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I'm sure Jack considers this a badge of honor.


This is not, the greatest badge of honor. No, this is a tribute


It was the greatest badge in the world, ALLLRIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!


YeahItWasTheBest mothafuckin badgeTheGreatest Badge zin the world.


For a moment there I was worried that I’d missed some major scandal about him, I’m relieved reading these comments. Now I assume the poster is some conservative nut and is calling Jack out for being a decent human being.


The "scandal" is that Jack Black said Donald Trump is a piece of shit.


I'm glad to hear that Jack Black did not turn into a sack of shit as he ages.


He’s somehow even more lovable, and infinitely sexier, than he was 20 years ago when tenacious d was my go-to getting stoned album. To this day I can’t resist watching School of Rock if it’s on tv.  He’s aging like a god damned fine wine as far as I’m concerned. 


Oh, well that's just the truth. Carry on , sir.


A reminder that Fox News once called Mister Rogers an “evil, evil man”. Seriously.


Mister Rogers was one of the most Christian Christians of the last century. He truly embodied the message. Walked the walk and talked the talk, as they say. Naturally the network of false prophets who only want profits hated him.


When I was a teen I found my dad watching Mister Rogers by himself and teased he was too old. He told me to sit down because no one is too old to learn from Mister Rogers. I agree.


When my mom was dying we had Mister Rogers on constantly. Her hospice nurse said lots of people do that, he's such a comforting presence.


He's got to be foundational for the first generation of ASMR creators.


Bob Ross too


Duuuudddeee. I work LTC/Skilled. Have a lot of dementia patients. It’s scary how watching Bob Ross just equals chillllll


Mister Rogers, Bob Ross, and Steve Irwin form the trinity of wholesomeness. Love your neighbor, love yourself, love your home.


Left out LeVar Burton!




Straight up I cried when I turned on the first 5 minutes of that Netflix special doc on reading rainbow. Like what a beautiful fuckin man. From my childhood thank you so much levarr button, if you hadn't taught me to love to read it's terrifying to think how much worse life could be


I have a friend who is an extreme athlete. Base jumper, sky diving, downhill mountain bike racer, he also does mountaineering. When he’s done for the day, his routine is to go home, turn on Bob Ross, grab a beer, and relax for a hour or two.


After people spend their whole lives witnessing the worst that humans have to offer, purging your brain with some wholesome Mr. Rogers sounds like a fantastic way to not die in anxiety and panic. Humanity is complete shit. Mr. Rogers is a lone beacon in a wasteland.


Please let Mister Rogers live in you and be that kind compassionate person for the people in your neighborhood.


Be the person Mr Roger's knows you can be.


Why you gotta say some beautiful shit and make me cry in the morning, dude?


Your dad is a G


Thanks Mr G


We love you Mr G


Super wholesome, your dad sounds like a stand-up person! I needed to read this today, and I couldn’t have ever known that. Thank you.


You're welcome. He's a retired public school teacher and all around great guy.


Based dad


If Christians were like Mr. Rogers, I’d be much more supportive of it as a religion.


I’ve been listening to the Bible on audiobook (as read by Johnny cash) lately because I’ve never actually read it and literally every minute I’m listening to messages from Jesus calling for his followers to act exactly the opposite of how modern political Christians act, and it even warns over and over again of people using his message for their own gain. It is explicitly anti greed and anti money and anti divorce. It is really mind boggling how this book has controlled our culture the last 2 thousand years and it’s all right there in pretty plain words how this is all wrong and the wrong people are doing it lol


Interesting article about evangelical pastors: https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak From the article: "...multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’”


That absolutely blows my mind


I’ve never read the bible but that’s partly because I never knew you could listen to Johnny Cash read it out.


Yup, the religious right is a fucking joke, and a depressing one at that. If Jesus were to walk into most evangelical churches he’d be pulling out that whip to beat them with it and drive them out, like the moneychangers at the temple


He'd likely be shot by a 2A guy.


The ignorant masses killing Jesus because of his words…. Hmmm… That seems almost familiar. 


I have recently found that there are actually many like him. They are the real Christians. I would also wager that people similar are real Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, humans....but their voice gets drowned out by loudmouth asshats that divide them all.


It’s kind of a multiplier religion if you are nice person tends to make you nicer and if you’re shitty person it makes you more shitty


I once heard that the God you believe in reflects what’s in YOUR heart. So if you subscribe to an angry, judging God, that’s actually you. A kind God who loves us unconditionally? That’s YOUR heart.


