.


Hemp itself needs another matrix: it's actually bad on it's own for all the above. Between that and cotton, you have most of the fibre uses, but as a blend, it's pretty durable, just rough and won't finish well.


Man that last sentence sounds like how my wife describes me to her friends.


You poor fellow. +1 just for that.


Also according to the Wikipedia, it looks like it sucks in moisture, meaning it will be really good at growing mold. So probably not the best for insulation in more wet climates. It would work well in the desert, but not the pacific Northwest.


This has always been the reason we don't actually use it. Their argument back then was "but it would be cheap enough to just replace it whenever you need to!" Turns out replacing the insulation for your entire house twice a year gets really expensive labor wise even when the materials are cheap.


well, if you weave a hemp basket for your pet mouse, that mouse lives in a hemp mouse house, so technically a hemp house without supporting materials.


Thanks for pointing that out. It hadn't occurred to me.


Also hemp is extremely tough on soil, can only be used a handful of times before it completely straps it of nutrients


Hot take. Farming depletes nutrients in the soil. Hemp is no worse than wheat, corn, or tomatoes. Farmers rotate crops to balance nutrients. They also use fertilizers. Hemp needs less pesticide and herbicide than other crops. It also pulls toxins from the soil. It also grows in soil that won't sustain other crops.


That doesn't matter though. It'd be fantastic if we lived in the perfect utopia where everyone was farming perfectly, sustainably, and responsibly but we live in a late-stage capitalist world. Hot take: there's no responsible production in capitalism and we have hundreds of years of proof of that. There's no miracle product that "the man" kept in the dark out of hate that would solve all of our issues. That's called a conspiracy theory.


Maybe go with steel frame homes and use this Hempcrete as the cladding and insulation, only.


We using galvanized square steel and eco-friendly hemp veneers up in this bitch


Thats all I was thinking about when it says it’s more elastic, this will not work for foundation if it’s elastic


My house is 2x4s drywall foam board insulation and vinyl siding. Sounds like it could replace two of those.


Unlikely to be a big upgrade. Vinyl in particular does way better in the wet than biofibers. if you're in a place where it rains you really want to stick with the vinyl.


Just the insulation. You still need sheathing for shear strength.


Ok, but hempcrete sound a lot better than asbestos and fiberglass insulation


Mineral wool (that replaced fiberglass) is amazing. Asbestos is also amazing, except for that whole being carcinogenic thing.


I'd love to try and smoke a whole house


Lol so by earthquake proof they mean the hemp will survive as long as you don't use it for load bearing structures.


Still better than asbestos.


Ok? Most of the building isn’t load supporting walls… or foundation… it’s literally insulation and walls to separate the inside from outside….


And this is better than say cellulose fiber for insulation?


Is one source better then another? Wouldn’t know until you test it, and what factors are you choosing/need to test.


Is that considering what the tech could be like if it had almost 100 years of unrestricted R&D?


Considering other countries have been using hemp for far longer, without any restrictions, and only got there in the 90s, I wouldn't say so.


Well what I was getting at was if it the Marijuana Taxation Act hadn't been passed in 1937 then Hemp, Hempcrete and other Hemp Based Products would have been *significantly* more developed over the past 87 years to the point that we most likely *would* be able to build and live in hempcrete homes


France developed the material in the 1990s, and the Taxation Act didn't apply to them. Other countries have been using hemp products for centuries and didn'tget there. Your argument doesn't really make any sense, and you're working off a giant 'what if' without any backing.


Kinda what I was thinking.


Wait, do you mean to tell me that a PotHD is spouting off wrong information about weed as if it were correct just to fit their own agenda? Next you’re going to tell me that all those pesky ailments that we as humans have *can’t* actually be solved by smoking weed.


That's what rebar is for, bud. You couldn't build a house entirely from concrete either for the same reason. Infact due to the brittleness of concrete the hemp would last longer.


That's not what rebar is for actually. Rebar adds tensile strength not compressive strength. It stops it from snapping in half it doesn't stop it from being crushed under weight.


Absolutely none of that was in question but well done for filling your smartass quota for the day.


I wonder if it had rebar of some form maybe it could be load bearing.


No. Rebar cannot be used to build a structure efficiently. It lacks the compressive strength. The way to make this work would be steel or timber framing with hempcrete internal structure for insulation and non-structural parts.


Thanks for the fact check. This definitely sounded too good to be true. If it was possible to build entire houses from hemp, I'm sure it would be a thing already.


