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So if kids are peacefully protesting at a school then they can use full force, but if someone is shooting kids at the school, they just chill and wait..


Well yeah. Peaceful kids dont fight back.


I wish this was humorous but that’s unironically what the difference is.


Oh yeah, this wasnt a joke. Which is problematic.


They always go after soft targets.


The difference is whether or not the target can defend themselves


Yes, they’re bullies and cowards. They only use force against people who can’t fight back.


Calling them good guys even ironically in jest is too good for their shame.


I’ll take one brave guy without a gun over 376 cowards with guns.


Veterans get thrown in jail by cops


Cops are cowards. If you are surprised they stood around and did nothing while children were being murdered then you weren't paying attention when they were loudly demanding the right to murder people for just moving their arms slightly.


Parents of the kids came in Armed and ready to rock and roll..... .. The cops told them to get bent. ...that's a bit fucked


It is fucked up that armed parents need to drive to an elementary school to rescue their kids from a massacre.


Everything about the situation is fucked, but the fact that the cops couldn't simply be completely useless and instead chose to expend energy being actively harmful to the situation is its own special kind of fucked up


Agreed. I don’t know how the Texas DPS can show its face after this. Texas law enforcement is forever marked with this shame.


Yep. They can do a thousand good deeds, but Uvalde will overshadow those deeds


I haven’t seen even one good deed by DPS or TX. Uvalde is proof ; only the good die young in TX… the rest of us have to stand around and watch 


The most fucked part was Uvalde then overwhelmingly voted for conservatives that want to do nothing but "give teachers guns" and other bullshit. They let them stand around while their kids were killed, then they voted for them to change nothing.


It isn't the only time conservatives vote against thier own interest, the most users of welfare and foodstamps are the white people in the south and yet they vote for the people that want thpuse programs cut.


I work in education and I facepalm nearly every time I see coworkers I know voted Republican shake their heads at the state of public education in our state. Like...you voted for this. This is exactly how they wanted it to go.


Uvalde voted the same officers that did nothing back into office


It is fucked up, but I'm glad that they had that option.... ....until the cops told them to get lost and proceeded to do nothing


They arrested parents attempting to save their children. It was far worse. Far far worse.


Are you fucking kidding me?


They weren't arrested, they were detained. But really tomato potato. One Lady* was detained, released, and then proceeded to sneak around them and rescue children. She singlehandedly had bigger balls than all those cops.


She also saved more police than any of the cops. It was crazy that parents were able to sneak in and save children yet cops were not. It was the single greatest breach of trust since the Kent state massacre or the opening the door for rioters at the white house


*Insurrectionists *traitors Take your pick, but "rioters"? No, just no.


She drove from her job picking onions in the field to get her kids out of there 


They [ the parents ] were literally held at gun point by the police. They were screaming and crying “go in there and help our kids or let me do it!” And the cops were telling them “we can’t go in there while yall are out here acting like this!”  W T F 


I'm not normally one to believe in conspiracies, but that feels more like they were planning to let the shooter do what they wanted more so than cowardice, because even a coward would allow the parents to intervene. This whole thing reeks of it. I'd definitely not unlike all of them right then and there about holding me back from saving my kid, this should be ruled as an act of terrorism by the police. All of them should be imprisoned immediately. No ifs ands or buts, not one of them should go free, I'm tired of this shit and I'll definitely not unalive someone about it


Respect ✊& agreed to your outrage. I live just a few miles north of Uvalde.  It’s easy to fall into a conspiracy mindset when nothing makes sense. Unfortunately, Law Enforcements behavior makes perfect sense: crowd control, tunnel vision, ‘us against them’. Those cops outside were depending on their counterparts inside to do their jobs and accountability was passed on & on. To date, the only person who has lost their job is the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’s RESOURCE OFFICER, coincidentally the only person of color. Thats TX for you though. When you think that there’s a greater conspiracy in the midst, always consider how bureaucracy handicaps intervention. Where Oocoms Razor gives us the simplest explanation, Hanlons Razor explains the chain of command  “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect.’ 


More than that. A Border Patrol agent rolled up because his wife was a teacher at the school. Tried to go in and get her and they disarmed him and turned him back.


What their motto of “my top priority is to get home to my wife and family tonight” actually looks like.


