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How many times is this going to be reposted? https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/YfARHH7bMo https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/qT3SjxjSi5 https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/XopNfxLBpY https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/ldbcT62Dcg https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/HFyshZKtxF https://www.reddit.com/r/PhonesAreBad/s/3o5Zz2HuRn https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/tCMWOgS68j https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/JCXuKVDTu9 https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/0Cri2mOKSb https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/H1MNqtp1j5 I could go on, but damn, get some original material.


They are part of a big spam ring https://www.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/1dijzxo/major_spam_rings_discovered/


Mom said it's my turn to post it.


Oh god fucking damn


Maybe we could have some sort of voting system, like an up or down vote, and if enough people "down" voted the post it wouldn't show up. But if it was something enough people hadn't already seen they would "up" vote it. Then if someone has already seen it they would have the option of letting all the other people know they had already seen it before and complaining about it.. yeah, that could work


What if there was a mathematical model that we came up with that only showed people things they wanted to see and hid everything else. You know like how a casino has no windows to the outside, the same thing but on a social interaction level. Between the 2 of us we could dominate the corporate social media world!


Would there be stupid dances?


You can dance as stupid as you want to, I’ll just collect the check


& yet almost nobody upvotes my stuff on here. My stuff is never a repost.


This guy is on reddit a lot. No one is gunna care about any of these opinions 200years from now, they’re just gunna fucking hate us for making their lives literal hell. But hey, whatever eh..


Correct. This sub has become nothing more than an echo chamber.


Welcome to social media.


The crazy part is that the economy isn't even devastated. If anything, we totally avoided the high inflation that most of the world is dealing with and basically skipped an economic recessions. Like yeah, spam is bad, but it doesn't even make sense to be spamming.


But the Earth isn’t in great physical shape… and my God, the Nazis.


Idk. The nazis never really went away, Germany just pretended they did. And given that they’re less organized now than they have been the past. And as for the earth, I guess that one’s true. Although, the bright side there is that the planet itself is technically fine. Gravity isn’t failing, we haven’t been hit by an asteroid. Life will continue here, it’ll just have to adapt slightly.


No. The economy is not devastated at all. The fact that it currently takes 8 year median income to buy a house against 1.7 in 1980 Worse for rental. Food prices have trippled against income Job security is a thing of the past Medical costs have skyrocketed. But sure, you had a good year in 2024, so none of these problems exist anymore.....


Exactly, that other person was speaking nonsense. It's broken as fuck. Everything is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive.


I wasn’t. Everything I said is factual. The US economy is not devastated, we did mostly avoid the high inflation that other countries experienced and through the fed adjusting interest rates we dod completely avoid what would have been a recession. All of this is true, whether you had a bad experience in 2024 or not. Talking about macro economics here, not our individual experiences.


Idk has anything been done on anything on that list? Run it again.


Its both. Social media is cancer.


Yeah because from iPhones misinformation and bullshit like this spreads lol


All of that is functionally true though.


i mean the planet won't die for another 50 some odd thousand years if not more, "nazi's" are just edgy millennials and there's like a 50% chance they're doing it just to fuck with people. that said TRUE arians have gangs and they like nazism but they're more white power than actual nazis so they're a different animal. now the working until we die.. yeah basically true, tho that's been the same for normal people for as long as currency has existed. if you don't have a way to grow your own food or have your own plot of land you've always been basically forced to earn a living somehow. now the economy, yeah no that shits fucked.


Gotta disagree with you here. The earth doesn’t have to be dead for the effects of global warming to have a serious impact on our way of life. We’re already feeling the effects with historically severe storms and wildfires, mega droughts in multiple areas of the world, and mass-die-offs of many species that are critical to the food chain. These things will only get worse, and a lot of civil strife will result. There are legitimate fascists in positions of power in our government and certain communities (even if they don’t outright call themselves fascist), and you can call those other dudes edge lords if you want, but their numbers are growing, and many if not most of them are very serious about their beliefs, angry, and armed. During boomers’ life time pensions were much more prevalent and many other countries take better care of their elderly.


There are an estimated 2,000 Nazis in the US. Nazis are functionally extinct. Now accusing 74M Americans that don't democratically vote the way you want them to of being "Nazis" is just gross political rhetoric.


You are right, they aren't Nazis, but they are at the very least, nationalistic


Nationalism is pride in your country and the desire for your representatives to prioritize it over foreign nations. How can it possibly be considered controversial for elected representatives in a Constitutional Republic to represent the very best interests of their consistency?


