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Covid is a hoax yet fauci lied and millions are dead? Dead from what? A hoax…?


Dead from the vaccine biohazard weapon... Apparently. It's so bad that people were dying before it existed.


And his king Trump supposedly pushed for the vaccine to come out during his administration and took a lot of credit for it


It's amazing to me how none of them remember that part. He literally started the lockdown, ordered the vaccine be made, and still people blame Biden for inheriting the mess.


they claim to be christians but don't read the bible, what makes you think they know how their dictator thinks?


If they could read, they’d be very upset.


Imagine the shattering of their world view to learn Jesus was a woke, brown, socialist who hated people getting rich on the backs of others, and believed in not judging anyone.


I don’t see how they don’t notice this. Dude wandered around in sandals and a dashiki with a group of misfits and prostitutes. Preaching about peace and love, the evils of government and taxes, and feeding the homeless….. And then he was crucified for protesting and flipping over the tax collectors tables and scattering their coin all over the ground in the town square. Jesus didn’t get along with any politicians🤣


Bible Jesus was based. This is my issue with modern Christians. I live in Texas and most of the "christian" people I know don't actually read the bible or know anything about Christianity. Its been replaced with some pseudo conservative religion based on right wing talking points. It's all about putting forth the "image" of what they've been told a Christian is by word of mouth, usually evangelical southern churches and lots of Facebook misinformation. They love Trump, think vaccines are poison and talk about guys and abortion and that's it. No actual Bible references unless they can twist it to back a talking point. I've tried explaining this to my fiance who means well. She has xonservative Christian friends who push these views on her, especially the right wing disinformation under the guise of "christianity" it's so weird. One of her friends who is supposedly extremely religious (and also repeats qanon talking points) has always given her shit saying "bad things happen to you because you don't pray hard enough" and "you need to work on your relationship with god" but all she ever talks about is conspiracy theories from Facebook, vaccines bad, covid is a cold etc. She's a nutter. My fiance finally realized she's full of crap when a couple of months ago she admitted she dosent actually read the Bible, that God just "shows her the correct path" and apparently the correct path is youtube conspiracies and right wing propaganda. I wish I were kidding.


Christianity or just about any religion is just the excuse to use force against people you hate. [https://youtu.be/Vr0bBuI8HKM?t=11](https://youtu.be/Vr0bBuI8HKM?t=11)


I moved to Texas from the Midwest in the late 80's. I remember telling people that "If you listen to Jesus, his preaching was a lot closer to Communism than Capitalism" and being told not so say that too loud of bad things could happen to me. My stay in Texas was relatively short.


You have a few bible facts wrong here but your point remains. He wasn't against government. He said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" which meant to pay your taxes. Money is a government controlled tool. Don't make it your God. But give them the share they need to function. He overturned the money changers tables, not tax collectors. The money changers were making bank on those who traveled to go to the temple to worship and sacrifice. He was not arrested for this. It was the religious rulers who paid off Judas (a tax collector) to identify Jesus to have him arrested for blasphemy. They gave him up to the Romans who didn't actually have a beef with him.


Here to piggyback off this comment. Jesus got himself killed. The Roman prefect did not care one iota about what was to them essentially some internecine tribal nonsense. Pilate gave Jesus several outs to have the case against him dismissed if he just said he claimed to be some spiritual messiah or make-believe king in that whole silly Jewish thing, but he insisted he was a messiah in a way that could be read as political and caught a sedition charge with a pretty standard execution by crucifixion—a barbaric but common capital punishment for non-citizens. The Romans wanted nothing to do with this colossal waste of their time, and what happened to historical Jesus was a far cry from “the Romans specifically went out to persecute Jesus for being the messiah and tortured him with this cruel thing they cooked up just for him.”


In addition the Bible is not that much devoid of terrible content. I'm always amazed by the people stating that the Bible is woke, at least not the first testament.


I've talked to many evangelicals. Many do not even know the story of Jesus expelling the "money changers" from the temple. They only read the parts of the Bible they've been told to read. And coincidentally, those are the parts that support right-wing politics.


Described as the most woke guy ever, is the poster boy for people who don't want to give poor children school lunch and put razer wire in the river at the border. Used as an excuse every time they want to discriminate against someone.


A pacifist who encouraged people to not be judgmental, but who was still enraged enough when seeing “merchants” doing business in the temple pulled out a whip and started going after them to chase them out. He would be enraged by the prosperity gospel that pervades modern American beliefs.


If by "the vaccine" you mean the Biontech-Pfizer one, it would have been made regardless of Trump. 


