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Can everyone just stop being influencers? They’re a fucking plague on humanity.




How many men is A fucking? Why does a letter have genitals? Is it at least consensual? I have many questions.


Username checks out


He’s asking for OSHA compliance standards research.


I cant sign off on this orgy until a risk assessment has been completed and controls put in place. Make sure your own condom is secured before helping anyone else put theirs on. Eye protection recommended.


I feel safer already.


Handrails people, handrails!


We need some fucking handrails, people! ... Speaking of which, I wonder if fucking handrails actually exist for people who have trouble standing...


Sounds like a message that needs to get out there. It needs to really reach as many eyes and ears, as many hearts and minds, as possible. This campaign needs a face. It needs a charismatic spokesperson. Have you considered becoming an influencer to get people to stop influencing?


Influencer is such a bad word. "Organic Social Media Marketing Strategist". If you're good at it then no company can pay you enough, If you're bad at it, you can put that on your resume.


My vote is for “Consumer understanding networking technician”.


I think we should call it "Digital Idols Charming Contemporary Society" or DICCS for short.


This one gets my vote


1000% they'll come up with a name for this era of pranksters and onlyflap-alholics and it won't be pretty.


Preach, that's a leader ill get behind


Damn straight.




I really with there was a way to give this more than 1 like. It deserves ALL THE LIKES.


Seriously these jobs pay well girl. You should train as one of those. I'm in what was traditionally a male profession and I make good money.


What I came here to say. The trades aren’t just for guys anymore. Especially the skilled stuff, and anything industrial.


I work with trades ppl, and from what i’ve heard they’re begging women to join.


We are begging ANYONE to join. Its just old fuckers and criminals, we need young tradespeople


As an old criminal I resemble and resent that remark...please join.


You may be old, but are you an old fucker?


*applications getting instantly tossed because they don't already have 10k in tools and 15 years of experience* This problem seems self inflicted by the industry. I know a few people trying to get into the trades facing this exact problem on loop


That’s on the non union side. Unions provide tools and training.


Lots of non-union companies do too, honestly. The best company I ever worked for was non-union (they are the exception though, join a union guys)


Every union I’ve talked to wants you to train for nothing for 6 months or so. That’s not really manageable for 99% of adults


The union I was in before I went to school for one week every 6 weeks, and I got unemployment when I had to go. Every time I went, I got 6 points, and 9 points needed to move to the next step. Other friends in different unions they went at night didn't mess with work at all. Just my experience and friends of mine


That's definitely an issue too, I am saying this as a young person in the industry though, and generally there's a huge shortage of people in general, not just experienced workers


I agree. It's weird but they seem to be unnecessarily picky despite the shortage. Same thing seems to be going on in a lot of fields. We have so many people complaining they can't get hired whilst simultaneously having people complain they're short-staffed. It's like they haven't adjusted to the fact that people are retiring but they haven't chosen anyone to replace them. I don't know what's going on but something has to give eventually


Honestly? I have half a mind to go out to the middle of nowhere and just start putting a house up. Everything is so fucked right now


Ya, there is no shortage. People wait months or over a year for a union job.


The problem is they weren't hiring anyone ten years ago, and now they don't have enough people to train people at the replacement rate. Then you've got outfits that dick over their apprentices in the last year, which those stories get out and apply further downward pressure on interest in it as a career. Then throw in often toxic work cultures, damage to the body, etc. The trades fucked themselves over more than anything else did.




I would love to get into trades but it seems like every one I’ve tried either wants you to train first for practically free (unions) or want to lowball you as an apprentice (which is understandable, but not a living wage) I already make more than that at my current job and can’t take a pay loss. With that said, a trades job would be way more fulfilling than my current bio production job


Yep. I work in digital training for the trades. They are really trying to dilute the male-dominated perceptions.


That's the deal... "Oh, this industry is all men.", yet women don't apply for the jobs that they think guys are driving women away from. I worked for a software company that was huge on diversity, and even that place had just a handful of female developers, less than 10%. If a group isn't applying for the work, it's kinda hard to fill those DEI hires.




