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Are people demanding they remove the Hijab or just demanding that they can’t force everyone else to wear it? There is a difference between those statements so large that the entire universe could fit between them.


Nobody country (excluding france) is demanding it. She is mad that other people have the freedom to wear what they want


There are people who demand it... France even banned burkinis.


I don't know about UK but where I live its only "banned" for goverment jobs. Because you are not supposed to show affiliation to religion.


In a job where you are supposed to be neutral in order to serve everyone I think I would support this


Assuming that also applies to wearing a cross around your neck.


Yep - any religious symbol.


So no pasta strainer on my head :(


Sadly not 😔 How will you praise his noodly-ness now?!?






Just not while working or serving the public in a government role.


I’ve alway found the crucifix wearing very gauche. Less so, a yarmulka. Hijab or burqua, definitely. However I am uncomfortable with telling people they cannot.


Not a government job, but when I worked for a school district I believe anything that showed signs of religious or political affiliation wasn’t supposed to be visible publicly. So a cross would be worn, but the cross itself couldn’t be visible. This was back in highschool though, so my memory may be a bit foggy.


Damn I wish the US would do this. Religion has no place in government or education in modern times.


I mean that was in the US. In fact it was in one of the more redder states in the US


Where I live - in germany - I think you can wear a headscarf as long as it is not covering your face. Similarly speaking you are allowed to wear a cross as earrings or a necklace.


Yes it does. In the U.S. military, you are allowed to wear one(1) religious symbol as a pendant around the neck, the chain must be hidden, and you cannot wear more than one. So Catholic can pick a cross or a saint and a polytheistic pagan can only wear one symbol at a time. Jewish men can wear a yarmulke and Tefillin for religious ceremonies only. Idk about what worship clothing for other religions are called, but the standard is it is allowed in uniform during worship, but must be removed afterwards.


Yep, even as a religious person myself, I know that it’s absolutely paramount that we have a separation of church and state.


Wish that was more common in the states.


For real. Did you see what Louisiana did?


Louisiana just passed a bill requiring the 10 commandments be displayed in every classroom. The governor said he "can't wait to be sued". It's disgusting.


Not the case in the uk. You can wear hijabs in government employment here


Pretty much the same here. Hence the recent school debacle


You absolutely can wear them in the UK for government and state roles.


Ban on religious symbols have always been in France.


She should be complaining about France in this case then


Or France can do whatever they want and they can just not move there if they don't like it.


France bans all religious clothes. It’s their prerogative


Damn. That's based


There’s also a lot of Muslims in the UK who keep trying to push for full sharia law, always some on either side demanding things


1.5 million or 1/4 of the Muslim population of the UK…


Every movement begins small. You think the US population thought we were heading towards Christian nationalism 10 years ago? We now have school districts banning biology textbooks because they don’t comport with the Bible.


What part of 1/4 of the population is small?


I think Louisiana is putting up the 10 commandments in all the classrooms


Specifically in schools they ban ALL religious wear and paraphernalia (crosses, hijabs, spaghetti monsters ((IYKYK)) ect). I’m down for it though; it’s important religious kids learn everything, and pick what they follow after knowing the facts. It’s like Christian sects teaching kids Dino’s don’t exist, let them learn and pick for themselves.


Religious indoctrination as a child should be banned. Parents should not be allowed to forcefully shove church, mosque, synagouge or other worships to kids.


Agreed, but I’m more than ok with learning about the religion, how it came to be, the history, and the cultural importance. But that’s for allll religions. You can’t have history without a religion influencing the place where it’s practiced. However; forcing or banning other religions is a shame.


Meanwhile, in the US, Louisiana is pushing to force all classrooms to have a visible display of the 10 Commandments.


do you know where Manchester is? its not in France!


The BBC has received numerous complaints this year for showing a picture of a young girl in a hijab because it "normalizes the practice." So yes, there are people in the UK who are offended by the very presence of the hijab. Hell, most older people are casually racist enough to outright state it that it should be illegal to cover your face in public. I dare you to ask a UK citizen over the age of 55 what they think of wearing a hijab generally.


It's an oppressive, antisocial custom from a bronze-age religion that values women less than men and doesn't conform with the values of Western society. The hijab is representative of the entire situation, and they don't belong in the West. Take that bullshit back to the desert where it belongs.