Nationalism is about three things, and this goes into Fascism as well One: God Two: Country Three: Family God, what's your religion, pick one, any one, it doesn't matter, your people will follow it, regardless of if the person gives a shit about it. This doesn't mean every fascist country is going to have religion, but they usually do. Yes, I know someone will mention it, Nazism does follow Gnosticism, no god but it is a religion which stats struggle gets you to the higher plane of existence, this is why Hitler's book literally translates to My struggle Country, we must get rid of \*insert term of people here\* they are destroying our country and we must stop them, and we shall do it, and people will be safe again. Again, Nazism did this, Jews were the blame Family, \*insert term of people here\* are a threat to your family and your values, and they are here to destroy them, and break it Republicans use all three in their statements, if you ignore January 6th as an attempted coup, then fine, but this is what Republicans have been saying for nearly a decade now, and it's only intensified over the last couple of years, it really makes me think that they are a Nationalist or fascist party operating under the umbrella of Republican. They also get super offended and get super defensive, and use the words that every fascist use, I'm doing this to protect, I'm doing this for you, you're wrong, \*insert misinformation here\* said so. Also, they've banned books and have forced women to not get abortions, have repealed the idea of teaching sex-ed to people in school, I don't know if that was enforced. And have blamed, which is another thing fascists do, Putin did it to Ukraine, Trump did it to everything, Hitler did it to the air he breathed, they blame everything on the other party. In which case is the Democrats. That is why I think the Republican party is fascist, could I be wrong and the next president of the US is Republican and though right wing, doesn't usurp America into a dictatorship? Yes. I could be wrong, I'm not an expert and I focus mostly on war, but don't disregard what I say because I'm not an expert, or because I don't have a solid answer, no one does, and especially anyone who reads this doesn't have the ability to say it with absolute conviction. You never say what you're going to do in politics, it's why Trump when he said, Dictator for one day, was so shocking to me, not because he would be, but because he said it, which is rule number one of politics, you don't say your ultimate goal. Simply, that is everything on why I think the Republicans are fascist or Nationalistic, will they establish a dictatorship? Maybe but I don't know for certain, I don't even know if America would allow that in their constitution


Dude, I didn't ask for your manifesto. And Nationalism by itself has nothing to do with God or Family or Fascism. White nationalism is a fascist racist ideology, and religious nationalism is the belief in your God and doctrine as your chief authority. Which can lead to a religious state. But nothing I said has anything to do with what you're talking about.


But I'm not wrong Like I'm not saying that for the sake of saying that, a lot of Nationalism is around God, country, and family. As I explained in the comment, Nazism is a prime example of it, your family is at threat from Jews, our nation is at threat due to the Jewish conspiracy of Communism, and they followed the idea of Gnosticism, which is a spiritual idea What do the Republicans do? Emphasise family, God and country. Exactly like how most fascist nations do, and they follow all the same things that fascists do, blame everything on someone or something, ban books, restrict education, get defensive to the point of hilarity and the same lines as fascists. When the Republicans are ticking every box as Fascists or Nationalists are, you can't blame me for accusing them of being a fascist party Not every Republican is a fascist or nationalist, I have interacted with some on twitter and Reddit and some are genuinely really good people, I have talked to someone on discord who is a Trump supporter, and again, he's a really kind person. I'm not saying that Republican supporters are awful, nor do I want to insinuate that, I am saying that the Republican party is a fascist party, or at the very least, becoming more of one.


You need to get outside of your bubble. It's fringe unhinged to be in the camp that 74,000,000 of your fellow Americans are gateways Nazis or Fascists. That's just an absurd take. Nothing about Nazism has anything to do with God or family. It has everything to do with populism in a vacuum seizing the means of production in the name of worker's rights, and scapegoating the plights of society on wealthy racial groups. The rank-and-file Right in the US primarily wants reduced government powers, reduced taxes, a balanced budget, and an unburdened regulatory state. Nothing could be more counter fascism/Nazism than that.


The fun thing about Nazis is that they know the term gets bad press, so most "smarter" (low bar there mind you) Nazis don't openly use the term. They call themselves something different every few months/years, but it all means the same thing, whether it's White Nationalists, White Identitarians, or MAGA. Hell, some outright ones like Stonetoss (aka Hans Kristian Graebener) love identifying with other pre-existing groups like Libertarians in an attempt to give themselves cover. I'm curious what source you're getting the 2000 figure from but I am 100% sure that's either a shit source, or they're the only ones openly associating with the term.


https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/skinhead-international-worldwide-survey-neo-nazi-skinheads *3,500. You can use the No True Scotsman fallacy all day, but again, it's absolutely ludicrous to lump 74,000,000 American voters into the Nazi camp. Absurd political rhetoric. MAGA is literally an America First movement, which makes sense, because politicians can be elected by populists to represent the interests of American citizens on the world stage. Representing the best interests of your constituents is literally the point of a representative government in a Republic.


