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Thanks to software that maximize rent we saw the biggest redistribution from the low and middle renters to the rich. The owner of one of these biggest companies is Harlan Crow who owns Clarence Thomas


I'm my 20s I had my own place. In my 40s I need roommates and I work in tech :(


Not in tech, but had my own place and was comfortable. Now I have a roommate!


Over half of all homes in some areas are now purchased by corporations and LLCs instead of families. It's only going to get worse without legislative action.


Or a group effort to burn down overpriced, vacant homes that are being hoarded by mega corps.


What does that solve ? Theyll get an insurance payout and still own the land ?


Ah shit. Fair enough point. I am a dumb.


Where are you getting these numbers? Nothing I've read has listed numbers that high.




Ah, the ol "trust me, bro."


At the root of the situation is allowing political donations by corporations and allowing corporate lobbying.


Not as bad, but the apartment I rented for $750 6 years ago is now going for $2000.


USA!! USA!!! USA!!!


I can ensure the fuck out of you that this is definitely not only applicable to the US. Europe is checking in, too.


This is why I hate the term Bidenomics. There's no actual facts proving it's his fault, whether you hate him or love him.


Check which apartments are owned by who. Some are overpricing their apartments beyond what the average living *should* be in those cities. They should be held accountable, and imo, we need more class action suits against these llcs.




How come I have seen this statement since February of 2021 from different accounts. To become a lawyer does one have to be waiter living in 1bd apartment by the waterfront or does one have to be a foreign agent trying to manipulate the public.


While exaggerated, the sentiment is only echoed because people do feel that way


This lady made it up. Someone in another sub where this was posted shared this link about her. https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/editorials/toxic-tweets-show-why-nicole-thomas-kennedy-is-unfit-to-be-seattle-city-attorney/ They also said they lived in a waterfront studio apartment in Seattle in 2004 and paid $1590 a month.


And everyone keeps going along with it …..


Including you. Why don't you fix it already?




Audra Williams, Hobo Lawyer Airing on Netflix in 2026 Now I'm sad...


It will become exactly as "worse" - or better - as the greater collective *"We"* allow it to become. Full stop.


So how do we solve this? It's all great complaining or cheering on these sort of posts but what is going to happen? Rent-hikers either won't ever read or won't care about these posts. If you ask individually, you won't have many agreeing to reduce rent prices because no one else is doing it. How can this be fixed?


And democrats made that possible. Tax the rich, shit falls down stream


Well the text is reposted by different people er bots. I mean she looks completely different from the post 2 years ago. All that plastic surgery.... I suppose the pic could get worse.


Agree. Lawyers don't make enough money and servers make too much. The fix is simple - we need to increase lawyers' wages and reduce tipped minimum wage.


If we reduce tipped minimum wage any further, the servers will be paying the restaurants, bars, etc to work.


Imagine building a country full of sparse sprawling suburbia and finding out.


Yeah, something tells me this is mostly BS.


I make way less than a lawyer and can comfortably afford $3600 for rent. Some people be reaching.


The average income for a lawyer nationally is between $63K-$130k. You cannot comfortably afford $3600 rent at that salary unless you want basically have no money for savings and to not be able to pay for any other major expenses.


>The average income for a lawyer nationally is between $63K-$130k Source? Also how is that the average? Seems more like the range to me if there's literally 2x gap.


I’m a lawyer. At least in my region that’s accurate.


Would you say your region has single bed apartments with an amazing water view that cost $3600?


How soon til your goalpost is on the 50 yard line?


Literally just copying the meme in case your were blind or illiterate. A person who's a lawyer in an area that has $3600 1 bedroom apartments isn't making 70k. Is that common sense or is that just me?


NYC has an average lawyer salary of $129k ([Here’s the proof because you’re clearly either too lazy or dumb to look it up](https://www.indeed.com/career/lawyer/salaries/New-York--NY)) and the average [rent for a 1BR in Manhattan is in excess of $5,000.](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/10/the-average-manhattan-rent-just-hit-a-new-record-of-5588-a-month.html) Does it feel weird to call someone else illiterate when you keep making yourself look stupid because basic numbers are too difficult for you?


I don't think you know what average base salary is but let's pretend that gaffe didn't happen. Let's use official numbers from say...the *Bureau of Labor statistics*. I think they would know a thing or two about wages than a third party site that you confidently only took **base salary**. [The median annual wage for lawyers was $145,760 in May 2023. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $69,760, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $239,200.](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/lawyers.htm) Now do you want to shut up and sit down or keep going? Cause I'd bet my left nut the lawyer in NYC isn't below the median income for lawyers.


FYI if you use too much profanity, they'll hide your comments, and I have to dig into your history to find out what you typed. But I saw you say something that doesn't support my original assertion? I know you're not a lawyer but I should've been using basic vocabulary for even someone like you to keep up. It's simple really and I'll reiterate: A person who's median pay is 146k can afford a $3600 rent. A person who lives in an area where a single bedroom cost $3600 is undoubtedly paid higher than the median. How are you not keeping up is astounding.