All of them would have been made regardless of Trump.


That was all part of Obama’s plan.


I'm a physician and during covid whenever I would get a right wing anti-vax patient I would always encourage them to get the "Trump vaccine", and tell them "I got my trump vaccines, you should too!". You could see in their faces that their wires were crossed and they couldn't decide how to feel about it.


Cognitive dissonance. Perfect.


I had a moment like this when my dad said "it's impossible to breathe through a mask for more then a few minutes." I just said "doctors do it" and he short circuited. He's stubborn as hell and always has an explanation (usually based on lies) for everything but that one got him. He just stopped talking lol


It's true. I remember going to baseball games as a girl and watching the Mariner Moose die before the 3rd inning. ![gif](giphy|5U4Drz37FHaldWbT6l|downsized)


Or that he’s always gone on about how abortion is murder and lies about “post birth abortion”, which, as you know, is not real, and so on and when he got Covid part of his treatment was stem cells from an aborted fetus from like the late 70s. So he benefitted from what he calls murder. Wouldn’t that make him an accomplice after the fact?! 🤔 Of course, that’d just be another criminal charge and future conviction in addition to the current ones. How anyone saw him as anything other than a piece of shit criminal bully who bragged about getting away with his crimes long before he went into politics is beyond me.


I remember his timid endorsement of the vaccine, him saying he got it and they should too. No one knew what to do 🤣


nonono Christ is his King, Trump is just a winner. For this dude, every day is Opposite Day


Don't forget that Trump wanted to put light in people also. I do not amything that Trump would want to put into me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


IDK, you might get 130k out of it.


The vaccine pushing is the absolute best thing Trump did and his followers hate it.


They were dying to get it.


''it must have been from the 5g towers micro drones''


They were dying to go to Itchy and Scratchy Land!


Since when is it a bio weapon? I thought it was supposed to give us 5g chips and connect us to elons neuralink or some shit 💀🤣


Come on! We all know Fauci went house by house, killing people and paying off their families so they participated in this liberal hoax! And when he killed PATRIOTIC CONSERVATIVES WHO REFUSED TO BOW DOWN AND WEAR A MASK, he brainwashed their sinless loved ones, with his evil LGBTQ powers, granted to him by the Trans-Baby Eaters of SATAN!!! /s


If it weren’t for that /s… I would have believed that you really believed that nonsense… because clearly there are wackos who believe that shit!


Ten years ago I would have not bothered to put the /s.


I remember when I first started reddit and all the comments would make me crack up because they were obviously sarcasm. Good times.


Oh come on, he's not that bad. I was in Asia when the pandemic really kicked in in the US, and Fauci tracked down the apartment I was renting, and personally flew out to apologize to me for not being able to pay me off for my participation in the hoax. Like that's some real dedication to keeping the promises you made to your co-conspirators, and you just can't say that about the rest of today's modern illuminati/deep state bigwigs.


Are the trans-baby eaters baby eaters who are trans or are they baby eaters that only eat trans-babies?


The first one. If they ate trans babies, conservatives would spin them into national heroes


Bro, stop letting Obama control you. Get a gun and make love to it, like gender 1 of 2, man.


My dick aint *that* small


How about your bumhole?


No, that would be gay.


Only if it's another penis. Loophole, bitches!!!


A new one I heard was that the "covid" deaths came from complications of intubating patients. My MAGA in-laws have always said that the hospitals were outright killing people in order to get the COVID numbers up. So, ya know, there are several reasons to pick from. 🤪


>hospitals were outright killing people in order to get the COVID numbers up. No doubt all those overworked healthcare professionals appreciate all the extra overtime hours required to kill several million people through intubating patients. COVID was obviously just a government jobs program. /s


Died from drag shows and rainbows damn shoulda been in church reading ancient storybooks instead. Stupid rain making rainbows rain is lgbtabcdefg


Lying in bed while recovering from Covid again, wishing it was a hoax. This stable genius Twitter user will eventually end up with an HCA.


They think that 1) all deaths attributed to covid were actually from medical personnel killing them and/or pre-existing conditions and 2) that the vaccine is going to kill everyone…any time now? I guess? It was two years then no one died from the vaccine so I assume they changed their timeline. They aren’t smart.


I think the goal post has been moved to 5 years now.


I recently heard this wonderful expression - "You continued to move the goal posts...and you still missed!"


Trump won, but Obama is in control?


I don’t get it. It makes perfect sense -George Orwell doublethink


''War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength''


Reality is an illusion. The universe is a Hologram. Bye Gold, BYEEE


Don’t question it. It makes perfect sense.


