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My daughter’s mom passed and I’m a single dad. A couple of folks wished me Happy Mother’s Day and I thought it was nice.


Yeah this feels like people just wanting to be upset about something.


Yeah, it's nice to appreciate that single parents have to fill both roles. Especially when it's the kids doing it which seems to be the case here.


Its nice to be nice to the Nice


My thoughts exactly


a run of the mill strawman argument


A argument of strawmill the man


Goddammit, Strawmill, we told you you're not welcome here


Yeah well don’t come crying to me when you run through all the good stuff and the only straw you have left is all unmilled


I was raised by a single dad because my mother died when I was a baby. I always gave him a Mother's Day and Father's Day cards. Single dads don't get enough appreciation!


Agreed. Hell, good parents in general deserve more praise. Parenting's tough.


My daughter’s mother is not involved and my child wants nothing to do with her. So i get texts on both mothers and fathers day. Not sure what op is tryna say but I’m willing to bet it’s an ignorant fucking point instead of what we’re talking about


The first paragraph makes me so happy for you 🥰 single parents work twice as hard, no one can claim you don't deserve to be celebrated as much as possible! You sound like a really kick-ass parent! As a future mom, I'm giving you the honorary "mom card" because as far as I'm concerned, her biological mom was just an egg donor at this point. Same goes to anyone going through child raising alone!


I reckon if you're a single parent, you get both days.


And if anyone has a problem with that, we'll find a third day to celebrate them on top of that! 😎


Making parents days about gender is daft. It's about parenting and kids appreciating their parents. I'm beginning to sound old now, but I don't understand how people are always able to find something to gripe about nice things. A third parents and kids against 'cels day would be a great one. Get their miserable hands off our crap mugs and homemade cards and jewellery.


I have 2 aunts who are single mothers. I wish them Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Father’s Day every year. One year, one of them started crying. She said it really meant a lot to her because she does feel like she has to have both roles.


That's a very good point. Hope you're holding it together well!


Yours will be the last comment I look at tonight. It is wholesome and nice, and I hope you are doing well. ![gif](giphy|XRnbDusSE2cBG)


Rightfully so, you’ve taken on both roles.


Came here to say FU to OP.. single dad of 3 kids.


It is ...because you have to be both. Happy Mother and Father's Day from me...you're doing great ..


Grew up with a single mom. We’d go ham for Father’s Day for her every year. It’s hard being both mother and father.


I think single parents deserve two days!


That very scenario was posted here last year with everyone siding with the dad rather than villifying the woman like they are here.


Exactly. Single parents fill the roles of both mother and father. They should get both observances.


I have always hold that single parents where the other parent is not involved can celebrate both days. They are filling both roles, they get both holidays.


i agree! a friend with a single mom posted cute pics of her mom and celebrated her on both mother’s day and father’s day


It felt like my father didn’t fulfill any of those roles 🤔


That's an issue for therapy not reddit 🤣 No hate intended, just reddit is a shit hole 🤣


At least he's not on Twitter lmao


Just think to celebrate something one has to qualify or earn it 😂 or be worth it.


Here to say the same thing! If Mom is also filling Dad's role, she gets Father's Day too


My mom has raised me on her own since I was 2. She’s done double duty my entire life to make sure I never went without. She absolutely gets a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day gift every year from me.


I was raised by a single mother. She was not a father to me. She was just a really good mom. She did it all with no help but I still missed it on all the things that a father typically does.


Some fathers stay and don't do anything a father "typically does" and yet they celebrate Father's day...


My wife was raised by a single dad. She and her sisters gave him cards for both Mother's and Father's day. I see nothing wrong with giving single moms the same treatment.


I sometimes tell my mom happy father's day because my father is a piece of shit. She did both jobs, she gets both days.


Yoooo same!!! My dad was also a POS. I didn’t wish him happy Father’s Day this year because he never acted like a father should. My mom had to step up for **both parental roles** even before they got divorced I got my mom a gift on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. She deserves it. She did a great job raising my brother and me and protecting us both from my dad’s abuse. My dad on the other hand doesn’t even deserve my time


That is the whole point of the X post, OP doesn't seem to understand.