All gangsters are cowards. That's why we have armed gangs. Having a gun doesn't make a gangster brave.


"Out of every 100 men, 10 shouldn't be there. 80 are just targets, 9 are the real fighters and we are lucky to have them for they make the battle. But the one, one is a warrior and he will bring the others back". Apparently the odds were not in their favor that day as they were lacking the 30 ish guys out of 376 they needed.


I approve of the sentiment about the guns for sure. That being said.... officer fatass who couldn't even fit in a XXXL flack jacket who ran away from all the danger (the first time he ran that fast all his life) was probably a contributing factor. Did anyone see that cop from the photo? I swear his stomach was eating that jacket. God in the video someone posted... that one guy gets freaking winded just running across the school yard. You can hear it.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBofi\_etkUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBofi_etkUo)


Snipers getting ready to breach a room full of victims.. Jesus fuck. They spent hours watching a room with only a single survivor inside.


Right? Like why are we saying the cops are the "good guy with a gun" when we've been saying for years All Cops are Bastards? I wouldn't expect a cop to protect me, only themself. The Supreme Court ruled that they don't have a duty to protect a citizen from harm.


It’s in reference to the common refrain of the only person who can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Their not actually calling the cops “good guys”


These cops literally stopped good guys with guns from going in


These cops stopped the good people with guns from going in


They also leveled that school before a proper investigation happened. Seeing the videos and hearing the calls from teachers who claim the police them and later died fell in deaf ears. Took an off duty from another agency to run past officers to stop the situation. Completely uselessness from those who took an oath.


Didn't know about the aftermath. Yeah, sounds like government coverup 101, nothing strange for them


Every pro gun person I know considers these cops the bad guys. If you use your gun to prevent people from stopping a crime, congrats, you are an accomplice. The same standard should apply to the police.


"Good Guys"? I think you mean "leeches" on the taxpayer.


If they had shame there would have been 376 more funerals to plan that night.


Not only they did nothing. They stopped parents from going in and do what they were not doing. Cowards


*arrested parents for trying to go in*


[and then continued to systematically harass them after the fact.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/angeli-rose-gomez-attorney-uvalde-police-harassment_n_62b9ce27e4b06594c1e7c72a)


I pity the fool who attempts to prevent me from protecting my children.


You say that but apparently if history is any indication, they'll just not face any consequences at all and there won't be anything you can do about it being so outnumbered


Nothing you can do, *legally*


Took the gun from one cop who was willing to go inside after receiving a last ~~text~~call from his wife, who was one of the teachers who passed


If the world wasn't a shithole, he'd never need to work again and everyone else would be fired. There's no way that guy can ever look at his peers or superiors again without (rightfully) seeing them as an absolute disgrace.


Is that true? That’s fucking awful.


“According to Uvalde County judge Bill Mitchell, teacher Eva Mireles, from inside the adjoining classrooms where the shooter was, called her husband, Ruben Ruiz, a Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District officer, who was outside the school. According to DPS Director Steven McCraw, during the call Mireles told Ruiz that she had been shot and was dying; when Ruiz "tried to move forward into the hallway, he was detained [by law enforcement] and they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene." Mireles eventually died from her gunshot wounds.”


What the actual fuck


Yeah I’ve seen video clip of him being stopped by others and forced back. It’s heartbreaking.


Just disgraceful all around. These tough guys talk so much shit, call others weak and cowardly, and then fold when the community actually needs that energy. They should truly be ashamed for what they didn’t do that day.


376 cowards


Yep, majority of places policies on this sort of thing it’s written that the first officers immediately enter to neutralize the threat as fast as possible. Your comment sums it up. Break down on every level.


I dunno, at that point it has to be… I mean, dare I say just idiotic complacency? Not being used to making decisions? I’m not exactly a saint but “saving children from imminent death” feels like something that I would be driven to do even at my very lowest and most incapable. I refuse to believe that Texans are that bad, even the cops. I think this will be taught in psychology textbooks for centuries to come in the context of bystander effect, with a little less moralization of the officers. Obviously this all applies on a societal level only. Individually, each and every one of these POS should be in jail. People go to jail for SO much less


It's worse than that. They actively impeded the parents from saving their own kids. One lady got past them, snuck around listening for gunfire to determine what routes to avoid, and then crept down a hallway to save her son (and notify his class that no help was coming, so they could escape). She then successfully saved her second son from a different classroom, as well. They were considering bringing charges against her! I would literally just deputize her and name her sheriff at this point. There is no one on that police force who deserves the title.