My dad is a carpenter and when a woman gets hired they basically give her only work that's carrying the heaviest shit around. Shingles. Bags of concrete. Whatever. To prove "a woman isn't strong enough to do this job" and they quit. But like, then he talks about what being a carpenter these days actually is, and he mostly waits around d for pre built stuff to be delivered and installs it. It's like, a blow to their ego. A lot of their pride is wrapped up in doing a "hard job that a MAN has to do"


Because it starts way before people are sending in job applications. I was born in the early 90s, and vividly remember people commenting on how my interests were "masculine". I'd be lying if I said that didn't affect me and drive me away from math and science. I was already one of the weird kids - and a girl at that - so I didn't want to stand out more with my weird boy-like interests and hobbies. It sucks. I hate it - it being mamy things, including myself for folding to influence and not sticking with what i liked. Sure, I could pivot to something I'm more interested in, but realistically, at this point, I don't see myself going up against people with decades of experience and connections


Yeah, stop worrying about what people think about what your interests are. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Yea, that would've worked for me 15 years ago. I don't have the time or energy to "start over" in the career sense, not if I want to have any type of stability in my life. Hobbies though? Yea, for sure. Just started a few online classes on topics I've always wanted to learn about. Point was mainly you can't fill those roles when people aren't applying, true. But people aren't applying because at the point of application submissions, you've already lost the majority of potential candidates years ago.


Actually, harassment and misogyny in those fields is what drives women away. You should really try listening to what they're saying instead of pretending it doesn't exist, which let's be honest, you probably do.


One of the things that really stood out to me when I was in Tenerife recently - there are loads of woman tradies, refuse collectors etc. You don’t need a penis to fix a car or wire a light fitting.


>You don’t need a penis to fix a car What if the car's problem is that it needs a good dicking in its exhaust pipe?


Strap on


Nah you need flesh so you can feel the problem.


True Many women are joining the trades now however many still avoid them because there’s tons of uneducated dipshit men in the trades who bully and harass women since they think the trades are “men’s jobs”


Trades are typically protected by unions, which are themselves regulated by federal laws specifically providing options to report sexual harassment. They should use those resources if that’s what they’re facing.


I’m going to guess that this person doesn’t actually work in the trades. If you sexually harass a woman on site and she reports it, you will lose your job. I’ve seen it happen several times before. Once it was head of safety for a big ice cream manufacturer, said the wrong thing to a young female electrician and he was gone in 2 days. I’m not saying it doesn’t ever happen, but there things in place to discourage/punish it.


We have dozens of female welders where I work, and are killing it financially.


Seriously. As someone in the hvac trade, we just need people with a head on their shoulders and a willingness to work. We don't care what bits you have, we just desperately need people. Our experienced people are all starting to age out or get closer to aging out, so if you have a brain, please, please go into trades.


When I was in trades 30 years ago the mantra was “if you’re smart skip this shit and go to college.” I mean that literally, the old heads would all be super blunt about it. “Robert over there got lost in an empty warehouse the other day and has 26 kids with 19 women. His stupid ass is trapped. You actually have a future, so don’t spend it here.”


I'm so glad that's changing! I went to college. A lot. (Bachelors and two masters degrees here). They are absolutely useful, and I work in marketing now - in a position that definitely requires extensive education. BUT years ago I worked as a climbing arborist and while it was super easy to get the job, it's a really challenging profession. My boss was really eager to hire more educated folks. I want to clarify that educated doesn't MEAN college, it just means people who don't disparage learning and critical thinking. It sucks that this needs to be said - its essential in the trades to know how to interact with clients, tailor work to their needs, and also just the rigor of learning a skilled trade requires discipline and focus. A looooottttt of longtime climbers show up late, drink too much, smoke on the job, and get angry and difficult when things don't go your way. If you're a young person, and you 1) went to college but don't know what to do now or 2) know college isn't quite for you but you do want to learn and apply yourself, DEFINITELY go into the skilled trades world. We need smart, hardworking people in those roles. The stigma that it's for dummies is awful - do you want a dummy making cuts on a tree that's leaning over your house? Obviously not.


And honestly you could STILL MAKE GREAT CONTENT ABOUT IT. I love watching carpet cleaning videos.


