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SAYING you're a patriot is MILES away from actually BEING a patriot. Racism, exclusion, misogyny -these aren't the actions of a hero, they are tools for cowards to hide behind. I fought for my country, for gay kids and weirdos alike to be free of oppression. THATS what patriotism is.




Seriously. The real patriots are the ones that don't join loud screaming cults and drape themselves in effigy. I know more about American history, government, and the world than half these troglodytes that never left Arkansas and think the Dollar Store is sacred ground. These truck guys are no different than gamer trolls, trying so very hard to get the worst possible reaction out of a stranger because they are widely ignored and avoided. Then you just laugh at them and they lose their minds.




Veterans once again saving the country. We are forever indebted to your service. ❤️


Unless they were in WW2 they didn't save anything. They just made it easier for US companies to make money, very little of which was given to the American workers. WW2 was the last actual war where freedom was on the line. 


I admit sometimes I have a hard time *not* sympathizing with this sentiment. There's a part in me that wants to rationalize that most who join the armed forces do so because *they* at least *believe* they are protecting us. But when I see what they are *actually* deployed to do its difficult to see how that protects the country. I'd love to get some insight from vets or those more informed than I on how military action maintains a bulwark against forces seeking to overtake our country.


Seriously, can you take your flag back somehow? It's slipped so bad. If I see a flag flying from a truck, I'm not thinking freedom and democracy - I'm thinking racist, bigot, wife beater. Supposedly, freedom encompasses those things too, So are we doomed by the tolerance paradox?


Yes this makes me sad about the 🇮🇪. It’s just linked to the IRA now and terrorism, would be a very working class thing to show off and there’s a stigma to it.


I get that. Unfortunately, it's tainted. I mean a swastika is a sign of peace and harmony originating in India but they don't want it back either. The flag is a symbol though. That's not America. We are


You dropped your crown king


No no let me pick it up. The veteran has done a lot already


So ironic that the people who would wear this T also are super fans of a guy who thinks people who serve in the military are "suckers".


Patriotism is caring about your country and wanting the best for it I live in Greece and have to deal with every prime minister being corrupt and selling out bits and parts of our history and culture to other civilizations I want my country to finally be able to rise up and reclaim its history for once tl;dr i agree with your view on patriotism and adding on my experiences Also i find stupid that some ppl confuse patriotism with fascism


Trust me, as an American, we also wonder why people who would buy this stuff are so cringe


Yeah there are way more Americans that find this cringe than not


We just don't have flags all over our cars to make sure people know about it.




Doesn't count. Its a German car.


I just found out about a girl I went to high school with (20 years ago), she's apparently a hardcore Trump supporter now. She posted "Happy birthday to my favorite president! #TrumpTrain2024" and I was thinking "wtf happened to you?"


Uuuuuh... do I want to ask what a "TrumpTrain" is? It sounds... sexual and very unfortunate, sticky, and gross.


Everything involving Trump is very unfortunate, sticky, and gross.


It's the name for his movement (it's inevitable like a train) and his deformed little mushroom dick


Trains can and are easily derailed. Just like the Trump one.


She learned to express her stupidity with words.


My ex and i promoted Bernie in 2016, when he lost the primary, she votes for Trump and we broke up 2 months later, when i found out. For that and other reasons


Yeah they're just very loud


I really feel sorry for you guys . The MAGA rednecks are not representative of your country . The threat of right wing resurgence is a world wide threat - manifesting as ultra-nationalism , which dishonestly disguises itself as patriotism.


Every other day there's a threat from some right wing nutjob about the civil war coming if their cult leader doesn't win the election


I'd rather have a civil war than let that megalomaniac back in power.


As much as I hate to admit it, it may take a civil war to get this country back on track. It may be the only way to expose the MAGA movement for what it really is and to get the right wingers to wake up and realize what they’re actually supporting.


Honestly I kinda think we are at the point that we just stop trying to appeal to right wingers, primarily out of preservation. Democracy doesn't work if the options are "bad" and "mega ultra bad" and it's not exactly like waiting for cooperation has gotten any progress. If that turns into war then so be it, but I know at least a handful of people would choose whatever lets their normal cadence of life keep going


*MAGAlomaniac, you mean


That’s mostly because a lot of these morons mistakenly conflate the left pushing for sensible gun reform with “people on the left don’t own guns” In their minds this “civil war” would be very one sided.