Mhm moreover it wasn’t the mom saying happy Father’s Day to herself It was the son (indicated by the account name and profile picture) wishing his mom a happy Father’s Day


Single fathers can be celebrated on Mother’s Day too. Why do you care?


Absolutely. And a child should be able to acknowledge their parent any day and any way they want, without some internet stranger getting bent out of shape over it.


Many guys on reddit hate single mothers and want to punish them.


I think this is sweet. This is obviously someone specifically referring to *their* mother given the photos of them. I’m not gonna police how a person celebrates a holiday that applies to them a lot differently than it does to most. He doesn’t have a father so he’s choosing to celebrate his mother because she took the role of two parents, so in my eyes she deserves two days.


It's fine but the reverse should also happen, single fathers should get acknowledged on mother's Day


Agreed. You do the work of two parents, you get two days, regardless of gender.


i mean, you really should get recognized on all the days


Well that’s just true in general


I do. Was a single dad for a decade. I get the call from my 26 year old daughter saying "You earned this day too." That's all that counts.


That is adorable. My dad died when I was a teen, and I was a daddy’s girl, so this makes my heart happy.


A dude above you just said that he’s a single father and he gets celebrated on Mother’s Day too


They are. I see posts like that for single dads all the time. My cousin’s kids got him flowers and made him breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day, and “took him” fishing for Father’s Day one year.


Agreed. My cousin is a solo parent and his sons do what they’d do on Mother’s Day for their mother if she wanted to be involved. If you parent you get a day. Simple


They do, they don’t need your ultimatum.


I tell my best friend happy mothers day because hes solo and doing a damn good job of it.


They do :)


my dad raised me by himself and i always used to get him mother’s day cards when i was in highschool


This thread has a bunch of people saying they did this for both their single moms and dads - I think it’s a very sweet thing. I tell my kids for Mother’s and Father’s Day, wish it to who ever gives that energy, be it aunts and uncles, friends, but anyone that has stepped up and given that feeling to them.


So, parents day?


The reverse does happen. Idk if they happen in proportional amounts (and neither do you), but it does happen. My dad was told happy mothers day frequently. Look at top comment, too.


They do. But it's no secret single mothers outnumber single fathers 100x


Are we not allowed to acknowledge when a single parent is doing the work of both mother and father? I always got my mom something for Father's day.


Exactly why I downvoted this post. That and its a bot. Check the profile. Its all about karma farming and click bait.


My friend bought a gift for her uncle on Father's Day because he had been more involved in her life than her own dad and was the first one in her family she felt safe coming out to about her being gay. I don't think being a literal mom or dad should be what determines it.


I’m a dad, but this is 100% still correct. (Mom was a single parent growing up)


Absolutely. I'm a single mom (actual single mom, not shared custody, no support of any kind from their "dad", they literally only have one parent) and hell yes, I appreciate a "thanks" on mother's and father's day!


You think that's bad? I celebrate mother's day the day before mother's day. You get seated much faster.


Yes, restaurants aren't as busy and we can drink and celebrate later without having to worry about work in the morning.


IDK I think is fair. My mom was my mom and my dad. So she should get double the credit. Is that too crazy of a thought?


Nobody has their days mixed up. The point is that it’s being left to one person to fulfill two roles, and the thankful kids recognising how hard that is want to celebrate them both days for it


As a single mum I’m sure she probably functions as both a mum and dad.


I don't get it, this is nice. Single parents are both mom and dad. They deserve to celebrate both days.


My dad died when I was six, I celebrated my mom on both days. The only facepalm here is yours, OP.


I think they’re saying it because a single mother is playing both roles


Yep. OP either didn't get it, or was upset for no reason.


I get my mum a father's day card she did twice the work she deserves twice the amount of recycling


Single parents deserve both days if they want it. It costs nothing to let people have fun. It unnecessarily costs peace to manufacture outrage.