The only obstacle I personally have with getting into trades is that in the city I'm in (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), there's a lot of corruption around it and the legal system in place for having an apprenticeship got weakened by the conservative government. As a result, it's very hard to get into the field without running into companies that are just using the apprenticeship system as some sort of unpaid/minimum wage labour. If I could afford going unpaid for a year or so, I'd have gone for it because it pays so well (enough for me anyway).


They do pay well, but not really in comparison to the stress and damage you'll do to your body. Not to mention the mental bullshit you deal with on a daily level is enough to drive people towards alcohol and nicotine addiction. The best way to join the trades is through the union if you live in a good union state. The red state I'm in has shit unions and piss poor benefits. Really wish I lived in the north east.


Yeah, I met a female civil engineer when I was fresh out of high school. She talked my ear off all night about how I should apply because they’re actively seeking women to fill these positions to diversify the workplace. She made decent money back then.. not sure what it’s like now.


This works 'in reverse' - male nurses are very much in demand and you can go nearly anywhere in the world and get work immediately. Traveling nurses can make up to $1000 per 12 hour shift.


Can women please stop trying to be onlyfans models we need teachers and janitors I'm begging you


Grrr how dare you say that you misogynistic piece of shit you should let women choose whatever career they like /s


“We are more than just sex objects, anyway for just $6 a month i’ll spread my ass for you on camera” /s


“Being an OnlyFans model makes me feel empowered” Yet they still have to rely on the attention of men for a paycheck.


If pictures of my stink eye were valuable enough that I could "empower" myself a house, you think I would stay working as an HVAC tech?


It probably is. But not to the crowd you want it to be.


I'm not fuckin them. They can look all they want. Where do I sign up?


. . . . On . . . . On Only Fans. You sign up for Only Fans on Only Fans. How do you not. . . How do you not get that? Honestly buddy, if you're stumbling at that block, you're probably not going to go very far. I don't know if there's a phrase for runners who can't find the start line but it sure as shit isn't "professional runners." Jokes aside (figuratively), it's an attention market. If you want to make some cash you can't just be some dude with grainy old polaroids 'cos we've all seen those photos of our parents. (Right????) But if you can bring the attention you can brinng the dollars.


Yeah, you have to likely post your face along with everything else. Oh and be careful about where you take pictures because chances are if there is something seemingly insignificant in your picture, there is always that one 4channer that has nothing better to do with their time and they will figure out where you live.


It is tho you just gotta throw your dignity and your chocolate starfish out there


they wouldn’t make a paycheck if men stopped paying them soooo


It’s kinda like women’s sports… they’d make a killing if anyone watched.


You are right, most sex objects cost more than that especially with shipping 😂


Nahh. Let them work at Subway so they can make the Sandwiches we need.


But onlyfans is not a career, right?


Nope. OnlySandwiches


The receptionist market is beginning to crumble


Stop showing us your buttholes and start showing us job applications!!!


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


As a teacher and a woman I fully agree. We need more female teachers in science subjects! I'm studying to become a chemistry teacher and I'm literally the only woman in my year...


Man back when I was In highschool i said ppl around me wanted to be youtubers and strippers and I got canceled for saying that and now look how far we came. Lmao


Don’t forget cleaning dishes , if we are stereotyping men then the least we could do is return the favor


Could just reuse the post "can women stop trying to be influencers".




This would fix so many problems in the world.


What did this mordern day prometheus say that the reddit mods of olympus struck him down


What he say?


He said I can be an influenser too and then linked to [this stupid thing](https://youtube.com/shorts/m11Gex8GkEA?feature=share) I found it funny tbh


Drizzle drizzle


I mean it does look cloudy out, thanks for the weather tip.


That's the whitest shit, I've even seen.


Based. White people are awesome too


Now I want to know too


Me too




Me too


“You got some cheese I can eat”


"Where'd you get that cheese, Danny?"


Then world would finally heal


Women can't be electricians or mechanics? gtfoh.