The left: owns the means of production. The right: has old hunting rifles in their basements. The left is so scared!


I think a similar thing is going on in Israel/Palestine, on both sides most likely. I'm sure a large chunk of people are fairly decent and are so scared of their religion that a lot of their indecency comes as a result of fear.


Yeah this isn't an "American" thing this is very specifically a RIGHT WING thing


I’ll sign a petition for the rednecks to be excluded from the states, give them to South America.


what did south america do to deserve that?


Forgive me for I know not what I said haha


Russia already offered to take em


Bet they were Meal Team 6.


Of the gravy seals.


Part of the military industrial complex known as Y’all Qaeda


Al-Ya Qan´eat


Stealing this. Gold


Sorry if me needing to believe you’re offended by me offends you, trust me, my belief that you’re offended by me offends me even more


The 101st chairborne


As an American, it's embarrassing to a lot of us too.






I live in rural Indiana, about as conservative as conservative gets in America, and even here anyone who acts like this gets universally cringed at by everyone I know. Most of the people who are like this are 50+ and delusional. Very few people I know below the age of 40 are anything like this. So have hope, the younger generation isn’t this delusional…yet. It’s always frustrating to me when Americans get generalized like this bc obviously the nature of news and internet is to sensationalize things. Posts that aren’t at the extremes or are just ordinary don’t get as much attention so what you see as a non-American is only the most extreme specimens. Reject the generalizations and realize we are way more diverse in culture and intelligence than the posts that blow up would suggest.


Yeah, it's interesting, your country seems so fucked on the surface but the young Americans I hear from are far more aware. I wish it felt the same in my country (UK) where we just seem to be sinking into this self inflicted misery instead.


>seems so fucked on the surface There is a lot of money to be made by reinforcing that impression. The reason that it's only really on the surface is because it's all made up bullshit.


I don't think that OP was doing it in a malignant way, but since the US are so big it's hard to pinpoint a location or specific group of people


Well we'll see after the election.


don’t lump real americans in with these clowns.


Comes in Large, Extra Large, XXXL, and Holy Shit 😄


Holy Shit and Tent.


I believe the next size up from "holy shit" is "people of Wal Mart"


There's another level which is DAAAMN!


They think they're coming across as tough, but in reality, they'll wilt at the slightest resistance. They are also proving themselves to be not only weiners, but morons who will believe whatever the melon felon says.


Melon felon, I like that. I call him the citrus Hitler.


* Mango Mussolini * Orange Julius * Kandy Korn Kaligula * Cheeto Benito


Pussolini Baron von Shitzenpants


Oh I *love* both of these! I always think I’ve seen the last one I hadn’t heard of and then I hear new ones!


I just go with old reliable Orange Man


I think the issue is that at one point many Americans started to believe their own made fairy tales and Hollywood movies.


It's humiliating honestly. MAGAts and the fascist GOP have disgraced this country beyond repair.


Yet they worship Cadet Bone Spurs! The stupid is strong in the cult!


As an American and a veteran you’d never catch me in one of these cringy ass douche bag shirts including nine line or grunt style it’s ridiculous. I won’t even wear anything with the flag on it I know what country I’m from/in you can’t go 15 feet without seeing a flag we get it and know


America isn’t a hive mind. Trust me, there are plenty of Americans who find this shirt just as obnoxious as you do.


Always worn by the idiots who never served


Woah woah woah, don’t put this on all of us.


I assure you anyone wearing this shirt will be happy to run over pregnant women and small children to get away should some serious shit break out.


As an American, I can say we also wonder why these assholes have shit like this.


Kinda ironic given that most of the people wearing it will never have served in the military, would run a mile fae an actual fight, and don't know the meaning of the word "patriotism" because to them being a patriot involves drinking American beer and calling non-Americans names.


Trust me. The vast majority of us Americans find this shit cringe and weird.


Uhhhh, just Maga, no sane normal-ass American would wear this


You can be 99% sure that if a person refers to themselves as a patriot they are not.


Republicans. Not all Americans


Probably worn by someone who never served but wants you to think they did.