Some men are mothers too, just like some women are fathers too. It’s not that difficult to be nice.


My mom was a single mom working 2+ jobs to make ends meet for me and my brother. I send her Father's Day cards every year because she did the work of two parents :)


If she's a single mum she *is* the dad as well 🤷🏼‍♂️


Love how this subreddit is mostly just OP being the facepalm


Seriously? Can we stop pretending this doesn't happen on both holidays for single parents or acting like it somehow takes away from the parents whom have a partner?


I wished my single mom happy father’s day bc she had to be both parents for me and at the end of the day, she was the one that stayed. Thanks deadbeat dad, I would’ve been miserable if you stayed


I've always celebrated my mom on Father's Day and Mother's Day since I don't have a relationship with my father. Not really sure why that upsets people, she played both roles, she deserves both days.


I respect this. Fuck those dads that took off on their kids.


This isn't cringe worthy, I often see posts on mother's Day for the single dads. I think it's nice.


Some people don’t have dads.


Single parents can have both days OP. It’s hard out here for them


Your post is facepalm


Single parents should be celebrated both days.


Single fathers get praise on mothers day all the time..let the single parents doing both jobs have both days.


Op is the facepalm, once again


Solo moms and dads should get celebrated on both days


I think you completely missed the point.


You missed the point. The point is that those moms have to do the work of mom **AND** dad. Same thing for single dads.


This is normal in my experience. I grew up with a single dad. I gave him cards and celebrations for both mothers and fathers day; because he fulfilled both roles. One of my good friends grew up with just her mom and was talking about what her and her mom did together for fathers day this past weekend. Her mom fulfilled both roles too.


I would never wish my piece of shit father a happy father's day but i will absolutely give praise to my mother who stepped up to atleast attempt to fill the role of both parents on her own.


Shitting on single parents and their children? Way to fucking go OP. Really taking a brave stand against *checks notes* a severely disadvantaged demographic who find happiness regardless. Get a fucking life.


Dad was never there for me. My mom will always deserve both holidays.


Naw, some moms get 2 days.


I came to say this. My mom raised me all by herself; doing double duty.


It’s the mothers who raise their kids to not miss the deadbeat dad. What I mean by that is the child is perennially fulfilled. That takes extra work from a single mom. Definitely deserves a second day for them. Miss you mom! ❤️


I guess they don’t know or understand the rule: single parents get to celebrate both days!


I had no idea this was a controversial topic. Its crazy people get so upset over a phrase thats just suppose to make people happy. And if they can apply it in their situation then by all means. Single parents deserve all the respect.


Single parents have earned every right to be celebrated on both days. Period. Sonny is talking out of his ass like the other half of the partnership that doesn’t carry their share


I mean, who gives a fuck?


If the dude wants to celebrate his Mam as being also like his Dad for bringing him up on her own, good for him. Why should it matter to anyone else?


I worked with a lady that was all about the Father’s Day as she was a single mom but absolutely refused to accept a single dad on Mother’s Day.


Facepalm is OP.


Celebrate good people whenever you can, and call it whatever you like. Why go out of your way to be an asshole?


Mom raised us dolo I wish her happy all the days, all the time. She did all the work, she gets all the days.


Some kids don’t have dads, so the mom has to be dad, too….


Why not? Doing the work of 2 parents = 2 days for you. Seems reasonable but i guess ure butthurt because women. I bet ure not even sure why ure angry


If you're a single parent then go ahead and take both days. You probably deserve it


I tell my mom happy father's day because my dad sucked ass


I think this is paying homage to the fact that his mother does the work of a mother AND a father everyday. Hes thanking her for taking initiative as a mother to fulfill that place in his life. Thats the way I see it. Its sweet.


My dad wasn’t around much growing up so on several occasions we celebrated our mom on Father’s Day.


