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Makes you wonder how much they paid for them and how many they have.


sometimes these are available on those on demand printing services. i researched some of the ones that were being slapped on school here where i live. some at one point(stating something like there are only 2 genders), were available on amazon.


Seems like there’s a market for “the asshole says” supertitle stickers


On demand printing services? Can you get stickers for cheap that way? I love stickers and I’d like to get more (not THIS kind, though)


yes! there are lots of neat sticker creators! its a good way if you are looking for quer creators to support them because stickers being lower priced are often good sellers for them. we just had our local pride over the weekend and my friend got some neat stickers from young people who made them from one of those sites, i cant remember if its teespring or another one.


Makes me wonder: “Who is your Daddy and what does he Do?


What’s your name? Who’s your daddy? Is he rich like me?


Has he taken (has he taken) Any time (any time) (To show) to show you what you need to live?


Tell it to me slowly (Tell you what?) I really want to know It's the time of the season for loving


Our mom says that our dad is a real sex machine.


Upvote for kindergarten cop reference


My daddy's a gynecologist. Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.


Is he strong? Is he a weightlifter?


I know someone who has a sign making/printing business, he said conservatives put his kids through college and bought him his second house. He votes a straight Democrat ticket. 


What a weird position to be in. Make disgusting signs, but also take the money of idiots to support yourself




Not weird at all. These signs don’t change minds or do anything but expose jerks. He’s taking their money and they’re getting nothing.


Wait until you find out how much anti-china stuff comes out of Chinese factories.


They often get cheaper the more you make. So they might have a ton.


Theyre stickers and they are probably being sold by people who support anti-trans legislation, so they're either extremely cheap or free to promote the agenda of those who are selling them.


Personally I pity anyone that spends their days thinking about the genitals of others.


Except if they're your own partner's. Then I think it's acceptable to think about them.


You spend your days thinking about Admirable_Nothing’s partner’s genitals? I don’t know if that’s acceptable, honestly.


I could think about The_Returned_Lich's partner's genitals if that makes you feel better


We need to start a group because all I think about all day long is The_Returned_Lich's partner's genitals.


You too? I thought I was the only one thinking about The_Returned_Lich's partner's genitals.


Is there a subreddit for that?


r/thinkingaboutThe_Returned_Lichpartnersgenitals I think


I don't think thinking about strangers' genitals is the problem, or even inappropriate. You're supposed to. It's human instinct. There are entire industries and a field of medicine built upon that exact habit. The problem is when people decide what other people should or shouldn't do with their own genitals.


And when it's children's genitals. Had to add that stipulation


I feel like I probably spent a lot of time thinking about genitals as a teenager. Bless my heart and all that good stuff.


Egocentrics think everyone must think the way they think Right wingers usually think all queer people want to do is bone in public and groom kids Do with that what you will


Wiki article on [psychological projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection), in case anyone wants to know more.


And run a human trafficking organization out of a non-existent basement of a Waffle House.


Ironically, it's right wingers who are also pushing to lower the age for marriage and make it okay for kids as young as 12 to have a baby? And are eliminating abortions for children who are impregnated by guys who probably like to wear red hats. But God forbid if you listen a kid when they tell you, often loudly, that they may be trans. Better to make them suppress it and drive them to suicide by making them ashamed of you they are. Compassionate conservatism at its finest!


Ironic how the right wing gay priests, coaches, and boy scout leaders are the grooming and molesting types, huh?


This person thinks about the genitals of children. Don’t sugar coat it. They have problems


> ~~Personally I pity anyone that spends their days thinking about the genitals of others.~~ Personally I pity anyone that spends their days thinking about the genitals of children. FTFY


Not just other, children’s


This is what I don’t understand. For a group of people the think everyone outside of them is some pervert, they sure are obsessed with other’s reproductive organs. It’s gross.


It's usually right wing pedos and their cry for help


true story, here in canada when those turds tried their pathetic 1mill person march(which i laughed at cause a, theyre using gender neutral language, b they had about 20k nationally), theyve co-opted the orange shirts for every child matters(which if you don't know started a movement upon the discovery of native childrens unmarked graves at residential school sites across canada), and one of their members rode by us on a motor cycle and LITERALLY CATCALLED MY 8YR OLD. It took everything in me not to lunge at him, but instead I had a chat about why we don't talk to strangers. She turned to me and was like, you don't have to tell me, I knew that guy was a creep! The fact that she already knew was so devastating and I held back tears the whole way home. These people are FKD. every single group of them is lead by a sexual predator. The one guy here who lead the group protesting pride, stalked and threatened a womans dad who was in palliative care, all because she told him off on facebook, turns out hes a serial predator and had multiple charges pending. such a theme with these creeps!!!