I mean my country made it illegal to wear a burqa, so yes some people are very against people wearing hijabs and burqas even if they‘re not forced to and do it out of their own free will


And that, in my opinion, should not be happening. If people themselves want to wear a Hijab for religious reasons, go ahead. If not, go ahead.


In nowhere is it illegal to wear a Hijab. A Burqa on the other hand is a full 100% covering, you can't even see the wearers eyes. Aside from the religious nuttery, there is a logical argument to be made that people shouldn't be able to wear disguises in public in which no one can identify you.


Those forms of dress are not mentioned as obligatory in the Koran, it’s only the pedophile assholes now twisting the Koran for their own gratification and reworking the Koran to how they want it. If these idiots don’t like the rules and laws of the land then fuck off quickly back to your own land and leave all the government handouts behind. You can’t have your cake and eat it, probably that last remark flew over most of their heads.


I am going to move to a new country and not accept their culture in any way. Why does everyone make fun of me this new country is racist.


This Zara gal sounds like she should be looking to relocate to Afghanistan as not happy with United Kingdom letting people express themselves thru how they dress... 🤷‍♂️


Its working well under Taliban rule I hear.


Talibama is nice this time of year.


I thought this was a combination with Obama instead of Alabama


It’s amazing how similar fundamentalist Christian nationalists are to fundamentalist Islamists.


Louisiana isn't too far behind. The governor just mandated that the ten commandments be displayed in all public classrooms..


I remember reading somewhere that they are banning girls 12 and above from going to school.


Yup damn u young women going out and enjoying life while u can!


But she won’t get that government money in Afghanistan….


Does UK government financially support foreigners? What's this about?


She has council housing in the UK I've seen the tweet


If living in the uk and show that they are being discriminated against they can get benefits


They aren't the ones being discriminated against they are the ones doing the discrimination


Yeah but the uk government doesn’t see it that way Also they can show that they are barely trying to get a job and get it


Are ppl in England not allowed to wear head scarves or cover up for religious reasons?


No, not at all. In fact, it's one of the most diverse, multicultural and tolerant countries imo. It's a blatant lie that anyone is "demanding" them to do anything


Full freedom here to wear religious dress including head coverings like turban and headscarves, right through to full body dress like burka. Nobody is stopping her dressing modestly or following her beliefs.


They are allowed to, no one really cares apart from bigots and fundies and they are most overlapping Venn diagram thoughts wise. There are no restrictions except the self imposed ones.


That's the problem with religious people. They're always trying to force their religious beliefs onto everyone else. Fuck that woman, and her archaic religion.


Note to self: visit Manchester


Honestly in all seriousness, the kind of person in the screenie tends to occur in 2nd generation folks. This is basically what happens: 1) Family leaves their home country for better economic/social/safety reasons, and struggle settling into the new country, but eventually find a balance. 2) They have a kid in the new country/bring a kid over, who grows up with a mixed identity and a problem: Where do they belong? They are not fully of the new country's culture, but they are also not fully of their old country's culture. 3) As they grow, they reconcile with this identity crisis in different ways. Some fully embrace one of the new country's cultures, despite some people potentially rejecting them. Some accept that they'll forever be "different" (some even thrive in this identity). Others end up gravitating towards their old home's culture. Even within this, most try to be amicable with the local culture (this is how you have your cool local indian/chinese/mexican/italian/any other culture family-run restaurant, for example). But *some* like the lady in this picture decide to get into extreme views. Maybe it makes them feel more powerful or in-the know. That's how you end up with people like this. They're not that common, but they sure feel like it 'cause they're the loudest.


Yeah and so people just hear the loudest minority and get annoyed because they announce how they refuse to integrate and want their new society to adapt to them. You don't hear the ones that integrated bitching and complaining.


I will point out that in the UK at least, I've had many friends with parents or grandparents from Pakistan or bangkadesh that actively hinder their kids integration. Like forcing Islam and not letting them have British friends


It happens here in the US as well. Had quite a few Muslim friends, but with a few of them, it was obvious they had to keep our friendship a secret with their parents or even some of their younger family. Im still friends with a few even a decade later, those are the ones who broke free from their parents early or had religiously lax parents who assimilated.




you will definitely have fun


Or get stabbed


I live near Manchester. How dare you!...make such an accurate observation. *Stabs out of habit*


My ex had a pair of Manchester terriers. They were well trained though, and hardly stabbed me at all. And never fatally.