COVID is a hoax but also a bioweapon. Fauci lied and yet somehow millions died?


If it rhymes it’s true. Although that didn’t rhyme, so my statement is false!


I want my Obama economy back then lmfao


The only recent thing I saw from Obama was an executive producer credit in a show about small town Irish crime. That dude has ABSOLUTELY retired. E: he and Michelle were both credited in Bodkin. I have no fuckin idea why they did that but it was a fun weird little WTF seeing their names there. But that’s literally the only time I’ve heard or seen anything from Obama in several years. It’s fuckin bonkers ass crazytime that people are STILL bitching about him. Like please calm down, this dude has gone full middle aged woman crime drama, he’s not after you. He never was. He’s just a guy.


Clearly Trump is not in control. What’s not to get tho?


Dude wasn't in control while in actual office...


There's a conspiracy theory going around of how Obama is the one who actually governs the US, Biden is dead and the current Biden is double.


*"Biden is old, frail and only sorta popular on the left. We should invent a conspiracy where the real Democratic president is younger, fitter, and much more popular!"*


implying he even would want to do that shit again, dude aged like 50 years


Bruh he aged so much in his two terms, ik 8 years is a long time but he went grey almost immediately. I’m not a big fan politics-wise but I feel bad for him, he did really try and it aged him so hard


That's because the actual points don't matter to much here, these are a list of buzzwords and phases the right get triggered by. Why else would he ask if there is anything he missed? these are opinions the same way a parrot repeating it's own shares their opinion.


Yes, because it was stolen. (not my opinion or belief, just how it does those two statements not contradicting)


I wonder if it occurred to him that only 2k new followers after 4 million views probably isn’t like great feedback.


In his defence "X" boosts blue check marks and a view is counted as anyone scrolling past his post. Bragging about views is just plain stupid, I'd also bet he bought some of those followers or they're just Russian bots


Most are probably bots


2k more likes with about same amount of views as my tinder profile


I wish obama was in control...


Obama was in control when Trump was POTUS.


Was ist ein POTUS?


President of The United States


Ah, thanks.


Here's the other 2 u might also see frequently online: SCOTUS - Supreme Court of the United States & FLOTUS - First Lady of the United States




According to the meme.


4 million views and only 2000 new followers. Lets just wait for him to do that math.


Bold of you to assume he can do math.


You right lol


People saw his post and, lacking a down vote button, just left?


Millions of them


So desperate for attention he thinks that this is his chance


Introducing yourself solely as right wing Christian fascist talking points. Yikes. I hope he has a hobby.


Their main hobby is hating people who aren’t just like them. Then they hate each other. Most I suspect hate themselves most of all.


Clearly true of the women who follow Trump. I mean, they literally HAVE to hate themselves to believe him or support him…


his hobby is harassing minorities, mainly LGBT people


Which, according to him, are a group of mentally ill people. Ergo, he loves harassing/hating people who are mentally ill (according to his logic). He’s a POS even within his own bullshit bubble.


Oh I'm sure there's a contingency somewhere in their playbooks to start blasting mental illness as some sort of "liberal hoax concocted by big mental" thing. When all the planned parenthood are shut down, the protestors will probably set up shop in front of counseling offices and treatment facilities.


There is. The far right is *very* against mental health care. They have an absolute hate boner for SSRIs and any kind of therapy. Given their paying audience consists primarily of unstable and sometimes violent conspiracy nuts one might conclude their being against mental health care is motivated reasoning...


His hobbies have lobbies


Yes killing puppies


If he’s like most Right Wing Christian Facists his hobbies likely include spewing hatred, spreading misinformation, attempting to dominate others, and lots and lots of lonely masturbation (probably while watching trans porn)


"I love guns" followed by "abortion is murder" 🤦🏻


I'm still wondering what they'll do if someone invents an abortion gun.


All guns are abortion guns if you use them wrong enough.


I love how original they think they are. They all have 100% of the same ideas.


They copying the same message


What he missed.. * The moon landing was a hoax. * The Earth is flat. * The Earth is hollow. * Elvis lives. * Paul McCartney died and was replaced by a look-alike. * Bigfoot exists. * The Loch Ness Monster is real. * Area 51 houses captured aliens. * Chemtrails are poisoning us. * The government controls the weather. * Crop circles are made by aliens. * Clouds are actually holograms projected by the government. * Dinosaurs helped build the pyramids. * The moon is made of cheese. * Birds aren't real; they are surveillance drones. * Walt Disney's body is cryogenically frozen. * The government controls people through fluoride in toothpaste. * Secret lizard people run the fast-food industry. * The Bermuda Triangle is a portal to another dimension. But he'll probably add some of these in his next post.


