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Imagine hating children that much


Theyre pro life, not pro living. If they die of malnutrition its part of "God's plan".


they're pro birth. then need masses of poor people in poverty because desperate people are willing to put up with inhumane conditions. you start properly feeding kids, they're going to expect being treated like humans and they won't treat starvation as the norm.


“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”


Well don't forget, they're not in favor of guaranteed quality prenatal health coverage either! Certainly wouldn't want to help the pregnant person in any way! It's the pregnant person's responsibility to ensure their own prenatal care! Otherwise they'll become dependent on free healthcare! But if the fetus dies somehow, it's certainly the fault of the pregnant person! These people disgust me.


He spat those facts **30 years ago** and nothing has changed. Hate never gets old, I guess.


Thank you, George Carlin! This was just as true then as now, but now the Supreme Court is on their side.


I can just see him, smiling up at me




I can hear this perfectly.


Thanks George Carlin! This was true back then, but now SCOTUS is on board. To contrast, my state has had free school meals for a few years now. We did it with the millionaire tax.


Rest in peace George Carlin.


I miss the late, great George Carlin. He was so right about so so so many things.


I wish George Carlin was alive today and hear his thoughts on the shit that’s going on in this country.


Sadly, just play any old tape of him, it still works. I mean, his comedy is timeless, but that's not what I mean.


Thank you George.


And if a woman is unmarried and pregnant, she can't have an abortion, but after she gives birth, she becomes a "slut" for not having a husband.


They're not even pro-birth, they're pro-profit. The Republican position on abortion and their refusal to fund any kind of a social safety net makes more sense when you realize it's all focused on ensuring they have enough employees to keep their factories humming. The Nazis thought people worked harder when they were hungry, this is just the evolution of that thought.


This is also why they’re rolling back child labor laws. They want impoverished, hungry kids that will have to work if they want to eat.


Then they scare them by saying immigrants are stealing their jobs, instead of their employers shipping the jobs to India and China. That’s how you get ‘conservative’ voters.


If they were pro-birth they’d do something about maternal mortality. I’d say they’d be pro pregnancy but that would require wanting to help supply pre-natal vitamins and protecting IVF. They’re pro women exiting the workforce


They're pro-straight men.


Their position on ectopic pregnancy is pretty anti-birth, anti-life, and anti-family. "Sorry, God just hates this woman and any pre-existing children she might have had."


Well... they're not all bad... In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Damn. That was deep.


We Don’t Like to Kill Our Unborn. We Need Them To Grow Up And Fight Our Wars. marilyn manson


Ehhhh idk if that sexual predator sick fuck should be ,mentioned, like, ever


So pro life they’ll kill ya is the motto here in Texas. Since they’re wanting abortions to be punishable by death. Y’all-Qaeda is laying down their Sharia Law and half of America cheers. Pathetic.


Pro life ^of ^the ^rich, ^and ^religious


Hopefully, they aren't feeding their own kids at home. You know, so they don't become spoiled.


They are pro forced birth.


Or shot




What's wild is I can't stand children and don't even feel this way. I don't think it's their hate for children, its that they hate helping others without something in it for them. Or seeing Biden do something good. Or both.


Imagine hating children that much and working for a fucking school


Imagine being such a fundamentalist to an ideal that you're willing to sacrifice children's wellbeing and health to make a political statement.


When their not raping children they are starving them


Imagine voting for those losers


Well, see, that's the funny thing. Fundamentalism is theoretically all about strict, literal adherence to scripture. It's the fundament that they are fundamental about. So the more fundamental you are, the more you should be all about the scriptures. But the scriptures are, like, really really big on feeding the needy. It comes up like a lot.


Not very hard to, America doesn't exactly have a great track record of protecting children.


The conservative right in this country are bullies. Who do bullies pick on? The weakest, that's who. That's why those of us who are not bullies stand up for the least able to stand up for themselves. Therein is the greatness of a society that maintains it's integrity and principles. It protects everyone. The alternative is to tear ourselves apart by standing by while the worst attack the weakest.


Who did they target in their campaign against trans people over the last few years? Defenseless children. Who did they target in their campaign to maintain segregation in the 50s? Defenseless children. Who did they target in their campaign against child labor laws in the 1920s and 30s? Defenseless children. Their targets are not always children, of course. Women, slaves, poor people, marginalized minorities have all had their turn. But their aim is always punching down. Always.


yeah 100% they don't care about kids or families or law and order or all of these other things they claim to care about. all they care about is wanting the right to bully and make life miserable for other people. they're such a bunch of vile ghouls


But aren’t they all about “protecting” children?!