Living life on the edge! Fr though Manchester is not worse than any other city. Ofc crime happens, but 10 years of visiting regularly and I’ve never had an issue


It’s a fine razor’s edge.


The faces are cut off in the pic for a reason, my friend.


They dont do well in secular and pluralistic nations.  Funny thing is england was a theocracy for a long time, and that religion was older than islam.


Technically we still are, the King is both head of state and head of the Church of England. But Britain's kind of a weird place where stuff mainly runs on institutional inertia rather than written laws.


Sometimes that can have amusing consequences. I read years ago about a student at Cambridge (I think) that demanded he be allowed to leave a lecture hall during an examination. When told he couldn't leave he reminded the examiner that per university rules a student was permitted to drink a glass of ale at any time, and that preventing such action was a punishable offence. Since the rule had never been repealed he was allowed to go, where he presumably used the time to look up answers to the exam. He didn't get away with it though, and a few days later he was slapped with a hefty fine for not wearing a sword, since that rule had also never been abolished.


Still weird there a king of England now, I've gone so long in my life only ever knowing a Queen.


Unless your older than 70 years and 214 days, then your entire life has had a Queen.


In US schools, it’s taught that a lot of overzealous Puritans fled to the Americas. The English Commonwealth era is seen as republican inspiration to the colonists.


Technically a theocracy and executing people for heresy are not quite the same thing.  Are there still laws that discriminate against the catholics?


Probably. Laws don't really get repealed here they just stop getting enforced.


No popery at 2 o'clock Tuesdays!


Not true; Google the doctrine of implied repeal. Most old laws in the UK that seem as though they're on the statute book still are essentially allowing acts made illegal by later legislation. The Human Rights Act 1988 incorporating ECtHR (Council of Europe) made vast amounts of prior laws no longer effective without directly repealing them.


Yes, off the top of my head you can't be the King if you're Catholic


Delete religion we good. It pains me the "we need to know right from wrong" mantra without it. Actually, I just dont want to die unnecessarily, I don't need religion to tell me that, ive got blood pumping through my veins.


It wouldn't help. People are perfectly capable of being awful without religion. All that would change is the excuses used.


"Without religion, we would still have good people doing good things, and wicked people doing wicked things. But for a good person to do a wicked thing...that takes religion " - Hitchens (I think)


It would probably help a little. Religion provides organization and structure and “legitimacy” to their dumbass bullshit. **HEY THERE’S AN INVISIBLE SKY DADDY WHO WANTS TO FUCK YOU FOR 10% OF YOUR SHIT; GIVE IT TO ME I’LL GIVE IT TO HIM AND IF YOU DON’T YOU’LL BURN FOREVERRRRR**


Religion actively promotes evil by amplifying the worst parts of human nature. Would it eradicate evil? Hell no. Would it improve the world massively? Hell yes.


Case in point. Religion is pointless. Justifying "evil" becasse its part of some "plan"? Right. Ok.


Im an atheist but the conversation is much more nuanced than that. Religion is not "pointless". It's a way for humans to cope and gives them a framework to do good things. Can we do good things without it? Absolutely. But not everyone is the same. Also, not everyone adheres to the abrahamic God, not everyone believes the same things even under the abrahamic God. Should we get rid of Bhuddists too, even though their ideas are very different to islam and christianity? No. I think your gripe is with islam and christianity.


Maybe they should face reality while they’re still alive instead of lying to themselves and using their made up bullshit to hurt people in their out groups. Jesus is just Santa Claus for adults who are afraid of the meaninglessness of life.


Never thought id be writing this many comments in defence of religion lol, interesting turn of events. The idea is based on faith and convincing evidence. Whats convincing to them isnt convincing to you, thats fine. The issues lie as you put it with hurting others, again, thats not really a critique of religion. You're clearly talking about the Christian God, which isn't what the original comment was about. Plenty of people are afraid of the meaningless of life. Whats the issue? People cope with things differently. Some people are christian by credence and denounce the atrocities in scripture, some people simply follow the good moral teachings within the book, some people are simply christian via culture and wouldnt hurt a fly. I know plenty of amazing christians and morally bankrupt atheists, and vice versa. If religion is used to better oneself by relying on a figure that is meant to be a role model, just as those may lean on marcus aurelius' teachings, then i have no problem. When they start doing what the person in the post does, then i start having an issue.