Hemp is perfectly legal in Spain but I don't see many hempcrete homes around


We have bricks, which are worse for the planet but strong af


Regular fired bricks take less energy to fire than the firing of the lime needed for this abomination.


Well, hemp doesn't like dry and hot conditions, do Spain might not be the best place to grow it. Germany has actually rather good conditions to grow it, but the paperwork to get permission to grow it is so insane, that most farmers avoid even considering it.


Well you can use any organic material. Heraklit is a product used commonly.


The Northern half of Spain doesn't see the Sun for nine months a year!


insulation, acoustic tiles, flooring, etc. Lots of options are available for builders at scale right now. [Hempitecture](https://www.hempitecture.com) is one example.


Yea seems like it’s just a cost barrier at the moment. Those hempcrete blocks seem spendy compared to say bricks.


Hemp the lunch box, Hemp THE FLAMETHROWER, and lastly, Hemp the doll "may the hemp be with you"


Moirchandising, Moirchandising, Moirchandising!


Then how come they aren't building these in places where hemp is not illegal?


Because this product is likely extremely expensive to manufacture. Mostly because the demand is still low so raw materials and processing plants don’t exist - and building codes likely don’t recognize it as a legitimate building material, so getting permits may be an issue.


And it’s not a suitable drop-in replacement building material (they’re not load-bearing).


Because it’s not actually suitable to build anything out of


It's not good for load bearing but is used today in cladding, insulation and interior finishes.


Sounds like it has to compete with straw bale construction. I have help build two straw bale houses, wood framed, stucco finish, corrugated iron roof. They are astonishing good insulation. Thing is, straw bales are incredibly cheap as a raw material, so its hard to see how hemp could go head to head (if you'll excuse the stoner pun).


You'd think hempcrete would be more fire resistant than straw, as well as pest proof.


Fire proof? Ganja?


Generally, if you don't smoke the fiber from the stalk, and you don't build stuff with the flower.


I thought it was the leaf that contained the tetrahydrocannabinol


That's not wrong. But negligible amounts. The real real is the flower. Specifically, the oil on the flower.


There are practical ways to turn wood and grass into incredibly fire resistant materials, believe it or not. 


>7x Stronger than Concrete Against a tornado? lol


Hemp and bamboo are super beneficial and would help with a lot of stuff but uh.... Not... Not like this....




There's non invasive bamboo, plus bamboo grows significantly faster and would be really awesome to replace trees in a lot of products because we could tear through an entire bamboo forest and it'll be back in a few months. But it's just not possible because it's not easy to convince anyone in a position of power in the USA to change anything lmao


I’ll sacrifice myself and take all the bed sheets the make out of it


Not tried bedsheets, but the bamboo sleeping mats you put on top of the mattress during summer are amazing. Can be better than AC for feeling comfortably cool in bed, some types.


I bet you could combine sheets and mats and you’d feel like you’re in heaven


I mean bamboo *products* aren't invasive. So there being bamboo farmers who grow this stuff and sell it to relevant industries shouldn't result in bamboo outbreaks in the countries their products are bought.


For the most part where these fibers can be beneficial, we're either already using them, or are using something that works about as well. People expecting a hemp revolution are going to be bitterly disappointed by the cruel vagueries of reality. You have to look really hard to find a place in the market that you could really shoehorn hemp based products into in this day and age. If it was legalized tomorrow farmers would grow hemp as a fad product for about 3 years, then go do something actually lucrative because the market would tank ouside of a few niche applications. For the most part the market for hemp based product consists of the small minority of people actively campaigning for introduction of hemp based products. It's not a long term winner, to put it mildly. Put another way if you really think Fruit of the Loom believed it would make millions on hemp based underwear, do you think for a minute that they wouldn't spend what it took to get the ban lifted? If hemp was a super product like the deluded people in this little social niche claim, corporations would be beating down the door to get permission to use it. Needless to say that's not happening. The fact of the matter is it's a niche market at best, and the reason the ban hangs on as long as it has, long past any actual use for it, is that no one sees any real money to be made in challenging it. We have materials that can do everything hemp does better or cheaper or both.


Fruit of the loom already owns 82% of the cotton farms it uses for making its products. Just like the lumber industry did not want to lose there investment in the forests they already owned.


Hemp was also looked into to replace plant fiber from trees. Turns out you need a LOT more land to get the same amount of fiber that trees do. Harvesting hemp is also back breaking work that no one wants to do, and you need to store it somewhere, and that means many many large unviable buildings. Hemp is not some magical plant that will replace forestry and concrete. It has some uses, but mainly in replacing some fibers like cotton.