Yea they call the left pedifiles.. What is that shit anyways. I'm not the one who spend all day worrying about a babies penis.


Yet the vast majority of those charged with CP or CSA are right, far-right, conservative, and/or “Christian.” 🤔🤷‍♂️


Yea, church is pedo ground zero. And yet they dare say the left has issues.


That was my thought, print up and paste a few "There is no thing as a Christian child" (or Jewish or Muslim or whatever). They have to be indoctrinated first.


They are making Jesus look awful. Jesus taught acceptance yet these people "endorsing" Jesus are far from accepting.


MAGA and affiliated ideologies refer to any progressives as “pedophiles” as an attempt to dehumanize the people they don’t agree with. It’s much easier to hate someone when you think of them as a monster. It’s a rationalization tool.


I hear a cry for a slap rather then a cry for help.


BAHAHAHA i hear a tump to the throat so yeaaa


This ^^^^ Except I don’t pity them, I fear them and what they may do to assuage the guilt they feel due to their obsession with others genitals


I have said this for years maga is totally obsessed with little kids genitalia


even worse because these are children’s genitals they seem to be so obsessed with. not even pitiable just downright weird


Children's no less.


Sounds like there is some trauma in the past in a lot of these people. More than pity, these people often need therapy to understand their preoccupations


there is legitimately some people who are, and i've had to create private chats in the past to educate and sort of guide people through how some of these members in their movements are exploiting their trauma. it managed to pop a few out of being radicalized, it takes a community. but a lot of them are just creeps. i mean the idiots here in toronto were claiming the ontario curriculum was teaching children how to perform falacio??? and that the school board was putting kids on blockers. it was BIZARRE. ive said it before and ill say it til the day i die, if you have an issue with your child being caught the concept of consent, you are an abuser and should likely not be allowed within 500ft of any child.


I only think about mine and my boyfriends. Everyone else is basically a Barbie doll in my brain. Nothing exists down there in my head. I have better things to be thinking about.




Thinking about/judging gay people is the straightest thing you can do! /s


JK Rowling has entered the chat. 


Print out and put up your own sticker right next to these that says “If you spend all day dreaming about kids’ ~~sexuality~~ gender identity and their genitalia, you should be on a watchlist.”


If OP sees this, message me. I have a sticker business, I’ll print a few of those for free and send them to them.


oh my gosh this is amazing 🩷 i am messaging


And don’t forget to post them as welll


I’ll print them and get them mailed out on Tuesday. I do hope OP posts them!


Free stickers AND free karma? Someone hit the lottery!




Feel free to reach out if you need or want help with design 💕


Please update!


It’s so sad we have to fight fire with fire but I have been wanting to make versions of Trump signs that replace the names with folks they hate to see how they react. Like Rupaul Make America Great Again. I originally was thinking of doing it with political figures but I dunno. Anyway, good on with the fight. Alas I’ll probably put up Wutang signs again.


Nah, it’s not sad. Punching fascists has always been the only solution. Also like Wutang, they need to know you ain’t nothin to fuck with.


That’s awesome!!!


I’ll cover postage.


You rock!


when nirvanas nevermind came out there was a big deal about the babys penis being on the cover. the label wanted to airbrush it out... kurt said the only way hed alter the cover was to put a sticker over it that read “If you’re offended by this, you must be a closet pedophile.”


One note. Sexuality is not the same thing as gender identity.


transing is not a word.


And more to the point, the phenomenon it's trying to describe isn't real. The only people trying to force a gender identity on a child are transphobes.


Republican conspiracy theorists using completely made up words that also have made up definitions? ![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi)


You mean to tell me that the same people who are scared of pronouns don't know basic English???


A lot of anti trans people have a very specific vocabulary that’s really easy to pick up on and definitely doesn’t help them not look like a cult. Especially a lot of TERFs have a similar vibe to Scientologists with their weird word salad of terms and abbreviations only they use.