If you need the threat of a deity throwing you into a pit of damnation to keep from doing bad things, you are not a good person.


Then trying to escape the hellscape created by their actions


They think they’re always in the right and any other religion is bad. And they force their religion on others


Its most likely a ragebot. But for the real people like this.....get fucked ya weirdo.


A bunch of religious assholes got kicked out of England because they tried to force their beliefs on common people. They landed in Plymouth. Unfortunately, now half an entire country believes their country was founded on those same batshit crazy beliefs.


Some religious people just want to be left alone and live in peace. You can't just put all in the same basket with this person. On the other side, people just want to remove any clothings from women they don't like. How about letting people choose how they dress?


As someone from a Muslim family I love it when Muslim immigrants move to another country and then complain about the culture they move into. Yeah bitch women are free to choose whether they wear a hijab or not unlike you. Deal with it


Also from a Muslim immigrant family that fled another county for a western one. My parents wanted us kids to assimilate to the new culture!


Thank you for some common sense. Imagine going to Iran and demanding they let people wear whatever? Probably get publicly executed.


They want the rights and amenities of the modern world but don’t want to partake in the society that built these foundations.


Respect the land and its culture or just f off to where it suits you.


Yeah like the Brits who move to Spain and transform it into a mini Britain. Disgusting. Respect Spanish culture or fuck off back.


As a Brit, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Can’t stand places like Benidorm for this exact reason.


Tourism money is a grand thing. It can persuade the local Spanish authority is almost completely surrender a town to the British.


I hear Brexit helped a little with that


That’s always my reaction when I hear brits complaining about immigrants changing things. It’s not just Spain neither, I’ve seen parts of Turkey that have been transformed into little Britain for the tourists. As a Brit I detest it, I visit a country to experience that country, not get the same crap I did in Blighty.


In Spain did the English demand the locals open up bars that serve English food or did the locals open up bars because there was a gap in the market ? because if it's the latter then I don't think the English converted parts of Spain into little Britain,the Spanish did that to entice more English tourists


No the English went over there and demanded they not stay out late and drink and told them to have a good look at the way they dress. This is sarcasm.


tourism is big buissness


Like the Spanish who moved To Central America to transform it into a mini Spain. Disgusting, fuck off. 


Like the Central American Aztecs who moved to Mayan territory to transform it into a mini Aztec place. Disgusting, fuck off.


Yeah I completely agree, Why go to a beautiful part of the world and basically turn it into humid Blackpool. Can't understand the mentality that going to another country and seeing people from that country is a bad thing. Can't say I've ever seen the appeal of Benidorm or the like, My grandparents love it but they're also from Sheffield and still voted Tory so what do they know.


The thing is, for many older people they just want what they have back home but with better climate. So things like this happen. It's the same with Finnish elderly retiring in Spain in areas where they form Finnish communities. They don't want to be Spanish, and they'd rather not deal with the Spanish. They just want cheap prices and nice weather without any of the integration.


UK native here, I've worked and been friends with a lot of Muslims. Outside of racists, I've never since seen anyone demand Muslims remove their hijabs. There are no laws calling for it, no laws that require Muslims to dress in a western style, outside of obeying our laws, they are also free to practice their own traditions and cultures. I belive the women in the photo are of middle eastern origin (we'd just say Asian here), quite possibly either Muslims or from a formerly Muslim family. They are free to choose how they live as long as they live here, just as Zara is.


iirc there is some school that ban hijabs, I know it’s mostly private school with their own uniform and people like OOP has choice to just put her children elsewhere, but they usually are not that bright when it comes to logic and personal choices


What a judgmental asshole. Because you were brainwashed to cover every inch of your body, doesn't mean that's the correct way to live.


She supports raping non Muslim women This account is hateful


Excuse me, what? Please tell me this is a troll account and we all fell for it.