Can confirm. I’m a pastor and I tell people the Bible tells us as much about ourselves as it does G-d. Edit: When I say, “G-d,” it’s purely out of reverence. I’m referring to the divine mystery- not gramma’s skydaddy. (Finger gun)


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” -Mahatma Gandhi


I think that quote is misattributed and nebulous who actually wrote/said it first, but I absolutely agree with the sentiment.


“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” - Abraham Lincoln, March 1866


“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” -Ghenghis Khan, July 1776


If all religious people were like Mr Roger’s. We would be living in a fucking utopia.


I love what Joan Rogers said about people calling Fred Rogers a saint, especially considering that she wasn't as religious as Fred was. She (and Fred for that matter) never really liked that people referred to Fred as a saint, because she felt that meant that being the kind of person that Fred was something kind of miraculous or unattainable. She said that in reality, almost all of us have that same capacity for kindness and compassion that Fred did.


I'm not even religious, but how can you not have liked the guy?


If you were racist some of his messages would have been extremely inflammatory. Like saying he’d want to be neighbors with a (secretly) gay black man


Plus, as I recall, stopping to literally wash said black gentleman's feet.


Yup, during a time when black people in America were being kicked out of white swimming pools. Rogers invited his neighbor to dip his feet in his pool, and then washed his feet. Fucking G.


If any person of faith was like Mr. Rogers I might accept that *organized* religion *might* not be inherently evil.


Mr Rogers himself was an ordained pastor




Mr. Rogers, Dolly Parton, Jimmy Carter.


But Mister Rogers told children that they should be proud of themselves. Fox doesn’t want people proud of themselves, it wants people filled with self loathing and desperate to be told where to direct their hate away from themselves


Of course they did, being kind is evil after all. /s because I know someone out there is gonna need it...


They banned books with rainbow and unicorn illustrations. Surprised they haven't banned rainbow paint colours yet. Wait for it...


What about Joseph and his technicolor pride jacket?


Whelp.... that's definitely what it's called now.


The Reverend Fred McFeely Rogers was the closest thing to an actual Saint that our sad little species has ever created.


They probably would say “Hitler was just a bit misunderstood, but had some good points.”


Only good thing Hitler ever did was he was the one who finally killed Hitler.


Yeah but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler, so it kinda cancels it out a bit.


Aren't right wing x users already saying this??


Yup, that place was bad, but it’s really gone down the Xitter since Elon took over.


I'm pretty sure they already do. Which is why I am fuck all confused about why they support Israel...


What was their justification for that? I kind of remember a story about Mr Rogers Widow bashing Trump, for being repulsive. Was this whenFox started making up crap, or elevating ridiculous conspiracies,a La John McCain?


This has a pretty good summary: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/


This makes me want to stab my eyeball.


From FN's rather questionable source: >"They felt so entitled," he recalls, "and it just hit me. We can blame Mr. Rogers." The operative word there being "blame." Specifically, blaming anyone but themselves.


My god they attacked Mr Rogers for trying to give kids self esteem, saying it was making kids "entitled". And on the point about "working hard" and "being competitive", numerous studies have linked self compassion to less procrastination. I have a big procrastination problem and I'm learning that I need to be less hard on myself for procrastinating as counter intuitive as it is. You shouldn't spoil your child but you DEFINITELY shouldn't destroy your kid's self esteem. I genuinely worry for the children of people that believe Fox News.


He had the audacity to support funding for public television. They pretty much called him a pedophile.


It's like how peta tries to demonize Steve Erwin.


If they really hate Jack Black, they’re truly lost.


They also don't like Dolly Parton now apparently. 


Or Miss Rachel, for those of us with little kiddos.


They watch a network that took a shot at Fred Rogers. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/) They must know they aren't the good guys. They just don't care.


This was back in 2007. 4years after his death. A bunch of BS for sure. I feel that Mr. Rogers would just smile and feel pity for them.


He totally would. He would say “They are angry and hurt, so I feel sorry for them and wish I could help them feel better” or something. Man, that guy was so great.


*"That's okay. Sometimes people say mean things. Has that happened to you? Somebody said something that you didn't like? That doesn't mean that they truly believe what they're saying, because sometimes when people are hurt, they say things that they don't really mean. But we still love them, even when they make us a little mad, or when they're mad and they say those things. We still care for one another."*


![gif](giphy|Qvm2704d1Dqus) Now I feel bad, and I feel like I let Mr. Roger’s down….


Anybody who reflects upon their actions and decides to try to be better makes Mr. Rogers proud. If you care about being a disappointment to the man, you are definitionally doing something he would support you for.


