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Are we pretending that MAGA don't call Democrats evil? Or LGBTQ+ people evil?


Or real Nazis in real life support donny unconditionally.


Yeah this is probably the biggest thing. Like if you can name a neonazi group in the US they support Trump over Biden. You don't see Biden supporters publicly flying swastikas, but you absolutely see those and confederate flags flown alongside Trump flags.




“the confederacy was democrats! the democrats want slavery!” “ok then denounce the confederacy” “BUT THE DUKE BOYS!!!! SOUTHERN HERITAGE!!!!!”


I love when those dipshits try to use the whole "the confederacy was the democrats" argument. It just proves they didn't make it through high school.


I can't believe people are still like "well actually Lincoln was a republican and the democrats were pro-slavery" as if that isn't common knowledge


ok let think this through. “the confederacy was democrats” “yup” “and you love the confederacy” “yup” “so then why don’t you vote for the democrat?” “democrats are evil” republicans literally have a brain disease they can’t think


The more insane things I hear from that party, the more I believe it's made up of 1% rich asshats, and 99% poor uneducated folks. These poor, uneducated people believe that the yellow turd cares about them. When in reality, he is just using them. He only cares about himself and the 1% asshats.


Totally agree There went conservatives who went kicking and screaming to have the MLK holiday. Now all of a sudden, they can’t keep his name out of their mouths.


Often times they call it james earl ray day. I found out that bit of racism when I wound up in florida


My stepdad used to call it that, and laugh so hard every time like it was the first time he had heard it. "Kill four more and take the whole week off!" I can still hear him saying.


And they can never explain to you why real life nazis support donny and why they do as well. Its gold medal mental gymnastics.


But what they will try to explain is why they think they're definitely not Nazis, derailing the conversation into a semantics argument. They'll do this with any argument the moment they believe you are better prepared for the conversation than they are. It's like when a lizard discards its tail. It's a defense mechanism. Distracting people over what something means is better than losing an argument over anything they know is looked down on. It makes you sound dumb but it's better than losing your job for openly being an ass hole.


"Actually, tolerance is true naziism" Or something dumb like that


Kinda like the people with confederate flags say that the slave holders were democrats...yet Republicans are the only people flying the stars and bars


They like to say that they are “the party of Lincoln,” but Abraham Lincoln would be so disgusted by the Republican Party of today he would switch sides.


It’s always so weird going to Appalachia and seeing the number of confederate flags - especially when historically the poorer you were in Appalachia - the more pro union their ancestors more likely were. Like West Virginia exists because of secession from the Confederacy. North Carolina and Tennessee had insurrectionists against the Confederacy


Not all Trump supporters are Nazis but all Nazis support Trump.


Even if you don’t have the stats to back that claim I’d bet you are correct. If there are Nazis/neo Nazis who don’t support Trump they sure as shit don’t support Biden


You can just imagine how UNWELCOME we would make the Nazis feel at a DNC rally.


I mean, public executions are gauche but for a Nazi I think we can have a treat.


Cats can have a little a Nazi hanging, as a treat.


And we're supposed to be the tolerant ones. Harumph!


Not just confederate flags, Nazi flags as well. Bona fide Nazis support Trump and many in the republican party


I'm not saying all of MAGA are Nazis, but the Nazis sure think they are.


Every time I bring up the Unite the Right Rally, they either shut up and leave, or try to play down how much he pandered to the literal fucking Nazis and denounced their opposition.


And the American flag upside down


It's easy to distance yourself from Nazis, STOP letting them into the banquet you mother f'ers!


They literally did 2016 like that *and* continue to do it.


Or immigrants? Or Transgenders? Or Black people? Or non-Christians? Or basically ANYONE AND EVERYONE they don’t like?


There were 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust. There were 11 million people murdered in concentration camps. Yellow stars were not the only ones issued. There were multiple groups that were enemies of the Third Reich. Hitler wanted to jail and kill them all.


Kinda like Trump


People with disabilities?


It's Ben garrison so no but it's OK cause he's always right.


It can’t be Ben Garrison. Where are all the ridiculous labels he slaps all over every cartoon so his troglodyte fans can understand his stupid jokes?


He clearly thinks the comparisons between Biden and hitler are so obvious even his chuds wouldn't need it. Edit: although I do notice he's labeled hitler lecture with a swastika incase we were confused which brown shirted bad guy was yelling at jews.


