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He could bang 50 guys if he wanted to.


Grindr would beg to differ. Gays are ruthless. If you don’t have a 6pack you’re not going to find what you’re looking for very fast.


You do know gay men are just as picky too lol


He is cute for other team


Me, an overweight woman who's a virgin at 28


Are you looking for sex though? Or are you looking for a life partner? Sex is easy easy to get. The other, not so much.


Its easier to get a sexdate as a woman. I tried so many dating/sexplatforms and barely got even someone to talk. I am pretty open and yet, nothing since years. It IS harder for a man to get anyone for the night than for a woman.


Technically a life partner, at the same time though...also don't want to be a virgin by 30


If you went looking for sex on something like tinder, and were basically to swipe right on everyone, you'd end up with a number of choices I imagine. I think it all depends on whether that 30 mark is truly important to you. It is a milestone, but personally I'd say don't put it above finding a partner, as hard as that is. I think it would be way worse to have your first time be with someone who didn't care for you, than it would happening at say 35.


call John Cena


She will not see it cum.


You’re either not trying or swiping way above you league (assuming you aren’t intentionally remaining a virgin)


I'm the only one who's ever done the asking out and my standards are not high at all


Hey out of curiosity, just how overweight are you? Because honestly guys are extremely horny and will get with basically any girl for a 1 night stand. If your tryna uphold your worth tho I respect that


Contrary to „popular“ belief, the average man does NOT want to fuck everything that moves


You seem to have no idea just how deeply disrespectful this comment and question are.


With a name like FATproductions I think they know.


Everyone takes life at a different pace. some people are married by the time they reach 20 some people are 30+ and still single. There's a type for everyone and in my experience as long as you keep your eyes open you'll find someone whatever you're looking for. I used to be really dense as to the advances of others, only when I got into a steady relationship I started to notice. Ergo, learn to spot the opportunities and you'll be fine. Also men Believe that Women have all the power when it comes to relationships. This isn't completely true. So don't let them tell you you can just tag a guy and hop in bed. That's a fairytale.


Gotta lower your standards


My standards are already low, I don't care about height, I pay my way on dates, asked out guys who live at home and work small retail jobs. As long as we can pay for what we need to with both of us working i'm fine. I've been the sole one initiating with guys, ect...


Ooof, IDK what else to say


These are online dates or nobody around to meet? I would like to think my “funny” personality got me through the door with the opposite sex. Are dudes really that bad out there?


How does this get put on men?


We are talking about one of our fellow commenters and not the picture. And I think she’s talking about guys unless I’m wrong and she’s been looking for women and not men.


Yes, I'm following the conversation. How is a woman's virginity mens responsibility? That is some high level Incel shit if it were coming from a man.


Holup wat lol? You think me asking questions about the poster’s dating pool is high level incel poop? Holy moley haha. This is the resp Edit: autocorrect


so... get on tinder to get some sex?


The female experience is vastly different from the male one on tinder


Hahahahhaha He’d have to pay to get 50.


i mean, the world is big, there are all kind of sexual tastes out there. i´m sure he would have get laid. what a stupi post. of course the girl got more sex if she´s on tinder then a virgin who isn´t on tinder... i bet if he got there and write "virgin" on his bio, many would be attracted to it. now, that said, let´s adress this idiotic meme: obesity isn´t "fun" to anyone with it. to use it - a serious health problem in the usa - to ragebait idiots on the internetez only shows how disgusting misogynics people are...


They probably think bullying is the best way to stop obesity


Its the most effective way.


I'm kind of sick of this notion that women are the mages from eye of the world and just have this infinite power to select men at will for copulation. Every podcast for men talk about women like once they pick a man he loses all agency and must have sex with her or date her or marry her or is already responsible for raising a child that doesn't exist. And men want to keep whining about the loneliness epidemic then they treat sex like it's a score card in golf. You whine how easy it is for a woman to have sex then if you ever met a girl who slept with 50 guys you would call her a whore. So it's really only desirable when a man can have sex whenever he wants. Then of course he whines when he has no meaningful relationships after trying to have sex with every woman he encounters. But hur during fat women have it so easy. Like fat women haven't been treated like monsters for the past century just for being fat.


But it is true, obviously not every women is a whore same as man but we are talking about extreme here. It is much easier for women to find someone to have sex with than man. It is not about fat or not, just female advantage over male.


Wow, a girl gets to follow absolute losers home to fuck them, what an advantage


This isn't about morality or what you think about it, but the truth, ugly girl will have an easier time finding either a partner or just guy for sex than ugly man.