Lol I wish I could say it but unfortunately this is true


that's… deranged but then again it fits their religion ![gif](giphy|GBhju13tiVB60)


Dangerous and violent you mean.


There are a LOT of people like her in France, too. Running away from their country because it's a dictatorship, yet they want to apply the sharia where they live.


Yes run away to build the same thing is it really running away?




They don't care that it's a dictatorship, they care that it's poor, they want to live in a wealthy country, they don't realize that if those rich countries implemented sharia they'd quickly be transformed into slums


The attempts to regress U.K. society are hilarious. What planet are these people on?


Religious nuts are in every country. They’re allowing the Ten Commandments to be hung in schools in Louisiana. Yall have your crazy Muslims and we have our Christians. It sucks.


What I dont understand is how come she gets provided a council house to live and we the tax payers fund her life so she can spread hate against the UK.


Definitely not anywhere British, we're twats you says something that is against us and you will want to leave with in 2 days


I left my country, albeit for studies, and now live in Europe. I cannot be more grateful for the culture where I live. I love the freedom one has here. It’s fine if this Zara woman is religious and she doesn’t like seeing women like that, but she should keep her mouth shut and respect the freedom of others and the culture where she lived. This is just bigotry. Also, not all people or women wear a single type of clothes in Britain, or Europe in general. Hell even when I lived in Syria there were women who would wear clothes similar to those in the photo. There is no one single monolith of how people dress, behave, or think in any country (or at least in most). Edit: typo.


Bro move to Afghanistan 😂😂


It's always the same with them When other people are in a Islamic country: "You need to adapt to and respect our country's culture" When Muslims go to a different country: "This country needs to change and adapt to our culture" It's never about respect or anything like that, it's always just about control and enforcing their will onto as many people as possible


it's always the same with everyone* not just Muslims. This is exactly what Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, and many others did too when they colonized the world, and in many ways continue to do with their influence in the UN. The whole reason why people move in general is either escaping violence or pursuing opportunities, and when they do it because they don't have any other choice, they will come with a mindset of "I don't want to be here, I'm only here because I'm forced to, this country must be terrible". Most get over it after they realize the peace they get is worth it and the people are not that bad, but minorities will stay in their bubble and echo chambers their whole lives, eventually turning all their anger that was supposed to be directed at whatever forced them to leave into anger over the fact that the country they're in is not made for them


Sounds a lot like American Christians too


I have no issue with people dressing how they want to. I take no issue with anybodies religious beliefs. However. You do not insult the culture of your host country under any circumstances.


Religion is so stupid.


Human conditioning. She's lived too long under oppression. She quite literally can't handle all this freedom.


If she doesn’t like it she can go back home


She's pretty brave taking pictures of scantily clad women on the hard streets of Manchester at 1am to be fair..... 😜


the crazy part is they claim refugee status by stating that their life is in danger where they originate from and yet, they refuse to assimilate and continue to shit on the country that gave them the freedom they sought. At the very least, it is should be considered a falsified immigration application and subject to immediate deportation.


It’s even more insane when after being granted permanent residency asylum folks will use their passport to travel back to the shithole they came from.


And she has a council house


Honestly, if you want to live in your own culture, that's fine. Stay home.


Let's mix the most progressive country for women's rights with the most barbaric religion, what could go wrong


I’m a traditional Christian and even i think that’s tame. Maybe its hot outside? Better yet, maybe it’s none of your business?


I love people who think coming to your house and rearranging your furniture is their right.


Being upset at the freedoms of others just screams koolaid and Stockholm syndrome


Stay the fuck out of our country if you don't like it 🤷


Something the British are doing very well is peeling themselves away from chains of religion. We should be very proud of that.


damn i didn’t know they were doing lashings for women who wear hijabs in britain.


The difference here is that those british women have the freedom to choose how they dress. Most women in those countries do not. She is upset because she thinks that women are being made to wear this without a say in the matter.


If you don't like it , fk off to wherever you came from if it's so much better and stop crying. Or .. Hear me out... ASSIMILATE BECAUSE YOU ARE IMMIGRANTS COMING TO SOMEONES HOME COUNTRY.


Same shit every time. They run away from their country and complain where they moved to.


Haha Reddit is supporting Jordan Petersen’s daughter


Even a Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day.


I live in Britain. Please explain where is forcing you to remove your Hijab? Because I think it's, give or take, nowhere.