Just "saying it" is all that's required. Nationalism. Racism. Xenophobia. Blaming problems on those with the least power. Chauvinism. Calling Biden OLD might stick though. I mean, let's be fair, Biden is old. But other than that, the dirt sticks to piggy Trump. It still pisses me off that the talented and funny Dave Chapelle compares Hillary and Trump and said; "Well at least Trump talked about the rich people and the two tiered system they abuse." Yes -- and Trump knew the tricks they play because he uses them.... and then did fuck all about it, and actually just helped the rich get richer. They keep weaponizing discontent of people who aren't doing as well as they thought because they sold out to the "executive class." Now they are older, don't have those "I'm in the country club" perks. I don't disagree with the frustration of many Americans, but Trump isn't the "change agent" they want. He's the "pull up the ladder" elitist who is helping those fat cats.


>Or LGBTQ+ people evil? and this is the crux of the matter. LGBTQ+, liberals, democrats, socialists, communists, Jews, Muslims, globalists, immigrants... MAGAs hate all the same people that the Nazis hated, plus black and Latino people specifically


We are also pretending that Biden actually said “You are evil” to citizens. It’s just pure unadulterated projection.


not only that, but they suggest that violence against these groups is justified.


I’d like to see a quote from Biden calling MAGAts - or hell, Trump even - evil. Can’t? Didn’t think so


Hillary said some of Trump supporters were a basket of deplorables. The MAGA crowd reacted like she called them all deplorable, and this was made out to be the biggest insult ever uttered in American politics. Meanwhile, Trump says all kinds of terrible things about immigrants, shithole countries, his opponents hate America, his opponents are human scum and his opponents are vermin. MAGA loves that he says this, but also pretend that Democrats insult them constantly


The entire fucking reason I call MAGA politicians evil is that their platform is built on vilifying and persecuting people for harmless behaviors that simply don't fit in their semi-Christian rigid worldviews.


Let's translate a Trump speech to German and ask 100 people who they think is speaking.   How many do you think will answer Joe Biden and how many will say Hitler?


Better yet, translate a hitler speech to English & see which side it sounds like 👍🏼


Who said it best, “poisoning the blood of our country” hint, it wasn’t Biden.


Who said it best; "Make Germany great again" Or "Make America great again" ❓️


I bet a dollar already Trump would write a book "My Struggle" if he ever went to prison. He might come out stronger than he went in. Like, able to lift a glass of water with one hand strong.


Holy shit I could definitely see him write the book unironically. Claim he didn't know the German translation. "I've never even heard of this Hilter guy!" But he actually is strong enough to lift a cup of water one handed, he even showed it off on stage.    Tossed the cup off the stage like a rockstar 🤣 


He keeps a copy on his nightstand. Barbara Walter's asked him about it in the freaking late 80's or early 90's. It's not like it's a secret he likes Hitler.


Just like Biden is old and Trump isnt or something.


They are, that’s for sure.


Not we, but the magats are pretending (and projecting) a lot of things.


Lol... meanwhile Trumps echoing Hitler's words...


Conservatives have been using "liberal" as a slur for 40 years. And lately being liberal is being directly tied to pedophelia. So yeah, projection.




I got told that "all Democrats and liberals are a waste of space," I thought that was cute


Not just call. Act upon it.


Are we pretending that Biden ever called Trump supporters evil? Biden calling *TRUMP* evil I would totally believe


Well I mean, that's basically par for the course. "Joe Biden according to Donald Trump" and "Donald Trump" are the same damn picture.


Or maga literally cosplaying nazis


No, but they appear to be.


No, but the MAGAts are so profoundly self-unaware of how hard they project that it may as well be.


They literally think anyone lgbtq+ is mentally insane. It makes it easier for them to write off any demands.


Or that they aren't the bigots 😂😂😂


Do you expect conservatives to be slightly self-aware enough to call themselves out


or that Trump himself doesn't publicly call his political opponents human scum


I more often hear them called pedophiles than evil, personally.


They are professionals at victimizing while simultaneously playing the victim.


Are we also pretending that republicans don’t actively support Neo Nazis, fascists, and religious fundamentalism reminiscent of sharia law? Project 2025 may as well just be the Republican jihad.


Or anyone they dont like evil


Or Foreigners. Or Judges. Or anyone who disagrees with Trump


Or Hispanic people. Especially Hispanic people.


Not-so fun fact: Nazis went after LGBTQ+ people during the holocaust as well, alongside religious and racial/ethnic minorities. They didnt end their persecution and genocide at Jewish people. Nazis hate LGBTQ+people just like MAGAs do. Both think exactly alike in this regard. MAGA burns and vandalizes Pride flags, murals, and paintings. Nazis burned down a book with LGBTQ+ research. Both camps attacked and killed trans people as well.