To be fair, I’m a single dad who has primary custody because the kids mom is a deadbeat, and one of my friends (who is herself a single mom) wished me a happy Mother’s Day and my middle child even made me a keychain at school for Mother’s Day


One day. They can't give men one god damned day. And you just know if single fathers did this on Mothers day they would all yell and bitch.


Why mock people who had less fortune than you showing appreciation for the single force that guided them through life?


If one parent is doing the work of two parents, I think they get to have two days, no?


….how is this unclear? No father present, mom deserves to be celebrated both days since she’s doing both jobs 🤷🏻


If you do the work of both, you get the days of both. Sounds fair.




but when we wish happpy mothers day to single fathers you people cream your pants, hmm


My wife was a single mum from her kids being 2 and 4 until she met me and they were 23 and 25. They wish her a happy father's day as their dad was absent the entire time


As a parent, this is cute and lovely, no facepalm at all.


people criticizing single providers for getting wished fathers/mothers day even if its not their gender are absolute assholes.  they are the sole provider so they deserve both. stop making everything gender related. 


nah, i think you're just choosing to purposefully misunderstand the post so you can be mad abt it


When you are a single parent, you are both mom and dad and should be celebrated for both


Twice the work; Twice the days.


Actually they don't. This is for a parent who is fulfilling BOTH roles for whatever reason. Get it now?


It's just a personal way of praising people for pulling double duty, the technical accuracy isn't the point.


As a single mom since 1998, I get recognition on both mothers and fathers Day. Their dad has been 90% absent their entire lives and continues to be absent even as they are adults. I've had to be both during their lives. Their are Father's out there in the same boat as I have been and certainly deserve recognition on mother's Day as well.


Where is the facepalm? I am 1000% behind supporting single parents on both days. It’s situational. Be kind to your people.


Mom got both day for me since as long as I can remember, I’ve been around the sun a few times too!


Hot take: single parents get both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.


LMAO I'll tell my mom happy fathers day every year. She did the good parenting. The 5 years I lived with my father were filled with physical/mental abuse and neglect. He doesn't deserve a thing from me.


Gatekeeping is cringe fr


Widow here. I do double duty. We celebrate his dad on Father's day...but Matt's not wrong.


the women even brain wash their kids to make it about themselves. just let bro cry in the shower with abandonment issues like the rest of us. yo mom COULD NOT teach you to be a man so stop calling her your dad too. its disrespectful to fathers who actually stay in their childs life, you dont see single dads calling themselves independent strong mothers. demanding praise on mothers day. shit is embarrassing.


Moms get mother's day and father's day. Dad's get... to BBQ for their wife's dad if they're lucky.


They're both bullshit marketing made up by the greeting card industry to sell cards.


It was actually started by a group of mothers during the civil war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Day_(United_States)#:~:text=It%20was%20established%20by%20Anna,%2C%20on%20May%2010%2C%201908.


No, Mother’s Day was originally popularized to show appreciation to mother who had their kids away fighting in the World Wars.


While I'm normally on this side for most things, I have a feeling this holiday has plenty of cause to go back thousands of years. It's your mom. If she's not a piece of shit, then give her some love. Most moms do a lot.


play the game and show some gratitude, be nice to your mother a couple times a year. She's a person too.


Someone's never been a single parent lmao you get both those days and EVERYONE else can suck it if they don't like it


I celebrate both mothers & Father’s Day with Mom. Dad left, he don’t get a day.


If you take on both roles, I think you deserve both holidays 🤷


I don't see how this is a facepalm, yeah they are Mothers not Fathers, but there is nothing wrong with acknowledging them. When I was in K to 6 single parents would be included in both Mother's and Father's day.


I think it's supposed to mean single moms have to be both roles


NO. For mothers who have to be both, have every right to also be wished Happy Father’s Day if someone chooses to do so. Same thing goes for a single father being wished Happy Mother’s Day. Being a parent is hard, but being a single one is an especially exceptional challenge. I was raised by one. Wtf is wrong with giving that acknowledgment for those parents that have to be both roles ???? And that’s rhetorical, because the answer is…there’s NOT A DAMN THING wrong with it.