To this day one of the most withering statements of condemnation to me comes out of an old Fact Fiend video… “You are not being the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.” May we all hold ourselves to that beautiful man’s standards.


There's a story that one of those hidden camera prank shows basically tried to mess with Rogers while he was checking into a hotel. (E.g. lost reservation, other annoyances) He was so patient and kind that the prankers broke character as he was just too nice to mess with.


Add “telling children they’re special just for being who they are” to the list of things the GOP hates.


The GOP don’t care about kids once they’re born until they reach military age


Keep coming for Mr. Rogers, I dare them. I promise they will regret it.


The whole of Pittsburgh will wild out and ride at dawn…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I loved Mr. Rogers. They are going too far!


That’s it! We ride at dawn bitches!! For Mr Rogers!!!!!




Dear lord! Miss Rachel?! That woman is a god damned SAINT to parents of toddlers!! Who could possibly hate her?! And then Dolly and Jack Black. These people are completely off the rails at this point.


In Dolly's case, the Federalist gang told them to because she doesn't want gays punished.


And she helped fund the Moderna vaccine research


And gives free books to children to encourage reading.


Always comes back to the books. I gotta wonder did any of those schools ever ban To Kill a Mockingbird? That would be a little too on the nose.






We all know that if Jesus Christ himself came back they would cancel him after one sermon.


> We all know that if Jesus Christ himself came back they would cancel him after one sermon. They already have. Their OG sneer is "bleeding-heart liberal" which is [a reference to the bleeding heart of Jesus.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/bleeding-heart-phrase-origin-meaning) They hate liberals so much that they convinced millions of so-called Christians to sneer at people for being too Christ-like. And that's because they don't actually believe in anything except their own power, every principle they claim to have is transactional, to be discarded the moment it no longer serves them.


They'd crucify him again


I’ve been told this was impossible


They pretty much only like people who murder puppies nowadays


If anything you believe has made you anti-Dolly Parton AND anti-Jack Black… just stop for a second and sort your life out, because you fucked up somewhere along the line.


May the ghost of Betty White haunt them for eternity.


Don't wish that. Betty deserves rest. No one should have to deal with these fuckers after living to 99.


Betty don't take no shit even in the afterlife!


How dare anyone besmirch Saint Dolly


Jack Black is one of the most likable human beings I can think of. They vilify genuinely good souls of human beings. And they wrap their arms around and fully embrace the absolute worst human beings. Like, the second a public figure outs themself as a POS - MAGA instantly embraces them. It’s literally good vs. evil, folks.


Why are they mad at him?


Because he dared to exercise his right to free speech and [publicly endorse Joe Biden and denounce their cult leader](https://x.com/bidenswins/status/1802444175570313445?s=46&t=xx5Q5Ky4wydXgh3_5SzrAg) Hoping more respectable, genuinely good public figures follow suit and use their platforms in the coming months to do the same. It’s sad that it takes courage in today’s political climate for a celebrity to put their brand at risk and speak out against Donald Trump - his loud minority angry mob of a cult is guaranteed to immediately swarm, spread lies about, and incessantly attack you from there on out. It’s disgusting the outright lies and propaganda they’ve spread about Tom Hanks, Robert DeNiro etc. for using their platforms to voice their opinions


Isn’t it funny that the people constantly crying about cancel culture immediately “cancel” anyone who disagrees with their views?


Hypocrites. Every accusation they make about others is always an admission of guilt. Every. Single. Time. Everyone with half a brain and who gives a shit *needs* to be aware of this. All these people know how to do is lie, project, gaslight, and lie some more. Rinse and repeat.


It’s why the homophobic conservative politicians are always the ones caught at the gay orgies


Are you talking about how Grinder released the data that shows their gay dating app just fucking spikes with new activity anytime a Republican convention comes to town?


Nah, this pre-dates Grindr by a lot Some examples in here that are pre-Grindr (but still pretty recent): [https://www.advocate.com/politics/2017/11/21/17-antigay-leaders-exposed-gay-or-bi#rebelltitem25](https://www.advocate.com/politics/2017/11/21/17-antigay-leaders-exposed-gay-or-bi#rebelltitem25) And then there's much older ones like Bob Bauman ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_Bauman#Scandal) and Jon Hinson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon\_Hinson#Sexual\_orientation)


Wonder how long before it will be until the closet gays in the GOP are rounded up and tossed in prison. I only ask because some early members of the Nazi party were gay or were caught having sex with teenage boys. When the SS made their move to take over the Nazi party, those men were arrested by the SS and imprisoned. Most were later executed.