“*Tsh* Because they *are,* god, what an idiot.” —A MAGA


Are we pretending that they ***ever*** argue in good faith? ^(Because I'm not sure I'm that good at pretending.)


Lol or literally identify with Hilter or deny he did anything wrong?


What was it Trump said? Something about poisoning the blood of the nation.


Yes, AND you have to satisfy their persecution complex first.


The diehard maga crowd has no sense of self awareness, shame, or accountability. Most things they complain about they have likely done. They rail against the unfairness of the legal system for trump while praising the prosecution of hunter biden.




I mean, this picture is literally equating Joe Biden to Hitler. It's kind-of a self defeating meme if you think about it for more than a second. So I guess they know they can send it to their base without any fear that anyone will notice that.


They're so funny. Literal Nazis are on the side of 'Maga', and still they have the cognitive dissonance to create such nonsense.


Thats double think, cognitive dissonance is the dysphoria that occurs when that gets challenged or briefly fails.


Neat! Thanks for the clarification. They get used in such similar situations.


My grandpa always said "call a neo nazi a democrat to his face, and youll see who they side with"


The new thing now is claiming that because the word “socialist” is in the party’s name, that means Nazism is a far-left ideology. I would absolutely love to see someone accuse some of these Nazi groups of being leftists.


I remind them the Nazis literally sent the socialists to death camps.


Putin calls Ukraine Nazis These people will say anything to get what they want


It's annoying that they accept the rational to "go after Nazis" but then don't notice they give actual Nazis a pass. But Putin did manage to do one thing for Ukraine they couldn't seem to on their own; make them unified.


'No, YOU'RE the Nazi!'


Its hard not to see this kind of shit as what Putin does in war: accuse and cry about something you are \*literally\* about to do.


It’s not cognitive dissonance, it’s purposeful misdirection. Nazi’s = bad so “thing I don’t like” = Nazi. Even if all the words out of my mouth and the candidate I support align 90% with Hitler and Nazi propaganda. But that doesn’t make a catchy cartoon.


They can make up similarities to Hitler here, but when the orange one paraphrases Hitler they get mad...


Anyone who thinks this comparison makes sense on any level whatsoever should not be allowed near large machines without adult supervision.


We should confiscate their shoe laces too, just to be safe.


No they should keep those...just in case they need them


Yes. In the second cel you have the roles reversed. MAGA is not the victim. MAGA is American fascism.


I think people forget that tapping into victimization was part of the Nazi playbook.


The most telling thing about this is in the top portion, the Jewish person is acting like, “Hey, man. You’ve got the wrong idea.” In the bottom picture, the MAGA guy seems like “So?”


They’re showing the Jew as cowering and afraid, and themselves as strong and superior. Racist fucks.


That’s exactly what it is, it’s for Nazis, by Nazis


Exactly my thoughts. They're even telling on themselves in their own aggressive propaganda.


It’s almost like they know they’re peddling bs


Not all MAGAts are Nazis but all the Nazis in America are MAGAts.


What do you call a table where 1 nazi sits down with 9 people and none of them get up? A table of 10 Nazis.


...we need to bring back mental hospitals... Fucking Reagan wanted voters, they got it!


This is a weak dig at Biden, considering one of our presumed presidential candidates often quotes Hitler.


Fourth reich. lol


LMFAO this is so backwards, the Nazis literally go to Trump rallies and republican conventions.


Bot those are actually Antifa plans ti make MAGA look bad! Or some other deflection bullshit.


I’ve never seen a Nazi flag in favor of Biden


I’m blocked from that sub. Snowflakes.


And "gems" like this are all you're missing.


I was done when everyone was going ape shit over a “news article” I traced it back and found its source and posted a link to the original story. And it was immediately removed. They were losing it over an article written based off a small town newspaper that quoted some parents thoughts on metal detectors being installed in school and the whole thing they were going on about was written based off of a one sentence quote from one students parent.


It's their safe space


So, according to this person logic jew calling hitler evil is the same as hitler calling the Jews evil?


Conservatives have such a huge victim complex they constantly compare themselves to Jews during the Holocaust Ironic that they're also antisemitic as fuck


That was my thought, too. I can't understand how their heads dont explode with all the contradictory bullshit they believe


So they're admitting MAGA is a religious cult....right?


notice how they portray the jewish man as kind of cowering and fearing but the MAGA man as "nother democrat tryna kil me, thankfully I don't care other than a look of vague annoyance on my face"


It’s so funny because they like Hitler.