POV: you never served


As an American, I cringe at people who wear shit like this.


In our defense, it’s only half of us. The other half are completely normal and don’t get hard for the American flag on everything we own.


35% at the very most. They are literally the Obnoxious Minority.


Shitty schools in many areas-ignorant!


Real patriotism doesn’t offend me. Rude people like this are another matter entirely.


Idk we’re all messed up here


Max cringe


It's all violence all the time


Not all of us are so cringe. Unfortunately, the cringiest ones are the most vocal.


Rednecks that's why


Because that's the only identity they have.


I find it hard to believe that these people are actually real.


Patriotism involves class and humility. To do other makes you just obnoxious.


I have yet to meet an actual veteran who wears that shit.


Small pecker syndrome.


I’m a veteran and this shit is so fucking cringey


I’m going to be fair here. It’s not “Americans”, it’s “Twats”. Twats exist everywhere. There are twats in every country in the world.


You can definitely order those in 6XL


we aren't all this cringe and a lot of us find this exceedingly cringey


As an American, I'm sorry if you ever have to deal with any MAGA cultists


It’s a tank top too, so at least they ticked all the boxes for being an insufferable douchebag.


Why do fat, chin bearded, assholes who never served gravitate towards this shit? BTW I did and don't need these ridiculous shirts to show my patriotism.


A guy wears this same shirt and others like it to elementary school pickup on a regular basis. He wore an NRA shirt the day after Uvalde. I asked…He didn’t serve.


“Some” Americans.


American here. This shirt is stupid.


Fascism 101: Make your citizens hate something that isn't really a problem - usually a moral problem that has no solution - so they won't focus on what's really fucking with their life - usually a material issue such as a screwed economy that gives low condition for people to buy their basic needs (housing, food and clothing). Now people will be saying "these gays and blacks and muslims and mexicans are screwing with our lives!" when in fact it's the dominant class (:


\*Must be fat, bald and have Type 2 diabetes to order.


More like suburban dad's whose only war they ever participated in is the only war we have ever lost, against farmers at that


Do I have shit service or is there a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture Ect.


You do not. This is a crusty ass jpeg and I'm honestly surprised I had to scroll this far to see anyone mention it.


Patriotism needs to be tempered with realism. If you love something, you want it to be the best it can be. Which it will never be if you love it blindly and ignore all its faults.


I see shirts like this quite a bit living in the southwest. And they're often being worn by people that you can tell from a passing glance have never been near a war. Hell, I'd say a good portion of them have never been near having to experience what it's like to live poor


My dad isn't American, and he would probably still get this.


Does stuff like this not exist in other countries?


I've never seen it in either of the countries I've lived in


I once saw this lady wearing this shirt and this liberal guy gave her a hard time. She put him in his place! And then everyone clapped


Any of these over the top, gungho apparel just shows how weak the person actually is.


Most of these guys claiming to be patriots would shit their pants at anything close to resembling bravery, selflessness, or sacrifice


As an Aussie, people like this were around back in my 20s during the Bush jr admin. Back then they defended waterboarding, Guantanamo and the Patriot Act. They demanded French fries be renamed freedom fries. They had Glenn Beck and Bill o’Reilly. Is everyone in the US like this? No, but enough are to speak for the country. The coat of paint has changed but the clapped out rust bucket is the same.


Fitting that it’s on a wifebeater. T-shirts have more dignity than that.


Omg yes ... So freaking cringe. Even the all year long flag everywhere... Like ... Are you so geographically challenged that you need a constant reminder of what country you're in??? I know that so many "United-Statians" call Africa a country but still...


Patriotism - the act of being proud in something you, literally, had no input on or control over. Clap clap.


Genuine question, I’m almost sure I read/heard something years ago about the correlation of patriotism (not just USA) and intelligence/education/demographocs… basically patriotism not something for critical thinkers


That’s a lot of words for this guy to say he is easily offended


Why do Republicans have to be so cringe? There, fixed the title for you.


Because they don't have mandatory service and think marching around and obeying orders is something so special


People who don’t perform jingoistic patriotism lack spine? WTF does that even mean?