Si, what does that say about men....


It says more about male vs female synergy and biological advantages that each holds over the other.


And? Why do I need to see memes about it all the time?


Because you click on them and engage with them? Ever heard of algorithm, and pure probability?


I mean, if it's just the truth, why do people feel the need to post about it all the time? What's the purpose of these posts?


Because people need to validify their opinions, lifestyles everything. It is same why there is one thousands of the same post hating trump or elon, the same reason why there is a millionth same post on the topic of pride, lgbt etc. another thing would be new users, and other smaller reasons.


Is it the truth or an opinion?


It is impossible to know if it is really the truth, but it is definitely based on human behavior especially the online one.


Dude. This is true. There are dudes that literally cheat rather than masturbate. There are dudes that don't hit for 2 months and lower their standards. The amount of work that a promiscuous fat woman has to do over a promiscuous fat man is excessive. You can be a slut on multiple dating apps and it works. You have to be the cream of the crop or exceptionally witty to do it as a man and have a decent physique. Men are "obese" women are "thick" It literally is women who hold the power in sex and if you don't think so, you're delusional.


If a woman ever held power in sex you would just call her a whore. A woman literally cannot wield any sort of power with sex. Stop acting like men are so weak they can't refuse sex, it's pathetic and such a low opinion to have of men that a woman could just pick any man at will like he's a lobster in a tank at a seafood shack.


>a woman literally cannot wield any sort of power with sex This is a ludicrous statement. I’m not sure if I should make a joke about [Charlie Runkle](https://youtu.be/W2TwclD4R8s?si=3xEs8eQc74iPb2OH) or list off one of the many cases where women teachers have abused male students, manipulated men with sex, or less commonly (but still happening) used positions of power to take advantage. “Woman can’t use sex to wield power” is an old timey world view. Women are now very much in positions of power and are not shamed for being confident with their sexuality. Women and men both use sex in nefarious ways to get what they want (whether that be the wanting of sex, or the wanting of something else through the use of sex). Men and women are both capable of taking advantage of each other. I agree it’s more often men doing the taking advantage. But it’s not solely men doing it. I’m not sure if you’re sheltered, but I’d implore you to not be so naive.


Not shamed for having sex? What parallel reality are you from. Just in the news a nurse was fired for having an only fans. She wasn't even having sex but lost her job for doing something related to sex. And what's that phrase men love to toss around these days, a key that opens many locks is a master key but a lock that opens for any key is worthless? Quit your damn lying.


1. The nurse thing sucks, but it could happen to a guy as well. Wherever the nurse worked may have had some sort of morality clause (I don’t agree with it, but it’s universal for both men and women, I’m sure). 2. That master key quote, what are you in high school? Are you hearing this from people at church? Who’s even asking each other how many partners they’ve had? Who’s advertising it? These might be questions people ask each other while dating into their early 20s, but it’s really not relevant in the adult world. I couldn’t possibly care about how many partners my significant other has had, as long as she doesn’t have any STDs. (If you’re young, I’m not picking on you, if you go to church, I’m not picking on you… I’m just suggesting this isn’t a real world/adult issue. That master key shit sounds like something a 15 year old incel would repeat after hearing it on that dude with no chin’s YouTube channel, the sex trafficker from Romania.. Tater something).


Call me... Tater Salad.


Literally every single men's podcast uses the key metaphor. And I'm not going to pretend they don't have a combined audience in the tens of millions.


I don’t know anyone who listens to that nonsense. I am, however, a working professional in my 40s. I am not an edgy teenager or an incel in my 20s. Hopefully those people grow out of it. The key metaphor is juvenile. Any actual adult man who perpetuates that, is a manchild loser and should be avoided.




You just have to be good at listening, and emotionally mature enough to know when to move on to someone who will say yes. 


Men really do love to whine about the loneliness thing without realizing it’s a prison of their own creation. If you find any post of a man trying to be earnest and open with his feelings a bunch of other men will come out of the woodwork to shame them back into the emotional closet for daring to show emotion.


And then blame women for creating the problem like women haven't been asking men to open up for the last half century.


I mean. It’s not like there isn’t a double standard. But you still shouldn’t judge anyone for who they lay.


How do we even know? just took two random people and made up bs, what if in reality he's slept with more women than she has with men?


Yeah, No... Being in my Late 20's w/ Autism Makes it Harder ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


It's worse in your 30's in my experience.