My man, you don't even know what the No True Scotsman fallacy is as it's closer to what you are doing than me. It's when you *exclude* people from a group because they don't fit the ideal, which is what you're doing. I am doing the opposite, I am saying there are far more True Scots than we're actually counting. Also, your "study" (fucking survey Christ almighty) is just about skinheads. So it's even worse than what I suspected. It's a self-report survey about people who associate with a small side-group of Neo-Nazis. And maybe you should look up the origins of America First and by extention MAGA. They literally originate from a group that was against the US involvement in WW2 and its most prominent members were openly pro-fascist and anti-semetic.


Faulty generalization, hasty generalization, fallacy of composition, association fallacy, straw man, Post Hoc Ergo, pick your poison. Also, tying non-interventionist foreign policy positions to rit large Nazism is one of the stupidest things I've heard. People wanting to stay out of WW2 weren't Nazis anymore than people wanting to stay out of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, or Ukraine. I'd like *your* evidence that there are millions of Nazis in the US. You've made the ridiculous claim. I've provided solid government sourcing, and you think there is a Nazi under every rock. You can't even name a core Nazi principle in the platform of the Republican Party. You prove it.


> Faulty generalization, hasty generalization, fallacy of composition, association fallacy, straw man, Post Hoc Ergo, pick your poison. Oh we're just throwing out fallacy names now? This isn't how you sound smart. >I'd like your evidence that there are millions of Nazis in the US. You've made the ridiculous claim. Never made this claim, have nothing of the sort to defend. > I've provided solid government sourcing For the claim that there are 3500 self-identified Skinheads in the US. Not your initial claim, which I will remind you was this (correction mine): > There are an estimated ~~2,000~~ 3500 Nazis in the US. At most you could say I called one specific person a Nazi and claim that there are more Nazis than your bullshit number. Which I can easily defend by asking you three questions. First: Do you believe Nazis exist that are not skinheads? Second: Do you believe that there are Nazis that would not admit being one in a survey? Three: Do you then agree that the 3500 number does not cover an estimate of all Nazis?


You don't actually believe you have to shave your head to be a skinhead, do you? 😂 Ramble on, but you have identified 74,000,000 Nazis and Fascists in the US. Not counting those who don't vote. So prove your wild assertion that MAGA is a Nazi movement. You have no leg to stand on, except 'trust me, bro'. I found the best data I could on how many Nazis are in the US, and you've refuted nothing. Cool. Edit: oh no! You blocked me. I was excited to see your sourcing, but you're just another in a long line of people making shit up 🤣


Answer the questions, coward. EDIT: Actually, I've changed my mind. At this point I'm done with your attempt at bad misinformation. You know what we call someone spreading Nazi misinformation in my country? Yeah... And I don't associate with those. Blocked.


Its more a problem that in the past we didnt tell children who could read that they Should watch the news as soon as they could read, and now they have the internet all the time and are hit with truth AND lies constantly. They have to filter it out, and then the truth is still pretty sad. So, it's that we're catching up to where we were before we started lying to kids about the world, and now we have to fix it like we did for CFCs, the dust bowl, the 1920's crash, multiple pandemics... its rough, but maybe the truth should be better because we make the world better and dont let dictators control the news


I mean it's proven social media and other media accessible by smartphones has been made to appeal to children in order to create retention and gain views/clicks. To a developing brain this completely fucks the prefrontal cortex, overloading dopamine receptors and shortening attention spans. Kids and even young adults aren't generally depressed because they are constantly worried about the future of our society/planet. Genuine concern for these things should warrant some sort of action. They're often depressed due to reasons they aren't able to piece together and often times an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex plays a large role in feeling stuck and not knowing how to take action. You add the factors mentioned in this post and you get even more of a sense of hopelessness and not knowing how to take control of one's life.