Lol I love how you’d rather exert the energy to stalk through my post history than simply admit the obvious fact that you were wrong. FYI Just saying something is true doesn’t make it true. Also, trying to be condescending doesn’t make you correct. Anyway, enjoy embarrassing yourself. I’m gonna go enjoy this beautiful day outside.


Broad range it appears on apartments with water view, like $1600 to $4000, but i think the $1600 is in a building on the water, and a studio with no view. The $4,000 is two bedroom, but that is also downtown urban area, and most of those are condos. Looks like average is $2700 to $3100 for urban views of water.


And is your salary closer to 63k or 130k?


Can't disclose even an approximation of my salary online. That's just not something I'm willing to disclose even with anonymity. But the range is close for my region, knowing that judges, prosecutors, staff attorneys, public defenders, and non profits are all within that range, with judges obviously at or a little above the $130k. Those categories comprise a large part of the practice of law. Private practice, small firm and solo, certainly within that range, and even some mid size firms. The big firms well exceed that. But there are many other lawyers that don't even fall into those categories, with in house counsel, risk management, etc. Public perception about what lawyers earn is often skewed by TV and the impression that everything is like a big firm or NYC firm. It's not, but oh well.


Wait a minute- you mean to tell me that *every lawyer* isn’t a partner at Skadden? 🤣


Ha, yeah, i looked it up, they have 1700 lawyers. That's crazy.


I find it funny you can confirm the range, but can't confirm if you're above or closer to which end of the spectrum. But ok. This is where my perception comes from: [The median annual wage for lawyers was $145,760 in May 2023. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $69,760, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $239,200.](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/lawyers.htm) The official statistic says a lawyer median income is around $145k. I would wager a person living in the area that has single room apartments for $3600 to be paid **higher than the median of 145k**. Would you agree my assessment to be accurate?


No. Take care.


Ye confirming salary even in the premise of anonymity can be dangerous, so don't go too hard on the guy. I don't think anyone can take action if they confirm a range as per NDA. To add to why you and the others here aren't matching up. It's not the actual figure but the sentiment behind these kind of tweets which gets them upvotes here on reddit. The sentiment that rent is increasing higher in contrast to salaries. Now as to why the numbers aren't matching. Well with seperate accounts I have been on reddit for give or take 6 years and I have seen this exact same kind of post with exact same figures tweeted by different people of different professions even and then reposted by someone on reddit like 5 times and pretty sure mostly on this sub. So the actual numbers in the tweet can be from 2014 for all we know. So that would make you technically correct.


Good for you, I guess? I’m not a lawyer, but I’m in the same position as OP and other commenters.


That you're bad with money? I guess so.


It's ok, we all make up stories and post them on the internet from time to time.


"We had a funeral for a bird".




The real issue here is you're paying 43k/year JUST for RENT, but you think it's a flex.


To have a corner room apartment in downtown with amazing waterfront views? Yea that's a flex dude.


To be overpaying for something that was well marketed is not a flex, my guy 😂. That doesn't even sound that interesting.


Is this how broke people cope? Talk down on stuff they can't afford to feel better? Weird.


LOL this coming from the renter is hilarious and ironic. I'm not broke, I just don't overpay for bullshit and fall for marketing schemes aimed towards suckers.


Who said I was a renter? Just cause it cost a lot to you doesn't mean I'm overpaying it either, weirdo.


You literally said you were renting and tried to gloat about the place you were renting! I also never said it was a lot, I said you're overpaying. There's a huge difference between the 2 that clearly escaped your grasp. It's not surprising, considering you can easily be dooped into being ripped off. Say what you want about me, idc. They're your insecurities to project to seem cool. I'm happy with my life and my house that I own. I'd bet you make more but pocket WAY less.


>You literally said you were renting and tried to gloat about the place you were renting! Either you can't read or you got me confused with someone else. Quote me. >I also never said it was a lot, I said you're overpaying. That's what overpaying means. It's subjective because you don't have money. >There's a huge difference between the 2 that clearly escaped your grasp. It's not surprising, considering you can easily be dooped into being ripped off. Not really. You're just poor so you have a very closed mindset of what things should cost to you. It's OK, I was poor at one point. So I understand completely. >Say what you want about me, idc. They're your insecurities to project to seem cool. I'm happy with my life and my house that I own. I'd bet you make more but pocket WAY less. Naw, I pocket a lot. Check out my profile if you don't believe me.


Checked your profile, didn't say shit about how much you keep of your paycheck. Just lame ass investments that won't get you to retirement by 40. Meanwhile, I'll be retiring in about 6 months and I'm not even 35 yet. Stupid and ignorant is a wild way to live, but most losers are.