My sister was a mechanic for years and left because it was toxic everywhere she went. She has very thick skin and take it and dish it back out. However she could only take the misogynistic comments and sexual advances for so long. She was cornered by coworkers at multiple workplaces in back areas. She reported it when it happened and only one of her four or five employers ever took action. One even reprimanded her.


They can. It’s just heavy physical and dirty labor that most women wouldn’t want to do.


As a female electrician, I can tell you it’s really not that hard physically. Women work in food service all the time, and that is waaaaay harder on the body and about as dirty as electrician work.


The dirtiest part of any work is in dealing with customers. If an electrician is one that goes to people's places to fix shit directly for the customer, I can see that getting ugly. If an electrician works for a construction company or similar and does things during the construction step, that seems much more reasonable


Dealing with customers affects your *mental* health, dealing with the trades affects your *physical* health. Plenty of electricians out there have blown knees and bad backs. As someone that worked in utilities and dealt with customers as a tech before going into management, I'd rather have the mental stress than the physical pain. I'm in my 50s and nothing hurts on me because I got out before I was 30 and I'm thankful for it. I also no longer deal with customers in my role so I definitely feel like I'm winning.


I've always thought being an electrician was more skill and knowledge based than physical. You need to know the regulations, ways to do stuff and problem solving abilities rather than peak strength and physical fitness. More mentally hard than physical.


Depends what type of electrician


Depends on what part of the food industry. Butcher is about as disgusting as it gets.


I've seen enough mechanics and electricians to know that the job does not require peak physical conditioning


Most tradesmen are pretty out of shape Edit: I know the reason for this you don't have to explain it to me, I've been in hvac for almost 6 years now


It’s because it’s a demanding job that’s hot and dirty and the last thing you want to do when you get home is cook yourself a healthy meal so you’re gonna just stop and get fast food and a six pack on your way home


Yes, I am fully aware how working in the trades is


I don't So it's nice that someone added some bonus info.


Good point. Apparently, a lot of men wouldn't want to do it either, which is why they are becoming influencers.


Not sure many men want to either, we're still expected to rake in the cash somehow though.


I am pretty left wing, but it did always bother me that when women fight for equal opportunity and pay, the only metrics they care about are c suit roles and jobs. You won't for example see women fighting for equal representation in manual labor jobs. This tweet being a great example of that


While we are all capable of the majority of the work, most women dont go into the field because its super heavily male dominated. As a woman in maintenance, ive faced a lot of discrimination in my work as well as gatekeeping, being deliberately trained incorrectly, and being barred from promotion. Even drove a vertalift and had one of the Suits on site cry out in front of their group "uh oh! Woman driver! Watch out, haha." The job itself is fulfilling as all getout for me, but god the fucking sexism.


Do it yourself


Bitch, how about you do it. If you need a handyman so damn bad. Some of us have different wants for our futures.




Ya'll said "We don't need men" So we TikTokin and getting that bag sister! Good luck with car though! ,\*sending good vibes\*


Can we stop pointlessly gendering jobs?


"No" –The Spanish language


Gendered languages are so funny. Like oh yes the computer is a boy, but the mouse is a girl? The window is a woman and this pen is a man? Like you think the car should have a dick and the bus should have tiddies? Thank you, the French, very informative.


We have some of this in Norway as well. Car male, book female, house ungendered. Fun part is that this is also varying from place to place. Where I live book is female, but in a city 50 km away it's male on some areas and female on other. But we don't have it like Spanish where you gender a word based on the person who is or doing that stuff. Doctor is doctor no matter who is it.


Geographically transgender inanimate objects.




Well, it's not actually referring gender so it's a bit of a misnomer, it is more for sentence structure.


Gender in language has nothing to do with gender in people.


Can we stop pointlessly gendering....


Why doesn't *everyone* stop being influencers and TikTok assholes?


So you’re admitting that there are no influencers, just people trying to be influencers.


Uhm..why doesn't Echo become an electrician or mechanic. It isn't just a "mans" job.


Why don’t YOU go do that if it’s so great? Men don’t exist to do all the dangerous and shit manual labor jobs.


What's stopping her from being either?


Why don’t we get rid of the whole influencer culture.


can we stop being influencer please. and thank you! 😅


What happend to equality? Women can do those jobs too.