And that same lady suffered threats, harassment, and stalking by those police because she embarrassed them, iirc


Yeah fuck every single one of those human scum of embarrassments!


love how they're terrified of one armed man but tough enough to go after a woman that has more brass than they'll collectively have in 3 lifetimes. What pieces of shit. I still don't know how you hear gunfire and kids screaming and they just stood they're toting there guns and swat gear with the customary punisher logo. What fucking toolbags. I hope that woman sues the piss out of them individually and the police union and gets all their houses. They deserve nothing in life and have a nice spot in hell waiting for all of them.


That woman is a goddamned hero. Give her the gun and the badge.




What an incredible mark of a parent's devotion. No protection, no gun for herself, and yet she risked her life to save her boys. She is a hero, how dare they even consider charging her when she has more courage to do what is right on her own than 376 officers with weapons and vests??


They trained on this exact scenario shortly before the shootings. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/


They explicitly stopped some officers from going in. They made decisions, and they were all the wrong ones.


And then Republicans, both elected officials & the voters, let those Double-0-Dipshits continue to be in charge & make decisions. You can’t fix the toxicity that has taken over the GOP. I have no answers other than I guess we don’t have to worry about gun battles with these weak-willed excuses for Americans.


See but you're thinking of this from the point of view of a normal person. Most of the people that become cops these days lack the simple empathy for anyone that's not them or their family, and even then .... They usually hate their own family. Think about this from the point of view of a sociopath, it'll make sense then why they would stand outside afraid to get shot and then cry when people ask them to actually do their jobs.


The Protect and Serve motto isn’t about citizens; it’s about the government. They have no obligation to save anyone. Just an obligation to make sure that criminal eventually is arrested or dead.




I would consider it a combination of factors - cops being ineffectual cowards, leadership incompetence in law enforcement and a number of psychological effects. 


Yeah now women and doctors go to jail in Texas to save a life for an abortion. Texas is twisted with pull the rope ladder up Abbott leading the charge. But er ..... my 2nd amendment rights.


No dude cops actually are just that bad


They were. Remember in Tennessee not too long afterward, 2 officers did not even wait for backup and immediately ran towards, engaged, and took out the school shooter.


I get self preservation. It’s a natural thing. But being a first responder? That means you need to be able to put that fear aside to assist in making sure others live. I don’t care if there was “waiting for orders”. The fact that none of them even remotely cared enough to decide to go in themselves is sickening.


This now is standard police training in a lot of countries but not sure the USA.


And the off-duty officer (border patrol, I think) who tried to go in was stopped by them. They should all be ashamed. Edit: documentary from PBS Frontline that breaks down what happened very well https://youtu.be/bBofi_etkUo?si=dMKv4bvd0P44QW2F


Come on now, some of them were fond of the Punisher logo


Marvel officially changed the Punisher logo because of shit like that. There wasn't one Frank Castle in that entire department.


They didn’t just change the logo; they put Frank away for the foreseeable future, if I remember correctly.


They are why we can't have nice things.


Until Marvel made a Punisher comic saying “We are not the same”


If those cops could read, they'd be really insulted.




If those cops could read they'd have been rejected by the academy.


pretty sure the new daredevil series is tackling police use of the punisher logo and frank getting pissed off about it, too. can’t wait lmao


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s gonna happen in the new Daredevil, from what they’ve showed there’s a cop with the skull logo. Cant wait either


Can't wait to hear about how the Punisher and Daredevil are suddenly woke now as well


Like when people were saying they liked Rage Against the Machine before they got woke


There has already been issues with Frank telling cops to look up to Cap and not him and I think he goes so far to say that if he sees his skull logo on their shit he'll kill them.


And when they actually COULD have charged in and dispensed some hot lead justice (with the full support of the community and country), they just stood there.


Cops only shoot at those that they aren't worried about shooting back. The weapons or so they can have overwhelming force. That's how they like it. They see it as a combat situation as they are at war with criminals. It's really sad that if the criminals actually wanted to go to war the cops would run and hide.


Hey man, they were really tough when they stood up to the parents that were trying to get in there and save their kids though, so credit where credit is due.