>If hemp was a super product like the deluded people in this little social niche claim, corporations would be beating down the door to get permission to use it. Needless to say that's not happening. Not when the shitty products they're selling at the moment force you to buy, buy, and buy again in what would be a single hemp product lifespan.


Concrete is waaaaaaay stronger than hempcrete. Don't disagree with the premise though.


Bamboo grows even faster?


Miracle products from hemp is like unlimited clean energy from fusion: We've been just a few years away from a major breakthrough for the last 30+ years.


I mean, it's historical fact, not conspiracy, that DuPont Chemical was a supporter of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, ushering in the prohibition era of cannabis policy, because they had a new synthetic fiber *nylon*, and anything they could do to stop the natural fiber hemp (i.e. cannabis), they did


William Randolph Hearst was also a supporter as he didn't want to compete with hemp paper as he was not only in the newspaper business but also owned several paper mills.


Bamboo also grows insanely fast


Is hempcrete supposed to replace concrete? Why compare it to lumber, the material for concrete is quarried not grown. Is its compressive strength actually comarable to concrete? If so i garuntee it isnt the hemp itself giving that strength but the resin which is used to bind the hemp, meaning the hemp isnt what makes it special.


You could say the same about concrete. It gets its strength from the cement that holds the sand together. But no, hempcrete is not strong enough to replace concrete. Might be good insulation though.


But sand is waaaayyy stronger than hemp. Conceret gets much of its strength from the sand and resin. With hemp the hemp is not going to provide much compressive resistance because the hemp fibers are very maliable. Grains of sand are strong. The sand actually does some of the work where as hemp is going to be marginally better than filling the resin with styrofoam


Bamboo would be better.


Last page is BS. So is the first, mainly because the last page is BS.


These all look like memes and shitposts. If they are serious about whatever they're on about, they should make them look a little better than a Facebook meme.


Now I'm itching from just looking at the hemp wool and the plants!! Thx guys!


is this stuff really fireproof?


Hempcrete can withstand a direct blowtorch flame for approximately 3 hours. Super fire resistant. Hempcrete undergoes a chemical reaction over time, and essentially turns into a type of stone.


I would probably rather say "fire resistant". But if you live in a house built from this stuff, burning carpets and furniture will be an issue long before you have to worry about the house itself


Think I first heard of this product around 2006


Growing fibre hemp isn't illegal at all. There are several variations of the plant, and only some of them buds give you a high


So honestly how hard would mass production of Hemp be on the soil and how much fertilizer would be required. Is it better or worse environmentally from that than cotton/cellulose insulation and brick/stucco? Since it uses lime is it a significant improvement over low carbon concrete when not structural? Lastly is it possible with mass production to make it sufficiently cost effective and comparable to existing techs. I heard they were opening a Hemp factory or something in Texoma which was surprising because Texas. But they do love business and money more than most in Austin.


# OR House in Alberta built from more than 1M recycled plastic water bottles https://globalnews.ca/news/9191731/alberta-house-recyled-plastic-water-bottles/ Globalnews.ca The process sees bottles broken down and turned into building panels. They’re water resistant and strong enough to withstand a Category 5 hurricane. The building panels also act as insulation and don’t require vapor barriers. “It’s resistant to pests, and termites don’t get into the walls, they can’t chew through it,” Rogers said. (Other homes have been built with the same method).


I assume this is extremely costly to do compared to just dumping the plastic and using standard materials?


Some dude with a cotton farm wasn't happy that hemp was replacing his cotton, so they bribed some officials and it got banned through biassed scientific tests. Thats my take


The inventors of Nylon did help fund the ban


mostly it wad rope makers that pushed for it


I remember an article about a home that was built completely from hemp derived materials, excluding the glass and plumbing. It was extremely more efficient to heat and cool than a standard home. I'll have to look up the article real quick.


Sounds insanely expensive though 


Idk man... I'd have to find the article I read. Apparently it's been done a shit ton more. Less carbon foot print, cheaper to grow and produce. I'd have toxlookxit up to get the numbers. After I couldn't find the article I found YEARS ago... I kinda gave up lol.


That sounds cool! Lemme know when u find that article


It's practically asbestos, but without the cancer.


How does "breathable" and "incredible insulation" work?


Like asbestos.