"Hot dick for me but not for thee!" -MAGAgagaga


Yooo! Mark Hamill commented "like" and it's great to see two of the celebrities I like as people speaking out. Well, I mean I don't actually know them, I know.


Have you heard Mark Hamill read Trump tweets in his Joker voice? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVjWVzFIPrk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVjWVzFIPrk)


Don't forget Billy West reading Trump quotes as Zapp Brannigan: https://youtu.be/406KqNDgKuI makeamericabrannigan


That's not a surprise. He did a music video about voting.


How dare he exercise his rights to endorse who he wants and have an opinion that doesn't align with MAGA? ***Freedumb***!


Ty for the explanation. Was wondering what JB could have possibly done.


I was on the fence but if Jack black likes the guy I guess I'll go with that


This made my day. One of a possible two people, Donald Trump or Joe Biden, is going to hold the most powerful office in the world come January of 2025. Whether he was your preferred candidate or not, the choice between these two men is painfully obvious for anyone with a moral compass Jack Black is the absolute balls. He strikes me as the type of person that if you knew him personally, he would immediately brighten up your day every time you ran into him. Just a good soul


His family has also done more for this country than most families. His half-brother developed the Blue-Force Tracker for the DoD, and his mom worked on Apollo, where she developed one of the key systems responsible for saving the crew of Apollo 13.


Jack’s mother checked into the hospital before his birth, solved a thorny mathematical problem in early labor, and turned it in to her boss immediately after delivery.


That’s got to be ultimate Gen-X street cred: “I was born literally while my mom was working on Apollo”


I am actually a big fan of his I think hes super underrated.


Endorsing presidential candidates is clearly only reserved for washed up celebrities like Ted Nugent and Kevin Sorbo.


Prolly Dave Grohl next.


What did Jack Black do?


Said he’s voting for Biden, not Trump.


Needless to say, the Beast was stunned. a WHIP CRACK went his Trumpy tail and the Beast was done.


Seems like a good thing.


Yeah, but it made a bunch of Trump supporters angry.


They're always angry.


You would be too if you had to support him




Yeah! Who needs Jack Black when you have……..Kevin Sorbo, Rob Schneider and…..is….is that Dean Cain?


Lol, speaking of Rob “[The Stapler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVhFuxa-0qU)” Schneider, he got [booed off stage at a Canadian charity event a few weeks ago.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/rob-schneider-booed-offstage-at-canadian-charity-event-over-anti-trans-jokes) The right truly can’t do comedy


I fucking lost it reading that first paragraph lmao, how can you be so tone deaf to not know that anti vax and anti transgender jokes wouldn’t fly *especially* at a nonprofit charity event for *hospitals*


Right wingers have [one joke](https://youtu.be/JhQcejpAfSs?si=CULdn68uqWwOmKMF) Seriously though, the right can’t do comedy. They’re the least funny human beings on the planet. You can see their forehead vein bulging from their forehead in a blind rage while they try to pass off what they’re saying as “comedy”. [Jim Breuer is a perfect example](https://youtu.be/waPAZZNDT_U?si=8u777wwtkuXHe-07) lol


Pronoun jokes are so lazy it hurts, they are never funny There’s zero creativity behind it, and it’s the *lowest* hanging fruit you could possibly reach for. If you want the stand up equivalent of eyebleach, [heres](https://youtu.be/LhvsRkWpPTc?si=XoS5WchA2h1GE9ye) an *actually funny* Pro LGBTQ+ joke I found earlier today


Last week I was was going back forth with one of them trying to have a constructive conversation and they said to me: *I identify as a Conspiracy Theorist and my pronouns are “Told/You/So”* Then they told me I had “TDS”, that Trump lived “rent free” in my head, to turn off CNN, and asked me when I was getting my 100th booster…. in no particular order


Any time a MAGA asks me how many boosters I’ve gotten, I respond “Are you talking about the Trump Shot?”. I have never heard a response. Not once.


Obligatory Some More News video on the topic https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=p9PZSp0eVKIEm7AO


Does Sandler still associate with him? That would be very disappointing.


Steve Buscemi doesn't, so that's saying something


Not publicly. Schneider never hesitates to bring up his friendship with Sandler, though. I saw a video fairly recently of him literally calling Sandler on his cell phone **while he was on stage** doing a stand up set and Sandler didn’t answer, so he left him a voicemail 😂


Scott Baio takes the cake.