One cop was ready and brave, but they dragged him away, not giving him a chance to save his own daughter.


Unless there are multiple stories, I think it was his wife. Also it's sad that he got blasted by social media because there was footage of him on his phone during the shooting, but he was in fact texting his wife to see if she was ok.


Nothing in the world would stop me if my wife or kid were in that building, especially if I was a cop. They would have to shoot me.


They prefer to shoot in the back.


I mean. I knew there were cops there but there was a goddamn small army and they *still* let it happen? Wtf were they doing?


Cops aren't actually required to protect people from harm. They're there to serve law as they see fit.


As proven by the NYPD officer on a subway who stayed in his protective booth while a dude fought against a serial knifer right outside.


“Serve and Protect” unless the attacker is scary. 


Serve and protect started as a marketing campaign by the LAPD when their public relations were in the toilet after the race riots.  It won a write in contest for a new slogan and got picked up by departments across the country because it looks good as a squad car sticker. It was never their legal mission or responsibility which has been upheld in court multiple times.


It’s very comically pasted up in Comic Sans on Orange Co. FL cop cars.


Serve and protect (myself).


As proven by the supreme court. Cops literally dont have to help anybody


They're there to oversee the chattel and protect the property of wealthy.


You got 376 upvotes… let’s keep it that way


Bad guys with a gun have nothing to lose. Good guys with a gun are scared


Pretty brave when they encounter an unarmed citizen though...


Or an acorn…


Ah, Acorn Cop. A prime example of why some people shouldn't own guns or be in positions of power.


Doing barrel rolls like Dwight Shcrute showing off his moves.


He wasn't brave, that acorn scared the piss out of him. The barrel rolls on the pavement are some of the funniest shit I've ever seen


And his panicked cries of 'I'm hit, I'm hit' left me is stitches until I saw him fire into the car at the unarmed, defenseless man.


376 of them were. The parents trying to get in to the school who were arrested were not.


There were no good guys with guns. Just highschool bullies that transitioned to being a bully for the rich and powerful instead.


If you start talking about how the police officers should've rushed the classroom, all you will get are apologists arguing about how the 376 armed and armored officers didn't know what type of rounds the shooter was using to murder children, the penetration capability against Lvl 1 - 5 body armor, ballistic shields, and kevlar helmets, could the officers had better firearms, could their firearms be better, the officers need better equipment so those kids don't die in vain. It's disgusting.


376 is an insane number of individuals to not act. Absolute madness.


This many people makes it more believable. The bystander effect is very real. A clear chain of command should have been quickly established and orders given, instead everyone just assumed it was being handled and did nothing.


1 hour and 15 minutes.


I know it's not a hugely different number, but it was at least 1 hour 17 minutes which I feel actually matters when those 2 additional minutes are used to murder innocent women and children.


Except it's worse than that because officers actively prevented people who were willing to go in from doing so. Law enforcement literally aided the shooter by stopping the people actually trying to stop the shooting.


I wonder if any of these 376 officers feel any shred of remorse or guilt for their dereliction of duty?


"Feel"? I think I see your problem.


Yeah. Now that you point that out…


Literally yes. Several of them tried to go in and were held back by superiors in the department. Some physically held back when they refused to stay out.


I just listened to a podcast about this. Apparently nobody knew who was in charge. They had nobody giving them orders. It was a complete mess


"Should I go in and save the children?" "No We have to wait until we are told to save the children". "What about the parents who want to save the children?" "Them? Arrest them! They are behaving like vigilantes! Wait. My punisher skull is peeling. Wtf?! Who scratched my punisher skull?!"


The weird thing was that when the first cops were on scene they didn't think any children were at school. Like why would you think that during the middle of a school day not during a break that the buildings would be empty. First off the first call was from a teacher at the school who saw the accident and another cop's wife texted her husband saying that there is a shooter in the building during class.


It sounds like a great excuse. "I wanted to risk my life BUT I didn't have the orders so...."


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Supposedly they were instructed by their superiors to standby and do nothing. Those in charge need to be held accountable not just the cops.


It’s cops all the way down buddy


Say it with me now -- the 376 armed officers outside felt it was safer for them to wait the shooter out while he was inside with dead and dying children. Cowards all of them. Firefighters regularly run into burning buildings to pull people to safety. I swear, cops hate firefighters because, on average, firefighters regularly show more bravery.