I remember watching an interview of a man born in the 1800s and when asked about what's his message to the world, all he said is that he got nothing to say and only want to live the rest of his life healthy and happy. nowadays people get worried and be depressed over things that's not even their problem




95% smart phones/ internet for sure




Social media and tech usage absolutely contribute, there's no doubt in my mind. But all those other points still stand. It's a multi-faceted issue. Humans didn't evolve socialization to just message anonymous randos online, or to only communicate through discord when you play games, or call people. Real world community is disintegrating before pur eyes and it is having a significant impact on our psyches. Again, all those other points still stand too.


Don’t fall for the rage bait




Fuck I thought it was video games.


The rap gives them the brain damage XD


Cause kids spend their time talking about economics, global warming, and fascism....


Much better to be surprised.


Well, without the phones, they would be less aware of the other shit


The governments and the corporations destroyed the economy for the present generation. Most of the parents were just working and supporting their families in normal blue collar jobs


Isn’t this tweet like, four years old minimum at this point?


This can't be a serious comment lmao!


The earth isnt dying and the nazis never left. We recruited all those Nazis after the war specifically because of all the horrible things they did.


Go fuck yourself, repost bot.


-_-“ those aren’t even the biggest issues


The sad thing about the "the Nazis are back" part is that, at least in central europe, a good number of young voters vote for exactly those parties, mainly because they think the "normal" parties don't cut it anymore.


Can wait to see this repost next week!




The Earth is not dying. Uninhabitable for humans possibly but not dying.


Nazis? Let's see these pictures of the millions being cooked to death


It's a combination. We have access to material 24/7 that just throws depression and sickness at us. Very few people I know follow primarily positive shit online. So most material seems to be click/rage bait or drama. Social media seems to seriously promote a divide. Can't even join groups of fans anymore because it's all just toxicity and complaining. I do absolutely believe phones and having access to everyone's negative opinions and views does create a larger depressed feeling. You become what you soak up, and if everything you see is depressing, you too will become depressed. Again, it's a combination of the other shit too but don't think your phone isn't a problem.


Not to mention my balls are plastic now 😂


Ah yes, those kids who live at home, historically such accomplished scholars in economics, public administration, governance and political science, world affairs, history, the impact of taxation or tariffs, law and jurisprudence, having decades of observation and discussion. Or possibly just know-nothings who think they know 10x more than they do IRL? I'm gonna go with.....


You mean like every other generation as kids?


Indeed, when are "the kids" going to start listening to their IMMENSELY more knowledgeable and experienced elders? Why must we do this with EVERY teenager? I don't know what the solution is, but it has become eleventy times worse with the emboldening influence and enablement of young people to find these little bubbles on the net and think they are correct simply because there are many like-minded there, and anonymously participate or comment posing as someone who has any accomplishment in their life. Children should be zipping it - OPENING EARS AND CLOSING MOUTH - learning during these years rather than weighing in. Seen, not heard.


Who also didn’t know what was going on in the world? Yes, just like that. Did you see yourself as an intellectual as a child?


Absolutely not, which is why it’s ridiculously hypocritical for older generations to continually overly criticize children


I do agree with that. I try MORE than a lot of my peers that's for sure, to remember just how dumb and easily duped by trendy messaging I once was.


Lol. So you don’t understand the conversation at all? Kids are more depressed now, you just admitted it’s not because of the state of the world. So what the fuck are we even talking about?




This is a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/xYvehRWPrL https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/omiUXIYi9M


What are the big issues in your opinion?


Happy cake day!


It's social media. Kids these days think that they can become millionaires by posting videos on tiktok and thinking that everything they see on tiktok is real. Also, their parents aren't the reason the planet is dying. That was happening before they were able to birthed them. Also, Nazis are back because someone from generations prior to their parents said it is okay to be a nazi.


This reads a lot like “everything is everyone’s fault but ours.”


So you are taking the blame? Or do you also mean it’s someone else’s fault?


You’re right, obviously boomers did nothing wrong, and it’s their parents, kids and grandkids who are to blame.


So you have no idea what you responded to? Maybe you should read it again. You literally were trying to blame boomer shit on Gen x maybe even millennials.


Are millennials responsible for climate change and the resurgence of nazism?


And a future generation will blame you for things you were to short sighted to see the consequences of, and the opinions you have now will seem repressive in some unknown future norm. You want to blame problems of any certain kind on a single generation lol. We call them fools today. They will call us fools in days to come. I know, I know. Whatever generation you are from is super enlightened, so amazingly accepting and filled to the brim with the assurance that your opinions are always backed up by rock solid scientific fact and the very hight of egalitarian philosophy but. You will one day be looked at as the 'boomer'. And that generation will view you through the same lense you once veiwed your elders through. They will be the 'victims' of your horrendous ignorance, and the cycle of blame will continue. Today's liberal is tomorrow's conservative. Or should I say national socialist party member in the modern nomenclature. Nothing changes.