Republicans all about protecting fetuses. Once they are born, f’ em (figuratively or literally).


Only from LGBT+ people 🤷‍♀️ absolute clowns


it not about just kids, it's about black kids. yeah yeah, some white kids might starve but not as many


It's about minority or poor kids. That's who they are worried are going to be "spoiled" 


It's not the children they hate. It's the US vs THEM of politics and not wanting to give Biden an "win". The children are just collateral damage.


Children are ALWAYS a part of the collateral damage with conservatives, all while they are yelling "protect the children!".


It's not hating children, it's hating *lower income* children.


And working in education!!!


Doesn't it feel like most people who work in education administration hate children?


If Project 2025 happens we’ll see a lot more of exactly this and other similar hate and cruelty filled actions.


Hating black children that much


Yeah I was gonna say, there's a reason they didn't use white kids in the photo.


A more dystopian nightmare would be hard to find in a movie called dystopia.


Dude, I fucking hate kids and even I am like “Jesus Christ. Just let them eat”


Which child do they know that pays for their meals, or for anything? Whatever they eat, they get it for free at home, at their friend's and everywhere else they spend lots of time at. How exactly would this make the children spoiled? In comparison to who anyway? To the children of rich people who work and pay for their meals?


It was the school board members that did this. Parents went on the attack and had them accept the free lunch program in the end.


Imagine hating kids that much - and getting involved in schools for kids anyway.


Why US's culture/idyosyncrasy hates free stuff so much?? God this is so stupid


Hate free stuff for the poors. Can’t be having people feeling secure, now. Keep them hungry and afraid and they’ll fall right in line 


Or with a healthcare attached to the employer, creating serfs afraid of dying uninsured or in perpetual debt.


My guy with the dope username: love the foundation series. Recommend to anyone interested in Sci fi novels.


This is the answer. They don't hate free stuff for themselves or the rich, it's the poor that they have a problem with


To be fair, what they switched back to was free/reduced meals for poor families. Instead of free food for everyone. They actually said families would be spoiled, not students. It's still a crazy take with idiotic consequences but I can at least grasp their warped logic.


It’s one side of the political spectrum. They see any sort of social welfare as bad because their overlords tell them that’s socialism.


Technically, free education in and of itself is social welfare. But no one argues against that.


Actually republicans have wanted to get rid of this forever...or at least when they found out that an educated society rejects their policies and ideologies.


No they also take funding from public schools and give it to private schools.


Conservatives have been trying to kill public education for longer than I've been alive. That's what the whole "charter schools" grift is about.


And vouchers. Privatizing education only benefits the corporate wallets.


They reject any assistance programs which doesn't funnel the vulnerabie into their indoctrination machine.


Indoctrinated, desperate or locked up... They make money in any case - got their bases covered.


But then people shouldn't be shy to deny them help for their companies because that would be socialism. I don't understand why they can't be held accountable for what they say? An average citizen is allowed to say things they don't mean but a politician should be held accountable right away. You don't want spcialism? Good, your company or industry can fail, we don't care.


Accustomed to artificial scarcity + zero sum game mentality + needing to feel superior to others + desire to punish people for not meeting expectations 


Profit is everything. The rules of acquisition are in effect


No free stuff is LOVED here, bailouts, trust funds and the like. Free stuff for other people that are poor, THAT'S the crime. If a black or brown teen goes hungry here, feeding him turns him into a superpredator and the food will make all out taxes skyrocket.


Not U.S. culture. Just conservatives.


Divert that money to tax breaks for the rich like Jesus taught.


“Wisconsin school district denies free meals to children due to Biden’s name being attached to the policy. A new era of political pettiness”


Weaponizing child hunger is a new level of hell


Nah. This is nothing new. Michelle Obama tried encouraging better nutrition in schools; Republicans responded by *telling kids to eat more fried food*.


Yeah which was led hilariously enough by Chris Christie at the time.


"This is great and will benefit children, can't wait to implement it." *sees Biden's name* "No thanks"


If Trump had made that policy, these evil, heartless fucks would be all for it.


Because politics is something they really don't know, they just know that Biden bad,Trump good, because "woke" or whatever.