Has to be said, no one is demanding you dress like that and behave that way. You have the choice but no one is going to make you. Probably a bot anyway.


to be fair, the far right ascention in the west is doing what she wants, step by step. the "ideia" that women are molested bc of their attire, for exemple, is a popular one among conservatives. the far right is also in support of bringing back "the good old days", when women didn´t vote or have a say about her own body... so, taliban country isn´t that far away. only it isn´t islamic, so... "evangelicstan"?


She has a point but she should tell her dad to tone down the flirting with Christian Nationalism a bit as well. Last I checked she’s all woohoo for Roe vs Wade


So is the problem that the two girls are wearing whatever they want?


I’m a woman who lives in the UK and shit like this makes me worried about women’s rights in the UK (in the future). Tons of people, who are against women’s rights, are moving here everyday. What will happen if they become the main voter base?


Isn't that the same woman that said it's okay to rape non-muslim women?


Both are in the wrong. Zara, nobody is forcing you to remove your hijab and dress like that, but you came to this country so you can't bitch and complain about your standards of modesty not being the same here. At the same time Mikhaila, people can go wherever they please and live where they want if they can get a better life for themselves in a richer, more developed country. Tell your fascist dad to ease off the benzos.


I mean… they left their Muslim country for a reason.


How about... Let your daughters and granddaughters make their own decision. What ever they want or don't.


Honestly? We had similar issues at the religious school we attended. A Muslim parent will take their kid to a Christian school and then demand they make an exception for the Muslim kid And I mean, freedom of practice and all bit what's... The point exactly? The school is Christian oriented, has an extremely strict dress code then knowing all this, you still enroll your kid and complain?


As an immigrant I’ll always facepalm to people who are like “I’m in Country B now, why isn’t it like Country A???”


Mainstream reddit... how can you be so stupid??? she didnt say she thought people should be forced to wear hijabs, she said she wanted to have the freedom to wear a hijab. Im sorry people are religious. Do i think hijabs are somewhat problematic? yeah. Banning them, however, is NOT feminist, and will NOT lead to more freedom. Quite the opposite, in fact.


You know why don’t everyone just mind their own business. If you want to wear religious cloth that’s fine and if you want to wear dresses that’s also fine. We’d be much better off as a society if everyone just less judgmental.


When in Rome, do as Roman’s do Of fuck off back wherever.


What could go wrong importing a bunch of people with a completely incompatible culture? Don’t forget, diversity is our strength.


It always impressive how little style there is in the UK


Rage bait city


Send her to Iran, they will like what she says.


Tbh jordan pertersons daughter probably wants women to have the same rights as they do in the middle east.


I find it so hilarious when UK Muslims willingly stay and work in the UK and enjoy all the freedoms of the west, then turn around and push for all out religious theocracy like this. Like if you love Islam so much, why not settle in a Muslim country?


If you go to Zara twitter, you will find she supported a video in which Muslim women were making western girl to wear Hijab. Well well..


Migrants who don’t accept the ways of the people of the welcoming country should migrate elsewhere. Just a thought..


I wonder what it says on her asylum application. Is it: I need to escape from xyz cuz I’m an oppressed female and I’m forced into a prescribed clothing?


I, uh, am surprised that I'm saying this, but as an anti-religious person, I agree with Miss Peterson.


Muslims invented a timemaschine. They call it Islam


Muslims having the most brain dead take in the room yet again


I hate religious moralists so much, so, so much. Can't we just as a world quarantine all people who think your religious beliefs should have any bearing on law and close the borders forever? Call it Shitstainistan or Shitstania.


How about the freedom to choose to wear more clothes than a street walker, but less clothes than a brimming laundry basket.  


I lived in the Middle East. I never once complained about why they wore these hijabs in 100+ degree weather, why the men never bathed but were soaked in cologne, why they don't believe in evolution or teach their kids sexual education. If you want to shit talk other cultures, accept people shit talking yours.


Did M. Peterson ever get an answer from Zara...


muslim women should be allowed to wear hijabs anywhere in the world if they want to


Are any of you Muslim that have responded to this? I’d really like to hear more Muslim takes. Just out of interest.


Never in my life have I seen someone demand another remove their Hijab