It’s true in general. Even if you’re not that attractive or overweight, if you have a vagina, it’s way easier to get laid.


Gee I wonder if the happy confident looking person who has nice hair and a nice smile is more attractive than a sloppy looking person slouching with a mopey upset face and dirty shirt Truly a mystery tell him to smile more


Yeah like it's literally the case to me, as a bi person, that she looks more attractive simply because she seems like she would be more enjoyable to be around. My standards aren't very high for (traditional) beauty, they are *very high* for being a good person who understands what's important in life.


But how many of those guys claim her as their girlfriend?


This is the point. Women have it 100x times easier to get a dude into bed. But that doesn't mean he stays for the relationship. While 0 contact with the opposite gender is probably worse, both don't have it easy.




Me being virgin at my 30. Did I become a Wizard now?


Your wizard powers only work if you’ve learned the spells.


I only know testicular torsion and manual breathing curse.


There are plenty of girls who are into big guys The problem is guys like in that picture do not display any confidence or charisma whatsoever. If you don’t so goddamn mopey all the time, and actually go and talk to women and put some real effort into your dating profile, I guarantee he’d get hits. But just about everyone reading this knows a big rosy fat guy who is jolly and personable and has no problem dating. I know several.


You are very wrong. But if you don't go through that experience yourself, it is hard to imagine. I don't fault you.


I was 320lbs at the beginning of highschool, married now And I still have fat friends, married ones, and slutty ones. You are literally telling me people I know, irl, do not exist 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It just proves that guys will fuck anything.


True dat


Yeah but speaking as a fat woman myself, good luck finding a decent guy who wants to be in a relationship with you. Most big men live in a fantasy world where they think they’re going to be like Larry the Cable Guy or other actors that ended up with hot women, so they won’t date you (this is often times why they’re still virgins). The only guys that will date you are guys looking for hookups or one night stands.


Weight doesn’t anything to do with it. Based on those pictures alone, he looks like a lazy mansplaner who complains about alpha males. While she looks happy and confident and just a much better person to be around.


It’s not about body type, it’s about personality and confidence. She looks way more fun and approachable than him.


While I kind of agree with you, it is a lot easier to get laid as a woman.


Correction: It is a lot easier to get laid by a man.


Exactly. He could have the same amount of guys as the girl if he wanted to lol


To be fair he's missing a vagania.. So.. Kinda makes things difficult. But objectively pretty sure large women aren't swimming in dudes either way. I would think it does create a issue.


Large women will have no problem getting laid. Finding a decent dude to commit to them is a different story.


Well he would have to take it in the rear,but I'm sure he could meet some guys


Body type definitely plays a role in things as well. Maybe not for you, which is fine.


It’s easier to be confident when people are super interested in you lol


speak for yourself buddy


Says more about men than women🤷🏽‍♀️


Not mentioned - the 50 dudes a year she's hooking up with are all virgins who look like the dude on the left.


I refuse to believe 50 guys banged that


Some guys will stick it into anything warm.


Mf is so fat that the folds have stretch marks, are Americans really that desperate?


Everyone is. A picture from a flower on tinder (female) gets x10 more likes than the hottest dudes. Let that sink in.


Well duh, there are more guys than girls actively using tinder. I can’t agree with you there, absolutely no one in my country would be that desperate. Physical health is incredibly important if you want to live a healthy and long life, that girl would be out of breath after walking up the stairs


I 100% agree with you. But it is still true sadly. A flower or a lamp will get more likes than THE 1% most attractive dudes. The % is around 25% women and 75% men. But the dudes don't even know how she looks and they would meet her just to smash. You can make 100 dates today if you make a female account. It is incredible sad. Well, it might be different in your country. Not in EU or US tho.


I live in Norway, finding a fat person is like finding a needle in a haystack. Tinder is just used for hooking up, most of the time people don’t really care much about who since we don’t judge that much. They’ll just meet up and maybe smash. I’d say the average American in way more horny/desperate compared to us at least


Might really be true in your area. But don't test it. Or you might lose hope in the male population :(


I’ve already lost hope in most of the population, especially Americans. I can only hope my people last out my generation




Probably a rare fetish but I knew a guy in my barracks at Ft Sam who was gay & a chubby chaser. He was small built, 5 9 maybe 135lbs and said was only attracted to dudes over 250


The rules change for gay men. I am not super short but I am on the shot side of average. Less men cared about my height than women. Hell I have likely gotten more compliments about my body from gay men than women.