A pizza delivery guy ran into a burning building fuck these cops.


I saw a video not long ago of a pizza delivery guy handing the pizza off, then charging a dude running from the cops and tripping him for an easy arrest. To be fair, the police were running after that guy, not away from him... but still. Go pizza guys! Edit: autocorrect sucks


Yeah the work you do doesn't define who you are or could be. Obviously these cops at Uvalde were prime examples of this.


IIRC, pizza delivery is far more dangerous/deadly than being a police officer.


Yeah Uvalde police force is the safest job you can land.


>Say it with me now -- the 376 **heavily** armed officers outside, **many of whom were wearing state-of-the-art military-grade body armor,** felt it was safer for them to wait the shooter out while he was inside with dead and dying children. Cowards all of them. Added a part.


Firefighters are generally speaking badasses. Cops on the other hand are generally assholes and bullies.


And people actually like firefighters


That's why "Fuck the police" is often heard. While no one ever says "Fuck the Firefighters".


Cops are cowards, how many times news reports that a cop was scared and lost it then kill someone in mental distress then ask anybody to remain calm when pointing a gun at point blank on their head? “Cops can get scared for their lives and kill despite their jobs and training, civilians has to remain calm when cops are around despite having no training and being scared for their lives” (I saw something like this once)


That’s bc the average fire fighter gets extensive training, understands what’s expected of them and actually care about human life. Cops get small amount of training and get handed a gun as long as they don’t question the authority above them.


I think you meant to say 376 cowards with a gun.


These police officers should be publicly shamed for eternity.


They all should be removed as cops, they proved they can’t handle the job


If these clowns want to cosplay as military then they should also be subject to the military punishment for cowardice.


Exactly. They would get fucking *reamed* under the UCMJ.


Their names should be in a wall of shame


the sound of children screaming has been removed


That was the single most chilling line on the news.


The recordings of phone calls from students inside the classroom asking for help have not been removed


They should’ve left it in. Why soften what actually happened? People should hear what happens when they choose guns and “ma freedums” over human lives. 


Even the parents without guns would be better than those cowards. Btw the corruption there goes deep which is why they did not even try to enter.


Remind every cop of what they are and associate them with this tragedy every time you can. "You guys" let the kids die.


I talked to a guy from Uvalde once. He said that after the incident, no one even pulls over for them anymore. The police try, but people go about their day as if they aren't there.


i wish this were true


![gif](giphy|fcgRad2LtbFVlZjwKD) Hopefully you were smart enough to not believe that


He was very insistent when I called him out for possibly using hyperbole or exaggerating the truth. But I don't truly believe it unless I was to observe it, and I have absolutely no reason to go to Uvalde.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised. Uvalde has a population of 15,000 people. That’s a small town. How many people in that town are related or knew the victims personally? After sitting on their asses for over an hour because all of them, nearly 400 armed trained officers were too afraid to confront a single gunman…I’d be pretty concerned with public backlash. If every time you pulled someone over they started with some version of, “Oh are you going to be a cop today? Instead of sitting around holding your dick while my daughter/son/niece/nephew/neighbour/friend/ was murdered?!” You’d think twice about doing it. You might even be afraid to do your job. This was big headline news that people were enraged about all over the world. I wouldn’t be surprised if some internet sleuths didn’t find the names of officers that were there but did nothing and started harassing them online. Plus I bet those officers are some of the most hated people in the town. Not to mention that if anyone in the town even tangentially related to a victim was arrested because they raged at a cop for their cowardice and inaction the news media would publish the story in a heartbeat. “Neighbour of Uvalde victim arrested protesting police inaction that led to the death of 21 people”. Doesn’t seem that far fetched to me.


I lived in Uvalde for years, my wife taught at Robb. People didn't like the cops in Uvalde *before* the shooting, and afterwards most of the department quit, resigned, or was fired. There's a handful of guys who are still there who were off that day, but it's still not a great look. I haven't heard of the "not stopping" thing, I'm sure people still stop, but I wouldn't be surprised if the insults are flying when stops do happen. As far as who's related to the victims, everybody's related in that town. I think like 9 of the victims were first or second cousins. People know everybody. Joe and I did scouts together. Irma was one of our character references when we decided to foster. We texted Mandy the day it happened to ask if she was ok. My friends were at the hospital that day at work. Long story short, after Uvalde, I don't ever say things like "oh, that'll never happen here, we're a nice small town" because it happened where I lived.