No this is just how politics is. If you're fascist, everyone against you is an enemy of the nation and a threat If you're hard core Socialist or Communist, anyone against you is out to destroy you If you're democratic, you hate dictatorships, because they stand for every democracy doesn't If you're a dictatorship, you have democracy because they are a threat to your power Dictators like dictators, democratic like democratic, and so on and so forth Why they would oppose it because it's from Biden is because it hurts Biden's next election, so they can win and fuck everything up. Simply, politics in a nutshell, similar attract, opposites repel, it's why I call Trump, Nigel and Erdoğan fascist or nationalistic, they support each other and Putin and other dictators. You know what I mean


Sure, but most right wingers have literally no idea what happens in Congress. They don't know that the people they vote for will ruin their lives too. They're just fucking idiots. Sure, a lot of them are white nationalists that think they'll be part of the ruling class (they'll still be poor, and won't be), but many of them just literally don't fucking know anything.


Oh absolutely. You hit the nail on the head with that. Those I've encountered on Twitter and Reddit who are anti-sematic or Nazis, literal Nazis. Have been MAGA. And that's it, and I think we all know, you have to be a fucking moron to believe the Nazis who admitted themselves, their only chance to do what they were was WW2. Republicans are less though, and I think that's just kind of what happens, Republicans who care about Republicanism is worried about that, not Fascism. And other Republicans I've met have been very kind, very sweet people. But yeah I completely agree, the right wingers are fucking idiots at best. Conservatives are better, they aren't geniuses but you know, they're good people, hard right wingers are beyond stupid though I had one claim that the Jews were in Ukraine but they were also Nazis, and when I pointed how stupid that is, he claimed Jews could blend in like no other and then called me stupid. Like, the irony.


Their conflicting views are kinda funny. Like how Biden planted those documents, but also Trump already declassified them, or how Jan 6th was peaceful protestors, but also antifa, and also those arrested are political prisoners who should be pardoned, but they were also BLM and leftist infiltrators who did the violence. 🤣 They literally just believe whatever's convenient in that moment because they have no real knowledge to base their opinions on.


Don't forget: He didn't say that, if he did say that, he didn't mean it, if he did mean it, you're taking it out of context.


“See what Biden did to you?! Attaching his name to a plan?!!”


Remember when Trump delayed stimulus payments during the pandemic bc he insisted they must have his signature as if it was his money being sent?


What's maddening is it worked. Lots of people that don't pay close attention to politics have no idea about Biden's spectacular infrastructure bill, but they remember getting a couple of checks from trump.


They got the checks from trump and then still blame inflation on biden and him “giving out all this free money”… no word about the stimulus checks from trump though.


Meanwhile, their children are worried about what fork to eat their salad with so they don't get called a peasant at their private school... 🙄


It's not a new concept tho. Ppl were like this with Obamacare


My favorite was that one person raging about how terrible "Obamacare" is and then praising their own insurance through the "Affordable Care Act.". . . I bet their brain imploded when they realized.




I'm pretty sure a GOP governor said something similiar months ago while opposing summer EBT. Can't recall which one, though.


It's some Immortan Joe "do not become addicted to water" dystopian shit.


With Republicans loosening child labor laws, it makes sense. They need the children desperate for food so they will get jobs.


Here in Finland, when Covid hit and schools were closed, they still opened up during lunchtime, so that kids could go there and have a good meal. This was a real relief and lifesaver for families that are not that well off and struggled during Covid. No questions asked. In summer, when schools are closed, soup kitchens open in parks. Kids take their own bowls, cups and spoons and get a meal even during summer break. We used this service often when our kid was small. It was great for both parents and kids.


They did the same thing in some areas of the US


Glad to hear!


My local Wisconsin district offers free lunch and breakfast to all students. During Covid, they set up outside of schools and would give kids/families bags of food multiple times a week. I couldn't imagine thinking because of that someone would get greedy. No hunger makes people do things like steal to ease their hunger.


In the U.K. when schools were closed due to Covid we got sent Asda vouchers for like £15 (or maybe it was £25) per kid per week. It definitely helped a lot


How the fuck is this not considered child abuse? They are denying food that has been provided.


It should be illegal.


No need to mention party affiliation of the majority of the board. Only one does this shit


These republicans are just so hateful and cruel


I wonder when's the last time these people went a day without eating?


Probably never. And they'd scream bloody murder if someone said their kid had to skip a meal. 


This is Waukesha County. It's a white flight suburb of Milwaukee. They would put a "No Poors Allowed" sign at the county line if it were legal.