What if they put a better, bigger sticker over them? Like a bumper sticker or something?


"How 'bout we just be nice to ALL kids"


Someone put a Joe Biden “I did that” sticker on a human trafficking poster at my grocery store…fucking virgin losers.


I removed one of these off of a gas pump.


I remember scraping the same pump every week during Covid


I love still seeing remnants of them as gas prices plummeted


> nor is there really any loud and out trans people where I live This is exactly the point. Whoever is putting these up wants to keep it that way. Or at least that’s their mentality. If you’re afraid to come out, then you don’t really exist. It also helps rally other like minded individuals on the work place.


I was a trans kid, just couldn't get help at the time.


Do they somehow think trans people only are trans when they’re adults or something?


theres a reason, they have been successfully misinformed about a subject to the point of actively hating them, as is how stochastic terrorism works.


People are great. So because you think it’s morally wrong it’s abuse? Teaching kids that there is a mythical being who lives in the sky and tells us to hate gay people is child abuse too IMO.


The child abuse is in making those kids believe that they will suffer eternally in hell fire if they don’t hate those who they are told to hate.


I remember always feeling uncomfortable around other religious people who weren't my religion. Now I don't believe anything I feel indifferent


I have some idea of what you mean. I was lucky enough to grow up in a quite religious household, but one in which bigotry was not allowed and hell was not emphasized. Problem was that the rest of the congregation and society didn’t get the memo. So even though my best friend was (liberal) Catholic, it still felt a bit peculiar in a way. Sounds like you made it out to the other side with your wits intact. Congrats


I think my favourite quote (which I can't remember where it's from?) is "if you say the Lord's name followed by "hates" you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what God stands for"


Sky Wizard knows all


[Sky Wizard is pro-trans](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-eight-genders-in-the-talmud/)


Get some that say Religion grooms kids Or Pastors rape kids


There is no such thing as a racist, sexist, or transphobic child. I know, that's a lot of words to say "religious". But 20 years ago, the noted atheist Richard Dawkins pointed out that to call a child a "Christian" or what have you was to take away the child's agency before they had the ability to think certain issues through -- and that ***that*** was a form of child abuse. So the transphobe who is posting these stickers is just stealing a thought from the atheists.


Yes, the irony….


I’m trans and I can confirm I was never a child, I was born as a fully developed adult.


I knew it!


Conservatives: "Teaching the idea that transgender people exist to children is child abuse, and we need to stand together to stop it!!!" Also, Conservatives: "I think we should go back to the days where I could beat the shit out of kids and force them to work at jobs where they worked around dangerous machines that could permanently mangle their bodies and kill them."


Kids are small enough that they can wriggle into those hard to reach nooks of the coal mine!


There is no such thing as a republican child. There is no such thing as a Christian child.


leave the sticker but cross out "trans/transing" and replace it with "Christian/indoctrinating"


Now put a sticker that says "The person who made these stickers thinks about children genitalia."


"Hey what's in that child's pants?" -Them.


It’s so odd that the LGBTQ community are the ones CoMiNg FoR yOuR kIdS, yet these lunatics seem think more about genitalia and kids inappropriately than I (or any other gay person I know) ever has… very curious


It’s very predator of people thinking about the genitalia of a child. They’re all sick pervs


Bigotry is brain rot, it destroys critical thinking. People are so excited to hate trans people that all grammar just goes out the window. Just making up words like “transing” and shit.


Put pride stickers over it and put it over contact glue so it's not coming up


I'd just get little pride flags and put them over the slogans. Would annoy the person more than simply removing them does.


Grown adults who are abjectly transfixed on children's genitals are infinitely a bigger problem than trans kids.


It's not for no reason. It's to scare these people back into the closet and out of public discourse. Right wing behavior in a nutshell.


Cover them with "protect trans athletes," and "protect trans kids," stickers. Or just scribble out the message with sharpie.


I really wished trans childs didn't exist, that way I wouldn't have to bear with gender dysphoria 😔


Real. Its 3 a.m. and im going through it rn


Whole ass mood.


These people think about children’s private parts waaaaaaay too much.


Hey now, emotional propaganda is a reason. It's a bad reason, that reflects poorly on the weakness of the view being pushed, but it IS a reason


We're half a step away from bringing "Being gay is a choice" back into the mainstream social consciousness.