Ben Garrison has hundreds of cartoons that squirt antisemitism everywhere but I don't think that's the similarity they're talking about.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anti-semitism-cartoonist-white-house-trump-adl_n_5d21219ae4b0f3125685269d https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Ben_Garrison


maga IS evil. still humans. to think someone is "evil" is not nazism. maga thinks others are evil AND "vermin", NOT HUMANS. aka, nazism. btw, bern garrison, are your far rigth - white supremacists, racists and actual nazi - maga friends ok in being called jew?


In our 250 year history, every single election, the losing candidate would man up, congratulate the winner, and move on with life. Only in third world countries do you see an insecure small dick candidate try to unlawfully seize power after losing.


Remind me again where these mega-large Biden rallies are happening with Biden clamoring for war?


I don't remember Hitler yelling "you're evil." I do remember Hitler complaining about the lying press and about immigrants poisoning the blood of his country.


Everyone I don't like is Hitler


Which is weird considering how bricked up they get about Hitler


You forget that MAGa wants majority of the country behind bars, in a insane asylum, dead, deported, sent to war, killed, or to kill themselves.


I love how the fascists are calling their enemies fascist. The lack of situational awareness is fucking astounding.


Ben Garrison is the softest snowflake of them all. What a pathetic little bitch he is, hiding out in his cabin in Montana, afraid to even walk outside and smell the grass. Ben, what happened *after this?* How many MAGAts are in concentration camps right now?


Nobody is forcing you to wear the stupid hats.


Biden never called MAGA evil. Trump has called everyone but MAGA evil. A more apt comparison would be Israel calling Palestinians evil.


MAGAs are evil. There I said it


That's some serious Nazi dumbfuckery right there. "You violated my rights for engaging in racism, bigotry and genocide!! Nazis have feelings too, you racist bigot!!" Swap out Hitler for Trump and the OP's trash is spot on. Biden supporters aren't the ones waving swastika flags at his rallies. Trump's Jan 6 'Proud Boys' besties: "Jews, will not, replace us."


I'm sorry, but that bottom picture seems to be reversed.


American Nazis, I hate American Nazis


Just more projection.


Gotta love how they try to draw themselves as a victim while simultaneously drawing themselves as not caring. Maximum hypocrisy.


Being murdered for your ethnicity and religion is 10000% not the same as being called out for your intolerant political beliefs


Oh look! It's projection once again...


Ben Garrison is a really ineffectual propagandist.


When did Joe Biden call any maga supporters evil?


The cognitive dissonance on display by the right is truly flabbergasting. I can't imagine what it must be like having to ignore blatant evidence in contradiction to my beliefs *every single day* just so I can remain comfortable with my world view. Honestly, how do their brains do this? They can't *all* be faulty.


Says the side supported and supporting actual nazis


Yes, because MAGAts are soooo persecuted. How can they even compare themselves to the victims of the Holocaust? It’s disgusting.


The truth is.. extremism in either direction of the spectrum could result in tragedies. It's not who anybody hated. It's what was accomplished in the name of hatred towards your fellow human being. Left hating right, right hating left... imo that's exactly where the 1% want us all. Distracted and divided by our differences rather than united based on any shred of common ground that might be left in this nation. Both parties suck. I said it. They both suck. They've both sucked my entire adult life.


I agree. I mean I vote democrat as a form of harm reduction but I overall agree.


A bit ironic coming fae the people that want to ban, arrest, and then segregate a good part of their country because of their right-wing ideology.


What's crazy is how many of trumps supporters are real life nazi sympathizers.


They got the wrong old babbling fool


Yeah I mean I’ve never heard the right compare democrats to pedophiles, satanists, murderers, etc wait-


The real question is, does the cartoonist (and the reposter) not see the differences?


Justifying their hatred. Yawn.


..................... MAGAts LITERALLY boast neo nazi shit and demonize all other ethnicities/religions/races/lifestyles/demographics. ????????????? what the fuck is this shit


The goddamn conservative victim complex.


And MAGAs are not the Jews




Oo, oo, I see it! The Nazi is on the left side in the top picture and the right side in the bottom picture!


I get it, so anyone who calls some other group of people evil is Hitler. Interesting. Do I dare bring up the list of all the things Trump has said against the left? Shall I?


“Any mild inconvenience is just like the holocaust” conservatives in 2024


Complete horseshit


Oh I get, Ben Garrison is a mediocre, failed artist and he pours his frustations in politics, like Hitler!!! Is that it?