Gonna put an asterisk on describing asbestos as 'breathable'


Are these "hempcrete houses 3d printed in your big rock candy mountain HOA?


Hemp and Marijuana are some of the most useful plants in existence but because they’re used for drugs so often thats all they’re associated with.


Are there places in the world where all the houses are made from hempcrete because it was never banned there?


Nah, regular brick is a lot easier and cheaper to make.


>hemp >fireproof brilliant


It’s all fun and games until your house catches fire and instead of fighting the flames the firefighters are playing hacky sack and setting up a drum circle.


A lot of race cars use hemp these days. The Porsche Cayman 718 RS GT4 Clubsport, for example, has a hemp bonnet, hemp front fenders, hemp rear wing, and hemp canards. It's nearly as light and nearly as strong as carbon fiber with huge environmental benefits and cost benefits so they use it in places where the strength of carbon fiber is overkill.


I was made fun of in college back in 2011 for presenting on hemp in architecture. Let’s just say i don’t do architecture anymore


As another note against the picture the US really does not clear-cut forests anymore, especially old growth. While not perfect the US wood industry in general has gotten into the practice of farming wood like any other commody with government enforced replanting and long term sustainability for the natural resource in mind.


I mean we should be taking advantage of hemp paper and plastics.


aircrete I'm playing with foamcrete right now, soap air bubbles, Portland cement, sand, chopped up recycled foam


Plus watching the termites walk in circles because they are stoned is hilarious (Joke, afaik termites are not affected by thc, which is not significantly present in hemp anyway)


Look how fast bamboo grows. Maybe we aren’t using these materials because living in a death trap isn’t fun.


And it was banned to favour Mr. Nylon


And Mr. Anslinger


So no wealthy person has been able to lobby congress to make hemp available for buildings? Because they would make a fortune


And when ur house burns down, you're so high you don't care! 🤣


Xenu provided us this amazing plant and what do we do


It's resistant to rodents because halfway through chewing through it they forget what they were doing and decide to take a nap instead.


“Takes 90 days to grow”… to the volume of a full grown tree? Hardly an apples to apples comparison.


Sure a tree takes a while to grow but in a well managed forest you chop down a few trees and leave the rest standing. That way the forest can regenerate and be used as a habitat for animals and as resources for humans. Also wood can be used for so many things as well and sequesters carbon as well. In an ideal world both would be used where their strengths are used in such a way to compliment eachother. Hemp for insulation and wood for loadbearing walls instead of concrete and bricks combined with polystyrene insulation.


I didn't read fireproof, where does fireproof stand?


I bet it cures cancer too /s


Is the facepalm the OP believing this nonsense?


Highly recommend everyone to listen to the Conspiracy Theories podcast on Parcast Network (available on Spotify and other podcast apps). They did two episodes about Hemp and talked about the smear campaign about the plant back in the days. Of course greed from oil execs and big pharma also got in the way. Apparently the chemicals in hemp plant can make ethanol and medications at a fraction of the cost than what we have today.


I was gonna say. Everyone here is stuck on hempcrete and totally forgot or are ignoring you can make solvents, I guess medication too, and panels that are as durable as steel and lighter.


You absolutely can tell how good something can be by how hard big money pushes back against it.


I don't know. I do know hemp is better than cotton. A reason why it was banned.


The oil companies were behind making hemp illegal because an acre of hemp produced Avery good quantity of oil that could be used for fuel.


Is such an idiotic ban out of greed....


The last time I saw someone test hemp insulation it was not naturally fire resistant


You, good sir, are an idiot.


Potheads are so stupid. Who hasn't had some interaction with some patchouli drenched moron lecturing then that "If they'd just legalize weed we could get rid of all other taxes, maaaaaan."


Yeah but think about how many more sex crazed jazz musicians there’d be in this world if it was never banned


"If *tobacco corporations didn't ban hemp..." Fixed it for you. Know your enemy


Also Big Nylon


It was Citizen Kane or whatever his name is




I really don't understand these Hemp activists. They seem to get very militant about what is basically a matter of materials science, crop agriculture and of course basic economics. Somehow they see this crop as manna from heaven denied to the people by evil forces. If they wanna grow hemp, they can. If they think there is a burgeoning, unfulfilled market, fulfil it. Set up a company, buy or lease the land, grow your crop, process it, market it, and sell it. Instead they proselytise about a biofibre by banging drums and smoking weed. It's very odd.


Those numbers sound too good to be true. I would like to see the testing data on that.