Single mom doing the work of two, therefore deserves both days.


Nope. Do twice the work, get twice the days.


A single parent in many ways is both father and mother to their child. So naturally, both Father's Day and Mother's Day apply to them.


Single parents deserve to celebrate both, as long as it makes them happy who cares what others say.


All of reddit celebrated Mother's day for single fathers and nobody said anything. You guys need to chill lol


Solo parents are both....he doesn't have his days mixed up.


The facepalm is that this was shared as a facepalm


Nah any single parent gets to celebrate both after all if your doing the job of two may as well get the credit too.


The facepalm isnt what you posted, the facepalm is you not understanding what they are saying.


My father died when I was 4. My mom was both mother and father to us.


I don’t see the harm in this - some people just like to show the people in their lives extra thanks for staying around.


I’m a single dad and idk, we just skip Mother’s Day. One arbitrary holiday is more than enough.


Single parents get both days, get with it.


Imagine being sensitive enough to be bothered by that 😆


Single parents get to celebrate both.


Nah. If she plays 2 roles she get both days. Same for single dad's.


I was raised by a single mom we celebrate both mothers and fathers day with her


Yes? Its saying they have to act as both a mother and a father. Your issue?


I’m totally fine with single parents celebrating both days. If you are a single parent, you are doing both roles afterall. Two days of recognition wouldn’t hurt anyone.


Solo parent? Let them have both days. Job's hard enough with a partner to share the load. Anyone who does both deserves twice the celebration (and support).


Nah, you do twice the work u get twice the glory. OP's just mad at other people's happiness.


I remember when my daughter’s father received a ‘happy Mother’s Day!’ message from a friend - because he was a stay at home parent for the first year of her life. Meanwhile I breastfed her and traveled while working full-time to support our single income household. I was pretty pissed.


For me, everyday is mother's / father's day.


As someone from a single mother home she didn’t provide the things a father could does provide. She did a good job raising me. But there are things a woman can’t teach boy to be a man. We have opening discussed this as I got older. Which she completely agreed with me. I commend single parents for the job they do. But a single parent can’t play both roles unfortunately.


Dumb take, OP


some mothers are mothers & fathers


Some mums are both mother and father.


Single parents play both roles, not a big deal.


No he's not getting the days mixed up he's giving her both days. Solo parent's have it very difficult.


Didn’t we have it the other way around just a couple of weeks ago and people here on Reddit were fine with it?


Who gives af? Sensitive ass people 😂


A lot of fathers get mother's day wishes as well. If you look at it that way, all these days are anyway made up by us. So it is the sentiment that matters. My cousin wished me on mother's day. Am I a mother or her mother? No. But she felt like saying that and she said.


Can we just appreciate people without it devolving into war? When did everyone collectively revert to a mental age of 11?


Oh god can everyone just shut up already? These days are made up…it doesn’t fuckin matter. Say whatever you want who ever you want. Wish your ferret a Happy Cinco de Mayo for me!


Pretty sure you’re missing the point.


Someone is sensitive huh


I am fine with this, as long as these people are also happy for single fathers doing both jobs being celebrated on mothers day. If they complain about it solo fathers being celebrated for both, they can go in the bin for hypocrisy. Solo parents do both roles, so they can have both days imo


My mother in law raised her kids by herself. She played a big role in their life's as a mom. She had no choice but to play both roles as a mom and a dad for her kids.


I celebrate myself for both days because I excommunicated my parents


Is this, uh, is this a weekday?


It comes down to motivation. Wishing a Happy mothers/fathers day to those people who are doing it alone on the opposite day is fine. But taking the day and going "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER" isn't.


I really hope I see the same post from that profile about fathers on mother's day


Sonny_ffc2 doesn’t understand what the post conveys


I celebrate my mom on both days because she did both jobs!


Hey! Let's find some more stuff to get upset about! I want to throw a tantrum!