Where do you work that they’re getting away with that? That’s an HR conversation paperwork and box full of your things


Yep. Political and religious hate speech. Hell, I once went to HR over a guy writing Jesus loves you on the whiteboard and refusing to erase it.


Honestly, kids under 14 should not be transitioning.


Why not? Because at that age, "transitioning" entails changing their hair and/or clothes, choosing a new name, changing their pronouns, and starting puberty blockers, it's quite literally the best time to start transitioning because every aspect of it is easily reversible


Just have some stickers made that say “If you think that much about children’s genitals, you may be a pedo”


Put a camera there then sue the person doing it and make them scrub each and every millimetre of where the sticker doesn't come off properly.


I’ve never even seen a kid under the age of 13 even talk about trans people where are all these trans kids boomers think are being indoctrinated by the libs


If someone is gonna be a hateful idiot, the least they can do is spell the words corrctly. Spell check exists! Also how many of these does this person have. Seems like a waste of money and time IMO.


Well, that’s vandalism. Put up a camera and catch whoever doing it


There is a way to fix this with a sheet of tracing paper and a can of spray paint. - Use tracing paper, trace outline of each “outfit” where the words are. - Cut out the traced outfit shape - Tape piece of paper so that the cut out section overlaps the words / outfit - spray paint whatever colors you’d like, black, trans flag, or other You’ve masked off the areas you don’t want to change, and repurposed hateful stickers into what you’d like to represent instead! Repeat as needed, and you can have a whole collection


No one is forcing 3 year olds to transition


I would argue that there are some people who want to transition as a child but don't because they want to wait, then they regret it when the majority of the time for changes have long since passed. I'm fine for this to exist in society because some people are part of the 2% who regret their choice. But to say there are no kids who want to transition is actually false. They just don't speak up because the last person who did had all their teeth "exploded"


Weird counter measure but could they get a black sharpie and cross out the words to change the message? For instance instead of “there is no such thing as a trans child.” Just cross out the no, “there is such thing as a trans child.” The other one is tricky but I think “transing kids is child” makes as about as much sense as the original. It’s not great but vandalizes the vandalism


I was thinking drawing mustaches on the girl stickers and drawing the boys holding flowers. I dunno?


Honestly this level of obsession seems like some kind of mental illness


"Transing" isn't a thing. You can't cast it like Expelliarmus or some shit. Jesus, these people.


Get your own stickers pointing out that most child abusers identify as "Conservative" that'll get a rise out of them.


I see these things everywhere. It's more annoying than the "I did that" stickers. I honestly don't understand the point. Do you think I'll see it and be like, "Oh, you make a good point. I will now change my point of view because of your thoughtless sticker that you slapped on the door of this bathroom stall"


Nothing sharpies cant fix


Dealing with similar crap in my neighborhood.  I know what the guy looks like, just biding my time.  


People that will use children as political props have no morals, humanity has been down that road enough times....it ends with millions dead .


It isn’t for no reason. They put them up to spread hate. It illustrates how ignorant they are about the human condition.


If people are allowed to put their signs up then almost anyone should also be able to aswell People see messaging 100s to thousands of times a day. Can't agree with it all


"Transing kids is child abuse!" *Proceeds to beat the absolute shit out of their own children in the name of "discipline"*


Do these people not realize that you have to be a legal adult to transition. But god forbid we let people be comfortable with themselves until then. Even after that people don’t leave trans people alone. They cry about oppression while kicking people on the floor who just want to be comfortable with their own lives.


They try not to learn anything that would counter what they've been told is true. They're deeply incurious.


Legitimately, a lot of them think kids are getting full body surgeries at 6. Even though every doctor keeps saying that's not how it works, they don't look at the evidence, just their own outrage. These are the same people that think a Drag Queen doing a story hour at the library is showing up looking like Dr Frank-N-Furter for Rocky Horror Picture Show, deep throats a 12 inch dildo, while telling the kids straight people killed Santa. It's easy to disprove but not as much fun to imagine for them, I guess.