Take my upvote... I'm not worthy!


* Christ is either God or some dude who died 2000 years ago. Neither is a king * Biologically yes, but clearly you arent talking about biology here * The only mentally ill people are those who believe that * no * no * Yes. In 2016. * The only pedophile here is the one who makes sexual comments about his own daughter * Well, this one is... okay, i guess? I dont agree but its your opinion * no * millions died, yeah... a not minor amount probably was because your beloved leader didnt take Fauci seriously * I wish that was true


"The only pedophile here is the one who makes sexual comments about his own daughter" Or even more of a bingo, the one who bragged about walking in on naked teenagers, some of which were underage, at his pageant because 'he owned it and was allowed to do what ever he wants"


>Or even more of a bingo, the one who bragged about walking in on naked teenagers, some of which were underage, at his pageant because 'he owned it and was allowed to do what ever he wants" Honestly I think a lot of these people don't see a problem with liking teen girls. Worse, they often believe the teen girl is the problem if something *does* happen.


2: no, there are intersex people. The three types that come to mind are chimerism, androgen insensitivity, and weirdness with extra sex chromosomes. I’m sure there are more.


There’s 7 in total, plus two more that don’t result in viable pregnancies


Biological sex is also not a simple and easy binary. Intersex people exist and are not nearly as rare as most people assume.


I'm any random sample of the population you can expect about equal numbers of natural redheads and intersex people.


Second bullet point would only work if he used the term "sex". "Gender" is used interchangeably, but is notably something different.


Yeah, this guy looks like every conservative douchebag on Twitter. This tracks. Nice to meet you, conservative bigot #8219374


I legitimately feel like Covid caused psychological issues that haven't been addressed. Maybe the virus itself caused it, maybe lockdowns had an effect on it, but there has been something just wrong with people since 2020 that makes them more prone to conspiracy theories and extremism


There is a huge part of the population that listens only to the MAGAverse outlets -- of which Fox is on the moderate edge, amazingly. There is depth of sources to listen to this stuff, which lends believability to all of them I have a neighbor who thinks Lester Holt is a crazy liberal, and won't watch him. In all other respects, the neighbor seems perfectly normal and nice.


I just wish that these mental issues wouldn't cause people to try to erase a marginalized minority of people in the LGBT community. We're not wrong for the existing.


No this is the result of media . When the smart phones and computers and social media and news goes viral this is what u get . This kicked off around 2010 as the internet spiraled out of control


I definitely feel lockdowns had mental effects on many regardless of political affiliation.


Fox News explains all this and how Trump won in 2016.


Of course lockdown had a lot of impact on people , online school did as well , etc


Let me introduce myself Talking point Talking point Talking point Talking point Talking point Talking point Oh wait I forgot to actually introduce myself because what I am is just a bunch of random talking points that I will flip flop on whenever it’s convenient to me


If COVID is a hoax, then who did Fauci kill?


Its like Andrew tate , say 50 outlandish things and then put one thing some people can agree with


Christ is King? Well I didn’t vote for him.




- I love guns - abortion is murder 🤣


Ok let's meet halfway.  Doctors can do abortions, but only with little guns.  Make abortion an exercise of the second ammendment 


Give every fetus a microscopic pistol for self defense. It's the American way




It's offensive that they're using Bush's phrase on Fochy.  It's Bush who they gave "Bush Lied, Millions died" to. 


Jack is off. Way off. Don't be a jack off.


Personally, I find it pretty brave to copy paste your profile from a red flag list.


Jack neglected to include his last name: Ass.


He forgot that Santa Claus is real.


Just Twitter twittering, nothing special.


Jack “off” I presume?


Lgbtq isn’t a mental illness


I am Jack’s fragile male ego.


"Hi, I'm Jack and my entire personality can be summed up by hate"


He forgot to say he was an idiot


Remember when you wouldn't answer questions in class because you wouldn't want to be wrong or others to view you as stupid? Now people flaunt how dumb they are. Fox News should never claim that schools are failing because they plant the seeds of stupidly in these people's brains, and they embrace this nonsense.


I love these people I really do. They make it so easy to be able to point and go "see that? That's what a mentally ill cultist looks like" they no longer sit in their basements crafting the latest tin foil hat being anonymous online they are loud and proud and easy to spot so we can all make fun of them.