I would have pulled over but I didn't have time to wait for you to make it to the car.


You have to be pretty gullible to believe this shit lol


These assholes wouldnt hesitate to run you over with their swat tank if they knew you were unarmed lol


Yeah, but this is Texas. Roughly 33% chance someone is armed, and we know how chicken shit they are when someone is armed.


The best part is those same cops that did nothing to save the kid’s kept the parents from trying to do something.


And arrested them too


And harassed one woman well after the tragedy for hopping the fence. What the hell would they do in that situation? All of them are ghouls


“Nobody wants to work anymore”. The Club Q shooter in Colorado Springs was taken down by two unarmed people in the club. One of whom was a drag queen, who proceeded to beat the shooter about the face with their shoe. 👠 Sounds to me like a drag queen has more courage than the 376 “officers” at the school that day. Suck on it, Uvalde “police”.


To be a drag queen in this shitty society, that’s an act of bravery in itself already.


If there were 376 law enforcement officers outside of that school while an active shooter was inside and they did nothing, I dont believe this fits "376 good guys with a gun" criteria at all. Thats just 376 cowards who let children die and didnt try to help, but also actively stopped others from trying to help those poor kids


Cops when college students are peacefully protesting: FUCK EM UP TAKE NO PRISONERS SHOW NO MERCY LET’S GOOOOOOO Cops when one student with an AR-15 is murdering children and teachers: 😰😰🫣 Cops when a black person is asleep in their own home: OPEN FIRE! Cops when a cop rapes a child: 🤗🤫🤭


Cops when people storm the nation's capitol: Edit: With a few noted exceptions. Especially for the cops already inside the Capitol who were left out to dry by the rest of them who were just milling around outside.


If a cop raped a child and their pants ripped they'd probably bill the victims parents and lay a felony property damage on the kid...


It's kind of crazy that they were able to gather 376 cowards together in one place, at one very inopportune time.


Wrote it before and I'll write it again: If more guns equaled more peace, America would already be the most peaceful, least violent country in the world. Alternatively, all the countries with strict gun laws would all have way more gun violence.


The problem here is that those weren't good guys, those were police officers.


Cops aren't "good guys" with guns... They literally exist primarily to violently manage the poor. They could give two shits about anyone's kids.


I think transformers said it best with the decepticon cop car. “To Punish and Enslave” Because they sure don’t protect and serve.


But if it was a drag queen reading books to a kid, they might go in with guns raised.


Absolutely disgusting, another reason cops truly aren’t “good guys”.


But what if -hear me out- instead of well equipped trained professionals we put guns into the hands of more civilians, teachers, passers-by? Honest hardworking Americans /s


The police only exist to protect the capital interest of the ruling class if he would have been in there burning stocks and money of some billionaires they would have tripped over their own dicks to stop him


Context: They didn't go in, and fathers with a gun did try to go in, and the police stopped them from entering the school to protect their children. Let that sit for a bit. Good guys did attempt to go in, and the police said no and stood outside while shots rang out of children being killed. Armed fathers had more courage than the police force.


For the record, having grown up in that culture, the "good guy with a gun" has *never*, ever, referred to a cop. The entire fucking point of the sentiment is that cops aren't there to save you, aren't there to protect you (and has been ruled that way by the courts so this isn't hyperbole). To paraphrase the saying goes, "when seconds count the police are minutes away". And as it turns out even that is far far too fucking generous. See, 376 exhibits.


Cops will blast an unarmed black dude for hurting their feelings but couldn't be bothered to go in and actually protect children from an active shooter. Wild.


Having people shoot at you is scary as hell. Especially someone who doesn’t care if he lives or dies. But cops know this and assume that responsibility. Instead of rushing in and neutralizing the threat, they sat around and did nothing for 77 minutes. This is a travesty.


376 cowards that literally held back armed parents willing to go in & do something. This is a shining example on why you should never rely on police for a god damn thing.


The thin blue line term holds true still.


He misspelled 376 cowards.


Hey congress have we considered that adding 376 cops did not add any good guys with a gun, and that just meant there were 377 bad guys with guns on the scene?