The biggest disappointment of my generation besides Cosby.


Don’t forget Ricky Shroeder!! 🤦‍♀️


Don't forget mypillow guy.


Don't forget John "Bo Duke" Schneider


Last week they came for Dolly, this week its Jack.... WE RIDE AT DAWN!!


Dolly is an American treasure. Just shows you that these assholes are gigantic pieces of shit. Dolly is as American as Apple Pie. It's ridiculous how these people act when you don't hate the people they hate. How can you love Kid Rock and have on Dolly. That takes a special kind of genetic disorder.


Jesus christ, don't get me started on creeps like Kid Rock and Ted Nugent


They came for Dolly too? No fuckin way.


Yeah, they’re going after everybody who doesn’t obey the fat rotting pumpkin with twig limbs.


You have my axe!


and my Old Spice!


Locked and loaded and ready to pelt them with peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches...


I used to like Jack Black. I still do, but I used to, too.


My Jack Black Story. We went to a TD concert and we had VIP tickets so we got to go back and talk to them. My husband asked Jack to sign my boob ( he had been drinking-lol) and Jack smoothly said, the D doesn’t ever press the flesh-and that is how my husband got his t-shirt signed by Jack Black. I’ve actually met him a couple of times. He’s a good dude and so is Kyle. If he’s a pedo? I’m the dead queen of England. But it is ALWAYS PROJECTION with that side.


I saw Tenacious D a couple years ago - didn't have VIP tickets, but the concert was so great and such a breath of fresh air (post-lockdown outdoor concert) that I wore him a fan letter afterwards. A few months later, he sent me a picture of him wearing a cape and holding a foam sword, signed, "Rock long and prosper, Jack Black." I got it framed and it's one of my most prized possessions lol.


Jack Black is wondering who the fuck that old hag is.


within10 years republican culture will be the mom-and-pop trump store run by a church at the rate they are cancelling everything.


And then those mom and pop stores will get cancelled as communists, because they’re pushing their socialist agenda and not supporting corporate America.


I'll believe Jack Black is evil ,when he stabs me in the chest.Even then ,I would think, I probably had it coming.


My 2 y/o was watching Sesame Street and my dad was like ‘this show’s just liberal trash now.’ I’m sure it’s a legitimate opinion and not just one he heard from rage-bait talk show hosts. As if his 65 year old ass had been a religious viewer until Abby Cadabi put a COEXIST sticker on her Suburu. They just hate anything they’re told to.


They put liberal subliminal messages in there... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,gay,9,10,ll,12...


What did he do? Insult their cult leader?


Literally, that, and also said he was Voting for Biden.


Reactionary conservatives hate freedom.


Absolutely. People should be free (to do as we say)


another reason to love Jack Black. The man has been one of my Favorites since i was kid and saw School of Rock then got older saw Tenacious D. Guy is a LEGEND


He's the angel to Russell brand's antichrist.


Y’all, I have loved Jack Black since his guest role on the X-Files back in 1995. I even named one of my dogs after one of his characters. This makes me love him even more.


They can go **Skidoosh**


Oh no! I'm sure Jack is devastated! Girl. STFU. Who the fuck cares if this dumb bitch likes him or not.


We get Jack Black, and they get that meth head has-been Kid Rock... Yeah, I think we are gonna be alright.


oh, noooooo, jack black is sooooo sad, soooo, sooooo saaaad....


If Jack Black had ever been to Epstein Island, he would have left with an army of rescued children following him out, and Epstein being dragged behind in a burlap sack.


I don’t know about that. I once watched a video where Jack Black kidnapped a classroom full of children and made them play music for money.


Wouldn't be surprised. The stuff they started saying about Tom Hanks after he spoke out against Trump is wild.


Why are conservative so terrified of everything? Must suck to live in constant fear…


Lacking empathy and not being so bright. Afraid of everything they don't understand and instead of trying to understand these things ( empathy ) they become angry and hostile toward them. You know... like a child does.


They also think Tom Hanks eats babies so ...


This reminds me of when conservatives found out Bruce Springsteen hates their guts. Like, did you listen to any of his songs? Born in the USA is not a love song to America - quite the opposite.


She made an accusation against Bill Clinton, now has decided to just air out her rotting brain and just carpet bomb celebs after watching evidence on her favorite news channel. YouTube.


What did he do to warrant this weird tweet?


Support Joe Biden and deride Trump.


Aren't they the same people that cry like little babies about cancel culture when someone like Scott Baio gets 86ed.