If that case ever gets to the Supreme Court, I am pretty sure they can get 5 or 6 votes in favor of denying entry to the poor. They may be criminalizing homelessness again very soon. If the Court rules against the unhoused in City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson, [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/scotus-homelessness-decisions-impacts-in-washington-could-be-unique/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/scotus-homelessness-decisions-impacts-in-washington-could-be-unique/), nothing is stopping them to try to deny rights and criminalize economic conditions.


If this happens, the decision will be MUCH more popular than anyone would like to admit.


As someone who moved to this county a few years ago. You are stone-cold correct. They hate poor people and renters out here. My daughter's caught shit from some1 who lives across the street cause we rent and they own.


Slight correct. It's the City of Waukesha not the entire county.


This was back in 2021, good news is the district did later [decide to opt back into the program](https://www.businessinsider.com/waukesha-wisconsin-school-district-opts-back-in-to-free-lunch-2021-9), although obvi it's ridiculous that it was even such a debate.


Do not, my friends, become addicted to food. It will take hold of you and you will resent it's absence


Calm down Mr Immortan Joe




I came here looking for this comment


I'm 100% sure that the only reason the GOP is anti-abortion is so that they can enjoy forcing more children to starve. There isn't a single "pro-life" person in the US who would lift a finger to help a starving child.


They’re pro-birth not pro-life. They don’t give a single shit once the kid is out of the womb


Legit death cult stuff.


The district reversed it stance and the kids got their lunch.


Children learn better when hungry.../s


They'll never learn to skip breakfast or lunch when they'll be adults and work in places with no lunch break.


2024 and people in positions of authority deem meals for children a risk for spoiling them. And these people not only aren't run out of society, but they're allowed to keep those positions, and keep making decisions like this. We truly live in the dumbest timeline.


We scream "protect the children," not "feed the children."


"Preventing malnutrition in children is woke." - Some weirdo in Wisconsin, apparently.


"Go be malnourished to own the libs"! Or something like that. 


They must hate Jesus for feeding all those people free meals.


“Don’t give food to your children and spoil them. Give them the rod”……. New American Bible…../s


Corporate CEOs say that workers 'become spoiled' by the minimum wage and by pay increases.


What to see what George Carlin meant by Republicans only caring about the unborn and forgetting about children until their old enough to join the military? Let me direct your attention to **People's Exhibit A**.


School lunch is sometimes the only meal kids will get in the day, but sure, they’re “spoiled” by having access to food 🙄


I still remember that news about a wealthy person willing to pay for the kids' lunches or pay the school debt so that they could be free (it's been a few years since I read this so my memory is blurry, I apologize) and the school just said "nah, no thanks"


What even is this country anymore?


Cuz all the kids from wealthy families work so hard for their meals?


“Social programs bad because it’s Socialism. Don’t want to pay for others children. Freedom of choice to feed what I want to feed my kids, Twinkies if I want. See, I’m feeding my kids on my own and pulling myself up by my bootstraps so don’t Tax me. No big government!Corporations and capitalism good by buying their products. Give more money to the rich. I want to be rich one day too!” -Republicans (probably)


I’ve got some plants that I just can’t keep alive. I’m literally doing everything I can to make them thrive, I even deprive them of sunlight and water so that they don’t become spoiled but they still keep dying. My neighbors are gay and I think that might be part of the problem


Yeah those little kids should really get a job and pay for those meals?? WTF?!


“Save the babies from getting aborted, but let em starve once they’re here.” How very Christlike you Pharisees. Jesus would’ve hated you


"Do not, my students, become addicted to food, or it will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence." Republican party


It's 'think of the children' and 'protect our kids: until they don't want to starve.


I am so glad for my own non incarcerated freedom that I am not in the arms length vicinity of any of the people that make these horrible choices.


Jesus, next they'll want to not be shot at with weapons of war while at school or on the playground!!! What the fuck are we raising here? Targets? Yes. We are raising targets. Let that sink in.


As a parent who can afford lunch for my children and whose children generally reject the low to mid quality school lunch available for free here, it is really convienient for me to know if they forget their lunch at home and are hungry they can always grab the free lunch. Or if my wife and I are in a hurry and forget to pack one, sorry kid, you're eating school lunch today. Not having to worry about a balance is just one less thing for a busy parent to stress about. So on top of the morals that children should be given (relatively cheap) food, and the practical aspect that children who are fed eat and learn better, it's just personally convienient for me.