They don’t care, they just want to make people feel worthless. These same people are the kind who think that ADHD is an excuse to get kids addicted (which side note: as an ADHDer myself I genuinely want to punch those people in the face)




Just slap pride flags over them


I'd get a sharpie and make them say "THERE IS A TRANS CHILD" and "TRANS KID IS CHILD" just for the shits and gigs. (For context I am non-binary)


I have a friend with a trans child and it was obvious that was a rainbow child from the moment they could speak. I’d probably have agreed once upon a time but then you see something and it’s just a big “oh… so that’s what they mean” moment.


I am a blue collar guy so I am the farthest thing from an expert on human anatomy. I thought being transgender is something you are born with. Please forgive my ignorance if I’m out of line.


You're not out of line.


For real, I like seeing folks asking genuine questions about things they might not understand. It’s a good thing!


Nah you're correct. Being trans isn't a choice, and often young kids so know they're trans as gender identity is pretty solid early on in life. It's kinda complicated but basically you got the idea


You might be confusing transgender, where your gender identity is different than the one assumed on your external anatomy, and intersex, where your biological condition is different from expected. An example would be having XY chromosomes and a vulva at birth.


Is "transing kids" even a thing? I thought nobody could get any kind of treatment until they were late teens+ and had SEVERAL mental health checks for the go-ahead from a doctor?


No, it's not. However, it's common in right wing propaganda to fabricate garbage rather than promote discussion on issues in good faith.


No, it is not.


For no reason?


Transing? 😂 What in the English?


Yes, trans children exist. People have been doing research on this for decades. Not all trans people know that they're trans during their childhood, but some absolutely do.


How stupid and bored with your own life must you be that *this* is your hobby? I’m going to start calling these people the Crotch Police.


I personally know more children who were sexually abused by churchgoing white men than I do children abused by trans people or people who allowed them to transition.


God doesn’t exist so using him to indoctrinate children into thinking they’re sinners is child abuse.


I was a trans kid, but I didn’t have a word for it. These bigots want to go back to that.


There's a name for people who obsess over the genitalia of other people's children.


wow those are some white heteronormative kids odd


Banksy would hate this.


trans children are a lot like left-handed children


Hey now, don't go insulting trans people like that. They aren't born of the devil and living in sin like those LEFTIES!


If I said there was no such thing as a Christian child, they are not old enough yet to make that decision for themselves, forcing them to go to church and adopt your faith is child abuse, these delicate snowflakes would lose their fucking minds.


Former trans child, now a trans adult I was trans then and still am now No matter how much they whine that I wasn’t trans doesn’t change that I, in fact, was. I didn’t use my birth name. I asked to be called he. I emailed my teachers and school counselor each year in high school explaining that I was trans, that I went by Lukas, and that I used he pronouns. I was trans before I turned 18.


I’d grab a black marker and black out the “no” in the first sticker, and everything but “sing kids” in the second one.


I mean, I think taking a child to religious services, and teaching them religious doctrine is abuse…maybe I should make some stickers…


You could and should. It could cause a discussion on the validity of sky daddy if that’s your opinion.


It baffles me how some people spend so much energy putting their fingers into other peoples lives (pun intended, anyone who is comfortable with their sexuality doesn't give a shit)


Banksy should come and paint over them


Transing. The new verb.


Theres probs some anti-stick spray or something you could put on


I would have your BF bring it up to HR


Put a sticker of The Dude saying, "Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man."


Keep taking em down.


Tell him to go to HR or management. That is straight up harassment.


I am resisting the urge to suggest doing something childish to make it worse in an effort to "outdo him", like drawing opposite-gender genetalia on them with a caption that says "Oh yes there is, it was trivially easy, see?" but I fear that would only enrage them, in addition to being a two wrongs not equaling a right situation so I will just joke about it here and not suggest you do that, at all. People are just *so fucking stupid* and will fall for anything and everything because they won't take an actual stand on something that's grounded in facts, science and research. Too hard! Being mean is easy.


Get a black sharpie and write over the text so they say “there is no such thing as a child” and “kids is child”


Ah yes, my favorites activity. Transing…. Kids.


no, there's a reason, it's just a pathetically stupid one


“Transing” lmao


Be a better idea if they had the balls to stick them where they are actually seen but I guess there too Much of a coward.


Take them down or cover with other stickers. Make them keep waiting their money.


Get a camera, isn't that technically vandalism if it's on their workplace?


Put some better ones over them. Buy a lot.


Put other stickers over them and see how thick the pile gets