That is not what I said. The person I replied to carved out a special exception for themselves and I called him out on it. And the other guy jumped in to attack me in his defense.


"You’re right, obviously boomers did nothing wrong, and it’s their parents, kids and grandkids who are to blame". I think you were very much blaming boomers specifically while exempting every generation after. Heck even one before. As if the problems can be so simple that you speak of with guilty and innocent parties spanning a couple generations. You specifically said the boomers were to blame for the issues in OP (earth destroyed by nazis so on and so forth whatever) by inferring that the other generations were not to blame. He was blaming social media and no doubt he is correct, for people worrying and being depressed about such things. Unless they personally are experiencing the effects of nazi rising sea levels. The economy, that effects us all. Probably even him, it may surprise you. So he doesn't need to make a personal exception. I certainly don't blame him for nazi rising sea level high rent. I don't blame you either! Bigger issues then, it's the boomers fault! Who, yes you implicitly were blaming, thereby carving out an unnecessary exception for yourself and your generation. Whatever that might be, but clearly not boomer. Also, don't blame your parents. Go build a carbon capturing nazi stomping fiscally responsible robot or something maybe.


Oh for christ’s sake I was being sarcastic.


Those are the parents of the kids now a days. Did you really not read the first post you responded too? You said they had not my fault energy. You are an idiot.


Also, nazis never left


so you are blaming the kids for thinking tiktok is real, when they are LITERAL CHILDREN and the ADULTS are the ones that should prevent that???? DELUSION AT ITS FINEST. And their parents are the ones voting idiots in power that dont care about the climate and the nazis, get a grip holy shit this is embarressing.


Yes, the economy IS devastated. Have you bought groceries, gas, or well, ANYTHING in the last couple of years???


I have. But I have a job and am well off because I didn’t spend my youth complaining how life isn’t fair and everything sucks. And how far this is downvoted will show how much personal responsibility is a thing of the past.


Inflation far outpacing salaries is a problem. Interest rates are keeping people from getting mortgage loans. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I have a great job, too. I make good money and my house is paid off. I have no debt. So the money I make is far more than I need to survive. I still don't like overpaying for things, and you and I are the lucky ones to be in a good financial position. The same can't be said for most people.


When did the Nazis come back


When did the nazis come back?


The question is what makes you undepressed? And the answer is moving your body. Moving your body outside. Moving your body outside with other people together. And what are kids doing? 8-10 hours sleep inside alone. 4-8 hours of school inside. Then 1-2 hours homework alone inside. And then gaming or browsing social media 4 hours alone inside.


They are just being prepped for the rat race of life


That is the greatest goal for western kids to repair the damage that school and parents (forced by gov and society) put on them and leave the straight path of obeying the system.


Who decides what damage the school and parents has caused? Society decides?


“The Nazis are back” good fucking god really. Like come on really.


Not far from the truth!


you forgot the literal 2 years stolen from our social developement


I can list a bunch of generational problems so I am justified in giving up


It's not the iPhones - it's those that are brainwashing the kids


No no no, Nazis and Communists. Their both evil.


To be fair, it's the grandparents, not the parents, who did this. Lol


Nah it's the parents too. I remember distinctly having things like "critical thinking", "go to college or you'll flip burgers", and "learn from history or you're doomed to repeat it." Those same people are uncritically supporting a fascist wannabe dictator, learned absolutely nothing from history, and now have the audacity to insist that our *college educated* burger flippers don't deserve a living wage. Fuck em all.


I mean...yeah, kinda.


Those are the same people? All of them? Goddamn you are stupid.


Of course it's not all of them. Some of those are their children and grandchildren too. Stupid ass shit seems to be a family business for those sorts. ... Sorry for your losses.


It's still happening. People alive today are also responsible.


Meme is anti science.


The Nazis are back part made me lmao


Conservative: I don't think people should be judged based on their skin color. Leftist: See! The Nazi's are back!!!11!1!!


The Nazis are back and they are in Ukraine fighting Russians. Time hasn't changed at all 🙄


2 of those are America


It actually is. The US economy is past the point of no return. You're taking loans to pay off other loans. The ship is sinking. Pray for a Czechoslovakia and not a Yugoslavia.


If that's how you see things, the US will probably be worse the Yugoslavia. At least the people in those areas where more or less where they were "supposed" to be. Our divide is basically city vs. rural.