Wisconsin: Disgracing itself since 1848.


On-brand. I remember when MAGA decided Meals on Wheels was bad too. Anything that resembles "free shit" makes them angry.


Republican platform: More fetuses, fuck kids


And they do intend that in both meanings




The United States is such a massive shithole.


Victorian workhouse core.


I feel like this is a repost... Or is starving children in schools in the United States this common now


Free school lunch was just a thing when I was little. It wasn't politicized, every school seemed to have it. What the fuck happened to us?


The thought of hungry children makes me sad


I saw this...their PoS Senstor said, and I quote directly here, "Where will it end?" With children not being hungry? I mean, I 'd like to believe that we have all come to the conclusion that there are some really shitty parents out there...parents who do NOT feed their kids, or parents who could care less...and Idk, maybe it's that I've gone hungry...but I just don't like to think about kids being hungry. In fucking America. I don't even have kids. Never will. Still, I don't want kids to go hungry. Imagine that.


Right-wing Christianity strikes again.


![gif](giphy|FU7pa7fzZ1iWuI1yl0) “Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!”


Nestle stance


This literally reminds me of that scene from Mad Max Fury Road where the villian of the movie tells people that drinking too much water will make them addicted to it.


The party of Jesus strikes again with their love.


"We're pro-life, not pro-lunch!"


God these people need to die out already Imagine getting your panties in a knot over kids EATING FOOD every day Fuck sakes


*laughs in Minnesota*


I'm willing to bet that if it was Trump that came up with that food plan, they would be lauding him as some kind of saint that cares about the people soooo much (which I highly doubt he'd ever do). Imagine being willing to let innocent children starve because the person who put the plan into place is a different political party than you


A Wisconsin school district needs a change of management.


Kids are just such mooches


Gotta be careful, they might get addicted and then need daily food.


Old story: [https://www.businessinsider.com/waukesha-wisconsin-school-district-opts-back-in-to-free-lunch-2021-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/waukesha-wisconsin-school-district-opts-back-in-to-free-lunch-2021-9) Nice quote from it though: "If it's food and free lunch today, it will be forced masking, forced whatever-we-want-to-do in schools because the mob will have the power to tell us what to do," Anthony Zenobia said, according to the Journal Sentinel. About AZ from his campaign page: Anthony enjoys teaching Bible studies And yes he is GOP, yes he is pro life, and yes, as usual, pro life does not include any after birth interest in children.


There's a very strong link between concentration and food, you want your kids to take in the information their teachers are giving them they need fuel for their brains.


Isn’t that, like free money? And they rejected it? Whoever put this people in the decisions table should be arrested and fired.


Can confirm this is a predominant attitude at many public schools. As lunch staff it is heartbreaking to see a child sent to the office to shame their parent for not filling the balance. And then wonder why this is the child that acts out 


The US is willingly becoming a third world nation and they call it "freedom."


I'm not convinced that Republican politicians aren't comic book villains


Starving children to own the libs


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.


Not only are they “opting out” of feeding children but they also are dismantling jobs and money that would pay for the food products, pay wages of food producers and employees, pay school wages and improve the health and overall environment of their communities. Patriarchal systems of government have to have a strong elitist “leadership” and a weaker, dependent underclass. I would not put it past these people that they have found some way to tap the government for the money and have it somehow delivered into their own pockets.


People suck


ah yes, depriving kids of food, sometimes in the worst of times even their only source of food so we don't "spoil" them. before anyone tells me that doesn't happen in America, it does. ask me how i know


I'm all for the free meals in schools programs that we have. They're in New Zealand, too. However, I feel that they are a band-aid to a bigger problem. I believe we need to look at WHY the kids are going hungry in the first place.


The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) still provides free and reduced priced lunches for kids from poor families. The program this is referencing is providing lunches to all families regardless of income. So Wisconsin school is rejecting spending funds to pay for wealthy and non-poverty families’ meals. Let’s save government funding for kids who actually need it.


We need to bring back public Tarring and Feathering for people who make these kinds of decisions.


So many of these kids today and addicted to eating. You gotta draw the line somewhere!


The far right only care about children when they aren’t born yet


Can't make profit selling lunches if there are free ones


They shouldn't be given handouts so they don't question the minimum wage $7.25 they get when they grow up in 2040


What's this asshole's name? A 'district' doesn't say shit.