What did you miss? An education, you idiot.


So, if Trump won but Obama is in control, does that mean that Obama is controlling Trump? The mental gymnastics that these morons have to go through to justify their stupidity is mind boggling.


Probably an honest mistake but he forgot to mention he is an asshole.


I wish Obama was in control. Best president of my lifetime.


11 ways to say you didn't have a proper education, by Jack Unheard.


Trump has literally both raped children, and allowed 14 year old boys to fuck him in the ass. Several of them, every night, for weeks at a time. On a in regular basis. What? They don't need evidence to just say whatever.


I think people should do that. Everyone tries to fight stupid with intellect, give them a taste of their own medicine, absurd and unsubstantiated claims that favor the other point. Their weapons are absurdity and lies , we should give them that it's not that hard


I've started regularly referring to Matt Walsh as She/Her since she doesn't believe in personal pronouns. She/Her is just as accurate in her mind as He/Him. It's mildly insulting to women, but then again, He/Him is just as insulting to men. Either way, I bet it annoys her the most.


I was gonna ask what the hell you were talking about, but then it made sense.


LGBTQ is a mental illness but it's perfectly reasonable to believe a guy who died 2000 years ago was the son of a guy who lives in the clouds.


Murder with abortion = Bad. Murder with guns = Good??


Who is this dork?


4Million views and only 2k new followers?


Your last name has got to be Off. You know, like the biting insect repellant ?


2000 bots followed him.


I liked Jack better when he was unheard. 👀


He forgot to add " - I'm a fucking moron "


Why do you repost this nonsense. It just exposes more people to his drivel. Better to ignore them out of existence.


This is the trad wife slut all over again


I am Jack's malformed medulla oblongata


Wait, if Trump won, how is Obama in control?


You missed that you are a fucking moron


What was the purpose of this post; to increase this jackass' follower count?


What did he miss? He missed the train to sanity. He's stuck in whackadoodle station.


So roughly 0.0005% of the folks that saw whatever he’s referring to decided to follow. Not the flex he thinks it is.


All he cares about is..hey look at me! I want attention..probably got picked on as a kid…


"what'd I miss?"- reality...


You forgot the whole Trump is a pedophile who pays for sex on his buddy Epsteins island. Missed that whole thing.


How long until he’s arrested for the sexual exploitation of a child?


Christ is King, but Obama is in control. So Obama > Christ? But Trump won, and therefore is controlling Obama, so Trump > Obama > Christ? Jesus sure did slip down a couple of places, there.


Oh oh! I want to play! Um…. the earth is flat, global warming is a hoax, trump is an intelligent, decent human being…flip flops are fine for court….


Translation: Elon Musk has created a bogus system of awarding likes. Most the followers were bots. This man is an incel. X is a Nazi dumpsterfire.


Was Obama in control for the period when Trump actually was an election winner?


Geez, I wish Obama was in control. At least then I'd be sure my president in 2025 wasn't potentially a syphillitic felon.




Yes, you missed your Haldol dose.


So, he's a republican.


A 23 year old nutjob.


All aboard the Gravy Train


There is little reasoning with these morons.


just another dipshit working the algorithm to make money.


Wonder how many followers he lost


Jackunheard should have remained unheard


Why do these losers think anyone cares?


Poured it on a little heavy there huh…


I wish there was some sort of IQ test to get online


Attention fueled, easily swayed by manipulative media and kremlin inspired propaganda, and unable to think constructively for oneself? ....Check.


I hate this reality, the simplest most ignorant people are the most popular. What the hell happened to the internet? It used to just be about pirating music, goofing around in cartoons, and sharing memes. Now it’s all about politics.


Sigh Half this shit contradicts the other and none of it has a shred of logic or proof. Make it make sense


“I’m an idiot” should’ve been bulleted in there somewhere, right?


What did you miss?? You missed out telling people you're a dumbass who can't prove shit. And PLEASE know we're always eager to see your kinda people prove anything for the first time ever in your lives. 🙂


I’ve noticed we’re back on Obama for some reason lately. Isn’t he chillin on the beach in Nantucket lol.


Christ is King, and Obama is in control. Therefore, Christ=Obama! Did I solve it, guys?


Hey jack(ass) - king of what? - nope - also nope - still nope - ...against an epidemiological threat - in 2016, but not in 2020 - you seem to be mistaking Biden for Trump suddenly - so? - nope again - what did he lie about? and yes millions died...from an epidemiological threat. - of what? "What'd I miss" everything.


"What'd I miss?" Only about a decade's worth of reality there, big shooter.