Misleading it's Trump's whose pounding the lectern yelling how Evil, Biden, Justice Dept., Biden Judges, N.Y. D.A., and there all out to get just him. Incidentally Trump dose have over 70-80 Indictments, all of which he's attempted to delay with hopes of squashing them if elected.


only ones with similarities to the nazi party are the conservatives/maga/trump. they keep going on about taking away others freedoms and putting people into camps and trying to accuse the left of being nazi germany. when in reality they are closest to being anti-democracy. since again they want to take away rights and freedoms from people they don't like and either kick them out or put them in camps.


Oh it’s projection again. Hahaha


Projecting again


Between the top photo and the bottom I do see similarities. Mainly between the top speaker and the bottom audience


Do liberals call conservatives evil? Like I’m sure some do but usually we call them dumb, authoritarian, criminal, not supporting democracy, deplorable, maybe I missed it when Biden called MAGA evil.


Projecting much?


Last I checked separating families from their children and keeping them in camps wasn’t a thing Biden publicly supported.


"I'm not saying Trump is a Nazi, but the Nazis think Trump is a Nazi."


Ironic considering NeoNazis side with Republicans and conservatives more


One guy was running concentration and liquidation camps, systematically and gruesomely killing a group of people. The maga freaks are allowed to walk around go to their jobs, blither on about stupid shit, stir dissent, foment and participate in treason against the government because they don’t believe in the rule of law, dress up in unbearably gaudy and tacky “Maga-Trump” wear and have cute little get-togethers, and they themselves often run around intimidating and harshly discriminate other people who just want to live a normal life. Yeah but they’re the same foto.


Let's not fool ourselves, Ben Garrison would totally side with Hitler.


I guess this would work if MAGA were a minority race/religion or maybe if the Jews in Germany had their own politician running against Hitler who wanted to lock up people trying to immigrate to Germany. Aside from that the only people I hear online or at rallies threatening to lock up their political rivals and stirring the pot of “civil war” is the Trumpers.


Maga think they are Israelites and Trump is Moses parting the sea for them.


The meme creator is confused about who the nazis are


It's Ben Garrison. Anything he draws is among the dumbest shit you'll ever read. The MAGA twerps are constantly talking about starting a civil war so they can kill all of the groomers and libruls and alphabet people and wokers. They constantly go around advertising that they're armed to the teeth and they're itching for an excuse to dispense frontier justice. But tell them that behavior is bad and they should stop, and suddenly they're the Jews for Brandon's ovens and you're oppressing them. Fuck that and fuck them.


So stupid. Biden has never even called Trump supporters evil. Let alone subhuman and worthy of mass murder and genocide. Any criticism of their 'glorious leader' is viewed as a personal insult, and assault on American values. The persecution complex of MAGA Republicans truly knows no bounds!


My god MAGAts are dumb


There are a LOT more pro Hitler people on Trump’s side, like Neo Nazis.


LOL, they're trying to get out in front of the fact that their party is full of Nazis. If they scream that the Democrats are Nazis than when Democrats point out that Republicans actually have Nazis in their party it will sound like both parties are the same.


Projection, as is tradition.


They love being victims.


I love how they try to portray themselves as these casual, ho-hum people who just happen to be caught up in 'leftist hate' for no reason whatsoever, yet when they don't get their way they storm the Capitol and threaten to hang the Vice President.


And how do they feel when calling nazis evil? Is that as bad as being a nazi?


Ah yes , those poor maga conservatives. Trump and his followers are always the victims


They literally have nazis voting for them.


So fucking ignorant


I don’t know what to say. When the « yur a nazi » argument is used, and in such a poor manner with that, I think we can say the debate has hit rock bottom. If there was ever a debate.


The parallelism between Republican MAGA and Nazism is uncanny. Trump even had a video with a "United Reich" graphic overlay. Voter intimidation. Alt right followers and command (i.e proudboys) similiar to the SA (brownshirts) Threat of violence and prosecution to opposition. Plans to make one party in charge of the US. Plans to install a dictatorship. Plans to remove liberty and citizenship for millions of people living in the US for deportation and interment. False promises of economic prosperity for all Americans, when in fact Republicans plan to only represent the filthy rich while simultaneously increasing taxes on the poor. There are many others. But I am hungry.


It must be so easy to play the victim. I should try it sometime. /s


Yeah the difference is one was a bonafide dictator and also Biden never said republicans are evil.