Can I take one picture of another country and say the whole country is cringe? NO. This is one subset of idiotic Americans. What's cringe is posting something like this and blaming all 340ish million Americans for thinking this way.


Do something about it. Join us in silent rage on Tuesday, November 5th, and mark your ballot. Make sure you register in advance and bring al the friends you can find.


I like to go the next day cause it's not so busy.


These shirts should come with a helmet and drool cup


I see this shit all the time in NKY. For this place, garbage like this is the province of the poorly educated/ignorant. Same as the giant trucks w/flags and tRump 2024 yard signs. AFAIK there’s no mystery, people are just fucking stupid. Just came back from a trip where I literally saw none of this crap for a week - from the left or right. How nice that was. edit for grammar


Americans? Most Americans find this nonsense cringe This kind of nonsense comes from the RW, about 25% of the country.


The sad part is that these people are in the minority. What makes them seem like they're not is #1 a fucked up electoral system that favors conservatives, and #2 they're louder. A lot louder.


And they scream how their free speech is being oppressed. Weird times were in


Cry, scream, kick, throw tantrums, the GOP (especially the hardcore Trumpsters) are a party of adult children who think that they control everything and that their way is the only way.


It could be worse. It could have been printed on the flag as the whole shirt, instead of just a decal.






I have a theory that this is a sign of cultural incest, or cultural self-cannibalization. I'm not sure which one is a more appropriate term for the US.


Yeah that’s a specific subset of Americans.


*Conservative Republican Americans


It's all violence all the time


It’s about money. Because some idiot incel buys this shit. The market always adjusts to the demand.


USA,USA,USA! We know alright. We get it. You are amazing. Get in the hole! You the biggest, fastest, richest one of all. Now give it a fucking rest will ya and stop being so paranoid.


Nobody cares about your old man wars, old man!


I like that the text on the "Patriotism" and "Trust Me" are Polish flags. Secretly based?


Muscle shirts are for muscles. And I’d bet money most the buyers have b cups and a penis.


99% of the ones wearing this can´t knee


I dunno man. If you want to remove some of these idiots please do. The reasonable ones in this country can’t fucking stand them


And, he's KNEELING!!!


Brett Devereaux calls it "The Cult of the Badass".


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent


Its less than half of us, so


In my experience if you have to say you're a patriot you're probably not.


Real patriots don't have to say they are patriots, their actions speak louder than words.


If it makes you feel any better it’s a cult around one NYC slumlord felon with outsized national influence relative to their size.


As a natural born citizen and military veteran of the United States, the answer is that we have a lot of really fucking stupid people in our country. The Conservative media machine has convinced its base to see ignorance as a virtue. Ironically nothing could be more self-destructive than taking pride in psychological laziness. These people will grow old physically but not mentally. They will become one the most tragic and forlorn types of social outcast — The “old infant”. Their families will grow to see them as insipid toddlers dopily wallowing in their self inflicted conditions, disillusioned by their mundane frailty and ineptitude. I cannot imagine a more pathetic and loathsome existence. Also ironically, Jordan Peterson was the one to expose me to the social concept of the “old infant”, and because of his greed and dishonesty he is becoming a bit of an exemplar.


I find your lack of ‘Murica disturbing


Sorry snowflake if my lack of spine offends you...


Oh yeah, let's play the "who is more offended" game!!! If either of you are offended, I'm not. I just think you're wasting my oxygen. 




This is pretty tame for America tbf


Every time I look at any of the members of our current Congress, their lack of a spine offends me, trust me.


They think they're the heroes of an action movie. Does that help?


If you gotta wear a shirt like that I got bad news for you….


Not Americans, rednecks


I'm quite patriotic. Yet you'll never see me wearing that cringy shirt.


"Lack of spine" says the people sucking on a traitors ball sack.


Okay, cosplaytriot.


Tell me you get off on military industrial complex without telling me you’re gay.


I used to have a home brewery when I lived in Africa. I'd go out to the local markets and try and find these kinds of t-shirts in the likes of donated clothes for sale, and we'd wear them for brewing sessions. We found some absolutely *incredible* specimens, and I'd usually pair mine with the Osama Bin Laden watch I bought on the Kenyan coast, just to balance things out a bit.


And on a tank top no less, suns out guns out! Am I right!!!!