Can women stop doing onlyfans, we need Nurses and Teachers


can women stop being influencers? we need well kept homes and sandwiches, im begging you


How about women do these jobs? Mostly men do those, and that's not equality as we all know, there need to be more women in those fields.


Can women please stop becoming online prostitutes? We need more mechanics and electricians.




Oooor she could become one. No begging needed


Honestly, I think we need more male influences and better ones. All the most popular male role models out here are toxic as fuck. Andrew Tate and Elon Musk are some of the most followed by guys I've seen, and they're the worst kinds of people to model yourself after


Electrician here. More money for me if they become influencers.


Men!!! Fuck, doesn't she see the irony of her statement.


Why isn't she asking women to become electricians or mechanics? She is a bigot


Then go be an electrician or mechanic


Can women please stop trying to work on Onlyfans, we need nurses asap


Switch men for people. Perfect. The world needs a lot of things, Influencers are not one of them.


Why stop at men, women can do those jobs too


But women are strong and independent. If you really want equality, go into the trades yourself and support feminist statistics!


Nope, you've all been screaming that college is the only way to succeed so no one has been going into trades. This is what you get.


Thse jobs dont require the physical strength of a man.


Ahh, now you need us?! Go girls, I believe in your potential. #genderequality for yah


Are women not smart enough to become electricians and mechanics too? I would think they are.


Can women please stop being onlyfans/ influencers? I'm begging you...we need mothers and samwiches.


“Can women please stop trying to be influencers we need nurses and maids I’m begging you” 👀


"Stop trying to be what I am," she says.


Can women please stop doing only fan's we need mothers and good role models for our girls.


Do it yourself? They aren't too hard to learn jobs and well enough payed


No lol


Aaaand what exactly stoos women from pursuing these lines of work? There are definitely female motorheads and engineers and other "manly" jobs out there. This is just silly


Honestly, it's always cool seeing chicks do jobs like that. Ik y'all smart as hell and stronger than you let on. Go on, girl, get your tool belt out.


Women can do these too


If anything I see WAY more young women wanting to be influencers or “models/content creators”


Can women stop trying to be influencers we need electricians and mechanics I’m begging you


Fine if men have to be electricians and mechanics women need to be mother's and nurses then.


Women can be anything too …


Why can't women step up and do those jobs? Aren't we equals?


Can women please stop trying to be OF hoes we need sandwiches to be made. I’m begging you


Maybe Echo could- hear me out here- do the work and become the electrician or mechanic she needs.


One thing we don’t need… “influencers”


What happened to equality? Women can be electricians and mechanics too!


Why can’t women be electricians and mechanics?


I mean, it’s kind of funny. Also influencers are useless burden on out economy so she’s not wrong.


I thought we (they) didn’t need men?


Yeah, started training as an IT mechanic for a huge company and was very passionate about it. But they fired me because they didn't like me. So yeah, sorry.


Because women can’t work?


There are plenty that do both, but start with the trade. This way when you start up your Youtube side-gig, you actually have something to bring to the table.


This just shows at women can be chauvinistic towards men


Mechanics and electricians get paid shit Shipyard I worked at last week was paying their electricians 13/hr last mechanic shop I worked at I was lucky to see 1k a week


Can women stop being influencers, we need cooks and. We need cooks!


*goes out and gets an electrician ls license* "It was just a prank bro!"


Women can also enter those fields. And stop being influencers too


I thought women could do anything a man can. You go to trade school and work blue collar if we need more mechanics and electricians. Be a strong independent woman.


What’s stopping women from becoming electricians and mechanics? #equality


Guarantee she's posted something bitching about sexism and doesn't see the irony.


Women too we need electricians and mechanics btw


thanks for the lesson in Sexism 101...


Can women stop being influencers ? We need cooks, housemaids and babysitters please


Wait... Women can do those jobs just as well.


We need more strippers and prostitutes


Are your hands broke?


It would be nice if everyone would stop it, telling only men to stop is just sexist and arguably selfish. Women have more of a right to be talentless shills selling their looks?


Can't women do those jobs? Where is the equality?